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(From New Zealand Gazette , 1919, pages 650, 856, 857, and 880.) Special Re<jillations for Deer-shooliiuj, Waitaki. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William cle Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the conditions under which certain red deer may be destroyed in the Waitaki Acclimatization District.

REGULATIONS. 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the regulations made under the Animals Protection Act, 1908, dated 13th February, 1919, the Secretary of the VVaitaki Acclimatization Society of Oamaru, or any person or persons duly authorized in writing by such Secretary, may, during the period hereinafter mentioned, kill red deer of either sex and of any age which, in the opinion ot the said Secretary or of the said authorized persons, should be destroyed either by reason of age, deformity, or other physical imperfection. 2. Such deer may be destroyed as aforesaid from the date hereof to 31st December, 1919. 3. A return shall be furnished to the Minister of Internal Affairs by the said Secretary within one calendar month after the expiry of the aforesaid period, and such return shall state the number and sexes of all red deer so destroyed as aforesaid, the dates and name of person by whom and the locality in which the deer were destroyed. 4. The said Secretary may, with the authority of the said society, authorize the sale, either by auction or otherwise, during the currency of these regulations of deer destroyed pursuant to these regulations, and of the meat and skins of such deer; provided that the proceeds derived from such sale shall be devoted to patriotic purposes. 4a. The said Secretary shall, on or before the 3 1st day of January, 1920, furnish a statement of the moneys received from such sale and of the patriotic purpose or purposes to which they were devoted. 5. Any person who commits a breach of any of the provisions of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £2O. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this twenty second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. G. W. RUSSELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

IS pedal Regulations for Deer-shooting, Otago. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908. I, Arthur William do Brito Savile. Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations prescribing the conditions under which certain red deer may be destroyed in the Otago Acclimatization District.

REGULATIONS. 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the regulations made under the Animals Protection Act, 1908, dated 13th February, 1919, the Secretary of the Otago Acclimatization Society at Dunedin, or any person or persons duly authorized in writing by such Secretary, may, during the period hereinafter mentioned, kill red deer of either sex and of any age which, in the opinion of the said Secretary or of the said authorized persons, should be destroyed either by reason of age, deformity, or other physical imperfection. 2. Such deer may be destroyed as aforesaid from the date hereof to 31st December, 1919. 3. A return shall be furnished to the Minister of Internal Affairs by the said Secretary within one calendar month after the expiry of the aforesaid period, and such return shall state the number and sexes of all red deer so destroyed as aforesaid, the dates and name of person by whom and the locality in which the deer were destroyed. 4. The said Secretary may, with the authority of the said society, authorize the sale, either by auction or otherwise, during the currency of these regulations of deer destroyed pursuant to these regulations, and of the meat and skins of such deer ; provided that the proceeds derived from such sale shall be devoted to patriotic purposes. 4a. The said Secretary shall, on or before the 31st day ot January, 1920, furnish a statement of the moneys received from such sale and of the patriotic purpose or purposes to which they were devoted. 5. Any person who commits a breach of any of the provisions of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £2O. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, this twenty-second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. G. W. RUSSELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Revoking and cancelling Permits for Collections, receiving or raising Moneys for War Funds. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 27th February, 1919. OWING to the cessation of hostilities and the early return of the New Zealand Forces, the necessity for raising further money for certain War Funds no longer exists. In pursuance of section 33, subsection (0), of the War Legislation Act, 1917, all existing permits to raise money on behalf of the societies controlling the following War Funds are hereby revoked and cancelled:— Blue Cross Fund. Catholic Federation Field Service Fund. Chaplains and Nurses Fund. Church of England Military Affairs Committee. Equipment Gifts and Parcels for Soldiers and Sailors. Methodist Church Military Camps Committee. Mine Sweepers. Navy League Ladies Auxiliary. Presbyterian Church Chaplains and Camp Funds. Prisoners of War Fund. Red Cross Fund. Sewing and Knitting Guilds. Salvation Army War Fund. Trench Comforts Fund. Tobacco Funds for Overseas. Women’s National Reserve Fund. Y.M.C.A. War Fund. Should the Executive of any of the above funds desire to make a special appeal for a particular purpose, full consideration will be given on application being made. All permits for patriotic shops are hereby revoked and can celled, unless specially approved for the augmentation of funds controlled by patriotic societies empowered to grant relief and assistance to soldiers and dependants. Generally the issue of further permits should be restricted to the raising of funds to be expended by incorporated societies and those administering funds for the direct benefit of soldiers and dependants. As this arrangement will tend to materially decrease the number of permits, the monthly returns of permits issued hitherto supplied to the War Funds Office by Mayors, Chairmen of local bodies, and other persons authorized may be discontinued. In the absence of a return it will be assumed that no permits whatever have been issued, but it is desirable in order to supervise collections that notification should be given in every case where permits are granted. Where any doubt exists as to whether a particular permit should be issued, a collect telegram to the Department will receive prompt attention. G. W. RUSSELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

