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Date tried Name. Offence. or Sentence. sentenced. AUCKLAND S.G.1906. Aickin, William Stevenson Sending threatening letter Nov. 19 To come up when called on, and bonds for three years. Jameson, Ada .. Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 19 To come up when called on. 10 years’ labour (cumulative with Skeen, Harry, alias MoOlean, Robert Attempted rape .. Nov. 19 sentenoe of ten years at New Plymouth). Wilson, Joseph, alias Clayton .. Assault and robbery Nov. 19 18 months’ labour. Williamson, John Ritchy, alias Forgery and uttering (3 charges) Nov. 19 1 year’s labour. Wilson, Williamson '• , * 7 :1 Watson, John Smith, alias Smith, Theft from a dwelling Nov. 19 2 years’labour. James, alias Watson, Joseph, alias Woodhouse, J. Atkinson, Valentine Indeoent assault .. Nov. 19 Bill ignored. Webb, Walter Richard .. Forgery and uttering .. : Nov. 20 . years’ labour. L years’ labour. Hone Heta Assault and robbery (convicted of Nov. 20 common assault) Cameron, John, alias Donnelly, Theft of horse, saddle, and bridle Nov. 20 2 years’ labour. Walter James, alias Jacobson, G. Brydon, Robert James, alias Woodward Horse-stealing .. Nov. 20 2 years’ labour. Burke, Herbert Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 21 Acquitted. Phillips, George .. j Indecently assaulting a male Attempted buggery 1 J Nov. 21 Thomas, William Henry Theft of a £20 bank-note Nov. 21 Acquitted. Timo Tane Breaking, entering, and theft Nov. 23 Acquitted. Huru Mateara Attempted rape .. Dec. 1 5 years’ labour. Anderson, John Cattle-stealing .. Nov. 24 Acquitted. Kara Tupe Horse-stealing .. Nov. 30 Acquitted. Black, John Forgery and uttering Nov. 27 12 months’ probation, and to pay costs of prosecution. Watts, William Henry .. Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 27 12 months’ labour. Henare Tarawhiti, alias Davis .. Assault and robbery Nov. 27 2£ years’ labour. Marquis, Con .. Perjury Nov. 28 Acquitted. 6 months’ labour. Williamson, Annie Wilson Uttering forged cheque .. Nov. 28 Canning, Louis Breaking, entering, and theft Dec. 1 18 months’ labour. Bowers, Henry Alfred .. False pretences (6 charges) Dec. 5 18 months’ labour on each (concurrent). (Each fined £15, or six months’ Collins, James.. .. 1 Manson, Archibald Breaking, entering, and theft Dec. 12 labour. Sentence deferred for six months, to allow opportunity to pay fine. 4 years’ labour. Byron, Lewis, alias Byrne Indecently assaulting a male Dec. 12 Rowe, Thomas Breaking, entering, and theft (2 chgs) Dec. 12 18 months’ labour on each (concurrent). Angell, Lorantz Forgery and uttering Dec. 12 12 months’ labour. Burns, Robert Nelson .. j False pretences (2 charges) Forgery (2 charges) } Deo. 12 To come up when called on, and to pay £2 2s., cost of prosecution. HAMILTON D.C.— Bayne, Kenneth Theft .. Sept. 11 Acquitted. NAPIER S.C.Raukawa Hura ,. Breaking, entering, and theft Sept. 25 6 months’ labour. Heta Hakawai.. Theft .. Sept. 26 12 months’ probation, and to pay £3 3s. costs in 2 months. Hood, Walter H. Arson .. .. .. Sept. 27 Acquitted. ,v f. Russell, Edward Horse-stealing .. Sept. 27 Acquitted. 4 months’ labour. Annesley, A. D. False pretences (3 charges) Sept. 28 Areti Mangai .. Carnally knowing girl under 16 Sept. 28 12 months’ labour. years NEW PLYMOUTH D.C.Shicker, Carl .. Manslaughter .. Sept. 25 Acquitted. Gannon, Stephen, alias Middleton, Forgery Sept. 25 2 years’ labour. alias Andrews, W. Skeen, Harry, alias Skean, alias Attempted rape .. Sept. 25 10 years’ labour. McClean, Robert Comrie, John .. Theft of a horse, saddle, and bridle Sept. 26 18 months’ labour. PAHIATUA D.C.— Campbell, Alexander Assault with intent to do bodily Nov. 14 Found guilty of assault —6 months’ Little, George Lawton .. 1 harm probation upon paying £10 towards costs of prosecution. Indecent assault and assault Nov. 14 Found guilty of common assault — 6 weeks’ labour. To be kept Beaufort, William Leopold l McLinton ) separate from rest of prisoners. Naylor, Harry .. .. ) McLaughlin, James .. j Obscene language Nov. 15 Acquitted. WELLINGTON S.CWarry, George William .. Breaking, entering, and theft . . Aug. 17 6 months’ labour, to commence at Dixon, Herbert Swan vi . expiration of sentence now undergoing. Theft ... .. .. Aug. 17 12 months’ labour.

