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: : : e i gl i 3 Ty Lol e N R e Cadiaid ?@,&%g/fflf;wfl",’;g@/;»;f;»f?;é - HENE SRS SEAY £ o B g ... Sl s gf;/ . e : : - A et -, . R &S T ‘”*s‘«’“4fi’»*’"é‘”f‘/“/Q/%fx“"fl%*m‘%%”fl . e R ST ..b mm ‘%}’/’/Z///%Z//Q//f% T jz’,d/&,”,‘,u'« Gon v ’{»«/W«M%W%M%:f%%%/fig & eG % ;%/f BE L 8 | U //,////////////4 ,//,/(z/f%o/ ?7,//////, s.BE RN COCCRR R emeEERGG s e : Y B sBN R )Y s it B RS W T eN W N o RETPETE RoB SAt R e K 73 5 % 7 8/é N // ~ /// G /,.z‘fi‘"ffl,é"ff i ”Z’/ /% o </fi/¢//7y Ge YA . %% 7 Y NBE e T S L Haesn Ret e e ", R 3é % P é » et | /%////////////// ,»’//:“,’Hs e },2;’;.,7{' T @ “ %’/,i/f/’wfi/flz/? "W X I 2 B i ~57//4*@%/,’,’,/ BRI R e e : i IBn RA B ////////////// 4 g ==u @Bl JEWE 00 Ty v .. e 6 f//{’///fi///%f/z% //////% . /44%/% : ,«,»f/’/;,n,x;fi///}%//éf ///’4,/////:’,// e @””?‘W;’%’ Ny eW 3§ ;’%@”/3‘; O SHEeE . S s e e o2 /4/%////////6///////7/////////} o r/,r'*g'fl,é%“f/’y gs o LEEemh e : g %»WWM/,//%«V//%&//M%” b s e VN g B %/////////4/////////"////'%//%/ ] . ////f/ ] ;/// oee, Tv/ T g Y B e ':: & 7 ’//;/////”//,,7 ! %fi*fi}/ / e g{{%{,é;j;;/?” ¢ e %‘%é%rf?%%%/?%%féfi“ % . wa.... . 1 SOA Bl\ el ;/ ' . /9/{////% /J/;;i,@:;%gy’ /%mm;g%%;? et ? 9(;,&79»4;,,//%%@%; o : e . .. MR RO ERT RN ;/ ) 7//;;/%///% sV g e e {% RTs T e ge%%,,;fl%%&‘““éfé/j}ég%z Lraiad 3 Rao o R : 4 . i W.% gl B Zfi/f/ g /,/,5,’”/%'% FR T odh gadis dEiae e T g 3 oe s - ] ‘ ¥B/% 1 /%/Z//%%/ ;/?” ee e e e bel e Y !l/P, N4' /2”//4////%/ iV /L . Y: , i e ; oWL e e s - N bowss N R B ee e e 22 : fam Sea A T e R L . /% -: ///////%,/ ] i ‘://f,/f‘?/V R :1;’~.-_.‘-.~:,.::»..=-"-::'-'-,-::-:~:=:::--;:::-:-_:=_.~::::-3,':-.::-::.:::'-.:--v.::::-.=x-.=:'2:-.:;:.:»-.. ke ' ey 9wt W SRR TR s ee ey iRy ‘BR X P N /// 4/ : // g e R e e A e %gu MG e st . BoR A ee e s é& : -5 g MW b ////% ./ £ b 7% odE e e e %/»/;zw{g‘///&z e Loy Gemmaa it . ; PR TR B R e - Se G /////////4/7// ’é . A : Bke W 3 e g e Gt g2 o e ibani ’%//%%///’///’ ] 4 e T St W : ik RN T SRem e '«m/;éx: V s AR ,/3////;////////,////%%// Gse e e g ]T i F s "*{,‘,f?}z)«,f/gf’?}’%?/é% o - s 4 s L :»»{‘«»*s/ gee i s e e e o e R . . «“‘fi*fv’%/ Y g ey e S e, o L A e e S e S o A e _ ////// ////////fl/ B Vo e e - e : T e TAR K e f"*’"‘” ;SOi C s deEiian ’///////’//’4////’/;//4’7///2/%%/; : ;‘3?9 BRI e s YYSEE NB i ;W R R eY e i . ~,///////,/’//,// it .-e ee e /%fl/}’?’@f ik.TNTt :e U ;bMRi oe s S i ;/’//// eV . 