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MON. i TUES. T WED. R THURS. i FRI. SAL. ’i » SUN. e ‘Wm 6 JULY 9 10 . - WW%NW}QW‘, Lle Paln :g? Welling n Dowr . _ Angels, Knightshade : Angels, sLT _ Angels, Knightshade Paim- _ Angels, Knightshade s . Look Out For ... _ Galaxy . _ Galaxy 5 ge's’ ()t o Wellington Al jCk %Olmn 2 The Angels are on a nationwide Sneaky Feelings, Verlaines, Bats _ Sticks & Shanty Gluepot Sneaky Feelings = Breathing Cage Gluepot R Last Man Down P i tour, with Knightshade support- and Spines playing ... Breathing i _ Sanguma Cricketers 4 _ Cricketers i & _ Sneaky Feelings ”‘MQ?P:”"*::‘%NaYI lg” l s t' gz ing, starting at the Galaxy-on July Cage go north, as the Tall Dwarfs : _RS s . Angels, & Shanty Gluepot, . Cricketers =~ ?t%i.;.::s??ff:ii?‘"@'::3"[:3sss"fi'"”‘ # = Sanguma Auckland o . 9 ... Papua New Guinean band make a rare visit south ... the ¥ Ebony Sye Tauranga | E (FanfareGivic-= .- . " Sanguma'New Plymouth “NY booking clash: John | Sanguma conclude their tour ... ' Kuhtze Band is on » the WSR Kinks' ‘Sunny Afternoon’ ~ Sceptics, Go Cats Ak Seepties, Go Cats City, Ak« Mayall ‘Turning Point’ gig ‘ _ comedy team Funny Business ... Ebony Sye tour to promote their ; &UK Nol, 1966. , . Breathing Cage © Sneaky Feelings, Sheets i & Blind Faith US debut, . take their humour to nearly every Ode album If You Want to be King . 2 el y 3 ep()t GoMeets . o Chch vs o Y 1969, o : : i Nun Month at Wellington’s Crick- ski bunnies, with Dave McArtney, ST sS9IO '" Glu Right Track Performance’ . Murder Inc Chch Do - | eters, with Headless Chickens, Midge o S Satellite T { Rockin g'va o Gods, Ray: -1 No Comment, Sounds for i~ No Comment, Sounds for % ’ . ‘' ) ’f‘ Jean-Paul Sartre Experience, H Spies this month. - ot : . Sticks Cricketers & ;ul:t/;?va&NvPlyt;nZUth‘H f”{t’g Survival N Plymouth Hie@?; i | v- é - S '“Aw"vyzmg«:,* . oo 5: X e §+°§ uma = ~erE "f: %‘l>v ti_.,cs;;y_,fgg;:\;:;: va ?\? 4 g{g }‘E;zgig:m;t r o\g%fvr 2; »»w TM»)?‘:“/ : : S T s . i Sang Civic a 5 %,z ‘Sc e!,?. i¢ Ca ~_g.:e¢:;:~> . sv%wi?' g ] Rig ier Inc Ci Sounds ooVi s T g pNuy s ‘ - ‘ % e infield Taurar gn’ \Ej&fi o Jt]__:3._.."!g.:é;?gfgs%zrss:[‘a"j;;,?- gffiggfi &|rh): -gg . ‘ vw/%xgmww | 2134 TR 14 :-. 15 aine ?: ng 3“3 16 y 17 _::55532%:55;%:.':,::55:?