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Justices of the Peace authorized to exercise Jurisdiction in Children’s Courts. William Mandeno Jackson, Esq., Auckland; • Herbert Theodore Halliwell, Esq., Auckland; and Samuel Ewart Hulbert, Esq., Motueka. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, page 638.) .

Regulations under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, as to the Equipment, and Use of Motor-vehicles, as to Notices and Signs, and generally as to Motor Traffic. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, pages 511-20.) . CHARLES EERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of February, 1928. Present: The Right Honourable J. G. Coates, P.C., presiding in Council.

In pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations.

REGULATIONS. Regulation 1. —Preliminary. ' (1) These regulations may be cited as the Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1928. (2) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,— “ The said Act ” means the vehicles Act, 1924, and . the amendments thereof : Controlling authority” means the Minister of Public Works, the Main Highways Board, the Council of any borough or county, the Board of any road district or town district, or any other person or persons having control over any road : “ Driver ” includes the rider of a motor-bicycle ; and “ drive ” has a corresponding meaning : “ Intersection ” means the crossing of a road by any other road, or by any railway or tramway, at a level crossing; and includes the meeting of a road with any other road : “ Minister ” means the Minister of Public Works : To “ operate ” means to use or drive, or cause or permit to be used or driven, or permit to be, on any road whether the person operating is present in person or not: “ Police officer ” includes any member, of whatever rank of the Police Force constituted by the Police Force Act, 1913, if in uniform for the time being : “ Road ” includes street, and any portion of a road or street : “ Tram ” means any vehicle engaged in the public carriage of passengers and running on rails, and “tramway” has a corresponding meaning : “ Traffic Inspector ” means any person duly appointed as a Traffic Inspector in terms of these regulations: “ Wheel-track ” means the distance between the centres of the off-side and near-side wheels of a pair of wheels, and, when a pair of wheels consists of twin wheels on the off-side and twin wheels on the nearside, means the distance from the centre of the offside twin wheels to the centre of the near-side twin wheels. (3) Regulations 4 to 6 hereof (relating to equipment other than lights) shall not apply to the following kinds of vehicle : (a) Traction-engines being locomotive engines propelled by steam-power and designed for use on ordinary roads, exclusive of steam-wagons, whether' or not used for the purpose of traction : (b) Mechanically-propelled rollers : (c) Caterpillar-track cranes and excavators : (d) Machines used solely in farm or roading operations, whether for traction or otherwise, and not for the carriage of goods or passengers : ( e ) Such other types of motor-vehicle as may be exempted from time to time by Order in Council published in the Gazette.

(4) It shall be a defence to any person, being the driver of a motor-vehicle charged with an act or omission amounting to a breach of these regulations, if such person proves that such motor-vehicle was at the time of such act or omission actually engaged in the work of cleaning, maintaining, repairing, constructing, or reconstructing any road, and that such act or omission was reasonably necessary for the purposes of such work, and that such person took all reasonable care to prevent the occurrence of any accident, mishap, collision, damage, or any injury to, or interference with any person, animal, property, or object on any road or other place, arising by reason of such act or omission. (5) It shall be a defence to any person charged with the offence of failing to comply with any of the provisions of

these regulations, such offence being committed prior •to the first day of June, 1928, if such person proves that in order to comply with such provision it would have been necessary to effect some alteration of, or make some addition to, the motor-vehicle in connection with which the offence was committed, or of or to some equipment attached or to be attached to such motor-vehicle. (6) In so far as these regulations are inconsistent with or repugnant to the Motor-lorry Regulations, 1927, or any regulations hereafter made in amendment thereof or in substitution therefor, or to any regulations made under the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, 1926, such latter regulations shall prevail; " but, save as aforesaid, compliance with such latter regulations shall not excuse any person from compliance with the provisions of these regulations. (7) Nothing in these regulations shall affect any liability of the driver or owner of a vehicle by virtue of any statute or at common law. (8) Any power, or authority, or duty conferred or imposed on the controlling authority by these regulations in regard to any road, or to the use of any vehicle thereon, shall be exercisable as follows :

(a) In the case of a county road other than a main highway, by the County Council: ( b ) In the case of a district road other than a main highway, by the Road Board : (c) In the case of a road within a borough or town district other than a main highway, by the Borough Council or Town Board: ( d ) In the case of a main highway the general control of which the Main Highways Board has not delegated to any local authority, by the Main Highways Board: (e) In the case of a main highway the general control of which the Main Highways Board has delegated to any local authority, by the local authority to which such control has been so delegated : (/) In the case of a Government road which is not a main highway, by the Minister. (9) Any power or authority which is exercisable by a controlling authority (being a local authority) shall be exercisable by resolution of such controlling authority; and any such power or authority (except the power of appointing Traffic Inspectors) shall be exercisable by any. member or officer of a controlling authority empowered in that behalf from time to time, either generally or specially, by resolution thereof, and, unless otherwise provided by resolution thereof, shall be exercisable by any Traffic Inspector appointed by such controlling authority. Regulation Administration. (1) Every Police Officer and Traffic Inspector is hereby authorized to see that the said Act and these regulations are duly observed ; and in all cases not expressly provided for by the said Act or these regulations . any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector may in the execution of his duty generally control the traffic of motor-vehicles, and may give such reasonable directions to persons driving or in charge of motor-vehicles upon any public road as may, in his opinion, be necessary for the safe and efficient regulation of the traffic thereon, and every person shall comply with all lawful directions given to him by a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector relating to the driving of a motor-vehicle driven by him or in his charge. (2) (a) Any controlling authority may by resolution appoint one or more persons to be Traffic Inspectors for the purposes of these regulations, and all such Traffic Inspectors shall wear, while on duty, some distinctive uniform, badge, or cap. ( b ) No person shall be appointed a Traffic Inspector unless he is at the time of appointment the holder of a motordriver’s license issued under the said Act. (c) A Traffic Inspector (appointed by the Main Highways Board) or Police Officer shall be entitled to exercise the powers hereby conferred on him upon any road. ( d ) A Traffic Inspector (appointed by any controlling authority, being a local authority) shall be entitled to exercise the powers hereby conferred on him upon any road within the boundaries of the district of such local authority, notwithstanding the fact that such road is a Government road or main highway. (e) More than one controlling authority may appoint the same person to be a Traffic Inspector. (/) The production of an instrument of appointment of a Traffic Inspector purporting to be executed under the seal of any controlling authority shall, until the contrary is proved, be sufficient evidence of such appointment and of the regularity thereof, and such instrument of appointment shall be carried at all times by such Traffic Inspector while on duty. (3) Any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector may at any time

(а) Require the driver of any motor-vehicle to stop such vehicle : ( b ) Require any driver of a motor-vehicle to furnish his name and address and give any other particulars required as to his identification : (c) Require any person in a motor-vehicle to furnish his name and address and give any other particulars required as to his identification, and to give such information as is in the power of such person to give and as may lead to identification of the driver or owner of such vehicle : (d) Inspect the brakes or any other part of any motorvehicle, or the equipment thereof, with a view to ascertaining whether the same complies with the provisions of these regulations or of any other regulations for the time being in force under the said Act: (e) Ascertain the dimensions of any motor-vehicle, or the weight thereof with its load, or the weight thereof unladen, and for that purpose require any persons or goods to be removed from such vehicle. (4) Any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector, if in his opinion any motor-vehicle does not comply with the provisions of these regulations or of any other regulations for the time being in force under the said Act, may, by notice in writing given to the driver or owner of such motor-vehicle, direct that such motor-vehicle be not used on any road, and such notice shall continue in force until the motor-vehicle has been made to comply with the provisions of any such regulations as aforesaid :

Provided that any such notice may be subject to a condition to the effect that the motor-vehicle may continue to be used to reach any specified place for repair, or may continue to be used for a given time, or under limitations as to speed or route, or otherwise. (5) Any such notice as aforesaid may contain a direction to the effect that the registration-plates of the motor-vehicle concerned be surrendered on demand; and in such case the owner of such motor-vehicle shall, upon demand in writing made by the Commissioner of Police or by the chief executive officer of the controlling authority of any road, surrender to the person named in such demand the registration-plates issued under the said Act in respect of such motor-vehicle for the year then current, and shall not be entitled to have the same returned to him until the motor-vehicle has been made to comply with the provisions of any of such regulations as aforesaid. (6) Every driver of a motor-vehicle and every person therein is guilty of an offence under these regulations who, being required by a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector to comply with any requirement of this regulation, fails so to comply or complies in a manner intended to deceive. (7) Every person is guilty of an offence under these regulations who on any road uses a motor-vehicle, as to which a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector has given notice that the same be not used on any road, contrary to the terms and operation of such notice, or who fails to surrender any regis-tration-plate upon demand lawfully made under clause (5) of this regulation. (8) No person shall obstruct, hinder, or interfere with any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector in the exercise of the powers hereby conferred on him.

Regulation 3.—-Equipment (1) The provisions of this regulation shall apply—(а) In all places during the period between half an hour after sunset of one day and half an hour before sunrise on the next day : (b) At any other time in a place where there is not sufficient daylight to render clearly visible a person, vehicle, or other substantial object at a distance of 150 ft. (2) Every motor-vehicle other than a motor-cycle shall be equipped with two, and not more than two, lamps (hereinafter referred to as “ headlights ”) attached thereto, which shall be — (а) Of approximately equal candle-power : ( b ) Placed one towards each side of the vehicle, and in such a manner as each to direct a beam of light ahead of the vehicle : (c) Of sufficient power to enable substantial objects and the nature of the road-surface to be clearly visible under normal atmospheric conditions by a driver of normal vision at a distance of at least 150 ft. directly in front of the vehicle.

(3) Every motor-cycle shall be equipped with one headlight attached thereto, which shall have its beam directed forward and be of sufficient brilliance to enable substantial objects and the nature of the road-surface to be clearly distinguished under normal atmospheric conditions by a rider of normal vision at a distance of at least 90 ft. directly in front of_the”motor-cycle.

(4) Every motor-cycle having a side-car attached shall be also equipped with a lamp attached to the front of the sidecar on the side thereof further from the motor-cycle, which lamp shall have its beam directed forward. (5) Every motor-vehicle (including trailers) shall be equipped with a lamp (herein referred to as a “ tail-light ”) attached thereto at the rear thereof, and at or near the righthand side thereof, and (in the case of a vehicle constructed with a chassis) at or near the level of the chassis-frame, which lamp shall show a red light to the rearward. (6) The registration-plate carried on the rear of every motor-vehicle (including trailers) shall be illuminated by a beam of white light from either the tail-light or some other lamp so arranged that—(a) The beam of white light shall not be visible from the rear otherwise than by reflection from the registra-tion-plate, or the body of the vehicle, or the road; ( b ) Every letter and numeral on the registration-plate shall be plainly distinguishable under normal atmopheric conditions from a distance of at least 60 ft. (7) In addition to the headlights it shall be lawful to have attached to a vehicle or used in connection therewith a lamp or lamps (each hereinafter referred to as a “ spotlight ”) having a movable beam, but not more than two such lamps shall be attached to or used in connection with any motorvehicle. (8) Every spotlight shall be so constructed, fitted, and arranged that when the vehicle is standing on a horizontal surface no portion of the main beam of light shall rise, or be capable of being raised, to a height which at a distance of 75 ft. from the lamp is more than 3 ft. 6 in. above such horizontal surface at any point either in a line directly ahead of the vehicle or within a horizontal arc of 45 degrees on either side of such line.

(9) It shall be lawful to have attached to a motor-vehicle or used in connection therewith any lamp or lamps for the purpose of sidelights, or to illuminate the interior of the vehicle for the convenience of passengers or driver, or the entrance thereof, or to serve as a destination signal, or (on a public vehicle) to illuminate any notice relating to its destination, availability for hire, or ownership, or to decorate the vehicle for the purpose of a duly authorized procession. (10) Every headlight attached to a motor-vehicle shall be so focussed and adjusted that when the vehicle is standing on a horizontal surface the main beam of fight is not projected above the horizontal plane of the lamp, nor projected to a height which at a distance of 75 ft. from the lamp is more than 3 ft. 6 in. above such horizontal surface. (11) Every lamp attached to or used in connection with any motor-vehicle shall be so constructed, fitted, and used that the beam of light therefrom shall be of a substantially white colour : ' Provided that it shall be a sufficient compliance with this requirement if such beam is of a golden, amber, bluish, or other tint; save that no beam with a reddish tint shall be deemed to comply with this requirement: Provided also that this requirement shall not apply to a tail-light attached to a vehicle in compliance with clause (5) hereof.

