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List of Donors 1989-90

Ms Alison Agnew, Akaroa County Council, Ms Anice Alexander, Mrs Margaret Alington, Allans Australia Pty Ltd., Allen & Unwin, Dr Rod Alley, American Antiquarian Society, American Folklife Centre, Mrs D. R. Ancell, Mrs K. M. Andersen, Mr D. M. Anderson, Miss Jean M. Anderson, Prof. M. E. Andrew, Ms Gail Andrews, Mrs J. Angus, Ms Diana K. M. Anstiss, Mrs Jean Argent, Mrs Elizabeth April Armstrong, Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland College of Education, Auckland Diocesan Office, Anglican Church of New Zealand, Auckland Institute & Museum, Auckland Public Library, Australasian College of Physicians, Australian National University.

Mrs D. Bagnall, Mr Gordon Baker, Mr Hal E. Baker, Ms Kathleen Barnett, Mr Bruce Barnitt, Miss J. Barns, Mr J. M. Barr, Dr J. Barrington, Mrs Janet E. Barrington, Hon. Dr M. Bassett, Bateman Library, Mr Gerherdt Baumann, Mrs J. Beach, Dr Gerda Bell, Ms Valerie Bell, Ms Lynn Belt, Mrs Vena Benge, Mr Douglas Bruce Bennett, Prof. Jonathon F. Bennett, Mrs A. H. Bibby, Mrs Blackburne, Mrs M. Blake, Mrs D. A. Blanchard, Ms Gillian Boddy, Mr Jack Body, Bolton Metropolitan Borough, Mr R. H. Booth, Mr Brian Bouverie, Ms Margaret Bowater, Ms Hilary Bower, Mr Nicholas Boyack, Ms Geraldine M. Boyce, Mrs J. Boyd, Mr I. Boyden, W. S. Boyes (Estate), Brandon Brookfield, Mr John Brebner, Mrs Joan Brickell, Mr John Briggs, Mrs Arda Bristow, Ms Jenny Brophy, Ms Rachel Brown, Miss Nancy Bruce, Mr Jim Bryan, Mrs Maria Calderisi Bryce, Ms Dorothy Buchanan, Mrs M. B. Buchanan, Ms Louise Buckingham, Building Trades Union, Buller District Library, Mr P. R. Burdon, Mr Roy Burke, Mr R. I. M. Burnett, Mr W. B. Burt.

Mrs Julie Cameron, Mr L. A. Cameron, Dr C. A. Cannegieter, Canterbury Chinese Cultural Centre, Ms Alison Carey, Mr Edwin Carr, Mr R. J. Case, Central Hawkes Bay District Council, Centre Gallery, Wellington, Challenge Properties, Mrs Anne Charman, Child & Youth Development Trust, Chilton Historical Trust, Mrs Jocelyn Chisholm, Mr Garry Clark, Mr Harold Clarke, Mr C. G. Clements, Miss C. M. Clift, Rev. Gary Clover, Mr T. M. Cobeldick, Mrs Mary J. S. Cobeldick, Mrs Collett, Mrs Flora Collins, Mr David Colquhoun, Composers Association of NZ, Mr Rod Cook, Mr Walter Cook, Mrs Wendy Cooper, Ms Heather Cormack, Mr Gerald R. Craddock, Mr George M. Craigie, Ms Wendy V. Crane, Brigadier Henry Crawford, Mr John Alexander Brodie Crawford, Mrs P. Crawford, Mr Owen Crequer, Mrs C. Creswell, Mr D. A. Crosado, Crown Law Office, Mr Eric Crozier.

Mrs Margaret D’arcy, Mrs K. Dailey, Mr H. F. G. Dalston (Estate), Mr C. Daly, Mr Stephen Danby, Ms Christine Dann, Daphne Brasell Associations, Mr Bill Davidson, Ms Joan Davidson, Mr Wilford Davis, Dr Patrick Adam Day, Mr J. De Groot, Mrs Daphne De Jong, Mr Allan Dean, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Mr Jonathan Dennis, Ms E. Devenport, Ms Alison Devine, Diogenes Designs Limited, Direzione Generale Dell ’Emigrazione, Rome, Ms Mavis Donnelly-Crequer, Hon. R. Douglas, Downstage Theatre, Mr Bob Doyle, Mrs Judith Doyle, Mrs Mavis Drennan, Mrs Sheila Dunbar.