‘*-t’!':f'fi‘l n(;e £lB ; I\' Fly - ane 819 | : o _AI Hunter Shakespeare _ Angels, Knightshade . _ Angels, Knightshade Chch = Kuhtze Band Windsor Pk %, Sanguma Gluepot . Sanguma Gluepot . Working Holiday 7 | ; S : : ngs, Bre rfs " Kinks 966. . "Miird ck Pe ds for . Survi eWh e, == | _ World spitting record . Dungdip: '. - Feeh . Tall Dwarfs Chch . Heptocrats City, Ak ; s Funny Business Ak Uni -<& Sneaky Feelings City, Ak | Waimamaku = 1 wvmxvy :iy e eaky play in TallD he CE UK No ’ :WHE £ Rigllt nt h¢ i Ebon S[9 el e i . broken by 34 foot gob, _ 2 Sheets : Blenheim 'neS . Sanguma Whangarei e . Fanfare Civic s o SRR £ o Sneaky Feelings City, Ak Blues Busters. Civic =© ‘Honky Tonk Woman’ | i :R : ide nd Spi rth, as u“ . o oS.o No Co Plymo ‘Heat- i wwg““k”o |s< | ll‘ B ‘::‘ | . 19738. TGt : - _ Ebony Sye ge gono e Visit tad again Kiwi 51 _ Sceptics, Go Cats N i Kuhtze Band Esplanade ~ Tall Dwarfs Dunedin =~ I released, 1969, . | g Tas Dl lt For . Allen Kleir; Beatles »' = . Three Man Missing Civic _ Plymouth II ; . Ray _ Blues Busters b;«w«fism;}:g“?\% Chris Knox; JP Sartre :§§ : W"' »IV:; zé §;§§ A I‘Dol‘ -Is are de .E JUIy ma Band ito prom Ki”g e & lo' : odS, %/: Ma_‘ ’ out 15”:"3@32)5?/».\o»4\ : gf: /= > }g y | “ :f’ F . Ange ightsha * “manager, jalled for-tax '~ Ebony Sye Rotorua . Cream formed, 1966. . Three Men Missing _ChippendaleHs .. = Ak, g) on 969. CEFeT S L The h' Knig| Galaxy- nd Kuhtz Sye tour nt to be s for ,7y ] g ildlife iwi o Wavw% I Ity' |: - | o : witl at the __evasion, 1980, |~~~ [ou Van Morrison releases i Rocki s Wildli nd Ki Hamilton 3 G Johnny sallgu Spacific Gluepot iH/ k ’O’ oo | | @: : =" l r | ’ £ me i : ,Sl Snea sters ovM}B |e g SO F] e Ir g e It = i ,’c""&”&»m» +ls< ;e : B ;_..g:;;:;;:;:;;_:;;:,,Ef;_;?:_:_'.:_ din %\é qé ot V=| ‘- | 2SI ’ tA X VAR at . : telli o 22 R E Sceptics, Go Cats N% i Cassandra’s Ears din || V = .{( i s | i t . itl 2=i Js R 5I ; a Q;‘\'Uep Ak Uni s 8,i,u_..,;..;.;.;.;.:;5:5;§;%::_:____v 5 une D I :‘% ‘ | - | kg 973 Eb:’y Sye Roto: . ua: IS’ o'yop Cc | S c’(&j:{“::%Go » ats A|Ku ‘ze Band Es kna 51 ]’Wa"fs pgfl" SLe a o gx\y; tt : . ”Vk-R, :e i . 187 el _4..";;.;:3.,,..~.5;51KY:;_1,!:;:E.V0 S Hsfi got o P Saliaaeds sy i - y. rIVi il i 2 th. ’ R o e \dsor Pk L li de i Chri iifisés:fi:-’f;:%"d&- ]EEGJ o- - | & \ ir July s Crick ies this gy : e o 2i e p|av ST o ippen cifi Guspot 1- . | ?ff ".. -.e:&= -W 9 fays i sT o Chi fe ac N y ?