(12) Every lamp required to be attached to or used in connection with any motor-vehicle pursuant to this regulation shall display a fight of sufficient brilliance to be visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of at least 300 ft. (13) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which has not attached thereto lamps capable of displaying the respective fights required by this regulation, or which has attached thereto any lamps capable of displaying a light not authorized by this regulation, or in any manner failing to comply with the requirements of this regulation. (14) No person shall drive or be in charge of any motorvehicle in motion which does not display the respective lights required by this regulation, or which displays any light not authorized by this regulation. , (15) On and after the Ist day of June, 1928, no person shall, while a motor-vehicle is in motion, cause or knowingly permit any headlight displayed by such vehicle to be displayed, or extinguished, or appreciably varied in brilliance, in a sudden manner, whether by dimming or any other means : . Provided that in any place within a borough or town district where the street-lighting is sufficient to render clearly visible a person, vehicle, or other substantial object at a distance of 150 ft., the driver of any motor-vehicle may dim the headlights thereof or may use sidelights in substitution for headlights. (16) No person shall, except in case of accident, use any spotlight, or cause or permit any spotlight to be used, for the purposes of a headlight. (17) No person shall use or cause or permit to be used any spotlight or other light attached to or used in connection with

a motor-vehicle in such a manner as to interfere with the vision of any person on any road, or to cause annoyance to any person, whether on a road or elsewhere. (18) No person shall he in charge of any vehicle, other than a motor-cycle not having a side-car attached, when such vehicle is stationary, or permit such motor-vehicle to be stationary, on any road, unless it displays three lights—namely, a headlight or other light having a beam directed forward from a lamp towards each side of the front of the vehicle, and the tail-light described in clause (5) hereof. (19) No person shall be in charge of any stationary motorcycle not having a side-car attached, or permit such motorcycle to be stationary, on any road, unless it displays the taillight described in clause (5) hereof, and unless, furthermore, such vehicle is in such a position on the road and is so lighted by the headlight or other light that it does not constitute a danger to traffic. (20) The two last preceding clauses hereof shall not apply in the case of a motor-vehicle stationary in any place—(а) Which is established by a local authority as a stand for motor-vehicles, or for any class of motor-vehicles, and at or near which a, notice is placed by the local authority in a conspicuous position to the effect that motor-vehicles (or the class of motorvehicles for which the stand is provided) may stand there without lighted lamps, or in respect of which a by-law of the local authority to the same effect is in existence ; or (6) Which is for the time being adequately lighted by a street-lamp belonging to a public system of streetlighting, or would, but for some unforeseen failure of such street-lamp or street-lighting occurring after the motor-vehicle has been brought to such place, be adequately so lighted. (21) In the case of a motor-vehicle of any of the kinds referred to in clause (3) of Regulation 1 hereof, it shall be sufficient compliance with the requirements of this regulation if such vehicle is provided with at least three lamps complying with clause (12) hereof —one at each side of the vehicle placed so as to display a white light to the front and sides thereof, and one lamp at the rear of the vehicle placed so as to display a red light to the rear thereof and not to be visible from the front thereofand such lamps need not be attached to the vehicle. Reg elation 4.—Equipment—Brakes. (1) In this regulation, unless the context otherwise requires, “Foot-brake” means a brake readily applicable by use of the driver’s foot: “ Hand-brake means a brake readily applicable by use of the driver’s hand: “Independent brake” means a brake of which the entire operating mechanism or system is either—(a) Distinct and separate from all parts or connections of any other brake or brake-system, so that the brake in question cannot be adversely affected by the operation or failure of any other brake; or ( b ) Common to any other brake or brake-system, only in parts or connections which are of such design and strength that there is no reasonable probability of failure of the independent brake by reason of the failure of any other brake or brake-system : “ Retaining-brake ” means a brake so constructed and of such a nature that it is capable, when applied on used grades with any load carried or likely to be carried by the vehicle, of retaining all road-wheels, other than the steering-wheels, immovable for an indefinite period and without further attention than the initial application: “ Tractor ” means any motor-vehicle used solely for the purposes of traction, and not for the carriage thereon of passengers (other than the driver) or goods : “Trailer” means any trailer as defined by the said Act, and also any other vehicle or machine drawn by a motor-vehicle on any road, and includes any number of such trailers, vehicles, or machines drawn by the same tractive vehicle: “Used grades ” includes every road of whatever grade upon which the motor-vehicle in question is used or likely to be used. (2) For the purposes of this regulation the “stoppingability” of a brake shall be measured by the maximum number of feet within the distance of which it is capable of bringing to a standstill the vehicle to which it is attached from a speed of 20 miles per hour (or a corresponding rate of deceleration from any other speed) upon a hard dry level road of bitumen, concrete, or similar surface, and free of loose material, without assistance from the compression of the engine.

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(3) Every motor-vehicle, other than a trailer, and other than a motor-cycle (with or without a side-car attached), shall be equipped with two independent brakes attached thereto, one being a foot-brake and the other a hand-brake : Provided that until after the 31st day of March, 1929, the requirements of this clause shall not apply to any motorvehicle which is in New Zealand on the 31st day of March, 1928, and which is either fitted with at least two brakes complying with the requirements of clauses (4), (5), and (6) hereof or, being an electrically-driven motor-vehicle, is fitted with at least one brake complying with the requirements of clauses (4), (5), and (6) hereof. (4) Each of such brakes shall be suitable for all needs of train on used grades, and of such efficiency that the application of either will, without assistance from the compression of the engine, cause all the road-wheels, other than the steering - wheels, to be prevented from revolving in either direction when the brake is applied on used grades with any load carried or likely to be carried by the vehicle. (5) At least one of such brakes shall be a retainingbrake. (6) At least one of such brakes shall be so constructed as to act directly on the wheels, and not through transmission gear. (7) In the case of a vehicle driven by steam—(a) If the engine is capable of being reversed; and (b) If the engine is incapable of being disconnected from all the road-wheels or all the axles, other than the front wheel or axle, save by the sustained action of the driver; and (c) If there is no differential gear or similar mechanism between any two of the axles, — then it shall he sufficient if the vehicle is equipped with one brake independent of the engine, and complying with the requirements of clauses (4), (5), and (6) hereof. (8) In the case of every motor-vehicle whose weight (inclusive of the load it is carrying) is less than 3 tons, and every motor-vehicle used in the carriage of passengers (except a tractor trailer or motor-cycle with or without a side-car attached) the stopping ability of the foot-brake shall be equivalent to 50 ft., and the stopping ability of the handbrake shall be equivalent to 75 ft. (9) In the case of every vehicle (other than a trailer but including tractors) whose weight (inclusive of the load it is carrying) is 3 tons or more the stopping ability of the footbrake and hand-brake each applied alone shall be equivalent to 75 ft., and the stopping ability of the foot-brake and handbrake applied together shall be equivalent to 50 ft. (10) Every motor-cycle (with or without a side-car attached) shall be equipped with at least one brake attached thereto, which shall act upon the rear wheel of the motorcycle and be suitable for all needs of traffic on used grades and be of such efficiency that its application (without assistance from the compression of the engine) will prevent such rear wheel from revolving in either direction on used grades, and the stopping ability of such brake shall be equivalent to 50 ft. (11) Every motor-cycle having a side-car attached shall be equipped with two independent brakes attached thereto, one being a brake complying with the requirements of the. last preceding clause hereof and the other a brake of reasonable efficiency. (12) Every trailer whose weight (inclusive of the load it is carrying) exceeds 2 tons, shall be equipped with at least one brake, or combination of brakes, of reasonable efficiency, considering the size of the trailer and load carried, and capable of being readily applied and retained either by the driver of the towing vehicle or by some person who is carried on or walking alongside the trailer within reach of the brakelever. (13) Each brake referred to in this regulation shall be capable of easy adjustment, and shall be maintained at all times in good working-order. (14) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle not equipped with a brake or brakes (as the case may be) complying with the requirements of this regulation. Regulation s.—EquipmentWarning-devices. (1) Every motor-vehicle shall be equipped with a warningdevice attached thereto, other than a siren or bell, and capable of emitting sound immediately when actuated, and clearly audible under normal conditions for a distance of not less than. 300 ft. (2) Every motor-vehicle used by a fire brigade for attendance at fires shall (in addition to the warning-device described in clause (1) hereof) be equipped with a warning- of the type known as a siren. (3) No motor-vehicle shall be equipped with a siren, except—(a) A motor-vehicle used by a lire brigade for attendance at fires ;

(b) A motor-vehicle used to collect milk or other produce from farmers in the course of trade. (4) Every motor-vehicle used as an ambulance shall (in addition to the warning-device described in clause (1) hereof) be equipped with a bell as a warning-device. (5) No motor-vehicle other than an ambulance shall be equipped with a bell as a warning-device. (6) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is not equipped with the warning-device or respective warning- I devices required by this regulation, or which is equipped with, or has attached thereto, or in connection with which there is used, any warning-device contrary to the provisions of this regulation. (7) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle having a warning-device which is not in good working-order. (8) No driver of any motor-vehicle equipped with a siren (other than a motor-vehicle used by a fire brigade for attendance at fires) shall use the same or cause or permit the same to be used —- (a) At any time or for any purpose within a borough, city or town district, or road district within the County of Eden; (b) For any purpose other than that of calling the attention of persons (not being persons on a road) to the arrival of the vehicle for the purpose of collecting produce in the ordinary course of trade. (9) No driver of any motor-vehicle used by a fire brigade for attendance at fires shall use a siren, or cause or permit a siren to be used, at any time other than when responding to an alarm of fire. (10) No driver of any motor-vehicle used as an ambulance shall use a bell as a warning-device, or cause or permit the same to be used, at any time other than when the vehicle is being used on urgent ambulance service. (11) No driver of any mocor-vehicle shall (except in case of emergency) use, or cause or permit to be used, any warningdevice with which such vehicle is equipped otherwise than for reasonable traffic needs. (12) No person shall actuate any warning-device of a motor-vehicle in such a manner as to produce a shrieking, raucous, or offensive noise. (13) Every person driving a motor-vehicle on any road shall, upon every occasion when it is proper and reasonable to give notice to traffic of the approach or movements of such vehicle, give such notice by actuating his warningdevice in a reasonably sufficient manner. (14) E very person driving a motor-vehicle used by a fire brigade for attendance at fires shall, while such vehicle is responding to an alarm of fire continuously sound the siren attached to the vehicle, and at all other times shall for the purposes of clause (13) of this regulation use the warning device referred to in clause (1) of this regulation. (15) Every person driving a motor-vehicle being an ambulance, while such vehicle is being used on an urgent ambulance service, shall, for the purposes of clause (13) of this regulation use the bell attached to the vehicle, and at all other times shall for the said purposes use the warningdevice referred to in clause (1) of this regulation. Regulation 6.EquipmentEgress. (1) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is not provided with or constructed so as to afford a ready means of entrance and exit for the passengers and driver thereof. (2) No person shall operate any public motor-vehicle unless at least one such means of entrance and exit is at all times kept unobstructed. (3) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle having any door which may be opened and closed (other than an emergency exit on a public mot or-vehicle) unless every such door is fitted with a permanently fixed device for opening and closing the door, capable of being operated from both the outside and the inside of the vehicle, and readily available at all times for use by the driver and by the passengers within the vehicle. (4) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle having seat-ing-accommodation for more than seven passengers unless there are provided and maintained at least two ready means of exit, one of which shall be within 4 ft. of the rear of the body of the vehicle. (5) The provisions of this regulation shall not apply to any motor-vehicle which for the time being is used solely or principally for the transport of prisoners. Regulation 7.—EquipmentGeneral. (1) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle having the spindle of the steering column or equivalent means of steering control in a plane to the left of the longitudinal centre-line of the body of the vehicle, unless such vehicle is registered not later than the 31st day of March, 1928.

(2) The Under-Secretary of the Public Works Department may give written permission to any person domiciled elsewhere than in New Zealand for the operation of a specified motor-vehicle not complying with the requirements of the last preceding clause of this regulation during a period or until a date to be stated in such permission; such permission shall be subject to the condition that the instrument conferring the permission he produced by the driver of such motor-vehicle on demand to any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector ; and every person operating a motor-vehicle under a permission given as aforesaid shall comply with the condition hereinbefore set out. (3) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle (other than a motor-cycle not having a side-car attached) which is not equipped with a reflector or periscope so arranged as to enable the driver to be aware without turning his head of the existence or approach of any other vehicle on the righthand side behind the driver. (4) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is not equipped with a fixed red reflector affixed to the rear thereof as near as possible to, or forming part of, the taillight, having an effective reflecting surface of not less than 2 square inches in area, and set perpendicularly so as to reflect towards the rear any light shining from rearward of the vehicle. (5) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle having affixed thereto or used in connection therewith a reflector or reflecting surface serving to throw a beam of red light towards the front of the mot or-vehicle. (6) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle unless all brake mechanisms, steering mechanisms, and axle-spring attachments are safely secured and permanently retained in position by some positive means. (7) No person shall operate any motor-cycle unless adequate foot-rests are attached thereto for the use of every person carried thereon otherwise than in a side-car. (8) No person shall drive any motor-vehicle unless such motor-vehicle, including all its equipment, is in such a condition as not to cause or to be likely to cause injury or damage to, or endanger the safety of, any person on the motor-vehicle, or any person, animal, property, or object on any road or other place.

