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Coruba Calendar

v % LT S R B e R el easoy St Py - e o SRR ) 4 eSk IS skigsil <o e e AR R N ASeNeTI iVe 03 ‘Bl g 5 i s oNi o 5 A& ¢ < OTS s T ei T NN S g iR> A < % P - e — N B B 5 S oVI W ING it L AR T eny vel e - Bl BT,y -oA ; : Sananiictua] eY e do e ST LTR [Eacamititsie ) T frieaiocl o KRR Moo ol NGI = e e s (S j o i M ! : - M inecatisiliel esOD L eeß oA - sTAReIe gl el 800 E ) 2 i p NSI S)\-Byee- ol LPR bl T N Py s R - s e R Rty s ] Py 0l oßy FReve el ol » Pt gG o e Ry as e- i B . . ki et s i De B S e o L Sl e o e Fagire be e e bl | BGean Bty PL D ey < N A SNI el At IL TR e Roued g..& eS e Bada il . Caned e SRR eilAße eRS A N e T s NOMRORTLE RSAg 0O - : NG TNGPR R o 3] : SR sy ] 5 ok L 3B - o QAR Geel | i YGRS ) gl S ; atinioan s : ) ey ;o ¥ ; ‘ Lty NG GG ey N O Bl 9O shiikl e o :

<8 Lyl . N e A T 5 % :A..omwg&‘fm S £ SEAR . Z 3y S R R SEX ¢ War of the Bands kicks off at Betty and Ryan Monga also have a OCTOBER 12 13 § 14 /4 R E : é G gy ot the Carlton, Christchurch this month. new single Take Me’ out now on _ War of the Bands Carlion, Chch _ Straifjacket FitsTheVenie % Straitjacket Fits The Venve - AHard 3 Days Night Gluepof E ds o Guitarman Paul Ubana WEA. . Paul Ubana Jones Esplanade e . Coruba Blues Brothers Powerstafion Paul Ubana Jones Thames . Paul Ubana Jones Raglan g : ; At d band The J . Crystal Vision, Salient Gluepot . Paul Ubana Jones Windsor Park . AHard 3 Days Night Gluepot . . Battle of the High School Bands Jones (interviewed in last month’s ® American dance band The Jets, _ The Slam Vista Bor, R . AHard 3 Days Night Gluepot gl _ DVS, TNT Wildife - Venve A " Logan Campbell Géntre .. s e RIU) commences an extensive tour of remembered here for their hit‘Crush. 88 s Bloes Brothers Winige SRS L % Coruba Blues Brothers lichycoo Park “Shane’, Spm: Auck Film_Festivol af Lido, ' e / : el arooa R e &WW e Sun Hote e " GM & the Cyclones Esplanade Pork . “Shane’, © o i the country — look out for himin your OnYou', play the Powerstation on Nt i Wike Hording fiinsn fiwmm,% The Slom VilgBar, Ghepo R Mike Harding e, Park € @ AN town. October 20. - _ Kevin Bloody Wilson Timary S §1 Hc;‘rd%%:;lm Venue érif0fi°"v ... 1989 Busking Festival Ofara ?é:yfp‘fg i;; g SaREL i as e I g : e F e Late Night Variety Show Depot Fridaythe 13thRage Quinns Post, Waln markef, . Brot '|gpgd°f L 4 ) ’o;f’z‘v 2 *f&w,wiié/;\&/ s . ® T e 4 [ %g}mfifw . ER ; o Sfl""flucglues Bro Windsor Pai g i ruba Blu clones EsP??%& I:..&ss?a:?; S "»;yww ) T 3;52; ¢ StraitjacketFits ploy the Yy Cactus arein adiscoin ; San : : ng CTOB " Cheh zfi; GM & the Cyclones Esplarcde -~ _Cireus, Nine Lives Poversiafion’ . oot % i < Venue 3 Od’ober-] 3 Qnd 1 4. 3 Francnsco when fh ey p'G)’ LR S < “Sex Fiend", % comedy theatre at Bats, Watn, o "_TarcI! Song Tn/ogy‘;”ggqf‘fludr %F@&» ) TN S B g g i R o Funksters Ardijah are also back : onOcfober 20and 21. R gt o v | e Days R W N e N *&“’fi’ ¢ A , . G . e s § o i ;fi Dance he Bands Esplanade b %A““’d:’}mld"f&;.. Sun Hotel - e M989 B"‘i‘« s oumw%*‘“w . e e i Pipsin Whangarei on October 17. st Shakespeare every Monday night. . Tl war°f!:°nq J°nes|ientG|”ep°'~ = ;Zf DVS, TN Nme%nauétpot Sl wawirkef:flam‘iwes Powsrst%y % I S ATt i o eSS Aoy fon, Sallent Chepe!, P-4 DVS, TN sfo B, Gliegat 1 W s, Nine Lives e o Pl e o L ¥ A 1 g 3 Ll E——— G ; ISO by % Pau Vision, Gerpo angap o Num| Vista Bar, th"%:c-. twgm . ,;‘""us:g;z: S s i ; Sk T i : : SR i o v 0o : Rl stal Bor, s_Wha Hak Slam ing.Palm. sP°5!