«» .i3P2 iy : 5 "‘,j; .ttt t. y 108 %: G o na. s = Civic onySp £ % iy, xch &TN Ce s &V . ”I l :15 V . t ty, s i ht, rs Ci o ohn goa S ..;:::.h()“b:g g : i t%:?; Vr t :| l s >y"?’os" ¥5 i §W2 sES B . Sin g&%5Ea B% - B ¥ 5 334 i Iri’g oy R i SNES . Wildfire . . Doris, Icks Mis ¢&syPnr %No 1 for John & ; | );? |‘ : ' vs & oi N. Men éCo sandra SgyoTS, oot g s ggr |t tr » e | ight ‘ o far : Cats N . Working Holiday Kaikohe Olivia, 1978, Lo B :;er e |' | |‘ k e o I oz AL -4 . : = T ilton ' din ... S:% 1??,ff.l ng So|V & sj§ sS e ; 3‘% :t | | tases eR e ;2o I ] PStz}ti ’’ 6. §§ Hamilt fs Dune Ne3;W 0!v are!”?““i& i:égi& E- / S i wm%;%:; oJ : ; WAQMY e .. i W rei ol Plymouth d, 1966. 01l Dwa o Cats S . -‘-%'Mha,{flg o .g?}\/ali._;s',i;s If %%:f?”i; gk T " 20 5Ai 21 S 522.Ki.23 mT N ] ptics, 25 _::ge‘_. [ tha I ) | oe G eL R i acifi . (HV'C, . Crea e i Sce| h ience -E 5 S the .One for John man VW&%M I _AI Hunter Shakespeare . Funny Business Waikato o Three Band Special Civic Tempo Fashion Gluepot Headless Chickens, JP i Headless Chickens, JP _ Midge Marsden Chateau a 1 _ Funny Business Carring- Uni , i’_; ”"x”gff 38 |f§ o Three Men Missing - Bt o Funny Business PN Tech . Sartre Gluepot eti _ Sartre U7Bi S . Kuhtze Band Queenstown )w %ton Si o re .. . Kuhtze Band Lower Hutt i Cricketers eleases G Three Band Special Civic _ Verlaines Cricketers : _ Screaming Pope City, Ak :"} Rubber Lips is 44 today. ‘b ff 5%% %A k S s :’f:fi ‘s e>et r} g ::n‘_vf,, ;}:’;fi g@;‘«‘{j} Ehol “ rrls( nrl » 1 596;. Z‘% 7 s, 3 if;% (:l “F ‘dras I"’ 4 S é«i Cll\o/ir:&o;«“w;:@:;&\m} : .‘%é-|r ’sy 4” . i?: . Kuhtze Band Turangi : S aas _ Sheets I Beat 65’& (%g}f?j’ . Sheets Chch G[l’, _ Three Men Missing - . Red House Rockers Civic Cactus Club, Overdream |gf I | '|: ;‘ :4' . Three Men Missing Palm Kim Fowley, eccentric en- . Funny Business Massey . Cricketers 8 . Kuhtze Band Methven . Chch ‘ = v EL t : I : ‘7“:“ :: \: |rl ‘foot T i 4[{:6'._;”;;4;(:. ¢ iafle d Gieio L ‘Brow B i 17 I on lce © Dori ! Holid: S . fl | Jg | .i | | Nth . ./‘ - w” :01/1 45 today. Fo . Uni e > 5 . Heptocrats City, "Ak¥ it Sl Cactus Club, Overdream _ Verlaines Cricketers 3 S l Eut AEABe eSI e i Steve Van Zandt joins EGy 151980 3"/" i A Ebony:Sye Hastings :_ o Sheets Timaru S. S ‘ : Red House Rockers Civic l == ; o et e Swas) o c t”’g}/ oo fi Sl S. | Rhyth i : <«s§";(<\v:9‘g*,,h ‘. : ;Q I - | - I‘4 ‘. z) __ Street Band, 1975. Lot s»zi&fi’%’flf‘ ff}ffr' = g Johnny Spdcific Kiwi ©..