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A G e SN Tk getiep eENyLT TR ,\}V.wj‘_fi.;" ;—,"f"f"j:_i:’,,; HEES A et e PARe el ,-:1:’,“:}»,3“:_; FEIGRY 'v"*"""';.gv;,-‘» hit TEAC, . WHERE ART AND TECHNOLOGY MEET RTeI 3 T,?J-w.?iv“‘»f:;:.‘:;..sp,-:,,., Bdis ; lq BRyEgeßSysetS eTSEAN PR Y p 3 iS e S P O A e e 0 OG XA { \ ‘w‘h’f“j';f,* e a fAN D ‘TEC H NV,L o \V,"” SRR el Bt bt eel N gy PR \AIH E RLee PR S G R Y AN .(’ NSRRSt A A SIS oßy ERRA PTei o= - oik EAC PSP T ¢ e e L:r oOS) ey R RTPTE NS LeDY RV el o T "”’7‘:"’:’l" R Sren el S PEIT ipe (i' OTPDK Lo ok 5R Sy ";“:":' RN ’Vi 5 T ~';v"_».l;;{':_,j; el PR ' ~ AR R y . . . . ‘ S AN TN SO lANR«v\VL oi 4 e ‘ :.):" 0’ ‘P"H\"' t%a:‘:‘f‘.A«fl & REN ko SAN " 2 e a®” LYe LI R P e L 5 egt3yeyß NN S~ s\ = iR ma x o | pEEsi N ity DA Ss et ERTDE T o ratin A// i S 7 2 SRR Do ) Pop Te—— "::::::EZ:-':::::::?:::~:;:-' BI<So iOS - e twnm i2O ePO oz N3SRTR SPt g '};»‘;‘,,“ FOENT It Syl = - T:ET ..‘ " .0 vy < ciy s Bet 3 T=E == N 'p—Gt3 )oy ffj‘,l‘,i._:;;‘v,:':::'__»._.g_,-‘xf o] R o e3vVv iT o se o ke Te R T e - R TR By SAy e N 3%, ecd -EF- -f R e N bt hs G BS)o hßy 2o % B poninatay .Tt -O e, '12555;:3:2:55252355:5:3:5;1" 4R2EA ah Uy - pesEacy m. FE prEay LA 44(3 R b '3,;?‘;:;‘,’;"’?-r‘¢ Sy GR Ty -S VR Fir SelGl G ¢e R . B 2el el Roo i B - & % 4 o IKE l“ ~°~ o G em—] AT e s T——E )xyg Bl 1 i— 23 Jepr vTRYTABi, -Se % 5 TR S T ALY RT o it . EHLOM st R ik Sl Y SRA ST T T&3 Ty o R ELoe (@ BRARS >, b s sl eALe TB e ipseet e-SSRS oT e X . Z B ALY ; 5 f,::;..’,\v;ue,u,s,rn.,::“‘ i : T = e o B » b s’4’? " ,*,. Gl oi ok RIS i -egß ST S _ Yot B Sbv e, sy Ay g e e /5“:\1 - ? ‘ll Coa o ERRs Ro A {5”-?,5 by ooa e o sfi?é S fi;,;zié?“ ’fi M z stk lA’ ',vi_»f":’:r:f.‘,-",‘v ‘\ v‘:."")r'r 'k', %AR ;:;:::v'_:;;? ?"?'s“7\ 2 ,'_:,: ~AL P %fi.&é RS .ég?/}k - s%§‘§§sK§§fin ; ‘V = ‘ Q) Phept ;;%3? "ti&é%};agzii 7 Uit b G a@,{*;%gyf g {éy _,:A::_::,._ Zoad S g,. 3RTy . s geaeg g Py, SR £ Larg. o-ey i :7’,\l»‘% - LAXACE ARy S v Loy Hgy 3 AR SBLY ) ey -s R '»“}?‘ RB L ?‘Efiw gp&(fl #}fi? M‘g“ v l . 2 s Bouic o ;;g;’? Zi‘;’f & ,:s"‘ ‘?Z?g‘: L 42 ’{i'f ffizfi? §s§ s .=e |: . etk At RSsk . o (ALY St ssPs= P 35 v ,_,3-'::;,,::_:_:_.':23s:_:;: ::-:3531"513553‘.525"&‘ L ; SRt oqfl L e SR T SIS ”%fi‘fig b s g e LT e ; ; i N M . v.i:g%’ 3 d,g&‘i’;‘«w@ y W’:‘? 