>:3=ssf-‘-'-'. 2 Cire B e oA : iy R g PR SR e : MOng ’ on P o Cry Vista others W : " The ding | e Quifins P £ wfi”‘%ym B : d ; e g A ; AV o ey | s e S may an ' out now S o e Slam s Broth A : ike Har thRag gnade ef‘”&» ‘. ‘%«f*" B oy i S R SR BV ; OZV §M“ Bettyand Ry Me' outno el 51T Slam Visg clna i | Miks Hardin lones Esplan: Kl el Nl s s 1 TR & a ERLE T R e Be")’ . ! ke Sreilh B ruba e Cha idayt lone M et Auc L e ol 4 A i B S e aon ¥ £ NA: Srniis S = DC . | Ta TR T “iCo - Masterton R Fri Cyc 1 1t g T 2r Caan T & R Metien T o e ol 3 ik N S s Ty /£ e e i 'sl B Sk ] ‘2o Maste arv | t 2 'he ilogy. ’ Pig,}" §@\AM‘?$ 2 ¢ ;i“v‘\_é’ N A & <°\"2""~’° e R LRAs Faan Paul Ubana Jones n,fe&,mww o Ardijah Pips, Whongom < Ardijah Forum Nih, Whangarei Land of the Good Groove Siren % Cactus The Venve “%cgm%w %fi&jusfi’ X Q‘Mxfi‘%‘;fi S Paul Ubana Jones TokakaConfessor, War of the Bands Carlton Chch Bands Ubana Jones Wanganui . I . Paul Ubana Jones Palm. Nth Sl - War of the Bands Cariton, Chch § The Jets Powerstation ‘*wfia Paul Ubana Jones Nelson . Naked Blade, Suicide Suite, HighSk bt o it 2 Ba - ismo S . en i) na thei e “Kev iaht - Wotn, L bl oprel L <3 e . www e % 2 o es Taka ite, HighAl Hunfer Shakespeare. * he . . _AlHunterKingsArms: =83 erica . War of the Bands Carlton, Chch S . Paul Ubana Jones Blenheim o Paul Ubana Jones Nelson . e . Ardijah Faces, Hamilton e waymen, Covenant Powerstation 2 e : roft o, tchurc oy il hey Am d here tation pER el Late Watn theatre of S Lo : b . S e RS s ity | Ubana , Suicide tation o Z Aty 3 3 g LAt 35 3 £l 3 X LA AR S . t S s : I'S, i Cow e o S %Sex les & Videotape’ premiere. and | Ebeling Bros City SNt : e Coruba Blues Brothers Esplanade Ak 8 Warratahs Esplanade R e Warratahs Esplanade A f"%’,v Coruba Blues Brothers Forge e ; . 5 L "on’ Iu fhs Lo emem fhe L SR Tt 32 4% Fendlc~ g idment, B S Sibta : Sanht L 3 2 e & B ked ena Forge i £ Car i Pau : foionshowbidgewsy el ’ - YoungBandNightTheVee T TheUrge <R Little Mai CorubaBlues Brothers R Anigma, Tempest & guests Widife __ --Nightof Creeps others Cu, Ak ; z R the - an 3 lasfm s f YoUlp . N ; % 521 10-15, SRR N fLoy e = eI St g 1 o SE i oy : 2 men, Bro Club, o . - e o . s " WorofthBands Carton, Chch % i 2Rt 7 oLl _ Hallelujah Picassos tape release Ardijah Faces, Hamilton e AR i The Urge Hot Lava o et Thelrgelidlova ote et . ‘o Guitarm iewedin| ivetourof . - On 20 discoin San rahe Shokt Oct10-15, 1 i e s L e e Ko T i L et Yideo Night Theenve . . i CoE TheVenve T ; el L War of the Bands Carlton, Chch RPN Coruba Blues Brothers Whakatane é Glaxo Babies, Yayas Gluepot 2 & ® ~ terV|e fenS|V s ur ; tober modls h Venue ; z % Dance ! : s L W@M@% e Blace 2 % The Venu s Nelso o\& 2. Co fc‘.e e of e Jones (intervi anexiensiy inyour . - Oc areind e lay the \ S 0 s < | erm—— s | Cactus i Jones Nel i ight o Het Lava s Gluepot a S 0 : s Y7 Khutze Steinlager Show Esplanade:,. . tu play 2 R g Mike Harding Nopier S «W&‘w The Slam Nth Harbour Arms, Ak 2 Ca the Bands Carlon, Cheh .