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Memorandum.] Honours conferred on Members of the New Zealand Police Force by His Majesty the King.

On the 21st ultimo, at, Dunedin, H.R.H. the Duke of York invested the undermentioned Members of the Police Force with the insignia of the Orders, and the Decoration, conferred on them respectively by His Majesty the King :

William Bernard Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police : Member of the Royal Victorian Order, 4th Class. (M.V.0.). Charles Robert Broberg, Superintendent of Police : Member of the Royal Victorian Order, sth Class. (M.V.0.). John Lander,' Senior Sergeant of Police : Royal Victorian Medal. (R.V.M.). W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 19th April, 1927.

Memorandum.] Visit .to New Zealand of Their Roya! Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York. Commendation.

On the 21st ultimo, on the occasion of my investiture with the insignia of Membership of the Royal Victorian Order, His Royal Highness the Duke of York commanded me to convey to the Hew Zealand Police Force the gratitude and high appreciation of Their Royal Highnesses for the splendid services rendered by the Force in connection with their visit and tour of the Dominion.

It was very gratifying to me to receive the command o f His Royal Highness, and with equal pleasure I hereby convey the commendation to the members of the Force. W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 16th April, 1927. (P. 26/1605.)

Memorandum.] The following commendatory communications are published for the information of members of the Force, to which I desire to add my personal gratitude to all ranks for the manner in which they performed their arduous duties on every occasion during the Royal Tour. W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 16th April, 1927. (P. 26/1605.)

The Mayor’s Office, Wellington, Bth March, 1927.

Dear Sir, —

I am more than grateful to yourself and your general staff for the very excellent manner in which the huge crowds of people in Wellington have been handled during the visit of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York. To carry through a great occasion of this kind without accident, and with kindness rather than harshness to the people, is an achievement of which yourself and staff may be justly proud. My anxiety lest there should be serious accident among the dense crowds was, thanks to your excellent organization, quite unnecessary. Thanking you on behalf of my Council and personally, Yours faithfully, C. B. Norwood, Mayor. The Commissioner of Police, Wellington.

Memorandum.] Wellington, 21st March, 1927. The Commissioner of Police, Wellington. The Governor-General desires me to express to you his warm appreciation of the ready courtesy shown by Police Headquarters in connection with requests from Government House for police arrangements during the Royal Visit to Wellington. Inspector Rawle, through whom our verbal requests have passed, has on every occasion been most helpful to us and has lightened our labours considerably. The Senior Sergeant, Sergeants, and Constables, who have been immediately responsible for the police supervision of Government House, have carried out their duties unobtrusively and with a tact and quiet efficiency which have earned much commendation. His Excellency would like them to know of his appreciation of their services. A. C. Day, Official Secretary.

Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington, Ist April, 1927 Memorandum for — The Hon. Minister in Charge of Police.

Royal Visit. I desire to place on record and request that you will convey to Commissioner Mcllveney and his officers my Department’s appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the Police on the occasion of the visit to the* Dominion of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York. Richd. F. Bollard, 4/4/27. Minister of Internal Affairs.

Commissioner of Police. Referred, for your information and action accordingly. I should like to add my own appreciation of the work done by the Commissioner and his men, which has been the subject of very favourable comment and brought considerable credit on the Force.

F. J. Rolleston, Minister of Justice.

Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs. Wellington, 9th April, 1927. Memorandum for —• The Hon. Minister in Charge of Police.

Royal Visit.

The Prime Minister desires that the following message of appreciation from His Excellency the Governor-General for the services rendered by various Departments of State be conveyed to you for transmission to the officers concerned :

“ Now that the visit to New Zealand of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York has been completed, I want to take this opportunity of expressing to you my warm appreciation of the helpful spirit which was shown on every occasion during the Royal Visit by the officers of the various Departments of the Public Service to whom it was necessary to prefer requests from Government House. The Departments of Public Works and Railways, the Post and Telegraph Department, the Police, and the Department of Internal Affairs, all showed the greatest promptitude in meeting emergencies. Their cheerful and ready response to our requests, many of which had to be made at short notice, assisted very considerably to facilitate the arrangements at Government House,- Auckland and Wellington, for the reception and entertainment of Their Royal Highnesses; and the manner in which the workmen of the various Departments and the police officers carried out the duties imposed upon them at these residences will remain a pleasant recollection of the Royal Visit.” Righd. F. Bollard, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Commissioner of Police. F. J. R. 12/4/27,


Breaches of the Gaming Acts by Bookmakers. The following letter from the President of the Racing Conference, and my acknowledgment thereof, are published for general information. Members of the Force who have been connected with the successful prosecutions are hereby commended by me. W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 16th April, 1927. (P. 27/522.)

