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(From Gazette, 1905, pages 2262, 2263, 2264, and 2278.) Extending the Close Season for Seals. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this eighteenth day of September, 1905. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. \ Y7HEREAS by “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894” (hereinV\ after termed “the said Act”), it is, among other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations (which shall have general force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and effect only in any waters and places specified therein) for prescribing, among other things, a close season for seals, and for extending any close season so prescribed : And whereas it is further provided by the said Act that every person who, during any close season for seals, takes any seals is liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding five hundred pounds, and in addition thereto is liable to a further penalty not exceeding twenty pounds in respect of every seal so taken : And whereas by Order in Council dated the twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundi'ed and ninetyfour, the months of January, February, March, April, May, and June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, were prescribed a close season for seals : And whereas by Order in Council dated the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and five, the said close season for seals was extended to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and six: And whereas it is desirable to revoke such Order in Council extending the close season for seals, and to make a fresh regulation in lieu thereof: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, and acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby revoke the said Order in Council of the twenty-ninth

day of April, one thousand nine hundred and five, and in lieu of the regulation made thereby doth hereby make the regulation set forth in the Schedule hereto; and, with the like advice and consent, doth order that such regulation shall have force and effect throughout the Colony of New Zealand, and in all salt, fresh, and brackish waters of the colony, and on all shores of such waters or any part thereof. SCHEDULE. Regulation. The close season for seals prescribed by regulations made by Order in Council dated the 21st day of December, 1894, and published in the Neio Zealand Gazette No. 1, of the 4th day of January, 1895, and which was extended as hereinbefore recited, is hereby extended up to the 80th day of June, 1906. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulations for Trout and Perch Fishing, Wellington Acclimatisation District. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this eighteenth day of September, 1905. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council.

IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” and its amendments, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Wellington Acclimatisation District and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette, supersede all regulations for the said district at variance therewith, and such regulations are hereby revoked.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout and perch in all waters within that district or part of the North Island known as the Wellington Acclimatisation District, as described in the Schedule hereto, may be issued under the hand of the secretary of the Wellington Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “the said society”), or anyone authorised by the said secretary in that behalf: Provided that the secretary may refuse to issue a license to any person who within the previous two years has been convicted of any breach of the provisions of any Act relating to fishing for trout or perch, or of any regulation made thereunder. 2. The fee to be charged for a license as aforesaid to each male person over the age of sixteen years shall be one pound, and every such license shall be in the form or to the effect set forth in the Schedule hereto. Licenses may also be issued to boys attending school or under the age of sixteen, or to women, at a reduced fee of five shillings for each license so issued: Provided that it shall be lawful for the said secretary, or his deputy, in any case where application is made for a license on or after the twentieth day of December in any year, to issue a license to any man for the sum of twelve shillings and sixpence, but so that such license shall extend only from the time of granting the same until the termination of the then trout-fishing season. No license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent.

3. The secretary of the said society may issue day licenses to bond fide travellers and strangers not resident within the district aforesaid on payment of a fee of two shillings and sixpence for each day’s fishing. 4. Any holder of a license may fish for trout and perdh in the above-named waters from the first day of October in any year to the thirtieth day of April in the following year, both inclusive ; but every such license shall be for one season only, and shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following the date on which it was issued.

5. Trout and perch shall not be fished for, taken, or killed otherwise than with one rod and line; but a landing-net or gaff may be used to secure any trout or perch caught with such rod and line. No lures or baits other than natural or artificial flies, insects, worms, or fish shall be used with such rod and line, nor shall any of the said lures or baits be used except upon a running line attached to a rod and reel ; nor shall any set rod or line be used for taking trout or perch in any of the waters or streams aforesaid.