© & Kuhtze Band e “?w“"r”g'g Funny Business VictoriaUni | Midge Marsden Chateau | | | | . iLo D i %w»“”‘;»‘ R «Elyis.Costello releases Johnny eB L . Midge Marsden Ohakune Ebony Sye Napier o| 3 e T iz ‘= = v rbl.i’ wfis}i% éf}a%i%gv{?gwé* - s%”ge“/ « ,;::3 Hene '25 2T - :3‘;&: : VWQ)XAX)\%«~@~<° ‘: bge §>2 2 I ssvvchl taE ” e ‘;i Scr tus clu‘: '‘i " : Ao% s ; o %Z: gfi FT ' ”t}' “ A%Eg}w{;g}\ io é§ Aim True; 1977 " " “led Zep manager & drum- Ebony Sye Napier rs: Rl .Ca he Band Timaru ivic wo: o - s ) [ s neva i g tire feS 0 ffi}'fi‘; Liiy Lt Line 000 U ewo imer arrested for beating Screaming Pope City, Ak $Z Johnny Spacific Gluepot F ‘»V m ?é e 31T eOO : i v%{" &:% LN 4§% o e ’“’“.?‘Z,.,i\”f“w« = = »z-‘.' =} ’ %}{ ]Vr : -;“ fi : r t ?g ‘‘H ‘ ;h | ::”“ t-lb »g § ):: ;Q s &mfi\fik‘* 55.23 oy ash!o," N ~le, C.,‘v "‘é@ Verl: use R thVe.” =V House n Chs Sl 2t : S |‘H ixa | ’-» =i e > eipoFSssPSCid Ho = ] Red rsde &B; :i S &= 3 £ s s o i 5 Sasliy (31«7?&,&3& ; ¥ e i Ie"l Sin L. l (:IVI i §§§ Re Ba" dre o Nla ir.> :uE S Ye S - gg;:)gj -:) i. - MX'\‘“”»Q pa e.en y Busines ecia i Kuhtze b, Over c Midge Sye Nap,le : L T L 27 e 553 ¢ -28ey s L T Three Nllss‘ e;3O iy eo 1 usine hakun AUG 1; : ) >v = “3: _ Headless Chickens, JP @ Funny Business Chch It o Warners Civic _ Blues Busters Civic YR . Working Holiday Ki s Midge Marsden Gluepot ~ Y(o Satellite Spies Ohakune }o . Sartre Cricketers ; o Tech e |OW»e .. Spines Cricketers : g Music Centre Trust drum- . Bats Cricketers 1 Ebony Sye Levin |‘ | James Jamerson, legen- :.tx‘ __ Midge Marsden Ohakune ‘2 Funny Business Lincoln Lol Sheets Dunedin 5 . Gluepot het er& d i hnny R T 1 Drone City, Ak . & Motown bassist, dies | i Funny Business Canty Uni i Coll h: ntric en- g Kuhtze Band Dunedin e _ Ebony Sye Masterton 18 _ Headless Chickens, JP : Bats Cricketers ' | age 45, =.. | . Kuhtze Band Queenstown Headless Chickens, JP £is . Ebony Sye Paim Nth ‘# _ Funny Business Otago Uni . SartreChch. .~ o Working Holiday Civic . age ~; 58 R S .Al Hunter Shakespeare | Sartre Cricketers ,; . Mama Cass dies, of heart Spines Cricketers : - EbonySyelevin . 3 s Headless Chickens, JP i sS vy . Lynyrd Skynyrd release A . Watkins-Glen, largest rock attack, not ham sandwich, Sheets Dunedin - e 5 {f} Satellite Spies Ohakune ... Sartre Chch i o .té ‘ ‘ 'v’ -7 % . ‘Sweet Home Alabama,’ . festival ever, draws ] ”M:j}fég::l:DU nedn | Kuhtze Band Dunedin _ Midge Marsden Gluepot :A”“"‘N Satellite Spies Chateau : o ie e E] 1974, cd S- . 600,000, 1973. rEe & ; § y i 2 Johnny Spacific Westward = Kuhtze Band Uni. i o Kuhtze Ban< Chch | >§‘ .. . ’/’ | o treet e ¢ SoE s R ann B : LHo to tgo Uni Lst Concert for Bangladesh, | . -}: :E:) :ee el TEE i e T m%;‘,g e D r,;‘H,ep\‘t\ocrats,City,{A',(,,f;,,w,,,¢u,v“:‘}9'7l.,%'\“»'\,~a'*""“\:u'v"(««3\'"'/‘,xx} 3 b.Se 4e : BDADCDT S Ota F 7 "ite’ SGIe o's ‘ “w%@o?