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| Over 100 user- . e\ wmmpmegugy | Workshop courses. B | E fl'lendly 1S =P e i ::?:‘_.: 7~ g o »‘,fi ; 5 -;;;._.4_2;;:,"_,..;),_M_.k;;:_A ..-<.;;_ Eaf: - TR This year BFM will be mnningaseries of RS Pl mendlY; stores: oo o 3 e{3Lk e & ' Workshop courses - g : throughout P e : AR, e ;': ;\;&3GI et TV ~_: TIERLOR ;N ]/ 2 training workshops which will be avail S, % :'l’; i Potie Y 5 e :eeLLAReTRRT 'j AT Tele 7 i %i en ing Series B B Auckland OMR r AoWB T: : able to card holders. e e I eTI snna e Be R AT WY i S almngworksho’swh'»h’ il be aval-~ [ All over Auckland there are .= :; f@fg j-' ag“ ) SRAE N E s pablelocard olders. - D;lj gn? vlcz.llcle_. b § | stores which display B-card o aa 58 ’“‘%‘““a@ [‘? 'fi' . B - Workshops will include D and vol B user-friendly stickers. All these - LB BT VT BKHEOR N ' tining copywn e sechmea wvilc ee . A IRHIE YD) Fe el A workshop guide will be included in B businesses offer cardholders RN e e SISO A R e % e be e - L special rates and discounts. -~ N 7 -BTAR esy year s matlouts. (. St Do g and de-- -i 3 B gl By e s M . . : Magazine for listing fandlde >Nok tel : : -7;;.‘_':§§‘ 5 < f 'UA.;;V_“'_ =1 £ 1 tails. air sen ,ices e NG SoR 'g ] Orientation wth. ,- NN E_ Y Cord holders also have a number of on air .\ gWL E Nii&e - v ~ B Bailter Space. est e N BOn air services. These includé I NG j{j:- » éf;‘ig AB/B oo holds what could et last ever . F Card holders also have a number of on air . -\~ ,g. %‘wg : cor}cert on campus the Quad. -(8 . i services at their disposal. These include an T Pt eL e — Bailer on their way to New York | [ gy accommodation and entertainment guide, the s B e play one la§t date Sat Feb 29th. ;. [ : community notice board, and of course talkback == FIRE 457 IR et : e More than just a concert, a moment in o ] communitynoticeboard, and of course tz e- R ST —— - playonell e N R e ity . qan eSyARDTRit Po | S SRt e time. Free with the card. ’ th.. B B Ciomsemasßsee NRy 0 bl one lastgate Sal Feb 20017 &5 I g | HGis eLe e ‘ %%5 ‘? Jt, it SR MOI'C th?nlustaconcert, amoment in. SR o T ittty 'O et gf N"*g ”21 SF e’oT Tb Tl i ‘ : ‘ e ;vv,'n' ~.<4:’, 2\t s \ ~,. "* ~"{: 3\ ‘{ ih3 (:‘ ’}y :‘‘ :: ; ‘c.z%.o. T ‘.:.i”: N‘ hxw \ ‘A =" i :»-:v "‘k :““‘ -| 5 f 3ByWi . ""‘ B — ”“~ ~-8 by f !4!’4 !B R %@v*’fq‘a gt mm~?§,“§?'g«gx‘t:x¥+ww\“ b&5 mai 3 ey Uey ’oo S o e imismitosemininmasioy SRy ) Fiagt efrgs‘.;;.;-:,;:;};,-. oe e e ‘gfi A o BRSiE j%gfi?g g 4 NSRS AR SN:TP ST Root e : ey B . 5 9 °xt§ff§;” . - '&\‘ ‘N"""v L;« « "*—“ (‘zé,\\vgt s, A°’ e;“"T' g e coc il WR ) B 3;“ ._ ' e B DIEY GiT~ RSN Tmonii eee ol T iLRe AR R »x;f% e B§§ Bl NY TR 5() e s IMgl B -.b 1 R .