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Establishing Children’s Court at Te Kaha. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1931, page 2966.)

Justices of the Peace authorized to exercise Jurisdiction in Children’s Court at Te Kaha. John Howie, Esq., J.P., and Anson Hutchinson Cato, Esq., J.P. • x,. ' (See New Zealand Gazette, 1931, page 2966.)

Regulations for Payment of Witnesses and Interpreters for the Grown in Criminal Cases. BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 19th day of October, 1931. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. XN pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred on him by the Public Revenues Act, 1926, and the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, and of all other powers and authorities him in this behalf in anywise enabling, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the regulations hereinafter set out.

REGULATIONS. Regulation I.Preliminary. (1) These regulations may be referred to as “ The Regulations for Payment of Witnesses, 1931.” (2) These regulations shall come into force on the 22nd day of October, 1931. (3) All regulations heretofore in force relating to the payment of witnesses and interpreters for the Crown in criminal cases shall be revoked as on and from the said 22nd day of October, lsS\.(4ee,p@. 1^32,,fa/. Regulation 2. —Supreme Court Trials. In trials of criminal cases in the Supreme Court allowances will be made to prosecutors and witnesses for the Crown as follow : (1) To persons giving evidence, strictly as experts, £ s. d. for every day’s attendance at Court or necessary absence from usual place of abode 10 0 Except as above, to every prosecutor and witness for every day’s attendance at Court or necessary absence from usual place of abode .. .. .. ..090 And in addition thereto, for every night’s necessary absence from such place of abode 0 3 6 (2) Provided that persons in receipt of salary or wages from the General Government will be entitled to such allowance only if necessarily absent at night from their Usual place of abode. If not so absent, such persons will be allowed their actual personal expenses only. (3) Witnesses residing beyond three miles from the Courthouse will also be allowed their fares by public conveyance. Second-class fares will be allowed to mechanics, labourers, and persons of similar rank, and first-class fares to others. Receipts must be furnished for fares over ss. other than railway fares. When there is no public conveyance such witnesses will be allowed a mileage rate of 9d. per mile one way. (4) Medical practitioners using their own motor-cars, or motor-cars hired for their personal use, whether public conveyances are available or not, will be allowed mileage at the rate of Is. per mile one way for every mile between their place of residence and. the place at which evidence is required to be given : Provided, however, that in no case will mileage be paid for a greater distance than fifty miles. (5) In exceptional cases, where the attendance of a prosecutor or a witness necessitates his prolonged absence from his usual place of abode, such prosecutor or witness may be paid such lesser amount than . the above allowances as the Minister of Justice may direct. (6) A person required to give evidence as an expert will be paid such sum as appears to the Under-Secretary of Justice to be fair and reasonable for any analysis, preparation of maps or plans, or for otherwise necessarily preparing himself to give evidence. In such case a contingency voucher (on forms Ty. 39 and 39a) shall be prepared for such sum as the Registrar of the Supreme Court certifies to be fair and reasonable, and shall be forwarded to the Undersecretary of Justice, who shall finally fix the amount and pass the voucher for payment. (7) Except as provided by paragraphs (5) and (6) of this regulation, abstracts on form S.C. 14 in favour of witnesses and interpreters shall be certified by the Crown Solicitor and the Registrar. The amounts so certified shall be paid by the Registrar out of advances made to him for that purpose, except in the case of officers under the control of the Public Service Commissioner attending in their official capacity to give evidence or to produce documents. Such officers will claim their expenses from their own Department in ■ ' accordance with Public Service Regulation No. 24. Regulation 3. Preliminary Investigations of Indictable Cases before Justices.

(1) In preliminary investigations of indictable cases before Justices of the Peace, when the accused is committed for trial or sentence, the allowances to the prosecutor and witnesses for the Crown for attendance before such Justices as directed to be certified by section 166 of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, shall be in accordance with the allowances fixed in Regulation 2 hereof, and the provisions of that regulation with the exception of paragraph (7) thereof shall apply to such prosecutor and witnesses.

(2) In such cases when the preliminary investigation is completed a certificate issued pursuant to the said section 166 on form J.P. 39 of the expenses allowed to such prosecutor and witnesses by the presiding Justices must be prepared and signed in duplicate. One copy shall be forwarded without delay to the local Officer in Charge of Police and the other copy shall be forwarded with the depositions to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. (3) The Police Department will pay on behalf of the Department of Justice the expenses so certified, except in the case of officers under the control of the Public Service Commissioner attending in their official capacity to give evidence or to produce documents. Such officers will claim their expenses from their own Department in accordance with Public Service Regulation No. 24. Regulation Summary Cases. (1) In all cases heard summarily, and in preliminary investigations of indictable cases in which the accused is discharged, the Police Department shall pay its own witnesses and interpreters, subject to the provisions of Public Service Regulation No. 24. (2) Where the .prosecution is instituted by any other Government Department, the Police Department shall, if requested by the prosecutor, pay the expenses of witnesses and interpreters called on behalf of such other Department. The voucher in such cases shall be charged to such other Department. (3) Witnesses in all such cases and investigations shall be paid the same allowances as are fixed in Regulation 2 hereof, and the provisions of that regulation, with the exception of paragraphs (6) and (7) thereof, shall apply to such witnesses.

