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(From New Zealand Gazette, 1920, pages 783, 793, 794, 795, and 798.) Effect on War Legislation of the Termination of the War on 10th January, 1920. Attorney-General’s Office, Wellington, Bth March, 1920. THE following Schedule, showing the effect on war legislation of the termination of the war on 10th January, 1920, is published for general information. F. H. D. BELL, Attorney-General.

Auckland Acclimatization District redefined. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act. And Ido hereby declare that such district shall be known as the Auckland Acclimatization District; and I do hereby revoke the previous notification redefining the said district.

SCHEDULE. Auckland Acclimatisation District. All that area in the North Auckland, Auckland, Taranaki, and Wellington Land Districts bounded by a line commencing at the mouth of the Mokau River, and proceeding thence along high-water mark, Tasman Sea, in a northerly direction generally (crossing the mouths of all harbours and rivers by the way) to the Kaipara Harbour entrance to a point midway between Kaipara Heads ; thence up the centre of the channels, Kaipara Harbour, leading to the mouth of Oruawhero River; thence up the middle of that river, Topuni River, and Hakaru River to the north-west corner of Section 33, Oruawhero Parish ; thence along the south-western boundaries of Sections 65, 64, 61, 60, 57, 56, 51, and 50, all in Mangawhai Parish, and along the eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section to a public road; thence south-easterly along that road to a point opposite south-west corner of Section 92 in the aforesaid parish; thence across that road and proceeding along the western boundaries generally of said Section 92 and Sections 90, 89, 88, 87, and 86 in the aforesaid parish to a public road; thence north-westerly along that road to a stream near the headwaters of the Mangawhai Harbour; thence down the middle of that stream and the middle of that harbour to the sea : thence along high-water mark of the sea, Hauraki Gulf and Firth of Thames (crossing the mouths of all harbours and rivers by the way), to the mouth of the Waikawau River in Block VI, Hastings Survey District; thence up the middle of that river to its source, and along a right line from said source to Northhead, Tairua Harbour; thence southerly along high-water mark, Bay of Plenty (crossing the mouths of all harbours and rivers by the way), to the mouth of the Waihi River in Block 111, Waihi North Survey District; thence south-westerly along a right line to Mount Te Aroha Trig. Station ; thence north-easterly along a right line (in the direction of Ngakuriawhare Trig. Station, Block I, Katikati North) to the western boundary of the Tauranga Confiscation Block ; thence south-easterly by right lines from hill to hill along the summit of the range forming the western boundary of the aforesaid Tauranga Confiscation Block and passing over Ngatamahinerau, Mimiotohanga, and Waianuanu to Te Weraiti Trig. Station ; thence south-easterly along a right line to Puwhenua Trig. Station (in Block VIII, Tapapa Survey District) ; thence southwesterly along a right line to Rangitoto Mountain ; thence south-easterly along a right line to the source of the Ongarulie River ; thence southerly along a mountain range passing through Weraroa, Tuhingamata, Motere, and Hauliangaroa Trig. Stations to Maungaku Trig. Station; thence southerly along the western boundary of the Waione Block to the Wanganui River; thence down the middle of that river to its confluence with the Ohura River; thence up the middle of the Ohura River to the 39th parallel of south latitude ; thence easterly along the said parallel of latitude to the western boundary of Block IV, Pouatu Survey District; thence due north along that boundary and the western boundary of Block XVI, Ware Survey District, to the confiscation line ; thence north-easterly along that line to the Tangarakau Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream and up the middle of the Waitaanga Stream to the Kotare Road at the southern boundary of Section 2, Block VII, Waro ; Survey District; thence westerly along the Kotare Road to the south-west corner of Section 1, Block VII; thence along the south-west boundary of the said section and along the southern, western, and northern boundaries of Section 3, Block VI, Waro Survey District, to the western boundary of Section 4, Block VI, Waro Survey District; thence along the western boundaries generally of Sections 4 and 5, and along the south-western and northern boundaries of Section 6 (all in Block VI, Waro Survey District) to the Mohakatino Road ; thence northerly along that road to a stream which crosses the Mohakatino-Parininihi Id East Block and flows into the Mohakatino- Stream near the westernmost comer of Section 1, Block 111, Waro Survey District; thence down that stream to the said confluence and up the said Mohakatino Stream and along the northern boundary of Section 3, Block

111, Waro Survey District, to Tawhitirau Trig. Station; thence along the south-western and western boundaries of Mokau-Mohakatino In Block to the Mokau River ; thence down the middle of that river to the sea, the place of commencement : including in the hereinbefore - described area the islands of Waiheke and Ponui and Great Barrier Island.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this sixth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. F. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Regulations for Sambur or Ceylon Deer Shooting, Counties of Manawatu, Oroua, Kairanga, Rangitikei, and Horowhenua. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

IN exercise of the powers vested in him by the Animals Protection Act, 1908 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”), I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor - General of the Dominion of New Zealand, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the Sambur or Ceylon deer shooting season within the Counties of Manawatu, Oroua, Kairanga, Rangitikei, and Horowhenua (hereinafter called “the said district”).

REGULATIONS. 1. Sambur or Ceylon deer may be taken or killed within the said district from the 2nd day of June, 1920, to the 31st day of July, 1920, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Palmerston North, Bull’s, Foxton, and Marton, on payment of a license fee of 205., in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations. 3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than one stag or buck of not less than six points, and one hind and, further, the said Chief Postmaster and Postmasters shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person. 4. No licensee shall allow any dog to accompany either himself or any attendant he may have with him. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorizing any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Ceylon Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill Sambur or Ceylon deer (stag or buck, and one hind) within the Counties of Manawatu, Oroua, Kairanga, Rangitikei, and Horowhenua, from the 2nd day of June, 1920, to the 3lst day of July, 1920 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, 1913, and the amendments thereof, and the regulations made thereunder. Dated this day of ,19 . © •••••••••••• Chief Postmaster [or Postmaster]. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. F. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Wellington Acclimatization District redefined. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Go-vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act; and Ido hereby declare that such district shall be known as the Wellington Acclimatization District and I do hereby revoke the previous notifications defining the said district.

