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4 3 +2 < v ibi bL o SRR LN LSRTR Yy . ORI YByveLowBDySBT iOSSNA TN R o o . e, % ) PRI 3 <; Y pobs PRV SR e | e . i3o : e : SR eSR T Pt ee iy FrabiEnes GG To s Y T X G 5 7 ? A> S TER N VR T OGN St Ss e maw«ve»wwnfl»wwwy“wgfi‘ eRNSRG ee SR ETRsEn SRS SAP R G 2 T S :: ‘ :sl ).?’é,,/);,:a,0,j92}’/?4,3‘%2;’0:‘5,’»-.«,fig’,é»fi:gf»",:»’“"‘f - 2”1“(”«:“(\%@&\’0%’?/??&9’4 s ;,fl RRSsAR SAR TR &be ol i bTR s h 54 3 2 wis : i w s 3 cEngm eeSM egy L : Gen s : i ain : ; . AGlsl 1 3r;:;;'f._::;;g;‘f_:5:5:5:5::E::'>.':i’:5=5’51'?555?555535’5:5:-‘ss:s’s’s‘:‘3s's"3:::ssls:E'EE"'.:SE:::E:":‘::;':?E :.;-3:5:;.5::;:5‘5:5:2:5:‘::5;;;._::;::::;_.;-_-_;_5-;;:’,,,_,-.; S b G ,4,/,'7,4;/,’/,” 7 i Ij:,:_‘:;s';‘:v;.':-;‘;;1;.'4;};;5;;,’;-’:}:;’:2:_:;3/,’.; Z ./Weo TBy pbireip sgleßOTl eoe AT | | ] el . g ”///// e e e T ey Efva beeßysek Seby ll SRR SRI SELae B DRGO : ,g;.;:.,,.,_-g:;;‘;:;;;:5;:;;_:;5;:<;:;:5:5:~’:-‘::2:£:2—:5=::’:-'f15’5ii‘i:??:‘:’1‘=:555:5::5’5::’:;:’:::5:5"'::€:'::':::::::“‘: GRS e ,‘,”;r{,‘/i’),//’fil;///, 7 e Wm;vy,’fxfi&»,,‘»),g, S ‘g’ ;;/,/,’/ i ,;;,‘/43’ P RGNS A %{*’ififl’fié’/f?"«fi?}fl”%”l’},;fi%’& A. o ;,,/,;’?//,/ //%///4 eLR i °%'*%‘¢? -SR L e el M CESE gi B 5 s EE AN L e G e sv e eie G R o) vy i iEE i g B, g oTE| PO S S S ; > . ;2;::5:_::;_;;5;353;:;;:_:;;s;;_:;;i-?;5;:;5-3:':5;5355:5355553::::55»5‘5551':?5:55’535" .G B ei A 5 G iot .4g % B LSS TStTA gok - okt a 0 «zst”';»',‘»’té ;};% L 0 L ,5",5"":.""::-"5:?'”/7/’% s e 6‘,;(»9';;,? o //g’ //;4/% g 2 5 . F 2 s S o e 7 2 - ; Saoaspe e B Cd e g/%/ .L i e ... i i o . SER T s e : : . - ‘x”; e ,’f, St ~4,/)};,// ee e S /4'/%’ /%f%//// e¢l)4(.i 7¢E s P s - SREE L ... . . . B e e e s or Ae e /;////y/ B Lel S e ‘.:..i .%( = e eeßioßG7ey# e7722AR \¥ G LEel X X i : . o . . ///Z/’//// %/: RY/ g 1 i i i > i %&* eEeaTn S s O e ,/,,’%,r ahe o e eR R e ~V/-«:&'/, 77 ////. Sg S % g Y % 5%0 :Z Gy o- : . . ‘3:.5‘:-3=:§::v oel i SN am . e Fawme i ’%Z/@%%%;% ci sLR-U .77 ¥ 2 Yy, SBR LSy ST @ . f%///f WO D aaUAI Ay e ... 9 Lg e e B R oo & f.~LB Wi %5 % L 7 g% e e GE - -y £ & ?M o2 e . gé/// ,;%/% SE AYL el i nneaiiniang e .[) F| . ... ... .>yP., S 7 g RS Bl Sl g e 3t R eßb %S e oA - T.