Regulation s.—lnterpreters’ Fees. The following fees shall be paid to interpreters for the Crown in indictable and summary cases : To an interpreter, if engaged for any time not £ s. d. exceeding one hour .. .. ..096 For every additional hour or fraction of an hour he may be actually employed beyond that time 0 4 0 But not exceeding per day .. .. ..1180 Interpreters residing beyond three miles from the Courthouse will be allowed their fares by public conveyance. When there is no public conveyance, they will be allowed a mileage rate of 9d. per mile one way. In addition to the above, interpreters will be paid 18s. for every night’s necessary absence from their usual place of abode. Regulation 6. Payment of Witnesses subject to Directions of presiding Judge or Justices. Payments to witnesses and interpreters shall in all cases mentioned above be subject to such directions as the presiding Judge or Justices or Justice may think fit as to the disallowance of the whole or any part of the allowance to such witnesses or interpreters or any of them. Regulation 7.Appeals, etc., under the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. Witnesses for the Crown in proceedings in the Supreme Court under or relating to the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, whether by way of appeal, certiorari, mandamus, or otherwise, shall, unless the presiding Judge directs to the 'contrary, be paid upon the same scale as in criminal prosecutions. Regulation 8. —Private Prosecutions. Payment to witnesses and interpreters for the prosecution at the trial of criminal cases in the Supreme Court, when conducted by or on behalf of private prosecutors, except in those cases where notice has been given to the private prosecutor that the prosecution is not to be conducted by the Crown Solicitor, may be allowed by the presiding Judge and paid on the same scale and in the same manner as if the same had been conducted by the Crown Solicitor. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council. .

Prescribing Rates of Fees and Allowances under the Payment of Jurors Act, 1919.

BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 19th day of October, 1931. Present: . ~ His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by section two of the Payment of Jurors Act, 1919, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby revoke the Order in Council dated the first day of February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and published in the Gazette of the same date, prescribing the rates of . fees and allowances to be payable to jurors in accordance with the provisions of the said Act; and in lieu thereof doth hereby prescribe, as set forth in the Schedule hereto, the rates of fees and allowances to be payable to jurors for their attendance at any sittings of the Supreme Court, and to every , person who attends as a juror at any inquest held before a Coroner ; and doth hereby declare that this Order in Council shall come into force and take effect on and from the twenty-second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

SCHEDULE. Rates op Rees. Common jurors attending any civil or criminal £ s. d. sitting, or any juror attending a Coroner’s inquest For attendance for a period exceeding three hours on any one day .. . .. .. 010 6 For attendance for a period not exceeding three hours on any one day .. .. ~050 Special jurors : For every day’s attendance or part of , a day’s attendance and actually serving as such— For the first day .. ... .. ..100 For each day thereafter .. .. .. 010 0 Expenses op Locomotion. In addition to the fees herein prescribed, jurors residing beyond three miles from the Courthouse, or, in the case of an inquest, from the Courthouse or other place at which the inquest is held, shall receive a refund of the actual expenses of locomotion in attending such sittings or inquest, to include railway, coach, or steamer fares. Receipts must be furnished for fares over ss. other than railway fares. When there is no public conveyance, such jurors shall be allowed a mileage rate of 9d. per mile one way. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Fixing Fees payable uuder the Coroners Amendment Act, 1920. BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 19th day of October, 1931. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by section two of the Coroners Amendment Act, 1920, and of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby revoke the Order in Council made ■ under that Act on the eighteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, and published in the Gazette of the twenty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, , and in lieu thereof doth hereby order and appoint that there ; shall be paid in respect of all inquests held on and after the date whereon this Order in Council comes into force, the fees and allowances specified in the Schedule hereto and doth declare that this Order in Council shall come into force and take effect on and from the twenty-second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

SCHEDULE. To the Coroner, Deputy Coroner, or Justice of the £ s. d Peace, other than a Stipendiary Magistrate, holding an inquest: For every inquest .. 10C Provided that the Minister of Justice may allow a larger fee than the above in any case where he considers that exceptional circumstances render such a course desirable. To a medical witness for attending and giving ' evidence, when not required to make a postmortem examination .. .. ..10( For making a post-mortem examination when required so to do by the Coroner or Justice holding the inquest, and attending to give evidence of the result .. .. .. 3 3 (

And, in addition to the above fees, an allowance in respect of locomotion expenses other than those reasonably incurred in travelling by rail, coach, or steamboat: —• To the Coroner, Deputy Coroner, or Justice of the Peace holding an inquest: At the rate of Is. per mile, counted one way only. To a medical witness : At the rate of Is. per mile, counted one way only. F. D. THOMSON, : Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulation under Section 8 of the Coroners Amendment Act, 1908. \ : BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 19th day of October, 1931. - j... j Present: j -; His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by section eight of the Coroners Amendment Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby revoke the regulation made on the fifth day of March one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, and published'in the Gazette of the fifteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty prescribing the scale of expenses that may be paid to witnesses, other than medical witnesses for attendance at Coroners’ inquests, and doth hereby make the following regulation in lieu thereof; and doth hereby declare that this Order in Council shall come into force and take effect on and from the twenty-second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

REGULATION. The scale of expenses that may be paid to witnesses, other than medical witnesses, for attendance at Coroners’ inquests shall be as follows : i - (a) For every day’s attendance at an inquest, or s. d. necessary absence from usual place of abode, not exceeding the sum of .. .. ! ..90 And in addition thereto, for every night’s necessary absence from such place of abode, ! not exceeding the sum of .. .. ..36 Provided that no person in receipt of salary..,or wages from the General Government shall be paid any expenses as above for attendance as a witness at a Coroner’s inquest unless he is by reason of such attendance necessarily absent at night from his usual place of abode. If he is not so absent, such a person may be paid a sum not exceeding the amount of his actual personal expenses. ; ( b ) Witnesses residing beyond three miles from the Courthouse or other place at which the inquest is held may also be allowed their fares by public conveyance. Second-class fares may be allowed to mechanics, labourers, and persons of similar rank, and first-class fares to others. Receipts must be furnished for fares over ss. other than railway fares. j ;i When there is no public conveyance such witnesses may be allowed a mileage rate of 9d. per mile one way. F. D. THOMSON, \so Clerk of the Executive Council.