RESOLUTION. THE following regulations were laid before the members of the Stratford Racing Club at a meeting held on the 30th December, 1918, at Stratford, with a recommendation by the Chairman of the Club, Mr. W. J. Morrison, that the same be passed at once with a view to their approval by the Governor-General, in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. Mr. W. J. Morrison, the Chairman of the Club and the Meeting, moved, and Mr. D. J. Malone seconded, and it was resolved, that such regulations should be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof. The following are the regulations referred to : STRATFORD RACING CLUB. Regulations. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908.) In pursuance and exercise of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming. Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Stx-at-ford Racing Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as “ the said club ”), doth hereby revoke the regulations dated the 17th day of November, 1915, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to Lots 7,8, 9, and 10 of Section 6, and Lots 11 and 12 of Sections 6, 7, and 8, and part 2of Sections 3,4, and 5, all in Block 11, situate in the district of Ngaire, and known as the Stratford Racecourse, while the said racecourse is used or occupied by the said club for race meetings.

1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. In these regulations the words “ bookmaker,” “ racing club,” and “ race meeting ” shall have the meanings ascribed to those torms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded from the racecourse above described while the same is used or occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely,— (a.) Bookmakers. (b.) Bookmakers’ clerks, bookmakers’ assistants, and bookmakers’ agents. (r.) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere, if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Association, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference. (d.) Common prostitutes, and persons who habitually consort with thieves or with persons who have no lawful visible means of support.

(e.) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of housebreaking or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counterfeit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind under the Crimes Act, 1908; and also idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming Act, 1908. The foregoing regulations of the Stratford Racing Club were mafic and passed by the Stratford Racing Club on the 30th day of December, 1918, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. W. J. MORRISON, Chairman. ALFRED COLEMAN, Secretary. The foregoing regulations of the Stratford Racing Club are hereby approved this 12th day of March, 1919. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.

No. of Watch. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. Ladies’ (2) gold hunting Elgin Ernest William John Smith, Featherston .. 1919. Page 4 Ladies’ (2) gold Omega Ernest William John Smith, Featherston .. „ 4 5558084 Gentlemen’s silver hunting wristlet Omega Horace William Landon Lane, Mount Cook „ 4 108259 Gentlemen's gold hunting Swiss .. Thomas Strange, Auckland „ 39 Gentlemen’s silver open-face wristlet .Joseph Riordan, Auckland „ 39 Gentlemen’s silver Geneva Florence Nellie Herrick, Auckland 40 Ladies’ silver .. Florence Nellie Herrick, Auckland „ 40 Gentlemen’s metal open-face Boyproof Dennis Sloane, Hastings „ 40 Gentlemen’s (144) nickel Westclox Boyproof Blackball Coal Company, Wellington „ 41 Ladies’ gun-metal wristlet Gentlemen’s nickel open-face wristlet Walter James Helyer, Wellington „ 41 80120 Charles Ward, Wellington „ 41 251930 Ladies’ gold half-hunting Rotherhams Estate of the late Ellen Douds, Christchurch „ 41 102953 Ladies’ silver open-face Geneva .. Alfred Winterbourn, Christchurch „ 41 244253 Gentlemen’s gold Waltham James Kirk, Auckland .. 58 Gentlemen’s silver open-face John Taberner, Parnell „ 58 Gentlemen’s gold hunting Albert Edward Braund, Ponsonby „ 69 412239 Ladies' gold oval open-face wristlet Albert Edward Braund, Ponsonby „ 69 Ladies’ silver open-face keyless wristlet .. Albert Edward Braund, Ponsonby „ 69 Ladies’ silver open-face.. Albert Edward Braund, Ponsonby „ 69 Gentlemen’s silver hunting keyless Albert Edward Braund, Ponsonby „ 69 Gentlemen’s small gun-metal keyless Albert Edward Braund, Ponsonby „ 69 10511 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold hunting Swiss William Parson, Newton „ 69 6843 Gentlemen’s silver hunting lever.. William Parson, Newton „ 69 Ladies’ silver open-face keyless .. William Shera, Auckland „ 69 Ladies’ gold hunting keyless Joseph Stanley, Christchurch „ 70 Ladies’ gold open-face .. George Richard Marshall, Wairoa „ 83 1983290 Gentlemen’s gold hunting chronometer Baume Frank Higgitt, Upper Hutt pages 83 Gentlemen’s silver hunting Rotherhams .. Michael Miley, Otira and 193 page 83 Gentlemen’s gun-metal keyless .. Lediard and Kingsford, Newton .. „ 103 Ladies’ gold hunting engraved Gentlemen’s nickel (Inventic) John Andrew Rodgers, Taumarunui „ 119 John Pollock, Christchurch ,. 119 Gentlemen’s silver open-face Samuel Edward Denniston, Newmarket .. „ 131 698959 Gentlemen’s gold Swiss wristlet .. Alfred Wilberforce George, Palmerston North „ 149 Gentlemen’s gold open-face Swiss Alfred Wilberforce George, Palmerston North „ 149 1193783 Gentlemen’s silver open-face Acme Samuel Pinder, Auckland „ 165 16026545 Gentlemen’s gold hunting Elgin .. Thomas Wilmot, Palmerston North „ 165 Ladies’ gold hunting keyless Horace Reuben Mansfield, Christchurch .. „ 166 Gentlemen’s silver hunting English lever .. William Williams, Huntly „ 179 906 Gentlemen’s Elgin (hunting) Antoni Stepich, Auckland „ 193 Gentlemen’s metal open-face John Muir, Clive „ 193