SCHEDULE. Wellington Acclimatization District. All that area in the Wellington Land District bounded by a line commencing at the mouth of the Wangaehu River, and proceeding thence up the middle of that river to a point

due west about 18 chains from the western boundary of Block XIV, Mangawhero Survey District; thence along a right line through Okaiepe Trig. Station to the summit of the eastern watershed of the Wangaehu River; thence north-westerly by lines from hill to hill along that summit to the Maungakaretu Trig. Station ; thence south-easterly along a right line to a point in the middle of the Turakina River in line with the south-western boundary of Section 1, Block X, Maungakaretu Survey District ; thence along that boundary, the southern boundary of the Ruanui No. 2 Block, and down the centre of the Panemango Stream to its confluence with the Tomakomako Stream ; thence easterly along a right line to Trig. Station 32 ; thence northerly along a right line to Trig. Station 16, a right line to Trig. Station 17 (Auahitotara), a right line to Trig. Station 24 (Te Rotete), and a right line to Trig. Station 28 (Manukaiapu) ; thence easterly along a right line to Trig. Station 27 and a right line in the direction of Trig. Station 26 (Tawaki Tohunga) to its intersection with the middle of the Rangitikei River ; thence down the middle of that river to its intersection with a right line between Trig. Stations 32 and 30 (Aorangi), and easterly along the said right line to Trig. Station 30 ; thence along a right line in the direction of the confluence of the northern branch of the Waipawa River with the Makaroro River to the summit of the Ruahine Range ; thence southerly along the summit of the said range to the. source of the Pourangaki Stream, and down that stream to its confluence with the Kawhatau Stream, down the middle of the said Kawhatau Stream to its confluence with the Rangitikei River thence down the middle of the Rangitikei River to the Awahuri-Bull’s Road, and easterly along that road to the Oroua River ; thence up the middle of the Oroua River to the Wellington - New Plymouth Railway line; thence south-easterly along said railway-line and Stony Creek Road to the Palmerston -Ashhurst Road ; thence north-easterly along that road to the northernmost corner of Section 454, Block VIII, Kairanga Survey District; thence south-easterly along the Raukawa Road fronting Sections 454 and 455 of the said block to the centre of the Manawatu River ; thence up the middle of that river to and along the northern boundary of the Wellington Land District to the mouth of the Waimata River ; thence southerly along the sea-coast to Cape Palliser, westerly generally along the sea-coast to Cape Terawhiti, and northerly along the sea-coast to the mouth of the Wangaehu River, the point of commencement : including all adjacent islands except Kapiti. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this sixth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. F. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Rotorua Acclimatization District redefined, LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Go-vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint those parts of the said Dominion described in the Schedule hereto to be a district under and for the purposes of the said Act; and Ido hereby declare that such district shall be known as the “ Rotorua Acclimatization District ” ; and I do hereby revoke the previous notification defining the said district. 1 i

SCHEDULE. Rotorua Acclimatization District

All that area in the Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, and Wellington Land Districts bounded by a line commencing at the Puwhenua Trig. Station (situated in Block VIII, Tapapa Survey District), and proceeding north-west along a right line in the direction of Weraiti Trig. Station (situated in Block VII, Tapapa East Survey District, to a point due west from Otane-Wainuku Trig. Station in Block XVI, Otanewainuku) ; thence due east along a right line to that trig, station and again due east along that line produced to a point due south of Trig. Station II in Block IV, Waihi South Survey District ; thence along a right line running due north through Trig. II aforesaid to high-water mark, Bay of Plenty ; thence along high-water mark, Bay of Plenty, in a south-easterly direction to the western side of Maraetotara Road ( Block 111, Wliakatane Survey District) ; thence along the western side of that road to its junction with the Nukuhou-Maraetotara Road (Whakatane-Opotiki main road); thence along the western side of the last-named road to its junction with the Nukuhou (Waimana-Ohiwa) Road ; thence along the western side of that road to the “ confiscation line ” ; thence southeasterly along the north-eastern boundary-line of Waimana 1®

Block; thence along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 21, Block IV, Waimana Survey District, and the south-eastern side of Waimana lc and Id to Paitaua ; thence along the south-western boundary of Waimana Id Block to the Waimana or Tauranga River ; thence up that river to its source; thence south-westerly along summit of range to Maungapohatu Trig. Station ; thence south-easterly along a right line in the direction of Puketapu Trig. Station to its intersection with the Ruakituri River in Block VII, Tuahu Survey District ; thence down that river to the northern boundary of S.G.R. 84, and thence along the northern boundary of said S.G.R. 84 and along the northern and south - eastern boundaries of Section 1, Block VIII, Tuahu Survey District, to the Gisbome-Waikare-moana Road ; thence north-easterly along the middle of that road to Bushy Knoll Road ; thence along the middle of that road to the northernmost corner of Section 2, Block IX, Hangaroa Survey District; thence along the eastern boundary of Section 1, Block IX aforesaid ; thence south-easterly generally along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 3 and 4, Block IX aforesaid ; thence north-easterly along the north-western boundary of Tauwharetoi 4b Block ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of said block and Tauwharetoi 3b Block, and along the south-eastern boundary of Tauwharetoi 3a Block to the Hangaroa River ; thence down the middle of that river to its confluence with the Ruakiture River ; thence along a right line to the sea at Paritu (Block XIII, Paritu Survey District); thence southerly along high-water mark of the sea to the southernmost point of Mahia Peninsula ; thence along high-water mark, Hawke’s Bay, to Moeangiangi (Block XI, Moeangiangi Survey District) ; thence up a leading spur and along the southern watershed of the Waikare River to the summit of Taraponui Mountain ; thence down a leading spur to the confluence of the Mohaka and Waipunga Rivers; thence along a right line to the summit of Tataraokina Mountain ; thence along the eastern watershed of the Mokomokonui Stream to the summit of Pohokura Mountain ; thence along a right line running due east to Pukahunui or Hautapu Stream ; thence up a leading spur and along the western watershed of Te Hoe River to Maungataniwlia Trig. Station (Tuatawhata Survey District); thence along the north-eastern boundary of Heruiwi No. 4 Block to its intersection with a right line running from the northernmost point of Lake Waikaremoana through a point 180 chains due north of Maungataniwha Trig. Station ; thence south-westerly along that line to the Taupo-Napier Road ; thence along a right line to the northwestern corner of Wharetoto No. 8 Subdivision B Block (Block V, Maruanui Survey District) ; thence down the Taharua and Mohaka Rivers to a point in line with Trig. Stations 68a and 65a ; thence along that line to said Trig. Station 65a ; thence westerly along a right line to Trig. Station 26, Tawaki Tohunga, in Block XII, Mangamaire Survey District; thence south-westerly along a right line to Trig. Station 27 ; thence westerly along a right line to Trig. Station 28, Manukaiapu ; thence north-westerly along a right line to Ruapehu Trig. Station ; thence north-easterly along a right line to Paretetaitonga Trig. Station; thence towards the north-east along a right line to Ngaruhoe Trig. Station ; thence northerly along a right line to Tongariro Trig. Station ; thence north-easterly along a right line in the direction of the mouth of the Waihi Stream, Lake Taupo, to the Wanganui River ; thence down the middle of that river to the western boundary of the Waione Block, and northerly along that boundary to Maungaku Trig. Station ; thence northerly along a mountain range passing through Hauhangaroa, Motere, Tuhingamata, and Weraroa Trig. Stations to the source of the Ongaruhe River ; thence northwesterly along a right line to Rangitoto Mountain ; and thence north-easterly along a right line to Puwhenua Trig. Station, the place of commencement. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this sixth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. F. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Sale of Unclaimed Property. Police Department, Wellington, 28th February, 1920. IT is hereby notified that unclaimed property in the hands of the police at the various police-stations will, if not claimed before Wednesday, the 31st March, 1920, be sold thereafter by public auction. Particulars as to the time and place of sale may be obtained from the Superintendent or Inspector of Police in charge of the district.