a O I I §3 la £ 4* a o a a Sh ? o 0 a H K a « go d £ & 1 ■♦a < (a

of Offender tried. |When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. jHeight. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Sea Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. NoseDistinguishing Marks, &<v John Horn, Whangarei . 5/10/31 book-carrying maker theft fined N. poultryfarmer 1886 ft. 10 ruddy light blue medium Arthur Lowe, George Whangarei 8/10/31 1 probation and Zealand N. mechanic 1902 5 fresh brown hazel . medium eye. charges) theft . each on charged AlanMcCallum, Whangarei 8/10/31 theft 1 N. mechanic . 1903 8 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Small mouth. 8 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Small mouth. theft charges) (4 probation year’s dis- and convicted eachcharged Florence Thomas, Auckland 3/10/31 theft probation years’ Zealand typist 1913 3 fair dark brown blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 3/10/31. 3 fair dark brown blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 3/10/31. theft and charged fined £100 Frederick .Dryland, Auckland 5/10/31 gaming- premises using house Zealand clerk 1902 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1930, p. 506. 6f fresh brown brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1930, p. 506. Abraham, Auckland 5/10/31 gaming- premises a house fined N. butcher 1899 5 fair light brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left breast, on tip of left ring-finger, and on right forefinger. (See P.G./1926, p. 43.) 6* fair light brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on left breast, on tip of left ring-finger, and on right forefinger. (See P.G.,1926, p. 43.) George Auckland 5/10/31 mischief damage . pay Zealand salesman 1901 7 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. medium.. Ring on left ring-finger. 7 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. medium.. Ring on left ring-finger. Reginald Auckland 5/10/31 pretences probation 1 Australia salesman 1900 5 fresh brown blue prominent Small scar on right side of nose. (See P.G., H fresh brown blue prominent Small scar on right side of nose. (See P.G., charges) pretences and and p. p. charged fair brown medium EllenBaker, Auckland 5/10/31 totalizator laying totalizator laying fined and convicted charged probation years’ and convicted N. married 1894 4 brown .. Scar on forehead, on right wrist, and on right thumb. Photo at Auckland, 1/10/31. fair 4 brown .. Soar on forehead, on right wrist, and on right thumb. Photo at Auckland, 1/10/31. fair Thomas Stuckey, Auckland 6/10/31 theft charges) theft (5 Zealand N. labourer 1908 10 brown blue medium.. 10 brown blue medium.. charged Alfred Newdick, Auckland 7/10/31 7/10/31 theft of charge 1 year’s probation fined £10 N. Zealand buttermerchant 1889 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Bullet-wound on left foot. motor-car 1 year’s probation fined £10 N. Zealand buttermerchant 1889 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Bullet-wound on left foot. Joseph Auckland 8/10/31 with-illegally intent years’ N. butcher 1912 9 fresh light brown hazel .. medium.. Woman’s head on left forearm; scar on back of right hand. F.P. Photo at Auckland, medium 2/10/31. 9 fresh light brown hazel .. medium.. Woman’s head on left forearm; scar on back of right hand. F.P. Photo at Auckland, fresh medium 2/10/31. Noton, Auckland 8/10/31 in fined England tea-merchant 1869 11 fresh fair blue 11 fair blue motor-car Scar on upper lip and on left side of forehead. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 2/10/31. Leonard . .Sarney, Auckland 8/10/31 illegally on premises with2 years’ probation N. Zealand hairdresser .. 1912 5 7 fresh black hazel .. medium.. motor-car illegally on premises with2 years’ probation N. Zealand hairdresser .. 1912 5 7 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Scar on upper lip and on left side of forehead. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 2/10/31. McKeown Alick Wilson, Auckland 8/10/31 with-illegally on intent probation N. upholsterer 1912 5 sallow .. fair blue medium.. Scar on right calf and on left forefinger. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 2/10/31. H sallow .. fair blue medium.. Scar on right calf and on left forefinger. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 2/10/31. CharlesO’Donnell, Auckland 9/10/31 a fined . Zealand N. labourer 1900 6 5 pale brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1927, p. 737. 6 pale brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1927, p. 737. Nelson, Auckland 9/10/31 unlawfully a fined Zealand N. sheet-metal 1894 9 ruddy .. brown, turnhazel .. medium.. Scar on right cheek. 9 ruddy .. brown, turnhazel .. medium.. Scar on right cheek. worker mg grey fresh .. ing grey Mason, Savoury Auckland 9/10/31 theft probation of to on and N. labourer 1913 8 brown hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1931, p. 391. 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1931, p. 391. charged .

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol .

of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. d u o 4= A Ofl "S W Complexion. Hair. 1 | Eyes. 1 Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. ! Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 J Born. ( 43 A Ofi © ' M Compiexion. Hair, I ) Eyes. 1 Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. James Auckland 9/10/31 assault . fined Zealand N. labourer 1891 ft. 5 in. 9 sallow . auburn grey medium William, Hamilton 28/9/31 theft and England labourer 1905 5 »4 sallow . dark brown brown medium Indian and ; dragon Graves charged Britannia left on ; p. Harris, Hamilton 5/10/31 in lined £10 and proN. Zealand motor-driver 1904 5 8 fresh black brown .. medium of fined £10 and proN. Zealand motor-driver 1904 5 8 fresh black brown .. medium motor-car hibited broad brown .. broad Kite Huru Putaruru 11/9/31 theft fined Maori labourer 1879 5 7 dark black brown .. Kiddle, Sydney Gisborne 2/10/31 vagabond and 2 years’ probation Australia .. labourer 1909 5 3 fair brown brown .. medium.. Scars on back of neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1925, (il2 years’ probation Australia .. labourer 1909 5 3 fair brown brown .. medium.. Scars on back of neck. E.P. (See P.G., 1925, on brown brown .. long p. 331.) fresh brown brown .. long p. 331.) James . NewPlymouth 9/10/31 in fined £10 and liN. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1908 5 9 fresh of fined £10 and liN. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1908 5 9 motor-car endorsed for 1 year fined £2 Handley Eltham 22/9/31 theft . . N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 n ruddy .. dark, turning blue medium.. Scar under left eye ; large mouth. for 1 year fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 n ruddy .. dark, turning blue medium.. Scar under left eye ; large mouth. theft and grey May Napier 21/9/31 false pretences charged to up England domestic 1904 5 0J fair dark blue thin and p. p. Cooper @ Hansen, Napier 29/9/31 theft years make tion to N. labourer 1911 5 3 fresh brown grey . medium hand ; Right attempted John Napier 3/10/31 wilful damage fined England seaman 1902 5 n fair brown brown medium lip. p. Tawheo Matenga Hastings 5/10/31 theft fined Maori and 1900 5 8 copper .. black brown . . medium.. Scar on right cheek and on left forearm. carpenter labourer 1900 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right cheek and on left forearm, • • Angus McLaggan, Wanganui 5/10/31 by obtaining if come up N. 1910 5 8 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. A.V.M. on left upper-arm; scar on abdomen. carpenter labourer 1910 5 8 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. A.V.M. on left upper-arm; scar on abdomen. VincentMcLean, charges) 1 in medium.. Wanganui, Kelley, Wanganui .. 7/10/31 charge in motor-vehicle fined £5 N. Zealand salesman 1895 5 11 fresh brown blue Scar and three dots on leit wrist; bar on leit middle finger. of fined £5 N. Zealand salesman 1895 5 11 fresh brown blue Scar and three dots on left wrist; bar on leit middle finger. Archibald McKay, John Pahiatua 8/10/31 theft fined N. labourer 1905 6 0 pale brown grey medium.. in knee on impediment right p. (See speech. James Otaki 8/10/31 obscene language on N. lorry-driver 1909 5 fair fair blue medium.. Small eyes. 54 fair fair blue medium.. Small eyes. Service, . Wellington 3/10/31 charges)indecent admonished N. message-boy 1914 5 8 fresh fair, blue medium Morgan, Wellington . 7/10/31 theft . if up Zealand N. hand farm . 1912 5 8 fresh black grey medium. knee.; right Augustus in on years golden blue long, Jb.±\ Hansen, Peggy Wellington . 7/10/31 attempted . years’ Scotland . domestic 1897 5 5 fair P.P. pretences called to come hooked Williams, . Wellington . 7/10/31 r stolen receiving in fined £10 N. labourer 1905 5 8 fresh dark grey . thick crooked. finger McBride, Frederick, Wellington .. 10/10/31 theft (2 charges) .. to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 2 fresh brown blue medium.. Slight build; weak heart. F.P. (See P.G., Ronald on in 2 years lyzv, p. o3i.; 10/10/31 theft (2 charges) .. to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 2 fresh brown blue medium.. Slight build; weak heart. E.P. (See P.G., 1 Q9.7 r> 1 Wellington .. ' on in 2 years -

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol — continued.

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. S ' .Sf ’3 W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. j Nose. 1 ■ ■ Distinguishing Marks, &c. h-" • u o PQ 3 .2P H Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. 1 | Distinguishing Marks, &c. f . . ft Williamson, Wellington . 10/10/31 bicycleunlawfully a Welfare to Zealand N. labourer 1916 ft4 7 fresh brown grey .. medium 4 in. 7 fresh brown grey .. medium William Blenheim 10/10/31 by . fined Zealand N. labourer tunneller 1878 5 sallow .. grey grey .. long Strong build; scar on right cheek; horses’ heads on left forearm; woman’s bust and n sallow .. grey grey long Strong build; scar on right cheek; horses’ heads on left forearm ; woman’s bust and Gibbons, Reed, scar on right forearm. (See P.G., 1930, p. 738, and Photo, 1926, p. 2.) >■ •• ■ * f • 0 scar on right forearm. (See P.G., 1930, p. 738, and Photo, 1926, p. 2.) GeorgeSutton, Granity 8/10/31 theft fined Zealand N. rope-boy 1912 5 2 sallow . fair blue medium. 499.) p. eye. Jack Granity 8/10/31 property receiving admonished Zealand rope-boy 1916 4 0 fresh fair - . blue medium ........ - James Crimmins, Greymouth . 5/10/31 mischief . fined £1 Zealand labourer 1907 5 8 dark dark brown medium ' ‘ . • ’ "* ? Edwin Herbert Barnsley, Christchurch 6/10/31 intimidation - fined England . accountant 1880 5 6 fresh brown grey medium and on ; on p. Alexander Blance, Christchurch 6/10/31 intimidation fined Scotland . labourer 1904 5 9 fresh fair - brown medium. . 279. Ronald Hicks, Christchurch 6/10/31 intimidation unlawful fined Zealand labourer 1910 5 pale brown hazel .. medium 4* pale brown . . hazel .. medium : .* 'V 7-Y ■ . •' . ’} • Carroll, Watson, Christchurch 6/10/31 intimidation fined Zealand N. labourer 1895 5 7 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium .. Blind in left eye ; scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1920, p. 115, and 1922, p. 50, and Photos, 1921, p. 85.) coachpainter 1895 5 7 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium. . Blind in left eye ; scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1920, p. 115, and 1922, p. 50, and Photos, 1921, p. 85.) Carroll Donald Watson, painter William James Mackay, Christchurch 6/10/31 intimidation fined Zealand seaman 1896 5 m dark brown grey • medium on woman ; thistle, ; right anchor and crossed Reginald Christchurch 6/10/31 theft come to upif Zealand labourer 1913 5 44 fair brown light grey medium.. on James Allen, Christchurch 6/10/31 theft on come Zealand labourer 1912 5 24 fair fair brown . medium. . breast. White, Christchurch 10/10/31 theft . 1 on year called up Zealand domestic 1913 5 2 pale auburn grey . medium JRobinson, Christchurch 8/10/31 false pretences 1 if come Zealand N. labourer 1891 5 10 fresh fair grey . . medium . build. months 6 hazel . medium Thomas Wood, Timaru 8/10/31 of charge and Zealand auctioneer 1886 5 8 dark turning motor-car cancelled grey prohibited from for Murray William . Dunedin 9/10/31 charges) 3 years probation Zealand labourer 1909 5 8 fresh black hazel medium. (See Mole 236.) E.P. Lawrence Simpson Dunedin 9/10/31 false pretences theft probation probation 1 Zealand N. plasterer 1908 5 10 sallow . brown hazel prominent Leo Hawke, Riverton 6/10/31 obscene . language fined Zealand labourer 1910 5 9 fair auburn -j,. blue medium. and of on Stevens, William . Invercargill .. 7/10/31 animals cruelty to . called to up N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 7 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. 1 p.c. Scar on abdomen ; scars on right leg. on in 1 year N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 7 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. 1 p.c. Scar on abdomen ; scars on right leg. on in 1 year < ~ ’ - -v • ?•* . v •/ ? '

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol — continued.