New Zealand Racing Conference, 90 Armagh Street (corner Oxford Terrace), Christchurch N.Z., 6th April, 1927. W. B. Mcllveney, Esq., Commissioner of Police, Wellington.

Dear Mr. Mcllveney, Will you allow' me to congratulate you on proceedings recently taken against more prominent bookmakers which has had an excellent effect in many directions, and especially valuable as an answer to the widespread criticisms that only the operations of the smaller men engaged in the illicit trade are being checked.

Please believe me, Yours very truly, George Clifford, President.

Police Department (Commissioner’s Office), Wellington, 7th April, 1927. Dear Sir George,— I beg to acknowledge receipt of your kind letter of 6th instant, conveying your appreciation of the successful actipn of the members of the Police Force in connection v'ith the suppression of bookmaking, for which I thank you. May I assure you that, notwithstanding criticism, so long as I am Commissioner of Police, I shall insist upon the use by the police at all times of every honourable effort to strictly and impartially enforce the statute laws of the Dominion which are directly under their administration. Kind regards, Yours faithfully, W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police.

Sir George Clifford, Bart., Care of P.O. Box 385, Christchurch

Circular No. 5/27.] Escort of Prisoners to Borstal Institution, Invercargill.

In future when prisoners are being escorted to the Borstal Institution at Invercargill, a telegram is to be sent by the officer in charge of the station from which they are being escorted to the Superintendent in charge of the Borstal Institution, advising him of the escort and the hour of arrival at Invercargill. The telegram should be sent in sufficient time to ensure its delivery to the Superintendent before 5 p.m. on the day of the arrival of the prisoner at Invercargill, so that prisoners arriving by the express train at 9 p.m. shall be admitted to the institution on arrival instead of being taken to the Invercargill Police-station. The escorting constable shall proceed without unnecessary delay direct from the railway-station, Invercargill, to the Borstal Institution, and forthwith deliver his prisoner into the custody of the officer in charge there. W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 18th April, 1927. (P. 27/436.)

Memorandum.] Sunday Trading.—Work of necessity.—Police Offences Amendment Act, 1924, Section 4 (3). The following opinion of the Solicitor-General in relation to this matter is published for general information and guidance: —-

W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 14th April, 1927. (P. 27/487.)

Solicitor-General’s Office, Wellington, 13th April, 1927. The Commissioner of Police. 1. The question of the precise meaning and operation of the words “ work of necessity ” in Section 4 (3) of the Police Offences Amendment Act, 1924, is one of some doubt and difficulty. It may be absolutely necessary that work should be done on a certain day—e.g., where a building threatens to collapse unless it is immediately shored up. If the work is not done at once it cannot be done at all. It may be relatively necessary in the sense that it is clearly unreasonable from a business point of view or from the point of view of the public that it should not he done. It was in this latter sense that it was construed in Munro v. Swan, 1918 N.Z. L.P. 382 : although that was not the point directly in issue. 2. The section being a penal one its penal provisions will be construed strictly and the exemptions construed widely. The words of Butler J. in R. v. Younger 2 R.R. 640, on the corresponding English statute might well be applied here. “ The words of the Act are vague and indefinite : and if I were called upon for the first time to expound the different parts of this law I should be under considerable

difficulties in drawing any precise certain line.” I think that “ a work of necessity ” includes “ w r ork that it is clearly unreasonable from an ordinary business point of view and under the circumstances not mainly due to the accused’s own acts, to require the accused to refrain from doing on a Sunday.” This definition will be admittedly difficult of application in particular cases, but that seems unavoidable with any but the narrowest definition. The question seems to me to be a question of fact in each case from a finding in which no appeal lies unless there is no evidence upon which it can be found.

3. I find confirmation of this view in the fact that Sir R. P. Collier when Solicitor-General of the United Kingdom conceded against himself that a finding of Justices as to whether a work was a work of necessity was a finding of fact from which there was no appeal. Reg. v. Cleworth, 129 R.R. 979. Arthur Fair, Solicitor-General.