J. O’DONOVAN, Commissioner of Police.


Reference to Act. Remarks. 1914, No. 4.Banking Amendment. (Bank-notes Act not affected by termination of war. Proclamato be legal tender) tion has been issued declaring notes to be legal tender until 31st December, 1922. 1914, No. 6.Regulation of Trade and Commerce. Remains in force until the expiry of two years after the termination of the war. (See 1918, No. 10, section 28.) 1914, No. 38.War Regulations .. The War Regulations Act and amendments remain in operation for one year after the war or for such shorter period as the Governor-General may by Proclamation determine. (See 1916, No. 9, section 7.) All W ar Regulations remain in force for the same period unless sooner revoked. 1914, No. 48.Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Remains in force for six months after the termination Amendment Remains in force for six months after the termination of the war. 1914, No. Land Laws Amendment:— of the war. Section 42. (Modification of leases as to rotation 1 of crops, &c.) Section 43. —(Power to postpone date of payment of rent of pastoral runs) Expire 31st August, 1920. Section 44. (Power to postpone date of payment 1 [>Expire 31st August, 1920. 1 i of rent of small grazing-runs) J

Effect on War Legislation of the Termination of the War on 10th January, 1920.

Reference to Act. Remarks. 1 1914, No. 62. —Mining Amendment : Section 7, This section commences to operate on expiry of six paragraph (24a). (Restriction as to use of months after termination of war. (See 1917, winding-ropes in mines) No. 21, section 24.) 1915, No. 37.—Factories Amendment. (Repealing Repeal operates on expiry of six months after tersection 20 of Factories Act, 1908, as to hours of mination of war. employment of women and boys in woollen-mills) 1915, No. 44.Expeditionary Forces Period of enlistment is the duration of the war and twelve months thereafter. (See section 9 as amended by 1918, No. 9, section 2.) 1915, No. 57. —Gaming Amendment: Section 2. twelve months thereafter. (See section 9 as amended by 1918, No. 9, section 2.) Expires immediately on termination of war. (Authority to raffle property for benefit of war funds) 1915, No. 67. —Alien Enemy Teachers Of permanent duration. Section 5, fixing duration of Act, repealed by 1919, No. 37. 1915, No. 77.New Zealand University Amendment. of Act, repealed by 1919, No. 37. Power may be exercised “ during the continuance of (Concessions as to examination, &c.) the present war and within a reasonable time after a state of war has ceased to exist.” 1916, No. 7.Finance : — Section 41. (Issue of debentures in payment for Remains in force for twelve months after termination land taken by Crown) of war. Section 44. (Regulations as to banking) To be determined by Order in Council not to be issued within five years after termination of war. (See 1917, No. 9, section 66.) Section 45. (Regulations as to investment of issued within five years after termination of war. (See 1917, No. 9, section 66.) 1 moneys and rates of interest, &c.)1 moneys and rates of interest, &c.) 1 Section 46. (Restrictions as to carrying-on of (Sections 45, 46, and 47 remain in force during the f war and for twelve months thereafter. banking operations in New Zealand) Section 47. (Requiring regulations to be gazetted 1 and laid before Parliament) J 1916, No. 13.—War Legislation Amendment— Section 14. (Power to appoint temporary teachers) Such temporary appointment not to continue for more than twelve months after termination of war. Appointments may be made during the war or within six months thereafter. Section 20. (As to half-cost of fencing by adjoinmore than twelve months after termination of war. Appointments may be made during the war or within six months thereafter. Remains in force during the war and for twelve ing occupiers) months thereafter. Section 31. (Mining Amendment) Minister of Mines may grant protection of certain mining privileges in Nelson Land District “ for any period not exceeding twelve months after the conclusion of the war.” Section 34. (Soldiers’ wills) .. mining privileges in Nelson Land District “ for any period not exceeding twelve months after the conclusion of the war.” Soldiers’ wills not operative as such unless the testator dies during the war or within six months thereafter. 1916, No. 18. —Appropriation : Section 32. . (Authodies during the war or within six months thereafter. Remains in force for twelve months after termination rizing increased duties on importation of wheat and of war. (See 1919, No. 37, section 5.) flour) 1917, No. 9, Finance : — Section 52. (Payment of duty on gold proposed The section remains in force during the war and for to be exported from New Zealand) six months thereafter. Sections 83 and 84. (Temporary increases of oldRemain in force for twelve months after termination age and other pensions) of war. 1917, No. 19.Sale of liquor restriction. (SixThis Act was originally expressed to remain in force o’clock closing) during the continuance of the war and for six months thereafter (section 12). Section 12 was repealed by 1918, No. 11, section 2, and the Act is now permanent. 1917, No. 21.—War Legislation:— Part II. (Electoral rights of aliens) The disqualification imposed on alien enemies is permanent, and is not affected by the termination of 1 the war. Section 23. (Local Bodies’ Loans) manent, and is not affected by the termination of the war. | Authority to raise loan conferred by poll of ratepayers and not exercised not to lapse in any case until expiration of two years after termination of war. Section 24. (Amendment of Mining Act as toThis section lapses six months after termination of payers and not exercised not to lapse in any case until expiration of two years after termination of war. Section 24. (Amendment of Mining Act as toThis section lapses six months after termination of winding-ropes) war, when section 7, paragraph (24a), of Mining Amendment Act, 1914, commences to operate. Section 28. (Extension of warrants for retentionAuthority terminates on the expiration of three Section 28. (Extension of warrants for retentionAuthority terminates on the expiration of three of officers of Police Force after retiring-age) months after end of the war. 1918, No. 2.Finance : Section 20 (Protection of Term of loan may be extended for twelve months local authorities in respect of loans falling due) after termination of war.

Effect on War Legislation of the Termination of the War on the 10th January, 1920- continued.

Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing. Marks, &c. ! When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. fl U o tt Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Yong Blenheim . 2/3/20 act months 9 on China gardener . 1888 in ft. 5 copper. black brown medium ; prominent each front one lative. Giles Invercargill 2/3/20 attempted refor- years’ 7 Zealand labourer 1895 7 fresh . brown grey medium See page indecent deassault tention AnnGutsell, Invercargill 2/3/20 childabandoning ifto N. domestic . 1896 11 fresh dark brown brown long called Leonard Harry Invercargill . 2/3/20 theft proba- 3 N. Zealand postmaster 1887 5 lli pale .. dark brown grey .. medium tion 1 year N. Zealand postmaster 1887 5 llj pale .. dark brown grey .. medium George Invercargill 2/3/20 and N. Zealand fl a x - mill 1895 5 9 copper.. black brown .. flat See Police Gazette, 1916, page 656. 1 year N. Zealand flax - mill hand labourer 1895 5 9 copper.. black brown .. flat See Police Gazette, 1916, page 656. Charles Invercargill . 2/3/20 theftbuggery 3 years’ reforN. Zealand 1901 5 11 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium Long face. mative detention 3 years’ reforN. Zealand hand labourer 1901 5 11 sallow.. dark brown brown .. medium Long face. mative detention buggery


Offender. of Name - : Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of J Trade. d ■*$ To "3 m Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, to. Offender. of Name Janies Harold Tierney, Where Auckland When. 1/3/20 Offence. threatening fined £2 N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1896 ft. 5 in. 7 fair fair grey .. medium 1 • Sentence. | Native of J Trade. a o PQ W> °3 m Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, to Janies Harold Tierney, Paton, Henry, Paton, Auckland 1/3/20 threatening behaviour fined £2 N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1896 ft. 5 in. 7 fair fair grey .. medium obscene language fined £5 sharp 14 p.c. Scar on forehead and on right hand. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 233.) Paton, Henry, alias Paton, Blair Henry Auckland 1/3/20 language convicted and discharged N. Zealand bushman .. 1874 6 0 fresh .. dark brown, curly grey .. drunkenness indecency fined £5 fined £1 medium Scar on nose and on upper lip. convicted and discharged N. Zealand bushman .. 1874 6 0 fresh .. dark brown curly > grey .. sharp 14 p.c. Scar on forehead and on right hand. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 233.) indecency fined £1 medium Scar on nose and on upper lip. Thomas Auckland 1/3/20 drunkenness convicted Zealand N. engine-driver 1882 5 n fresh . grey . brown insulting language discharged fined medium and each Scar thigh Nelson Auckland 1/3/20 theft fined N. storeman 1882 5 81 dark . dark blue alias Auckland 1/3/20 assault fined Zealand labourer 1891 5 81 fresh brown grey medium Boil-scar on right George , Alexander lor, Charles John Wells, Auckland 2/3/20 obscene fined England fireman 1881 5 54 sallow auburn brown. medium ; ; right ; ; Francis, John Prendergast, alias Auckland 2/3/20 theft probation extended Zealand N. mechanic .. 1898 5 6 fair light brown blue medium Scar on back of right hand ; right middle finger contracted. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page . mechanic .. 1898 5 6 fair light brown blue medium Scar on back of right hand ; right middle finger contracted. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 1 years 131.) * 131.) breach probation proba- years’ Alexander John Boyd, Auckland 3/3/20 language tion fined £5 N. Zealand hairdresser 1890 5 4 dark .. black brown .. short, Stout build. fined £5 N. Zealand hairdresser 1890 5 4 dark .. black brown .. short, Stout build. Gregory Auckland 3/3/20 assault £5 Zealand N. bushman 1896 9 fresh auburn brown . medium rings resisting police fined £3 medium build. Roy Auckland 3/3/20 of breach peace fined £1 Zealand N. labourer 1885 7 fresh grey grey .. bald Ernest .Freeman, Auckland 3,3/20 breach of the peace to pay costs .. England .. labourer 1837 5 7 fresh .. fair blue medium Herbert alias, Auckland Auckland 3,3/20 3/3/20 theft to come up if Wales draper 1884 5 7 fresh .. black brown .. medium Scar on forehead. F.P. (See Police'^Gazette, 3/3/20 breach of the peace theft to pay costs .. to come up if England .'. labourer 1837 5 7 fresh .. fair blue medium Auckland Wales draper 1884 5 7 fresh .. black brown .. medium Scar on forehead. F.P. (See Police\Gazette, Charles, alias Evans, called blue medium 1917, page 172.) Scar on left wrist. The charges of theft are - blue medium 1917, page 172.) Scar on left wrist. The charges of theft are alias Adam, Michael, Auckland 3/3/20 drunkenness . andconvicted Zealand N. and 1884 5 4f fresh brown dark Alfred discharged seaman 1920, to breach prohibition and 113. order discharged two t convicted 241.) 1917, discharged each brown medium Scar on abdomen. Gordon Auckland 3/3/20 drunkenness . Indiaconvicted traffic in1893 5 9 fair fair medium Scar on abdomen. India t ra fifi c in1893 5 9 fair fair obscene language discharged fined £5 spector medium Scar on left forearm and on nose. . • medium Scar on left forearm and on nose. William Fox, Auckland 4/3/20 theft charges) if to up clerk 1884 91 dark black brown . and prohibited brown sharp ; Nash, Auckland 4/3/20 assault fined England . tram 1890 5 8 fresh .. dark brown tor 1890 5 1 8 fresh .. dark brown tor 11

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol

Offender. of Where tried. 1 When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Harks. &c ! Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. | Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks. George Thompson, Auckland 4/3/20 theft ifto up Ireland tei'C labourer!?/. 1874 ft. in. 5 10f fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium Scar on chin and on left side of forehead; .. 1874 ft. in. 5 lOf fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium Scar on chin and on left side of forehead; alias William, called on Photo- skin - alias Charles, Byat Mark 686.) 1919, Florence Neville, Auckland 5/3/20 indecency if N. domestic 1880 5 0 pale dark brown . broad 1919, called Gaols, discharged alias Sales, Auckland 5/3/20 incorrigible (in- rogue come to N. prostitute 1887 5 1 dark brown dark hazel . medium 1914, Neill sufficient means) called 727.) page Joseph Daly, Auckland 5/3/20 drunkenness andconvicted Ireland labourer 1892 5 8J dark brown hazel . medium cheek. on Philip assault discharged fined £2 Ellis, George Auckland 6/8/20 theft probation to home admonished N. schoolboy . 1907 4 8* fresh brown brown . . medium eye. (6 charges) mischief admonished 1876 8 George Pengelly, Auckland 6/3/20 horse a fined Zealand farmer 5 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 8 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Samuel .Johnston, Te 3/3/20 rogue ifto up Tasmania labourer 1864 6 0 fair brown, brown medium called 1880 • grey Creamer, Te 3/3/20 vagabond . if Germany .. brassmould’r 5 6£ fair light blue pug ; “good luck ” in German language, and 1897 called & “good luck” in German language, and 1897 on right forearm ; right little finger has been broken. 1890 on right forearm ; right little finger has been broken. Singh Te 24/2/20 and . fined £10 India scrub-cutter 5 6 olive .. black brown .. medium 1890 5 6 olive .. blaok brown .. medium Singh Awamutu Te 24/2/20 drunk disorderly fined £10 India scrub-cutter 1897 5 7 olive black brown medium Singh . Te 24/2/20 disorderly fined £10 India farmer 1885 5 7 olive . black brown medium Singh Te 24/2/20 disorderly . fined India farmer 1882 0 7 olive . black brown . medium Johan EvaldPersson, Te 27/2/20 drunkenness . andconvicted Sweden labourer 1880 5 9 fair fair blue medium and right discharged forearm. obscene discharged 1896 fined £5 1896 forearm. George Te 28/2/20 drunkenness . andconvicted Australia labourer 5 10 fair brown brown . medium lip. obscene language discharged fined police fined Wi Te 3/3/20 threatening fined Maori labourer 1897 6 0 copper. black brown broad build. James Bay 28/2/20 disorderly if Australia . labourer 1887 5 6 dark dark hazel . medium neck. called McPherson, Alfred Te . 25/2/20 theft if up Zealand schoolboy . .1905 4 6 sallow brown grey medium eye. called Henry, alias Gisborne 26/2/20 theft fined N. apprentice . 1904 5 2* fair curly brown medium (See 704.) 1916, page