Regulation B.Noise and other Nuisances. (1) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle—-(a) Unless an efficient silencer or silencing-device is affixed to such vehicle in such manner that the exhaust shall be projected through such silencer or silencingdevice : ( b ) If any mechanism or device is attached enabling the exhaust to be projected otherwise than through the aforesaid silencer or silencing-device : (c) Which causes undue noise by (i) Being in a state of disrepair ; (ii) The manner in which such vehicle is loaded ; (iii) The construction or condition of any part of such vehicle: ( d ) In such a condition that an undue or unreasonable quantity of oil, grease, or fuel is allowed to drop on the road: (e) If the exhaust gases from the engine are directed in such a manner as to be likely to raise dust from the roadsurface. (2) The controlling authority may give written permission for the operation contrary to the foregoing provisions of this regulation of any motor-vehicle while proceeding to or returning from any place where such motor-vehicle is about to be used or has recently been used for the purpose of racing or speeding on a recognized racing-track; and such permission shall be subject to such conditions as to route to be followed, time during which the motor-vehicle may be so operated, or otherwise as the controlling authority thinks fit to impose. (3) Every person operating a motor-vehicle under a permission given as aforesaid shall comply with all the conditions set out in such permission. (4) No person being the driver or in charge of any motorvehicle — (a) Shall cause or permit the engine thereof to be run, while the vehicle is stationary, in such a manner as to cause undue noise : ( b ) Shall negligently cause or permit the engine thereof to be run in such a manner as to emit smoke or fumes which would not be emitted if the engine were in good condition or run in a competent manner; ( c ) Shall deposit or cause or permit to be deposited any petrol or other liquid fuel, or any oil or grease, or any other inflammable or offensive matter from such motor-vehicle upon any road or into any running water.

Regulation 9.Towing. (1) No person shall operate any motor- vehicle which is being used to tow another vehicle — (а) If the space between the vehicles exceeds 20 ft. ; or - ( b) If the vehicle towed is a motor-vehicle (other than a trailer) and is not in charge of a person competent to control it so far as the condition of its brakes and mechanism will permit. (2) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is being used to tow another vehicle if the space between the vehicles exceeds 12 ft., unless—(a) A conspicuous cloth is attached midway to the means of connection between the vehicles ; and ( b ) The vehicle towed is capable of being readily steered by means of its own mechanism.

(3) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is being used to tow another vehicle during any period referred to in clause (I) of Regulation 3 hereof unless — (a) A lamp showing a bright white light forward is attached to the front of the vehicle towed in such a manner as clearly to show the means of connection between the vehicles : ( b) A tail-light complying with the requirements of clause (5) of Regulation 3 hereof is attached to the rear of the vehicle towed.

(4) Except in the case of a load which cannot otherwise conveniently be transported, and with the written permission of the controlling authority, which may be given subject to such conditions as to extent of load, route to be followed, time during which the motor-vehicle may be so operated, or ■otherwise as the controlling authority thinks fit to impose (a) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is being used to tow more than one vehicle (otherwise than as a trailer); and ( b ) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle which is being used to tow trailers so that the combined length of motor-vehicle and trailers together with any load thereon exceeds 60 ft. (5) Every person operating a motor-vehicle under a permission given as aforesaid shall comply with all the conditions ■set out in such permission. Regulation 10.—Loading. (1) No person shall operate any motor-cycle (whether with a side-car attached or not) if any part of its load projects more than 2 ft. in front of or more than 3 ft. to the rear of the wheels of such motor-cycle. (2) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle (or trailer) ■other than a motor-cycle if its load—(a) Is so arranged or of such a nature that the total overall length of the vehicle and load exceeds 28 ft., save in the case of a vehicle of the three - axle type, in which case it shall not exceed 30 ft., or ( b ) Extends farther forward than a point 3 ft. in front of the radiator, or 18 in. beyond the front of the chassisframe member, whichever point is the farther forward ; or (c) Extends farther backward than a point 8 ft. behind the axis of the rear wheels, or 4 ft. behind the body of the vehicle, whichever point is the farther back ; or ■(d) Is carried or arranged in such a way as to obscure the driver’s view of traffic to his front or on either side ; or •(e) Exceeds 8 ft. in width, or extends more than 4 ft. from the centre-line of the wheel-track; or (/) Is not either safely contained within the body of the vehicle, or else securely fastened to the vehicle.

(3) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle bearing a load of a height liable to interfere with or damage any overbridge, wires, or other construction lawfully existing above the road-surface of any road upon which such motor-vehicle so loaded is operated or intended to be operated. (4) The controlling authority may give written permission in the case of a load which cannon otherwise conveniently be transported for the operation of any motor- vehicle contrary to the provisions of clauses (1) and (2) of this regulation; and such permission shall' be subject to such conditions as to route to be followed, time during which the motor-vehicle may be so operated, or otherwise as the controlling authority thinks fit to impose. (5) Such permission shall in any case be subject to the conditions that a warning red flag or flags be carried at the projecting extremity or extremities of any load not complying with paragraphs ( b) and (c) of clause (2) hereof, and that during any period referred to in clause (1) of Regulation 3 hereof a lamp showing a bright red light shall be attached to the rear extremity of any load not complying with the requirements of paragraph (c) clause (2) hereof. (6) Every person operating a motor-vehicle under a permission given as aforesaid shall comply with all the conditions set out in such permission and the conditions to which

the same is declared to be subject as provided by the last preceding clause hereof. (7) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle during any period referred to in clause (1) of Regulation 3 hereof if the vehicle is loaded in such a manner that any portion of the load extends over the side of the vehicle to a distance of more than 1 ft. 6 in. beyond the front standard hub-cap on the right-hand side of the vehicle, unless there is displayed at the extreme right-hand edge of the load a lamp having a beam of white light directed forward, and the same or another lamp having a beam of red light directed to the rear, such lamp or lamps displaying in the respective directions aforesaid a light of sufficient brilliance to be visible under normal / atmospheric conditions from a distance of at least 300 ft.

(8) No person shall operate any motor-vehicle engaged in the carriage of passengers on which is carried any article which projects in width horizontally beyond the standard hub-caps or standard mudguards on the right side of the motor-vehicle, or more than six inches beyond the standard hub-caps or standard mudguards on the left side of the motor-vehicle (unless such article is carried within the vertical plane of that part of the vehicle designed to seat passengers), or which extends more than 4 ft. from the centre-line of the wheel-track. (9) No person shall ride upon a motor-cycle to which no side-car is attached and upon which more than two persons are being carried. (10) No person shall ride upon a motor-cycle to which a side-car is attached or shall ride in the side-car so attached—(a) If upon or in the combination of motor-cycle and side-car more than four persons are being carried ; or (b) If more than two persons are being carried upon such motor-cycle ; or (c) If more than two adult persons are being carried in such side-car. (11) No person on a motor-cycle without a side-car attached shall be carried in any other position than seated astride of the machine, and facing forward. (12) No person shall ride upon a motor-cycle directly in front of the driver whether or not a side-car is attached.

Regulation 11. Rules of the Road

(1) In this regulation, where not inconsistent with the context, “ centre-line ” means the middle-line of that portion of the road used or reasonably usable for the.time being for vehicular traffic in general. (2) Every driver of a motor- vehicle shall, where the width of the road-formation permits, keep the vehicle to his left of the centre-line ; and if travelling at a speed of less than 15 miles per hour shall keep the vehicle as near as practicable to his left edge of the road, but clear of earthen water-tables. (3) Every driver of a motor-vehicle shall, when overtaking another vehicle, signal by use of the warning instrument his desire to pass the vehicle being overtaken, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the driver of the latter vehicle to move to his left, if possible with safety, so as to allow the overtaking vehicle a reasonable space in which to pass. After the signal as aforesaid has been given, the driver of the vehicle being overtaken shall not increase his speed until the overtaking vehicle has had a reasonable opportunity to pass and draw clear of the overtaken vehicle.

(4) Every driver of a motor-vehicle shall, when overtaking another vehicle, other than a tram, pass on his right side of the overtaken vehicle, and shall not then move into the line of passage of the other vehicle until clear from it by at least 18 ft. (5) Every driver of a motor-vehicle when meeting any other vehicle shall keep to his left of such other vehicle, save in cases of sudden emergency to avoid accident, and when meeting any person or animal shall, where possible, keep to his left of such person or animal. (6) Every driver of a motor- vehicle shall on approaching any animal or animals being driven along a road, and not being a ridden or driven horse guided by reins, drive slowly until past such animal or animals ; and, if requested so to do by the person apparently in charge of the same, shall stop until way has been made for the passage of the motor-vehicle or the animals have been driven past it: Provided that the driver having stopped at the request of such person may, if the latter does not use reasonable diligence in making way for the motor-vehicle, or in driving the animal or animals past it, as the case may be, restart the motor- vehicle and proceed with all reasonable care past such animal or animals.

(7) The driver of any vehicle shall not drive the vehicle past the extreme rear of a tram making in the same direction which is discharging or embarking passengers at an indicated stopping-place, other than a stopping-place where a safety-zone is interposed between the tram and the motorvehicle.

(8) Two vehicles meeting each other shall have the right of way ; and, except on a substantially straight length of road, in boroughs and town districts, no driver of a motor-vehicle to the rear of either of such two vehicles shall pass or attempt to pass either of such two vehicles while they are passing each other, and no driver of a motor-vehicle overtaking two vehicles one of which is abreast of or passing the other shall attempt to pass either of them until they are clear of each other. (9) No driver of any motor-vehicle shall overtake or attempt to pass any vehicle proceeding in the same direction : (a) At an intersection, or within a distance of 39 ft. before an intersection, if the other vehicle is travelling at a speed greater than six miles per hour : (b) At or within 30 ft. before any point where the road traversed changes its direction by ninety or more degrees. (10) Every driver of a motor-vehicle shall when turning to his left into another road, or when passing round the corner of a road that turns to his left, turn the corner as near to his left hand side as practicable. (11) Every driver of a motor-vehicle intending to turn at an intersection from any road into another road to his right shall, when approaching and turning (after signalling his intention as provided in Regulation 12 hereof) either comply with the provisions of clause (12) of this regulation or maintain his position to his left of the centre-line of the road out of which lie is turning until he has passed the centre-line of the road into which he is turning and shall then turn into the latter road as directly and quickly as he can with safety. (12) Every driver of a vehicle shall at all times keep to the left of any traffic-dome or other indicator placed at intersections by local authorities for the direction of traffic. (13) Every driver of a motor-vehicle when approaching any intersection the traffic at which is not for the time being controlled by a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector, and to which any other vehicle (inclusive of trams) is approaching, so tha t if both continued on their course there would be a possibility of collision, shall, if such vehicle (being other than a tram) is approaching from his right, or if such vehicle (being a tram) is approaching from any direction, give way to such other vehicle, and allow the same to pass before him, and, if necessary for that purpose, stop his vehicle, and no driver of a motor-vehicle shall increase the speed of his vehicle when approaching any intersection under the circumstances set out in this clause.

(14) Nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any by-law made by a local authority providing that any specified road shall be limited in use to traffic moving in any one specified direction. (15) Notwithstanding anything herein contained any direction given by a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector shall override the requirements of this regulation, and it shall be a defence to any person charged with an offence which consists of failing to comply with any of the provisions of this regulation if such person proves that the offence arose from complying or seeking to comply with any direction given by a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector. Regulation 12.Drivers’ Signals. (1) Every driver of a motor-vehicle who intends and is about to stop his vehicle or reduce suddenly the speed of his vehicle or turn his vehicle to the right, within a borough or town district or in view of other traffic, shall, before so doing, give a conspicuous signal visible to traffic approaching from the front, right side, or rear in manner following (а) If about to stop or so reduce speed, by bending his right forearm directly upwards, with the upper part of the arm directly outwards from the body and horizontal, at a point at least 30 ft. before the point of stopping or commencing so to reduce speed (except when stopping or reducing speed on account of traffic requirements, and in that case at a point as near to the first-mentioned point as circumstances permit) and keeping his arm in that position until he stops ■ or commences so to reduce speed : (б) If about to turn to the right, by extending his full right arm horizontally to the right at a point at least 30 ft. before the point of commencing to make the turn and keeping it in that position until commencing to make the turn.

(2) (a) If a vehicle, is equipped with suitable apparatus automatically signalling at the rear of the vehicle, by means of a red light or other means, the intention of the driver to stop or slow down, such driver may, instead of giving the signal described in paragraph (a) of the preceding clause hereof, signal his intention to stop or so reduce speed by means of the said apparatus. ( b) If, in addition to the apparatus described in the preceding paragraph of this clause, the vehicle is equipped with suitable mechanical signalling-apparatus in proper working*

order, capable of giving the signal described in paragraph (6) of the last preceding clause, or a signal closely corresponding' thereto (and also capable of giving a signal clearly indicating to any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector controlling traffic the driver’s intention to turn the vehicle to the left), such driver may, instead of giving the signal described in paragraph (6) of the preceding clause hereof, signal his intention to turn to the right by means of the said apparatus. (3) No driver of any motor-vehicle shall stop such vehicle or reduce suddenly the speed of such vehicle or turn such vehicle to the right within a borough or town district or within view of other traffic, unless he has previously given the appropriate signal prescribed by this regulation.