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A”}%/////J%%:%///,// ) . o § : ; e g 0 i S Y 7 % st 4 /,W&,/,,{z////fi/‘gf,:/// 3 ;-’g,;,gvf; :;:_:;;j\., s Faa ¢4?,/,%W//%/€/2//4////, e ,:///H?;«/&,?,fisggiw s e GBERE 3 . YA3 ¢SS F e : s LA . S AR N S .& = e w%,-/ . s Eoo U ) : : : SE R e . %-, S /’///f/zf///////; . . 858 = S . . i Y S b - 26 2 e e e s Lo b ~//,///////;’///fiQy//%///’/;/p’/’/’/////f,% g’/%}% o G /f//,/,’ Sia y/,’/’//// Gl e U »é{/y}g]fiq T ; .SR A A 557 il )3 > : - %) g //’f%’f/// £ /'/’// . = s7;00 e /”////’////’/////////////4/’5 . ’/jf////:/;/’ff’;f’«,//”,,//;, eeIR R R S OeBSiVL es B T %/,/,/////,///%//Z//// - *"///”,s///g, A /?’///%%%///4’ . ‘%;My,fif%/wi? s k] JEdi e2Y. NF # b //4//’%/’/////////;//%/%/% Us MR EEme el ///’5/%/%//’/7////%/’//’///% |PR ‘/:»?”f?/«{//flff;f?é‘v g 2 Ni R e it . /////////.--'%/,/// s ge oy ... i B S SEE Wik /. . e iy SF g i : ,//%///}/////,/4/,,// . S i w0 //‘4/,////,/%/,/%///,/%”% S e T Ay, g 1 TR S e LS s %/////%////% | g e Y »’f * © *z;x" -r-z‘z—v/ W?//%,//f%/////%y////f et LA %o;NWf s 41 7 ' W e e f el 7 //,%fég; / : »’///,w/ S f%/// /fi/o%’/ /é;”?//?////fiw RA B S RS =.5 :_. eNy e 333 n& : . . L oy, G G|o vl R R ,/,,//,/%,;f/,% Chem LA s T ee - T e S AP g, Y : Bg FE R e eEE VR - . AN LT G R L e .;/s?’ - ///“ .. A SO s S LS g, / : T : BE . o wmen roneaaaan dea GRS : T s o, g o J R R%7 3‘?’%/’/4 g W ,«%/ ./% o /;7////////4///’/ s e iy T g e Gl B eiSR R s ]/ . L vouirdimuiaenioc //"M//%////f///y,///’ ee W SRR .B s ee -0 , . & .us . oL il e /’//’//z%’/,%/%////////////,//;/ : FerLE> : < Yol g - T Bsaes o -? . + K %/,// ////,/ . o ’x’W’*%’g”v«» LM 7 »4’//////’/’//’//%/,//;% ; : AN N Qe X o o ngf’/%xgy RU it ) oy. = % //%%//W// «W fi%f,??{f/%;@’/é//%f//;//%f//fif@//’f SR rww K& stems of Bristol, along with TT : ane, most confounding ey \%ee »% % EER /%’//////,/f//ga// e @fé,&fi/ /f//fx;w//,%y/y/f/%//wxf%// SR htbe the eol o «gf‘}f?” el EsTe se n g ssoliv .. e o o f_%,., T ,?fi;f’g/r///{%fif/%,éw//;j/////y////,//j - “Massive’s roots mig bse o R aven'tjust dropped the sleekest, deaves, e Massive put current changes ; vB R g X e o /f/‘///’,w e - %,{/ i f-/’//f///-’ff . %/;/////////’////M/ :; . - sy . = . ' . ‘ -5F . ¥ By ) S W e e L, e . “ ) 5% 2 il o P f///é///%'/ WA M ts htb [h d t fB tl l th th&M h G CI I M rkSt ft& e Z 7 7 - > T sfa /4”//42’/I’/ > s 4/////,/,/7/(”//,’/“4/,4/4/’4«/,,///,Cv’”lc”flfl/’/é ~“Massive’s roots might be inthe sound systems of Bristol, along with WI Smith & Mighty, Gary Clail, Mark ’ Stewart & - =. . . ”’/fl/mfi%/".".)w“/'/."