Complexion. j 1 j When dis- 1 charged, j Remarks, and Previous Convictions. j d I Complexion. 1 1 j When discharged. j Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 9aoL end Natuo of Prisoner. to 1 Where trlsA When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade, | 1 s O J tc n Bair. j 1 Byea. J Nose. j (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been " taken.) Qaol, and Naim of Prisoner. Where fcrJsiS. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 i! tc *3 n Hair. j 1 Byes. | Nose. 1 1 (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) -P.G. Auckland— q ft. in. Agatha Margaret ft. in. ■ . /: Auckland 29/9/31 theft . 7 N. Zealand domestic 1886 5 2i fresh grey brown .. medium.. 5/10/31 1 p.c. Wears glasses; little fingers and right thumb injured. (See P.G., 1931, p. 437, and Photos, p. 58.) • N. Zealand domestic 1886 5 2\ fresh grey brown .. medium.. 5/10/31 1 p.c. Wears glasses; little fingers and right thumb injured. (See P.G., 1931, V :r ;W . . , .. .. ... p. 437, and Photos, p. 58.) Moore, Auckland 29/9/31 theft . 7 N. and 1884 5 3f fresh dark, turning blue-grey large 5/10/31 1 p.c. Right middle finger broken. (See and 1884 5 3f fresh dark, turning blue-grey large 5/10/31 1 p.c. Right middle finger broken. (See fitter grey P.G., 58.) p. DanielDonovan, Hamilton 7/8/31 unemploy- failing to month 1 . Zealand N. motor-driver 1908 5 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 6/10/31 F.P. Arrested, 7/9/31. 5* fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 6/10/31 E.P. Arrested, 7/9/31. levy Percival Yates, Hamilton M.C. 7/9/31 theft . month 1 N. labourer 1901 5fresh brown speckled medium.. 6/10/31 7 p.c. Heart, flowers, scroll, JOSE, and 52T fresh brown speckled medium.. 6/10/31 7 p.c. Heart, flowers, scroll, JOSE, and grey legs on left forearm; lover’s knot, PERCY, and ALICE, &c., on right forearm ; mouth inclined to left. (See P.G., 1930, p. 253.) . • grey - legs on left forearm; lover’s knot, PERCY, and ALICE, &c., on right forearm ; mouth inclined to left. (See P.G., 1930, p. 253.) John, Auckland S.C. 9/2/31 false pretences months on N. labourer 1886 i 9 fresh grey , .. blue large 6/10/31 2 p.c. Portion of right ring-finger missing ; scar on tip of one middle finger. F.P. 9* fresh grey • • • blue large 6/10/31 2 p.c. Portion of right ring-finger missing ; JohnCarroll, ; scar on tip of one middle finger. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1931, p. 150, and Photos, p. 40.) • Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1931, p. 150, and Photos, p. 40.) TomHamilton, Auckland 9/2/31 and entering, months 9 Maori labourer 1911 5 9I copper .. black brown .. flat 6/10/31 1 p.c. Scar on forehead and on left thumb . Maori labourer 1911 5 9J copper . black brown .. flat 6/10/31 1 p.c. Scar on forehead and on left thumb theft and on Discharged p. Drummond, @ Gisborne . 24/2/31 theft . months 9 N. motor 1909 5 fresh brown blue, medium 6/10/31 4 of SeddonDrummond, mechanic large middle of top Clifford left little finger crooked. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1931, p. 183, and Photos, 1930, p. 55.) • left little finger crooked. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1931, p. 183, and Photos, 1930, p. 55.) Norman Onehunga 10/8/31 assault months Scotland labourer 1901 5 6^ fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 9/10/31 4 p.c. Woman’s head, heart, clasped hands, and 1901 5 6* fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 9/10/31 4 p.c. Woman’s head, heart, clasped hands, seaman of hand of 102.) Thomas Auckland 1/8/31 of default 2 or N. and 1895 5 7 fresh light brown.. blue large 9/10/31 8 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Arrested, and 1895 5 7 fresh light brown.. blue large 9/10/31 8 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Arrested, driver (See p. William Dean, M.C. .Waipu 18/9/31 theft month N. labourer 1896 4- 5 fresh brown, going bald blue-grey medium.. 10/10/31 F.P. Sent to Mental Hospital. l fresh brown, going bald blue-grey medium.. 10/10/31 F.P. Sent to Mental Hospital. Gisborne— George. Gisborne 31/8/31 theft .. 1 England fireman 1876 4 florid brown brown .. medium.. 30/9/31 Eracelet and clasped hands on right wrist; snake and H. CLARK on right forearm ; yacht and flowers on left forearm; scar near left temple. (See P.G., 1931, p. 405.1 4 florid brown brown .. medium.. 30/9/31 Bracelet and clasped hands on right wrist; snake and H. CLARK on right forearm ; yacht and flowers on left forearm; scar near left temple. (See P.G., 1931, p. 405.) WilliamMcGonigal, M.C.Gisborne 10/8/31 of default month N. cabinetmaker 1895 IIP dark brown, blue medium. 3/10/31 1 on ing grey Arrested, paid.