~ ”NJ Jrae 3 Yayas . & S ommen - ffOrv & S Ca sk ihey L oy GinE DR STy ¥ R Lo L S : ST ul Uban Ham R ife- i o helrg ies; o : V\é } G com g g kOU AR A ¥ ._,,_ J when ] Hesnn TS SIWE i T : ’ S : i b RO R ‘& Pa e thceS/ de Wildlife ,é'(f T Tk Babi B ) ) oo R/w f _IOO __ Home Boy’, EXGpmficobosom. cisco ¢ & L e < Jones & Cathedrol - Ratz ; % S v Eheling Bros Mangawhoi o i Glux° . B gl : e SR 0 20and21.. Biii L s i T Vomes = B Lot gy ik B, o ouniry : € . -Fr r. e el g Sy Lo fi&iw” i e 3 Pt enue3 : T . Warra mpe. et done i unsf"f- B & Bty >§ S thef’»«l e kb t Fits Ployfh T on chobreflerplay.;/f\h ndOY mght:, S 00 Sk ~ " NiteoftheBlvesAberHotl e ~ Sticky Filth, TAB, WassoFishBrookyn, 2 A %i»%»w S s & e 'fOW LR -c e 14 - EE T IHU . : 0 {in e ww}xfiw«% ; 3 PR 5 Jets Jones oot s P Urge Bro Che . e & L & S 4o L 5 ||'|G : nd b Ck' : oA A every L ofi‘“m“ Gri i 3 e Siren — The bana de - ranga i The Blues Carlton, Che L i sl Zfi T e by S ra 13a Isoba : akespeare &5 TR tg Groov s ulU Esplana Taura iela uba nds : o L m oo L L2 o S5t ctober hareals Ty S kespe_ T i e el i od Chch -~ "Pa hs Esp thel's,_ : & Cor he Ba hai B AT e o : : : e i a t o Sha T R e B he Go s Carlton, : rrata s Bro e st | roft Mangaw kb 'gl A S S e s Lo Venue, Oct Ardija ingatide 2o i na @ o P ds Ceron, o CombeBlue e & War of the B ity Hotel * i be L : : * S sta e oA o Tema : Sk i Llan the Ban YR 'corl-lb‘fii-‘* es, Ham riton, C e 1989 Busking Festival 11am STy Sukid S bt oo | . 53 F nksfer : SR rl17. CEr T el L : e r of Jone Esplan AR ; dijah Eaces, Ca = RV Fleamarket Wass s, Ak 5 . AT S : 5 L : IS Y i : : i i 7 Wa na hers IR d||0..:;;..».--; nds. s, Ak, ity laxo AB, F Arins. Al - 45 e hree e e g it ._ u d‘l’hlsm chObe 3 R M @ Sy e el il i3 1 Uba Brot| by - % A the BC.:___ ur Arms, R o ‘% Gla ilth T, r Arms, omata F2 0T CE e e S i Tl a o n AT G , e Es Y , Whangarei . 2 Pau lues g lease : rof,;.,;_;i Harbo TR icky Filth, Harbou - Wang Ve g G e R — : L : the ro rei.o : = s piaar i B Gl s it : Nth, Wh Nth Caas 5 ba B otet” re Wa am Nfl‘ sk AYAE L & Stic Nth rners vl : § 5 ;«w*&‘N b P Whanga pro——— R " Ardijch o Jonss o, Chh - ffil"urse.fa%iusws“"e o sc,,'°,e*°"”}fchyc"f‘lpalm N The S;‘;",‘,,;sies,;‘{,’,‘ioo e Otere s S 5 e p Sy o~ ws«’&*‘\\%%‘ : st e :& aim i & Ubana ds Ca ’ : % luja ;;g.,;“ S fhpaty bouf Ibert Hotel, SRE g | Psyc ur lchyc al o ,,,\f;b%"* i SE o BFM Labour Day Special R S Paul Ubana Jones Greymouth »— g ArdijahCivic Theatre, Rotorua AT g Ardijah Powerstation 2 “éf Ardijah ltchycoo Park ARt @ Ardijah YMCA, Festiv s b4 5 A Band with no Name Westward ol Faae o Ry 7 e i i i & of the City Hotel - nue i nve ;- Napier | e %fi“ f the Blu AR L Dark sking Rt B o osni a5 B Westwari B ; mwfi»b“ s O garer. ik g War ing Bros Y ' The Ve . & The Vel rdjn__g - Cathedra )de L . ite °*~*+§ e e et & 989 Bu e : R T 9 S Name‘ s . veWar of the Bands Carlton, Chch SRHIET R HaHa Bonk, Hey, Big Issue Gluepot . Paul Ubana Jones Hokitika & | Paul Ubana Jones ESPon?g‘ 3’:& . Paul Ubana Jones Clyde S g Paul Ubana