Memorandum.] Begg Memorial Fund. [See Police Gazette, 1927, page 80.] The following statement of amounts received is published for general information. W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 12th April, 1927.

In response to the appeal made for subscriptions towards cost of erecting a suitable memorial over the grave of the late Constable Adam Begg, the sum of £63 14s. 9d. has been received, contributed as under :

Amount. Name of District. £ s. d. Whangarei .. .. .. 1 13 6 Auckland .. .. ..1166 Hamilton .. .. .. 512 6 Gisborne .. .. .. 2 3 0 Napier .. .. .. 3 6 6 New Plymouth .. .. 2 14 6 Wanganui .. .. .. 2 13 0 Palmerston North .. .. 2 16 6 Wellington .. .. 12 6 3 Greymouth .. .. .. 2 4 6 Christchurch .. .. 6 9 6 Timaru .. .. .. 1 18 6 Dunedin .. .. .. 5 19 0 Invercargill .. .. 2 110 Total .. .. £63 14 9

This generous response will enable the erection of a memorial worthy of the occasion and creditable to the Service. W. G. Wohlmann, Superintendent of Police. Auckland, sth April, 1927.

c o w> .2 "3 & I £ "§ CD a I > o e> H w OQ d ■< £ '§ ■a ■*3 s ◄ >»

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. Aston, Frederick Arthur Auckland 2/4/27 theft (8 charges) .. to care of Child N. Zealand draper 1912 ft. in. 5 8 freckled brown grey • • medium.. Scar on left shin. Hercules Welfare brown .. medium Snelgar, Gordon .. Auckland 2/4/27 theft (2 charges) .. admonished N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1916 4 6 dark black Ross, John Auckland 2/4/27 theft (2 charges) .. admonished N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1916 4 4 fresh fair blue medium Stewart, Harold .. Auckland 2/4/27 theft (2 charges) .. admonished N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1916 4 7 fresh brown blue medium Lewis, Joseph William Auckland 4/4/27 fighting convicted and discharged convicted and disEngland .. driver 1903 5 8f fresh brown grey .. medium Schlesinger, Kennedy Auckland 4/4/27 fighting N. Zealand carpenter .. 1906 5 8* fresh brown blue medium Weller, John Auckland 4/4/27 assault .. charged fined £2 England .. motorman .. 1900 5 6 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Birds, rosette, and CRISS on right forearm. obscene language.. fined £1 fresh blue medium Scott, Hugh James Auckland 4/4/27 assault .. fined £1 Scotland .. labourer 1889 5 8 fair Edwards, Joseph, alias McNamara, alias Kingi Auckland 4/4/27 insulting language unlawfully on premises night without intent by fined £2 to come up if called on N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 n dark dark, curly .. hazel .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; woman, horse-shoe, MAY, &c., on right arm ; horse’s head and saddle, &c., on left arm ; scar on right nostril, on left knee, and on right thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 74, and Photographs, 1921, page 23.) Wehi, Jack Auckland 4/4/27 theft (2 charges) .. to come up if called on fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 10 copper .. black brown .. flat F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 4/4/27. Luttrel, Edwin Esmond Rodburne, alias Luttre 11, John Auckland 4/4/27 trespass on a racecourse N. Zealand farmer 1889 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scars on left middle and little fingers and on left shin. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 144, and Photograph, 1924, page 78.) Wynne, Clarice Adelaide Auckland 5/4/27 theft to come up if called on Canada domestic 1904 5 4* fresh brown brown .. medium.. Stout build. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 503, and Photograph, page 70.) breach of probation convicted and disKelly, Thomas Auckland 7/4/27 unlawfully on premises night without intent by charged convicted and discharged Maori seaman 1895 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Pierced heart, star, IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER, &c., on left forearm; flags, anchor, and clasped hands on right forearm ; scar on right shin; lame. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 262, and Photographs, 1924, page 39.) Penny, John Auckland 7/4/27 unlawfully on premises by convicted and disIndia labourer 1907 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Vaccination-marks on right forearm. night without intent charged hazel .. medium Perry, George Auckland 8/4/27 fighting fined £1 N. Zealand motor-driver 1905 5 8 fresh brown ,. Alderton, Walter CarRon .. Auckland 8/4/27 fighting fined £1 N. Zealand motor-driver 1899 5 71 '2 fresh brown blue medium Essery, Edmund George Auckland 8/4/27 obscene language.. fined £2 America .. seaman 1880 5 7_1 1 2 dark brown brown .. medium assault .. fined £2

