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WORKING THROUGH THE AGENDA 1. The Chairman opens the meeting and takes any apologies. Chairman: ‘I declare this meeting of the …. branch of the Welfare League open. Are there any apologies? Mrs P.: ‘Mrs N. asked me to apologise for her absence today on account of her children's sickness.’ Chairman: ‘Thank you, Mrs P.’ The Secretary records the apology in the minutes. 2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the last meeting. Chairman: ‘Would the Secretary, Mrs W., please read the minutes.’ Secretary: ‘Madam Chairman—The Minutes of the monthly meeting of the …. branch of the Welfare League held in the …. on Wednesday, May 6, at 2 p.m. Fourteen members were present, apologies being received from Mrs W. and Mrs T. The president, Mrs P., was in the chair.’ Mrs P. welcomed three visitors from the …. branch of the League, and the speaker for the afternoon, Mrs K. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. There was no business arising out of the Minutes. The Secretary read a letter from the Women's Institute in …. inviting the League to send three members to a joint Sub-Committee to discuss the combined cooking display planned for October. After some discussion it was resolved that Mrs P., Mrs W., and Mrs O. represent the League at that meeting. Moved Mrs M. Seconded Mrs T. Carried. The President introduced Mrs M., who spoke on ‘The Prevention of Accidents in the Home’. Mrs C. thanked Mrs M. for coming to speak to the League. The President reminded members that the date for the next meeting was Wednesday, June 3, and the meeting closed. Afternoon tea was then served. Chairman: ‘Thank you, Mrs W. Would someone please move that these Minutes be confirmed?’ Mrs K.: ‘I move that the Minutes be confirmed.’ Mrs O.: ‘I second that motion.’ Chairman: ‘It has been moved by Mrs K., seconded by Mrs O. that the Minutes be confirmed. All those who were present at that meeting and agree that these minutes are a true record please say “Aye.” Those against? …. The Motion is carried.’ The Secretary records this Motion in the Minutes. 3. Business arising out of the Minutes. Chairman: ‘Is there any business arising out of these minutes?’ Mrs O.: ‘Madam Chairman, I should like to report that we met the Women's Institute at the Joint Committee on the Combined Cooking Display. The date we agreed on is October 7, which is Sale-Day. It was decided that the display should be open from 10.30 until 4 p.m. There will be a demonstration of bread making at 11 a.m. and again at 1 p.m. The suggested charge for admission is 2/-, which would include afternoon tea. We have been asked to appoint three of our members to act permanently on the Joint Sub-Committee.’ Chairman: ‘Thank you Mrs O. Would anyone care to suggest some names for the Sub-Committee? Mrs T.: ‘Madam Chairman, I move that the Sub-Committee members be Mrs P., Mrs W., and Mrs O. since they have already represented us so successfully at the first meeting with the Institute.’ Mrs N.: ‘I second that.’ Chairman: ‘It has been moved by Mrs T. and seconded by Mrs N. that Mesdames P., W., and O. be our representatives on the Joint Sub-Committee. Is there any discussion?’ Mrs T.: ‘Madam Chairman, I think the display is far too close to the Flower Show and move that the date be re-considered.’ Chairman: ‘May I remind you Mrs T. that there is already a Motion before the meeting. Does anyone else wish to speak to the Motion? If not, I shall put the motion.’ ‘It has been moved by Mrs T. and seconded by Mrs N. that Mesdames P., W., and O. be our representatives on the Joint Sub-Committee. All those in favour please say “Aye” …. those against? Carried. The Secretary records this Motion in the Minutes. Chairman: ‘Now Mrs T if you wish to make a recomendation to the Sub-Committee about changing the date, would you move in that direction? Mrs T.: Madam Chairman, if I may I should like to move that our representatives ask that the date be changed to a Sale-Day later in October, etc., etc., etc.’ Chairman: ‘Is there a seconder for that Motion?’ …. The Motion lapses for want of a Seconder. 4. Correspondence. (The Chairman should look through any correspondence before the meeting opens.) Chairman: ‘Would the Secretary please read the correspondence?’ The Secretary reads the correspondence aloud. None of the letters require an answer except one from Mrs E. resigning from the .…. Branch since she is leaving the district. Chairman: ‘Would someone please move that the correspondence be received.’ Mrs O.: ‘I move that the correspondence be received.’ Mrs K.: ‘I second that.’ Chairman: ‘It has been moved and seconded that the correspondence be received. All those in favour please say “Aye” … those against? Carried. The Secretary enters the motion in the minutes. 5. Business arising from the Correspondence. Chairman: ‘I am so sorry that Mrs E. is leaving us, but I know that she will be very welcome in the branch of the Welfare League where she is going. I should like to move that the Secretary write to her, regretting that she is leaving us, thanking her for her work for this branch and wishing her every success in ….’ Mrs K.: ‘I second that.’ Chairman: ‘You have heard the terms of the motion. All those in favour, etc.’ The Secretary enters this in the minutes. We have now worked through the first five items on the AGENDA. The next items will be dealt with in the next article. 6. Business of the day arranged in a suitable order. 7. General. 8. Arranging the date of the next meeting. 9. The closing of the meeting. We shall deal in detail with Election of (Continued at foot of page 54.)

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Te Ao Hou, Spring 1953, Page 47

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WORKING THROUGH THE AGENDA Te Ao Hou, Spring 1953, Page 47

WORKING THROUGH THE AGENDA Te Ao Hou, Spring 1953, Page 47