‘”m‘ S ;////’;,//////,//41/11/,////’r‘, y,;'.a-_-//f, 2. e i ’//’f’/’ 5 /5«///////"/4’/I’l/w///,,,M N" H per 'b t Wth tgomg “BLUE LINE e 2 USSR NS SN iwdY as | - INeliee FIOODeT, DU SIONE me [T tney Naven Tjust aropped tne Sleexest, aeadiiest, most udane, most coniounaing - - ' xf% ;{g iL § e ///;////,/ - (‘A" | - LP.1991 has yet seen. . Andit's only their debut. Without . OTT with superlatives, Massive put current changes - From his first performance with THE UNDERTONES when he was just 19 years old to his various solo hits— (A 1 - LP.1991 has floor in perspective and map debut. Without ical, hip-hop and space-rock will be put current changes - e UNDERTONES wen es i 19years oldtohis v snew | onthedanceflorin unk, reggae, House, classical, hip -~ Good Heart”, “You Little Thief”, “Loving You") —ES when he sting was| his way into the hearts many. His n | - onthe dancefloor rating soul, funk, map out blueprints for what surely come next, Atter “BLUE LINES"the -+ - Good Heart”, “You Little Thief*,“Loving You") Feargal has sung his way into the hearts of many. Hisnew -~ |l. - boundaries sepa in perspective and map out blueprints for what surely come next. After et - albumwas recorded in London, Austin Texas & Nashville Tennesse. ~= = = - 1] - boundaries separating soul, funk, reggae, House, classical, hip-hop and space-rock wil be blurred forever.” - Produced by -~ - -oo o 7 DeleFadeleNME(lo). .- RIS B s _:::.:-;'.;_'::_'-3,‘:5.1:;5;5-;:::3-'l.5:'2:’:.:;',:5»:_"._:;;2-’_-:1 SRR - .op tpedormance Wlth T un hls way In 7 si TR N\/,f/}(:'{:%/%0%/ e T s ——— - ek D s -y B e e it <y L . |n e A eTL e o ’4//;,/@4;“%2,,;‘ ’%%29 .RS ,V/ ”um w oty - 255 o o v- ; 5 ,/,/, o.b e- . .o o o - i SR e /;é//,% : . g;}%@éfi, ’%%%/%W%{%W}Wékfi%%%@%fi@‘”%fi%é Pr ABA Te R . 7 g //%//%44’/%/ %/ / ////” S e - V@%f{ oe S ; e %%///4’”’///4%”/,/% " ] %%’ L. e sy _— i TY b Cle L g Se, .4- ee e Co AL SRR i sRS N ERE P e e, Ao i e, DR By eT 8 ///?z%/» e 2e, e i i LBBN N e TANAS f,fi;%/y ) sS S . —7ig ke S 2 L - |4= W. F a2\l L .TR a 0 =5:£1:;::<z:z-.e;‘::55::5::}:5‘::::35?"‘-"511"‘?55?::55::’:::3155-5;5;'3-?::2::' TN .s ) ...B’L .| b L ' SRR N ; Fad” ; SRRERRREE .t e " ey US \ po Yy sEpmTaln giBSR R e ////?’,7%/%///%/«/%5/ iR¥B = ~ éffi%? LB e e <2teeSRRSRSR Dl TR o R :‘oL e //4,//’?/////// e RBe . B BEW AN : Sk S {}Mr’ Pl Vo lhia] NBglg R2 L R A ’////, . %”/%////// //f’//;{/ 7 /5/’ Nyl ,4'45”/?//,"2!//"//’4/’%‘/5: ;. .Gyy "9 f'»g;':_::v: i T et S ReSRII ]B RS S R Nt o 8 LRdG ot e ’ Dt 9//%////://; ooey = o] B e «%fim el %sl NG DER @ g es: B N ggTy A | gfi/{j’;%; ® e i ¥ ¥ ”7?