Jones Dun sl i ;o Ho e ith no N SR . Coruba Blues Brothers Esplanade . . Video Night The Venue L ers, and . Underage Rage : : _ Ebeling Bros Paisley Park, Wgtn - GotoVenus, Black Orchid & Guests Dance Party Powesstation .. %VS Band with Underworld L Band with no Name Windsor Khutze Steinlager Show Esplanade i | Young Band Night The Venue g Dipinthe Deep EndwithWayne Gil- = Upper Hutt . AT 5t o & DVS, Band with no Name Westward Gluepot AT : iqo - eyt 2 i = : o : iR Ul U “Kings. - Tod ~§*‘°zv fvx’<<w*< e ba y;ku*,fi* e 5 ¥ o T R B i e, LS -3 e L2 I o - i | Park e ' \ Pa Hunter Shakespeare . The Urge Gluepot B b 1o lespie & Brendon Power Pumphouse, . The Clear, Katerpiller Tractor Con- g oot S et L Hoo Underage Rage Powerstation & . The Fear, The Misunderstood | LAl : s &%&gewa}’; Cheh - - flf*q%% o e ffi“;wfif SRR e _ e RS o, = Lo N % ceptNew Pymovth Mwfim*" “ihfing%fllmé%@ o Angelhea R e Powerstal on & & i Jon dion’-‘i;fff;:,_ LK i %:559& o Bri :.s;’-:'f***'flton, TN, : fg T “*,A*V%;y’” S e 4§ S *mwwj%ga b 5 wvff St @ FOR s €= Lyt s 21 Ar of i s Rag S ; T bana 1 s Carl Ta et ion show Brid; : :Ca 5 G 1 o ““ SEE R L s»‘w DipintheDeepEndPumphose | Otis Mace, Able Tasmans CiyHotel i LovehorrorWeb Chch oS :Pul:‘lol: the Bokne?peure"“ Z} : @n«%\ ‘%% wfa%’;ggfth‘:?hd:VgnUe w Esplunud'vei‘fi\ t‘g %gsw*fi;fv?‘“”“ * & i f% g W “Q*,’: 2 Gac %%»Jm**"é e ;}éi-?i" ) £ ST aer s n i; Ardijah Y':ua:l 0“3-:5,2;@ Q&’ V:/ o ord ;%““(C;Oke Unf;ing T°p(l:’h”;: h‘ . Ratz Queensgin, B Ean T »v”» % Sy 0 i b : o ' oy . 12TribesoflsraelTheVenve ~ Ebeling Bros Poisley Park, Wgin e Sknpg;&fflyfifiv% g %‘?’LW%;;% . s ’i:llal-lufl'e;r Sha ] a& T 22“} X %:v,de" N;?:!nlflgezjg Eps%f%:.@. E‘sz 4\3% Y *.I-f-".-."'.'o”’.f" s 9 S &"',v‘?,:'_, L Mm’m % 7 B e ! g POUI,U:Grty PQ;:%% Nflmz w5y gfi:&:@%mkeflgmwebm Gael o . AlHunter Shakespeare. = . o < Wid, A ‘“‘“ b SR B e -~ Mike Harding i &"M“ B ~ Dribbling Darts of Love, c"fl#‘%epgh Far S %**%@%Wfi* el o4 Sl B T ; S -?iéfl“ £ Khutze ” gf5P'” e B “‘”‘“<}>«>W 3LC Sl g DS M e LA SR Sl P 2 < Park: . .. Dan *Band )Ui’),’; @e‘j’ww« *’;x,,{ A Lo B i "»,}o\:j S e bl & N e Boy’, 8. : »z“> b “‘& i b S Rt leoordoryBiforstomok | Knox, h Chainsaw Clyde - "Guests T DVS, Knox, Chaimsow Masachim, | 0 B ! ¢ %‘* e g‘»‘i N "Hom: : = 5“ W» S SR ook Sy SN % &’A‘“‘” L% AEsih o SoE rdija Jones hid & Yy é§ 57 ",.”* .s]é}']:'e"'le‘?flo ‘.'"'wfi'f':“:‘:‘ i S L 3‘” B o '33% s‘»?t 5—‘253"’? \‘z‘: R S, %‘ 5 e E S “V«“\\‘\ Fran Rk A R * g 4 Anis s ALY 2 A Ubana kOf‘_ gy Vs HO}\'*"'.\“ mF al ’mqns ifififu A-v-’“\”:g'" T ,}\\;fmg ég»kz? o T N T : x“«% ~'>< T 5 ey sl : ms”fi“’% v S e | BeatRooster Esplanade =4 Mike Harding Whitianga oWl W A gt & I T E S o A o o B i e A Moo e il ; ke e ‘% Pal enus, bl st r CO"-~: “ Ebeli 1¢e Able ufll f%:::'.saz:a”,b”““fi-»'-::w.;::;..x ;:W‘&<’?n* i B & E : i L L Y F e i » e 26 - fon . s bty .. GotoV S rru"°“““‘*¢, ‘Otis Mace, plym"g«amz“m gww‘* . Ee ko ~»“ U b o e Mg e S & erstation Lt ol et -ller ‘Ofis ,$BS5;'P S Aasochist, e o e L SRRy L) % b i o §A}dii"h ena Jones f,mi"\’Ngm e G ™y 8 g S Sk“"lchams"w#:‘/efl“em N 4 e = & N i S s s w”» e i X L s st 53 B Uban isley Pa ne LI} wi % Plymout '&'id Pump B L "07-";?""