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Dargaville.— 2sth ultimo, that he may he located and interviewed regarding a breach of Section 45, Employment Promotion Act, 1936, Eric Skinner, age about thirty-five, height 5 ft., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes; dressed in a blue suit (no hat); fond of drink ; talkative. A contract (digging drains) under 4b Scheme was let by John Henry Meale, farmer, Whatoro, to Eric Skinner, W. Evans, and L. Morfett. Skinner did not do any of the work, the job having been completed by Evans and Morfett, and it is alleged that Skinner signed a receipt as having received a third share of the contract price (£100).

Warkworth, —31st ultimo, that a summons may be served upon him for failing to pay an agricultural worker his full wages, Charles Morrison, alias Cyril Marshall, alias George Whitmore, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 17.8, and Photographs, 1926, page 70. V,/ J. A? '*• k // v

Warkworth. 2oth January last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for seven days in default of paying £3 3s. fine and costs for operating a motor-vehicle without a heavy traffic license, Harry Warner, age twenty-eight, height 5 ft. 8 in., native of New Zealand, stout build, pale complexion, dark hair, brown eyes ; usually dressed in a blue suit. He left this Dominion for England on the ship “ Awatea ” on the 29th October, 1937. . PAYS PIKE AND COSTS. 2/7//^A

Auckland. —loth February last, on two warrants of commitment to Auckland Prison for forty-eight hours on each in default of paying £2 ss. fines and costs for breaches of the city by-laws, Herbert Edward Parsons, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. 6 in., medium build, thin dark hair, brown eyes ; ■ '".ally dressed in a grey or fawn suit ; wears glasses. He is now in South Africa.

Auckland. l3th ultimo, for unlawfully converting to his own use an Indian motor-cycle (recovered), value, £4O, the property of Darby Crosby, Man (name unknown), age about thirty, height 5 ft. 10 in., native of New Zealand, good build, dark complexion, curly dark hair; wearing darkbrown coat, dark trousers, and a biscuit-coloured shirt open at neck ; slow speech ; may have Maori blood in him. He unlawfully removed the motor-cycle from Ladies’ Bay, and later complainant saw him riding the cycle and took it from him. No warrant.

Auckland. l4th February last, on warrant for a breach of his probation (Crimes Amendment Act, 1910), David Carter, age sixty-two, height 5 ft. 10 in., engineer, native of New Zealand, fresh complexion, dark hair turning grey, hazel eyes, long nose, small scar on nose, small mole under left eye. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer. (See Police Gazette, 1937, page 441, and Photographs, f 1926, page 81 ><s/ee- o/ryJsx & ° -

Waihi. — February last, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Cecilia Bennett, and children, Jack Dorman O’Hagan, alias Bennett, age thirty-eight, height 5 ft. in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair, light-blue eyes~ , /

Hamilton. —lst February last, on warrant for false pretences, P. Ward, age about forty, height 5 ft. 7 im; strong build, fresh complexion, hair, /m alL-^rfaustache; dressed in a U hfl't. fi eis esa?6?d as follows: “On the Ist February, lljfpf, amtitjbn) with intent to defraud did obtain from Be/nard Quill £6 6s. cash by falsely representing that a cheque for £9 10s. drawn on the Bank of Australasia, Morrinsville, by P. Ward in favour of J. R. Fow, Ltd., dated Ist February, 1938, was a good and valid order for that amount”. Accused tendered the cheque to Bernard Quill, who is employed by J. R. Fow, Ltd., in payment of an account. .He may be identical with Percival Lewis Ward,, ref to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 627 p and 924, page 27, who was employed as a who had an account at the Bank of jjtoriinsville, the state of such account being notified to him by the bank on the 27th January last. Since that date this man has issued ten cheques which have been dishonoured. Percival Lewis Ward, is in possession of a dark-grey Morris motor-car with artillery wheels, registration No. 109,190, and he is believed to be accompanied by Margaret Frances Corless, age about thirty-seven, medium height, plump build, dark complexion; wearing a grey tweed overcoat, light hat and shoes.

