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(From Gazette, 1908, pages 2584, 2535, and 2536.) Regulations for Trout - fishing, Rotorua Acclimatisation District. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentyeighth day of September, 1908. Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Fisheries Act, 1908,” His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Rotorua Acclimatisation District and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eight, supersede all regulations at variance therewith, and such regulations are herebv revoked Regulations.

1. Licenses to fish for trout in all waters within that district or part of the North Island known as the Rotorua Acclimatisation District, described in the First Schedule hereto, and comprising the Counties of Rotorua, Whakatane, and East Taupo, and parts of the Counties of Wairoa, West Taupo, and Piako, may be issued under the hand of the General Manager of the Tourist and Health Resorts Department, or any one authorised in writing by the said General Manager in that behalf: Provided that the General Manager, or his appointee, may refuse to issue a license to any person who within the previous two years has been convicted of any breach of the provisions of any Act relating to fishing for trout, or of any regulation made thereunder. 2. The fee to be charged for a license as aforesaid to each male person over the age of sixteen years shall be twenty shillings. Licenses may also be issued to boys attending school or under the age of sixteen, or to women, at a reduced fee of five shillings for each license so issued : Provided that it shall be lawful for the said General Manager, or his appointee, in any case where application is made for a license on or after the twentieth day of December in any year, to issue a license to any man for the sum of twelve shillings and sixpence, but so that such license shall extend only from the time of granting the same until the termination of the then trout-fishing season. No license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. The General Manager, or his appointee, may issue a day license to any one applying for the same on payment of a fee of two shillings and sixpence for each day’s fishing. The several forms of license shall be those set forth in the Second Schedule hereto.

3. Any holder of a license may fish for trout in the abovenamed waters from the first day of November in any year to the thirty-first day of May in the following year, both inclusive ; but every such lioense shall he for one season only, and shall expire on the thirty-first day of May following the date on which it was issued, subjeot, however, to the special limitations and restrictions hereinafter mentioned. 4. Trout shall not be fished for, taken, or killed otherwise than with one rod and line ; but a landing-net or gaff may be used to secure any trout caught with such rod and line. No lures or baits other than natural or artificial flies, insects, or fish shall be used with such rod and line, nor shall any of the said lures or baits be used except upon a running line attached to a rod and reel; nor shall

any set rod or line be used for taking trout in any of the waters aforesaid.

5. No person shall use any bait or lure other than artificial fly in any of the streams following—namely, the Kaituna Stream from Lake Rotoiti to the electric-power station at the Okere Falls, the Waimakariri Stream, the Tahuna-atara or Whangapoa Stream, and the Ohau Channel. 6. No person shall use any bait or lure other than artificial fly within a radius of three hundred yards of the mouths (or outlets, as the case may be) of the following rivers, springs, or streams—namely, the Utuhina, the Fairy Spring, the Waiohiro, the Ngongotaha, the Awahou, the Hamurana, the Ohau Channel, and the Waingaelie, flowing into or from Lake Rotorua; the Ohau Channel, the Kaituna, the Wai-iti, and the Toroa, flowing into Lake Rotoiti; all streams flowing into Lakes Rotoehu and Rotoma ; the Wairoa, flowing from Lake Rotokakahi; and the Tarawera River, flowing from Lake Tarawera.

7. No person shall use any bait or lure other than artificial fly within a radius of three hundred yards from Te Ngae sunken reef in Lake Rotorua, as indicated by posts in the water.

8. No license shall be transferable, or be deemed to authorise any person other than the person named therein to fish.

9. No person shall take, fish for, or catch any Salmonidce or trout, or in any way injure or disturb the same, between the first day of June and the thirty-first day of October in any year, which period is hereby appointed a close season for all suoh fish. No person shall have in his possession any Salmonidce or trout between the fifth day of June and the first day of November following, whether frozen, chilled, or not: Provided always that this regulation shall not apply to fish caught by the General Manager, or his appointee, or officers of the Marine Department, for purposes of acclimatisation.

