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(From Gazette, 1904, pages 476, 547, 548, 552, 553, and 559.) Animals Protection Act. —Declaring Reserve for Native and Imported Game : Nuhaka Reserve, Hawke's Bay. RANFURLY, Governor.

PURSUANT to the powers conferred upon him by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand doth hereby notify that native or imported game, or native birds of any kind whatsoever, shall not be taken or killed within that portion of the Hawke’s Bay District more particularly described in the Schedule hereto.


All that area in the Nuhaka North Subdivision, Section 14, Block XV., containing about 580 acres, and described as a thermal-spring reserve. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor’ this twenty-eighth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and four.


Regulations for Deer-shooting, Nelson.

RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of February, 1904.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN exercise of the powers vested in him by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same (hereinafter called “the said Acts”), His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the deer-shooting season within the Nelson District, comprising the Counties of Waimea, Buller, and Collingwood, and hereinafter called “ the said district.”


1. Red deer stags and fallow deer bucks may be taken or killed within the said district from the 20th day of February, 1904, to the 18th day of April, 1904, both, days inclusive. 2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmasters at Nelson and Westport, on payment of a license fee of twenty shillings, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations.

3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than six red deer stags or fallow deer bucks, and the said Chief Postmasters shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person.

4. No doe, hind, or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him.

5. The licensee must give notice to one of the said Chief Postmasters of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer: such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. a p exte 6. Nothing herein contained sh. on nd to authorising any person to sell any deer or port 1 reof. Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Deer). ,of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (bucks or stags; within the District of , from the day of , 1904, to the day of , 1904, both days inclusive, subject to the provisions of “The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the amendments thereof. Dated at , this day of , 190 . ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Deer-shooting , Wanganui.

RANFURLY, Covernor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of February, 1904.

Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN exercise of the powers vested in him by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same (hereinafter called “the said Acts”), His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the deer-shooting season within the Wanganui District, comprising the Counties of Wanganui and Waitotara, and hereinafter called “ the said district.”


1. Fallow deer (bucks only) may be taken or killed within the said district from the Ist day of March, 1904, to the 15th day of April, 1904, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wanganui on payment of a license fee of twenty shillings, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations. The number of such licenses shall not exceed twenty.

3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than two bucks, and no buck shall be killed carrying antlers with less than four points; and, further, the said Chief Postmaster shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person. 4. No doe or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him. 5. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 6. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof.



License to take or kill Game (Deer)

, of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (bucks only) of not less than points within the District of , from the day of , 1904, to the day of , 1904, both days inclusive, sub-

ject to the provisions of “The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the amendments thereof.

Dated at

, this

day of , 190 . ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Marlborough

RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of February, 1904.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN exercise of the powers vested in him by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same (hereinafter called “the said Acts”), His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the deer-shooting season within the Marlborough District, comprising the Counties of Marlborough and Sounds, and hereinafter called “ the said district.”


1. Red deer stags and fallow deer bucks may be taken or killed within the said district from the 20th day of February, 1904, to the 18th day of April, 1904, both days inclusive.

2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Blenheim on payment of a license fee of twenty shillings, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations.

3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than six red deer stags or fallow deer bucks, and the said Chief Postmaster shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person. 4. No doe, hind, or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him.

5. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer, such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 6. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. Schedule. License to take or kill Game (Deer). No. , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (bucks or stags) within the District of , from the day of , 1904, to the day of , 1904, both days inclusive, subject to the provisions of “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the amendments thereof. Dated at , this day of , 190 . ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Counties of Wairarapa South

and Featherston.


At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of February, 1904.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council

IN exercise of the powers vested in him by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same (hereinafter called “the said Acts”), His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and witn the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the deer-shooting season within the Counties of Wairarapa South and Featherston (excepting therefrom the areas described in the First Schedule hereto), hereinafter called “ the said district.”


1. Red deer (stags only) may be taken or killed within the said district from the Ist day of March, 1904, to the 30th day of April, 1904, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Masterton, Carterton, Greytown North, Featherston, and Martinborough, on payment of a license fee of twenty shillings, in the form prescribed in the Second Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations.