RETURN OF WATCHES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1919 (For preceding list see Police Gazette, 1919, page 8.)

Description. Police Bicycle. Owner’s Name and Address. Gazette Referenca. Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Peter McCallum, Napier 1919. Page 4 143352 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. ., Christopha Blenkhorn, Hastings .. „ 4 2543 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Kent John Matheson, Christchurch „ 4 6107 Ladies’ Speedwell Gentlemen’s Imperial Rover Jessie W. B. Wade, Timaru .. 4 30559 William Henry Walton, Timaru . . 255 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Arnold Redders Martin, Timaru .. ,, 5 1373 Gentlemen’s American .. Joseph Theodore Chesterfield, Auckland .. 39 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. James Forrest, Auckland ., 39 Gentlemen’s red-painted B.S.A. .. William Thomas Monteith. Auckland .. 40 13082 Gentlemen’s Eureka Leonard Williams, Parnell ., 40 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Charles Wellmann, Paeroa .. 40 Gentlemen’s Singer Henry Harman, Napier .. .. 40 12333 Gentlemen’s red-painted Reg. Goldfinch, Napier .. .. 40 40815 Ladies’ B.S.A... Mary O’Neill, Hastings .. .. 40 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Frederick William Oakley Gaulton, Hastings ., 40 7107 Gentlemen’s Cordery Leslie Stveo, Christchurch .. 41 5299 Ladies’ Kent .. Winifred Pickering, Christchurch. . .. 41 445 Gentlemen’s A. I. Special Adams William Bowyer Watson, Christchurch Silvertown Company, Christchurch „ 41 8114 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Adams .. 41 22240 and Gentlemen’s Imperial Swift Harry Stuart, Christchurch „ 41 571609 23948 Gentlemen’s Anglo Special Ernest James Turner, Christchurch 41 25628 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. William Henry Blowers, Christchurch .. 41 944 and OH 8769 Gentlemen’s Triumph (motor) Philip Henry Jones, Christchurch „ 41 33902 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Arthur George Jacobs, Christchurch ., 41 Gentlemen’s Beaton and Ulrich .. John Sinclair, Christchurch ., 41 54355 596661 Gentlemen’s Victor .. - Gentlemen’s Superb Swift Patrick Carey, Christchurch James Osborne, Christchurch „ 41 „ 42 23564 8031 Gentlemen’s Swift Charles Batchelor, Christchurch . . „ 42 6754 Gentlemen’s Wearwell .. John Johnstone, Dunedin „ 42 433 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Albert McConnachie, Dunedin „ 42 .. 59 28675 Gentlemen’s Rover Edward Lewis, Wellington 1136D Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Fairburn, Wright, and Co., Wellington „ 59 Gentlemen’s Swift Michael O’Brien, Christchurch .. 59 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Arthur Thomson, Christchurch . . ., 59 820 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Stella Guy, Christchurch .. 59 1082 Ladies’ Star H. C. Percy, Ashburton ,. 59 Gentlemen’s Springaway Walter McCallum, Temuka „ 59 59 323236 Gentlemen’s Tourist William Hornby, Dunedin 971 and Gentlemen’s Dart George Chapman, Timaru .. „ 70 169843 7205 Ladies’ B.S.A. George Chapman, Timaru .. 70 Gentlemen’s Invieta Reginald Rested, Hamilton ., 83 4260 Gentlemen’s Victor Peter Jelavieh, Hamilton ,. 83 „ 83 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Norman Gardener, Hamilton 129615 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Thomas Anderson, Hastings „ 83 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Robert Davidson, Christchurch .. 83 643560 Gentlemen’s Royal Club Swift Eugene Francis Sullivan, Christchurch .. 83 B. 29860 Ladies’ Royal Enfield .. George Findlay, Hastings ,. 103 5831 Gentlemen’s Hobart Charles Bennet, Masterton .. 103 66136 Gentlemen’s Empire Bannatyne and Co., Wellington . .. 103 Gentlemen’s Victor B.S.A. John Jackson, Christchurch .. 103 Gentlemen’s Banfield Ernest Clark, Christchurch ,. 103 192 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Andrew Cecil Dickson, Napier .. 119 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. .. N.Z. Government (Defence Department), ., 119 49014 Napier Gentlemen’s Governor .. W. J. S. Hayward, Wellington . . .. 119 Gentlemen’s Hollis William Anderson, Ashburton ,. 119 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Sidney Walter Davis, Hamilton . „ 131 Gentlemen’s S. A. Ogilvie, Hamilton. . ,. 131 534885 Gentlemen’s Club Swift.. Albert William Styles, Christchurch „ 132 „ 132 2381 Gentlemen’s Butler James Kyle, Christchurch 18 Gentlemen’s blue-enamelled Gamage Horace Charles Ewing, Christchurch .. 132 2724 Gentlemen’s Swift Frank Carson, Christchurch .. 132 9325 Gentlemen’s Victor Stanley Wilkinson, Christchurch ., 132 321 S. Gentlemen s blue-enamelled Rawson and Low Leonard Arthur Cox, Christchurch „ 132 2395 or 2936 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Winner Clarence W. Frederick Higgott, Christchurch „ 132 Gentlemen’s Douglas (motor) Dr. Chesson, Christchurch 132 5757 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled William John Ward, Timaru .. 132 * 53017 Gentlemen’s Victor Charles Bourke, Christchurch .. 149 4884 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled Frederick Warren, Christchurch . . „ I 165 .. 165 1519 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled free-wheel Kenneth Burns Bain. Christchurch Gentlemen’s Speedy B.S.A. William John Barnett, Christchurch ,. 166 S.O. 1631 Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield Robert Ashworth, Christchurch . . ,. | 166 .. f 166 Gentlemen’s Douglas (motor) Alexander Joseph Mcllroy, Gore 14482 Gentlemen’s Wanderer .. Herbert Vincent Tattley, Hamilton ,. g 179 § 179 .. 179 27424 Gentlemen’s B.S.A Andrew Kermode, Ashburton 48433 Gentlemen’s Falcon William Frederick Brock. Waimate 3094 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled George Clark, Gisborne . . .. 193 299841 Gentlemen’s black-enamelled James Daly, Westport . . ,. § 193 .. 193 Gentlemen’s Raleigh Daniel Maloney, Westport 5561 Gentlemen’s Marvel Gamage James Thomas Hussey, Christchurch „• 193