Regulation 13. —Conduct of Motor-vehicles on Roads.. (1) Every driver of a motor- vehicle shall at all times observe and comply with any directions of any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector concerning —• (а) The manner of departing from or approaching any place : (b) The manner of taking up or setting down passengers, or loading or unloading goods : (c) The manner, method, and place of bringing such vehicle to a standstill and permitting such vehicle to remain stationary on any road : ( d ) The regulation of traffic. (2) If any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector is of opinion that any person, being the driver or apparently in charge of a motor-vehicle, is by reason of his physical or mental condition, howsoever arising, incapable for the time being of driving or being in charge of such motor- vehicle, he may forbid such person to continue to drive or be in charge of such motorvehicle. No person shall drive or be or remain in charge of a motor- vehicle after a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector has, in exercise of the powers hereby conferred, forbidden him to drive or be in charge of such motor-vehicle, and the Police Officer or Traffic Inspector may make such arrangements for the safe disposal or placing of the motor-vehicle as may be necessary or desirable in the circumstances. (3) No driver of any motor-vehicle shall cause the vehicle to travel backwards for a greater distance or longer time than is reasonable : Provided that shortage of fuel shall not be a defence to any person charged with an offence against the provisions of this clause. (4) The driver of a motor- vehicle shall at all times, when the vehicle is in motion, maintain such a position as to have full control thereof. It shall be deemed a breach of this clause if a driver does not maintain such a position as to obtain as complete a view of the road and of traffic ahead, and abreast, and (with the aid of the reflector) to the rear of the vehicle as the nature of the road and climatic conditions will allow. (5) No driver of any motor-vehicle in motion shall, except for the purpose of detecting a defect in such motor-vehicle, allow any person to be in the vehicle in either of the following positions, and no person in any motor-vehicle in motion shall, except as aforesaid, be in the vehicle in either of the following positions, that is to say, upon the running-board thereof, or having any part of his body protruding from the side thereof r Provided that it shall not be deemed a breach of this clause to extend the arm from the vehicle for the purpose of giving a driver’s signal in accordance with Regulation 12 hereof. (6) No person shall permit any part of a motor-vehicle or its load to be on or over any footpath, except in the case of a motor-car which is being stopped or is stationary at any place on a road established by a local authority as a stand for motor-vehicles, and the wheels of which are resting against or adjoining the kerb of a footpath. (7) Notwithstanding the last preceding clause . hereof, it shall be lawful to drive a motor-vehicle directly across any footpath at a speed not exceeding four miles an hour to or from a gateway or entrance to which there is no other access.. (8) The driver of any motor-vehicle—-(a) Shall not, while the vehicle is in motion, remove both hands at the same time from the steering wheel,. lever, handlebar, or other steering control : (b) Shall not remove either hand from the steering wheel, lever, handlebar, or other steering control unless he has the vehicle under full control, and except for the time necessary to complete the action for which he so removed his hand : (c) Shall exercise due care to avoid so far as possible the splashing of pedestrians : (d) Shall not interrupt the way of any funeral or duly authorized ceremonial procession : (e) Shall not allow the vehicle to be a cause of unnecessary' obstruction to other traffic on any road :

(/) Shall not use chains over tires on the vehicle while the vehicle is being used on a metalled road or on a road where the use of chains is for the time being not reasonably necessary.

9. No person shall drive any motor-vehicle (not being a vehicle in use in connection with a fire brigade) within fifteen feet of any fire-plug or hydrant for the time being in use in connection with an alarm or outbreak of fire, or pass over or attempt to pass over any hose or other fire-fighting equipment for the time being so in use, or drive any motor-vehicle in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct any member of a fire brigade engaged in connection with an alarm or outbreak of fire. Regulation 14. Vehicles stopping and stationary. (1) No driver or person in charge of any motor-vehicle shall, except in cases of emergency, or when waiting for way to proceed, or at the direction of a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector, or at a place established by a controlling authority as a stand for such motor-vehicles, stop such vehicle or permit such vehicle to be stationary — (a) In any position on a road except parallel with the direction of the road, and with the left side of the vehicle to the near edge of the road except for the purpose of loading or discharging goods by the rear of the vehicle ; or b) In any part of a road except near the left edge thereof ; or (c) In any part of a road near any corner or bend thereof, unless the vehicle is visible from all parts of the road within 60 ft. of such corner or bend; or (d) Within 6 ft. of a fire-plug set in the surface of any road; or (e) On any tramline within a tram’s length to the rear of any point thereof marked as a stop ping-place for trams or between the near side of such portion of tramline and the footpath or side of the road nearest thereto; or (/) Between any entrance to a tramway waiting-shelter and the tramline nearest thereto.

For the purpose of this clause “ road ” means that portion of the road used or reasonably usable for the time being for vehicular traffic in general. (2) Every driver of a motor-vehicle shall stop his vehicle and cause the same to remain stationary for so long as may reasonably be necessary and shall, if necessary, also cause the engine thereof for the like period to cease running, under any of the following circumstances : (а) On the approach and during the passing of every motorvehicle used by a fire brigade upon which the siren is sounding : (б) At the request of or signal by any person leading, riding, or driving a restive horse : (c) Whenever it is necessary to do so for the purpose of avoiding injury or damage, or the risk of causing injury or damage, to any person, animal, property, or object: (d) At all railway intersections at which a notice is erected directing a stop: Provided that compliance with the requirements of this clause shall not relieve any person from the duty of compliance with the requirements of section 58 of the Government Railways Act, 1926. (3) No driver or person in charge of any motor-vehicle shall, except at the direction of a Police Officer or Traffic Inspector, permit such vehicle to be stationary on a road in such a position as to cause an unnecessary obstruction thereof, whether in respect of the use of the road as a thoroughfare or in respect of access from the road to premises abutting thereon and vice versa. (4) No driver or person in charge of any motor-vehicle shall stop such vehicle or permit such vehicle to be stationary at any place on a road established by a local authority as a stand for motor-vehicles at any angle or in any position other than that which is indicated or notified thereat by the local authority; or if no such angle or position is so indicated or notified, then otherwise than parallel with the direction of the road and with the left side of the vehicle to the near edge of the road. (5) No driver of any motor-vehicle shall leave the driver’s seat until he has

(a) Brought the vehicle to a standstill; and (b) Engaged the retaining-brake ; and (c) Taken any other precautions proper in the circumstances to ensure that the vehicle will not move while not under proper control; and ( d ) Placed the vehicle, if on a grade, in such a position that if set in motion while not under proper control it will run towards and remain against the kerb or other corresponding obstruction at the near side of the road.


(6) No person shall crank by hand the engine of a motorvehicle unless the retaining-brake is first firmly engaged, and no person shall disengage or cause or permit to be disengaged such brake until the driver is in his seat.

(7) Nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any by-law of a local authority to the effect that a motorvehicle shall not be left stationary for any period or for longer than a stated period in any specified road, or portion of a road, or place on a road. (8) The foregoing provisions of this regulation shall not apply to any motor-vehicle being a fire-engine, fire-escape, tower-wagon, or other motor-vehicle for the time being in use on any road in connection with an alarm or outbreak of fire, or for purposes connected with any electric or other wires or electric tramway installation, or any other public erection or work on or adjacent to a road. (9) The person for the time being in charge of any motorvehicle referred to in the last preceding clause hereof shall, whenever such vehicle is stationary upon any road, take all reasonable care under the circumstances to prevent the occurrence of any accident, mishap, collision, damage, or any injury to, or interference with any person, animal, property, or object on any road or other place by reason of the presence of such motor-vehicle on such road. Regulation 15. Speed. (1.) No person shall drive any motor-vehicle at such a speed that the vehicle cannot be brought to a standstill within half the length of clear road which is visible to the driver immediately in front of the vehicle. (2) Whereas it is deemed necessary for the due administration of the said Act and for giving full effect to the provisions of the said Act to make provision as to speeds which might be dangerous to the public within the meaning of section 28 of the said Act, now it is hereby declared that if any person is charged under the said section 28 with the offence of driving a motor-vehicle at a speed which, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, might be dangerous to the public, the fact that such person drove such motorvehicle at a speed in excess of such one of the speeds set out in the table hereunder as may be applicable shall, until the contrary is proved, be sufficient evidence that such person committed the said offence. Table of Speeds. (a) Thirty-five miles per hour in any case in which a lower speed is not hereinafter set out: (b) Twenty-five miles per hour at any place within the limits of any borough or town district where it is reasonable to suppose that the driver of the motorvehicle knew, himself to be within the limits of a borough or town district: (c) Fifteen miles per hour—(i) When passing between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. a school to which any erected traffic sign relates; (ii) When passing a hospital to which any erected traffic sign relates; (iii) When approaching any intersection which is of such a nature that when the driver is 90 ft. away he has not a clear and uninterrupted view of such intersection and of the traffic upon every road leading thereto for a distance of 90 ft. beyond such intersection ; (iv) When passing any portion of a road undergoing alterations or repairs; (v) When passing any stationary tram on its route making in the opposite direction : (d) Ten miles per hour —- (i) When going through any tunnel; (ii) When going round a curve or corner of any road if the driver has not a clear view of the road in front of him for a distance of at least 40 ft. in the direction in which he is proceeding (during which time also adequate and repeated signal must be given by use of the warning instrument); (iii) When passing any stationary tram on its route making in the same direction where a safety zone is interposed between the tram and the motorvehicle. (3) A controlling authority may fix a maximum speed for motor-vehicles in respect of any road or portion of a road under its control by enacting a by-law in that behalf in the manner prescribed by law for the making by such controlling authority of by-laws relating to traffic on roads, and by erecting on such road or portion of a road, and at all times while the by-law is in force maintaining thereon the traffic . signs of Class D required pursuant to clause (12) of Regulation 16 hereof: Provided that the maximum speed fixed by any such by-law shall not exceed such of the maximum speeds set

out in tlie table contained in the last preceding clause of this regulation? as may be applicable to the circumstances : Provided also that no such by-law shall justify any person in driving a motor-vehicle at. a speed which is or might be dangerous to the public or any person, even though such speed does not exceed the maximum speed prescribed by such by-law.

(4) When a copy of such by-law is sent by a controlling authority to the Minister as required by section 25 of the said Act, there shall be sent therewith a sketch plan or map of the road and locality, showing the position of the traffic signs erected, but it shall not be necessary to the validity of any speed-limit fixed under the last preceding clause hereof to prove that such copy of a by-law and sketch plan or map have been sent as hereby required. (5) No speed-limit shall be fixed by a controlling authority otherwise than as provided by this regulation. (6) The traffic signs of Class D required pursuant to clause (12) of Regulation 16 hereof shall be removed by the controlling authority which has erected them as soon as possible after any relative by-law or portion thereof is disallowed by the Minister under section 25 of the said Act. (7) It shall be no defence in any proceedings for an offence against these regulations, or under any of the sections of Part IV of the said Act, or under any other Act, that at the time of the alleged offence the motor-vehicle was being driven at a speed not exceeding the maximum speed fixed by or pursuant to this regulation. (8) It shall be a defence to any person charged with an offence against this regulation if such person proves that he was at the time of the act or omission in respect of which he is so charged the driver of a motor-vehicle — (a) Used by a fire brigade for attendance at fires and at the time responding to a call of fire ; or (b) Used as an ambulance and being at the time used on urgent ambulance service ; or (c) Conveying a Police Officer (whether in uniform or not) or Traffic Inspector on urgent public business or engaged in the execution of his duty ; and in every such case that such person took all reasonable care under the circumstances to prevent the occurrence of any accident, mishap, collision, damage, or any injury to, or interference with any person, animal, property, or object on any road or other place by reason of such act or omission.

Regulation 16. Traffic Signs. (1) Traffic signs shall be of the following classes : Class A : Signs denoting the proximity of a level railway crossing. Class B : Signs indicating a condition requiring extra caution not due to the nature or condition of the road but due to the existence of other circumstances (railway crossings excepted), such as proximity to a school, hospital, side road or cross road, requiring special watchfulness or caution on the part of the driver of a motor-vehicle. Class C : Signs indicating the nature or condition of the road, such as a sharp bend or turning, steep hill, narrow bridge, or loose gravel, requiring slow speed and extra caution on the part of the driver of a motorvehicle. Class D : Signs denoting any speed-limits for motorvehicle traffic fixed by a local authority under Regulation 15 hereof. Class E : Signs conveying any further information relating to motor-vehicle traffic : Provided that information as to destinations, routes, names of localities, or distances, or remarks of courtesy shall not be deemed information relating to motorvehicle traffic, and shall not be displayed on traffic signs:

Provided also that traffic domes or other indicators placed upon roads by controlling authorities for the direction of traffic shall not be deemed traffic signs foi the purposes of this regulation.

(2) Signs of Class A shall be in the form of diagram No. 1 in the Second Schedule —that is to say, in the form of a St. Andrew’s Cross of the dimensions as shown in the said Second Schedule, coloured white, and bearing in black letters the words “Railway Crossing.” (3) Signs of Class B shall be in the form of diagram No. 2 in the Second Schedule heretothat is to say, in the form of a square with sides set vertically, having sides approximately 2 ft. long, coloured yellow, and bearing in black letters the word “school” or the word “hospital” or such other word or words as may be required to inform a motorvehicle driver of the need for caution.