3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than five stags, and no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points ; and, further, the said Chief Postmaster and Postmasters shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person. 4. No hind or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him. 5. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster or to one of the said Postmasters of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer, such notice to be posted or delivered or telegraphed three clear days before such date.

6. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof.

First Schedule,

All that area of land in the Huangarua Survey District, in the County of Wairarapa South, being Sections 29 to 41 (inclusive), 59, 71, 72, 75, 79, 83, 90, 93, 97, 98, and part of Sections 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 89, 92, 91, 94, 95, 96, 87. and 84, now in the occupation of Mr. John Martin and Mr. Featherston Johnston, and known as the Puruatanga Estate or Station. All that parcel of land in the Wellington Land District, containing by admeasurement about 32.000 acres, more or less, situated in Haurangi, Waipawa, and Kaiwaka Survey Districts, County of Featherston, commencing at the most southern angle of Section 92, Block 111., Haurangi Survey District, and bounded generally towards the north and north-east by part of the said Section No. 92, by Sections Nos. 93, 91, 46, 45, 44, 93, and 1, Block 111., by Section No. 3, Block IV., by Sections Nos. 1 and 6, Block VIII., by Sections Nos. 1,2, and 4, Block XII., Haurangi Survey District; by Section No. 5, Block IX., and by Section No. 1, Block XIII., Waipawa Survey District, to Trig. Rough Hill East: generally towards the east and south-east by part of Section No. 188, by Section No. 189, Block XIII., Waipawa Survey District ; by Sections Nos. 200, 201, 25, and 26, Block IV., Kaiwaka Survey District; by Sections Nos. 26, 12, 13,14, and 15, Block VIII., by Section No. 28, Block XI., and by a road line along the sea-coast to the south-eastern corner of Waitatuma Block: and generally towards the west by the Waitatuma Block, by the Turanganui River, by Crown lands, by Sections Nos. 79 and 78, Block X., Haurangi Survey District; by part of Section No. 42, by Sections Nos. 41, 39, and part of Section No. 38, Block VI., to the point of commencement.

Second Schedule,


License to take or kill Game (Deer)

, of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (stags only), of not less than points, within the District of , from the day of , 1904, to the day of , 1904 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the amendments thereof, and the regulations made thereunder.

Dated at

, this

day of

, 190

ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Prescribing Size of Mesh of Fishing-nets RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Government House, at Wellington, this seventeenth day of February, 1904.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council,

WHEREAS it is enacted by the fifth section of “The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations, which shall have general force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein, for, amongst other things, limiting the size when wet of the mesh in the square, or in extension from knot to knot, of nets and seines to be used in fishing, and may impose a penalty for breach of any regulation : And whereas it is desirable to make regulations for the purposes above referred to : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations, and with the like advice and consent doth order that they shall have force and effect throughout the colony on and after the first day of September, one thousand nine hundred and four ; and doth further order that regulation number one shall supersede clause eleven of the regulations which were made under the said Act on the twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven.


1. The mesh of every net or seine used for the purpose of taking fish in tidal waters shall measure diagonally, when prepared for use, wetted, and stretched, not less than 4 in., unless such net is a bond fide garfish-net or herring-net, and used for taking garfish or herrings only. 2. Any person committing a breach of the above regulation shall be liable to a penalty of not less than £1 and not exceeding £2O.

ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Lapwings to be deemed Game

RANFURLY, Governor. JN exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby declare that from and after the date hereof lapwings ( Vanellus cristatus) shall come within the operation of the said Act as fully and effectually as if they had been included in the Third Schedule thereto. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twelfth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and four.


Inspector of Weights and Measures , Counties of Opotiki and Whakatane, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 13th February, 1904. - HIS Excellenoy the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant Maxwell Walker

to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures under “ The Weights and Measures Act, 1903,” for the Counties of Whakatane and Opotiki.