6. No license shall authorise any person other than the person named therein to fish.

7. No person shall have in his possession any of the Salmonidce or trout between the first day of May and the thirtieth day of September in any year, which period is hereby appointed a close season for all such fish: Provided always that this regulation shall not apply to fish caught by the officers of the said society for purposes of acclimatisation. 8. No person shall cast or throw into any stream or waters in which trout or salmon exist or have been liberated, or shall allow to flow into or place near the bank or margin of any such stream or waters, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, lime, sheep-dip, flax-mill refuse, or any other matter or liquid that is noxious, poisonous, or injurious to fish : Provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to prohibit the depositing in such stream of debris from any mining claim.

9. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

10. No person shall fish for trout or perch without a license; and every person fishing shall, on the demand of any Ranger, constable, officer of the said society, or of any person producing a license, produce and show to such Ranger, officer, constable, or person his license, and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing such trout or perch. 11. Every trout not exceeding nine inches in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

12. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout or perch; nor shall any of the above-mentioned baits be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 13. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish with or use any net, or any instrument, or device, or means for taking fish in any river or stream within the district aforesaid, or at the mouth or entrance of any such river or stream. 14. For the purposes of these regulations the mouth of every such river or stream shall be deemed to include every outlet of the same and the sea-shore between such outlets, and shall extend over a radius of five hundred yards from the point or line where the waters of such river or stream meet those of the sea or of any harbour at low water. 15. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, or shall fish for the purpose of obtaining for sale, any salmon, trout, or perch, or any part thereof. IG. No person shall take or catch more than twenty trout or more than twenty pounds weight of trout in any one day. 17. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. 18. If any person shall be convicted of an offence against these regulations, the license (if any) held by the offender shall thereupon become void.

SCHEDULE. Wellington Acclimatisation District. All that area in the Wellington Land District bounded towards the north-west and north generally by the Counties of Wanganui and Hawke’s Bay from the mouth of the Wangaehu River to the summit of the Rualiine Range ; thence towards the east generally by the summit of that range to the Feilding and District Acclimatisation District, as described in the Neiv Zealand Gazette No. 38, 4th May, 1899; thence towards the south-west, south-east, and north-east generally by that district and the Counties of Waipawa and Patangata to the sea at the mouth of the Waimata River; and thence again towards the south-east, south, and west generally by the sea to the Wangaehu River aforesaid : including adjacent islands (excepting Kapiti). The aforesaid area comprises the Counties of Hutt, Masterton, Featherston, Castlepoint, Wairarapa South, Pahiatua, Eketahuna, Mauriceville, Akitio, Horowhenua, Kairanga, and Rangitikei, and parts of the Counties of Manawatu and Oroua, together with the Boroughs of Carterton, Foxton, Greytown, Karon, Lower Hutt, Marton, Masterton, Onslow, Palmerston North, Pahiatua, Pet'>ne, and City of Wellington.

License to fish. “ Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” and Amendments. The holder of this license [Name in f ull], of [Address], [Calling or occupation ], having this day paid the sum of , is hereby authorised to fish for trout and perch within the Wellington Acclimatisation District from the day of , 19 , to the day of , 19 ",

subject to the said Acts and to the regulations made thereunder for the time being in force in the said district. Dated at , this day of , 19 . , Secretary, Acclimatisation Society. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Trout and Perch Fishing, Westland Acclimatisation District. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this eighteenth day of September, 1905. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council.

I'N pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” and its amendments, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Westland Acclimatisation District and the waters thereof ; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette, supersede all regulations for the said district at variance therewith, and such regulations are hereby revoked. Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout and perch in all waters within the Westland Acclimatisation District, with the exception of the Kanieri River, in which fishing is prohibited, may be issued under the hand of the secretary of the Westland Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “the said society ”), or any one authorised by the said secretary in that behalf: Provided that the secretary may refuse to issue a license to any person who within the previous two years has been convicted of any breach of the provisions of any Act relating to fishing for trout or perch, or of any regulation made thereunder.