“ SATRSy TN [ o e e Fé{&"&fifi%m oB Al BL ey ;,"'l m&x“&&% LA ST oeYAPNe) Do ng e B e ee LS Y oo S ~<~ RSP wf’ oMgD eB I N L S LeL o(I B%G (i B PRt et Gndi XIS g e} N N NY S T TN O x“"’**fwg<“* EE ki aS P 1 Vot mR = B .‘- a 1 : % :“" fi{ m"i )%\( ,’s: %»: {‘, ” w,,.,,fi\,?‘ 3 \:"!; AV”, > @'4{; ;36 i‘i% A" 4 !f‘i{:? Zv . .ARPG 1l Lid ‘3(‘% oAN e e £ _"av_: ‘,,j'%.- '4; 2" ey ~z{jh ‘fi g sR - e Bi o EAR ot {wgf IR GA P J=s w’z‘ 5§ b b i N&«“ ORII Hamey - B ey setxbt:ffi AT Ney '33,-".’_.4?;:‘» "“% o 3 i ;4’_.?{-« ee K : -v-_";-‘---é--»'---+W-x.. SR e By NB\B} ,@ -&* »"g Vs L ifi - giveaways. 4 ‘ X o ’%Qiig vé; g*};j;i %fff " NZ Music Seminar. L Te ] | EveryyearßFMgivesTruetone - SRR LN, /o R\ N e NzMusic Seminar. , - [ Everyyear = rER e,%)?R Lt PS g ;.._’-*::: ;RN i!; =% - This year BFM Auckland’s 1} $30.000 worth ofprlzes than IR oLT IR Y\ O | LS year, presents Auckland's - iet @l 830,000 worth of prizes. ayaios —SR B RN ) NSRRI The weekend lor Nz il [N |- As part of BEM's move to TPR N LY OBRE g such tee sos reord deas, The per .(R | greater role within the local ifg e s '5.. R} R formance, promotions, radio stations, music industry, BFM will now o L 3 WAL i- B L GBS play listing and.much more. Guest o] ibe attempting to co-ordinate = - e o LEE i VLN sRI e speakers will include people from [ R O e ate .« - gS % :-;‘», R€ i 8 pasld } | ofl) . - play listing and mu h more. Guest. S Bl | national weekly giveaways. .ue ass eßVgb e: e chenkers Lwillin e . Bbl be networking with AN, iN B SRI g R companies, radio stations, magazines B 0l the other student st: Mg Wlth -0 seeL RTR R MRt SN Beel G e sk industy, record ey the other student stations to .+ iy ,(G §§f§§ TRN ;«“fi? K ..c and performers. mag ‘cor e e maximis :e b L e 3 i;:g 1 Ai e s R fe'??-“*’"“-' : Truetone B-card holders will be mailed B maximise the impact for local = = % i ?WKJ&W;%@ bPb el N ~ andperformers. = T B ] releases, by reaching over :% Pt okl LDAR - . Truetoneß-card holders willbe; aled [ B | 150,000 listeners in the same ?@,oW .| W s receive special rates. - g 0000 e sl foal T IR TR . e A e i IO e week. - = S Pp e e ey B;} | i j?_:- *"“&’WE’ T The NZ music seminar will be held - e » B e agfi g 1 lERS O during Private Function weekend, the & | Private Function. - Coe/e s Rol e S last weekend in June. L Private Function. T E TRy <o Sr. g b TSR - o last wee endinJune. st B Notorious awesome party, held ey /i &SySeg el e oy e e e e ne- Bele ) B b ] e €Solne alty. held:. =, SSk CROL RBi oT e eoy : oo e B s every year for Truetone B-card St gar i'»Rl.ey ey T Cavpus RADIO BFMLTD, G- AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY, P B holders only. BFM DJs, bands, =&/ = > e @ EHARE | o BARE, | rrvatesic aucka Q*fv" iy B e eSI N e : 2l ; one Bcard £/ o S Dw| B e HERE’S MY S3O — SEND ME MY 1992 B-CARD! I visuals and a wicked bar. Dif- m\%-;flm SR EEE LR AR IGDOBLT OAU . UNTERSY ——— . B ; SEs 2 Sy =A e % 22, L4SR P 3 [:] Cheque payable to Campus Radio BFM Ltd AR e R SOl e, Yo RSR | ferent space every year. This CIIRCE (G I iP’b Lo i | PRIVATE BAG, AUCKLAND : WEHSITYI IR year the event is scheduled to . 