By Authority: John Mackay Government Printer, Wellington

Name. Offence. Date of Issue. Station. Police Gazette Keference. Abdul Said Breach of Immigration Act 24 Feb., 1903 Auckland 1903. Page 61. Adams, Alfred Henry Deserting H.M.S. “ Penguin ” 12 April, „ Auckland „ 119. Alsford, Reuben 0. Wife-desertion 15 April, „ Foxton „ 109. Anderson, James Theft24 Jan., „ Rongotea „ 28. Armitage, William Default of maintenance l Dec., ,, Auckland „ 315. Arnold, William Ship-desertion 28 Feb., „ Wellington „ 64. Ayers, William Herbert... Assault 16 Nov., „ Christchurch ... „ 300. Barber, Walter Default of fine 5 Dec., „ Christchurch ... 1904. Page 2. Basse, Charles Theft 19 Sept., ,, Wellington 1903. Page 239. Baxter, Matthew Alexander Wife-desertion 23 Oct., Christchurch ... „ 278. Bear, Herbert Default of maintenance 29 Sept., „ Napier ,, 251. Beilamski, Clements False pretences 14 May, ,, Inglewood „ 151. Bissell, Henry Charles ... Default of fine 10 Sept., ,, Masterton „ 287. Bowden, Charles Ernest Wife-desertion 9 Oct., „ Auckland „ 269. Boyle, John ... ... Default of sureties ... 18 Nov., ,, Invercargill „ 300. Bradford, James False pretences 17 Dec., „ Hawera 1904. Page 2. Breeze, Ernest G. Theft 29 Sept., ,, Wellington 1903. Pages 250, 269. Broch, Karl Ship-desertion 3 Sept., „ Christchurch ... Page 228. Brooks, Elizabeth False pretences 17 Nov., „ Gisborne 1904. Page 25. Brown, Robert, alias Anderson ... Default of fine 29 July, „ Bull’s 1903. Page 203. Browning, Charles Edgar False pretences 11 Nov., ,, Hamilton „ 287. Burton, William Theft 4 May, „ Timaru „ 228. Butt, Charles Theft 24 Feb., „ Timaru „ 63. Byron, James, alias Brown, J. H., False pretences 30 Dec., „ Hastings 1904. Page 1. alias Irwin Cameron, David Default of fine 23 Nov., „ Auckland 1903. „ 315. Cameron, J. Keith False pretences 20 Aug., ,, Christchurch ... „ 213. Cameron, James False pretences 13 Oct., ,, Shannon „ 267. Campbell, James Disobeying order 2 Nov., „ Waipawa „ 277. Carr, Thomas Theft 14 Jan., ,, Auckland „ 36. Carter, Albert James Sending threatening letter 19 June, ,, Wellington „ 161. Cattell, William Frank ... Deserting H.M.S.“Royal Arthur’’ 3 Mar., ,, Auckland „ 76. Church, Horace Wife-desertion 12 May, „ Invercargill „ 142. Churchward, Thomas Default of maintenance 23 Nov., „ Wellington „ 299. Collins, John Deserting H.M.S. “Penguin” 9 May, „ Wellington „ 129. Comber, Patrick James ... Wife-desertion 1 June, „ Palmerston N.... „ 163. Cooper, Alfred Frederick Theft 10 Dec., „ Wellington „ 27. Copely, William Default of fine 18 Nov., ,, Dunedin „ 300. Costello, Herbert L. Default of fine 20 Nov., „ W ellington „ 288. Crawshaw, William Theft 14 Jan., ,, Auckland „ 36. Crombie, James Default of maintenance 24 Feb., „ Palmerston N.... „ ?5. Dawson, James Default of fine 17 Sept., „ Wanganui „ 237. Deanot, James Dennison, John Breaking and entering 15 Oct., „ Wanganui „ 268. False pretences 10 Aug., „ Tapanui „ 214. Denniston, William Default of fine 17 Feb., „ Wellington „ 139. Donnelly, Henry Default of maintenance 4 Dec., ,, Auckland 1904. Page 13. Doublet, Archibald Deserting H.M.S. “ Archer” ... 8 Mar., „ 14 Sept., „ Auckland 1903. Page 76. Doyle, Thomas Absconds from bail ... Palmerston N.... „ 237. Dunn, Frederick False pretences 6 Nov., „ Pahiatua „ 287. Farland, Ernest Edward Theft 22 Dec., ,, Christchurch ... 1904. Page 2. Fitzgerald, Michael Default of fine 12 Dec., „ Petone „ 2. Fitzgerald, Michael John Default of fine 12 Dec., „ Petone „ 2. Ferguson, Robert False pretences 11 Sept., „ Invercargill 1903. Page 238. Flooks, Philip C. R. Deserting H.M.S. “ Penguin ”... 25 May, „ Wellington „ 142. Forde, Martin Default of maintenance 20 May, ,, Riverton „ 142. Ganderton, Frederic William Wife-desertion 7 Nov., „ Auckland 1904. Page 35. Gasnier, Frank Default of fine 17 April, „ Wellington 1903. Page 108. Gibson, William H. F. ... Default of fine 8 Sept., „ Wanganui „ 237. Giles, Harry Wife-desertion 26 Feb., Auckland „ 75. Gillespie, Robert Alexander Wife-desertion 8 June, ,, Ashburton „ 163. Gladstone, James, alias Stewart, Theft 20 Jan., „ Karamea „ 26. alias Holt, &c. Gooder, James Disobeying order 26 Nov., ,, Opunake 1904. Page 25. Gordon, John Default of fine 15 May, ,, Dunedin 1903. Page 139. Goulden(or Goulder), George Joseph Fails to provide 2 Oct., „ Oarnaru „ 270. Graff, Alfred Disturbing meeting ... 4 June, „ Ngaruawahia ... „ 151. Grant, Peter Donald Theft 3 Oct., ,, Wanganui „ 250. Green, Dick Breaking and entering 3 Feb., Avondale „ 62. Gutsell, Charles William Wife-desertion 12 Sept., „ Invercargill „ 240. Had win, John, alias Brockbank ... Theft ... 30 Nov., ,, Otaki ,, 299.