(4) Signs of Class C shall be in the form of diagram No. 3 in the said Second Schedulethat is to say, in the form of a square with one diagonal set vertically, having sides

approximately 2 ft. long, coloured yellow, and bearing in black letters such of the words “ Danger,” “ Dangerous corner,” or other appropriate words or approved symbols as the local authority thinks fit:

Provided that no symbol shall be used in a traffic sign except such symbols as may from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, be approved by the Minister for that purpose. (5) Signs of Class D shall be in the form of diagram No. 4 and diagram No. 5 respectively in the said Second Schedule—that is to say, in the same form and of the same colour and dimensions as diagram No. 3, but bearing in black characters the respective words set out in diagrams No. 4 and No. 5, and figures denoting the maximum number of miles per hour fixed as the local speed-limit.

(6) Signs of Class E shall be in the form of diagram No. 6 in the said Second Schedule—that is to say, in the form of a rectangle 24 in. in length and 15 in. in height (or in the same proportions but of any greater dimensions required to carry the notice), coloured white and bearing characters in black. (7) All characters shall be in capital letters and figures of the style known as bold-faced sans-serif, and shall be plain and legible and uniform in size and of a minimum height of 3 in., save that the letters in signs of Class A, the approved symbols in signs of Class C, and the figures denoting the maximum number of miles per hour in signs of Class D shall be of a height of approximately 10 in. (8) All supports of traffic signs shall be coloured white. (9) Every local authority shall upon every road crossed by a railway or tramway, whether public or private, which crosses a road after crossing land that is not a road and on each side of such crossing erect a traffic sign of Class A. (10) Every local authority shall, in connection with every entrance leading from a road to a school for children (whether public or private, including premises in use as Sunday schools), or to a public hospital, or with any other place which in the opinion of the local authority requires watchfulness or caution on the part of a motor-driver, erect such one or more traffic signs of Class B as it shall deem necessary. (11) Every local authority shall erect a traffic sign of Class C at such places as are in its opinion dangerous for motor traffic and require slow speed owing to the state, nature, or condition of the road:

Provided that it shall not be necessary in the case of a railway crossing to erect any traffic sign other than the traffic signs of Class A required by clause (9) hereof. (12) Every local authority fixing a speed-limit for motorvehicle traffic under Regulation 15 hereof shall erect and maintain traffic signs of Class D at each end of every road or portion of a road affected by such speed-limit, and, save in boroughs or town districts, at every intersection of such road or portion of a road by another road. In boroughs and town districts signs of Class D shall be erected and maintained at reasonable intervals along every, road or portion of a road affected by such speed-limit, as well as at the ends thereof, so that the driver of a motor-vehicle turning from another road into a road affected by such speed-limit may have reasonable opportunity of being aware of the existence of such speed-limit. (13) It shall be a defence to any local authority charged with the offence of failing to comply with any of the requirements of clauses 9, 10, and 11 of this regulation, such offence being committed prior to the Ist day of December, 1928, if such local authority proves that it is proceeding with the erection of the signs and that, in the circumstances, there has been no unreasonable delay in their erection. (14) No local authority shall erect or maintain any traffic sign relating (whether exclusively or not) to the traffic of motor-vehicles otherwise than in accordance with the requirements of this regulation: Provided that any local authority may for a period not exceeding five years from the date of coming into force of these regulations continue to maintain any traffic sign heretofore erected which is not in accordance with the requirements of this regulation as to colour or design, and any sign so maintained shall be deemed to be a sufficient traffic sign for any of the purposes of these regulations : Provided also that in case of temporary danger such as slips, wash-outs, blasting operations, or when workmen are engaged on a road, warning of the existence of the danger may be given as a temporary measure by the use of a bright red rectangular cloth or board having a surface of not less than four square feet in area and stretched between two supports so as to be displayed at right angles to the direction of the road, and in other respects as nearly as may be in accordance with the requirements of this regulation. (15) Every local authority that has erected or hereafter erects a traffic sign shall at all times while the same remains in position maintain the same in good repair, undefaced, and undamaged, and with the colours thereof and the characters thereon in bright, clear, and legible condition.

(16) Every local authority erecting a traffic sign shall erect the same at such a site, at such a height above the level of the road, and generally in such a position and manner that it shall —

(a) Not be a source of danger to pedestrian or other traffic; ( b ) Be clearly and readily visible for at least 50 yards before reaching it to the driver of a motor-vehicle approaching it; (c) Where practicable be illuminated by the headlights of approaching motor-vehicles ; ( d ) Where practicable, appear on the left-hand side of the road to a person approaching the locality to which it is intended to refer, save that a traffic sign in tbe form of diagram No. 5 may be placed on the reverse of a traffic sign in the form of diagram No. 4 notwithstanding that it may thereby appear on the righthand side; (e) Give persons approaching it sufficient time for its warning or information to have the full value, and where practicable be placed approximately 300 ft. before the place to which it is intended to refer; (/)•■ Where not incompatible with the foregoing requirements of this clause, or otherwise impracticable, have its centre at a height of approximately 3J ft. above the level of the road : Provided that the requirements of paragraph (/) of this clause shall not apply to signs of Class A.

(17) In every district or part of a district where a system of street-lighting is in existence the local authority shall cause a street-lamp or other lamp to be placed in such a position as adequately to illuminate the face of every traffic sign maintained by any competent controlling authority which refers to conditions normally requiring extra caution after dark as well as by day, or only after dark, and shall cause such lamp to be kept alight during the time in which street-lamps in the locality are for the time being usually kept alight. (18) No local authority shall erect or maintain, or cause or permit to be erected or maintained, or to be on any road or in any place visible from a road any traffic sign in any of the forms hereinbefore described which is not used solely for denoting some matter or conveying some information hereby authorized to be denoted or conveyed by means of traffic signs.

(19) No person shall, except in the capacity of an employee of the controlling authority, erect or maintain, or cause or permit to be erected or maintained, or to be on any road or in any place visible from a road, any traffic sign, unless authorized thereto by writing under the seal of the controlling authority (being a corporate body) or- in writing duly verified by the controlling authority (not being a corporate body) having control of such road. (20) No person shall erect or maintain, or cause or permit to be erected or maintained, or to be on any road or in any place visible from a road any sign, device, or object liable to be mistaken for a traffic sign of any of the forms hereinbefore described :

Provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing provision of this clause, a sign conveying information as to destinations, routes, or distances, and erected at the date of coming into force of these regulations may be maintained for a period not exceeding two years from the last-mentioned date. (21) No person shall cause or permit his name or the name of any business carried on by him or the name of any wares dealt with by him to be displayed on a sign which is so erected or maintained that its erection or maintenance constitutes a breach of any provision of this regulation : Provided that it shall be a defence to any person charged with an offence against this clause if such person proves that the sign was erected and maintained without his knowledge, or that before the date of the offence he gave notice in writing to the occupier of the land on which the sign is erected requiring such occupier forthwith to remove the sign. (22) No person shall remove, mutilate, obscure, or in any manner damage or interfere with any traffic sign erected under this regulation. (23) It shall be a defence to any person charged with driving a motor-vehicle at a speed in excess of a speed-limit imposed under Clause (3) of Regulation 15 hereof if such person proves that at the time and place of the alleged offence the traffic signs required by Clause 12 hereof were not duly erected and maintained. (24) Save as hereinbefore provided the provisions of this regulation shall apply as well to signs of a temporary nature as to those erected in a permanent manner. Regulation 17. Hieing of Motor-vehicles. (1) Every person carrying on the business of letting motorvehicles for hire (hereinafter referred to as a “ garage-pro-prietor ”) shall keep a register, and make or cause to be made therein the entries hereinafter referred to.

(2) Neither a garage-proprietor nor any person employed by or acting on behalf of a garage-proprietor shall give delivery to any person of a motor-vehicle let on hire until (a) An entry has been made in the register setting out (i) The time and date of delivery; (ii) The registered number of the motor-vehicle ; (iii) The name of the' person to whom delivery is ven; (iv) If such person is himself to drive the motorvehicle, the name of the local authority by whom his driver’s license was issued and the date of that license; (v) If any other person is to drive the motorvehicle, then the name of such person, the name of the local authority by whom his driver’s license was issued, and the date of that license : b) The garage-proprietor or some person on his behalf has inspected such driver’s license and verified the particulars required to be entered in the register: (c) The foregoing particulars shall have been verified by the signature in the register of the person to whom delivery is given.

(3) If delivery of a motor-vehicle be given elsewhere than at the garage-proprietor’s place of business, it shall be sufficient compliance with this regulation if the foregoing particulars and signature be taken on a detached paper and affixed in the register at some time on the same or the following day.

(4) Every garage-proprietor shall, whenever required so to do, produce his register for inspection or copying by any Police Officer or Traffic Inspector, and on ceasing to make further entries in any volume of his register shall deliver the same for custody for one year, and subsequent destruction, to the officer in charge of the police station nearest to his place of business. (5) This regulation shall not apply to any case in which the garage-proprietor supplies a driver for the motor-vehicle and it is not intended that the motor-vehicle should be driven during the period. of hiring by any person other than the driver so supplied. (6) This regulation shall not apply to any case in which a motor-vehicle is hired under a hire-purchase agreement or for a period exceeding one month. Regulation 18. Accidents causing Death. i i If any motor-vehicle is involved in an accident causing or iixely to cause the death of any person, the Police Officer or Traffic Inspector (if any) first on the scene of the accident shall furnish a report to the Minister through the Commissioner of Police, or the controlling authority by which the Traffic Inspector was appointed (as the case may be), in the form set forth in the First Schedule hereto, giving details of the accident and all particulars set forth in the form so far as applicable, and so far as such particulars are available. (2) A copy of the reports of all proceedings before any Coroner arising out of any motor-accident, and of the Coroner’s findings relative thereto, shall be forwarded to the Minister by the Under-Secretary of Justice. Regulation 19.Offences and Penalties. (1) Every person who does or omits, or causes or knowingly permits or suffers to be done or omitted, any act, matter, or thing contrary to the provisions of these regulations, or fails to comply with any requirement hereby imposed on such person, shall be deemed to have committed a breach of these regulations ; and if such act, or omission, or failure occurs on more than one day, such person shall be deemed to have committed a separate breach of these regulations on each day on which such act or omission or failure has occurred. (2) Every person who commits a breach of these regulations shall be liable for every such breach to a fine not exceeding £SO

SCHEDULES. First Schedule. Motor-vehicles Act, 1924. Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1928. Hon. Minister of Public Works. I have to report the following accident, which resulted in grave injuries [or death] to [ Name and address and which occurred at Exact locality'], as described by sketch on the back hereof. The accident took place at [Time] on the [Date], and in my opinion was caused by [Further remarks ( including recommendations, if any, for the prevention of similar accidents ).] Dated at this day of , 19 . Police Officer [or Traffic Inspector],

Class A.

Black lettering on a white ground,

fP.W. 6G/0.)


Class C.

Black lettering on a yellow ground,

Class D.

Black lettering on a yellow ground,

Class E,

Black lettering on a white ground,


Black lettering on a yellow ground.

F. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Amendments to and Revocation of Regulations under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924.

(See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, page 622.) CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this sth day of March, 1928. Present: The Right Honourable Sir Francis Bell, P.C., presiding in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section thirty-six of the Motorvehicles Act, 1924, and section fifteen of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1927 (hereinafter referred to as the “said Acts ”), and of all other powers and authorities in anywise enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency the GovernorGeneral of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby revoke the regulations made under the said Acts, relating to the exemption of certain motor-vehicles from payment of license fees, dated the eighth and fifteenth days of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, and twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, and gazetted respectively on the eleventh and twenty-fifth days of March, and the first day of July, in the same year; and doth hereby make the following additions and amendments to the regulations dated and gazetted on the twelfth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four (hereinafter referred to as the “ principal regulations ”), and doth direct that this Order in Council shall come into effect on and from the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight.

REGULATIONS. 1. The following portions of the principal regulations are hereby revoked : (a) Regulation 3, clause (2). (h) Regulation 6. (c) The words “ or license ” in Regulation 10, clauses (1) and (2), and the whole of paragraph (6) of clause (3). (d) Forms numbers (4) and (6) in the Schedule thereto. _ 2. Every application for a duplicate certificate of registration shall be in the form of the Schedule hereto or to the effect thereof, and the fee for the issue of every such duplicate certificate shall be two shillings and sixpence. 3. The registration of any motor-vehicle which has not been licensed for two clear years, shall be cancelled by the Registrar of Motor-vehicles upon the next succeeding 31st of May. Where a registration has been cancelled in pursuance of these regulations, an annual license shall not thereafter be issued in respect of that vehicle, unless and until it has been re-registered and the appropriate registration fee as prescribed by section 9 of the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, has been paid.