‘m&m 9 ” fl' ; - ;AI Hunter Shakespeare _ Dave McArtney Chateau ““Robert Cray:Galaxj* - Johnny Spacific Band . Bats Gluepot. 11n| s Cof IC€ R BEI Kuhtze Band Chateau - e i Satellite Spies Ohakune Cassandra's Ears Dunedin . aque’sofl Man Civic . @ Gluepot ers g _ Laundrettes, Putty in “3;\3;3?45t Laundrettes, Putty in | Brand New Day Ohakune v\;% . Dave McArtney Chateau Kuhtze Band Chch et L Dave McArtriéy Chatéatt © & Rhythm Cage Civic b . Hands Cricketers . Hands Cricketers !:L = Sharon Tate murdered by "). &6: 5 Kuhtze Band Methven = Elvis releases Hound Dog,’ ./EbonySyeGhch . .Dave McArtney Chateau Fanfare Civic : wmxw”f*“;« Fanfare Civic s | Manson family, 1969. s %{?2 _ Cassandra’s Ears Dunedin 3 1956, ey i LKu Sye Pal s, of heart .. Ebony Sye Chch We . Dave R i Dave McArtney Chateau eB, aron Tate i 1969 f. . i 5 ; St : 5 £3 . SR o Ebolly s dies, awicl 1S Ku Spaci A: G I ; » 1 2 : -| | f Iy’ 4 | _ Lenny Bruce ODs, 1966, » H.l i o released; 1967, ~|' » Band Masterton Working Holiday w . Working Holiday i . Mansor : N % l = L : , el Bv5A R! g een iy Uk No "[l Nek ol SleyE City, B Not Really Anythi gciy, o A To o | . r » |:B Re e ‘Come on Eileen’ i 0 1, Not Really Anything City, Not Really ing City, . . :R o i 3? r n ‘ ty ' ifiv IMet & Roa2 R 2 03“ Ak (;Il |epOt~ ’ i]l B#- Ak fare C'VI :( ;I lat § e e i b ,L“ G ?:? ¢°- . ‘v’ | r ggfi%%w%p ... B Ly e< . Bats Band Paim Nth No 9, Nazgul, Sticky Filth, PGS 10° i o &VI ’ ine :stiß g ins-Glen, . BT s v ‘ h ’ ‘;0 . H\ kvgg 1. r | | ‘| : e "*Wf"ww‘*?%“% YSO d y Time' mag reviews A Hard Death Watch, Wazzo Gho- . o 5689, Auckland 1. | w |I2 ’; :“ = e £y, Ae ic Ban .La Crick o king 5 ; ity, -: To tails Sy o | | tlv %ii“ F v “‘”&k{%wm E& 3 g ific B %%f Days Night 1964: “Bea- |ti Wgton :%CiY,end de :. - |tA r/ | | o -v, &f ' spac ei Ha Civic Chatea ; = lanade nythl"g si se ndar,’ dl. i | | : ’ | o *“’:‘;fi s W‘%fi #Foo- hnny ; s i tles blow ney Lo . Kuhtze Band Tt i U Cale A"cklva"‘ £ i ;:|’?i|ik eg=v % i Jol Sl =Fa cArt B George Harrison visits '|fl'l, iRIB9 g o i LoE SeRT gl Lt pot Civic u- -ve M liday e " Not : icky Fi =556 s ShY o . Lynyr ;e ! R#. FL $ e Glue Cage Chatea "Da ing Holida e o ul. Stic ho- | Box N & “3t W ’ 33 ."4 SEE Gog % % 0000 % | vthm ey .#ki ) (:Ity e | Haight-Ashbury, 1967 oo iSR o aj‘ ‘ =e;T%5 Z=WG 8 5 Civic: “3% Rh’ cArtn 2 Z Wor de : ing e o Nazg Wazz 4 ?13 eoGGy vt il s‘e ; - ?m;?