Name. Offence. Date of Issue. Station. Police Gazette Reference. Hales, Walter R. Wife-desertion 1 May, 1903 Dunedin 1903. Page 163. Hare Matenga Theft 13 May, ,, Gisborne 1904. Page 25. Harris, William Disobeying order 25 Sept., „ Featherston 1903. Page 251. Harrison, George Theft 8 Oct., „ Auckland „ 269. Hatfield, William M. Disobeying order 13 Jan., ' ,, Wellington „ 27. Haynes, Charles Breach of prohibition order 15 Sept., „ Christchurch ... ,, 249. Hellinger, Martin Paul F. Theft 6 Mar., ,, Christchurch ... „ 74. Henderson, John Default of maintenance 2V Nov., „ Auckland „ 315. Hill, Harry Theft 1 May, ,, Invercargill „ 129. Horne, Arthur Edward ... Default of maintenance 30 April, Christchurch .., „ 153. Howard, John George ... Deserting H.M.S. “ Penguin ”... 1 Nov., ,, Wellington „ 270. Howe, Henry Wife-desertion 12 Sept.., ,, Wanganui „ 239. Humphrey, John (or Jack) Default of sureties ... 26 May, ,, Blenheim „ 163. Hughes, Mark Deserting H.M.S. “Wallaroo” 15 June, ,, Auckland „ 177. Pages 50, 287. In gley, Frank Cattle-stealing 19 Feb., ,, Stratford Irwin (or Irvin), Louis, alias Thomas Disobeying order 23 Nov., ,, Wairoa Page 299. Jennings, Samuel False pretences 21 Jan., ,, Auckland Pages 25, 35. Johnson, John Disobeying order 23 Nov., ,, Wanganui Page 299. Johnston, Andrew Disobeying order 7 Feb., ., Auckland „ 37. Johnstone, Frederick Disturbing meeting ... 4 June, „ Ngaruawahia ... „ 151. Jones, Frederick Richmond, alias Theft 2 Nov., „ Christchurch ... „ 288. Lewis Jones, John Default of fine 12 May, ,, Dunedin „ 139. Jones, Thomas Default of fine 27 Mar., „ Wellington „ 89. Kearney, John Default of maintenance 26 Jan., ,, Marton „ 37. Kingsbury, Neville False pretences 25 Dec., „ Christchurch ... 1904. Page 2. Kingsbury, Neville False pretences 29 Dec., „ Dunedin „ 3. Knight, Henry Default of fine 17 Jan., „ Christchurch ... 1903. Page 62. Langton, Edward Default of maintenance 19 Jan., ,, Clinton „ 49. Lawlor, Alfred, alias Newman Theft 23 Nov., ,, Blenheim „ 316. Lyons, William Perjury 16 Dec., ,, Auckland 1904. Page 1. MacClure, Frank Disobeying order 4 Nov., ,, Eltham 1903. Page 299. Macintosh, Charles Nicholson Theft 4 May, ,, Timaru 129. Mackie, Robert Thomas Bruce Default of maintenance 5 Mar., ,, Thames „ 63. Man, name unknown Theft ... 