| Bom. Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. tool, Nun* tried. When. Ofienoe. Sen team. 5athra of trade. % • w Heir. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Born. g B Complexion. Hair. Eye*. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (P.P. indicate t that finger-imprestiont have been taken.) Hautu— Gisborne S.C... 2/6/31 indecent assault 3 years’ reformaN. Zealand gardener 1879 ft. in. 5 14sallow .. dark blue pug 6/10/31 Slightly deaf. F.P. Discharged on remisWilliamJohnston, Alexander tive detention sion. (See P.G., 1931, p. 405.) Gisborne S.C... 2/6/31 i indecent assault 3 years’ reformaN. Zealand gardener 1879 ft. in. 5 1£ sallow .. dark blue pug 6/10/31 Slightly deaf. F.P. Discharged on remisAlexander Waikune — tive detention . ■ ■ :i sion. (See P.G., 1931, p. 405.) Waikune— Jack .Hawes, Wellington S.C. 30/7/30 attempted breaking and entering with intent ; 1J years Canada fireman 1909 5 10} fair light brown.. blue medium.. 9/10/31 1 p.c. Scar inside right middle finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., in possession of housebreaking instrument ; and breaking, entering, and theft cattle-stealing .. 1930, p. 657.) Jack .Hawes, King,King, Wellington S.C. 30/7/30 attempted breaking and entering with intent ; 1 i years Canada fireman 1909 5 10J fair light brown.. blue medium.. 9/10/31 1 p.c. Scar inside right middle finger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., in possession of housebreaking instrument ; and breaking, entering, and theft cattle-stealing .. 1930, p. 657.) King, James, King, Phillip Auckland S.C. 7/4/30 2 years’ reformative detention Maori labourer 1907 5 74 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 9/10/31 8 p.c. Scar on left cheek and knee. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 488, and Photos, p. 42.) Toi Toi, David, @ Toi Gisborne S.C... 6/3/29 forgery and uttering 3 years’ reformaMaori labourer 1903 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat 9/10/31 6 p.c. Scar above right eye and on left Toi Rawiri, @ Toi Toi PhillipReko tive detention forefinger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1929, p. 264, and Photos, 1926, p. 94.) Auckland S.C. 7/4/30 2 years’ reformative detention Maori labourer 1907 5 7i copper .. black brown .. medium.. 9/10/31 8 p.c. Scar on left cheek and knee. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 488, and Photos, p. 42.) David, @ Wire- Williams, @ Toi @ mu S.C.Gisborne M.C.Rotorua . . 6/3/2927/6/30 and forgery theft years’ 3 years’ detention tive MaoriMaori labourerlabourer 19031884 6 44 copper copper . blackblack brown dark flat 9/10/31 6 p.c. Scar above right eye and on left forefinger. F.P. Released on license. brown flat 9/10/31 Scar on right leg and on inside of left fore and middle fingers. F.P. Released theft .. 1 year on license. theft {16 charges) 3 months on each Reko Plymouth (See P.G., 1929, p. 264, and Photos, 1926, p. 94.) Wire-Williams, @ Peris, Wellington S.C. 29/10/29 indecent assault on a male 2 years Australia .. cook 1893 5 5 copper .. black brown .. large 28/9/31 21 p.c. Scar on forehead at side of left eye, on left cheek, and on upper lip ; tip of right little finger missing ; nail on right little finger deformed. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1929, p. 799, and Photos, 1927, p. 54.) Corrigan, Lawrence, @ Corrigan, James Hawera M.C. .. 18/2/31 default of maintenance .. arrears or 6 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 6f sallow .. brown, turning grey blue medium.. 29/9/31 2 p.c. Clasped hands and four stars on left forearm ; L and Maltese cross on right forearm. Arrested, 30/3/31. (See P.G., 1917, p. 200.) Clayton, Basil . . Hamilton M.C. 21/8/31 default of maintenance (2 arrears or 6 m’ths N. Zealand motor 1906 5 11| fair fair, curly .. blue medium.. 1/10/31 Strong build. Arrested, 7/9/31. Portion charges) on each mechanic of arrears paid. mu Wanganui— Rotorua M.C... 27/6/30 theft .. 2 years’ reformative detention Maori labourer 1884 5 4 i copper .. black dark brown flat 9/10/31 Scar on right leg and on inside of left fore and middle fingers. F.P. Released theft .. 1 year on license. theft (16 charges) 3 months on each Plymouth Taylor James Wellington S.C. 27/11/29 indecent act with intent to insult 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand compositor .. 1880 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. 6/10/31 1 p.c. Mole on left side of neck; scar on right collar-bone; deaf. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1930, p. 427.) Page, Walter Robert, @ Page, Walter Richard Napier S.C. 3/11/30 forging and uttering 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 94 fresh black blue large 7/10/31 18 p.c. Tiger on right forearm ; axe and knife on right hand; star, eagle, and pierced heart on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 366, and Photos, 1910, p. 13.) Wellington S.C. 29/10/29 indecent assault on a male 2 years Australia .. cook 1893 5 5 copper .. black * brown .. large 28/9/31 21 p.c. Scar on forehead at side of left eye, on left cheek, and on upper lip; tip of right little finger missing; nail on right little finger deformed. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1929, p. 799, and Photos, 1927, p. 54.) Peris,- @ Lawrence, Corrigan, Hawera M.C. .. 18/2/31 default of maintenance .. arrears or 6 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 6f sallow .. brown, turning grey blue medium.. 29/9/31 2 p.c. Clasped hands and four stars on left forearm; L and Maltese cross on right forearm. Arrested, 30/3/31. (See P.G., 1917, p. 200.) JamesCorrigan, BasilClayton, 21/8/31 default of maintenance (2 arrears or 6 m’ths N. Zealand motor 1906 5 lli fair fair, curly .. blue medium.. 1/10/31 Strong build. Arrested, 7/9/31. Portion charges) on each mechanic of arrears paid. Hamilton M.C. Wanganui— Taylor 27/11/29 indecent act with intent to insult 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand compositor .. 1880 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. 6/10/31 1 p.c. Mole on left side of neck ; scar on right collar-bone; deaf. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1930, p. 427.) Wellington S.C. Robert, Walter Page, 3/11/30 forging and uttering 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 9i fresh black blue large 7/10/31 18 p.c. Tiger on right forearm ; axe and knife on right hand; star, eagle, and pierced heart on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 366, and Photos, 1910, p. 13.) Napier S.C. ..