/ // Z l//””’ g,flff’«//’i%/?;%”f//» Ry Lo - - ,}}”"3"/ ’ SRR T S ee|oßy SR } ”// SR Sl Nl 2R oggo@ B2 L 8 W ”w/;fiz*/‘f : . ! By ® B@é f’x/y/%’fi/orf/zvf’/%w"/é%’\f e o oo - R ,rh el R V2 RRFLS¥R T\ TN s | 000 7 eR < TS vo . /,)/%g/z . oas, B ,‘f;g“”’” LRV it Ae - . ALy omo aee eR s o ;Qg A&Gy i »%, /',' i aanh eo i SRR ULARe L=T S S e 2eIGWGI LY R @ ”o/ XA L ;- e . SR e % W seN e, AR .TRMLeI 0W AW ENW N é/%' OSe Ay T Al 2 AAY AR Reoo T e e] e s “’ b 4 Bonaaod OBLBOLN |s g e o eyt SRS gt i b g’gf,’m”‘g £t g%%%{ -Rol B ee N ) e dasb BGRBB 80A8 B T N %g o e gy oo e e e e B : pafnga gl BG2R 42 8 B 1 el WM\ o s R ISR IR ot B e GomonT o e S Llagem s B SAR .TR TR, SARRAY LAY Ml o o e e ee e 4Re io S wpEam V| \RE S et eToLo ey eS SR %%&A, e e s ST b ’z/%}fi% Bl e, 'i R O ee G £ e Vol ie i BRI AV S QB \e e, ; Sadreniy A T T e ;g:%%"w%/, C ROV G eT T LR S >¢&W~;@§ enißy LS eSSAPIO SN S SR ettt LBRB2L TN oy g .. T D Rsenismal Two . elcdhenananiacilen oot . /* ol eSR ge e : SR 742b%f\G oST # i :5'::‘;:_,:_;45;;:5:;.5.5:5:_"-:».'-.v S _»_'v-_.;:;:s:;:=>_'.’-*';-,‘:5-;-_¢:3;:}£-<5::;_:.':;;;. & ook ;1.:::5;-,-::-_'1-33':;:;'::-}:;;:.5.:1:’:3_':’5;5.:_-':. & Yi ; % W x ‘\W%, ’;;?';,, ;’” ‘ »“x ‘ //%MV - . iP7 A 8 2 ..-....,.-4:>_<-.-;fe.-4:4,m;-:_':v el fié i i i o _,._.v._-.;.;.;.:f.;.;:;.:_.;.v,;.;:::;:;_.;:;_v;.;_v.::;,.,.g;v;.«-_-,-._-_ P_2e A\ Y G: i . . e , ‘ T Wfl‘% i eeb ol i TLI W%g%%fi e R SrmaE Lo ;TR Besß es 0 i %}(/ vy mesd gsS T e e s . oR: Te o S TR Le el e R RR e .‘% o e B e e . S e i e e B B e B R e Y e /’é‘/j“% e R B e e e s e TeRT eR T e X{/’f;fz;js{fi?% ) ,{i Erl k. 2 %fi%/ff%fi .& B LeL e e o e i es e z%%%}%// = P s ... === - A LEeu el Calm o eta sl e ,»V'»;f «)x‘/f” e Fosiig e TRI eßh s eDI Te Rl e . - * ‘;, IH’WI’/'A"/)"’ :"‘/‘ i g S G e s ST TBTegDseDe% esieii iSe T S -g,:-,;:;:_::::_::__:.;;,;_;:;:;-.;-;;:_:;_:;_:;;g:;;;;;» Sgt ig G s e e i _;‘_:,::s_;_-s:;_s::;.‘_-;;_-_:_.:':;-'g-:_:;:;_.;‘;;-, i ;-;5;.._-i_-,»;‘;v.'_-,:;_:,;5;:‘:,_;.-55;;:;;;-5;'; Se e ¥ T She / i /XJ{/@ G y @ p og D el g s F PRy LS e s T et ST e eeBT D R Lao e 2 ... 2 L s i ieo;R No S u :;::v::‘:; - S:E; - also coming to be regarded as one of the most intelligent and uncompromising recording. His =+ SR SRS SEEEES S OMD and the first since the eparture of by o itely 1990'5, the choral - AB o e ee s that rare balance of ao e His -~ N e et n .- twelve album body of work is often n has achieve the most adventurous iri the contemporary music field. 