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(By the Rev. iJ.- -Golden, Kaikoub'a) 7 -

, [(Concluded 1 ] v „..-: j; Now" comes the question of,, tlie' burial service. All - aglow and bubbling over with 'zeal are now the ' re- - latives of- the,^deceased .v., r What do they -want*? The" burial service.; . It is easy .to send>.au telegraphic man- ' date : ! Come to "the burial to-morrow:' : Tbe'priest, in' : ' a certain case,^was some, thirty .miles away on Sunday duties, .having . also -.other >, pressing engagements - for Monday. ., ..Deceased « -was x an ' ,o.ld man, .the - only l ! '/atholic in , ; the,iamily. . , He -had , been j ailing for. .some • ' time, but no .^information .was .[giyenv the ;priest. Some^'i of Ins daughters- I.^ei^e .at. a ball, the , night, of his ! death. , On their., .return from. the. .jading revelry, they found their father- a corpse!,,. He was .allowed -to. diewithout , the r 2 lif %gi,ving . .rites - ; o£ his Church; ; , i and no- » body could, tell Jwhen., lie had complied/ with; his Chris--' I tian and Catholic" duties'.,,. -He. .had'., not renounced' the ■ I faith. Very ,li;Ltie;,eJse.] v could , alleged, to ; , his . Behold, a /tvpical^cas^ bf.jindolent,, Catholics— making allowance -.. for." a,^large . margm , ; of variety.; . Unnatural unions, called . itiiked, , maMiage, are accountable formany a death bf -"the type just, recorded. Other;" forces, such as. intoxication,, bad company ti -and ' un-<-Christian literature, , ( lead Vup^/to," unholy, ■ endings/ '" - -I Now, .the ,Mends ( ,pf/ most -'of such^ spendthrifts of - time and grsice, • regard; their ,' unfortunate deaths -with ~ the utmost composure:' At ;;they ~:.>ali , in nmedical-' aid ;•• they flatter themselves' Son^'havin-g u-dpiifi.rJiKoij:'u -dpiifi.rJiKoij:' duty, to » the" m&n sick • jmfe - \deajbh;. ; When. •;,; the^patientY has ' breathed 1 has last;, .they: .quite,, .composedly,; cry „;'ouf'««Happy, release: fte's.b^ter ., off. .-lie's happier "now ' Possibly they j were "anxious* for' the poor, siri-^ ncr s death, so 1 as to be rid of trouble with him And then come the , • "