Mrs Daphne Eades-Campbell, Early Music Union, Ms Tania Earnshaw, Mrs Nola Easdale, East-West Population Institute, Mr Leslie D. Eden, Mrs L. Edmond, Mr

Doug Edwards, Huia Elkington, Mr David M. Ellek, Mrs Majorie Elliott, Elwyn Richardson Printery, Mr T. D. P. Emblem, Mrs R. E. Embury, Ensemble Dufay, Mrs Norma Evans, Mr Roger Evans, Evening Post, Mrs Judith Exley, Ms Claudia Pond Eyley.

Family History Society of Martin, Mr Barry Favill, Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ, Prof. P. R. Feldman, Financial Sector Union, Mrs M. Findlay, Miss A. M. Finnerty, Mr Donald Fitch, Mr Frank Fitzgerald, Lady Fleming, Fletcher Challenge Ltd, Mr Neil Foley, Mr Frank Josef Folprecht (Estate), Forest Research Institute, Mrs B. Francois, Rev. Dr lan W. Fraser, Ms Janice Frater, Mrs Dorothy Freed, Ms Elizabeth Joy French, Friends of Brigham Young University Library, Friends of the Bolton Street Cemetery, Friends of the Turnbull Library, Mr Neil Frish, Mr & Mrs E. Frost, Mrs Pat Fry, Ms Lisa Futschek.

Hon. G. F. Gair, Ms Sarah Gaitanos, Mr D. Carleton Gajdusek, Ms Margareta Gee, Mr Maurice Gough Gee, Mrs Glenna Gibb, Mrs June Gibb, Dr E. Gibbons, Mr Walter Gibbons, Mr David Gibson, Mr E. B. Gilberd, Mrs G. Gilbert, Mr Les Gilchrist, Mr D. C. Gillespie, Gisborne District Council, Mrs P. J. Gluyas, Mr N. G. Goffin, Mrs C. Goggin, Ms L. Goldsmith, Mr Allan Goodwin, Ms Jill Goodwin, Ms Gwendolen Vivian Goodwin (Estate), G. Gordon, Mr L. Graham, Mrs Elsie M. Graydon, Mrs E. Green, Mrs Rosemary Greene, Mr Bevan Greenslade, Mr Ron D. Greenwood, Mrs Jocelyn Griffin, Mr Alec Griffiths, Mr George Griffiths, Dr Grope.

Mr Roger Hall, Mr George Douglas Hamilton, Ms Doreen A. Hannah, Mr Peter Harcourt, Mr G. E. Harden, Mr Mike Harding, Mr Walter Harris, Mr Jim Hartley, Havelock North High School, Hawaii State Library, Sir Hamish Hay, Mr R. J. Hayes, Mr Ashley Heenan, Mr Jim Henderson, Ms Kathy Hill, Hon. N. E. HillTrevor, Mr Noel Hilliard, Mrs Juliet V. Hobbs, Mr Ron Holloway, Sir Frank Holmes, Mrs Hood, Mrs Barbara Hopkins, Ms Janet Horncy, Mr P. R. Horneman, Housing Corporation of NZ, Mrs M. A. Howell, Mrs Beryl Hughes, Mr D. V. Hughson, Rt. Hon. Jonathon Hunt, Mr Norman H. G. Hurst, Mr R. J. Hutchinson, Miss M. Hutchison, Ms Kirsten Hyde.

Mrs Manying Ip, Mr Peter J. Ireland, Mrs M. Irving, Mr W. Irwin. J. H. Bethune & Co, Mr Allan A. Jackson, Mr Manning Kenneth James, Mr Peter James, Mr Bill Jamieson, Mr David Jeanes, Mr J. M. Jenkin, Mr & Mrs Harold & Patricia Jenkins, Dr Reece Jennings, Ms Francine Jensen, Mr Johnson, Mrs Cecilia Johnson, Mr Alan R. Johnston, Mrs Jean Jones, Mr Kevin Jones, Mr Michael Jones.

Mr Kauraka Kauraka, Mr John Keats, Ms Heather Keith, Ms Shirley E. Kendall, Mrs Annajane Kennarel, Mrs Betty Kensington, Mrs Myrla L. Kernick, Ms Fiona Kidman, Mr M. King, Mr Athol L. Kirk, Miss Anne Kirker, Miss Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Mrs Carole Knight.