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguiihing Marks, &c. Retimana Wiremu, alias Waihi 4/4/27 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if Maori labourer 1910 ft. in. 5 6 copper ... black brown .. medium. . Scar on left cheek and on left forefinger. Richmond, William cient means) called on theft to make restitution Devenish, Leo Roy Waihi 7/4/27 drunk in charge of a motorfined £5 Australia .. traveller 1898 5 10 sallow .. dark brown .. medium Butler, Frederick Walsh Waihi 5/4/27 assault .. fined £5 England .. engineer 1874 5 7| florid grey hazel .. large Stout build. Potene, Paddy Te Puke 29/3/27 cruelty to animals fined £1 Maori labourer 1908 5 5 .copper .. black ,. brown .. broad Edwards, George .. Opotiki 28/3/27 idle and disorderly convicted and disEngland .. labourer 1857 5 8 dark brown brown .. medium Opotiki charged Burt, John 28/3/27 idle and disorderly convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1890 5 4 florid fair blue medium.. Scar on forehead, on right side of mouth, and charged on left forearm. College, Collier Tokomaru Bay 4/4/27 unlawfully using a motor-car fined £2 and to pay damage fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 8 dark black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. Burton, Reynold David Waipawa 7/4/27 assault .. .. N. Zealand clerk 1902 6 0 fair fair blue-grey long Long features ; scar on left leg and on knuckle Morley, James Leslie Waipawa of right forefinger. 7/4/27 assault .. fined £5 N. Zealand shop1906 5 9 dark dark grey . ■ medium.. Scar on left side of nose and between left ring assistant and little fingers. O’Neill, Eric Albert, alias Waipukurau.. 8/4/27 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1899 6 0 fair light brown, blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 223. O’Neill, Samuel procuring liquor while profined £1 curly hibited threatening behaviour convicted and discharged butcher Benge, Richard Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand 1890 5 7 ruddy .. brown blue medium.. Stout build. Larsen, Albert Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand wool-puller .. 1892 6 1 sallow .. brown hazel .. medium Evans, John Hector Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1901 5 6 fresh fair brown .. small, See Police Gazette, 1922, page 549. broad Hourigan, John Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1894 5 9 sallow .. fair brown .. medium Reddy, James Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1886 5 8 sallow ,. brown brown .. medium Jones, Richard Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1886 6 1 sallow .. brown brown .. medium Mansfield, John Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two- up ” fined £3 N. Zealand wool-puller 1889 5 9 sallow .. brown brown .. medium Heffernan, Francis William.. Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand hairdresser .. 1900 5 6 fair brown brown ..' medium Fogarty, Thomas Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two-up ” fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1896 5 10 fair fair blue medium Cullum, E. H. Feilding 7/4/27 playing “ two -up ” fined £3 N. Zealand butcher 1894 5 7 sallow .. brown brown .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol —continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. | When. J 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. d f-i o £ Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. Ac. Brown, Albert John Woodville 7/4/27 theft convicted and discharged convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1911 ft. in. 5 7 fair light blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1927, page 165. Conn, Dorothy Foxton 8/4/27 indecent language N. Zealand domestic 1886 5 1 sallow .. brown dark br. medium Pongaroa cruelty to animals charged fined 10s. N. Zealand shepherd 1881 5 11 fresh dark brown, grey .. medium.. Strong build. Meech, Robert Edward 6/4/27 going bald medium Gardener, John Lower Hutt .. 6/4/27 theft fined £3 Scotland .. carpenter .. 1881 5 7* fair fair blue Taylor, Frederick, alias Thompson, Arthur, alias Wilson, Arthur Wellington .. 