■■■TV 14^."'"^ ; yfgeht-and' J Nervous Messages'" .: \r'-r^:-'' for the burial, service,. No interest whatever had been -taken; in' , the- J immortal, soul.' 7 Human -is/now< supreme - and most exacting. 7To -refuse^Qliristiah. burial _. would : be high treason. -v'^Npr would." it be <a - less "■ grievous oflence Co 6mi,t .'the same because ■of more imperative duties. .The .people, who had impiously neglected to secure the consolations of, religionJEor the are- the most'^clamorous' o'f" all' for fun.-, eral rites\".-;This is a .great 'abuse/- the dictate' of hu-; •> man- pride and, _human : respect.'* 5 '/'' "'y V ; j Th £ P^9, r disembodied ,'soiil .v^as in dire need, of » .the" lasv- Sacraments:'- At , the /supreme hour\'o^"death~"there f w the' 1 utmost ;rieed of, Holy, .Viaticum, andvthe mosfr .virtuous cannot^, afford " to its;,-, reception.. .How much- /more the/ need!" for *;the- ..sinner, matter ' 'his reconciliation through .-the ."Sacrament, of,' Penance J. !Un-; ■ less- "you; eatf of >he. Flesh of . $Ie .Son-, of ..Man, > -and- , (drink ->of His -Blood, _yotr : shall, riot, have Hfe.jif • you:' - ;?£ c ' the' words-, of Him who. . conrmands the^ reception of , Himself /in- -the Holy Euchansl. ?llis-.cbminandas,roost 'pressing' at the approach'^ pi- /death. /." '..,7 _. -. {^.^ ;• ; Can the sinner, afford'' 1 to. forego 'thearetfreng'tihenin'e , and cleansing effects ,of Extreme* Unction ?;-<St'-' James° ' . an inspired apostl^ .admonishes-: • Is.-.-ainr-one" sic& . among- you? DeX'him , call in the. priests- of < the r and 'Jetyl^em.-jray. over I 'liiiir W*l^-"?iW * I^-"?i 1 ' 111,,I 11 ,,* 116 n ame .of,, the Lord. And v the' ? pfa-yeri of faith shall save-, the .-.sick man -;. -and ~ . ; if iie-be/. in' I^'irt y S W-' be ? or giyca.^him.'', (St;c James i v.,- - : At the approach af death 7 -^the,supremei ; hk)ur'of'life everyqii^ anxious, for .his .salvation seeks\'the: invaluable' benents, of "absolution from -.his- .sins, of Lethe Holy Viaticum, and of the .Extreme. ."Unction.- . „* Satari is • thea PS? 16 , ', dow n fith great . wrath,, knowing that; his- time" 1 ? + - s^t-?..Th-e i wily, tempter, with ages^of experience at bis back . exerts . his , utmost, strength uand strafeev' to capture, .the. -dying; The, devoted Oathblfc-T-V£?*' W.- :o .^'? his pwn,,, unaided powers,'^ which -are o f Mr-avail against" .the relentless -foe. -, -He-^viir'sedul- ■ ■: 2« sl y/ "nDloy-;the, weapons entrusted. -to the Church for ' - h i s ,-. saf e;; guidance, from'; -temporal, to eteiuial^.life- He 1 „ will carefully 'and 'seasonably 'receive the' holy- Sacra-- $ ments, those divine, channels .of grace, which heal and' -pS?S& Sl^ Bo^^ 1 "^ 1 ' '^?^ appl^tiotf: 11 ?/ -St : Pifcious Blood. He will resigr^himself, ,to.. -theradnr--'mS hllh 11 - ~?^ ako> - He "^^ently commend' '■' Sm" wf? - S .^SP^. interests, to the uSacred Heart *■ t. 'v???-^ 17 prayer and- aspiration are to- • w ?; l , d ?. * IS , G ?*- -The .priests... and "the -friends .around , will- engage in recitiiig , the soul-moving" prayers <> and i htames' -for .the -dying,-, The, -.chamber .of , death will l fn a lt mLl^^KP 1 fa .i^V,arfd,;ho B e,jan.d..religS. r ln the midst of_ such' surroundings, and- with-, crucifix 'h1, h M^ 11 PhrisUan-wiH ASr.SSto. his Maker and Redeemer. "There" are -tears of deen' gratitude on the part oV the- survivors, j|S^ the chS' ber is- converted inta- a sanctuary . of^prayer devo- i ; tipn - for :'the assuagement of .the libeiat&d.isoul ' ; '• ' St l- f M™*l . grief, the? friends"..rare ,co n L V >;ta Moses': ' Behold thou, shalt , sleep wMh r thy fathers?:(,, 16). In the' tenth chapter of thk sSdT? f v-H Vm 'f' + the - +1 1c? c ? ise of D avid. is recorded S' ■ bo David slept with his „.fabhers.'. fabhers.' Happy the soul • that departs,-lif.e'-.aabrhed' r "with 'the nuptial garment 6f r sanctifying, grace ! -They^ «- a re caUed" to ; W maSiW • -supper O f .tto-Eamb'Vlo bo .celebrated in' he^vlS' g L . How conlidently-the priest can" speak f sf'.; •,?/",'.: ' . ' ' . \ - An ' Edifying-, Death !■, •-'/.','. '.: ""■]•, • S2 w ' n^H 171 7' iand .ioyi«lly.''he--unburdeni his mind^o' ; the congregation respecting-, the 'departed! ' %' ill death has, left a sweet fragrance- in'- the- parish*' 'ffiv ■hearty feels -the.- thought;' and. expresses"- the lame .earnest, prayer: « M^^my last' -end he Ukt unW r his -He has ,foun.d peace , with .his God.' • How'fconfiderflv' "'^m t iS23^.i£r» l wVS£' ,T e Xrt2L?V ih ° S .co n duc t: 'thee 9 into%-b C osl.t.