71 | “Sugartax” is the 9th album from OMD and the first since the departure of Paul Humphreys. The style of the album Ive years, Joe Jackson has achiev ncompromising artists e s et er the past twe ’ tinteligentand u 3 raymuscred. 4 G oot ingto be regarded as one of the mos st adventurous in the contempo " tisfistrdease |is ecognisably sTt also coming to fwork is often considered one of the mo m “LAUGHTER and LUST?; first release -is Orchestral Manoeuvres On The Seven Seas”. although the production is definitely 1990, the choral -~ ¢ . Jackson s about to expand that venerable base, with his latest album “LAUGHTER an " hisfirstrelease -t ~is recognisably Orchestral “Sailing On Th The Dark and afthough the production is definitely 1990'5, the choral o forVirgnAmerica. -~~~ . 0 a 0 0= andelectronic sounds indicate aretum totheband'sroots. -L o e s et A ¥ 2k, ~ oS S eTSO e 0 S SiTR G T LA Gy i e T » ¢ i TR G T A = . ge ~ 9 R SPR TR R S g i s - Produced by Joe Jacksonand Ed Roynesdal. .~~~ =~ -~ - o | Featuresthe : UKtoptenhit “Sailing On The Seven Seas”- .-~ -2o 0 VI In Amencal G ~-, ’// T - 's i »',, o SEE eeGe ee T %ST S . __..v.,.,,‘;v;.;.;;.;:,--:;:;:;';‘;::;;::5:;:;:::;:;;-:5:,r.,<;:;:;::-:g:4:;:;:;:;:;f:g;::::;:_.::;=;:-;:::;'3._:;:;:'--:;;:;:::;:::-!::.’»>_:;:;::é;;:;.?:;-«,:;:.'-:::5:_:;:-3:2:;3:;2:;':.,fl:'«.s:_r:-:;:'.;:.. gT ot '*w?fvfcz ”'N,f,/ L:RTSR RSA SR e G eSeTR g R R A/, B e e e R f;’;jfig«’%@;”x":@3:{%’}@@’3&/2k ~;,aa e S e pommmEEEEE s, - ey TR et L) B EARSSEE 6 | 28 Hbew ] o Dol BER B REL Fees OTR S e ee e ) frae R e, BRERRA/ N O FRAE- L KRREAE BE B 020 .BE ) k=t B enemm )0 .e. 7 4 SQe RPN 2| BERNEIE B 0 B 522 3 s - HUHHENR RS%WR Bo | e BARUIAN B *"’”%/%Mz%/jffl”fi L s / s ,éf/f? eee e, e eS e o”-:: s B RR R i N ie e g /s“'/;:45'/5;'4 VT N ‘?A’/?’flr“ ) B ’fi/ %4/{,’/”“&;@4’4‘9}&/&’% - W SR eRL R A A Ry S SRR s Lt 7 Y RR R T N B S B SR RNNN I YO s '/9/5?,%”, ,z’,,r’;z;u';fi?f/@é”f,//z”f"f"yfi/(fg%/fly4}\’?6"s«’4,&4'%,'/ > i PR Rl BRI Sl g AR L G OLN SR e d W L.' g e B e eel e T %/”/ caens seo Wl R Re e e : 4. S ,{///%{%mfi’%fiff%%’%f%ffififf/%ffi%/M/‘“a” Yee o g el V///‘,//Z/ H/%f/’f’ %‘ g am egMm aa m omm ee | %g@;fif/’/'ffi; eo, ‘%yfz?’fgi;;fi;{’é’/éfifi,’”fi’/j%, T, USRSI SeeEe S sIS S T e ] /?/f///’///zf%‘%"’m‘,‘ es N ~ //’ s YoBBNS%Bo GNoe BB W ‘ ee G seALeR:BeN STRDR AT W g Vi 7 -%//{//,.4: sRR SR . 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G{, .T J/ | u“ars and f,/<’ / 11 | | Ch ' Burc I ’ ',4'}’«”,’l»»”~ ~) 1 I f:’/” | I ‘ ’ eSB BV B 0 HBEARRE . . |l BRSP4I misee 000 s e boards. | e :~;:-,;'::.:Z:E'«‘;;.’