> : G o. . L Ny s . oy . L T e e N - i s s heah Ll SeT o L TTS eR e e Ls e - o B . o | L 7, ; &Ll e i TR T e Gé e "”“‘/vfé\/‘ o / . - ’gffifwy"&& /////é// Y g : ; 4By < R e eey.. . . »c/ eF e o o 4 F i ASl| ne g :: . GS . = s ii/r .. . 80l : _ :3| ¥et i , ‘eloe oo e . ~- B ¢ . Sw A B s s e S N SRR S|e a T t.,«?)qf‘g»g,;ovvf ?‘fi‘ A e . L ,/479 - 4,//, SL- e e emiaggn i Sod RB R R SRR S R < et nua R e e 4008 eLI eeeS Ll . .ae Sl iBl .i a o s £ GigEy Sl e ;5;;;:’-5;5_:;‘:;:;3;:{;_:;}::51%:;5:\4:::;:5:5515:1::::;::3::_’?“.%&;’::fi?‘S::E::-E:E:::::$<;g;:;;;:;::;:;5;5:_3;.‘;_v el : ,{3»3),%.:,:5’ e R ii e s. o ?@3;37/’@/{/, Sh el e sBB B e e RECERE LR Eaies FLy s oSn ey é,% /;fgf e //fi,’ ”/’;—”/‘/’/é’ ¥ ey . R Le i sSR £b Bt ELN? S o . . s’/)4% - :Ee a 0 .Ty (Q,»;« e ~,;2/;;,% et eB LB R 1k Ts oy e 5 et -.AI e el &;»(é’/ij’ .f S e ' 9;;3";’77//// el se B B eb e s e ém«?of\( . o e- . //9,// g ,/4*;4//,7// Gei T B T e slSlbl T 2 dir sas L S thr SRS s ee B L o B L e B > : i e i - = 2 . o o b«o,g>2>’ww’?£,*fgf’“"%¢§%fi‘g;’§ ] ;,)gg////;// STI BRsgh el e L R e e Eia i ; £ SR 4/&so}’;%7&* {/,/4,;;? Coade e. 7 o ,ga,mz,ww%mé?:,//’f%,f,gfi’ /,«;,//////, Seramper s B ey > |: e i e Al e osy S B >'s,ff?,@9 %y@/&»‘fl% g;g",/ ST eR e yy//,:l;!/;//yy; RN Sl Re RL 5 2 B S e s Sl . .o« . ... o s e et e nee L o %»A . e.e .. T . e . g GG = 5 Felg e : . . Tao g sMo v e oB e %{Z/////fi/ e R ee i e b iiens s oudd B¢€l r : soobe4o LLo e . . . :;:'.,;__-,;:«-; s s L B e Seaniiniiasendean Sl nsos ST e e g s .. i > e ’,/ff/////"‘?g‘gr z/’//} os s > ”;/ffi”//’/%/ H G ee e TPI | Lo b2 eSR 100 N RS e ... Le e o s L eRS e T T R e i i Lrrpaiaas 3 2 .£> SR e gt S L @”g@*”}?‘ g Z:{,ézf s . . . - VonE L eavaada eeteei RN et = ' Seles 7% fig o /f’%;,’z,fff' .S b %%%é%%%&:‘,;{é ’M%;//// ;é/,j/«//% i }%«% .%%7/’:{‘2‘/12 ek ,57’%/@?’//{2/% L T ‘K-;‘;v, SR R T ranges B S Geriadn s < ; 3 Eeeen 8 B ei R R GeTeS eeNk 7 egys %g e sG s b e AB R ELtS AT R T Giche A RLy ST RR S ee, oy eeS LE . . . o/fi ~//f{?;/é by i f/{;d%/// ... o 4 - :| : . et sRSR N T ... . e L e e :e : e e : soEE T ;g?z o 0 s vee s v ... . i o .. . S = ;et T S 3 Y e ... . _ .. . . . @ e i N WSS A3etS|RoRS RGeR ns Bl / pedorss ieil e 2. a 5 ... eo | i FawE A SB % v,fi; ii Piarme ol L /4/3;’2’7”//0"’/{%”’// fi%@,%é%%%%% L?z e e His wlp eA s M ioo b et eE o /va’rx//w//f””” . ’/V%fi . o iea s BELaH s iy .e S 4‘:‘%« Le .. ,//,/,/,4/,,/,;///,,/,,;/,{,,%d;;;f/ s ,éé{?z”%’ L s b T Sare S S dioa .i £ e /,,/,,//,v, - é{i‘/v’%%// . e o e §§?