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued

Offender, Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, fen. t-4 o Height. Complexion. Hair. Dyes. j Nose. Distinguishing Marks, fen. Henry Mangbam, Gisborne 1 theft26/2/20 if come up N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1900 ft. in. 5 95 dark dark brown brown .. medium Scar on left wrist and above right ankle. on N. Zealand taxi-driver .. 1900 ft. in. 5 9§ dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on left wrist and above right ankle. William James McBrearty, Gisborne 28/2/20 indecency fined England labourer 1868 5 91 fresh brown grey . medium 1919, , supplyingunlawfully fined 694.) Native John Smeal, Gisborne 27/2/20 drunkenness fined N. labourer 1885 5 9? fresh . turning grey, blue medium build. (See assault fined bald 455.) prohibited damage and pay damage Strong build ; scar on top of head. (See Police Sonny alias Wairoa 1/3/20 theft fined . Maori labourer 1900 5 4 dark black brown . medium Strong build ; scar on top of head. (See Police Karepa broad Gazette, 1919, page alias. Tuhahene, Napier 2/3/20 obscene £5fined Maori labourer 1879 10 copper. blaok brown .. See Police Gazette, 1914, page 449. 10 oopper.. black brown .. See Police Gazette, 1914, page 449. Dick licensed to if come premises on prohibited licensed on to mises closing hours called police fined Two dots on left forearm; woman ’"on right medium Two dots on left forearm; woman 'on right William Tyne, Napier 6/3/20 behaviour threatening fined N. labourer 1880 5 6 fresh turn-brown, grey . medium grey upper arm. ■'bflg medium upper arm, -Tyflg Johnson, Napier 6/3/20 behaviour fined Australia seaman 1890 11 fresh .. dark brown .. Woman, flag, and A SAILOR’S LOVE on 11 fresh .. dark brown .. medium Woman, flag, and A SAILOR’S LOVE on wilful £1fined AUSTRALIA forearm ; right forearm. left JamesAdams, Feilding 1/3/20 police fined N. labourer 1895 6 1 fresh brown blue medium police andconvicted discharged medium of on Rowe, Feilding 27/2/20 languageobscene fined Zealand labourer 1885 5 7 fresh . brown grey Austin Roe, Feilding 27/2/20 languageobscene fined N. labourer 1887 5 4 fresh brown grey medium alias Otaki 5/3/20 theft fined Zealand N. labourer 1894 5 5 copper black brown . flat (See alias Whaka, ka Frederick Connell, 445.) 1911, Lower . . 4/2/20 unlawfully fined £10 N. butcher 1895 5 pale, light brown grey .. large See Police Gazette, 1917, page 364. 5£ pale, light brown grey .. large See Police Gazette, 1917, page 364. bicycle freckled medium brown medium Thomas . Lower . 18/2/20 drunkenness convicted England labourer 1894 6 0 fresh hazel .. brown hazel .. discharged language discharged fined £2 fined £2 wilful damage to damage DIS- dagger, Pollock, Lower . 16/2/20 police convicted Scotland fireman 1881 5 4 pale black blue medium discharged hands left ; Police (See 1919, William Angus Petone 18/2/20 theft for Zealand schoolboy 1908 4 6 freckled fair blue medium Lop-eared. and years, to report to Probation Officer

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. S 6 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. o § O Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. 1 Charles Bensley, 1/3/20 drunkenness .. fined 5s. England .. seaman 1889 ft. in. 5 9 fresh .. brown grey large Butterfly on back of “left hand; shield on back Wellington .. 1/3/20 drunkenness .. fined 5s. England .. sea man ft. in. 1889 5 9 fresh .. brown grey .. large Butterfly on back of“left hand; shield on back Sidney damage (breaking fined of a damage black long Henry Wellington 1/3/20 peace fined £1 N. labourer 1888 7 fresh .. grey .. black grey .. long James McDonald, . Wellington . 1/3/20 breach fined Ireland engineer 1 51877 7 frosh .. dark grey . . long Scar nose. on Guest, Wellington 1/3/20 of £1 Tasmania labourer 1 5 8 fresh . brown blue large build. Stout George Millgate, Wellington 1/3/20 peace fined England . storeman . 1863 fresh . brown blue medium left eye. Thomas Wellington 1/3/20 drunkenness fined England . labourer 1 1870 5 fair fair blue . medium ; ; languageobscene £5fined snub shorter PeterWalters, Wellington . 1/3/20 obstructing fined Zealand labourer 18 8 f black blue JamesLennon, Wellington 1/3/20 rogue to come up if England .. Qremau 1890 5 3 fresh .. dark brown blue medium Japanese woman on (right forearm; flag, woman, bracelet, and shield on left forearm. legally if come up called on called on England .. 6remau 1890 5 3 fr9sh .. dark brown blue medium Japanese woman on fright forearm; flag, woman, bracelet, and shield on left forearm. Ronald Wellington 2/3/20 theft years’ tion Zealand clerk 1898 5 6 fresh brown brown . . large ; right (See forefinger theft if come up 657.)1912, called and lip on ; William Fisher, Ormsby Wellington . 4/3/20 drunkenness . fined Scotland . labourer 1871 6 0 ruddy . brown blue medium obscene language fined brown . long ; Joseph Key Wellington 204/3 drunkenness . fined Australia . miner 1885 5 7 dark brown languageobscene fined hand. right ; William Wellington . 6/3/20 charge in drunk fined £1 England . . carrier 1881 5 fresh .. brown blue medium 2£ fresh .. brown blue medium of 10 Gordon Blenheim 17/2/20 indecent fined N. labourer 1879 5 dark dark grey . medium Kennedy, Blenheim 23/2/20 suicideattempted ifto up Ireland cook 1856 5 7 fresh grey blue medium forearm ; ; heart and shamrock on right forearm; soar called on baker forearm and ; right chest. and on on throat and on chest. Charles Hokitika 1/3/20 damage come N. labourer 1880 5 10 fresh brown blue medium andcalled damage pay assault andconvicted discharged brown .. medium 8 dark brown.. medium John Christchurch 1/3/20 language the to Zealand N. blacksmith 1869 5 dark .. 8 dark dark Vincent George Christchurch charges) theft peace industrial to Zealand hand 1903 5 5 fair brown hazel . medium 1918, page rick school 8 medium Cyril Christchurch 3/3/20 breaking, if up Zealand N. labourer 1895 5 dark . dark blue theft called prohibited 84 brown . medium George Christchurch 4/3/20 drunkenness andconvicted Zealand seaman 1895 5 fresh fair to discharged andconvicted premises d’scharged obscene language fined medium Albert Berry, Christchurch theft proba- 1 year’s tion Zealand labourer 1905 5 0 sallow brown brown .