2‘ i, = ; | sl K2 N ”"-' Ny S 5 : VLK SRR R e 5: o : ‘ i o | Vo : Y)S eg R S SRR ST pE ; ‘ ' -K, EERaY 3 S e 3*?&?&«; DR EEam se:£ opa o Soy¢ |Ve T A ,;;:;;5 Wi v;;;;5;;;5;:;;;;:f:¢-"'-:;g;;;g;5;;;:5-:;;;3;;g;:;-:;5;;5;;;33;;3;-_:;. TA o bvli - ' gy,‘,;m 4 I s\" Rt .-:5:'?5';?5‘.;1:5"'-‘:1'1:1:1:1:1:1:1"__ = . ee o ‘ S LB b 7 S e Fiheet 2 R s Erge el i : sNe‘D e N SRR .SR PR S sT2. . A v o . ev i f R it NAtR- §e ; i Sive e Rl IR el e Q*E SL e s \u«*sz e pEaE A&ib\z Bl vßy e "~~,«~~i‘i"\£ kg oo h%"*“?éi . et ;:é> A “\”w«\\\“\ e » \**»\\: P A gs\\‘ ?i : ~*Wé T2\ \i’sg . § \\\\szézki%% 7 R e :\§f§§ g}‘ . e 3 éz\ ey xi@‘“ i e P - B- el ERomae G. S eBT e e i o Snmmee T eo SR R e "';z"‘”‘-t"‘- B ey W %w B R W”i*" £ 5 e e, : : R deab .E"‘%:z_?.;‘] -‘\'\‘ \ m;iifi,?fmfi etk ; e g"/”’é&fiw@‘?i .b\ e B Rr BN i e ey e 2 ;:”&&ififi?‘"fi*fl'wfi*”“‘,awfi’""’m hbR N A . ‘Fv;{) ;|xx ‘ ¢ . o = . ; i %&(’7"'%%“/ B SRR _.,;-_A-.;»:»-.\:A-g;,?,-:;,v.;j.-;A.l;-_.;-'r-.;.tf»-,».»:\.,g;,-jfi ¥ 7 i R RN Y\ 25" > S 2 2St fi ¢,;~*}~\»‘~,,/J~,” . : Rt @% XIR G N ST o1 "g . S ORI melß “ \ S B '~-:~:;:;:;2:-:-:;:; HRA L ‘ i\g i \\,‘s‘,°,r;‘\>~‘c\s . el Le ) i,‘-\ s\ s Emw 25 s’ffl*g‘«:ifi o‘ | % S \c\:' e S %mai s L = ‘( [ -oy \JNF: 7}@,,, LR N i Ry YRS 3eߥ Rb 5 »_g.-,.;.;g.-_.-_-;-,,;,:-,.-;.-.-.‘._»»,4,.;»_.;,_.\.14;_.:«.-._._.,.;._:._.:_:-;.,-.».-;'-‘,_;-‘,;:._._;..l.__.__,_:___7:_____‘__‘____::_l‘:‘_._l_m‘.‘_fi."&_‘.v b {’%,fivégi = eT A oy, SRR SO S Tuones 00 Pk ey oOANT TA SR -"?:':'.EISEEE:E:EZEZEZ:E:EIE:EI:;.f SRR AT i “’3}3"&*'s&‘{',:« 5 - eS M Y S, "I=Ezzsgigégfsizgzgs;fgisis;s;;;3;s3s?-., gfg r: PRI - B gy \e » - »,%' Je ‘::5:513555555:2:5251555332::-..,'_ ~...;:3:{:3:1‘12:2:5:Zg':;f;:;:5:;;5;5;5;:5:5;5;5;5?1 = 5| o : ereal 2| (L Yl A.::2:3:;::E:E:5:E:E::5:5:5:5:1::;:5:3:5:3:;;::'1" »"1:;::;:3:5:5:;:;;;;:3:3:':-' SR S \ L i o e m@’ >B\ e ; '-::E::E:E:5;EgE;:g:f:}:;’;i;;;:;:;:1"'. S PR . 4 | . : B Dows ‘.;.‘tv,;if’.,f f‘,,’ .\.(: e —— s LR “P-‘( By -G S 2 T R R s — Bty 2 ey s L i ] v.':;~"'—,3_'-.?f e A eeU\ Vb et/ :® G e » o Gt 0% e A i rr—— O S e ——— Dy ey SL L L ) R el “ ‘.C\/ S . iRk AT et ok ReUSIsS BN SH 0k — e : v,“ .V"v“?