‘;§ if?m T g//gg%‘%é : ~ . /W/,//nf/n,,g//u”%’ e ?%g%%%:%% o e e ei e RIS Sey e’os Rb R Gy Y e7oe iA Zr ey e e Lo B SR e 2 Riras BTReaks ; S iy gl o )}%5 % . gggf o ? Z{%/%’;’;{} ,{3}/://’5/ P e SR b ee s R vt Bevhs ISeSR SR L S v e 5%%, e :e e s “v g e k. & ey g e Thdssnaaaß ese§ 2T g . RGBT 1R :: - % : T chogEE sB & ss ny . eooe o D SO TR e R ASs o B SRR 3 SRR O R o :- SR ,«-«»z;s::ms%:f.:%,-a;‘g'i:z:-;s::e-:_;:::.;_-.;;_:4:_-.. 2% Z"i . '{’3«3%( g 3 ::-:,':5:?;::-&:::=;:::.\~5:§?::::r<?-;>‘ i g . /"/,/ bk fg,&;/{g 39'5_2:;-:3-_’;::'::;_:‘Et.},‘-;»g;:;_':'::'j_'g;-: SO ee sl SRS ee sl Brageiitagtd PS s iS S ees 0 ) SRR RS BR R o e So ke es e e es s e s: o V e S 3 Y R 4, SR . s - %o iT R Cvii esn Y P Lo ; Ad it bt R 3 Ay ik ,~§'gff&%’§;§ ’i’("?«f}fi é/;/,g R '»//5{ SRR g 3 ,’/// SPEe SR R (f,”jf;y SN L clean i et e /f/g/://f,’« et &sfi Ge s S e ‘ : : el = L 5 }3;?%«%%«0 Saie i e 5 REAEE TeUe Ly e /////, oo B R eiySt e, z S e :=tf:o.g BBv gL e ..e L e w2y Y' : 2 v : : . eB B A O el o S S -,;,'-4//.1/7/»,‘,,///-/Ag%yyfi./&fi@fz. NPT o ee S eeesS |RTR R G “ hPRRRe ey s : gB e s s-R . s S eGI o : A‘ ' St eir eST e W L ~g 00l /’,//;///4////;’7/’,;,%/5//4 p r@% oel el S e nacesde il Bel el S e SR Sl ST L. , e ‘*f .sloL %o e e e E . T . e . Lo oe e g e el e g}”“’g 2g e %fi’f e /,,w”’f e e:T . L 0.2 5 o Liego ik L e s 4.;__)’,',s:.’__?__,:_:;;__’:.l_':;;..:...‘»‘;;gn-':'__{-;='-<' eA e ”'/,,, Sl RN 7 eALSe RWz TNy ey Sy oSI &v i ¥ A Bt Goenanl n?‘?%%& o zg;?} e /73 " e 37"A,”4W, Le s “;::::;;:_,_::_-_.7,‘.;@:45;‘:‘:;;.:’:'.-‘;:,.:_'“_;4 e/ e ’/:4/7:; TR e e piaee GSR A PR ss i sgie T 5a2- .y L %14) M?O i v //¢4 i. A ?;:,._:,_!_%fl?;,, 4 o e ;1;‘-'I~":""‘;f;;";.=§-"',f£..;:-‘;‘_".f‘:i:?‘f:'--;:’f';}f"f:fff:'f’5"."i"ifi"f"':f:’?:5-55":-;55:-'1’:‘-’-':5:5-?:;5er ;-“":‘_’_':_;'l.'-:f"_-;:':fi_‘_;4;3&»?;:‘:;’f;s?’:';:j3§_f§§,f SR Ss Bt Snd iy 5% vanee Y entv )' Siiiorans oM .e P T 1 T daE e se S oneg ee Rt e Tnd e e S ket A Y iy f‘”"“""‘/’%\%fi L s 8 A i f 0 e e S Thensn UTeDLTLBe TDB el § sAe es 7 .R - o \f,/g;/,%?