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il e e R 5 "_\* :LA,“:' «/ ‘ ffgggf@é};%;?é;i}fij;i%&i‘;‘":,»*:J Se o e (25 iIE Caar o 237 Sk e-_‘3, ’/ / % “t’Q % ?:_‘};"‘7 ::: 4:1 R e s Gh A G A eSe e - B @SO S O0R) RsSR-S eTR ST eyt et & ‘aQV%@%&F{,’fa*fi¢*l ”‘R ,‘ o m’fi«,fi, ef i o Ae S iila ePy£//F;;: il £%' N R eee T : o e Ej@f“méégg . Gfsd ceridaha L et g i i/’;/ IR ML RN ‘% N e Y ety e Say s %%}g Dt &pm”‘; eel SLahlr wf“"“‘*g Eyieo 2 o w_wmz,\\ NI 5\ \ - o e et e e ‘ f?{w: G BhEs ;muf%i”“ eLI T »«» AR ‘ B "-'vwsxm o e hl- eG . L e SRevrse e s es S e ’&;%‘w s %Z;} (;; fi»x:&;,,\"’jfp: eAT R I WUy LeNete PR TLT v gum;@,fi‘w: Gt St oy »«“‘f“a—‘ Ao ey Sy gl E§f ity ZRTe Ret 0 e x Bl éfflg eg el }jfi‘ ,fi M“f | e «Hg”é*ym '“’*””‘“‘"”""fig;;‘«r e S e ‘*'{z@ |Lo S o fi“"fx pa s e o 'l{:}:;?&fi%%%v £ lg;%%;& %g Q i;i(@(;%; iV -2% :’\;T"* Sa ’ "vk:""“b;”é EB<“‘ q s ‘r\, W ‘g“fi B¢l4’j % “ u‘).:w oY ff BETarS =Ar e e. S s vmww’:fl %l \ERT AN N, W AN\ 4 W AVHR Y9LS| ko TAW 7 Bt | i e %flg&”&fiw%}?{fi s ~xi?&?ar,q.;r.z = A AN 3 fi{{, et {yg{?:‘f‘f#,‘fz?;;fi oo BN \SI { ‘44¢ Al f*& yow . ;/’ ' Sl i 5 » ‘.LAm SS e & S iIYL A= N <PeSREdsSy 53 ik 70 LR OA AL SCYNEAVAY /M TL: :EATG B R e o > !P e e S S s“< %v S R LW EG T Be | s adien GAe e S v 56 ;fi,«f‘%fii ‘;‘%%{%g e 4 ‘§ A ""‘),M‘ fi#’*” Til %,W %@g__:“‘;i QO A ”“‘“Mfifi%@ Oe, TRI {“%E Sem Tt e 5 eSTB si L iosAA4AI2 NReUi R e ‘.l I>T Tl - ERaEE i&eRRERNSi e3itS =s 3 ’ |AN e oRN %,“*(’g-.gfi:',,’s\t‘v;,f"gxxf;};q S}f -fzfl,{mwff if@(; @, .sl"s R *,%‘%\‘sl; oLI gl @*-%s‘@ i o - fl}giz% . e g ,;:“Z"““a‘z \, %?“\,‘E* E’:‘é‘b e e . s Wfll%//m /dli N e “KQK\‘& Sl S, g T T Tl e (g TAg WL Nw BT 3*’{ s% e \fi%i@ = .: Al ’g} N i i*\;’}~ _,.,,..,.,«.p»e»_”"“"...,{;,,~.< ‘i;i LA ‘j:“»{,g% e% gM, Yfi:l a* »._.!_.?:‘nv & °:“=°° —s'f;f* K ,(‘;,”f%* Afi:‘i‘t’fi"’u g o ::o AN HaaE Pt e Io S B e SEHEE RS eS T e SRI sLT 5050 Aoe ; : V LNe¢ R&> i ";,w mwf“’”“'” 15 : Egfi, TBe LB o %R , . |lx N\ :’::(~*§% W, .T it '*;.}? i 'f'-’~v"?';;_—_L,.MJ‘«**L’,"T"’.~ ke oy g i E;q?‘”\’“’g"*::f:y"’“x;fig g S %é’«%‘% VX;:-:-E::“ A - |»AN {0 ‘VEA’S SD;2OeAR gSI A 7 peed ot s SRR “ e ,;v_.,{,,““» et sk boegßS il %T o RTES - : AN ‘»;’ BT ooSR2 T, VL R e Loslosg 2lßei sB ] G ‘ LN “’”?3’s’*33; “’»’Q“'i% ’??'}f‘**f‘; {?{? ggwfi gfi%%; m?f;{ =e | 'Nifizégg“ e ’ e 9 5%11‘1%2‘21?5‘: ‘?‘Ru%g? Ny X iRy aacs o LE&&\ R ,&gm FREEECEE B | “_I‘R "*““” i . \ T:’%?