SCHEDULE. Application for Duplicate Certificate of Registration for Motor-vehicle under the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924. To the Deputy Registrar of Motor-vehicles at [City. Borough, Town District or County (Delete entries not required.) I hereby apply for a duplicate certificate of registration fo motor-vehicle, particulars of which are given below :

Registration No. at present allotted to vehicle : Name of owner (in full with title) : Address of owner : Situation of garage [ Street and town] : Type of motor-vehicle : [Car, cycle, trade-motor, ( fee.] Engine No. : . Chassis No. : Make of vehicle : Whether tires are pneumatic or solid : Seating accommodation: persons.* Whether intended for private use (i.e. other than for hire) : Whether intended for conveyance of passengers, or conveyance of goods, or conveyance of passengers and goods : Gross weight of motor-vehicle unladen : tons cwt.f Manufacturer’s rating of weight-carrying capacity : tons cwt.f Signature of owner : Date : * Not required for motor-cycles, t Not required for motor-cycles or private motor-cars. (For use in Deputy Registrar's Office.) Highway District No. . Receipt No. Duplicate Certificate fee of 2s. 6d. accounted for. [Date Stamp.] Initials of Receiving Officer : Old Certificate No : New Certificate No. : , issued [Date.] Card amended : Initials of Deputy Registrar: (Acct. 166. 10,000/9/27-8404.) C. A. Jeffery, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. (P.W. 66/2.)

Approving of Symbols for the Purpose of Traffic Signs under the Motor-vehicles Regulations, 1928.

(See New Zealand Gazette, 1928, page 613.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on me by the Motor - vehicle Regulations, 1928, I, Robert Alexander Wright, for the Minister of Public Works, do hereby approve of the use of the following symbols for the traffic signs of Class C, under Regulation 16 of the Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1928, the symbols, each according to its number shown hereunder, to have the following meaning : 1. Sharp right angle. 2. Sharp left angle. 3. Right curve. 4. Left curve. 5. Double left curve. 6. Double right curve. 7. Intersection of two highways. 8. Cross road to the right. 9. Cross road to the left. 10. Double cross road. 11. Right angle with local road ahead. 12. Left angle with local road ahead. 13. Right angle, local road to the left. 14. Left angle, local road to the right. 15. Right curve with local road to the left. 16. Right curve with local road to the right. 17. Left curve with local road to the right. 18. Left curve with local road to the left. 19. Ascent to the right. 20. Ascent to the left. 21. Descent to the right. 22. Descent to the left. Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of February, 1928. R. A. Wright, (P.W. 66/0.) For Minister of Public Works.


W. Authority

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Joseph Rawene 23/2/28 disorderly fined Maori labourer 1906 1 ft. in. 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium | ft. in. 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium McKernan, Wilfred . Whangarei . 29/2/28 theft (6 . charges) and convicted Zealand N. officer postal 1900 5 7 fresh fair blue short on Caroline McKernan, Whangarei . theft . 3 29/2/28 property disN. domestic 1900 5 7 fresh auburn brown medium. removed. Maud charges) on Palmer, Daphne Whangarei stolen probation 29/2/28 theft to JNI. Zealand schoolgirl .. 1916 5 0 fresh dark brown .. medium Welfare fined £1 10s. -N. Zealand schoolgirl .. 1916 5 0 fresh dark brown .. medium William Whangarei 29/2/28 theft N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 4 fair fair blue straight.. Upper jaw deformed ; upper front teeth missing. fined £1 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 4 fair fair blue straight.. Upper jaw deformed ; upper front teeth missing. McCarthy, Auckland 25/2/28 assault fined Ireland labourer 1879 5 11 fresh brown, blue medium build. Strong Robert Auckland ing grey 25/2/28 assault fined Scotland labourer 1883 5 71 '4 fresh dark hazel . medium.. and on; injured Reti Gazette, Police of (See 198.) Auckland 25/2/28 theft and convicted Maori labourer 1906 5 9 copper . black brown . medium.. Photographed at on right Oswald Auckland charged Auckland, 22/2/28. 27/2/28 assault . fined N. Zealand carpenter . 1897 6 ii fresh brown grey . medium left on Miles, William indecent language fined 382.) 1926, (See Auckland 28/2/28 opium fined England . seaman 1874 5 10 fresh .. grey hazel .. medium.. Scar on chin and on left hand. fresh grey hazel .. medium.. Scar on chin and on left hand. Garlick, Thomas . Auckland 29/2/28 act fined Zealand pensioner . 1852 5 fresh grey blue medium.. Scar on right wrist and on right forefinger. 3J fresh grey blue medium.. Scar on right wrist and on right forefinger. Katherine.. Auckland 29/2/28 act fined Zealand N. domestic 1879 5 8 pale grey blue medium alias Rose, Kennedy, Dorothy Auckland 29/2/28 fighting fined Zealand prostitute 1895 5 4.1 fresh brown grey medium. on 1924, Police leg 354.) page Auckland 29/2/28 fighting . fined N. domestic 1893 5 8 fresh brown blue medium William Auckland 29/2/28 and disorderly fined Zealand butcher 1886 5 6f dark black grey medium.. right on clasped Frederick, alias Moore, mischief fined pay left &c.. on ; William James, alias W damage impediment in speech; right leg injured. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 66, and Photographs, 1922, page 60.) '■] Auckland 29/2/28 unlawfully remaining in New Zealand fined £20 China gardener 1902 5 7 olive black brown .. medium Auckland damage impediment in speech; right leg injured. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 66, and Photographs, 1922, page 60.) 29/2/28 unlawfully remaining in New Zealand fined £20 China gardener 1902 5 7 olive black brown .. medium Cunningham, Auckland 29/2/28 theft and Zealand N. wool-classer 1887 5 7! fresh black blue broad of ; back of left hand, and on forehead. (See Adolphus charged Sillies, Flora Alice Police Gazette, 1928, page 34, and Photographs, 1920, page 57.) Auckland 2/3/28 charged back of left hand, and on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 34, and Photographs, 1920, page 57.) theft fined Zealand domestic 1888 5 7 fresh brown grey . . medium.. Auckland, Photographed at theft fined

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. | Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing William, Auckland 2/3/28 fraud by . ifto up Zealand labourer 1884 in. ft. 7 fresh .. . dark, curly grey large and William, alias Youngman called (See and Police Gazette, 1928, page 143, and Photomonths graphs, 1919, page 47.) ruddy .. Police Gazette, 1928, page 143, and Photographs, 1919, page 47.) Page, Auckland 2/3/28 fighting fined Ireland labourer 1878 5 6 fair, turning blue medium.. Harp, clasped hands, and heart on left forearm ; grey woman’s head and hands across heart on right forearm. ruddy .. fair, turning blue medium.. Harp, clasped hands, and heart on left forearm ; grey woman’s head and hands across heart on right forearm. Richard, William Auckland 2/3/28 during separation ifto up Zealand N. labourer 1865 5 6* fresh grey grey long tip left little finger. (See Police Gazette, 1928, Regi- James order 6 left little finger. (See Police Gazette, 1928, nald months 12.) page Frederick Sinclair, . Auckland 2/3/28 unlawfully premises come up England labourer 1890 5 8i fresh brown blue large ; intent in finger injured; F and dot on right forearm. months finger injured; F and dot on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 293, and Photographs, 1915, page 10.) England .. steward (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 293, and Photographs, 1915, page 10.) Arthur Kershaw, Harry Auckland 2/3/28 drunkenness fined 10s. England .. steward 1908 5 4 fair brown blue medium theft fined £1 10s. • James Cope, AucklandAuckland 2/3/282/3/28 drunkennesstheft . charges) fined and 1908 5 4 fair brown blue medium Scotland .. seaman 1898 5 5 fresh fair blue medium.. Cast in left eye ; flowers on chest; flags, dragon, BONNIE SCOTLAND, &c., on left forearm ; charged thefttheft fined ifto come up snakes, heart, TRUE LOVE, and JENNIE on called on in 6 months right forearm. F.P. James Cope, William Baynes AucklandPukekohe 2/3/281/2/28 theft . charges) damage convicted and disScotland .. seaman 1898 5 5 fresh fair blue medium.. Cast in left eye ; flowers on chest; flags, dragon, BONNIE SCOTLAND, &c., on left forearm ; charged fined £3 N. Zealand shop assist’nt 1909 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium theft to come up if snakes, heart, TRUE LOVE, and JENNIE on called on in 6 months right forearm. F.P. William Purser, Baynes LewisMilne, PukekohePukekohe 1/2/281/2/28 damage damage fined fined £3 Zealand Zealand N. assist’nt shop shop 19091909 55 86 freshfresh brownauburn brown .. medium blue medium Milne, Waldron, PukekohePaeroa 1/2/285/3/28 wilful damage fined £3 N. Zealand shop assist’nt 1909 5 6 fresh auburn blue medium theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 6* fresh light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1922, page 47. ReubenWaldron, Sam alias Davis, Paeroa Aroha Te 5/3/2825/2/28 theftassault . fined fined £10 N. Maori labourerlabourer 19011886 55 5i fresh light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1922, page 47. 7 copper .. black brown .. flat Receding forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1927, obscene language.. convicted and dispage 769.) charged dark Mole under left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1920, Sam Davis, Hemi, McCarthy, Aroha Te Aroha Te 25/2/2829/2/28 assault .vagrancy fined £10 ifto up Maori Zealand labourer andlabourer 18861888 55 pale hazel .. medium.. 7 copper .. black brown .. flat Receding forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1927, called on in 3 months tailor page 434, and Photographs, page 36.) obscene language.. convicted and discharged to come up if page 769.) JosephMcCarthy, Scott, Andrew Sidney Te Morrinsville . 29/2/2827/2/28 vagrancy of drunk charge N. Zealand labourer and 1888 5 H pale dark hazel .. medium.. Mole under left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1920, called on in 3 months tailor page 434, and Photographs, page 36.) resisting police fined £5 convicted and disN. Zealand slaughterman 1898 6 0 fresh fair blue medium charged black Andrew Scott, Sidney Kooti Naera Morrinsville .Port . 27/2/281/3/28 drunk in charge of motor-car police damage fined £5 dis-convicted Maori labourer 1905 5 9 copper .. brown .. flat See Police Gazette, 1926, page 783. convicted charged N. Zealand slaughterman 1898 6 0 fresh fair blue medium charged black disturbing a meeting fined £5 brown Kooti NCunningham, Oliver Port .. Kuiti Te 1/3/2831/1/28 damage charges) -grog . dis-convicted eachfined on MaoriN. labourerlabourer 19051890 55 95 copper .sallow . brown .brown . flatmedium See Police Gazette, 1926, page 783. charged disturbing a keeping illegally fined and convicted sale (2 charges) charged Left little finger deformed ; left big toe missing. Cunningham, Wi Thomas Kuiti Te Kuiti Te 31/1/2814/2/28 sly-grog selling (2 charges) .. fined £25 on each N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 5 sallow .. brown brown .. medium illegally keeping liquor for convicted and dissale (2 charges) charged Left little finger deformed ; left big toe missing. assault .. fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 8| sallow ' .. black brown .. medium.. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 172.) ThomasLivingston, . Kuiti Te Gisborne 14/2/2822/2/28 assault .obscene language. fined £2 if come up ZealandScotland labourerlabourer 18941900 55 8i sallow .. black brown .. medium.. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 172.) 4 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Scar on abdomen. called on Livingston, James.. Gisborne 22/2/28 obscene language.. to come up if Scotland .. labourer 1900 5 4 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Scar on abdomen. called on