&*&‘“" Tty Cipl grt 0_;.1a_.!.; Man stéay © Dive M Chch’ n § lana ‘Anyth ;oNo 9, Watch, e St & le;2 R- : o %,@R Ob,-,:e; : Old Chgtéa ; +Da 1y Sye Master tO“ - Esp Really A s com Death uB : Bt o gf “ ”%(\:Wwé gg ¢ :St" u % ]g :3 .%'tf%-f“efin»y yxflt%s;g% f}fiE bot Bal‘ld,ty Agtk 1- % Not, E Im Nt rd ?“; i thtorl i Chate, ai ts .- g‘;{ e. e S e s . e Sin o 4 ] Chate din ~w'cv,;.‘.g.:.;.‘..V;_sfcq;.-:hC|' fla‘p B 0 ts City, UK No 1, 2Ak Band F,a AHa Lt e Balld, 1 VlSits E i .TR L i R gM ‘Wfi& : i Pi " rtney Dune *Dao Ve 5] S e ocrat ileen’- U s i tze ews “PAn i Kuhtz iSO 7. B ik i W W»V«w ; A o Dave N|CA, Ears o Emny s fleb(!,. oi i pt Eilee T & Kuh rev : “Bea E Ha ; 1967 ei L bl w ; " E t‘; ¢ ’%;«‘ %% % %%xm”&%s’% gfé .. He éon clie ‘ Ae’ mag '1964: R George shbury, , i A W %l% .e i i L ink wf’:‘ff (967 “BW“ e . %}%A L o 'Co“?‘ :o: Lo Tin p ig“t’" HEEs 00l v“g ght-As :eol et @*m i% ; t f‘“~ : k B ;?& t / ' ripine relea i4O o -~ o%g 1982. e| | Australianfavouritesthe Angels os @ snaa B 8 SSB 88 se=e W . !-~se ‘PI - \(A %8,8 * o oranationvidetourwith G o seases IPN seas So2 %E l. I t 39 lv §f ‘? . “"; :: : g %AQ‘V e | g‘< :;::_‘i?'i}‘i:;, eAy:S fSI b, o : fi ] XSS&SNSA7 L’fi PRI :‘;:{;:l‘;:E:',;‘.E;;g';.—'}'i;:j :.;,;-,;;::‘».:::'5 3 W GotaGetOutoftisPlace T BAET sunman -~ » PAN= 3 & Coming Up ... eEI a 8 S ST " B- p ... G Tug Lg} stil ringing inour ears. s When g EBE ESSEES L 4 oE “ , e | Big news is that Billy :& i gfi% R.. B L WHE Shakelmagazine talked to expatri- gy SEHPNE B 4 (LS T p I o Ng w 'Gf"‘*; ”n&?~¢:m‘:', g ;:;;-f:::-:;,-:..;:'»:z;,:;.:;5:&;:5;5;:;;5::'; s .Z,;;;;::;:Eg,i:i;:i;i;:{:-Q::_}.-.5;"";;:;3:;‘::5&".*Eii:15:5351:5:15'Z;.Egi;:j.».:{;:.:j".-.; 4 e oSg @ 3 *Wi 1 .Ef g t 1L d 5 qu\.k’ffiww’mw”*’w’:;"‘k’ls;;fl ~ ; ”,, SalbaNe !I’ LA 5 ggfiggfiafiifixg * - % 00. : : :",+~““"«3's,’wzzm's"t&"»m””"’:@:%";“flé’f‘% : *”C S B Tour.. ss’%& wfifi ‘afli%fié’ A” ’| » &f;. f{"%;:;?”h ’&ib/!m‘* : I=::'ZE’3s:':'EEZ;fi:%t:::j:i;:i::}::i;;: 3:5155.';;;":-' e i _;;;:j;:;;;;:;;,-,::;-,;:;;.5;;;;5:1;- - Yoge 3 - l’lg’ AA n ge‘ b ‘i§%§§a§ “\\; 8 »f,;,,,\ Y ':».:-.:v:v:-‘ R , i ‘% r; P g *x';{?" %.,;w zz<¢¢";€6> ‘ ’ ';3?“’ ’«?n iy h . ; ‘ vyTS . * *zg”% fio"f«k,,fi»‘%&f%* )“@ |2 ;"e s‘} lOk i ourites tt our. witl ,' %% § “‘V Lo Tg e g -&c fi;«i;i,%"; ’:,;“'«?‘},}g,; o, s‘%@ :: s Hov \{i .ti r| _ Smart Stadium ... Simply Red play ~-4<u (S o @,ia“’i”' ey sAy ;-..g" BV 4t Te) B said life was treating him “Great! e= ~ & Logan Campbell August 11, then = 2 EY 0 .R|A, bel B Thealbumsbeen Top 10 here for . imeaf s _ Wellington the | 12th, and Christ- @ | 2, vW3\A.. =B ‘ N agfi%?