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

of Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. 3 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Thomas Christchurch assault fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1892 ft. in. 6 0 fair fair blue .. medium i 3/2/20 assault fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1892 ft. in. 6 0 fair fair blue .. medium Milne, alias Christchurch charges) 6/2/20 andfined N. labourer 1877 5 84 fresh brown blue large See 1915, prohibited domestic .. medium ' prohibited domestic .. medium Dolly Christchurch 9/2/20 escaping from reformato come up if N. Zealand 1902 4 6 fresh .. fair blue tory institution called on and returned to institution 9/2/20 17/2/20 from escaping reforma- escaping ifto up ifto come up N. Zealand 1902 4 6 fresh .. fair blue institution tory institution tory andcalled on and on toreturned returned to institution institution medium 17/2/20 escaping from reformato come up if tory institution called on and returned to institution medium Henry Christchurch 14/2/20 breaking, wilful theft, damage andbreaking, 1 Zealand schoolboy 1905 5 0 dark . dark brown tion Dickson, Christchurch 14/2/20 year’s 1 Zealand N. schoolboy 1909 4 6 fair fair grey . medium theft, and damage tion medium See Police Gazette, 1916, page 256. horse- trainer medium See Police Gazette, 1916, page 256. Daniel or . Christchuroh 20/2/20 drunkenness . fined Zealand 1881 5 7f pale black dark .. horse- trainer 1881 5 n pale black dark .. damage damage to butcher medium Leonard Christchurch theft23/2/20 proba- 1 year’s tion 1 N. 1899 5 7 fair fair blue Alfred Christchurch 1 e pretences 24/2/20 Zealand N. moulder 1890 5 8 fresh brown blue . medium 183.1919, Watson charges) bation labourer medium George . Christchurch 24/2/20 suiting to Zealand N. 1885 5 6 sallow brown grey Walter Hickman, Christchurch 26/2/20 disorderly p6BiC6 convicted England . cook 1862 5 0 sallow grey blue medium discharged labourer sandy .. sandy medium Alsop, Christchurch 27/2/20 indecent language fined Zealand N. 1870 5 8 blue sandy .. sandy blue medium James Christchuroh 28/2/20 and entering industrial to Zealand schoolboy . 1904 4 11 fresh .. brown dark medium 1919, page intent to commit school crime a John Christchurch 28/2/20 breaking industrial to N. schoolboy 1906 4 8 dark dark dark medium 85. See page intent to school crime ClarenceDenham, Christchurch 28/2/20 entering year’s 1 Zealand schoolboy 1909 4 5 fresh black dark . medium to tion crime O’Connor, . Rakaia 28/2/20 obscene if Zealand N. engineer 1878 5 6 ruddy . auburn blue medium face. called on police fined Gideon Ashburton . 5/3/20 keeping fined £50 Australia . labourer 1875 6 os fresh black brown large 687.1915, no-license district selling fined John Ashburton 5/3/20 in sly-grog fined Zealand N. labourer 1897 5 10 sallow . brown dark medium JohnHussey, Dunedin 1/3/20 behaviour threatening fined N. dealer 1882 5 8 dark dark brown medium Lame leg.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

Offender. of tried.Where When. Offence. | Sentence. < Native of Trade. Horn. [ Height 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. - -V ose. OU'inguUhing Marks, Ac. 1 1 When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Horn. 1 j Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. N ose. Ois! inguishing Marks, Ac. AlexanderCrammond, Dunedin threatening fined £1 i , N. Zealand labourer 1886 ft. in. 5 6 fresh .. dark brown .. medium Mole on left cheek. threatening behaviour fined £1 j N. Zealand labourer 1886 ft. in. 5 6 fresh .. dark brown .. medium Mole on left cheek. Hope, Dunedin 2/3/20 drunkenness . fined 10s. N. labourer 1895 5 8 fresh .. brown blue medium Butterfly inside left forearm; scars on left 5 8 fresh .. brown blue medium Butterfly inside left forearm; scars on left obscene fined shoulder. Richard Rodgers, .. Dunedin 5/3/20 theftattempted fined Zealand labourer 1900 5 64 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Lame on left leg. 5 6£ fresh .. brown grey .. medium Lame on left leg. John Charles Beagle, Dunedin 5/3/20 illegally liquor £20fined England confectioner 1847 5 6 fresh .. dark, turning grey .. medium 5 6 fresh .. dark,turning grey .. medium sale grey George Midalemarch 19/2/20 breaking, entering, admonished N. schoolboy 1910 5 0 fresh .. fair blue medium 5 0 fresh .. fair blue medium theft Ian Middlemarch 19/2/20 and entering, admonished Zealand schoolboy 1910 4 8 dark .. black hazel .. medium 4 8 dark .. black hazel .. medium theft O’Connor, Invercargill 18/2/20 theft charges) to up Zealand hand . 1897 5 8| fresh, fair blue medium Scar on upper lip. F.P. 5 Si fresh, fair blue medium Scar on upper lip. F.P. on called restitution freckled Robert McKay, Invercargill. 11/2/20 mischief fined N. shop 1902 5 7 dark .. dark brown blue medium 5 7 dark .. dark brown blue medium damage assistant Lee, Invercargill. 18/2/20 two-up fined Zealand labourer 1898 114 fresh light brown grey . medium Leslie Invercargill 18/2/20 a N. Zealand farm hand .. 1901 5 8 fair fair .. blue medium fined £1 N. Zealand farm hand .. 1901 5 8 fair fair blue medium Leek, Inveroargill. 18/2/20 theft admonished . Zealand schoolboy . 1908 4 6 fair, freckled dark .. light brown blue medium 4 6 fair, light brown blue .. medium Hodgkins, . Invercargill 20/2/20 theft admonished Zealand schoolboy . 1910 4 54 brown brown .. medium Cast in eyes ; wears glasses. 4 freokled dark .. brown brown .. medium Cast in eyes; wears glasses. LeslieHunt, Invercargill 20/2/20 ... theft admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1911 4 44 fair light brown blue medium ' admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1911 4 fair light brown blue medium James Bellantine, Invercargill 2/3/20 while convicted Zealand N. labourer 1895 5 9 swarthy brown blue medium Scar on right thumb and forefinger and on back 5 9 swarthy brown blue medium Scar on right thumb and forefinger and on back and discharged left ; theft fined (See Thomas Holland, Invercargill 2/3/20 theft fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 10 fresh .. fair brown .. Roman .. Large ears and head. 1 1 1 theft fined £3 .. N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 10 fresh .. fair brown .. Roman .. Large ears and head.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol -continued.