-'4:5:5::5:5.:2::'».5#;5::5;""‘"_;:-’:5";r:v,j:g;::5:;:5%:_::5:3;5:5:5:' T b Boy g 2:-':E;}fis2-':;5:;:;';5:5:5@;;53:;;‘.5;?;5: ,_':__':v.,::'::E‘Ev;-;5‘5_};2;53,5;::5;5.,2-:-::;;;vg'5:i'5';;1,.}52;;;:::5:1'5:5_:5;;;’;:1:5;':2:555;5;':a_':::f;i;E;:;;_':;-E:f;5:555;;_'5;;5;;;5;_;5EE::553;:::::E5:,:3:5:E:E‘E;(::;EE;:3S:Eg::’:SSEEZE:E:EEE::EE::::E.E:::::EE;:E::E‘;.::s.::i;gfi:j:::&:Z. % s, 9. s ¢ * .« 8. . . ‘RN WeE B a e s e e e S W m 222’&&;%,m&mm/mm&@m»%wflwi%’v%w3vwwo/K;mo@@;«m’wfwMi}a&;g;%;fiw’mgé m’*f‘”@w"*’f,zéfiéfw’fim’{’””zfim”fif,éffi&&%?m”i/""’.&;fiifi“fi S S e e el eeS ”SR e S BT - After the world-wide success of “In The Living Years”, MIKE RUTHERFORD deliberately setouttorecorda~ &] - The current SIMPLE MINDS lin-up includes the nucleus of Jim Kerr (Vocals), Charlie Burchill (Guitars), and el - After the world-wide success of “In The Living Years”, MIKE RUTHERFORD RD deliberately setouttorecorda~-&| - Gaynor (drums) augmen songs including the current single “Let There Charlie Burchill at” Mat Snow Q Mel - harder LP with WORD OF that Years”, ot the bestin the R& B roots of the two vocalists (Paul - | Gaynor 13 augmented by Malcolm Foster (Bass) and AL LIFE Peter Vitesse (Keyboards). N - harder LP.with s 55 of , that would bring out the bestinthe R& B roots of the two vocalists (Paul --1 t 4 Gaynor (drums) augmented by Malcolm Foster (Bass) and session man Peter A Vitesse (Keyboards). The album- . ric-wide suing out the bestin the Ri i Heatures 13 beautfully orafted i curentsingle “Let ThereßeLove”. =~ =~ - After the (Ace, Nick Lowe, Squeeze) & Paul Young (Sad Cafe)) andrevealamore .- =~ == 2= i features 13 . beautifully crafted pop songs including the current single “Let There BeLove”. -~ =~ = rder LP with “WORD OF MOUTH", tha (Sad Cafe)) and reveal a more s | | “Asamariageofcon | . Paul Young : .- Up.andposttive approach than ine previousouting. ==« == = o oA2 | | "Asamarriage of convenience between art and commerce, REAL LIFE would be hard to beat.” Mat Snow Q = - Produced by Mike Rutherford and Christopher Neil. = 0000 e 0o S 0 i i Magazine (4 Stams) 7 e 8 . e e s e e ick Lowe, Squeeze) &Pa | s ckedAce e o | | Mag e s B O I oo omass e & eSWt IR e Sk S e Ttaeotß Nsta B skt TN S A R P LAT Ly RS T RS E T eD s S bt w8 e 0 S e e

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Rip It Up, Issue 166, 1 May 1991, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 166, 1 May 1991, Page 5