4/4/27 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) to come up if called on Australia .. labourer 1881 5 5-1 fair light brown.. blue medium.. Fuchsia and woman’s bust on right forearm ; clasped hands, heart, wreath, and ballet-girl on left forearm; left thumb and one finger missing ; scar on chin and above left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 49.) ICing, Thomas Francis, alias Wellington .. 9/4/27 wilful damage to pay damage .. Ii’eland musician and 1882 5 10 fair grey grey .. thick Strong build; large ears; scar on forehead Dalgety, Alexander labourer 9 and on left ring-finger; moles on cheeks. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 208.) Smith, Clifford Eddison John Wellington .. 9/4/27 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand telegraphist 1907 5 7 fresh dark brown.. blue medium Dodd, Walter Wellington .. 8/4/27 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if England .. painter 1888 5 2 fresh far blue long Scar over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1.925, cient means) called on medium page 141.) Tibbs, George Henry Wellington .. 8/4/27 attempted theft .. to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 5 fair fair grey .. called on Cahill, Clyde Wellington .. 1/4/27 ill-treating a donkey fined £4 N. Zealand circus hand.. 1910 5 5 sallow .. dark grey .. medium Hardie, Thomas .. Westport 6/4/27 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand shop-assistant 1902 5 7i sallow .. dark brown.. hazel .. medium Clark, Charles Stanley Westport 6/4/27 drunk while in charge of a fined £2 N. Zealand commercial 1894 5 9J swarthy.. black brown .. medium motor-car traveller Scar on left ankle and on left big toe ; portion of left forefinger missing. (See Police Gazette, Templeman, Archibald John Ashburton .. 8/4/27 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) convicted and discharged N. Zealand labourer 1889 5 9J fresh fair blue medium.. medium 1926, page 519, and Photographs, 1925, page 3.) Scott, Margaret Ashburton .. 8/4/27 unlawfully keeping liquor for convicted and disIreland domestic 1842 5 6 pale grey grey .. sale charged sly-grog selling fined £25 medium Watts, William Alfred Timaru 4/4/27 fighting fined £1 England .. labourer and 1908 5 11-1 fresh fair brown .. seaman Connington, Jack .. Timaru 4/4/27 fighting fined £1 England .. labourer and 1906 6 10 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium seaman Sims, Maurice John Timaru .. 6/4/27 assault .. fined £4 N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 9 dark black brown .. medium O’Rourke, Denis Joseph Waimate 7/4/27 mischief.. to pay damage .. N. Zealand labourer 1882 6 1 florid dark brown .. medium.. Scars on right thumb, right palm, left little finger, and on right knee. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 57.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol — continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When, Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &e. Concannon, Thomas Oamaru 4/4/27 mischief.. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1902 ft. in. 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium illegally on premises by night convicted and diswithout intent charged Joyce, Wright Albert Oamaru 4/4/27 mischief.. fined £1 JSI. Zealand labourer 1895 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium.. See Police Gazette, 1926, page 122. illegally on premises by night convicted and diswithout intent charged Murray, Daniel Rutherford Dunedin 4/4/27 theft (3 charges) .. 3 years’ probation JN. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fresh fair blue medium.. See Police Gazette 1925, page 130, Dunedin and prohibited Hobcroft, Samuel George .. 6/4/27 idle and disorderly (begging) to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 7* fresh sandy blue broken .. See Police Gazette, 1915, page 321. called on and prohibited Hammerly, John Frederick.. Dunedin 8/4/27 disorderly behaviour fined £3 Australia .. meat-vendor 1880 5 11 fair fair blue medium.. See Police Gazette, 1925, page 44.