— - Native of Trade. s s Hair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. .... Prisoner. r istvi G&ol, ' — Native of j 1 Trade. 2 3 Hair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. 8 M plexion. charged. ( F.P . indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Prisoner. j Auckland Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. o M plexlon. | charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland William Palmer, Joseph A u o k 1 a n d M.C. 2/2/20 theft . . . 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1899 ft. 5 in. 7 sallow .. light brown hazel .. medium 1/3/20 4 p.c. Scar on back of head; brown mark under left eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 113.) William Joseph Morris, d a Auckland M.C. M.C. 2/2/20 2/2/20 theft police month 1 month or fine Zealand N. Zealand N. labourer seaman 1899 1880 fb. 5 5 in. 6 fair fair grey .. medium 1/3/20 Numerous p.c. Scar on right side of neck, on right elbow and thumb, on left middle finger, and under right eye. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 21/5/04. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 374.) 7 sallow .. light brown hazel .. medium 1/3/20 4 p.c. Scar on back of head; brown mark under left eye. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 113.) Morris, Bert, Sylvado, Auckland M.C. 2/2/20 obstructing police fine or 1 month N. Zealand seaman 1880 5 6 fair fair grey .. medium 1/3/20 Numerous p.c. Scar on right side of neck, on right elbow and thumb, on left middle finger, and under right eye. P.P. Photographed at Wellington, 21/5/04. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 374.) 1 n.c. B.S. in flag on right forearm. P.P. Fine paid. (See Police Gazette , 1911, page 425.) 6 p.c. Scar on chin; two scars on left wrist. F.P. First two sentences cumulative. Sylvado, alias Bert, AlbertKitson, Auckland M.C. 1/3/20 resisting police fine or 14 days N. Zealand potter 1879 5 9J sallow .. light brown brown .. medium 1/3/20 1 p.c. B.S. in flag on right forearm. F.P. Fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 425.) 6 p.c. Scar on chin; two scars on left wrist. F.P. First two sentences cumulative. AlbertKitson, alias Bert, Johnson, Auckland M.C. 1/3/20 resisting police fine or 14 days N. Zealand potter 1879 5 9i sallow .. light brown brown .. medium 1/3/20 alias Bert, Johnson, Whangarei M.C. 20/1/20 aggravated assault on a female 1 month ,, Maori bushman .. 1893 5 94 copper. . black brown .. medium 4/3/20 Johnson, Herbert Whangarei M.C. 20/1/20 aggravated assault on a female 1 month Maori bushman .. 1893 5 9i copper.. black brown .. medium 4/3/20 Arthur Kawakawa 22/1/20 theft days 14 M.C. supplyingunlawfully 14 Elsie Florence Neville, Auckland M.C. 5/12/19 Native to (inidle sufficient - months 3 Zealand domestic . 1880 5 0 pale dark brown . broad 4/3/20 1919, (See convicted, and 470, issue.) Smith, Kitty Thames 5/2/20 ill of keeping month 1 Zealand prostitute . 1876 5 2| olive black hr.dark broad 4/3/20 ;; ; Jardine, Horace Auckland 23/2/20 assault 14 Australia labourer 1872 5 7 fresh grey blue-gr’y medium 6/3/20 ; alias Downes, Henry alias Chook M.C. Wellington M.C. 5/8/18 entering, theft years England . fireman 1868 5 4 • swarthy brown brown . medium 6/3/20 of doves, 8 p.c. ; right forearm. and on pigeon, Dis- at Photographed remission. (See Kaingaroa alias King, Auckland M.C. 4/6/19 leaveabsent Expedition f om 1 year N. labourer 1880 5 m fresh dark grey . medium 2/3/20 517.) forefinger, 9 p.c. atand Napier, (See Crawley, Court-martial Palmerston 21/1/19 leaveabsent Expeditionary from 1 England . porter 1892 5 54 fresh black blue . medium 5/3/20 Discharged 1 1919, Gisborne Wilkinson, North Gisborne 24/2/20 Force drunkenness . fine 24 hours England labourer 1862 5 64 fresh brown blue medium 25/2/20 25.) received time previous Plymouth Archer Plymouth N. 3/2/19 assault causing bodily 14 years N. Zealand farm hand .. 1892 5 44 fresh .. brown blue medium 6/3/20 Birth-mark ou left hip ; scar over left eye ; tip of right forefinger missing. F.P. Photographed at New Plymouth, 1/3/20. (See s.c. bodily assault 3/2/19 harm (9 chare’es^ years N. Zealand farm hand .. 1892 5 fresh .. brown blue medium 6/3/20 Birth-mark on left hip ; scar over left eye ; tip of right forefinger missing. F.P. Photographed at New Plymouth, 1/3/20. (See Napier 29/9/19 theft 6 months Scotland .. labourer 1876 5 8 fair brown grey .. large, 6/3/20 Police Gazette, 1915, page 727.) 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar and W on right forealias William, WilliamHinskelwood, M.C. hooked arm ; dot between left thumb and forefinger ; ulcer on right shin; scars on legs. F.P. WilliamHinskelwood, Wanganui Police Gazette, 1915, page 727.) Dannevirke M.C. 29/9/19 theft .. 6 months Scotland . labourer 1876 5 8 fair brown grey .. large, hooked 6/3/20 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar and W on right forearm ; dot between left thumb and forefinger ; ulcer on right shin; scars on legs. F.P. Wanganui Paketa . Wanganui M.C. 26/1/20 debt • 14 days Maori labourer 1881 5 lOf dark .. black dark br. broad 2/3/20 (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 269.) Good build; right middle finger has been broken. W a n g a n u i M.C. 26/1/20 debt • 14 days Maori labourer 1881 5 10J dark .. black dark br. broad 2/3/20 (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 269.) Good build ; right middle finger has been broken. Baata Paketa ..