““"‘"")2 " Che ove B sty W oy =R L o S S “w i el R R, e B SR = paul Bros Pais vithWay use, . 2. 1N t New | En Wagtn £, tris <24 ep is' Knox, of Lov e e gl i R Wt A LRy e O ey Ut S AR S R ; & . ro: d with h,°_,,,- o ceprh DeeP. ey Park, W < Ch e ! Chris ina Darts itianga 5 een ; e G L e s L e Na?zw » 525 ""»’Th'u'fre R°'°r}|j(a Siiae | Ebel-ma,ebee%i: Power«*Pygiéi'f-"?r’”‘%;DiP'"-'hgros Paisley :f »:l°"?|"§, ‘ZTheff”%i‘[c)l:ibb""gd?ngWh'flingay Chch'"‘omflJ § T wmm j e St = S Ak %\\)\ g WU&,%&%& Al ; ci ERsai ic The r lHokih a = % Dip'“v en o £ s_,:“vp? beli"9 * Darts s of. soc s %3 ike Har b Subw ,7]]0m‘ i VL S “m L e G SRR S i : S ijahCivic nes H s &3",.“<zé.-;*?<i:—:'a: S e E ing M" . Mike rWe ival 1lam C L N e o o 3% $ g b fai e A %5 £ % 5qa.Ard|| alJo g ot | SE o LE I Spie~- s e B \» TRlE R A bblng i saw.':'x-‘i».‘r‘r-‘v::‘"‘-.‘ g 4 ?}3 horro Festi B i Y : RN sy I Fox e T ey i e | ArdijahCu 1 Glucpol fs i no g I - Dribbli Cholneaw 3 M e or ki e e o B 9 % B s WU B e S o L h i Pdu eRflg_ TheVe eIy e 5 Tgk(JPU V"s CI'Y h’ Veni“'ef.ij:;}"' 2 Aia ox,’jwt_ g BLRE A:jwi’l;;;."‘,\g: Gy g Bus! ety S s S e T o fi;i' wt ey Bioe is 5 * utl - a ht nTomity £ 5 raxapur ros Ui Tl eLen foonsie Kno e 89. Sl s S e e i 2k o i m;;\‘“’w’ e Ptlwl Ubana Jones Queenstown ’ . Ramones Town Hal, Watn e S Ardijah Joames Cabaret, Wgtn ""“ Ardijah Albert Hotel, Palm. &é&éfigfi 19 arket : Esp[qnflde_ Chc};“qj@}gfig e S ‘x;;‘:,'-%.‘. B R T A SR 0 " ana Jones Big Issue . . §§1.Y0Ung B (;IueP°’-"“ iy ) 2&; |2T’ibesdin9 Opoti ""la.nflde‘:"h’ U z Ve at Roostelf e s o ? sg_FleO": Rooster F A”*“ 2 B 5 B e A i St . PaulUbana Jones Oomary S 5 0 HOntar K Ame. R . Ardijah Wanganui e S B L vl s betna Jones Wandka St o i EbelingBrosleigh . el Ty "”, Ty o e Bi P § g S i : 2l Al Hunter Shakespeare A . Video Night The Venve splanade i " Paul Ubana Jones s T ; Har Power Trio City Hotel > o 9 b - B Moaaxine Ardiiah bew fymouth “**i%swé»*z% ' S T : *" ' he Ve"'éf:” Ha Ha ight The Ve Show E,sp_ 3 %{*fi’ A : ‘1}’?1':‘J.i{:»%"’:;;-fa??i ‘" gefld“’ryvr““' : ¢ e %Q’*‘% gg%;%WtW” & wfii&‘“‘{b’x‘f\*& g o 123 cliThe, i o Nigh lager Show e W‘afigv e"e e L g 94 L G s e s«‘*“&"é’x . Push Push, Nine Lives, Circus Glo- . Khutze Steinlager Show Esplonade ’,’t’:;fg&z;‘;i* e o LBty . Honey Love, Fatal Jelly : Space § The - Stamp Magazine Party f‘-%@sm“j,.«: Paul Ubana Jones lnverc@%ffi‘?f“qv?%;s%w R: : §n Labour. Day oo, e %%r‘xhufle,er Shokespeare J et e e o0 o e i &> G WWM 4 ;ug’éasrer Park, ;wxwg@egi?% _ Push Push, n Espla or & ¢ un e o =" Ebeling Bros Paisley Park, Wgtn S - Hanay Love, S it S e Ty R R . ped %| ¢ @ s ”<r : : BFM f the Bd, hers \M"ds. & AlH Rt Sl kb c+‘»"‘.‘-;%\"f% T e Babies, Yayas Gluepot i ; iy e e :cvo SN ? Y Ratz Foxys, Dun GF s S o "?[ he Vi b ; %*ég’%w“%‘v’“f;“ o "-"“..xf"w.‘?:m": & O = e Bt b i AR o « v*»fi ,‘;‘;,‘(’ o i , i CEeTle Pt SRS o Tl At ~_ Mike Harding Putarary j;%ax g ; e &‘““}m‘ww 4 ~‘ T @ ar s Br: Nam A L TR S AT ; iy e Pl e Harding Raglan i Bt i o &7 TS g Esplanade %&@% U2, P Cm,& saged -::',':s::.‘n::?::’:i."{?.:g!';‘.’,‘& [ ’?”