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1910. (For preceding list see Police Gazette, 1919, page 9.)

bO T Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. i 1 Native of | 1 Trade. d | Height 1 1 Complexion. 1 Hair. Eyes. . Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. P.G. Walker, Alfred Robert Auckland 19/3/19 assault fined £1 England .. quarter1888 ft. in. 5 9 fresh .. brown blue .. medium Dragon, snake, and eagle, &o., on right upper misohief (damage to cap) fined 10s. master arm; flowerpot with roses, clasped hands across heart, woman’s bust, and two birds on right forearm; tiger, shamrock, rose, and thistle on left forearm ; scar on left cheek. Hughes, John William Auokland 20/3/191 breach of the peace to keep the Australia .. traveller ..; 1870 5 7 fair brown grey .. medium Cashmore, Arthur William .. Auckland 20/3/19; breach of the peaoe to keep the N. Zealand clerk 1887 5 8 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Stout build. Ross, Joseph William Auckland 22/3/19 theft peace to an industrial school N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1907 5 0 fair red blue medium 2 p.c. not gazetted. Allowed piobation. Doran, Charles Alison Auckland 17/3/19 theft (3 charges) 1 year’s probaN. Zealand chemist 1888 5 31 dark .. blaok hazel .. medium tion and to make restituMoyle, Joseph Edward Auckland 17/3/19 breach of the peace tion fined £1 England .. labourer 1871 5 4 sallow .. dark brown .. medium 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 633.) Browne, David Bryden, alias Auckland 17/3/19 drunkenness .. convicted and Ireland labourer 1870 5 3 fresh .. dark brown .. medium 7 p.c. (5 for drunkenness and 2 for maintenance) Brownlee, David breach of the peace discharged fined £1 not gazetted. Nevatt, Ernest Edwin Auckland 18/3/19 theft (5 charges) to come up if England .. traveller 1868 5 61 fair light brown gr’y-blue long Photographed at Auckland, 18/3/19. (See called on, prohibited, and to make res- • Police Gazette , 1919, page 192.) . titution Round scar on left forearm; operation-soar on right side of abdomen. Photographed at Nevatt, Norman Seymour .. Auckland 18/3/19 theft (4 charges) to come up if called on, proEngland .. salesman .. 1895 5 7 fair light brown blue .. long hibited, and to make restitution Auckland, 18/3/19. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 192.) Woman’s head, ship, clasped hands, and TRUE Hamilton, William .. Auckland 18/3/19 theft to make restiScotland .. fireman 1879 5 H fresh .. brown blue .. small tution LOVE on right forearm; soldier, cross, and woman on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 14/3/19. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 33.) May, Walter Onehunga .. 24/2/19 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand blacksmith 1871 5 41 fresh .. light brown grey . medium See Police Gazette, 1917, page 90. McNair, Livingstone Forsyth Gisborne 1 19/3/19 theft 1 year’s probation fined £3 and to N. Zealand farm hand .. 1900 5 1 n fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium Small face ; small soar on front of right wrist. Reardon, Daniel . -. Gisborne 18/3/19 wilfully damaging winN. Zealand cook 1884 5 n fresh black brown .. medium Harp, shamrock, and ERIN GO BRAGH on dows pay damage light brown !. blue broad right forearm. g g ff>er Hansen, Charles Edward, Wairoa 15/3/19 attempted theft fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 91 sallow .. 3 p.c. Dagger on left arm ; ring on left middle alias Harris, George finger. Photographed at Waiotapu, 29/4/06. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 192.) Dael, Romance Khare N. Plymouth 13/3/19 idle and disorderly (into Army Home Mexico show-girl .. 1898 5 3 fair fair, short .. brown .. broad sufficient means) theft to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1906 4 8 pale flaxen blue, medium Wears spectaoles. Lints, Lionel N. Plymouth 22/3/19 school 1 | weak