Hamilton. 2lst ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Hamilton Prison for three days in default of paying £2 15s. fine and costs for a breach of his prohibition order, Roy Baxter Coulton, alias Roy Barlton Caulton, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 81, and Photogr932, .page 2 ; untidy appearance. jdjr/'L C/

Hamilton. 2Bth February last, for forgery and uttering, Man (name unknown). Seiwyn George Harris, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 137, and Photographs, 1931, page 30, is suspected, and when he is located the Inspector of Police, Hamilton, is to be advised so that the file may be forwarded before Harris is interviewed. On the 28th February last a Man (name unknown) forged the signature of Stuart Gladstone Harris to a money-order telegram from Gisborne for £ls, and collected that amount. The forged signature is similar to the writing of Selwyn George Harris. No warrant. n p f /

Hamilton. —On or about the 22nd February last, on warrant for forgery, George Hutton, age about eighteen, height 5 ft. 4 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fair complexion, brown hair;' dressed in a grey suit, light-grey hat with black band, and black shoes ; wears horn-rimmed glasses. Accused forged the signature of J. Carson to a cheque for £5 10s. on the Bank of Australasia, Hamilton, in favour of G. Hutton, and attempted to utter it to Randall Alexander McKinnon of the Bank of Australasia, Hamilton. Accused had been employed by Joseph Carson, farmer, of Rototuna, and before leaving on the 22nd February last he stole a blank cheque from his employer’s cheque-book. He may be identical with George Finlay Hutton, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 407. arrestejm&w

Rotorua. —24th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Rotorua Prison for three days in default of paying £2 15s. fine and costs for a breach of his prohibition order, William Anson Reid, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 204. He is of strong build, and is usually/ dressed in an old grey suit- aw MU

Te Kuiti. —22nd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Hamilton Prison for three days in default of paying £1 15s. fine and costs for driving a motor-vehicle at excessive speed, Jack Livingstone, age about nineteen, height about 5 ft. 6 in., native of New Zealand, slight build, dark complexion, dark hsir ' hsir Gisborne. —Ist ultimo, on warrant' of commitment to Auckland Prison for thirty days in default of paying £3O ss. arrears on maintenance orders for the support of his wife, Daureen Hope McGee, Charles Hollywood McGee, age thirtyone, height 5 ft. 9 in., farmer, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, dark hair turning grey, brown eyes, small black moustache ; erect gait; well dressed. He may be released on payment of £22 15s. (See Police Gazette, 1937, page 568.) -^sUJ/ /$/£/&

Wairoa. — ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Gisborne Prison for ten days in default of paying £5 ss. fine and costs for obscene language, Poto Unuwai, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 45. . / _

Napier. —2Bth ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Gladys Ellen Dorothy Cuthbert, and two children, Edward Cuthbert, age forty-eight, height 5 ft. 8 in., road worker, native of New Zealand, medium build, pale complexion, dark-brown hair, brown eyes, limps on left leg; fond of drink. fatads. lo!dliL Palmerston North. 3oth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for two months in default of paying £l3 9s. 9d. balance of fine and costs for being intoxicated while in charge of a motor-car, John Henry McGregor, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 129. ARRESTED^W^ Palmerston North. ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for seven days in default of paying £2 ss. fine and costs for a breach of his prohibition order, John Paea, alias Para Corner, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 175. fa>MLZo/)+/3g. Masterton. 2lst ultimo, on, warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for three days in default, of paying £1 fine and costs for a breach of the Factories Act, John Friar, age twenty-two, height about 5 ft. 10 in., contractor and salesman, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair, hazel eyes, natural teeth; usually well dressed -

Masterton. — ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Edith Marjorie Broom, and two children, Lake Ferry Hotel, Martinborough, Cyril Ernest /Broom, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 236. /// » yj/tf Wellington. 24th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for ten days in default of paying £3 15s. fine and costs for driving a motor-car in a dangerous manner, Joseph Coyle, alias Lyons, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 745. 1937, pago 745. -jiaod/Jtff

Wellington. —23rd February last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Esther Vera Cleaver, and three children, Eric Lawrence Cleaver, age thirty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, light-brown, hair, blue eyes, scar on right side, on left forefinger, and on left thumb. Arrears to 7th February last, £47 Is. (See Police Gazette, 1938, page 3.)

Mount —24th ultimo, on warrant for assaulting David Benjamin Theodore Harvey, a police constable, in the execution of his duty, H. Lynch, alias Paddy Lynch, age about twenty-eight, height 5 ft. 10 in., fireman and labourer, strong build, fresh complexion inclined to be fair, wavy fair hair; dressed in grey sports trousers and grey sports.coat with pleated back (no hat); fond of liquor and quarrelsome. When he was arrested for fighting at the rear of the White Swan Hotel he assaulted the constable and de “ m P ed - 25/&/3S'.