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme and District Courts.

Date tried Name. Offence. or Sentence. sentenced. WELLINGTON S.C —continued. 1906. White, George .. j Theft (8 charges) .. 1 Forgery (2 charges) .. f False pretences (2 charges) ) Making false declaration .. \ Aug. Aug. 17 17 2£ years’ labour) !- (concurrent). 1 year’s labour J Hamilton, John Byron .. False pretences .. Aug. 21 12 months’ labour. Shaw, Peter Theft .. Aug. 21 6 months’ labour. Wylie, John Charles Theft from a dwelling Oct. 5 18 months’ labour. Pearce, George Herbert Forgery Oct. 5 12 months’ probation. Gourley, Alfred Anstruther Indecent assault (8 charges) Oct. 5 3 years’ labour on each (concurrent). 1 year’s labour. Downey, James Forgery and uttering Oct. 13 Wall, John Albert .. j Forgery .. .. ] Breaking and entering .. J Oct. 13 118 months’ labour on each (concur- | rent). Munson, Job Lushanns Theft .. Oct. 13 2 years’ labour. 3 years’ labour. Laughton, William Indecent assault Oct. 13 Taylor, Ernest .. j Forgery and uttering (2 charges) ) Theft (6 charges) .. ) Oct. 26 (9 months’ labour on eaoh (concur- ( rent). 2 years’ labour. Pickering, Matthew Edward Theft .. Oct. 26 Ellis, Richard .. Theft .. Oct. 26 18 months’ labour. Arnold, Edwin .. Theft from the person Oct. 26 2 years’ labour. Dell, Edgar Michael .. j Forgery (2 charges) False pretenoes (3 charges) j Oct. 26 f 12 months’ labour on each (concur- { rent). Walwyn, Harry Theft .. Oct. 26 12 months’ probation. Barber, Frank .. .. | Sullivan, William .. j Breaking, entering, and theft Oct. 30 (3 years’ probation. (3 years’ probation. Gomez, Junan Breach of Post Office Act Nov. 19 6 months’ probation. Bond, Herbert Cattle-stealing .. Nov. 20 Acquitted. Connell, John .. .. j Forgery (6 charges) Indecent assault on a male j Nov. 21 f 3 years’ labour ) , , ,. . 118 months’ labour f (° u “^^ve). Lisher, John Edward, alias Ramsay, alias Thompson Assault and robbery Nov. 21 2 years’ labour. O’Brien, Francis Attempted buggery Nov. 21 12 months’ labour. Jones, Frederick William Forgery and uttering (3 charges) .. Nov. 21 12 months’ labour on each (concurrent). Fowler, Edward Breaking, entering, and theft Nov. 21 9 months’ labour. Fitzroy, John .. a 'girl under 16 Nov. 21 18 months’ labour. years Willis, William, Samuel Forgery and uttering Nov. 21 12 months’ probation. 18 months’ labour. Reynolds, Joseph, alias Morran .. Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 22 Ross, George Thomas .. Forgery Nov. 22 3 years’ labour. Connor, Patrick, alias O’Brien, Indecent assault Nov. 23 4 years’ labour. alias O’Connor, alias King Hart, Francis Stephen .. Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 23 15 months’ labour. Durkin, Walter Theft .. Nov. 23 18 months’ labour. Thomas, Arthur Sparrow, William Jenkinson, alias Theft .. Nov. 23 2 years’ labour. 2 years’ labour, and declared an Theft .. Nov. 23 Simmons, alias Russell, alias Parker, alias Nioholls habitual criminal. Kay, William .. .. [ Davey, John .. .. j Theft .. Nov. 23 'f 2 years’ labour. (2 years’ labour. O’Keefe, John .. Sheep-stealing .. Nov. 29 Acquitted. Brierley, Thomas Forgery Nov. 29 12 months’ probation. Watson, John .. Defiling a girl between 12 and 16 Nov. 29 Nolle prosequi entered. years Wills, James .. Sheep-stealing .. Nov. 30 2 years’ labour. Robertson, James Theft .. Nov. 30 years’ labour. [ Manslaughter .. .. ) ( 3 years’ labour ) Guy, Mary Annie .. J l Making false statement under 1 Registration of Births and Deaths f Act j Assault and robbery Nov. 30 6 months’ labour (current). Stannard, Albert John .. | Wilkes, Arnold Harold .. Nov. 30 \ / f9 months’ labour. (12 months’ probation. Neary, Maria, alias Gertie, alias Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 30 Acquitted. Smith, Maria Emmens, Marion May .. Concealment of birth Dec. 4 To come up when called on. O’Brien, Jeremiah Theft from the person .. \ Assault .. .. | Dec. 5 (Two juries disagreed. ] Nolle prosequi entered. Shaw, George .. Theft .. Dec. 11 To come ud when called on. Diggs, James .. ... .. Theft from the person Dec. 11 18 months’ labour. Hughes, Edward Forgery (2 charges) Dec. 11 6 months’ labour. Haase, Augustus Edward Incest (2 charges) Dec. 11 7 years’ labour. HOKITIKA S.C.Raymond, Robert Attempted rape.. Sept. 21 10 years’ labour, with three floggings of twenty lashes eaoh. 9 months’ labour. Cannon, Frank Forgery and uttering Sept. 21 Harvey, William Theft .. Sept. 21 2 years’ labour. Bidgood, George Attempted murder .. | Assault.. .. .. j Sept. 21 f Acquitted. (12 months’ labour. McPherson, Charles James Procuring one to procure abortion Sept. 22 2 years’ labour. McPherson, Mary R. ... Pemitting an instrument to be used Sept. 22 Acquitted. No evidence offered. with intent to prooure abortion Meladonovich, James .. Burglary Sept. 22 12 months’ labour. Ah John Selling pakapoo-tickets .. Sept. 22 Acquitted. 3 years’ labour. Henham, Gregory Arson .. Sept. 22

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme and District Courts— continued.