2. The fee to be charged for a license as aforesaid to each male person over the age of sixteen years shall be one pound, and every such license shall be in the form or to the effect set forth in the Schedule hereto. Licenses may also be issued to boys attending school or under the age of sixteen, or to women, at a reduced fee of five shillings for each license so issued : Provided that it shall be lawful for the said secretary or his deputy, in any case where application is made for a license on or after the twentieth day of December in any year, to issue a license to any man for the sum of twelve shillings and sixpence, but so that such license shall extend only from the time of granting the same until the termination of the then trout-fishing season. No license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. The secretary of the said society may issue day licenses to bona fide travellers and strangers not resident within the district aforesaid on payment of a fee of two shillings and sixpence for each day’s fishing. 4. Any holder of a license may fish for trout and perch in the above-named waters from the first day of October in any year to the thirty-first day of March in the following year, both inclusive ; but every such license shall be for one season only, and shall expire on the thirty-first day of March following the date on which it was issued. 5. Trout and perch shall not be fished for, taken, or killed otherwise than with one rod and line; but a landing-net or gaff may be used to secure any trout or perch caught with such rod and line. No lures or baits other than natural or artificial flies, insects, worms, or fish shall be used with such rod and line, nor shall any of the said lures or baits be used except upon a running line attached to a rod and reel; nor shall any set rod|or line be used for taking trout or perch in any of the waters or streams aforesaid. 6. No license shall authorise any person other than the person named therein to fish. 7. No person shall have in his possession any of the Salmonidce or trout between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of September in any year, which period is hereby appointed a close season for all such fish : Provided always that this regulation shall not apply to fish caught by the officers of the said society for purposes of acclimatisation. 8. No person shall cast or throw into any stream or waters in which trout or salmon exist or have been liberated, or shall allow to flow into or place near the bank or margin of any such stream or waters, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, lime, sheep-dip, flax-mill refuse, or any other matter or liquid that is noxious, poisonous, or injurious to fish : Provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to prohibit the depositing in such stream of debris from any mining claim.

9. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

10. No person shall fish for trout or perch without a license ; and every person fishing shall, on the demand of any Ranger, constable, officer of the said society, or of any person producing a license, produce and show to such Ranger, officer, constable, or person his license, and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing such trout or perch. 11. Every trout not exceeding nine inches in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

12. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout or perch ; nor shall any of the above-mentioned baits be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever.

13. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish with or use any net, or any instrument, or device, or means for taking fish in any river or stream within the district aforesaid, or at the mouth or entrance of any such river or stream. 14. For the purposes of these regulations the mouth of every such river or stream shall be deemed to include every outlet of the same and the sea-shore between such outlets, and shall extend over a radius of five hundred yards from the point or line where the waters of such river or stream meet those of the sea or of any harbour at low water. 15. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, or shall fish for the purpose of obtaining for sale, any salmon, trout, or perch, or any part thereof.

16. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. 17. If any person shall be convicted of an offence against these regulations, the license (if any) held by the offender shall thereupon become void.

SCHEDULE. License to fish. “ Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” and Amendments. The holder of this license [ Name in full], of [Address], [Calling or occupation], having this day paid the sum of , is hereby authorised to fish for trout and perch within the Westland Acclimatisation District from the day of ,19 ,to the day of ,19 , subject to the said Acts and to the regulations made thereunder for the time being in force in the said district. Dated at , this day of , 19 . Secretary, Acclimatisation Society. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council. Licensing Officer under “ The Arms Act, 1880,” appointed. Police Department, Wellington, 15th September, 1905. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Patrick Carmody, of the New Zealand Police Force, to be a Licensing Officer under “The Arms Act, 1880.” JAS. McGOWAN.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