{g L 35, S 1 9 «,, seov |L e e e SRR e e Li : ’xfiy@dygw 0,7 - :;/:’;2////;' e };§ ,;—(") o Aaiada os e el Se R eGIsSTReSN RARAe e 57 gt ST : : o - . T G Sda %5 eTS oLG e e B e e2 e SRR 33 iR 5R Y Z catpme e- R e . 2. 5iR . 3 Be N oet il T : L & e -; Sa ,z"»'/ .iiTe Rei e ? SER eo e 2 SRR e e =y e .. 2§ . g gféié s Lo e s o r/f/; e e e f««tm e B .%flL e g %’f e §§£’ e P TRt eS ; R : e ee, .. miites e s 0 .ey da en s = : - sl Sl B I R Y ‘//”%/,Wwf Bsa e 0 s s e . ;"cf e-y . s e e e i sl S p%‘yf/%» ,’X///;//}; e s . GiP o /}/”,4/ = %%}%%% ’Z:f‘f/./'“ @?” B e fgfi, SRSNe eL / '//;/// ;.5;_»;;5;_% SR T SRR R R G s eeGL eT S e ee e L . G eBl e Z;f};:‘;f.'-‘7l’."l_?:'::“svs‘§-.-;:=v:."’:-T'z‘- N ,j;%i,‘aw’:ngé” e|s Re O S SEEANEae R SRR TGete PR S PHG TR £G iy oo el io«-@ eSF @ 2 . . e e St se: it s eI4 WG i RTINS L ’GA2elme.eeSeßkA eRR‘N2 roNN nd arE I Ses il 1% . L : igooey S L F e e f&g,,,’;%»: ,i ne g B Gsi et e ety e : r.. L e e = GGI PR BSR SRR Pe S R AR TB T _';5;&,c;:.,-.5:,-{-5.,;:;5:»-;-':»:f;:;;g»:;:.:;»1::;;: SuiERE SR Re SR G o SRR L€ Dk Yo PR ee 8 e e [an e e P A SR RC % Bastle s SRty SRR \'fé.»«g;; gele ee B e SES I G oL AR R BT e e e : FhaiiE St Coomeae e b 0 Bl Lee g E S e vl e e ';,&3 S e s . fijw T e ,7(/?;7%14,‘;//:51 ARR eST e %’%«5% SR es e e - oHE Lo 2 FYL Y oiisi sy i oii e R -e P e 41/5 - ’;‘ L ; SEER ,eeeo LT s. % e »;«;flfy . T /é/fgw’///r/, ety et e e R ee e SR S » Sty TR e R e/fe o e sl gl NT . e e ,«4 PiR TR eel : T 2 ; SRt TR ReN(LSe eSe . % GG e RBt e B SRR TN E.NNRSR RS ‘ semsEGR e.eße 15 ; 5 Folion SRate e et =¢ . ..OvL eWi G iRA :o G imiaen il oPo 3 3 Teti-0.].0 .0%%i eg o - ... :Bg :5 g et cotii .eie be L .e . b e o .e e > CHENRRE RSR 2 i HediaboiEa e Hannen e j':f:y;‘,:r:'«“:"";:x,j‘-;:%_; Gasisieibaaen iee ,w ¢ hna Zf/:”; c %x’cf:f”%’;fi/fif‘f é/’% > o F A e evol -. L .. .. ... .F s s eey LLoel ißy L o e s P oo ¢ ’\‘ e e ey . tas Ly ] Y .. . . : BT .e & s W/”afzé,;///¢ CE ee & .0 b o o . e s | ke Y SSR B eeKtBRN’BRI %AIR .b A /w';;x/fl v ;:EE:;’E:}:i5»:;:-':5:3';:2:-":"',5.5::15"':E:;':E'v.L"1,‘5,':5:&.;‘:;{:215!::5:5’-'.:5:3:1E:;:E:::_1'::5:1:'_5:5:_5.5’_':;:":1’:E'.E:E'f:}:‘i‘i;::;.;{:;:i:-'_._'f’_:E.E.':’._:“v.'E:;E_f:_::;,;?:,’:1'_"-:.i;fi:;:;'-:",.J::v1.'2:'1-"‘~"".»"4"'i“¢'u3:i:-:{“: 3SR ot ot SaaE eRRGy B e . 