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme and District Courts— continued. Date tried Name. Offence. or Sentence. sentenced. CHRISTCHURCH S.C.1906. Mousley, Raywood Forgery and uttering Sept. 20 18 months’ labour. Hawkins, Mary Forgery and uttering .. ) Forgery .. .. )' Sept. 20 f 12 months’ probation, t To come up when called on. Poster, Ann Manslaughter .. Oct. 31 3 years’ labour Turner, Edgar E, , I Forgery Breaking, entering, and theft \ Nov. 12 9 months’ labour. (12 months’ labour, to commenoe at I termination of sentence now 1 undergoing. (l2 months’ labour (concurrent). McCarthy, Robert i Escaping from lawful custody ) Nov. 12 Pascoe, John Yeoman .. Procuring abortion Nov. 12 7 years’ labour. Bruges, Francis Henry Theft (3 charges) Nov. 13 Acquitted. 18 months’ labour. Starr, William John Indecent assault Nov. 13 Wain, Stephen Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 13 Acquitted. Sage, John Forgery Nov. 20 Adjourned to next sessions. 18 months’ labour. Evans, Walter False pretences .. Nov. 14 Brown, Georgina Frances Manslaughter .. Nov. 19 Proceedings stayed by SolicitorGeneral. Hamilton, Harry Lawrence Forgery and uttering Nov. 15 4 years’ labour. Reid, Alexander Theft .. Nov. 15 Acquitted. O’Neill, John Joseph Receiving stolen property Nov. 15 Acquitted. DUNEDIN S.C.Baird, Helen Findlay .. False registration Nov. 19 6 months’ probation. Findlay, John .. Murder Remanded. Hayne, John Reynold .. Manslaughter .. Nov. 23 Acquitted. Lee Sun Selling pakapoo-ticket Jury disagreed. Remanded till next session. Lin Foon Shooting with intent Nov. 21 To come up when called on. Mitchell, Walter Henry 1 McPherson, William Conspiring to defraud Nov. 21 f 5 years’ labour, and 3 years’ labour ( (concurrent). Opferkuch, Patrick, alias Egan ) Ouvaille, Alfred Octave Theft .. Nov. 22 Acquitted. 18 months’ labour. Pyle, Albert Housebreaking and stealing Nov. 19 White, William Theft (2 charges) Nov. 21 1 month’s labour on each (concurrent). INVERCARGILL S.C. - Douglass, Percy Charles Forgery and uttering ,Deo. 3 6 months’ probation. Colyer, Jessie Keith Rose Forgery and uttering Dec 3 To come up when called on. 6 months’ labour. Liddiooat, William Henry Breaking, entering, and theft from Dec. 3 a shop

llame of Offender. Where triad. j When. Offance. Sentence. Natjiraof 1 j | Trade. i Born. be s m. Complexion. Hair. Eye*. Noeo. Diatingnishing Marks, Ac. Ryoroft, George Herbert Waihi 4/12/06 theft (3 charges) convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1890 ft. in. 5 0 sallow .. brown blue small, discharged straight Apiti Whatu Kawhia 24/11/06 theft fined £2 2s. .. N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 8 copper.. black brown .. medium Smart active build. Glentworth, Robert Kawhia 28/11/06 theft fined £5 N. Zealand engine-driver 1884 5 8 fair fair blue small, thin Small fair moustache ; light slim build. Leatham, Joseph .. Hastings 3/12/06 theft Sned 10s. and costs convicted and Ireland baker 1841 5 u florid .. grey brown .. broad See Police Gazette, 1905, page 251. Pike, John Hastings 3/12/06 no lawful means of supN. Zealand 1857 5 64 ruddy .. grey blue .. ordinary port discharged England .. dark .. Ashburn, James Martinboro’gh 8/12/06 indecent language fined £1 labourer 1858 5 8 turning grey grey .. medium Condon, John Masterton .. 10/12/06 assault fined £1 America .. labourer 1883 6 2 sallow .. dark red hazel .. large Very strong build. (See Police Gazette, 1906, indecent language fined £1 page 126.) Heta Matehere Christchurch 23/11/06 theft returned to N. Zealand Burnham 1889 5 8 dark .. black hazel .. medium Burnham boy Teague, John Christchurch 1/12/06 theft convicted and N. Zealand painter 1890 5 7 fair light brown grey .. medium discharged N. Zealand blue Whiteside, Thomas Christohuroh 1/12/06 theft convicted and message-boy 1889 5 3 fair brown medium discharged N. Zealand Bennetts, Frederick Christchurch 1/12/06 theft convicted and message-boy 1892 4 104 dark .. brown brown .. medium discharged N. Zealand Martin, Tot, alias Annie Christchurch 1/12/06 theft (2 charges) sent to Army barmaid 1876 5 4 dark .. black grey .. medium Sentenced to three months on each charge. Home Warrants suspended as long as she remains in Salvation Home. Clark, Walter, alias Grant .. Christchurch 4/12/06 no lawful means of supconvicted and Scotland .. bootmaker .. 