Christchurch.. ultimo, that he may be located and interviewed, Henry James Brown, age sixty-one, height 5 ft. 7 in., ship’s cook and butcher, native of New Zealand, strong build, dark complexion, grey hair, blue eyes ; fond of drink. It is alleged that he obtained £9B 6s. lid. from the Employment Promotion Board by falsely declaring that he was maintaining a home and a daughter named Maud (age fourteen in 1937), and also that he obtained £2 7s. for failing to disclose that he had earned £29 17s. sd. between the 25th January and 31st July, 1937. (See Police Gazette, 1935, page 466.)

Christchurch. —lsth ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order : for the support of his wife Jessie Cassis Terris, Stanley Terris, age thirty-six, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Arrears to the 29th January last, £425 16s. 3d. (See Police Gazette, 1931, page 345.), Christchurch. —29th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for fourteen days in default of paying £3 fine and costs for trespass on a racecourse, John William Miller, alias “ Dusty Miller,” referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 25, and Photographs, 1935, page 8. 2j3/6>/3£. Christchurch. —3oth ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Mary Le Lievre, 22 Tennyson Street, Beckenham, Louis Joseph William Le Lievre, age thirty-four, height 5 ft. 5 in., carpenter, native of New Zealand, slight build, dark complexion, dark-brown hair, brown eyes, long nose. Arrears to 15th November last, £6.

Christchurch. — 15th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Dunedin Prison for two months in default of paying £75 arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his son, Francis Joseph Gantiey ago thirty-six, height 5 ft. 8 in. butcher, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. He may be released on payment of £sl. (See Police Gazette, 1938, page 138, and Photographs, 1930, page 12.) , I 1 7// 4-^ Fairlie. —22nd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for one month in default of paying £5 fine for theft, Patrick Herbert Campbell, referred to in Police Gazette, 1938, page 147 ; dressed in a dark suit and felt hat. Routed/ fo[s/3£.

Dunedin. —18th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for two months in default of paying £55 arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Ivy Jane Constance Easton, Donald Easton, age thirty-six, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, hawker and machinist, native of Tasmania, medium build, sallow complexion, brown hair and eyes, thin face, scar on right knee; may be dressed in a light-grey tweed coat and vest, light-grey flannel trousers, and sand-shoes ; flat feet. He may be released on payment of £B. (See Police Gazette, 1935, page 138.) oZj*) $ /3<f

Dunedin. —lst ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Dunedin Prison for three days in default of paying £1 ss. fine and costs for being found on licensed premises during prohibited hours, Frederick Meredith, age fifty-eight,. height 5 ft. 7 in., indent agent, native of Australia, medium build, sallow complexion, grey hair going bald, blue eyes, scar on abdomen. (See Police Gazette, 1935, page J 9.) . . _

Dunedin. lßth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Dunedin Prison for two months in default of paying £47 15s. arrears on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Dorcas Cole is the mother, John Peter Finlayson, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. 10 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, coloured long hair, hazel eyes, high cheek-bones, prominent nose; dressed in a navy-blue suit with white stripes, grey cap, and black heavy boots. He may be released on payment of £l2.

Balclutha. —31st January last, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Donald James Richmond, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 562. He is usually untidy and dirty, has slow hesitating speech, slovenly gait, and he is slightly simple-minded. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which, he was released on probation reads : “On the 3rd day of July, 1937, at Tuapeka Mouth, did steal wool to the value of £2O, the property of Charles Frederick Lucas.” A

Mataura. —24th ultimo, for indecently assaulting Merle MacDonald, age seven, Main South Road, Man (name unknown), age about forty, height about 5 ft. 6 in., medium build, fair complexion; wearing a dark suit (no hat). Accused, who was in possession of . a 1937 model fiveseater dark-green Willys Knight motor-car, stopped complainant in Main South Road. He represented himself to be a school doctor, and induced her to get into his car where he committed the offence. No warrant.

Invercargill. l6th ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his illegitimate child, ‘of "whom Olga Marj Keown, Mossburn, is the mother, Lloyd Small, age twenty, height about 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion and hair, blue, half-closed puffed eyes, large nose and mouth ; well dressed ; swaggering gait. He may be identical with Lloyd Hastings Small, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 780. MAn&atecO &/&/$%

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 13, 6 April 1938, Page 251

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PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 13, 6 April 1938, Page 251

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 13, 6 April 1938, Page 251

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