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. j When. Offence. Sentence. | Native of Trade. Born. 43 A ’© M Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. i | Distinguishing Marks, &o. j Sentence. Native of | Trade. Born. 5 &D W Complexion. J Hair. | Byes. 1 j Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks, &o. Price, Ernest Henry Ohura 2/3/28 sly-grog selling fined N. labourer 1878 ft. 9 fresh dark blue medium Moller,' Henry . aka 27/2/28 assault .. fined Zealand ganger 1898 6 0 fresh dark blue medium Snelgar, William . Wairoa 24/2/28 attempted to come up N. Zealand tunneller 1884 10 fresh fair, turning blue medium Crown, American and Britannia, flag, year convicted and charged grey Jack on John Wairoa 27/2/28 drunkenness Zealand labourer 1900 65 fresh dark grey large Left Maurice Wairoa threatening behaviour fined » 28/2/28 and convicted and charged Zealand labourer 1878 9 fresh brown, blue Roman . Scar of left Campbell, James obscene language mg grey knee. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 466, drunk and disorderly mg grey knee. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 466, Wairoa 28/2/28 convicted and discharged N. Zealand carpenter .. 1906 5 9 fresh fair blue pug and Photographs, page 68.) Scar on bridge of nose and on right forefinger drunk and disorderly convicted and discharged N. Zealand carpenter .. 1906 5 9 fresh fair blue pug and Photographs, page 68.) Scar on bridge of nose and on right forefinger Healey, John Wairoa obscene . fined and thumb. 28/2/28 drunk disorderly convicted discharged fined N. Zealand labourer 1883 9 dark brown, hazel . medium heart, on clasped obscene language mg forearm of on neck. 1925, and page Lawrence Wairoa 28/2/28 and convicted and charged fined N. Zealand labourer and 1887 6 0 fresh brown grey long]] graphs, 1912, 47.) Sharp bird, and ; dagger, obscene language.. S0cl 111 till on left arm ; woman’s head on back of left hand ; woman’s head, sailing ship, and star on right arm ; flags and woman’s head on . obscene language.. on left arm ; woman’s head on back of left hand ; woman’s head, sailing ship, and star on right arm; flags and' woman’s head on McDavitt, Francis. Wairoa 28/2/28 drunk and convicted and discharged Zealand labourer and clerk 1900 84 sallow dark, turning grey .. medium.. back of right hand. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 592. grey grey .. medium.. back of right hand. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 592. James . Anthony language. fined £3 grey Plymouth 13/2/28 assault fined £1 N. Zealand manure1899 11 fresh dark blue medium Martin, alias Rodgers New 29/2/28 theft convicted charged England . worker labourer 1876 44 fresh grey grey . medium. Stout build man’s ; right on forehead and Brew, James Hawera 27/2/28 drunkenness fighting fined N. blacksmith . 1901 7 fresh dark hazel . medium. 1927, 534.) Police page John Hastings 29/2/28 obscene . resisting police fined convicted disIreland abourer and cabinet1893 5 8 fair fair blue medium. ; right eye. Several p.c. Alexander, Marton 27/2/28 act . charged fined Denmark maker labourer 1866 6 fresh turning blue medium.. right eye. Several p.c. Walker, Dannevirke .. 23/2/28 assault . fined Maori labourer 1909 8 copper .. greyj Mack brown .. croad . mouth. Kiriona, Mary Palmerston N. 27/2/28 iheft 2 years’ probation Maori domestic 1909 5 0 copper .. lark mown .. ■ ■ flat Scar on left side of face. 27/2/28 Left 2 years’ probation Maori iomestic 1909 5 0 copper .. dark .. crown .. Sat .. Scar on left side of face.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Offender. i I tried. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. jComplexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Russell, William Alexander Palmerston 27/2/28 languageindecent fined Zealand. motor 1890 in. ft. 114 5 dark dark hazel medium. on wrist; right police fined engineer Twining, William . Carterton 28/2/28 assault . fined Australia . labourer 1887 5 11 fresh fair blue medium O’Hanlon, Helena Wellington . 27/2/28 theft 1 Zealand saleswoman 1904 5 3 sallow dark brown medium. little Armstrong, William Wellington . 28/2/28 of li- and fined Zealand insurance 1881 5 7 fresh brown brown . broken cancelled months agent Arthur Wellington 29/2/28 idle and disorderly to come England labourer 1889 5 104 fresh brown grey .. pointed 5 10* fresh brown grey .. pointed • means) on George Wellington 2/3/28 theft year’s 1 Zealand labourer 1907 5 64 fresh brown blue medium. ; Higgins, Wellington . 3/3/28 disorderly fined £1 Zealand labourer 1867 5 5 fair black blue medium.. and hand. on arm ; McKenzie, Wellington . 3/3/28 indecent fined £1 Scotland seaman 1884 5 9 ruddy . going hazel medium.. on assault . fined bald Kirby, Wellington 3/3/28 behaviour fined Zealand N. domestic 1859 5 7 fresh grey brown . medium Alexander Ham, Blenheim 22/2/28 driving and Zealand N. hand farm . 1907 5 8 dark dark brown . medium. Thin Blenheim car cense cancelled till 31/3/28 Wood, Harry 2/3/28 indecent language fined £5 N. Zealand ploughman 1867 5 9 fresh fair, turning blue medium.. Goitre in neck. Blenheim car cense cancelled till 31/3/28 2/3/28 indecent language fined £5 N. Zealand ploughman 1867 5 9 fresh fair, turning blue medium.. Goitre in neck. Logie, Christchurch 27/2/28 theft ifto come up Zealand hairdresser 1909 5 8 fresh grey fair hazel medium 1 John, Christchurch 28/2/28 theft to come up Zealand labourer 1899 5 5 fair brown blue-grey medium. on alias Johnstone called on in 1 (See Police Gazette, 1919, page|524.) * called on in 1 (See Police Gazette, 1919, page|524.) Downing, Kitchener Christchurch 21/2/28 theft probation year’s 1 Zealand salesman 1910 5 6 fresh brown brown medium Stanley Christchurch 21/2/28 theft . f probation 1 Zealand message-boy 1911 5 5 fresh brown brown medium James Christchurch 1/3/28 language fined Zealand labourer 1890 6 2 fair turning blue large assault . and charged fined grey Mathew William Brosnan, Blacks 29/2/28 charge in Zealand N. traveller 1889 5 7 • brown blue medium Maloney, Dunedin 22/2/28 a fined Zealand traveller 1901 5 94 fair fair blue medium Strong Robertson, Ernest . Dunedin 24/2/28 false pretences 1 year’s Zealand labourer 1883 5 5 fresh brown blue medium. left ; Slight of on Eric Dunedin 24/2/28 threatening fined Sweden seaman 1899 5 8 fair fair blue medium.. on flag Darling, Dunedin 27/2/28 to probation. Zealand labourer 1910 5 5 pale dark brown . medium. and insult

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Moore, Henry Dunedin 27/2/28 false pretences 1 to up labourer ft. 1868 6 fair brown, blue medium • called on in 3 months ing grey 1* called on in 3 months j 1 ing grey Rowlands, William Dunedin 27/2/28 gaming-house a and convicted .N. storekeeper 1882 5 fair fair blue medium charged 1 Gibson, Sydney Dunedin false charges) pretences and convicted Zealand and 5 94 fresh dark blue medium abdomen. each on drover McKenzie, William Lumsden assault 2/3/28 fined proZealand labourer 1900 11 pale black brown .. medium hibited . hibited 1 Sylvester 13/2/28 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £5 and liN. Zealand blaoksmith .. 1894 5 n florid light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1923,|page 239. Invercargill .. 13/2/28 drunk in charge of motor-car fined £5 and li- N. Zealand blacksmith .. 1894 5 n florid light brown.. blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1923, [page 239. lomew cancelled till 1/4/29 i ' Lawrence, Invercargill theft .13/2/28 and N. Zealand motor-driver 1906 10 sallow brown. light grey medium language charged fined Henry 24/2/28 false pretences 3 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 H fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. Portion of left forefinger missing : impediment false pretences 3 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 84fresh light brown.. grey .. medium.. Portion of left forefinger missing : impediment Cunningham false pretences (8 charges) .. to come up if in speech. called on ■ : false pretences (8 charges) .. to come up if in speech. i ' called on Ibbotson, Blanche. Invercargill . attempted convicted and disN. Zealand domestic 1893 5 7 pale dark dark .. medium attempted suicide i convicted and disN. Zealand domestic 1893 5 7 pale dark dark .. medium charged i charged • ■

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's Court, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Gaol, Prisoner. Bom. 43 X! Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. O +3 Hair. Eyes. | When dn Remarks, and Previous Convictions. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. plexion. 1 (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been 1 taken..) S3 plexion. Nose. j charged. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken-.) [awakawa — ft. in. 1 1 ft. in. | Gordon, M.C. 20/2/28 and (indays 7 N. Zealand labourer 1903 7 fresh dark brown medium 27/2/28 left on ; sufficient means) page 466.) William y, M.C.Kawakawa 21/2/28 theft days 7 Zealand N. labourer 1904 7 sallow . black grey . medium 28/2/28 uckland— Henry . Auckland 28/11/27 place months Zealand N". labourer 1896 iii fresh brown blue-grey medium 27/2/28 eye with and (See right 16.) John, i e n, Auckland M.C. 28/12/27 idle and disorderly (in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 7 dark grey blue broad, .27/2/28 Tombstone and heart on left forearm. F.P. alias Auckland M.C. 28/12/27 idle and disorderly (in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 7 dark grey blue broad, 27/2/28 Tombstone and heart on left forearm. F.P. sufficient means) broken (See Police Gazette, 1927, pages 679 and William Cotter, Edward 689, and Photographs, 1922, page 115.) sufficient means) broken (See Police Gazette, 1927, pages 679 and 689, and Photographs, 1922, page 115.) Thomas, Marsh, Auckland M.C. 18/2/28 resisting police 10 days England .. labourer 1877 5 6 fresh dark hazel .. large 27/2/28 Three dots on right forearm; clasped Alfred Young, alias Young, John, Ford, Michael M.C.Auckland Auckland drunk and disorderly fine or 24 hours hands and A.B.A., &c., on left forearm ; T.S. below left knee ; scar over each eye, under chin, and on each knee. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 414, and Photographs, 1921, page 115.) Woman, anchor, man’s head, and sailor on Auckland M.C. 18/2/28 resisting police drunk and disorderly 10 days fine or 24 hours England .. labourer 1877 5 6 fresh dark hazel .. large 27/2/28 Three dots on right forearm; clasped hands and A.B.A., &c., on left forearm ; T.S. below left knee ; scar over each eye, under chin, and on each knee. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 414, and Photographs, 1921, page 115.) Woman, anchor, man’s head, and sailor on Samuel 22/2/28 assault 7 England . seaman 1899 5 fresh brown blue medium 28/2/28 on ballet ; butterfly and ; right hand F.P. on ; right Brown, Auckland 15/11/27 default of 3 or Zealand master 1898 10 fresh brown hazel medium . ' 29/2/28 Lionel George mariner of abdomen and on chin. Arrested, 30/11/27. Auckland M.C. mariner of abdomen and on chin. Arrested, 30/11/27. FrederickScanlon, 31/1/28 theft .. 1 month .N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 1J dark dark brown .. medium.. 29/2/28 2 p.c. Left little finger contracted; Auckland M.C. 31/1/28 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 li dark dark brown .. medium.. 29/2/28 2 p.c. Left little finger contracted; alias right Frederick point, (See Arnold and page McDonald, Rotorua 1/2/28 and (inmonth Zealand labourer 1907 10* 5 fresh brown grey . broken 29/2/28 Police - Hector sufficient means) Gazette, 1928, page 48.) , :■ . sufficient means) Gazette, 1928, page 48.) Thornham, George Auckland M.C. 2/12/27 theft months England . fireman 1895 5 fresh brown hazel medium 1/3/28 on ; Billhead, on on back of left hand; ring on each ring-finger ; clasped hands, heart, &c., on right forearm ; MARY, &c., on back of right hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 857, and Photographs, 1926, page 23.) Samuel Hamilton on back of left hand; ring on each ring-finger ; clasped hands, heart, &c., on right forearm ; MARY, &c., on back of right hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 857, and Photographs, 1926, page 23.) 3/2/28 keep month England . fruiterer 1873 9 fresh dark blue medium.. 2/3/28 ; ruptured books (Bankruptcy Act) side; hump on right shoulder. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 21/2/28, books (Bankruptcy Act) side; hump on right shoulder. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 21/2/28. '-<■!» <>; > ■■■ > v •