0 %’ Viaa it ene e B + { S e s SEeraeii ot T ,fiafg%‘:“ 5 [’i eeo '/ 0 ,//;/7,, "\2 Sivdnadiiioh: s e * b e Lo e B BFR o e . ; Vil L . So : : : o TSR A % Loaise Vel Ay ©Rle SO L SRR sit . R 7BteSlS ks 5 e RSN R. A R Gov e F: :';?355:;.-r:=j:.':=:s:sE;’:'@:‘;i':‘;E:E:;lsss:‘;?:s:s:E:s::sss;.'sE:::E:_'.:E:iz:’;f;;s:s:::iEs3:s:_:}:s:s:s:;'s:ss3-i;;-5:5:5:5:‘5E;E_':';5::,‘5-»’?5;{::‘;’-:5:5::';:,::;:;:‘;,"f:3-5}-’:';%E:E:=:E':'-::‘-Z;:=E_:Z;E-:i’j:=Eg%:';::.2:’::':‘s:%s'}:s:.‘:'s LP| Rl i e % ,’/ e. % e eee e b ’/,/‘ an Pe A :»2;5:;:;;;;-:;,;.:;’;;_::f.;;,v;;;,:\.'»I;_.a;:;f_;:'f:;‘:_-;;,i e eLe e e ¥sl. R T Qéfié:?v‘i/mégi%;%véf%%g{“ "4},“:’ oitOeeL: :eb BR . ;:;:,E!ELE:E:E.E:Z::E;E:E‘E:E:E:i:;’?a‘;i;.’:f:}:ss;s?'2's’._‘::2ss?:sss2ss:{::s3sssssE;-';%E:535553:5-s::‘:2’s’:’ssss::::‘:::':3's:'ss=£_».s?;';’:E-E:if:i:??f::‘;s:3:3s:ss:ss_::';?-%?555_‘%&%;555:.'\:.';’:?5E=:-E:;:;Z'.5-_’.'-E=.':::_‘:ss-;'\':'s:‘:l:_': |s e sS ‘ gl Bl L L . . siS Se R S ’%%///:'g'iy» ex [ «é‘i ;s'_-Eg.j‘.':3‘;:;l:."f,f-'.j:_'-‘{.f;_";',i:{i';:;'_:l:_-_.";{""»f;-'-'f: se i. e et Bo i B /{,w//m; eé» e . ,?’// f};%gég“ e SR wonpcivn TsRNBS RGA e R daße i L G ei e e e g TR ‘_--_\-,;:5_-:'_s:_4_;‘_3,:;s::;;g_-s;.‘, .. . . | . 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LIST OF ORIGINAL ARTISTS AND PER RS = A R ST At s B PR - eey - . vl i Votehade eSBeARe TR Le e A Semvmee eSIeISRSR sle AT SRS R sl R e oA B |B Y /B [@| B EI AM (Come And Take Me) — written by Green/ Hodges, ' eT R R o EEa R- o R originally performed by Al Green, o, ntten Dy LTrecn R e B e V4| P B P originally performed by ‘AI Green; , also covered by Skin Flesh and = . - @1 ] Bl BT B 0 1N J/ TEARSFROMMYEYES written by Dana/Roberts/ Anderson, = o 7 B a2 B QN W | S FROM MY EYES e—— writlen by Dana/hoberts/: nderson, - - - e/ R DR N\ RS eeIES — written by Dlo2e 00 - 2 ‘ | - : ana/Roberts/ A originally performed by Teddy Davi . e e e e , e i A S GROOVIN’ — written'by B. L : i ee ‘ oet gmuaEe o Lo 0 ety roerrl sAU MUV N’ g — written by y.B. Lee, originally performed by H o oo oo conle VR I » 2% B TBl ® THEWA ebyß. ko Lee, originally d lormed by lopton Louis. - A B 2B | B THEWAYYOUDOTHETHINGS D — Writtenby: | THE THINGS YOU DO e oo /W VEI Y\Fl | §Bl JJ Robinson/Rogers, ori inally performed by the Temptations. L oo . N I <FR. B R | B SUO RN obinson/Rogers, originally performed by the .