- from~-'c"aptiv:fty. ir The ineffable benefit o,f 'hh£l-ilbly f &a.c-:': nfiee' will 'riot be denied'- him'; ' • But I these thoughts .need/. ' not* 'be* pursued any further.- -' '" "'"""'-',. '„ * .„" "',*'<. •On 'the" other"" hand, what ;a 'picture could be,'drawn!"., of .the v--;- >.-■/ -:"•;. _v i-fsj : ■ ._;\ J \".,, ""'„-/'/ to!;t o! ; of %ch f /Cathqlics as^haye.rWen^brought'iuiider'- review-;: Objects, of piety; 'are conspicuous by. their absence.-"from--the-sick' man's" room; There", 'is,'* nobody' to\ offer-* a" prayer for him, lie is writhing .in" "agonies ,of .pain and' -'weariness./ He is stupiliod by 1 tne miseries' of v'lus,, helpless' condition. : D6es ir -.he v - pray ?.,. Or does ' He bias- .' pheme/' saying .-. 'What have, I .\ done 'that-" "God ~sho~uldpunish/me' thus?' He long'since/.ios;fc\tne use, "of-i prayer. -'How -unlikely that' the faculty of "prayer. will" now return, after 1 years; of disuse of' the "same Und -' abuse^of grace." Restlessness, impatience, -obliviousness.' of religion -settle * down' upon him. ' The. death of-.-; the wicked is very '"evil," , declares;' l the' inspired' Psalmist.. : A hard . heart- shall fare . .'evil " at . the" last / exclaims--Ecclesiasticus, another inspired penman " * ' '" Does:not Holy Writ. abound ±r" terrible examples of - vengeance falling on .the wicked? Core, DatW Abiron"' and /their .associates- in rebellion-- against" 'Moses': went " down: the gaping-, earth alive 'into hell, ' as we read in the .sixteenth cbaplei-jof the Book oi 1 Numbers G6li-V ath, Absolom, Jczabcl, Holofer'nes, Baltassor Antio- • chus, Ananias :-and • 'Saphira, Herod the "-impious— how.,.' dire the end of each! ' Sinners' 'that glory iri' J 'evii """gs, shall grow old in evil,' said Ecclesiasticus, 1 un- ' til bitter death-: overtakes- them.. \ And*. then' thV- ' wicked hearts-shall be .laden ■ with' sorrows'' according:' to- the' same infallible' authority y " ' - '• "' r -'- Has not Christ pronounced' the 'sentence' on ; the"' re- ' belhous Christian: '-He that will not' hear the Church"" let him be to .thee as- the heathen', and 'the' 'publican?'' A 2? S .^ nob also "" S ive n"tbrl>h' the divine" : He that despiseth you, despiseth Me ?' -How dire" and crushing -the final '.judgment against "those" who would ' not hearken to -the Voice of' God and " His' Church • ' Depart from > me, .ye accursed, into* ' everlasting ' fire* ' (Matt W xxv P 4l P ) a^' d f ° r '" W^' ldeVil " rand ' MS ' ' "^ lS> '• It is superfluous to r enlarge any more upon the con- : " swieration. The class fcf Catholics already ".noticed usually die without the Sacraments, those safeguards for a- happy death. The friends are utterly indifferent- respecting the" spiritual interests ,6L 'the dying man. •At 'its- best their conversation- with him . only turns on matters altogether. Vofdly. Then Monies- ■ the all-important question "6i the burial service Enough, has been put forward to show how -/the Church^ desires to- honor ;the dead, and to assuage . the - pains of ' the holy . souls in- a - temporary middle state But tnere is no folly or wickedness greater than to -allow a friend to die without the saving ' .sacraments; ,and--. then .make' a howling cry over funeral honors. The - burial -service "is not a Sacrament/ All,- the -'/funeral services yet performed, or to be celebrated to.the end> of time, could, not in their : . added up yalue~save » one-'-.< single,- soul: Of Ho. worth .whatever are ~ they to "the" reprobate. The worthy reception of .tlie Sacramentswould h,av.e enabled' .the poor sinner' to depart from life under the happiest auspices. But this aspect of - the case .is" no concern- to. the unfortunate surroundings of many a : dying Catholic? Instances "are sufficiently numerous ;t and ■ up-to-date to . warrant .• - this . ■ strong -statement." However, the priest 'gives the benefit of • . ' - , . A Charitable" Doubt, - . although "he cannot/.- rid 'his mind of<' reasonable miseiv- ' > ln 'gs respecting the/ health", .of ' the' departed' soul »For'* s tho Psalmist declares , that God's '-tender/ mercies are ! " over all His. works.' And the great apostle of • the Uentiles lays down ' the doctrine that' *it is the will of God ..that all men be saved.' uYes ; -but' Almighty ' God also/ requites the co-operation of every- adult the. supreme business of,- salvation'. For this very 'piir- : ' P°f c „he"-endows .every, sold .with' will— a" ' -noble' •' gift. that r wills. man, 1 s salvation, arid" affords' 1 '" the means i? to. this ..end, has . laid down me 1 , condition':" If thpuwilt enter iijLfco lile, keep the 'commandments ' ' Moreover, , . germane also -to : thc ■ question -Is that 1 : o ther": divine; oracle /enunciated -by St: Matthew :'• «He that 1 shall persevere to^jbliiB I .^nd,,"he shall : be' ! saved ' : But th« sinner had spurned the, ' sweef yoke ' "and- "''fee"." light burden ' of _ his crucified' and merciful Saviour 1 ' He . h f4 made,', a- .perverse, use of free' will.'- He nid . resisted' inspirations, entreaties, graces, beyond number I .' The Qood- Shepherd, had sought, him .most l" sedulously. * _ but the -wayward ' Narid'. self-willed' 'errdngr -soul- fled forever from -his loving, embrace,.. 'He has. squandered "the full measure' of graces for' Ms 'salvation 1 The end of- the; -chain has been, reached ; and tlien it 'isto ' be greatly feared that the hardened heart is given over ' to final impenitence. 'Now we know' that God -dothnot hear -sinners, 1 exclaims St. John./ < -'. .-, '