Gaol, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. a A bo ComHair. Byes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. M PQ £ w plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) bo ComHair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ' ' ' • . Auckland continued. ft. in 5 1| w 0? a piexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland continued. Gurney, ft. in 5 If , Gurney, alia Pukekohe M.C. 18/2/26 idle and disorderly (in sufficient means) 14 days England . labourer anc 190C fresh dark brown .. medium.. 2/3/28 4 p.c. Scar above left eye. F.P. PhotoGurney, seaman graphed at Auckland, 21/2/28. (See Pukekohe M.C. 18/2/25 idle and disorderly (in sufficient means) 14 days England . labourer anc 190C fresh dark brown . ' medium.. 2/3/28 4 p.c. Scar above left eye. F.P. PhotoMoran, John Henry SGcUUciu graphed at Auckland, 21/2/28. (See Moran, John Henry Allcock, Edward, Allcock, alias Edward, Auckland S.C. 5/9/27 breaking, entering, anc theft ; theft ; and forge rj 6 months N. Zealand wireman 1904 5 9* fresh dark blue medium.. 3/3/28 Police Gazette, 1927, page 769.) Scar on right side of chin and on left knee ; birthmark on abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 848, and Auckland M.C. 27/2/28 breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days N. Zealand bushman 1872 5 6 fresh grey grey .. broken .. 3/3/28 Photographs, 1928, page 9.) Scar on base of left ring and little fingers. O’C o n n o r, Thomas Hall George F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page Auckland S.C. Auckland M.C. 5/9/25 4/2/28 breaking, entering, theft . 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 8 fresh grey, going blue large 3/3/28 493.) Scar on right side of neck ; several scars on theft; theft; and forger] 6 months N. Zealand wireman 1904 5 9£ fresh dark blue medium.. 3/3/28 Police Gazette, 1927, page 769.) Scar on right side of chin and on left knee ; birthmark on abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 848, and Auckland M.C. 27/2/28 breach of prohibition ordei fine or 7 days .. N. Zealand bushman .. 1872 5 6 fresh grey grey .. broken .. 3/3/28 Photographs, 1928, page 9.) Scar on base of left ring and little fingers. O’C Thomas o o , Jensen, George Henry bald right forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 21/2/28. (See Police Gazette, Papakura M.C. 20/11/27 dangerously driving a motor-cycle fine or 7 days England .. farm hand .. 1905 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. 1/3/28 1928, page 109.) Scar on right middle finger. F.P. ArGeorge- Keith, James . F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. 4/2/28 2/3/28 theft . fighting month 1 fine days Zealand England labourer fireman 1877 1885 5 8 6J 5 fresh fresh goinggrey, brown, blue blue large long 3/3/28 3/3/28 rested, 29/2/28. W. and anchor on left forearm ; scar on 493.) Scar on right side of neck ; several scars on Jensen, George Henry Hautu, Tokaanu — bald grey forearm. Photographed back of F.P. Auckland, 21/2/28. (See Police Gazette, Papakura M.O. 20/11/27 dangerously driving motor-cycle fine or 7 days .. England .. farm hand .. 1905 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. 1/3/28 1928, page 109.) Scar on right middle finger. F.P. ArKeith, James . Cashman, Percival Auckland M.C. 2/3/28 fighting fine or 2 days England .. fireman 1885 5 6i fresh brown, turnblue long 3/3/28 rested, 29/2/28. W. and anchor on left forearm; scar on Hautu, — Joseph mg grey back of head. F.P. Wellington S.C. 26/7/26 forgery and uttering 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand engineer 1891 5 5f fair fair blue medium.. 2/3/28 Scar at base of left thumb, on nose, on upper lip, and on throat ; tip of right forefinger missing. F.P. (See Police Cashman, Percival Rangipo— Gazette, 1926, page 605, and Photographs, 1925, page 18.) Trebes, Lawrence Roy .. Inglewood M.C. 22/3/27 obscene exposure 1 year H. Zealand labourer 1900 5 8 dark brown grey .. medium.. 2/3/28 Scar on left leg ; impediment in speech. Joseph New Plymouth F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page Wellington S.C. 26/7/26 forgery and uttering 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand engineer 1891 5 5f fair fair blue medium.. 2/3/28 Scar at base of left thumb, on nose, on upper lip, and on throat; tip of right forefinger missing. F.P. (See Police Westrupp, Samuel, alias Rangipo— Westropp Gazette, 1926, page 605, and Photographs, 1925, page 18.) Stratford M.C. 2/1/28 rogue and vagabond 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 7f fresh brown, going blue large 1/3/28 71.) Tip of left middle finger missing; impediTrebes, Lawrence . Roy Gisborne bald ment in speech. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 858.) Inglewood M.C. 22/3/27 obscene exposure 1 year N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 8 dark brown grey .. medium.. 2/3/28 Scar on left leg ; impediment in speech. New Plymouth— Wi Korau, alias F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page Westrupp, Samuel, Haremoana Mati, alias Gisborne M.C 28/11/27 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 3 months Maori labourer 1882 5 6f copper .. black dark .. flat 27/2/28 5 p.c. Coat -of-arms on right forearm ; heart Westropp Matehaera on left forearm ; star on back of left Stratford M.C. 2/1/28 rogue and vagabond 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 7f fresh brown, going blue large 1/3/28 71.) Tip of left middle finger missing ; impediGisborneNapier— hand; woman’s head on right thigh; scar near left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 127, and Photographs, 1917, • bald ment in speech. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 858.) Wi alias Korau, Morton, Henry Dannevirke M.C. 5/12/27 theft (3 charges) 3 months on each Si. Zealand labourer 1879 5 11* fresh brown blue large 3/3/28 page 7.) Scar on left side of forehead; birthmark Haremoana Mati, alias Douglas, on back. F.P. Gisborne M.C Napier . 28/11/27 20/2/28 idle and disorderly (in- >reach of probation L4 days .. ST. Zealand abourer 1902 5 10* dark dark jrown .. medium.. 3/3/28 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 22.) sufficient means) 3 months Maori labourer 1882 5 6| copper .. black dark .. flat 27/2/28 5 p.c. Coat -of-arms on right forearm ; heart Matehaera Wanganui— Hollier, Elena Mary tVanganui M.C. 21/2/28 breach of prohibition order 7 days .. . N”. Zealand iomestic 1884 5 4 'uddy .. ?rey .. )lue medium.. 27/2/28 See Police Gazette, 1927, page 761. ■— — — on left forearm ; star on back of left hand; woman’s head on right thigh; scar near left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 127, and Photographs, 1917, Napier—Morton, Henry Dannevirke 5/12/27 theft (3 charges) 3 months on each ST. Zealand abourer 1879 5 llj :resh brown blue large 3/3/28 page 7.) Scar on left side of forehead ; birthmark M.C. on back. F.P. Napier M.C. .. 20/2/28 Jreach of probation 14 days .. ' ST. Zealand abourer 1902 5 10J dark dark brown .. medium.. 3/3/28 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 22.) Douglas, Alexander .. Hollier, Elena . Mary 21/2/28 Jreach of prohibition order 7 days .. . S’. Zealand iomestic 1884 5 4 • *uddy .. ?rey blue medium.. 27/2/28 See Police Gazette, 1927, page 761. Wanganui M.C.


Bom.I Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. . | When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. and Prisoner. Gaol, tried. When. |Offence. i 1 Sentence. Native Trade. to w Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Trade. jap Hair. 1 Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Van continued. 1 Zealand N. ft. brown brown . Tapp, New 17/9/2 7 1 default of maintenance .. motor- driver 1898 5 6i fair medium.. 3/3/28 Scar on left side of chin. F.P. Arrested,. 17/9/27 default of maintenance .. motor-driver 1898 5 fair medium.. 3/3/28 Scar on left side of chin. F.P. Arrested, M.C. Palmerston 20/12/27 to fine 4/2/28. M.C.North con- requested stable /Vi Tako brown John Patrick Ryan, M.O.Wanganui 6/9/27 theft .. 6 Ireland labourer 1888 5 8 dark blue medium.. 27/2/28 harp, LOUISA, left on ; butterfly, hands, right on page Wellington— labourer blue idle and disorderly labourer blue More, M.C.Wellington 31/1/28 1 month Russia 1880 5 10J fair grey medium.. 29/2/28 Strong build; scar on shin and on left forefinger. F.P. idle and disorderly 1 month Russia 1880 5 10* fair grey medium.. 29/2/28 Strong build ; scar on shin and on left forefinger. F.P. Michael Foxton 4/11/27 breach of 14 . days N. labourer 1905 5 8| dark dark brown medium. 29/2/28 Strong prominent birthmark ; right side. on Arrested, JackScorringe, M.C.Masterton 16/2/28 theft . days 14 Zealand farm 1909 5 6i fresh brown blue medium. 29/2/28 Small face on cheek. right F.P. WilliamStewart, Mar ton 3/2/28 language re1 on Scotland . labourer 1886 5 91 fresh dark, hazel . large 2/3/28 nose. F.P. police bald aliasMcNally, Wellington 29/5/26 of . or arrears England labourer 1876 5 11 ruddy . brown blue medium. 3/3/28 of on ; right alias on ; ; left eye. Police 1927, James, Eeilding 5/12/27 theft . months Ireland labourer 1888 5 34 fair, fair grey . large 3/3/28 ; alias Noble, freckled on page Hee Gam Taihape 4/1/28 assault months China shop-assistant 1909 5 3f copper black brown flat 3/3/28 forehead on Bishop, M.C.Wellington 21/11/27 of . m’thsarrears Zealand labourer 1907 5 8f fresh brown grey small 3/3/28 (See on dark and 1924, 21.) Rudolph churchChrist 4/12/26 breaking, and entering, 7 on years Germany labourer 1908 5 8 fresh dark medium. 2/3/28 on S.C. and brown .. and 1926, and 1927, page Luddon, William M.C.Wellington 29/12/27 drunk in 1 England . fireman 1893 5 84 dark dark long 2/3/28 Small lip; car neck; blue mark on right forearm. damaging . fine fine Portion Police paid. F.P. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Halswell ReformaGazette, 1922, page tory — Dorothy M.C. Nelson 17/2/28 theft charges) 14 days on each.. N. Zealand domestic 1877 5 2 sallow .. grey grey .. small 1/3/28 Stout build ; affected with goitre. F.P. 14 days on each.. N. Zealand domestic 1877 5 2 sallow .. grey grey .. small 1/3/28 Stout build ; affected with goitre. F.P. *


of Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. ! When discharged. .Remarks, and Previous Convictions, j (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. .Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Yelson — JohnLoveridge, Nelson 17/2/28 wilfully setting to days Zealand farmer and 1883 ft. 5 5* sallow fair brown . broken 1/3/28 and on bridge grass dealer back and on ; and clasped ’aparua — right forearm. 1 right forearm. HaroldFitzgibbons, Gisborne 18/1/27 default of or Zealand labourer 1892 5 fair brown grey .'. medium.. 28/2/28 Scar on left side of nose. Arrested, 31/1 /28. 5i fair brown grey medium.. 28/2/28 Scar on left side of nose. Arrested, 31/1 /28. L w a church 9/4/26 theft . reforma- years’ Maori motor 1896 8J 5. copper .. black brown .. medium.. 28/2/28 9 p.c. Butterfly on back of left hand; 8% copper .. black brown .. medium.. 28/2/28 9 p.c. Butterfly on back of left hand; Albert, Maunsell, McManus M.C. detention mechanic hands, bee flag, flags left on ; right Discharged on and page Alderton, Percy, alias Fred, Crabb, Percy Christchurch M.C. 30/8/27 false pretences months Zealand cook 1894 9 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 28/2/28 Photographs, 1921, page 49.) 7 p.c. Horse-shoe, GOOD LUCK, PERCY, STELLA, and KAI‘ ORA on left forearm; lion and flag on right forearm ; scar on forehead; left little finger bent. . F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 9 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 28/2/28 Photographs, 1921, page 49.) 7 p.c. Horse-shoe, GOOD LUCK, PERCY, STELLA, and KAI ORA on left forearm ; lion and flag on right forearm ; scar on forehead; left little finger bent. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page Thomas Christ M.C. 27/6/27 default of . m’ths 6 Zealand labourer 1890 5 3i fresh brown blue medium.. 29/2/28 207, and Photographs, 1922, page 113.) 5 p.c. Arrested, 1/9/27. . (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 146.) H fresh brown blue medium.. 29/2/28 207, and Photographs, 1922, page 113.) 5 p.c. Arrested, 1/9/27. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 146.) Moye, James Greymouth M.C. 2/11/27 incorrigible rogue 4 Zealand labourer 1881 25 sallow .. grey grey .. medium.. 1/3/28 6 p.c. Scar over right eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 727, and 2 sallow .. grey grey .. medium.. 1/3/28 6 p.c. Scar over right eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 727, and Dunn, Joseph Lyttelton 21/1/28 assault 6 weeks England fireman 1895 5 fair fair blue medium. 2/3/28 Photographs, page F.P. Somerfield, Leopold church M.C. 3/10/27 default maintenance month 1 Zealand canvasser 1882 7 fair grey grey .. large 2/3/28 Arrested, 3/2/28. 7 fair grey grey .. large 2/3/28 Arrested, 3/2/28. Pepper, Higham church 28/7/26 giving false information to 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9* dark dark brown .. long 3/3/28 3 p.c. F.P. Released on license. (See M.C. pawnbroker whilst Police Gazette, 1926, pages 541 and 637, 28/7/26 giving false information to pawnbroker whilst 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 9} dark dark brown .. long 3/3/28 3 p.c. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1926, pages 541 and 637, Christ 17/8/26 pledging ring and . entering, years’ and page S.C. charges) detention each Reformatory t M.C. Clements, 28/11/27 and disorderly months Zealand prostitute . 1882 4 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. 27/2/28 Scar on left cheek and over each eye; mole on right cheek. (See Police HI sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. 27/2/28 Scar on left cheek and over each eye ; mole on right cheek. (See Police unedin 191.) Sutton, Dunedin .. 6/2/28 false pretences 1 Zealand motor 1901 8 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 28/2/28 Left arm injured ; scar on left leg. F.P. 8 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 28/2/28 Left arm injured; scar on left leg. F.P. mechanic Police on (See Discharged 1927, page


and of Gaol, Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native ol ' Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. XbOlUillliSj tuiu rlo viuua vuu viuwuiin* ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) “ N ative of Trade. a o W Height Complexion. ' Hair. . Byes. Nose. When discharged. UUU f ioviuuo VGUviuwuun* ( p.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Borstal tution O’Connor, Invercargill M.C. 10/12/26 premises illegally on night by Borstal in years Institution Zealand jockey 1907 10 fresh brown grey • medium. 29/2/28 lip. 1927, page (See 78.) Hector churchChrist M.C. 11/1/26 theft (4 3 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 1/3/28 F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 616, and Photographs, 1926, page 24.) •• 3 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 1/3/28 F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 616, and Photographs, 1926, page 24.) VincentWallace, Ryan Palmerston North 18/10/26 theft .. 1| years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 10 dark black brown .. medium.. 2/3/28 A half-caste Maori; strong build. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 479.) •• 11 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 10 dark black brown v. medium.. 2/3/28 A half-caste Maori; strong build. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 479.) Henry S.C.Wellington 25/5/26 entering, theft and years’ detention Zealand N. baker 1909 7 fresh brown brown medium. 3/3/28 on Photo- and page graphs, page


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIII, Issue 10, 14 March 1928, Page 188

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIII, Issue 10, 14 March 1928, Page 188

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIII, Issue 10, 14 March 1928, Page 188

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