&’:({s’iv”\w"fi% £id S e o veW a Blue ith no_ g\*“ = » ’;‘3’:”**? Gy, S seais : e B0y B 8 b i : x;afww"" Sty tn & . @WW Lt Somm“fiu'h"“ ;"%vflw ot ;@“cwk -;:‘“ff‘i";‘-’i,-"f'"_r i ,5 CO';’PBQnd “';'h ’,stdod.GJ.l.f»” i ;{X,%»;g-:&;i;agfj;:‘fj_ s i*‘?‘% S '»;fi;;,;; S N %zfi Sl 2 fif%‘%“ «%mwyffi""“ Liosy Su o CrOssvar?verch%’u“Wia;f?fg Bu:’flnhgewgg:es 1rlvef°g?wbwwgs&§:?§j , 1 DV iz "MnsU"de e i ey S :'“§ F e W | P, S o Jone I e f."f;.i’?f?‘i‘-%’**"*"‘-f* gV . '-‘l‘%?’f- * o Tl s o “’»~ N S S o e i L il 2 o §§ iy, %g i .\._.:;_%mf« o A e R bun_fl | Pal m. %{Q‘%i’é‘““\: ul UH@} ; nue - ,W’E’:A&Qf,} 2 S e e Pork Fear, The A \% i . T iis it Tt S S %@Wa\ww N *;?"":,",gh A|benr°;f, 3,,,9:.::5"‘3? P Adfl‘fg;,"me e Tpoiie g”fi“y She | S Lo Aw”? w«v\fi‘*w*a # 3?“‘; Vg o = o o LA S Goas L Ardi S Leigh - rtY«wiz\‘ flfl P f fflcm MV&Z‘»}M ey ‘ o e S PR s DN s | z>< b f*‘ywb F P i SE e M somsm T Bt e e N % ing Bros | ine Pd ‘\'”“5*”‘"3& idm‘, m*“‘g stival : e fi'«“‘&"‘@ S5 agif;paofsz:l”"'3"§'!?akespe"'e P M AR ARG abaret, Wgtn % ‘berl.'.:gms‘.’f'f‘ « & @ S o unter She S % o o i e N e h James Cabare, nokal st 2 ! Sta . . = o AlH . 'gm«;}‘f‘<;e e an e iy g“:?@\’sy? i s f,; (\éf,svws LS e T tel L i h Venu_e ;o L v«y\,&fi\ggx/;gg%g ]9 fm ,@‘:f;‘wwx’% = Ny ey i i A L , S e L BE o e io City Hotel e The | The xys, Du tararu - g«*x mmwfldwz : e wfi““%ff’”%ni”fi ialae : o S w “’{‘ e : ww i S g ey | Ubana. r Trio Spac L Ratz Foxy ing Puta fw@gfle“ mno%g S g &f”‘vfla"‘y&“@«% By oot oy wwy o s Bl s gz«??” ey i B VEM & A i S % Pau 1 Powe | Jelly R <1 1Ra Hardi amrnaes iin’%w 3559«*» 2 nv““"“z”'”\*zsw’"%@*’@ o e N L f «Q - ?%/&:Ww %%&"i%“”‘?”% %’“«iw’}‘;@» el NO " 'Wgtn . ?é Bre“dozove, Fntuof,av%»w b gM'kB Esplunfldevi S 3 g&g{&(w}% g‘g‘%j""%wgi&:»& ?v’afi?:%“<&~er;;w;¢mfi’“ e A I, H S 1N St %@w N‘w"*‘% oo 95 Town Hall W § oY e z; s ""‘ P e zwfg o T e e S S b e e 2 =l o E ) A on nul 2 Al ue iy ng anade Ay fae T 2 %’x‘%fi«w“wf*sw L ——— B AR U 2 %swm?g : AT R 5 | s Ru:;iuh W“"%O nes Gore Wgtn . Ve“fl mesagflfm&fim .y 1 Ser AT %’m%»“»&}@?%“”»‘f’f«?‘ el s w%%“’% &V,W 60 - s, . T T e o Pl P ' epot i Ra w 10 s R L VT2 g aa gt w»@«”fl“‘” Crg o W S g ok Quee“. et vl | Uba isley of i ndm”"%v”’fim o ARG Sl *%*ZV*”V’fw‘* BB S 2 V«w’w’*w e @ Paulkmm Din PaulUbana Jones Carton, R 5 U2, B.B.King Athletic Park, Wgtn _ Ardijah Gisbome P B Bais, Jean Paul Satre Experience UZ2,B.B.King WedemSprings Ardijah Whokalane & i ¢ o ’ ““*"%Ym o Rt A Jone S i ; o Bro as ik s "w‘n‘vfi‘;’“ % EV»AV§§‘°¢’«9>“\ LAy Dt s e AT ‘-: *e‘smv“’*‘?" Ee R Sl e g f&»&“} Sl St . MikeHardingHomiten -~ Khutze Steinlager Show Esplonade R Paul Ubana Jones Carlion, Cheh EAe . Mike Harding Dargaville el B Powesstafion ety . ’M};fio““ Ubflgg Jones Sothem Crow, . . s ot ?w@%’»‘wm i §i5 §§ Paul U!::r Kings A\;m:béf i lanade 5 % El::!(o B"’b':s"‘ighflhg V e K’M?% '%,*ogg w%&‘:&,p‘% sy L St Al ‘ M‘“‘g“’* % m&m** ‘“; f}m:‘l& (\Hw\& Q;};xtflne g‘fi e N R LA 3 Al Hunter Kings Ams ° Wi BelngBrosPusyhoiVn “ ”V“” Hounds G —g L e BT (e B TR & T O e Ty S s e = g %AI I'I':;‘Nigh' Iht;ér Show Ersp i"'?'