j Is there: f no death-bedoi-epentahce ?' v Yes,' • Longinus Vas saved :on ..the. .bed of, the*, cross.' But. does- not" St.Augustine make ,a> -strik;itfg comment on .■tKis.-xemarkable conyersion -? r . -'One r ,wasj.;thus Jf sayed-that nobody^ should" despair ;,^b'Ut-, only *. one,, .that ytftbod'y/' should, -presume.' Anyhow, God is - absolute; owner, of o.His fgi£ts;< --and 'He - bestows Jthem -,-w-he_ro."Hey,listethv:Noriuniust^man.i.-pre-: 1 sume : To /, limit His_ mercies.-' So /.'.thevprie,st -rpef forms % the funeral. -obscquies.^i-r.-He,, hopes^j7fori;'.'fthe-*ibetter,-though- very-telling- (/ arguriients^militate l - against him. Let hixr\ be i ever,- so-optimistic, -iieiufinds" ituha'rd to' speak.^in. the -language. •, of --. : hope -respecting the deceased. ' How appear- the words jof ;>vthat 'pray---er : \ May. -Chris t ; receive. „T hee, ;Whoi :has,-calledv4Kee!^ Is it,,-to ;! Paradise^Chr'ist,,;itSu Redeemer and 1 Judge has' calledf/that ,soul .? -ficvv: void ,of ; i life /and .truth' ap-- , pear, .also, words; joj oj l* the* sweet.' invocation 'r-^May 1 ' the . angels .- conduct . thee.; to irthe^bosom .of 'lAbraham.' r What,, avails^ to "a .lostvsoul -the /usuaL prayer for "the - dead.?, , /Eternal pest giver-him;^so Lord. -And- may/ pei-Retiial. light r :shiue -upon^irUim..' All? is- 1 over.* : The r - friends, of < deceased- a^o. /satisfied. iThey . offer no prayer? but, after the,-- manner- of heathens, '- they -load the eof- - fin with, floorers, -and/ go. -.away- with : J/heHusiiaUstered- > typeUaudgmentT: <„•. Happy* released \ better' ofi.'-rMay God ~ preserve readers from, .such-jiriends !■/•„' ■; =•- , r \ ..... ->>>j '„ ■ tT ,-:.j r :s~'i sv .- •• .:..- :

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New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 12

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CHRISTIAN BURIAL New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 12

CHRISTIAN BURIAL New Zealand Tablet, 15 November 1906, Page 12

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