ITama of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Natire of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eye*. Nose. Distingni shing Marks, Ac. Moore, Lewis Paeroa 13/9/05 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand miner 1882 ft. in. 5 6 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium Bichardson, William James Napier 19/9/05 theft 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 11 fair dark blue short * Davies, William Kaikoura 7/9/05 theft convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 3£ fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium discharged Garlick, Arthur Little River .. 15/9/05 theft convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 4 fair light brown grey .. thick Thick-set ; slouching gait ; appears deficient in discharged intellect. Tripp, George Oamaru 15/9/05 theft committed to N. Zealand labourer 1890 4 11 sallow .. brown grey .. regular indus. school • Langley, Herbert .. Dunedin 14/9/05 theft of money convicted and N. Zealand message-boy 1892 5 0 fresh .. fair brown .. medium Eyelids heavy and inflamed. to receive six strokes of birch Duncan, Harry Balclutha . 8/9/05 theft fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer and 1882 5 8$ dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Two small rings, horse-shoe, &c., on left arm; groom horse-shoe, on middle left finger; hair inclined to be curly. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 34.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Gaol, and Nama of Friaoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentenoe. Native of Trade. Born. Heiffh t j Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— ft. in. Durant, Frank Auckland 12/8/05 drunk and disorderly .. wilful damage fine, or 1 month fine, or 7 days France fisherman .. 1879 5 3f swarthy black hazel .. medium 11/9/05 J.T., anchor, flowers, &c., on right arm ; bugle and anchor on right hand; female’s bust, &c., on left arm; bird and star on left hand ; ring on left middle finger. F.P. Kosovich, Jack Auckland 14/7/05 keeping a brothel 2 months Austria gum-digger 1873 5 5 dark .. black dark br. medium 13/9/05 1894 on left arm ; 18 on left hand ; scar on right cheek and eyebrow. F.P. Murphy, George Thomas H.M.S. “ Challenger ” 3/8/05 desertion 42 days N. Zealand stoker 1883 5 n fresh .. fair light br. medium 13/9/05 Scar on right wrist, back of left hand, and left forefinger. F.P. Tuohey, Thomas, alias Toohey Auckland 5 /8/05 25/8/05 delivering liquor in prohibited district contempt of Court fine, or 1 month fine, or 1 month Ireland labourer 1865 5 9 fresh .. black, curly blue medium 13/9/05 lp.c. Stout build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1890, page 25.) Fine paid. Walters, Jessie, alias Nellie Auckland 19/11/04 theft from the person., 12 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1885 5 3 copper.. black brown .. pug 13/9/05 1 p.c. A Maori. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/9/05. (See Police Gazette , 1904, page 295.) 10 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 205.) DeLarey, John, alias Auckland .. 31/8/05 obscene language 14 days America .. cutler 1864 5 6 sallow .. brown grey •• medium 13/9/05 Bayly, Peter, alias Greston, Francis, &c. Richards, Mary Auckland 15/8/05 habitual drunkenness.. 