(Y;oung Bfld"ing R09|°~n %’*%%*{}Q”&W“\;fi %fig’«g ’§$ Ve B ey y?v(uwé”w }\,,ng Mp "°°§ %‘?mfhgéii“h%f*@«;ofi Sl S5 % 30 s erstation b o %’ x;-.d:fze stelflu 1 Mike Hufw;% %;”% Dark Harbour Windsor Park T %fi Paul Ubana Jone’sTufangT R Mike Hfll’fihg Tmrangi” i% %°%6*<%3§ e GO s L ke Wi g amar e e > et S e SinE Mike Harding Waimamaky S f . Rebel Without Applause Esplanade . Mike Harding Whangarei o W"*%é Blue Rhythm Hounds Gluepot 8& 2 “4,3 ’“”‘“ g ; : LT es Po es Oc T ’ e e i A s 5 8 ana & "“’»»@@"“"yfffi% 5 %%*’fiw“o’” ?XVM«‘% «f’w‘%‘x‘ AT e Blue Rhythm Hounds Gluepot Fa 1989 Busking Festival 11am Otora 5 "fa‘w\%y Ge ; Ea s e , | Ramon na Jones C - Glu-, B g s fac o W“"%«\%\ “?v°gas’<‘« %‘“”fi"*‘ ot il R w” o %fif"* «wes ufbem*v L e Rt e e ol < re s s P i Sen A s rhE e Qv»x"&"" ~wz¢§w a”m:‘”’ e o o o e ¢“¢‘> S i g ;:ei-o.:..5°. L i Eloter g e e i ; %-pau'."?:, shok.eszeuves:,‘i"f.a~~: § e e Wwfi”@%%% *&ww” %w”“* %uflflfing e . o A s LA, P“"‘ : o b el e f’“w*%?‘* : i . Rebel Without Applause Esplanade ~ Dark Harbour Windsor Park a ¢ o e Zn ?}Pu S ST e EalE ARy i c e S ;53“»”",””:@’5& ?&y*‘wM M‘ T e % % eI |$§”§° ‘ig*g””wgh Harding ndsG!" am Otara g i e SR % Ry S £ booh XS : gy’”‘“&’?g W&%;\w&; : @o«mwovw‘*& Sk -_‘%Nz%}::f:::g&:-{é.fi'» Pl 2 Saibe T < Bats, Je, S §;f§wgfiv£ L " Blue Rhy'k_ng Fesh",. e B SRR L e Ao sl e s et A L ST Satis S “Cfxiv‘ 2%"3 °M@” .’”“?‘f}-“.:\--‘“?“li S Semia et Nge e s°~” g i i ey Gl e , S : feaiihe e ATy oii e T z‘““’“ - s"~“w~w ~ % 9 R b ‘.!»"'s-"i'-f."..:" rdija a Jon garei - G = arket « Wind T s Bl R N ity Sheagy L : S 52 iy % i 2 '-\'~'»°"»=$’-’~€3="'"‘-$?-:-‘-:4'4‘-823:5:-3»cm‘a~*'~:-=3::‘<§::~’-' e 3-.:;..«::.\_:-::5:.@::@,;;%-x W S 3 I e g rd - | =5 Gl 3 m r Wi e sen 3 bt o ey "% e S s *‘%m%f?‘“ ",’,'cssbéme‘*;vme ,*fifiuul M W‘"’“Egr&uep°'i- o oo bl e o . TR Lame T o ! %’wa”x>‘a’°‘”“~‘é“°“¥ “ P T 3 iia ing Darg luepot - L ike Har oun ko i g i o el E Foi e G L B S SR e T @wfi?«\éww“*@ ol nd . | Ardij ding ds Glu & Mike Ho Park - . ade oo Zhash s et i e o B IR Nl Kinis Sy ?\mefl“%%”»k” e o ar un I - hm indsor L Sigeana ety S o S B Sy P Be i o L S e / %v’”z “ w‘ , Watn =2 - . Mike thth'“ Ha dsor Park lanade -f~?§slue"‘hwrbo“'w lause E“""“ e S e s § i ¢ The CorubaBlues Brothers = o U2and N s R letic Park, hch *f"-*.*'évBIl.ieR boufw'nl use ESP- Sy ‘fiz%?;pgl‘k Ha out APP Ly Yoo b S ol - b Szl B e e $30) e S : L Pt are onfourthroughoutthecountry ~ country asa double bill, kicking ST LR B st e G Western Springs on November 18 £ e & TR Bt . Mo =ik ’;:2:3:5:5:°.'s':“'c:z:.s:5::ifs#%;fi:?:zs—&s:z;:‘e:s::-’ 2 X“V“o" Bt ich = i Pa o 1 BI’OS, S Bt ¥ S SR S T B AR > ’»..w—;«m« A ; S L s Y Bl e s ‘,',;,.r‘;fi:;f iyl R e Bt i B £ Ly ! thismonth, playingsongsfromthe .~ Lancaster Park on November 4, then Eiae a0 R 5 FLEBITE - - i Bl T2 _ with special curtain raising guests =S : e e ed Ry Sty Do S : o i thi - much-loved Belushi movie. 4 s Atheletic Park on November 8 and Sy g Al R Sos S Qe t‘ Johnny Diesel and ey S S TR s : e i e AgingrockersThe Ramones ~ Western Springs on November 11. LS e 3 S Pibed 2 T e S G ,’]°v|pGY,;:;,;;@"Q;,-‘ Sat g iy T RS - St i i“fp\:@fifx"\?\ R k<"4‘,”“~<"4 * *‘3"r\*£\,fi°~?wui{fia i £ : b g ike SRS / S SRRk i § 5 ks ‘?:'f : s 0 = ZHENS i Cn / A T s ‘ v n. oy *::\, o ‘| G g e S i :va-,';:;;:::s:»::-:.c:a:e:::s_.:::;?fa, Ay ?!’»:%::"t:::;::!::::'c:::li'fé- o .;e;;;-o-;;;:4.:::;::::::a:z::::=_<:.z:;:;:;.;;:.o.,m,:;;f!!!;:.::;:--a.