2t BHEN Re| (] visa[C]oiNeßs AMEX [_] MASTERCARD BANKCARD LB B ce.every ye This e TN ok R ’ s o s FREETReR ECg shemain) i e 00l bscheduled oNG N T N | Oomapmmenomansniis ' |- £ ] coincide with the NZMS. i R.vA lO] visACJowens Lol o s Bapiee | R oeteans D e % A NERE | CoriheDemembmer - .- : eg ot ::; g: H E~\ v i :m:- "‘ ‘/:‘:‘- A TRy ot Xpires- ‘=} [ ] Truetone Records: Remuera Rd, - F 8%8 el : |Name_.___.___—— 7’ l | Broadway, Victoria Park, St Luke's, 5l gPR PR . ghe | | | i 1 Shor CZ’ onapark, StLllke's- ; -H - ’z‘%‘w R l Address sSOSee S 0 e 7 et Bt T T {| Shore City, Manukau City, Papakura 45FM il L e Perae B 3BBte B: e EENS e o kot ToAitAT TYI g lgnature e e G e‘‘B e

B T T T T 75 B 8320 7S S P UOYSO22 PR ove oo PR roR 02000 W —LT B N N e s e R es L e s R e ee, S o pos e aanninße sR n M e s e R RS R s R e R e ee e R T s e eeis sol s s SRR e S e Sl SR R eR e s e R R e s el L Ba sel R R R eR R s e BS R § 0 Be o EeINGTERE .RBRRt)SReVe ol R)SR R SRR eeei MD i S ei i Bs R see eR e R NNye ot A RRt S B B sS ¢ eDR R s PG I RSy R I O R s e A eP o T Ti, s N e iIo e I D e el e B B T e B s R TR S I eAI L sy S e 2 o B e NSNS Pride eSN Re e eG s e e ":?515:?:5:2:5:;:E:Eri:i:5:2:&:5:555:5:5&::-.‘”/ Aee eVe eSßeee eR e R b eDpo ee s geelß We B e oB W eee R e B B D e R o bR T s BL l . eL G e Aseo.Pß .R B < E:‘»é&;:;_ Eian SReeelP iel Rl acR ReNBeSR BPRe 9 A 4 e A I Bs B . WI S R B,SPr Il IR a 0 oPNele el e 2 R B R v s R e o B e e PP I o e e i Rs e e e g ;;:;:5:3:::‘“:;;3:;;;;:. e R R s ssee TR B G iB S P R ee e e s e e Il Ist o e D L R e sSRRe eR s s B Shoooo s o | SRESR B| B e preode fotnn I( Sowy Shaaly e G Be,R NRS eSeiß Bt B 0 eSRS 2R R e e RN e BFe PR SRS LMo e R faaan @Bele, B e ei st Rs I SO bTR sBST e Se S RS i 1 Pt og2 -b - Eie e R SRR RTeB i, . S.s.PoB YeSe RSR Yoo e SRR G i bi Sl B K b R BRI e eSI BTR, R AR BssoSPRRRI eRD eB R A e B T eSNSSR RS Bl B R e g PIL L G T=G Ls e (LR Rl i e eeß--e eBO RR R Ll e NSRS .T . R L J.:mflgrz%:‘: fo . Leßye ee O 00l IS eLDR eel e ]s S - b O RgT ORO ~-‘s§s9el/;‘r‘- ety Copett BRI R W SRR SRR eRS Rs P e .‘J:y.. . . Vi iriTRS ne D e e AR BIPTeLBee SMR&g LR oW SeRBBS3 RTe T R R MRTe2o RR SR )IG S S sLiRAPRe eTT Te e Se O LSOt DA SSOVL o R _.,:3:5:;; OR e R S i -sio om - - i ‘l:: . - .ssesFe sSROB e A (ORI seNol el e ?,-(:“ G R eRS % 3::'-':"'#&:2:1-‘. BSRo RB R koot BBSyDo&gSel 80. 9BN bOe s e 200 eRe A S s IRt Sl LeSR S g oR-lo| gvi ‘m Bs M LAY i BeS]Sg soo s M L- . i..NM B, ey ook S N BSOS eSMsY BORI o it SR gWS- R A W«(’»‘ SIS S S Rg : B N o e R RPR A o, SR - oco SH R eSO e 2 I S R S :5:1:%?:12: R R RB R e, T ‘»’,l'-:1;::::$:¢.