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate’s Court, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— Sinclair, Frederick, alias Auckland M.C. 23/3/27 default of maintenance .. arrears or 6 m’ths England .. labourer 1890 ft. in. 5 8} fresh m brown blue large 2/4/27 Woman’s bust, F, &c., and scar on left Barnes C a f f e r y, George, alias Auckland M.C. 6/10/24 theft .. ;. 6 months and 2 N. Zealand labourer i 1894 5 9f dark black brown .. j ' medium.. 5/4/27 forearm ; dot between left forefinger and thumb ; left middle finger injured ; F and dot on right forearm. F.P. Arrested, 28/3/27. Arrears paid. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 323, and Photographs, 1915, page 10.) Scars on forearms. F.P. (See Police Johnstone Smart, Walter, alias Auckland M.C. 20/12/26 default of maintenance .. years’ reformative detention arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 5f fresh dark, curly .. grey .. medium.. 5/4/27 Gazette, 1924, page 38, and Photographs, 1922, page 6.) Scar on right ring and little fingers ; burnAdams, William Collier, John .. Whakatane 6/1/27 theft .. fine or 3 months.. N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 5/4/27 scar on back of left hand. F.P. Arrested, 6/1/27. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 518.) Round chin ; scar on right shin ; mole on Wolfe, Harold Gordon M.C. Christ church 30/4/26 theft .. 3 months N. Zealand clerk 1897 5 6 fresh black, turning brown .. medium.. 5/4/27 right eyebrow ; a half-caste Maori. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 21/1/27. Prominent ears. F.P. Discharged on reStanley Williams, Ernest Edwin S.C. Auckland S.C. Rotorua M.C. 27/7/26 4/2/27 receiving stolen property default of maintenance .. 9 months arrears or 2 m’ths England .. motor 1888 5 5 fresh grey grey, going bald black, curly.. blue pointed .. 6/4/27 mission. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 587. and Photographs, page 60.) F.P. Pearce, William Auckland M.C. 7/3/27 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand mechanic stoker 1907 5 8* dark brown .. medium.. 6/4/27 Strong build ; butterfly on right forearm ; Willox, William Auckland M.C. 4/4/27 fighting fine or 3 days England .. salesman or 1904 5 9 fair fair, curly .. blue medium.. 6/4/27 scar on abdomen and near left eye. F.P. Slight build. F.P. Burns, Robert, alias Stone Auckland M.C. 8/1/27 idle and disorderly (in3 months N. Zealand motor-driver labourer 1868 5 81 fresh grey blue medium.. 7/4/27 Right wrist injured ; scar on left arm. F. P. Keenan, George Auckland M.C. 12/3/27 sufficient means) assaulting police 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1892 5 5 fresh brown blue thick 8/4/27 (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 246, and Photographs, 1916, page 12.) Scar on tip of right forefinger and on left Denehy, John Alexander, Auckland M.C. 10/1/27 resisting police drunkenness illegally on premises by fine or 7 days fine or 7 days 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 4% fresh black, curly.. hazel .. medium.. 9/4/27 cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 232.) Palms and fingers burnt ; scar on bridge alias Donoghue, alias Day, alias Dearoby Swan, James .. Auckland M.C. 10/2/27 night without intent idle and disorderly (in2 months England .. labourer 1868 5 4£ fresh grey, going bald grey, going blue medium.. 9/4/27 of nose. (See Police Gazette, 1927, pao-e 52) Tip of right middle finger injured. F.P. White, George Auckland M.C. 4/4/27 sufficient means) breach of probation fine or 7 days N. Zealand canvasser .. 1880 5 9| fresh brown .. medium.. 9/4/27 (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 706.) F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 190, Gisborne— Curran, James, alias Tokomaru Bay 29/12/26 vagrancy (insufficient 3 months Ireland labourer 1862 5 7* fresh baid grey hazel .. long 28/3/27 and Photographs, 1925, page 54.) Scar on tip of right middle finger and on Curren M.C. means) left wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 59.)