1 month England .. prostitute .. 1855 5 2 florid .. fair, turning blue-gr’y medium 14/9/05 77 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 275.) Evans, Frank, alias Francis Auckland 18/11/04 22/11/04 theft theft 3 months 12 months Tasmania.. painter 1856 5 7 fresh .. grey dark brown dk. grey medium 14/9/05 33 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 1/8/04. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 351.) Harvey, Gharies Auckland 1/9/05 obscene language 14 days England .. labourer 1874 5 H fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 14/9/05 Female and emblem on left forearm. F.P. Barstow, Henry, alias Auckland 16/8/05 drunkenness .. 1 month England .. labourer 1822 5 6 sallow .. grey hazel ., medium 15/9/05 97 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 149.) York, alias Turner Webb, William, alias West Auckland 6/8/02 theft false pretence 2 years 2 years Germany .. seaman 1856 5 7| fresh .. dark brown, turning grey hazel .. medium 16/9/05 Ship on right arm; bracelet on right wrist; anchor between right finger and thumb; German coat-of-arms on left forearm ; bracelet on left wrist. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 16/9/05. Wheldale, William West Auckland 18/8/05 indecent language 1 month England .. labourer 1848 5 sallow .. grey grey .. small 16/9/05 Arms freckled. F.P. Smith, Percy ,. Waiotapu — Auckland 4/9/05 obscene language fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 8| fair fair blue .. prominent 16/9/05 18 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/6/05. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 215.) i' Fouldes, Edwin Wellington .. 10/12/04 obscene exposure(2chgs) 12 mo’s on each England .. labourer and weaver 1867 5 74 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 14/9/05 Scar on chin. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 1/5/05. Waipa— Crossed flags and shield, &c., on left arm ; cross on left wrist; scar on left eyebrow; birth-mark on left side of neck. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 1/5/05. Sheehan, John Auckland 21/11/04 breaking and entering 12 months Auckland .. driver 1885 5 6 fresh .. light brown > blue .. medium 11/9/05 Davies, Roland Oliver .. Auckland 21/11/04 theft 12 months Victoria .. bushman .. 1883 5 64 fresh .. black blue medium 14/9/05 Dot on right ring-finger; scar on right temple. F.P. Photographed at Waipa, 3/5/05. Stevens, Albert Ernest .. Napier— Auckland 2/8/04 theft 18 months Wellington labourer 1879 5 5 fair fair It. grey large 16/9/05 Emblem, pierced heart, shamrock, clasped hands, crown, &c., on right arm; bird on branch. TRUE LOVE, &c., on left arm. F.P, Farrell, John, alias Waring, George Gisborne 12/6/05 obscene language 3 months Ireland labourer 1871 5 5S swarthy brown blue medium 11/9/05 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 111.) See Police Gazette, 1905, page 69. Clements, Elizabeth Napier 12/8/05 drunkenness.. 1 month N. Zealand domestic .. 1863 5 04 fresh .. brown blue .. aquiline .. 11/9/05 Troy, James Nathan Napier 17/8/05 resisting 1 month Australia .. labourer 1861 5 64 sallow .. dark brown blue .. large 16/9/05 F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 13/8/92. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 139.)


Gtaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Olfenoe. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height.. Complexion. 1 Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicate* that finger-impressions have been taken.) New Plymouth— ft. in. dark br. Two upper front teeth missing; long scar on Slater, John .. N. Plymouth 13/6/05 theft 3 months N. S. Wales labourer 1878 5 fresh .. dark brown medium 12/9/05 right arm ; small scar on right side of forehead ; round shoulders ; slouching gait. F.P. Photographed at New Plymouth, 3/8/05. Monteeth, Joseph Wanganui .. 26/9/99 attempted murder 10 years Ireland farmer 1856 5 8J dark .. dark brown, grey .. straight .. 12/9/05 F.P. Discharged on special remission. turninggrey Wanganui— Oassian, David Wanganui .. 15/6/05 refusing to quit licensed 3 months Scotland .. seaman 1887 5 0 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 14/9/05 Scar on forehead. F.P. premises obscene language 3 months 13/9/05 Whitaker, William Wanganui .. 15/6/05 obscene language 3 months Tasmania.. printer 1886 5 0 pale dark brown brown .. pointed .. F.P. McAlinden, Norman Wanganui .. 13/9/05 breach of Probation Act readmitted to N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 3* fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 13/9/05 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 86.) probation 12/9/05 Murphy, Edward, alias Shannon 13/7/05 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 7 fresh .. dark brown grey . • medium Scar on right side of forehead. F.P. Perry breach of railway by-laws 3 days Wright, David Cumming Palmerston N. 15/8/05 wife-desertion 1 month Scotland .. jockey 1871 5 o* fresh .. dark brown grey •. medium. 14/9/05 Scar on left ear. F.P. Simpson Pomerance, John Taihape 30/8/05 assault 14 days Germany .. labourer 1867 5 54 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 12/9/05 F.P. Broughton, Ihaia Wanganui .. 13/9/05 forgery 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 104 copper.. black brown .. broad 13/9/05 Dunstall, Harry Wanganui .. 11/9/05 indecency 7 days England .. machinist .. 1853 5 6 sallow.. g^y grey .. medium 16/9/05 assault 7 days Wellington— Hoskins, Thomas Wellington .. 14/8/05 drunk and disorderly .. 1 month N. Zealand draper 1884 5 n fresh, light brown hazel .. medium 13/9/05 Scar near left eye. Hoskins, Michael Wellington .. 14/8/05 drunk and disorderly .. 1 month N. Zealand tailor 1886 5 7 dark .. dark brown brown .. oblique .. 13/9/05 1 p.c. E.G. and cross on left arm; five dots on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 297.) Johnston, Sldmund, alias Wellington .. 11/8/05 theft 14 days Ireland blacksmith 1871 5 9 fair brown blue medium 13/9/05 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 167.) Frederick King, Charles 14/8/05 15/6/05 theft vagrancy 1 month 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 54 dark .. dark brown grey .. medium 14/9/05 Several small scars on each cheek; piece off top Wellington .. of right middle finger. Willis, John .. Wellington .. 8/4/05 vagrancy 6 months England .. labourer 1859 5 fresh .. brown blue medium 14/9/05 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 17.) Several p.c. F.P. Photographed at New PlyBennett, Samuel, alias Eketahuna .. 17/6/05 theft 3 months England .. labourer 1852 4 114 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 16/9/05 Bevan mouth, 29/11/92. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 227.) Donovan, Timothy Wellington .. 18/8/05 drunkenness.. 1 month England .. seaman 1852 5 4f fresh .. grey blue medium 16/9/05 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 112.) Arnold, Frederick Wellington .. 18/8/05 drunkenness .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 5 dark .. dark brown grey .. large 16/9/05 Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 112.) Lovett, William Wellington .. 18/8/05 assault 1 mouth N. Zealand jockey 1882 5 6 fair, freckled fresb .. brown blue large 16/9/05 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 32.) Cairns, Jean me, alias Wellington .. 12/6/05 receiving 3 months N. Zealand domestic .. 1877 5 2 dark brown brown .. medium 11/9/05 Previously convicted. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Jessie 1903, page 285.) McLaughlan, Rebecca .. Wellington .. 14/6/05 drunk and disorderly .. 3 months Ireland prostitute .. 1857 4 11 dark .. dark brown brown .. small 13/9/05 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, . i i i ■ page 63.) Nelson — Horse-shoe and anchor, and cross and anchor on Parker, William Nelson 19/8/05 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 9 dark .. brown brown .. medium 15/9/05 breach of prohibition fine, or 26 days right arm ; mole on left cheek. Hokitika — order (2 charges) Soar below right temple and on back of right wrist. F.P. Cheyne, Andrew Leslie.. Greymouth .. 29/8/05 theft 14 days Victoria .. engineer 1855 5 Of sallow .. brown, turning grey blue hook 11/9/05