} |§ - almost five months now and C{ (& (ST Eiß * - _ churchthe 14th,bothintownhalls gool ™ SR, /. .° ;\&‘3}{’/1 2§J£“ ‘2 o ring gazine Brent hheég n *@3‘;% _ _...rumours include Level 42, folkie ‘ } xm% -§e S& - ofinterestinthe band? “Great! :§ &8 RS » sStoe s¥ w Qfigi | ate it zen, Bar' . 'a)ting "'O here forl g ?*; | Suzanne Vega, blues buff John ’L”"adg’ ga’ Gs Crocouiiel Of Foclang eDoe= 7S 1 said li the Angels will be taking. 1(S EEIERSC G Doy o . Hammond Jnr, chart-topper Iggy "i go pop! Whats actually »3?;‘“ e o ?fi: W@y 1 abreaktowritesongsforthefol- @’> S e :l | i Pop, ... in October e Husker Du L, N@ppening is that Ray Columbus 's¢< ?‘ &* . lowuptoHowling. Supportforthe :i, SRR & | . % . andlate inthe year: David Bowie, JOlning the Rocking Love Gods z gwi . el Angelstouris Hamilton hard rock- V<‘¢g§~’ . o A %fi ‘ U2, Alison — A Mick Jagger, (Steve Clarkson, Andy Dickson, Ricky Lmi ers Knightshade, whose new the %‘= =F 7 el “' Mvw(y?fii}t b Turner. Lot : i Morris, Tony Waine) for a weekend at ... g@s ] The Physical You is out now, The | ¢ (il ——— ey ped }M T |BOOOgD g‘l r 1 Wildlife: July 9, 10, 11. S 'r '\"* S .2:1::5?;2;%55:; s e sndiad I Angels tour Kicks off at the Galaxy ‘ 5 e iSR s L ;:%%figi:1,_5:5:;,_5;;,533:;,;:53,:355:5‘;:;,;::;;:;.:,::;:.,_;::;::;;;z,;;:gg:.czz::;;;;;;::;;::_\_:::5;:;53::5:::::;,;;;;,w:_::::;_:v,:m.::;:;_;m;:;:;5i;;:;:::;::g_::::;:;;;::.;;:.:‘:._‘:;;::&;,,#::,:,:A:,,.;;,.;.,3_;,\,::::::::;,-:;;:::-\.;:::;;::,,-‘.; ’“;io‘x‘}v’ “””w"s* i ‘breat t wilir 8. ilton nar % - ety S m— | Wg TT u N " i {am~“~s“*'=«; be e Pat R& e e h( )S ’3 Ie 4 ey a‘s i S.IS . that t ,|I: y int it e « As : ; %gm |-e %J -An geIS to tr You VY out now. laxy -L S W”&\w;,) '—L | ' | umours inc \ |-d"e Leve t 42 , orik : : vfin}“‘ : S odile! tually - K”‘gi oo . = Angels to 7G v - o Il :4;“ ‘o i s Narcs op! Wh / bus is ] :’;‘4\;l9‘)2 n JUyMM - V o tl, int folki -| Ve >t - Y ; . s ~-g.:-«.»w-";_:g’f,,;;:g?; vl o- e ‘ % Welli 1% 1r : 142, J - Low ing is W ing Low i , sssaen '\”'“‘Z@w,)_,‘g e L ‘““’*mfic 0. %,ge; 'I t|.ttr.oy ie J ’ r’, Myl;s :lx ’ ’Q"‘WM&X\:?’@L:V‘M ; ™ | 2- T ««sm’”“m .i 3=s | ‘ / > S 5 : |

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Rip It Up, Issue 120, 1 July 1987, Page 35

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CORUBA CALENDAR Rip It Up, Issue 120, 1 July 1987, Page 35

CORUBA CALENDAR Rip It Up, Issue 120, 1 July 1987, Page 35