When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom [bp Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Waikeria Reformatory— McGill, James Morton, Wellington M.C. 8/7/26 theft (2 charges) 3 months on each N. Zealand canvasser and 1902 ft. in. 5 Ilf fair brown grey .. medium.. 7/4/27 2 p.c. Mole on left cheek and on chin ; scar on left upper arm and on nose ; large ears ; impediment in speech. F.P. alias McGill, John 16/7/26 breach of probation theft .. 3 months 6 months labourer Waikeria Borstal InstituLatter sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 589.) tion— McPherson, Alfred Clarence, alias Franklin, alias Kent, alias Griffin, Jack Marton M.C. .. 8/6/25 theft .. 2 years in a Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8| copper .. light brown.. brown .. medium.. 6/4/27 3 p.c. Three moles on left upper arm ; cast in right eye, which is blind. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 339, and Photographs, page 52.) McGowan, Leo James .. Greymouth 4/2/25 placing obstruction on railfine or 14 days .. N. Zealand miner 1904 5 8 pale brown blue medium.. 7/4/27 2 p.c. Scar on right temple. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, M.C. 27/1/25 way breach of probation fine or 3 months 1925, page 561. and Photographs, page 60.) Christ church 2/6/25 rogue and vagabond (in 6 months M.C. possession of housebreaking implements) 2 years’ reformaChrist church 18/6/25 breaking, entering, and . S.C. theft (3 charges) tive detention Napier— Wilson, George Clarence Napier M.C. .. 6/1/27 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 3 months N. Zealand clerk 1894 5 8 fresh dark brown.. grey .. medium.. 5/4/27 2 p.c. Right foot deformed. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 490.) Spooner, Johnnie Napier M.C. .. 7/3/27 unlawfully using a motor1 month N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 6/4/27 1 p.c. Stout build ; scars on right side of head, on right jaw, on right cheek, on car left shin, and on right upper arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 566.) Neeson, John .. Napier M.C. .. 10/1/27 idle and disorderly (in3 months Scotland . labourer and bootmaker 1892 5 6| sallow .. brown blue Roman .. 9/4/27 3 p.c. Scar near left eye, on left jaw, on left shin, and on back of head ; left foot sufficient means) deformed ; crossed flags and man’s head on right forearm ; birthmark near right Wanganui— Holmes, John elbow. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 621.) Oamaru S.C. .. 4/2/25 attempted murder attempted suicide 5 years 6 months England .. gardener 1853 5 8 fresh grey hazel .. medium.. 7/4/27 Scar on throat. Deceased. r.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 123.) Ahern, Vincent Joseph .. Wanganui M.C. !>> <N GO failing to attend drill fine or 14 days .. N. Zealand carpenter .. 1903 5 5 fresh black brown .. large 9/4/27 2 p.c. Scar above left knee. Arrested, 8/4/27. Fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 364.) Wi Tako— Brown, James Bayne .. Wellington M.C. 15/10/26 theft (8 charges) 6 months on each England .. clerk 1888 5 6 fresh brown grey •• medium.. 7/4/27 1 p.c. Scar between eyes ; small scar on left palm ; small mole on left cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 406.) Toms, George .. Wellington S.C. 10/6/26 theft as a servant (2 1 year’s reformaN. Zealand postmaster .. 1890 5 9 dark dark grey .. long 9/4/27 Small lump on left eyelid; large ears ; scar on back of neck and on back of right charges) tive detention hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 429, and Photographs, page 60.)