~':2:1:1:'-:::::t:::::1::::;2“:?:1:?2:-B R R e sPR R R A e S e e e R e LG R R R R B I N T R Y BRI o RS ot PeßeAßeoßßsySf&oße AR BeGSRNW RRe e e S TSt - L s Ts - eSe e i S B R R¢sfe sn eS s ST TR PR R eSeRR eS B B TeNsgße RAee ge 2 Jey PR R 5 e S AT i AN o B )R B o e R SRS Ry RRB-eRe obR RBt e RTe TOB et s"sAeß 'l BS B . .TBGbT sTS TNN A seMolW eIR S e e St S SRR R eRSR % B pßas oeßy s P % oeeß Re R A . o R Fis, gRSRyDRR -Be BP e RPRoTee -W. St RLRS w3 SRR P eveß eo MR Ry PR o e o R BRRR RR N aduer ge e 3iR e 2 PR" TS, BRI S Ti S eol2, Se i = ReSSol Bl e o SRy 4PR fiw iMLIR N e WSR o Te£yS IR R BB RSRR P e 5 e - -.::5-”.::;::;::: S f T S '»*:;Q:;»w--:':f:g::;:;:-,:;.;;;:;:;::~-‘ e S B S B SRR T S ESwasEEn eR DY 2 PESIREE IRy e s SPP by eR o O #3-:z;;;;z;;;;;;:;:;;g;g;;;3;;;5:, RBy i B e eRe&RSee oV iS: i 3 PUANTEREGIPT, .Sle&i SoR R R R Lol ol e s A'.:..‘t:::::#g:.::r.m{.rv seR e R e 155 N s eePe, Wo A N SRR - S B A .\<~:'.~':2:'£‘e=:‘<'s.<:::2=:2§§‘:= A S SR, B B RSN o S SPe B e LsS ss E EERoR eTSRetRR ToRO 2 R y:,zyr.-?,\-p.-,...;:;.. BNS 4 A eOR T e RPo S e o o R e Re e VBRI B)-S Sl TR s Stiieces P I N eII Pey B e S e BARWt U B SA D eAISeRSI AR IR S ei e R o A, B R NA B P R 7 oy SRR e Qo K 7 ) ¥ ohas RIS foote 1+ 15 T eoBN4 LU T o TR Mg 28y e R TG BR R RAT L PR fade el ißkt Yy N SO A LS T e e ee SO B B S eN N e T SRR A G S e B e T el T o e N A T e S RO R R R R B 0 R OREEIRRSA Teßßaae ety | - 7 BeARieR RRg ;R o ohnt Ge e R TileegA SNB R e SRR e SRR lieST iB R 3-::3:EvE.l:E.l.l:l3'E.E:s:='§:‘:‘ e Sse ot e . p—— TR 2iOSDRASRAR RRSTR Se B RO eBTRToBW DT Rse RAo RRTRsALSeB gTR. ey i RSO eSS 7S S EAE RR L BNeO SR e 5 NOT e S Dit eTR SRS S IR, B PRI BR e e SRR RS R eo@ iP 7 2S e SRR i o s e S e R . SRR oy e L L AS, R SRB oB e DY Ree. io ¢ -)L: (7 s )oisRLeP eFee SB st ?‘3s:} ASt eNNSNo%R -2 RRR R R SRiOl-ol IO - i 2 SRR Sas Coee TGL SP e 3 % BRI = e SRR b W LNyTe Re el -2::SIS=SSISI2I7?EiiZEZ:ZEI’IEE!ESEZ‘ ‘\)‘;\ pmw '}i“‘ \“‘: S;ibßs SR |S S Poysß el S PR, Ae R e oRIRT IT R R &-2{._“‘\-:'%,3:5;5,4,&"4}0/ RRy i s ssnseng Sy ie& g e E},f)vfi - R S LR waa s T R SS e S leoAR eey . RY e e RR e RSO oR P . e g .«f‘, eSI B Ii o L & = g s R Bl 2 . B e L e AR e 9 o Y o i N i ei e B <0 s ORIV G 2 BR R SRS DS 3 RRie RG R I “vVg Sey SRy PT s S S ———. SRR, R RSiDeRPeTP oORAB TSR SR HRBIGIHE PG, eße| SS R SRR iR R o) BSRSy 4P i > S 5 R ettt GABT Ai s TSI OAPR TR i SRR B(oePoIsoSeSRP el SoMN RR S R SRR R " PR R ~.\~'§,§"' e, GG 5 Sol PR ee ’ :L2 # gR R | -:;z':;%:E'<:s:;.\‘:=:‘;:5::,,:;z:’e;:::;:%};.c;i:i:&:i:i: 7.:;.;:;:-:;'f'::E'E:E'555:2@ BR S s el FE TR 4O B NG e B :»'::::'«.:::»:::;:::::::::::::: NR N g SN ISO eOOW) AR IGS e OIS .o Tt BRI eßes eRt R TSANRONyvg nBTD b £ ¥ s e XT 3 B BeiSR LS TS YX.Noieeks geoSN liR e B ‘.,v‘:I:i:izizi:I;?:i:I:I:i et \%" TR s TS 2 5 o£RR Re 5 ee e 3 e ,‘._:_:_._‘:,:,._..