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. ' Born. Height Com- 1 plexion. j Hair. Eyes. Nose. ! Distinguishing Marks, &c. Hickey, James Patea 13/2/19 obscene language fined £5 Ireland labourer 1870 ft. in. 5 8£ fresh .. fair, turning blue .. medium grey medium Smith, Hubert Patea 13/3/19 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand milker 1893 5 7* dark .. brown brown .. Webb, William Carter Hastings 7/3/19 inaeoenoy convicted and England .. cook 1856 5 4 sallow .. grey blue .. medium See Police Gazette, 1911, page 474. Turner, Eva, alias Turner, Julia Winifred Wanganui .. 22/3/19 theft (2 charges) discharged to come up if N. Zealand waitress 1894 5 3£ dark dark brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1912, page 682. called on medium Fibbis, Andrew Wanganui .. 22/3/19 theft (2 charges) to come up if N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1909 4 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. called on medium Taylor, Wilson David Wanganui .. 17/3/19 not under proper control to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1906 4 4 fresh .. dark blue and theft school medium McFarlane, Herbert Waipukurau 14/3/19 drunk while in charge to come up if N. Zealand insurance 1884 5 10 dark .. black brown .. of a motor-car called on agent medium Two prominent front teeth. Haxton, Frederick.. Carterton 20/3/19 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand labourer and 1899 5 8 fair brown brown .. tion and to make restitution taxi-driver medium Rogers, Latham .. Wellington .. 17/3/19 assault to pay medical N. Zealand soldier 1889 5 8 sallow .. fair hazel .. Right wrist has been broken. expenses • assaulting police fined £2 resisting police convicted and discharged wilful damage to pay damage N. Zealand fresh .. medium Oliver, Edward Ernest Wellington .. 17/3/19 drunk and disorderly .. convicted and soldier and 1895 5 5h brown blue discharged mechanic resisting police convicted and Hardy, John, alias Paton, Wellington .. 18/3/19 theft discharged to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1905 4 10 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium John school medium Richardson. James William Wellington .. 18/3/19 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 England .. fireman 1887 5 8 fresh .. brown brown .. Blaney, Felix Wellington .. 20/3/19 obscene language indecency fined £3 fined £2 Ireland fireman 1888 5 8 sallow .. dark blue .. medium Hand aoross heart and TRUE LOVE on right forearm. Barrett, Edward Gregory .. Wellington .. 21/3/19 theft to come up if called on and N. Zealand carter 1879 5 7 dark .. dark brown .. long, pointed • • to make restitution medium 1 p.c. in Australia; large mouth; mole over Scoble, Alice Ahaura 3/3/16 breach of Midwives Act fined £1 Ireland nurse 1869 5 3 dark .. dark brown grey .. right eye. This is inserted in lieu of the notice on page 635 of Police Gazette, 1916, M' • ' , " ' large where the date of trial is incorrect. (O.R., 16/327.) (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 777.) Armstrong, Thomas Akaroa 12/3/19 obscene language to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 9 dark .. dark dark .. called on Shadbolt, Lawrence Akaroa 12/3/19 obscene language to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 11 dark .. dark dark .. medium called on