10. No person shall cast or throw into any stream or waters in which trout or salmon exist or have been liberated, or shall allow to flow into or place near the bank or margin of any such stream or waters, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, lime, sheep-dip, flax-mill refuse, or any other matter or liquid that is noxious, poisonous, or injurious to fish: Provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to prohibit the depositing in such stream of debris from any mining claim.

11. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in afiy manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, ,or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

12. No person shall fish for trout without a license; and every person fishing shall, on the demand of any Ranger, constable, officer of the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts, or of any person producing a license, give his true name and place of residence, and, on the like demand, produce and show to such Ranger, officer, constable, or person his license, and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing such trout. 13. Every trout not exceeding ten inches in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

14. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout; nor shall any of the abovementioned baits be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 15. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish with or use any net, or any instrument, or device, or means for taking Salmonidce or trout in any lake, river, or stream within the district aforesaid, or at the mouth or entrance of any such river or stream.

16. No fishing of the form known as trolling or spinning a bait from a boat, launch, or canoe shall be practised in Lakes Rotorua, Rotoiti, Rotoehu, Rotoma, and Tarawera within a radius of three hundred yards of the mouths (or outlets, as the case may be) of any of the following rivers, springs, or streams flowing into or from the said lakes or either of them—namely, the Utuhina, the Fairy Spring, the Ngongotaha, the Waited, the Awahou, the Hamurana, the Kaituna, the Waimakariri, the Tahunaatara or Whangapoa Stream, the Wairoa, the Tarawera River (outlet), the Ohau Channel (both inlet and outlet), and all streams flowing into Lakes Rotoehu and Rotoma. 17. Nothing herein contained, or contained in any license issued under these regulations, shall be deemed to authorise any person to fish for or take Salmonidce or trout in any of the following streams or waters —namely, the Utuhina Stream, the Fairy Spring, the Ngongotaha Stream, the Waiteti Stream, the Awahou Stream, the Hamurana Spring and Stream —all being streams flowing into Lake Rotorua, except during the period extending from the Ist day of December in any one year to the thirty-first day of March in the year following, both days inclusive. 18. Nothing herein contained, or contained in any license issued under these regulations, shall be deemed to authorise any person to fish for or take Salmonidce or trout from the Wairoa Stream between the waterfalls and Lake Tarawera.

19. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, or shall fish for the purpose of obtaining for sale, any trout, or any part thereof. 20. No person shall take or catch more than twenty-five fish or fifty pounds weight of trout in any one day, except in the case of Lake Okataina, where not more than fifteen fish or thirty pounds weight of trout may be taken in any one day. 21. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. 22. If any person shall bs convicted of an offence against these regulations, the license (if any) held by the offender shall thereupon become void.

FIRST SCHEDULE. Rotorua Acclimatisation District. All that area bounded towards the north generally by the Tauranga County from the north-eastern boundary of Piako County to the sea ; thence by the sea to the north-western corner of Opotiki County; thence towards the east generally by Opotiki and Cook Counties and the sea to Moeangiangi; thence towards the south generally by the leading spur and the southern watershed of the Waikare River to Taraponui Mountain ; thence by the leading spur to the confluence of the Mohaka River with the Waipunga River; thence by a right line to Tataraokino Mountain ; thence lay the eastern watershed of the Mokomokonui Stream to Pohokuna Mountain; thence by a line running due east to the Pukahunui Stream ; thence by the leading spur and the western water-

shed of the Te Hoe River to Maungataniwha Trig. Station ; thence by the north-eastern boundary of Heruiwi No. 4 Block to the northern boundary of the Wairoa County; thence by the Wairoa County to the Napier-Taupo Road; thence by Hawke’s Bay, Rangitikei, and Waimarino Counties to the Wanganui River ; thence towards the west generally by the Wanganui River to its confluence with the Ongaruha River; thence by the Ongaruhe River to its source ; thence by a right line to the summit of Mount Rangitoto; thence by a right fine to the summit of Puwhenua Mountain; thence by Piako County to the southern boundary of Tauranga County, the place of commencement.