‘.» e IE TN .5??‘3&:::::::":::‘;&:@:‘.: SRR e N e-L S R R RSN e 2 ey .gy PR 524 R R R e T A P e TPI B o D-R R R oA ¥ x [PR Reße 800 3 __:A:_:.:.:.:.:':':':{ ...>s§.3.-.::.:. fi:i%g},&. s 3 Ly 2 it oB SR SRR e SRS e " i 205 2e e S -.<~:::::::§::E:;:;~ ATeo%eeeee \: iTRe Ry s v boooad BSs QR N e RS - % S4B 5 X Fheds ssy B N S 4 R e“ o P ; & R SRR R S T b b e e R R R e eNRRSRMR TRS R e : % 3T B R PR e 3 ’ o Gt S “NN BR T Gl --::‘:\'.'..-.\:u:-:."g::.\'..~‘A-.-.-,~:;~:'.A: e e RR R PR Reßid R -:{;7:-.;*;.;; O R R < % A iR i C L M 0 R OPR oo oy S % SR R bTR ---:-:4.-.;.;‘-.;,,;:;3;‘.-;-&:-';;!0_:;.;., e R ~:5%3_».;’. -AR I R B A RS Rel e eSO S TRk :o { SRR eeR T, I eT B e e A s«,3:}:-?3-{-;’,‘.?3e”’";,,’* e B sE B Baae eS a2 oy ‘ e eVRsyReSB iRSe o T e)R) Re . O e .’i.é:f:iit:’}ii¥:=:=:’cs SR B Pei Bi —2 .Diz ?% o MRS X hER eB- i, A S TR A eRI. oRy-Si 74 e i 9ee S B R ) %fl“i"’*"fi’:_?'“‘fi%;‘s\\;fip“%%vm_}\fl, SRR e eefne TR AN 3VLSPyo AS S R Be e prs S < PR |BP PR ee R SRRy RGeeeß RBA SN S RsTeéfi% egbo Sy R eeeß eSR d-r sRL S, R S e iTRes e) S R-L2b ee i ’:;E_Q%;_"_‘ TBo o & gmégéé BGbyBNT YBs R B BRt etn! 2 RIS RO M SRR se N SRR LB o e )g& SR ees -ooMR soz S WIS R RRSe 553 e RR e G SR B e BNSe:SotSLSR Y-Yet .| sl ali ey i o Ri S TRBe eR R Re S R eBTTeeT igTP RN R BN oPR R sP e BSRB g) R e:Reo oy oSO TSN, e e §§B§? oSR SRR Y PSR 2 SnaßEaN Mg s R Bi T BR O o e oSy\i oR R Tee e, ‘\*?'3:';._.\‘-"-‘ o etne IR R ARSR o T Rey e e ocdßt S ee B . SRRy RBeR eS O G e S o P {!{«\ So 4N P W = MRoYey eR o P TS o R BR 3 A fan sRb o e Sey P 2 SDR PR Pois B fra AR e RS RLA S RIS SR ;RSRse 0R s R Aot oo BT o N A3t L EREE BIRRSi¥ PR IS I ,\-.‘Q-.!,_:‘g: .v.R32R BetO A o Y B R P 00l D Y eR SR SRR S sBeWS ST P S S I Bo 4 R f‘i; AR By X>OR TY & f:ss=Eal;§i:E‘;g‘,"-S’?Eif;:z'E:;:’f:E:E:E:- RA Ao Z _3:5:;:;::::'::2:-':':7,'&" :-:.:»:::~:~:-:-:-:v:.:1:-:<~:::.::;::1:e;-:: 4RRRssileeyX SR RRee BT S 3 R A/b oR, e P W 2,55, S 0 R eok -:;e .;,\?\3‘»,“" é\,._;:@:'h&g,:,{r‘a? e acq-:-;w»:.:-;-:-: P A SRR, SRy AR N RGO PR | B OB BRRR BT R «i& SRS et o P R RI s P .STR RR R SRS R '%; S AeGe Se B Se e sW,PRo9Rt oR B o B ToeUßi Psy I S Rsh Tol -.:;;;f-;:::;:;:;:g-;:;:;:;::%::; S vS4s ot e | .. . :v:;:;:“‘__v:::‘:::_b”@.:. 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Rip It Up, Issue 175, 1 February 1992, Page 33

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Page 33 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 175, 1 February 1992, Page 33

Page 33 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 175, 1 February 1992, Page 33

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