-.. = ‘ . F nem V| avl BB ]B R ~ Also performed by Eric Donaldson. Ihis version was a cover, by, 4 A . on. This versi ‘ » » eet on. This version was a cover b ; L e —ppe— =EE— TNTER TR WbA ;RJ hY OU TO THE BALL written and originally performed = : _ | WEAR YOU TO THE — e . ) THE BALL — written and origi -ABB 'B 4 WB\W /Bl ;' SINGERMAN — written by and originally performed i : B 88l ] | ‘Bl Bl <B\ NA ; Jisty SINGER : : — ritten by be d/H "This versioni it it : B i b e»o&|sini noo[ iiy ~ 4LR £ ¥ 5 s . MAN — written by {Be Sg S e rnard/Harri i € & BEY B ©§ ©Pw EBEY | performed by the Kingstonians... =-== .o 0 k | L SlO 5 y the Kingstonians. e o RRO N R KINGSTON TOWN — written and originally ' byp n- 8 . » » _ originall s e _ riginally perf db | | rick Fatrick. ' e BABY — wri i rm Y — written by Sibbles/Ll » Lh ewellyn/Morgan, originall . - o y the Heptones. e |\ .. . 4 K WEDDING DAY — written by Price/Logan/Patton, o sinaly. L Ds ' = Wl e e vritten by rice/Logan/P originally =~ = , performed by Delroy Wil § o eet_ se S len .Bl ... ...:.. " SWEET.CHERRIE —eo ll f e-oeti Rs il ‘ gasls el e R IRI Rel . T CHERRIE — written and originall §|YR ee B : ' _ _ riginally perfe b Honey Boy (Willi | » 7PI The CSSGlltlal com ;o o sBME — . y | The essential companion t 0 jusTANOTHER written and origin Seaton/Bocth \ yJohniHolt £t o JUST ANOTHER GIR ey perfnoxmooed S e R s i e s DS st LLRLD AL OTHER GIRL written by originally. = e e | CEUNER SR IO ‘7’]; RSN -~ performed by Ken pad Me e o s L L Ll e e el /C e T . M memert |(o o HOMELY GIRL written by R d/McKennv: e .- v V " IP/Cassette/CD -b- eo L . e written by Record/McKenny, originally. .- - = e o |LI | GASSELLE) CD . - o performedbytheChiLites .=oo 00 0 ' y the 1-Lites. : g y : | IMPOSSIBLE LOVE — wri rm ‘ | . | 0 | written and origi ‘ : oney Boy (Wil nd originally perf : | %f’ loney Boy (Williams). ) Retiimen by ’ o 7 : v. s

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Rip It Up, Issue 149, 1 December 1989, Page 3

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