1875 5 4 swarthy fair grey .. large See Police Gazette , 1906, page 421. port discharged N. Zealand Person, Albert Victor Akaroa 4/12/06 theft returned to schoolboy .. 1890 5 2 pale fair grey .. medium Left forefinger off at second joint. (See Police Burnham Gazette, 1906, page 319.) Beddis, George Darfield 5/12/06 theft to pay £2 4s. 7d. N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 6 fair brown blue small Thin build ; weak intellect. Ross, Christina Dunedin 1/12/06 theft sent to MagdaN. Zealand domestic .. 1877 5 pale dark grey .. medium Cut over left eye, on back on each hand, and on left wrist. (See Police Gazette , 1906, page 305.) lene Home for 6 months Barker, Cyril Alexandra .. 3/12/06 theft to come up N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 7 fair fair blue medium Large mouth ; protruding lips. when called on

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. | Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. {F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) A uckland — ft. in. Home, William Onehunga .. 5/10/06 drunk in charge of a 2 months Scotland .. seaman and 1869 5 6| fresh .. light brown blue-gr’y thick, short 4/12/06 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 128.) Jones, Arthur, alias Arthur Edward Te Awamutu vehicle horse-driver 13/10/05 obscene language 2 months N. Zealand seaman 1876 5 94 fresh . . dark brown blue medium 5/12/06 1 p.c. E.A.J., &c., on right arm; bracelet on 31/10/05 theft 2 months * right wrist. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, theft 3 months 5/12/06. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 326.1 escaping from custody 12 months First two sentences cumulative, last two conKeenan, George, alias Robert Auckland 17/11/06 breach of prohibition fine, or 7 days Ireland wharf1867 5 4| fresh .. dark brown grey .. thick 7/12/06 current. 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1906, page 304.) order labourer First two sentences cumulative, last sentence resisting police 14 days concurrent. Skorpul, Ivan, alias Resatar, Joseph drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours Auckland 3/12/06 undesirable immigrant fine, or 7 days Austria labourer 1888 5 54 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium 7/12/06 Scar on right thumb. F.P. Waiotapu — Inglewood .. Auckland false pretences false pretences Bennett, John Thomas alias White, alias Dupon, alias Wagatt 29/4/04 2/8/04 6 months 3 years England .. gardener 1852 5 4 fresh .. brown, turning grey grey .. medium 5/12/06 18 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 10/2/88. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 285.) alias Robinson Waipa Valley — Wellington .. Hayes, Robert 27/1/04 indecent assault 4 years London labourer 1840 5 54 dark .. grey hazel .. medium 5/12/06 Large deformed ears ; cutter on left arm. F.P. Napier— Photographed at Waipa, 1/5/06. Leatham, Joseph Hastings 30/11/06 theft remanded Ireland baker 1842 5 2 fresh .. brown brown .. pug 3/12/06 See Police Gazette, 1897, page 151. Kiely, Michael Napier 5/11/06 vagrancy 1 month Ireland blacksmith.. 1864 5 8 swarthy black brown .. thick 4/12/06 Repeatedly convicted. (See Police Gazette, 1906, Yates, John .. Napier 6/10/06 vagrancy 2 months England ., blacksmith.. 1844 5 74 dark grey brown .. bent 5/12/06 page 388.) Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1906, page Dennison, Kristian, alias Christian, alias George, Hastings 6/10/06 vagrancy 2 months Denmark .. labourer 1865 5 5 fair light brown hazel .. large 5/12/06 362.) See Police Gazette , 1906, page 353. alias Jensen Jensen, John Christian, alias Charles Masterton .. 28/11/06 breaoh of Bankruptcy Act remanded Denmark .. contractor .. 1866 5 74 fair light brown hazel .. medium 5/12/06 Bailed. Hope, Carrie, alias Chirley, &o. Napier 7/9/06 vagrancy 3 months Australia .. domestic .. 1865 5 1 fair brown blue straight .. 6/12/06 See Police Gazette, 1905, page 101. Wanganui — Brown, John .. Palmerston N. 5/11/06 obscene language 1 month England .. labourer 1878 5 94 fresh .. brown grey .. sharp 4/12/06 F.P. Smith, Alfred .. Palmerston N. 30/12/05 indecency (3 charges) .. 4 mo's on each N. Zealaud blacksmith.. 1852 5 74 fresh .. sandy blue pug 7/12/06 Scars on back of head and near left eye. F.P, Palmerston N. — Barker, William Palmerston N. 29/11/06 breaoh of the peace fine, or 7 days England .. seaman and labourer 1845 5 24 bronze g re y blue long 5/12/06 15 p.c. F.P. (See Police. Gazette, 1906, page 411.) Hope, George ,. Palmerston N. 4/12/06 obscene language fine, or 14 days N. Zealand 1864 5 H fresh .. fair grey .. medium 5/12/06 Stout build. Fine paid. Wellington— Murphy, William, alias Jeffreys Blenheim 27/6/06 false pretences 6 months 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 94 fair light brown hazel .. large 3/12/06 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 59.) Chapman, Clarence Wellington .. 3/12/06 wife-desertion remanded N.S. Wales roof-tarrer .. 1878 5 84 dark .. dark brown grey .. medium 4/12/06 Scar on upper right arm. -Lindsay, John Wellington .. 29/11/06 naval deserter remanded Ireland stoker 1882 5 74 dark .. dark brown brown .. oblique .. 5/12/06 Star, anchor, and dot on right hand; two compasses, scissors, and ladder on left hand. Put Kai Mahi N. Plymouth 17/10/90 murder death N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 6S copper.. black brown .. medium 5/12/06 on board H.M.S. “ Pryamus.” 1 p.c. F.P. Photographed at New Plymouth, 29/3/90. (See Police Gazette, 1890, page 84.) Sentence of death commuted to penal servitude for life, 18th December, 1890.


Sentence. | 1 Native of Trade. fl 4* •S3 Hair. Eyes. Nose. When dis7. e marks, and Previous Convictions. Gaol and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. O W a plexion. charged. (F .P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington - continued. Maxwell, James F., alias Masterton .. 24/11/06 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours N.S. Wales labourer 1883 ft. in. 5 6£ fair light brown grey .. small 7/32/06 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1906, page 396.) Frederick, alias Burke Whelan, John Palmerston N. 8/9/06 obscene language assault causing bodily harm theft 14 days 3 months Ireland labourer 1845 5 7£ fresh .. grey blue medium 7/12/06 Deep scar on left knee. F.P. Smith, William, alias Wellington .. 28/6/06 6 months Tasmania.. cook 1883 5 9 fair auburn blue long, sharp 7/12/06 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1906, page Wingenberg, Norman, theft (2 charges) 3 mo’s on each 225.) alias Kerrison Gardiner, George PalinerstonN. 12/5/04 breaking, entering, and 4 years N. Zealand labourer ;. 1878 5 8J fresh .. brow n brown .. medium 7/12/06 1 p.c. Right ar-m off below elbow. F.P. Portion of sentence remitted. Baunin, Neil .. Greytown .. 8/8/06 default of maintenance fine, or 3 mo’s N. Zealand tailor 1883 5 11 sallow.. light brown blue long 8/12/06 Small mole above left temple. Emruens, Marion May .. Wellington .. 4/12/06 murder of her female sent to Army N. Zealand domestic .. 1883 5 5 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 4/12/06 Mole on neck. child Home for 12 Dumgree — Waustal), Alfred John .. Wanganui .. 26/2/06 breaking, entering, and months 12 months N.S. Wales labourer 1883 5 7f pale brown grey .. medium 3/12/06 Scars over both eyes and on left knee. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 86.) Radcliffe, John, alias Hart, James Blenheim 8/6/05 theft from the person .. 2 years Ireland fireman 1876 5 5£ fresh, freckled brown grey .. medium 4/12/06 Numerous p.c. Part of wreath on back of left hand. Picton — Ryan, Patrick Blenheim 8/12/06 attempted suicide 6 mo’s probat’n Australia .. labourer 1876 5 5i fresh .. dark brown dk. hazel medium 8/12/06 Hokitika — Coulson, Martin, alias Carlson, Knut Martin Greymouth .. 22/11/06 absent from ship resisting police 14 days 14 days Sweden seaman 1887 5 104 fair fair blue medium 5/12/06 Full-rigged ship on left arm ; dot above each thumb ; anchor (indistinct) on left hand. F.P. Horiey, Alfred, alias Hawley, alias Horne Greymouth .. 26/11/06 breach of prohibition order procuring liquor while fine, or 14 days fine, or 7 days England .. clerk 1839 5 8 swarthy grey hazel .. large thick, broken 8/12/06 Repeatedly convicted. Cut through lip; scar on nose ; upper front teeth false ; nose broken. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 5/3/92. (See Lyttelton— Crotty, Richard Christchurch 5/11/06 prohibited theft fine, or 1 month Tasmania.. cook 1860 5 5i fresh .. brown blue medium 4/12/06 Police Gazette, 1906, page 289.) Wart on back of neck. F.P. Lyndhurst, James, alias Hewett Christchurch 30/8/05 passing counterfeit com escaping from Hanmer 12 months N. Zealand groom 1881 5 3J fresh .. brown blue medium 5/12/06 F.P, (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 181.) Last 20/11/05 6 months three sentences concurrent with first sentence. Prison breaking, entering, and theft 6 months # Dunedin — Wilkinson, William Dunedin 6/6/06 theft false pretences (2 chgs) theft 6 months 3 mo’s on each 3 months Ireland ironmonger 1855 5 11 fresh .. dark, turning grey grey .. small 5/12/06 Scar on right cheekbone; nose inclined to the right. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 160.) Joyce, Martin .. Dunedin 4/9/06 obscene language 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 10i pale light brown grey .. medium 3/12/06 Large mouth. F.P. (See Police Gazette. 1905, page 324.) Johnson, William Dunedin 3/11/06 indecent act .. 1 month England .. labourer 1856 5 SI pale brown grey .. large 1/12/06 Nose inclined to left; ring on second left finger; drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours anchor and W.H. on left arm. Kennedy, Charles Waimate 24/11/06 default of maintenance 3 months in Ireland carpenter .. 1881 5 5f fresh .. fair blue medium 6/12/06 Fine paid. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, default haze 1 .. medium page 150.) Little, Thomas Dunedin 29/11/06 attempted suicide remanded N. Zealand groom 1874 5 8 fresh .. black 3/12/06 Invercargill — Dauglass, Percy Charles Invercargill.. 3/12/06 forgery and uttering .. 6 mo’s probat’n N. Zealand farm labour’r 1887 5 3 fresh .. dark brown blue-gr’y medium 3/12/06 Scar on left thumb and on right cheekbone near Webb, William Campbelltown 3/12/06 stowaway fine, or 1 month N. S. Wales labourer 1885 5 7i fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 6/12/06 Scar on left thumb ; dimple on chin. F.P. Patterson, William Samuel, alias Fane Carnpbelltown 3/12/06 stowaway fine, or 1 month Australia .. painter 1883 5 51 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 6/12/06 Two flags, anchor, W.F., and I LOVE E1LE on left forearm; woman on right forearm ; blue dot between right thumb and finger. F.P.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXI, Issue 50, 19 December 1906, Page 443

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Untitled New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXI, Issue 50, 19 December 1906, Page 443

Untitled New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXI, Issue 50, 19 December 1906, Page 443

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