| Sentence. Native of Trade. a "»b CornHair. Byes. Nose. When dis- --— Prisoner. of Name i. Sentence. J Native of Trade. • ob CoinHair. Eyes. Nose. When disWhere tried. When Offence. £ a plexloa. charged. (F.P. indicates that have been taken.) Prisoner. of Name and Ocs.i. continued. Wanganui— Where tried. When Offence. i a plexloa. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions havebeentaken,) continued W angan ft. in. W a n g a n u i 1/3/20 indecency 3 days Ireland fireman 1882 5 41 fresh .. dark brown blue .. large 3/3/20 Eagle on American shield, anchor, and scars on M.C. left forearm; scars on forehead and upper lip. F.P. Thomas Loftus, PatrickSullivan, Wanganui Marton M.C. 1/3/20 1/3/20 idle and disorderly (no 7 days Ireland labourer 1855 5 7 ruddy .. brown, bald blue broad, 6/3/20 F.P. indecency means) visible broken 3 days Ireland fireman ft. in. 1882 5 4£ fresh .. dark brown blue .. large 3/3/20 Eagle on American shield, anchor, and scars on M.C. left forearm; scars on forehead and upper lip. P.P. PatrickSullivan, Wellington— Marton M.C. 1/3/20 idle and disorderly (no 7 days Ireland labourer 1855 5 7 ruddy .. brown, bald blue .. broad, 6/3/20 F.P. visible means) broken MorganButler, Wellington M.C. W ellington 20/2/20 indecency 14 days Ireland trimmer 1877 5 4 dark .. dark brown blue medium 4/3/20 F.P. Morgan Myra, 6/12/19 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1870 5 n ruddy .. brown, turngrey .. long 5/3/20 Several p.c. Suffers from goitre; scar over Wellington M.C. W ellington 20/2/20 indecency 14 days Ireland trimmer 1877 5 4 dark .. dark brown blue .. medium 4/3/20 F.P. Myra, alius Cooper 6/12/19 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1870 5 n ruddy .. brown, turngrey .. long 5/3/20 Several p.c. Suffers from goitre; scar over M.C. ing grey right eye and on upper lip. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919. page 485.) O’Toole, Ettie, alias Wellington 28/2/20 breach of prohibition 7 days on each N. Zealand prostitute .. 1888 5 3 fair light brown blue medium 5/3/20 7 p.c. Stout build ; clasped hands over heart O’Toole, Kittie, alias M.C. order (2 charges) with D. McK. on left arm. (See Police Cooper Wilson drunkenness .. 48 hours Gazette, 1917, page 107.) M.C. ing grey right eye and on upper lip. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 485.) Ettie, O’Toole, Paparua — Wellington 28/2/20 breach of prohibition 7 days on each N. Zealand prostitute .. 1888 5 3 fair light brown blue medium 5/3/20 7 p.c. Stout build; clasped hands over heart Kittle, Alexander, Thompson, M.C. Christchurch order (2 charges) with D. McK. on left arm. (See Police 2/12/19 idle and disorderly 3 months Scotland .. bootmaker 1863 5 71 dark .. dark brown .. large 1/3/20 13 p.c. F.P. Scar on head and on right Wilson alias Soper drunkenness .. 48 hours Gazette, 1917, page 107.) M.C. brown .. thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 136.) Paparua — Hiram Cox, Christchurch 19/1/20 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 9 4 dark black medium 2/3/20 10 p.c. Scar on nose. F.P. Arrested, 3/2/20. M.C. month (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 698.) Alexander, Thompson, James Alfred, Christchurch Timaru S.C. 2/12/19 22/10/18 disorderly idle charges) months 3 2 years Scotland Zealand bootmaker labourer 1863 1875 5 5 n si dark . fresh . dark brown brown . blue large large 1/3/20 5/3/20 right head p.c. Photographed left p.c. alias Evans, James, at Paparua, 1/8/16. Discharged on remission. alias Clarke, James, alias Soper Mason, George light brown (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 621.) M.C. thumb. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 3 36.) Hiram .Cox, George Christchurch S.C. 19/1/20 29/10/19 maintenance default theft 1arrears months Zealand Zealand labourer andclerk 1880 1890 5 5 9 k H dark fair grey .. medium 27/1/20 Two moles on left forearm ; mole on right wrist; black brown .. medium 2/3/20 10 p.c. Scar on nose. F.P. Arrested, 3/2/20. hairdresser right leg amputated below knee ; first joint of one right finger enlarged ; scar on left little finger and on right forefinger. F.P. This is in lieu of the notice on page 106 of this Gazette, where the number of charges is inM.C. month brown blue (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 698.) Alfred, Addington correct. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 708.) Timaru S.C. 22/10/18 theft (3 charges) 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 S£ fresh .. large 5/3/20 13 p.c. Scar on left thigh. F.P. Photographed at Paparua, 1/8/16. Discharged on'remission. James, alias Selina, Parker, alias Christchurch 3/7/19 keeping a house of ill 1 year N. Zealand prostitute .. 1878 5 5 ruddy .. fair grey .. medium 3/4/20 Scar under left eye. Discharged on remission. alias Clarke, James, Reid, alias M.C. fame F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 54.) George alias LenoraBennie, light brown (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 621.) assault 1 month George Lyttelton— hazel .. Timaru S.C. 29/10/19 theft .. 3 months N. Zealand clerk and 1890 5 H fair grey .. medium 27/1/20 Two moles on left forearm ; mole on right wrist; hairdresser right leg amputated below knee ; first joint of one right finger enlarged ; scar on left little finger and on right forefinger. F.P. This is in lieu of the notice on page 106 of this Gazette, where tbe number of charges is inAddington Stephen Wright, correct. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 708.) Lyttelton 1/3/20 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. seaman 1888 5 2 fresh .. brown medium 1/3/20 T.G. on left forearm ; B on left middle finger ; M.C. casting offensive matter fine or 14 days S on left ring-finger ; I on left little finger. F.P. Fines paid. Parker, Cook, . Christchurch Lyttelton 3/7/19 2/3/20 ill a keeping obscene language fine or 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1898 5 31 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 3/3/20 Scar on left calf, on left elbow, on back, on each 1 year N. Zealand prostitute .. 1878 5 5 ruddy .. fair grey . • medium 3/4/20 Scar under left eye. Discharged on remission. M.C. lip, and under chin. F.P. Fine paid. Reid, alias McLaughlin, Daniel M.C. Lyttelton fame F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 54.) 4/3/20 drunk and disorderly . fine or 14 days Ireland fireman 1879 5 7 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 4/3/20 Boil-scar on left side of neck. F.P. Fine M.C. paid. LenoraBennie, Invercargill assault 1 month Lyttelton— Ballard, hazel .. Masterton 5/8/19 theft 1 month and 6 England .. steward 1901 5 4f fresh .. light brown blue medium 3/3/20 F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 19/9/19. M.C. months’ reformative detention Lyttelton 1/8/20 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. seaman 1888 5 2 fresh .. brown medium 1/3/20 T.G. on left forearm ; B on left middle finger ; M.C. casting offensive matter fine or 14 days • S on left ring-finger; I on left little finger. F.P. Fines paid. Stephen Wright, Cook, 2/3/20 obscene language fine or 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1898 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 3/3/20 Scar on left calf, on left elbow, on back, on each Lyttelton lip, and under chin. F.P. Fine paid. M.C. Lyttelton 4/3/20 drunk and disorderly .. fine or 14 days Ireland fireman 1879 5 7 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 4/3/20 Boil-scar on left side of neck. F.P. Fine M.C. paid. McLaughlin, DanielInvercargill medium Ma s te r ton 5/8/19 theft 1 month and 6 England .. steward 1901 5 4f fresh .. light brown blue .. 3/3/20 P.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 19/9/19. M.C. months’ reformative detention Ballard, Vivian


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLV, Issue 11, 17 March 1920, Page 174

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLV, Issue 11, 17 March 1920, Page 174

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLV, Issue 11, 17 March 1920, Page 174

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