‘ it T PAR RN SRS -eyLY SN :'A.. 4 3LT»_ Rv d % & ;;f,;‘w“,.‘,.‘,,,,..‘- sT s ;.‘.“:32: t%e;} artiid : o -e ‘ ‘ | | fo s RV RN v T Al ' S e . io S ‘> YR Yol s SRS :e ; e 0 S .|=L S o| ‘ | gt b ~") '\", SRR P ol . .4;-",l' i !,j}";’q. LA 3“s‘%@‘ ot ,g‘kfi’f&%fis i /5%:,4% ?fi‘fiafi;"‘)&e & f .E=Sesy GbR S o brvoy goy R s % @g O R Roaad A &%7%7} o 4::2:3" 25Ny ; h e s@; sy j_ifgfi&gfi“wfifi%i;g R NN Rel 2ot 1 s([b -R ¢ 4,5./;‘ S Ehic SRy bl Ag‘\’f“-'f s A S . o 2 ‘ V b éém I" 4Vb e f%:‘%f gy i ffifi i"{«}f E %%%:&‘”‘%i@g% g tf;‘%z Tk o i&.‘l Ly A < Wl LST N R L Lo> s ‘ I‘f ‘3 £ g#%‘i?(f}k '.,-:??" *{‘gf‘ & _A::'t". ~.':_::;-'» ‘%\Av X gg“g’f’;,z;%- ::.;:' fi’%&""fi&&.fli\y J’l’f:i:f%g% K 5 :3‘ U ’\X' g %:;7 .-1:2:" ,;:'-?"' 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Al ALo < %3“&% e X es S BN ¢ skeß ik S R )D . St g 3‘*’%;, CELREY pRY SSt & 0%3 | ; & oPR s : i ’ ot ‘ h ‘v it TR o 30, DI/HER o e SLN PRt AT bR o RS b R Asy 3 in .Rt Fepiey ol . L e ‘ W 2 358 SRt te gD RN TLo o e ’ . A ,‘mfilwffigzz«fifi’fa%@&%% Lda Rl e S L eR SR o heng B oMe % e .R, @7‘%'?' At :G gy w{éflyfifl@»fi J = N | T T O ol b e2L Risgn -sby &g A R ?;Jf g ‘g"‘*‘g?fim»’?’”*«"‘%q@ it s s 5 TS L e oe o ies Ket 1,%5.72594/; X?; N . Tnfi%"{mfi%fiw\% - ‘ = %fif; L Tiz T A XL b A e b e o feiiictee Sovl B g g § it ,_:v‘j-gg?,;c Driafnetilin: 2, Ni Lo sy - giive B g eVv 1 e et ¢(A&V 4ok Beaiiaas RN L gz"%é =Be Q@ A .i . éfifi%}%‘&fl’fi Tl i s Py L g S oATe LR I R o e R ]T S R Mg/rz‘lis%»f~f b ciont sR - “ fiy'?, o “fi%m»}{flmw@%fi@w T i L s gé}fi;?fi:z:- &5'7%'5; oeße T2- ‘;gw&%@u~;a§B§€*fifl%¢ s st | A S e ELaio. e R e De R Gl | %@3&;«5& e if”aie-éxgw eR SR s e mii i L For Audio s &V Rol *,’f{\ e SR ATy BB S "lf."-};.l',.:}:""fj."'.fs'; e »r v Audio & Video Excellence. eee il Re ey RSk eey2sy Ao gl .: .: e Le e bRI S sid 2 R " e 5 Rk 49 R Sy Terale ot SN i le‘ ';_, %iTI Te e "v:""«'A",'i,:’.(f,":;‘;;’{':fl,f;"!? b (’ ‘ el o ,xuf‘ 1> Gy et e © I s TAR cs Mmoo Py e e EEshingd _-‘:fs\—,fj#l:;:;t;:£r::~;7 SPo et Rkv AR B e e SIS s % L £4] e i BIPR ‘(iBl SRS Lkl h ;g;::l'j‘i‘t"':'/:’::;jz“vfi’%'3l‘"‘:7'7s7"\‘ls;’;';f'?f?;ll,f-‘-g,j,f".j,r_':.“, P : S AR R A

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Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 22