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates Courts, but not sent to Gaol — continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. McBride, Alexander Timaru 11/3/19 drunkenness .. convicted and N. Zealand labourer .. 1887 ft. in. 5 10 fresh .. dark brown grey .. large Mole on bridge of nose. obscene language discharged to come up if called on Carr, Joseph James Waimate 22/3/19 theft convicted and N. Zealand labourer and 1894 5 9| pale dark brown grey .. medium Two scars on right arm, near elbow. Gazette , 1919, page 186.) (See Police discharged upholsterer Small, David Middlemarch 19/3/19 drunkenness .. fined £1 N. Zealand farmer 1879 5 9 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium See Police Gazette, 1918, page 691. obscene language fined £4 Walker, Annie Maria Parker Dunedin 20/3/19 theft to Army Home N. Zealand domestio .. 1884 5 1* pale dark brown brown .. straight .. See Police Gazette, 1918, page 320. for 1 year Roberts, William .. Dunedin 20/3/19 theft to come up if Scotland .. dealer and 1877 5 6£ fresh .. grey blue medium , , * 1 p.c. Scar on tip of left middle finger. P.P. called on contractor Photographed, 20/3/19. Williamson, Mary Elizabeth Dunedin 20/3/19 drunkenness .. convicted and N. Zealand domestic .. 1879 5 44 florid .. dark blue medium The second sentence is for the offence referred to discharged in Police Gazette, 1918, page 253. (See Police 3/4/18 indecency to Army Home Gazette, 1918, page 253.) for 1 year Witchall, John Dunedin 21/3/19 assault convioted and Scotland .. labourer 1859 5 8 sallow .. dark brown .. medium 1 p.c. indecent language discharged fined £1 Te Au, John Katimira .. Orepuki 11/3/19 breach of the peace oonvicted and aboriginal sawmill hand 1897 5 11 brown .. blaok dark br. medium Scar on left leg. discharged

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol —continued.