(Hoi, and Name of Where tried. Whea. Otfeuoe. Santonw. Native of Trade. Born. 'u *3 H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. J Nose. When dis- 1 charged. ! Remarks, and Previous Convictions (F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Lyttelton — Christchurch ft . in. | McKearney, Henry 17/8/05 obscene language fine, or 7 days Ireland labourer 1841 5 4 fresh .. grey blue medium 11/9/05 F.P. McLaughlin, Mary, alias Christchurch 12/7/05 obscene language 2 months Ireland prostitute .. 1852 5 4 fair fair brown .. medium 11/9/05 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 193. Portelli Roy, Mary Christchurch 6/9/05 drunkenness., obscene language fine, or 24 hours fine, or 7 days N. Zealand domestic .. 1876 5 0* fair brown blue tlarge 12/9/05 F.P. Frame, Louie, alias France, alias Young, Christchurch 30/8/05 obsoene language 14 days Melbourne prostitute .. 1880 5 54 fresh .. brown brown .. medium 12/9/05 Numerous p.o. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 244.) Kane, Thomas, alias Hayes, James Temuka Methven 15/2/05 23/2/05 obscene language assault assault theft 1 month 1 month 3 months 3 months Ireland labourer 1872 5 10* fresh .. brown brown .. medium 14/9/05 Several p.c. Two first sentences concurrent, two last cumulative. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 25.) Arlow, John .. Christchurch 8/9/05 theft fine, or 7 days Ballarat .. miner 1864 5 6* sandy .. brown .. grey .. large 14/9/05 Coal-mark on nose; J. ARLOW, JAN. 2 on left arm; left little finger been broken. F.P. Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 312.) Wallburton, Richard, alias Williams, alias “Dick the Swiveller” Christchurch 26/8/05 drunkenness., destroying Government property theft theft fine, or 24 hours fine, or 7 days 14 days 21 days England .. gardener .. 1850 5 64 sallow .. dark hazel .. medium 15/9/05 Reid, James, alias “ Paddy” Christohuroh 11/9/05 drunkenness., wilful damage damaging Government property exposing person fine, or 48 hours fine, or 7 days fine, or 7 days Ireland dealer 1866 5 n sandy .. grey blue large 16/9/05 Scars on nose; walks lame. F.P. Hamilton, Robert Lyttelton 4/9/05 14 days Scotland .. fireman 1857 5 3 sandy .. grey blue medium 16/9/05 Scar on left little finger; burn-mark on right arm. F.P. Irvine, James .. Hanmer Springs — Lyttelton 18/3/05 drunkenness obscene language resisting police 1 month 3 months 3 months Scotland .. seaman 1883 5 fair brown grey .. broad 16/9/05 1 p.c. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 62.) Discharged on special remission. Vickery, Tnomas Cnristohuroh 1/8/05 receiving stolen cattle.. 18 months N. Zealand labourer .. 1866 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. inclined to right 12/9/05 F.P. Photographed at Hanmer Springs, 22/8/05. Glover, Richard A. Christchurch 13/4/05 false declaration (2 chgs) 6 mo’s on each N. Zealand photograph’r 1860 5 4 fresh .. dark blue sharp 13/9/05 Scar on left leg ; left finger been broken ; reveral moles on face. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 14/4/05. Alexander, William Invercargill.. 9/3/04 assault causing bodily harm 2 years Ireland farmer 1851 6 0 sallow .. grey grey .. large 14/9/05 Scars on left eyebrow, left cheekbone, and forehead ; right thumb bent and stiff at second joint. F.P. Photographed at Hanmer Springs, 22/8/05. Eldred, Arthur E. Christchurch 13/2/05 breaking, entering, and theft 9 months N. Zealand barber 1883 5 5 fair brown brown .. sharp 15/9/05 Small lump on left ear. F.P. Photographed at Hanmer Springs, 22/8/05. Dunedin— Holland, John Dunedin 13/6/05 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand farm labo’rer 1885 5 6 fresh .. brown blue small 12/9/05 Small mouth ; scar on left thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 144.) Nettlefold, Fanny Dunedin 13/6/05 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1875 5 5* sallow .. brown brown .. pug 12/9/05 See Police Gazette, 1904, page 222. Seelor, David, alias Seehr Dunedin 2/9/05 drunkenness., resisting police ,. fine, or 24 hours fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 5 fair fair blue .. long 16/9/05 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 154.) Clyde — Clyde Wilson, Henry Francis 4/9/05 helpless drunkenness .. remanded England .. painter 1850 5 54 fresh .. fair blue .. medium 11/9/05 Left leg shorter than right; left thigh fractured; limps when walking. Invercargill— Invercargill.. Finnerty, John Joseph .. 12/9/05 breach of prohibition order fine, or 14 days N. Zealand printer 1880 5 8 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 12/9/05 Fine paid. Fitzgerald, Thomas Orepuki 15/9/05 disobeying order of Court 3 days Ireland .. labourer .. 1854 6 04 fresh .. black, turning grey hazel .. long, pointed 16/9/05 Nearly all teeth gone.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXX, Issue 38, 27 September 1905, Page 345

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXX, Issue 38, 27 September 1905, Page 345

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXX, Issue 38, 27 September 1905, Page 345

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