{%:%*f‘xxulvzv r“‘%&* s-.e€ AL st {9@« % {§?:—:~;§ e ol J‘fi‘*fifi e ; LN @ QA b «;z“ Skgol-AeAoTRRRS ey AT AT ™S | B coocTmocceeoc .elo| ey 8 .s o oN S el WT 0 slot ooy SN g_ RT: \ < ggß AN [ al bi(TTSN N'\ R s Moo Tl |AA . . w;}f‘;“’},’ )) = Lb i -fln«sfifi?‘?’;* O b {W! sy }< ok eé S WGy . o '%‘Qx‘é& '”\—‘ q \"'}f*! CBTA (,/ h”%&’,’fi”@% S ?‘23&,‘%% y?;'% "A”&*;;Q %wfi%'“ 2 O e “?E\J;l\bf‘il,,cx’% S(e e PEE ii Lo e EaC ?1% ose , ém%% :é;%‘?‘wmg% L” Y O “MO Be & eoA el eA e /’M“ T Do A e s 545 | | "r,,n; N Tslisa no By W il 3 o 3*f G gz‘\)«‘*’s*"ffi Ao Fie 0 “"‘w»*’e B xa&(kw‘ Sg o &g* B Fab eY ek ;%; Fal f‘ =e, e ©O6O 65600997, =m* 00l Oy u:o s 3ey e Wf} e ‘i’v‘@», W"‘RJL-M (e N‘%’§ Romet o gflf' Lom %% [ rpunate ot DBonk. ,4/ oo ***i“.’ : (\ et Mf;:w e sn. i oitSy IR S ¢ A7} ° ROty g B FEoeT .L e filee T 8 rPe Qo I |sVB - Gl - Mi‘; \\‘wa ,’“,f"’ f;fft“ w‘fifl;/{_wl* _MK‘;.”‘L« ”’?“ ol sourh ek %’%&& Ll oßyg OB eSt 'Qflififiz&fif‘” Y fig:n”,wn”""fi&?fi%‘:fif aH ib o W *»e,&\ ;‘fix‘é’ oLy £ ] otdne wivon omMponNT. conporaTion B i HER L) sli‘,,;‘é»* 00l b {@:\ ¥ “" pe T i “fiigm‘“*&‘"«“»& x,,w,«:wrfl%fi«“’ el g gé»,,&?g ,m} TR Y@ / qfi:flfi?‘ NLA *«sr!fi. DBY BONI e emsosseo s=s (i XUI e 4 Bea g o/ e L : *wzéwfinkg\bfiwsngg m.l é;x L j E%* Fh 3}- Lo e *”v*:g%i%‘ (N-Z) LTD. AUCKLAND -% : ,’fgi; DR ?téw ;%“ @ b gfi%}f; g%: - ]:; : \ = <L e\ W. = :‘AW‘- e ;':\:g.\'.w;flfl_fiifif.‘.f; Faul ew e A _—— T e pig Rt sßgPet 4: iA s ZPe eet «“"*:, oiRARKt SN T, w'AMo SRR FR?’ WSN i2Nl{ Pi - Cesnaanis FL ) w‘* See *« L .—;91": Ty Mse T" s fixe”%fih ‘@g (i Y a ff@ Ty &M’J‘} 2 m::é :% @?{m e eAS LST TR EY : 255 e Ao 7 % oRS eP R EET ST g PSRN TS IALAoRbReeyPPA SBiße Ri WP %5t 'f""""">': ] ] '”\\ <X .A. b: 2 35 t was a simple sound born in the Mississippi Valley and as far north as A though the music has become more | ‘ o cottonfields of the Mississippi he- - ~ Memphis and Chicago. LT e sophisticated, till this day it still retains the = the mid 19th century. They called it The ~ Comfort was there when people as Jelly unmistakable mark of its southern origins. 2 : s2 % g ¢ = % ; 3etEASa FSI A V= E ‘-t erl S z BEA Ls3>iS gR B o Tanre pal I R LAy e . ‘-.;,:"-*f’»;_j,_ 4 5 TRt lC as SR STSi‘ Fi = ol Blues and it helped shape popular lt - eh Roll Morton, Bessie Smith and Scott Joplin Ve SO Just ke Comfort. Sl gt : iy ol RSt oA : ~blues’. dlthfil hvRE s ort-was there h v 1T P cat , th]Sd a‘ \lt ‘ ‘]] s L : music for the next 120 years. popular made music history in the Beale Street clubs - Smooth, full-bodied, and like music, JlcY #E e ;;" $ - ‘::7{.;7’? E’;‘._":l‘-%—‘: s g .7 ,‘ Les: Dl{o g ls,‘ rt n[ ) anl eS‘o%-t7 WS ke y < l; m al,‘k- f. e "‘_.; S ‘ VSRR 5 -,»;,,:‘-"l’;g;':_?,’j’:';:l' 5 Part of this legend is Southern Comfort, e and bars oO R e e,P L versatile enough to have any way you want. : ,;_,alt or:-this: egend’ls‘e SO‘ uth esiaat g _l_ll‘ A€ MUSIC: tolym the': BE‘ El eStr e Dredabel s ~COII]forl:,« e T )egSR A D Tyt m(:Fi SR B BA s e : =] —:?j.‘:l";‘w‘:'«_;;.:f}g j.fij»_«_,_::i;g\;'":;”;%. SR AS AR ATt R the Grand Old Drink of the South. Comfort And it was there in the decades that On the rocks. With a squeeze of lemon. >e: £ :V ; BS i S ‘ia“ | a[s 0 8 fedn ei N “,".‘-;Tt‘g,',‘.,?li::g;.;{-‘;é"{;;;“'.,'Lf’. {:"'i:f:f,{f'-‘?f,;??l ; OOt I = -and ike music, . ;{T;j:;;;@f.; 3£ > i ! CHE Yi S ; eSNR> Bey f,*.‘-,“‘:&’t % ,‘;M:‘»‘f\.’,‘.”,w 2ANS)S %an . ¥ CEIe e FILL RN T GNTEA e and Old Drink of the South. Gl ammiEre Memphis.zzzs = - 0 e R gARNI v ; was at the heart of the music revolution in ¢ followed, at the first New Orleans Mardi A Ve A dash of bitters. Or with any of your e Sisuse ot eheax art of the music revolution'm e e ere in the decades that Onthe ough to’have any.way:you:war nt. New Orleans right from the start. And like o , Gras, through the jazz era, vaudeville, Tl fal T favourite mixers. 13§ queeze 0 ; on. & the sound eof The Blues, it soon became 2eeit swing, country, R& B and rock 'n roll. And ! ltte i i ‘:\h 0 your e oo m uIl 078 §‘ = 'vjl el 5 0 -A,".t eOh" th \ ‘Aprna gYeo] 52 j[’»'_:';:_}'. 7 «r: o S - rS" t&y. fe . ‘ widely acclaimed throughout the lower o & e ~'_L;,; Mo ,\V,/ syTY RS e ) _“‘_ :o AL |te. P A REE _:\' ' .'-‘L'.“'\:;_,,j.- 3 GX ¢ B widelyac Jaimed thro | Out.t My e rOC ‘N rO]_l.'“z A]‘d se o TR ik et e e Sl :eti LRS SRR SgTSe-Bbel‘ SRSSu* Se , e eSeYo Gt SRS ‘—’_f;l: = SRR DT Sit T Sen iesALT sS ST onaeT -- . ; ee e e Srrsiohn s iis eD bR Seißl far el emi e e S o -- . : Southern ! Comfort. The Spirit of New Orleans Yy since 1860. . ‘ 'ut elm ‘) 3AR > s Shas ’i“_\Af‘ [g A "'g{;\;v'~/_:qr'~; iy \iSSA o 3 P ] I,,};’ eit : - s (289 ST Roo = P N2ss ee s > . 'l‘ <L..e:K,iT *( :“e f" % \\, <s : Hossaess -:L - = |eiSis Ae2 . & as eA‘glSgiy.AT DS Sl s=S Ve S DMM Sl .ST T v e3e“rgsSy¥Aß --¥s oy i °=-"’i 7 (»_ :' il _‘ . smCe S§ R 3 & ek : RN SR NRe, R s 2 ... . pmmla42s

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Rip It Up, Issue 103, 1 February 1986, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 103, 1 February 1986, Page 15

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