of Prisoner. tried. When. Offence. Scstaao* Native Trade. Born.j 1 Height.! Complex! Hair. Byes. | Nose. When discharged. and ( finger-impressions taken.) Wi i ft. in. ft in. Barney, Hastings 17/6/31 of . m’ths 3 Maori labourer 1903 5 6£ copper .. black brown .. flat 1/10/31 Strong build ; tree, kiwi, and AKE AKE 6 6i copper .. black brown .. flat 1/10/31 Strong build ; tree, kiwi, and AKE AKE Phil - on left forearm ; Australian coat-of-arms on right upper arm; scar on right forearm. Arrested, 2/7/31. (See P.G., 1931, p. 48.) • on left forearm ; Australian coat-of-arms on right upper arm; scar on right forearm. Arrested, 2/7/31. (See P.G., 1931, p. 48.) Leonard Ramm, Wellington 3/2/30 andbreaking, 2 years N. labourer 1902 6 0 dark dark brown.. brown .. wide 2/10/31 Strong build ; two scars on chin ; scar on 6 0 dark dark brown.. brown . . wide 2/10/31 Strong build ; two scars on chin ; scar on and ; receiving Re- middle and fingers. on p. Stevenson, Hugh Wellington 3/2/30 andbreaking, 2 years Scotland . labourer 1903 5 10 fresh black brown .. medium.. 2/10/31 Strong build ; scar on top of forehead and 5 10 fresh black brown .. medium.. 2/10/31 Strong build; scar on top of forehead and son and receiving on left forefinger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 428.) i on left forefinger. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 428.) Walter bhristchurch j female 3 years England hairdresser 1899 5 5 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. 8/10/31 Hairy body. F.P. Released on license. 5 5 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. 8/10/31 Hairy body. F.P. Released on license. s.c.: male 3 years Photos, and p. p. Andrew Barron, Joseph Christchurch 8/2/30 false pretences 1 reforma- year’s N. labourer 1888 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. 9/10/31 17 p.c. Strong build ; scar on right cheek, 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. 9/10/31 17 p.c. Strong build ; scar on right cheek, 'M.C. on right detention Released of and p. 1922, p. Alexander Palmerston 29/6/31 by months N. labourer 1903 6 0 fresh black brown . . medium, 28/9/31 5 p.c. Tip of right little finger missing; 6 0 fresh black brown .. medium, 28/9/31 5 p.c. Tip of right little finger missing; Gordon,Cameron, Alexander, Gordon, North M.C. engineer broken and fore fingers right on p. p. Christopher Wellington 10 p.c. Wart on back of left ear; scar Lorraine, Henry Wellington 16/9/31 stowaway 21 . N. and 1899 5 4f sallow .. brown grey medium.. 5/10/31 10 p.c. Wart on back of left ear ; scar 5 4| sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. 5/10/31 Harry, steward on body and on back of right hand. . . on body and on back of right hand. Henry @ and p. ter, 1921, p. Jack Harris, Otaki 7/9/31 vagabond 1 month N. labourer 1879 5 10 fresh grey blue medium.. 6/10/31 1 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1926, p. 166.) 5 10 fresh grey blue medium.. 6/10/31 1 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1926, p. 166.) Noel .Fellows, Masterton 8/8/31 and months N. sawyer 1907 5 6 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 7/10/31 1 p.c. Scar on body. F.P. (See P.G., 5 6 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 7/10/31 1 p.c. Scar on body. F.P. (See P.G., 1930, p. 495.) > 1930, p. 495.) Lundy, Wellington 10/9/31 theft . 1 England labourer 1878 5 7 dark grey brown .. pug 9/10/31 Crown and crossed flags on right forearm ; 5 7. dark grey brown .. pug 9/10/31 Crown and crossed flags on right forearm; @ Landry fireman anchor on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p. 516, and Photos, 1928, p. 73.) ' anchor on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1931, p.-516, and Photos, 1928, p. 73.) Whiteman, Henry Upper 12/8/31 vagabond and months N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 10/10/31 Mole on right side of neck ; two small moles 0i dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. 10/10/31 Mole on right side of neck ; two small moles Frederick M.C. right on p.