Laings Road Methodist Church, Ms Joy Lange, Mrs Naomi Lange, Ms Jennifer S. Larson, Mr L. A. Lawton, Mrs B. Lee, Mr Michael Lennon, Prof. D. Lilburn, Dr P. J. Lineham, Mr Timothy Lingard, Mr David List, Mr Martin Lodge, Ms Rosemary Lovesey, Mr P. J. W. Lowry, Mrs L. Lusty, Ms Pip Lynch, Mr lan Lyons. Mr Campbell McAllister, Ms R. McAlpine, Mr Patrick Macaskill, Mr E. R. McCalman, Sir Thaddeus McCarthy, Mr Jack F. McDonald, Mr J. V. Macfarlane,

Mrs I. Mcllraith, Mrs F. R. Mackay, MrJ. G. McKee, Mr Allan McKenzie, Mr Wayne McKirdy, Ms Heather McPherson, Mrs Shirley Maddock-Easther, Dr Peter Maling, Marist Centre, Mrs Marshall, Mr John Marshall, Massey University, Mr C. J. Mayes, Mrs Margaret Maynard, Mr B. Mayo, Mr Frederich W. G. Miller, Ms Marian Minson, Lady Mitchell, Mr F. C. Mitchell, MrJ. S. Mitchell, Mitchell Library, Mrs A. Moffat, Mr Kevin Moffat, Mr Riley Moffat, Ms Marion Moffitt, Prof. Vincent Moleta, Mr Duncan O. Moore, Mr F. E. Morley, Mr Norman Morris, Mr W. R. Morris, Mr Brian K. Mountjoy, Mrs Mary J. Mowbray, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Muldoon, Mr P. Murray-McGregor, Museum fur Volkerkunde, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs Judith Myers.

National Archives, National Film Unit, National Geographic Society, National Library of Australia, National Museum of New Zealand, National Youth Council, N.Z. Association of Waterfront Employers, N.Z. Catchment Authorities Association, N.Z. Clerical Workers Association, N.Z. Department of Conservation, N.Z. Department of Finance, N.Z. Department of Internal Affairs, N.Z. Department of Maori Affairs, N.Z. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, N.Z. Department of Social Welfare Library, N.Z. Department of Survey & Land Information, N.Z. Educational Institute, New Zealand Embassy, Italy, N.Z. Founders Society Inc, N.Z. Free Kindergarten Teachers, N.Z. Geochemical Group, N.Z. Government Printer, N.Z. Immigration Service, New Zealand Library Association, Special Libraries & Information Section, N.Z. Meat Industry Association, N.Z. Medical Womens Assocition, N.Z. Meteorological Service, N.Z. Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, N.Z. Ministry of Commerce, N.Z. Ministry of Defence, N.Z. Ministry of Education, Learning Media, N.Z. National Party, N.Z. News Ltd, N.Z. Oral History Archive, New Zealand Post Limited, N.Z. Public Service Association, N.Z. Railways Corporation, N.Z. Returned Services Association, N.Z. Seafarers Union, N.Z. Society for the Intellectually Handicapped, N.Z. State Services Commission, N.Z. Telecom, N.Z. Telecom Museum & Archives, News Media, Mr Aleksander Niedaszkowski (Estate), Ms Eleanor C. Nordyke.

Ms Colleen O’Donovan, Mrs Johanna Olsen, Mr Stephen Olsen, Mr A. L. Olsson, Onehunga Public Library, Mrs J. C. Orchard, Mrs R. Orchiston, Ms M. L. Ormsby, Otamatea Kauri & Pioneer Museum. Pacific History Association, Brisbane College, Mrs D. H. Papps, Mr Phil Parkinson, Parliamentary Library of NZ, Mr Christopher Parr, Mr Christopher L. Patterson, Mr W. (Bill) Pearson, Mrs Joyce Pell, Ms Valerie Ann Penlington, Mr R. F. Perry, Phaidon Press Limited, Mr Redmond Phillips, Mrs Ann Pickin, Mrs Sarah Pitchforth, Mrs C. Polglase, Porirua Museum, Postal History Society of NZ Inc., Mrs Beverley Price, Mr Michael Pringle, Mr Christopher J. Pugsley.