■ a Complexion. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. U O « op W Hair. Eyes. Nose. charged. | (p p_indicates tha t finger-impressions nave been talc:-' Auckland — ft. in. 3 p.c. Woman on right forearm; crescent and Fisher, Michael Auckland 15/3/19 assault fine or 1 month Ireland seaman 1873 5 5* fresh .. light brown blue .. long 17/3/19 M.C. star between each thumb and forefinger; ship and woman on left forearm; tree, star, rose, shamrock, and thistle on back of left hand ; scar on each calf and on left thigh. F.P. Portion of fine paid. (See Police Gazette , 1913, page 507.) Anderson, Mona, alias Auckland 20/2/19 escaping from Army 1 month and to Australia .. domestic .. 1897 5 H fair light brown, grey .. medium 19/3/19 2 p.c. Artificial teeth. F.P. (S ee Police Gazette, Hefferon, alias GrenM.C. Home be returned short 1919, page 159.) fell to Home 1 p.c. Right ring and little fingers have been Tumanake Maniapoto .. Te Awamutu 18/10/18 breach of his prohibition fine or 7 days aboriginal labourer 1889 5 9| copper.. blaok dark br. broad 19/3/19 M.C. order broken; left elbow injured ; scar on left little breach of his prohibition fine or 14 days finger, on each cheek, and over right eye. order First and second sentences cumulative. Ar20/12/18 breach of his prohibition fine or 3 months rested, 20/12/18. order Te Kuiti M.C. 17/11/18 taking liquor into a fine or 1 month proclaimed area Scars on right ring-finger, on left forearm, on Crangle, George Edward Auckland 13/3/19 theft fine or 2 months England .. fireman 1895 5 6* fresh .. auburn brown .. medium 19/3/19 M.C. right shin, and on left knee and thigh. F.P. Portion of fine paid. Photographed at Auckland, 13/3/19. Raine, John .. A u o k 1 a n d M.C. 13/3/19 theft fine or 2 months England .. fireman 1891 5 2 sallow .. dark brown hazel .. medium 19/3/19 Triangle, cross, J.R., and four dots on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/3/19. Portion of fine paid. Barker, James Au oklana 13/3/19 theft fine or 2 months England .. seaman 1895 5 6 fair brown blue .. medium 19/3/19 Eagle, ship, women’s heads, buoy, flag, MARY, M.C. JAMES BARKER, and LIZZIE KEENLEY- : . SIDE on right forearm; orossed hands, woman’s head, and TRUE LOVE on back of left band. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/3/19. Portion of fine paid. Wrack, William AlexAuckland 21/2/19 answering questions 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 9 fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium 20/3/19 Scar on left jaw. F.P. Photographed at Auckander M.C. falsely land, 21/2/19. Johnston, George LawAu o k 1 a n d 17/12/18 illegally assuming name 3 months on N. Zealand oook 1889 5 7 sallow .. dark brown blue .. medium 22/3/19 6 p.c. Anchor and heart on left forearm ; flowers rence, alias Wilson, William, alias Ropp M.C. (2 charges) each on back of left hand; right little finger contracted. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 520.) 18 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page Molloy, Isabella, alias Auckland 14/10/18 loitering for the purpose 6 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1878 5 0 fair red blue .. small 22/3/19 Jessop M.C. of prostitution 107.) Shiels, Robert, alias Rotorua M.C. 24/2/19 supplying liquor to sol1 month Sootland .. porter 1874 5 6 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 22/3/19 3 p.c. Burn-scar on right forearm ; two burnShiels, John dier in hospital scars on left forearm ; two scars on left shin ; lump on left side of neck. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 166.) Pickering, Lizzie, altos Auckland 18/3/19 breach of her prohibition fine or 7 days aboriginal domestic .. 1876 5 34 copper.. blaok brown.. broad 22/3/19 4 p.o. I on right wrist; scar on left forearm; McCoy, alias Sweeney M.C. order ears pierced. Portion of fine paid. (S ee Police Gazette, 1919, page 188.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisouer. Where tried, j When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 3 op ’® W Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken., Rotorua — ' ft. in. Butler, Andrew, alias Butler, Andrew Whakatane 21/2/19 drunkenness .. obscene language fine or 48 hours 1 month N. Zealand labourer and contractor 1877 5 7J fresh .. dark brown .. fiat 20/3/19 Nearly all teeth missing; scar over right eye. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 117.) Michael, alias Butler, Michael Hall, Victor Ivan * Whakatane 21/2/19 drunkenness obscene language fine or 48 hours 1 month Australia .. labourer 1894 5 6 fair brown grey .. medium 20/3/19 Sinews of right leg contracted; walks lame; stout build. Kaingaroa— 2 p.c. Left thumb-nail has been crushed ; small scar on back of head ; right leg has been broken at ankle ; scar and mole on right arm. Smith, Bernard, alias Haulsten Wellington S.C. 2/2/14 indecent assault 7 years N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 5f dark .. black brown .. medium 18/3/19 Waikeria— Kreegher, Rudolph Edward Palmerston N. S.C. 19/2/17 sheep-stealing 3 years N. Zealand farmer 1892 5 8 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 11/3/19 Scar under left eye, on left forearm and elbow, on left upper arm, and on right leg. F.P. Not received in time for previous return. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 133.) Murray, James, alias Murray, Daly Wanganui S.C. 23/5/16 assault and robbery .. 1£ years and 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 6 fresh .. dark brown grey .. broken .. 12/3/19 Scar over right eye and on left wrist. F.P. Not received in time for previous return. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 416.) ■ New Plymouth — Soar on right arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 638.) Lindsay, Stephen Earl, alias Williams, James Hawera M.C. 20/2/19 theft idle and disorderly 1 month 1 month N. Zealand carpenter .. 1876 5 11 fair brown green .. medium 19/3/19 Cunningham, Robert Francis Auckland S.C. 25/10/12 buggery 10 years Australia .. labourer 1891 5 6 sallow .. brown hazel .. medium 20/3/19 Photographed at Auckland, 14/10/12. Released on probationary license. Terrill, Leonard Thomas N. Plymouth M.C. 24/2/19 theft 1 month N. Zealand farm hand .. 1902 5 3£ pale dark brown grey .. long 22/3/19 Slim build; scar on front of right wrist. F.P. Transferred to an industrial school. Napier— 21 p.c. Scars on right forearm; woman’s bust on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1915, page 286.) Harrington, Francis, alias Preston, alias Beasly, alias Delaney, WaipawaM.C. 18/2/19 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 1 month Australia .. labourer and gardener 1863 5 6£ fresh .. brown, bald grey .. broken .. 