-»:---;-.sye S < = M S e S 2 3 g SEN €5 T Aratier FEHE L e 5 Bo gy S ]8 S R Ly R S Loy b : i /e* play the Powerstationon October 30~ ® The Bats play Wellington's ks o E 3 3 Sk 0@ A R ; ig’ e i TohAn Alsocoming: Simple m PR et Heu 20 s by WP i s ‘ o - andWellington'sTownHallon Southern Cross before heading up to . (fi@/m L s headed down our way in December. e s Reie e, : G | 6‘“an&&?‘>"’5wa ~ AlHun S T % NE e i %f .’*Amerlgq‘rifigson Nong gUests e o5 B o Haiae L & L S St i § 300 é; 3 Lme] AT T e e ~ rie e &Pukeuurdmgkespew?”;xw e § ; L SR share the i with the Jean Paul i i L RENE \ We . (:I(JI »Cur‘t' 'nd",w'f' i St ‘~ S S e ' e (ol AlHfi“*“w% o Zasiit e L m*‘fifiw% W1 hnny Diesel dsore : @ 6”’»3% doe e et L i S ot Dl L e Wik 5 ?§ M .“x«‘fw‘:‘“af"’ e s T in fs.:f;:f;}iv »“ T s P o 8 ® HoneyloveandFatalJelly Tie SatreExperienceatthe e i v, 8 A .-zf.:.’-am’:;'-’.'«)t"“%’s o S 4R | et s Jo o , ks' : M At .-a;a’-,;‘iv’,;J'T,I»;—«s‘»‘~,1 Sy AT e i b e Bl i Space play the venue November Powerstation on November 10. e el i o et £ RIS . o r o p O : 2 e B S B : \ : | ’;“’”‘” e T S § nElUxE*’”“ A % <:rNoiseWp;ng‘ simP'-‘Z Dece"‘ber b o A L S Bt \«fi* e S “ i “ i 5| Is cOm wq)’l * , g ® Stamp magazine throws a party at el ; kj” i m i»o IS g = TSR i b L) ddoyv e ’ A) ) ’ i ' e e e = i : dBBKing fie::ckmgmcfct : IR = BN o : he"de g e s 3 the Venue on November 3 and 4. ol double bi er4 then g "7:‘ CSEEETNY m i M : Jisd «fi@&% SR y &‘ S s g S . ) U20ns odOUbIeb’ember‘tlfllje s 5k He RuM P cOMPANY (AMAIcA) LTD. ki § i e s G owé?}w‘& @é &g % S o L & et o try a A Nov er 8 an iEaachl G ]"' KINGSTON, JAMAICA. W.I. ESTABLISHED 1889 ) S L S Shsarni b ers cOUn.ry‘ rkon e ber B Oy S L “ tt k s Myfi&% it Bai vy i B oth o qu em " | (AT - One e Is ; all it takes. o e }; i L o <l/‘§z%;:},;"::g b(l BlueshBrountry S .,:} Lcncoste quk on No'\\jo'v'emberl]\ & e RIS i -A__j‘ , v .t .1 S s ‘ - Al B A o }-»;2 3 Bk At {4 '\_. B 2 ‘( é\”‘@f‘/‘%‘x*{ RS R 2 s SR e L S Col"u S sonas from . Alnhele n Spring on Welling ton's Kot A "f i T @) o B e & £ s Lo ta e ® g & ok X8 iy . s o Al She ; P frd e o . e oy .;%f-“':_i"-"" 21 = Gl B9 el Lo s o it R s % B o The F October 3t o Sout the bill with the « |2 v/ -‘-:... i 06 i ] Wm’f’% - ¢ e e m ainaroc S on llon: e e g hare er Ience ber. 10. e R v (AL D188 )| e = L .8 Agir Powerstation Hallon:: it s ol R 10n Novemb Lhr e ke Al e E RUM COMPANY (A T i o pldy Y man St Gy e "Y‘:*—*}, i owersic i -‘_‘;’,’_m«é."!???f“:"% ol TH'NGs-roNv . %JA i o ~ andW ber12:2 0 d Fatal Je 2740 P : wwmwl B I gl et 2 R 77 B e ace play ay throw: ‘ T S s Shakiarag ?: i i j}?:..stomp agazine Fopon M%W“ i B i A 5 he Venue s SRR ‘.myfifimm%-fl‘m;@?;k S SRS ARG A o 1 PETES - Wfi*“w’“ e e iRt Bl %Wx%;x%‘w")’m A G ooy = § bEn m@fim«fs’w \

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Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 39

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Coruba Calendar Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 39

Coruba Calendar Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 39