SECOND SCHEDULE. Man’s [Woman’s] [Boy’s] [Half-season] [Day] License to PISH. “ The Fisheries Act, 1908.” The holder of this license [Name in full], of [ Address ], [Calling or occupation ], having this day paid the sum of , is hereby authorised to fish for trout within the Rotorua Acclimatisation District from the day of , 19 ,to the day of , 19 , subject to the said Act and to the regulations made thereunder for the time being in force in the said district. Dated at , this day of ,19 . Tourist and Health Resorts. J. F. ANDREWS, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council

Amending Regulations for Trout, Perch, and Tench Fishing in the Canterbury Acclimatisation District. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-eighth day of September, 1908. Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred by “ The Fisheries Act, 1908,” His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Canterbury Acclimatisation District (hereinafter called “the said district”), which said district comprises the Counties of Cheviot, Ashiey, Selwyn, Mount Herbert, and Akaroa, the City of Christchurch, and all the boroughs and town districts situated in the said district : 1. No lures or baits other than artificial fly and artificial minnow shall be used in the following rivers during the months of October and November, namely : The Avon, from the watercourse near the bend on the Riccarton Road to the Carlton Bridge, and the Selwyn, from the Selwyn Railway (South Line) Bridge to the railway-bridge at Ellesmere. 2. Fishing is prohibited in the Avon from the watercourse near the bend on the Riccarton Road through the city to the bridge at Colombo Street. 3. Any regulation regarding the number or weight of trout which a person may take or catch in any one day or other specified period which has been made by general regulations under “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” and its amendments, shall not apply to the said district. 4. Every license to fish issued by the said Canterbury Acclimatisation Society shall be in the form set forth in the Schedule hereto. - - SCHEDULE. No. . No. Southern Acclimatisation District. Available throughout New Zealand. Southern Acclimatisation General License to fish, Season 1908-9. District. (Not transferable.) The holder of this license, M , of (age ), having this day paid the sum of , is hereby authorised to fish for trout and other acclimatised fish in every acclimatisation district—trout from the Ist day of October, 1908, to the Season 1908-9. 30th day of April, 1909, and perch and tench from the Ist day of December, 1908, to the 30th day of April, 1909, following—subject to general regulations in force for the time being, and subject also to the local regulations. Dated at Christchurch, this day of , 190 . Name: Secretary, Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, Canterbury Hall, Christchurch. Address : 1, This license must be produced on demand of any Ranger, officer, constable, or person producing a license, and the holder hereof must permit any such person to examine his creel or bag, and the bait he is using. 2. No trout under 9 in. may be taken or killed by any person. This license does not entitle the holder thereof to catch for sale any fish. A§ e : 3. No fishing is allowed this season in any part of the Avon from the watercourse near the bend of the river at the Riccarton Road through the city to the Colombo Street Bridge, and no fishing other than with artificial fly or minnow from the same point—viz., watercourse near the bend on the Riccarton Road—to the Carlton Bridge during the months of October and November. No fishing except with artificial fly or received by minnow allowed in the Selwyn River from the Selwyn Railway (South Line) Bridge to the Ellesmere Railway-bridge during the months of October and November. Fishing in Victoria Lake and Horseshoe Lake is absolutely prohibited. 4. The breach of these or any other regulations renders the offender liable to a fine of not less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. £ )a * e: » 190 • Any licensed angler catching any salmon must immediately return same to the water. J. F. ANDREWS, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIII, Issue 40, 7 October 1908, Page 423

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIII, Issue 40, 7 October 1908, Page 423

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIII, Issue 40, 7 October 1908, Page 423

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