RACP Medical Historical Library, RNZAF Museum, Radio NZ Concert Programme, Radio NZ, Music Department, Mr Henry Raine, Miss Diana Randell, Random House Publishing, Mr F. Rands, Mr Derek A. Raynes, Ms Elizabeth Reed, Mrs Beverley Reid, Mr W. L. Renwick, Mr Edward Arthur Revell, Mr K. J. A. Revfeim, Rewi Alley Research Office, Mr A. Richards, Mrs Syma Ritchie, Riverside Community, Mr John H. Roberts, Miss E. J. Robinson, Mr P. F. Robinson, Mrs Christine Rodgers, Mr B. Romanovski, Mr H. Roth, Rotorua District Council, Prof. A. L. Rowse, Ms Annette Roy, Royal Society of NZ (Inc), Mrs Judith Ryan. SPCA Wellington (Inc), Dame Laurie Salas, Mr Brian Salkeld, Mr Noel Sanders, Mrs P. Sargison, Mr Ronald Jack Scarlett, Mr B. W. Scott, Mrs Margaret Scott, Mr L. B. Scoullar, Ms Penny Sewell, Mr Maurice Shadbolt, Mr David Shand,

Sheffield House, Hon. Margaret Shields, Mr E. O. Silverster, Ms Barbara Simons, Mr G. B. Simpson, Prof. K. V. Sinclair, Sites (Washington, DC), Ms Maureen Slako, Mr George Slater, Ms Doreen Smart, Ms Doris Smith, Mrs Mary Smith, Mrs Shirley Smith, Smiths Bookshop, Mrs S. Smyth, Mr W. Southgate, Ms Teremoana Sparks, Mrs Mary Spoor, Mrs E. G. Stahl, Mr R. M. Startup, Mrs Jeanette Steel, Mr John S. Stichbury, Miss Dorothy Strauch, Dr H. Stringer, Mr John Sullivan, Ms Helen Sutch, Ms Val Swails, Mr F. C. Swanwick, Mr C. R. H. Taylor, Ms Lucy Taylor (Estate), Te Wananga o Raukawa, Mr Garry Tee, Mr Hugh Templeton, Thames and Hudson (publishers), Mr Allan Thomas, Mr A. M. Thompson, Ms Edwina Thorne, Ms Margaret Tibbies, Time Life Books, Ms Jane Tolerton, Tonga Amateur Sports Association, Mr Geoffrey Totton, Trade Union History Project, Mr J. E. Traue, Dr Ronald Tremain, Mr Kingsley Tufts, Tuttle-Mori Agency Inc., Dr J. R. Tye.

U.S. Information Service, Unemployed & Beneficiaries Movement of New Zealand, University of Auckland, University of Papua New Guinea, University of Waikato Library, University of Western Australia, Upper Hutt Public Library., Values (The Green Party of Aotearoa), Mr Terry Vaughan, Victoria University of Wellington, Dr M. Vidulich, Mr Ron Vine.

Mr Bryan Walker-Turnbull, Mr J. R. Wall, Brother Basil A. Ward, Mrs E. A. Ward, The Rev. A. R. Wards, Ms Marilyn Waring, Mr David P. H. Watson, Mr Jim P. C. Watt, Mr J. P. Webster, Mr John Weir, Wellington 22 Club, Wellington Arts Centre, Wellington Boys & Girls Institute, Wellington City Council, Wellington Diocesan Office, Anglican Church of New Zealand, Wellington District Law Society, Welington Public Library, Wellington Publishing Co (INL), Mr Robert E. Wells, Commander H. P. Westmacott, Mrs A. White, Ms Gillian Whitehead, Dr David J. Whittaker, Mr Don Wilkie, Prof. Maurice Wilkins, William Georgetti Scholarship Board, Mr B. J. Williams, Mrs Philippa Williams, Ms Sheila Williams, Mrs F. Williamson, Mrs Eva Wilson, Mr Kevin Wilson, Mrs R. Lois Wilson, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Womens Division of Federated Farmers of New Zealand, Mr G. A. Wood, Mrs Celia Wood-Calvert, Mrs Carol Woodford, Ms Nicola Woodhouse, Mrs C. Workman, Mr Ken Wright. Mr Ken Young. Ms C. L. Zalewski.

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Bibliographic details

Turnbull Library Record, Volume 23, Issue 2, 1 October 1990, Page 179

Word Count

List of Donors 1989-90 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 23, Issue 2, 1 October 1990, Page 179

List of Donors 1989-90 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 23, Issue 2, 1 October 1990, Page 179