4^ Complexion. ! When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trad*. 6 O PQ W> ’o> Pd Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 | (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) WellingtonBass, Victor .. Wellington M.C. 17/1/27 default of maintenance .. arrears or 3 m’ths Australia .. bricklayer .. 1890 ft 5 in. 9f fresh brown grey .. large, broken 5/4/27 Scar between eyes and on right forefinger. Arrested, 30/3/27. Arrears paid. Ellis, Frederick John, alias Johnston, Frank, alias Wilson, alias Rusling, alias Riches New Plymouth M.O. 13/1/26 false pretences (5 charges) 3 months on each N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 8£ sallow .. brown blue medium.. 6/4/27 5 p.c. Scar on right thigh, on forehead, and on right shin. F.P. Discharged on remission. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 334, and Photographs, 1924, page 75.) Franklin, Frederick NorWellington M.C. 1/4/27 absent from ship without 7 days England .. deck-boy .. 1908 5 n fair brown grey .. medium.. 7/4/27 Moles on face. F.P. Placed on his ship. man Stanley Byrne, John Edward .. Wellington M.C. 26/2/27 4/3/27 leave breach of prohibition order breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days fine or 7 days Ireland seaman 1896 5 fair light brown.. grey .. medium.. 7/4/27 J.B. on back of right hand ; J.E.B. on right forearm ; clasped hands and horseshoe on left forearm. F.P. Findlay, William David Wellington M.C. 6/9/26 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 4| sallow .. brown, turnblue long 9/4/27 Scar under right eye. Arrested, 11/3/27. Thomas Knox, Joseph Edward .. Lower Hutt M.C. 2/3/27 breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days .. N. Zealand upholsterer.. 1888 5 8 dark ing grey dark grey .. medium.. 9/4/27 Scar on upper lip, on chin, and on neck; portion of left middle finger missing ; scar on right palm ; mole on right side of chest. F.P. Arrested, 4/4/27. Plcton— Paterson, Harold Mordiff Auckland M.C. 26/12/23 assault 14 days N. Zealand electric lineman 1897 5 6 dark dark blue long 29/3/27 Rifle-brigade badge on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 197.) Greymouth— McDowell, Andrew Murchison M.C. 16/2/27 assault 6 weeks N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 8 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 29/3/27 Scar on left side of head and on left fore and middle fingers. F.P. Scholefield, Joseph William Murchison M.C. 16/2/27 assault 6 weeks N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 6f fresh fair blue medium.. 29/3/27 Birthmark on left arm ; scar on left fore and middle fingers ; mole on left side of neck. F.P. Morgan, Llewellyn Cariad Reefton M.C. .. 30/3/27 theft (4 charges) 7 days on each .. Wales seaman 1903 5 7 dark black grey .. medium.. 5/4/27 Two moles on right cheek ; right thumb and forefinger injured. Paparua— Tohill, Alphonso, alias Dunedin M.C... 23/4/26 theft .. 1 year’s reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 5i fresh fair, curly .. hazel .. medium.. 7/4/27 3 p.c. Left pupil injured ; scar on left leg. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See Davis, George Police Gazette, 1925, page 148, and Photographs, 1923, page 66.) Nicholls, Edward Francis, alias Nickolls Christ church M.C. 21/4/26 theft .. 1 year .. N. Zealand labourer 1893 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. 8/4/27 11 p.c. Scar on nose, on forehead, on upper lip, and on cheek. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1924, * page 429, and Photographs, 1914, page 48.) 3 p.c. Arrested, 11/2/27. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 612.) Briggs, William Henry .. Greymouth M.C. Chris tchurch M.C. 7/2/27 default of maintenance .. arrears or 2 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 61 fresh brown blue medium.. 9/4/27 Evans, John Edwin 11/1/27 theft .. 3 months England .. sailmaker .. 1888 5 1* fresh brown hazel .. flat 9/4/27 1 p.c. JOHN EVANS NEVIN, 1885, clasped hands, ship, &c., on right forearm ; woman, flag, and sailor on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 760, and Photographs, 1927, page 19.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. i When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. § : ° | fq j Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finder-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. dangerously driving a fine or 2 months ft. in. Kennedy, Willi am Christ church 22/10/26 N. Zealand engineer 1898 6 1 sallow . . brown brown .. medium.. 9/4/27 Scar on right ankle ; right leg shorter than Robertson M.C. motor-car left. Arrested, 10/2/27. Addington Reformatory— drunkenness fine or 48 hours.. Joyce, Mary, alias Jones, Christ church 8/3/27 Ireland '.. prostitute .. 1867 5 2* sallow .. grey blue medium.. 9/4/27 D.T. on right arm. (See Police Gazette, Mary, alias Buckley, Mary M.G. soliciting prostitution 1 month 1927, page 111.) Dunedin— Livingstone, Thomas .. Dunedin M.C... 4/2/27 idle and disorderly (beg2 months Scotland .. carpenter .. 1894 5 6 fresh brown blue medium.. 2/4/27 Scar above right eye. (See Police Gazette, ging) 1927, page 73.) Invercargill — I n v e r c a r g ill Lusty, Ernest Henry 16/3/27 theft .. 14 days England .. pile-driver .. 1897 6 0 fresh brown brown .. Roman .. 29/3/27 Strong build; butterfly on right arm; George M.C. woman’s bust, ETHEL, and flowers on left arm ; scar on back of left hand. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, Invercargill Borstal Institu25/3/27. tion— Barrett, Stuart Victor .. Blenheim M.C. 12/6/26 theft .. 1 year in a Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1906 6 9 fresh fair blue medium.. 7/4/27 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 523, Institution and Photographs, 1926, page 50.) Nicholson, Norman Hugh Wellington S.C. 18/9/24 indecent assault 3 years’ reformaN. Zealand labourer and 1906 5 9 dark dark brown.. dk. bro’n medium.. 9/4/27 Small mouth ; right collar-bone broken ; tive detention electrician scar on right calf. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 675, and PhotoHunter, Allan Gordon .. Wellington M.C. 10/4/26 theft .. 1 year in a Borstal N. Zealand motor-driver 1908 5 8 sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. 9/4/27 graphs, page 89.) PMoJo, AlftiK, F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 10/4/26. Invercargill 21/4/26 receiving stolen property convicted and disM.C. charged


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LII, Issue 15, 20 April 1927, Page 286

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MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LII, Issue 15, 20 April 1927, Page 286

MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LII, Issue 15, 20 April 1927, Page 286

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