— ■ When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 0 « e o « When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. of Gaol, tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. o Trade. « ■ © w Complexion. Hair. Eyee. Nose. (F.P. indicate* that finger-impressions have been taken.) e o « © H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. (P.P. indicate* that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. Wellington Harold Leonard Fraser, Wellington 28/8/31 of default 1 Zealand fireman 1897 ft. 5i 5 fresh dark blue medium. 6/10/31 and left 1 arm on p.c. ankle on ; right James finger. Arrested, 5/10/31. Portion of arrears paid. (See P.G., 1926, p. 420, and Photos, p. 53.) ' 1 1 finger. Arrested, 5/10/31. Portion of arrears paid. (See P.G., 1926, p. 420, and Photos, p. 53.) Phillip S.C.Blenheim 21/4/31 charges) reforma- year’s detention England tailor 1900 3 5 sallow .. dark brown .. long 6/10/31 1 p.c. Wears glasses. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 316.) 3 sallow .. dark brown .. long 6/10/31 1 p.c. Wears glasses. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 316.) on each Tip of left little finger injured; scar over right eye and on ball of left thumb. Gray, Wellington 18/10/30 by pretences false false pretences each on months 3 N. Zealand cook 1891 5 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 7/10/31 months 3 months N. Zealand cook 1891 5 4i fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 7/10/31 Tip of left little finger injured ; scar over right eye and on ball of left thumb. months months 4 P.G., license. on : 1930, p. 752, and Photos, 1928, p. 78.) 4 months 1930, p. 752, and Photos, 1928, p. 78.) (cumulative) Wilkins, Edgar Vernon Wallace, Chatfield Auckland Wellington 18/6/30 30/7/30 theft . (3 months on England steward 1896 6 fresh brown, going bald blue medium.. 7/10/31 2 p.c. Scar over left eye and on base of left thumb. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 658, and Photos, p. 60.) 6 fresh brown, going bald blue medium.. 7/10/31 2 p.c. Scar over left eye and on base of left thumb. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1930, p. 658, and Photos, p. 60.) Tua- @ hine Gisborne . 14/11/30 and entering, and charges) (3 reforma- 1 year’s detention Zealand N. labourer 1899 5 copper .. black brown .. wide 7/10/31 Scar on left thumb and on right side of abdomen. F.P. Released on license. 6| copper .. black brown .. wide 7/10/31 Scar on left thumb and on right side of abdomen. F.P. Released on license. and entering intent on 1930, p. and on on and p. 28.) p. @ Healey, M.C.Taihape 11/8/31 and months Ireland labourer 1884 i fresh grey grey .. medium.. 10/10/31 H fresh grey grey .. medium.. 10/10/31 Borstal Point tution— AdaChristensen, Mrytle Wellington 6/10/30 (inin 1 Zealand domestic 1911 5 7 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. 5/10/31 Scar on left wrist. F.P. 7 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. 5/10/31 Scar on left wrist. F.P. means) Institution 28/9/31 on Nellie Auckland 18/2/30 and in Zealand , . * . 1913 4 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. 4 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. means) Institution Greymouth— James Greymouth M.C. 21/9/31 words insulting 7 Zealand trucker 1911 5 fresh fair .. blue medium.. 3/10/31 Slight build; scar on back of right hand. Arrested, 28/9/31. 5 fresh fair blue medium.. 3/10/31 Slight build; scar on back of right hand. Arrested, 28/9/31. Paparua— Cecil .. Alphonzo Christchurch 7/7/31 receiving each Zealand tailor 1895 10 sallow .. dark grey .. long 6/10/31 F.P. ■■ ; 10 sallow .. dark grey .. long 6/10/31 F.P. M.C. charges) (2 medium. 6/10/31 F.P. RaymondCourtney, Christchurch 7/7/31 charges) theft each Zealand salesman 1906 5 sallow .. dark grey .. 6£ sallow .. dark grey .. Terence FerM.C. Christchurch 7/7/31 illegally on premises with3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 5 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 6/10/31 7 p.c. Scar on top of head; deaf. F.P. Cyril Leonard guson, David.Adamson, M.C. M.C. Christchurch Invercargill 7/7/31 17/2/31 illegally on premises with3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 5 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 6/10/31 7 p.c. Scar on top of head; deaf. F.P. M.C. S 17/2/31 out intent theft (2 charges) 9 months Scotland .. traveller 1878 5 n fresh ing grey fair, turning grey grey .. medium.. 8/10/31 Top off right ring-finger; left little finger bent. F.P. Discharged on remission. Photo at Paparua, 5/3/31. (See P.G., :?r/r; "i • ? 1931. p. 152.) Invercargill out intent * theft (2 charges) 9 months Scotland .. traveller 1878 5 7$ fresh.. mg grey fair, turning grey grey .. medium.. 8/10/31 Top off right ring-finger; left little finger bent/ F.P. Discharged on remission. S.C. .... Photo at Paparua, 5/3/31. (See P.G., ' • *7 „ ; :--.iV ; . V : ■ '• ... r; .• ? . 1931, p. 152.) .... W--


Name Prisoner. Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) I Offence. 1 Sentence. | Native of • Trade. l Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged.' Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. Lee Yoon, William, Tong Sing Dunedin .. 29/10/29 false pretences (4 charges) obtaining credit by fraud (2 charges) breach of Bankruptcy Act (6 charges) 1£ years on each 3 months on each 6 m’ths’ reformative detention on each China gardener 1898 ft. in. 5 2£ sallow .. black brown .. flat 8/10/31 13 p.c. E.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1929, p. 783, and Photos, 1919, p. 52.) f 29/10/29 false pretences (4 charges) obtaining credit by fraud (2 charges) breach of Bankruptcy Act (6 charges) 1| years on each 3 months on each 6 m’ths’ reformative detention on each China gardener 1898 ft. in. 5 2i sallow .. black brown .. flat 8/10/31 13 p.c. E.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1929, p. 783, and Photos, 1919, p. 52.) Reformatory Ethel. Christchurch 4/9/31 default of maintenance .. arrears or 14 days 1ST. Zealand domestic 1882 5 If fresh brown blue medium.. 8/10/31 See P.G., 1929, p. 95. M.C. 4/9/31 default of maintenance .. arrears or 14 days N. Zealand domestic 1882 5 If fresh brown blue medium.. 8/10/31 See P.G., 1929, p. 95. Dunedin— Docherty, George Dunedin . 8/8/31 and sufficient months Zealand labourer 1904 8 fresh brown. grey . medium 7/10/31 F.P. and Dunedin, at 7/9/31. InvercargillSmith Sharp, Mataura 15/9/31 theft 21 days N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 5/10/31 F.P. (See P.G., 1929, p. 557, and Photos, 1928, p. 63.) 21 days N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 5/10/31 E.P. (See P.G., 1929, p. 557, and Photos, 1928, p. 63.) i


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVI, Issue 42, 21 October 1931, Page 635

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVI, Issue 42, 21 October 1931, Page 635

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVI, Issue 42, 21 October 1931, Page 635

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