17/3/19 alias Baly, alias Chapman, alias Bailey 1 p c. Scars on upper lip, on left side of mouth, on forehead, and on right cheek. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 145.) Heroock, John Robert .. Napier M.C. 8/3/19 drunkenness .. fine or 12 days N. Zealand jockey 1881 5 6| fresh .. black brown .. sharp 19/3/19 Lonergan, Edward Hastings M.C. 14/3/19 drunkenuess .. debt.. 48 hours 7 days Ireland labourer 1876 5 8 fresh .. light brown blue .. medium 20/3/19 Scar on left forefinger, on left shin, and on right forearm. F.P. Wellington— 1 p.c. Slim build; mole on left shoulder; no testicles; left little finger has been broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 541.) Thompson, Percy Daniel Bull’s M.C. .. 18/1/19 theft 2 months S. Africa .. labourer 1880 5 9} sallow .. dark brown browngrey sharp 17/3/19 Knight, Nolan Francis W o o d v i 11 e M.C. Court-martial Trentham 1 19/12/18 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand agent 1880 5 8 fair brown grey .. medium 18/3/19 Obliterated tattoo-mark on left upper arm. F.P. Shepherd, Charles Samuel, alias Wilson, Howard 2/12/18 deserting Expeditionary Force 112 days N. Zealand farmer 1882 5 111 sallow .. black, turning grey brown .. medium 18/3/19 1 p.c. Strong build. Photographed at Palmerston North, 29/11/10. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 271.) Sutton, Francis Leslie .. Court Martial Trentham 2/12/18 deserting Expeditionary Force 112 days N. Zealand mill owner.. 1895 5 71 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 18/3/19 Strong build. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. fl U ComHair. Eyes. Nobo. 1 WhendisRemarks, and Previous Convictions. ! M © H plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. ft. in. Butler, Peice Joseph Court-martial 2/12/18 deserting Expeditionary 112 days N. Zealand printer 1884 5 9 sallow .. brown brown .. medium 18/3/19 F.P. Trentham Force Harvey, William Charles, alias Harvey, Charles, Wei 1 i n g t o n M.C. 5/3/19 breaoh of his prohibition order 14 days England .. fireman 1885 5 4 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 18/3/19 20 p.c. Strong build ; emblem, two birds, double heart, C.H., and A.M. on right forearm; cast alias Humphrey, &c. in right eye ; club-feet. F.P. (See Police Matthews, Ernest, alias Jones, John Wellington M.C. 20/12/18 obscene language 3 months England . . labourer 1882 5 7f sandy .. fair It. brown oblique .. 19/3/19 Gazette , 1919, page 174.) Numerous p c. Indistinct tattooing on right fore- • arm ; left forefinger has been injured ; arms freckled. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1916, page Cairney, Joseph Wellington M.C. 15/3/19 ship-desertion 1 week Scotland .. fireman 1896 5 2ft dark .. black brown .. medium 21/3/19 638.) 1 p.c. Ship, scroll, and MARY on right forearm ; woman and snake on right upper arm; dragon on left upper arm; nude woman and snake on left forearm; birds and flowers on Pryse, John, alias Pryse, Wellington 5/3/19 breaoh of his prohibition fine or 1 month Wales labourer 1880 5 7 fair brown hazel .. medium 22/3/19 chest and back. F.P. Several p.c. Blue scar on forehead. F.P. PorJobe M.C. order tion of fine paid. (See Police Gazette , 1919, Collier, Robert, alias Collins, Robert, alias Alexander, alias Armstrong, alias Anderson, alias Wilson W ellington M.C. 10/3/19 breach of his prohibition order 14 days England .. labourer and driver 1871 5 6| dark .. brown, turning grey grey •• medium 22/3/19 page 160.) Numerous p.c. Scars on nose and over left eye ; three scars on forehead; harp, HOME, dano-ing-girl, heart, and clasped bands on left forearm; blue dot between left thumb and forefinger; dragon, flag, dagger, and woman on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Molloy, Mavis, alias A uckl and 14/10/18 loitering for the purpose 6 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1893 5 4£ dark .. dark brown hazel .. short 22/3/19 1919, page 160.) 5 p.c. Scar on inside of left hand, near thumb. Mellis, Phylis, alias Boyd M.C. of prostitution F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 590.) Paparua - Rogers, John William .. Addington— Court-Martial Trentham 23/10/17 disobeying a lawful command 2 years England .. cabinetmaker 1875 5 7 dark .. dark, turning grey brown . . large 22/3/19 Blue mark on one forefinger. F.P. (See PoliceGazette, 1916, page 615.) De Ceiss, Enitt, alias Linn Lyttelton — Auckland 22/3/16 rogue and vagabond .. 3 years’ reforBelgium .. wire-walker 1897 4 11 pale auburn hazel .. medium 21/3/19 F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/11/15. F.P. 8.C. mative detention (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 126.) Williams, Frederick James Christchurch M.C. 13/3/19 drunk and disorderly .. fine or 7 days England .. cook 1853 5 5£ fair grey blue medium 19/3/19 Scar on right groin. F.P. Bates, Edward Christchurch M.C. 16/1/19 debt.. amount or 7 days England .. taxi-driver .. 1869 5 9 dark .. brown brown medium 20/3/19 Arrested, 19/3/19. Amount paid. Dunedin — Dougherty, James LawDunedin M.C. 29/4/18 default of maintenance 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 6 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 20/3/19 Woman in tights on right forearm. Arrested, reuce Invercargill - 21/12/18. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 159.) Davey, Wilfred James .. Court-martial 1/2/18 disobeying a lawful com1$ years N. Zealand clerk 1896 5 9jr fresh .. dark brown .. medium 17/3/19 Small scar on right knee; small mole on right Hardwick, Thomas EdWellington BlenheimM.C. 10/10/17 mand theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 6£ fair light brown It. brown medium 19/3/19 side of neck. F.P. Discharged on remission. 3 p.o. Sear on back of right hand. F.P. Photoward Wellington 2/11/17 breaking, entering, and 2 years’ reforgraphed at Invercargill, 10/8/18. Released on 8.C. theft mative detention probationary license.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 13, 2 April 1919, Page 209

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 13, 2 April 1919, Page 209

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIV, Issue 13, 2 April 1919, Page 209

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