21 April, ,, Palmerston N.... 118. Man, name unknown Breaking and entering 24 July, „ Levin Pages 192, 204. Man, name unknown False pretences 20 July, ,, Te Awamutu ... Page 203. Man, name unknown Attempting to break and enter 13 Aug., ,, Auckland ,. 214. Martin, William Default of fine 4 Mar., ,, Raetihi „ 73. Men, names unknown ... Assault and robbery ... Deserting H.M.S. “Sparrow”... 12 May, Dunedin „ 128. Messenger, George William 4 Mar., ,, Auckland „ 76. Milner, William, alias Barratt, False pretences 20 April, „ Ormondville ... „ 117. alias Jennings Mocken, David Wife-desertion 30 Sept. „ Waihi „ 269. Moran, James Default of fine 14 Jan., ,, Carterton „ 25. Morris, Archibald Theft 3 Aug., „ Wellington „ 205. Morris, Percy, alias Collins Theft 31 Oct., „ Wanganui „ 287. Murch, George Francis ... Disobeying order 1 Aug., „ Wellington „ 205. Murray, A. Forgery 5 Jan., ,, Eketabuna „ 13.. Musgrave, Jennett Breach of Bankruptcy Act 21 Nov., „ Auckland „ 299. McAlister, Robert Theft 1 Dec., ,, Auckland „ 315. McArthur, J. False pretences 21 Oct., „ Christchurch ... „ 278. McAuley, Albert Default of fine 9 Dec., „ Dunedin „ 90. McCabe, John Disobeying order 5 Dec., „ Thames 1904. Pages 1, 13. McGarry, Thomas Default of fine 11 Sept., „ Auckland 1903. Page 267. McGrath, Thomas Default of fine 8 June, ,, Shannon „ 151. McGregor, W. R. Theft 19 Dec., „ Bull’s 1904. Page 2. McKay, John Theft 13 Aug., „ Invercargill 1903. Page 216. McKinley, Henry Default of fine 9 Dec., ,, Dunedin „ 90. McLean, William Osborne Obscene language 31 Aug., „ Invercargill „ 226. McLean, William Osborne Default of fine 13 Oct., „ Invercargill „ 268. McMaster, Donald Default of maintenance 13 June, ,, Ashburton „ 163. Newell, Arthur Deserting H.M.S. “Sparrow”... 4 Mar., ,, Auckland „ 76. Odium, Charles Default of maintenance 11 Mar., „ Thames „ 75. Palmer, Frederick Charles Default of maintenance 27 May, ,, Dunedin „ 142. Pearson, Alfred W. Breach of Bankruptcy Act 19 June, ,, Dunedin „ 161. Pell, Frank Default of maintenance 10 Sept., ,, Auckland „ 239. Perry, Ernest James Abel Deserting H.M.S. “Sparrow”... 5 Mar., „ Auckland „ 76. Petersen, Peter Ship-desertion 31 Aug., ,, W ellington „ 228. Pocock, Leonard Default of maintenance 21 J uly, ,, Christchurch ... „ 239. Price, John Disturbing a meeting 13 July, ,, Carterton „ 191. Prophet, David Default of maintenance 13 Aug., „ Auckland „ 215. Randall, John D. Default of maintenance 28 Feb., „ Auckland „ 63. Reid, Allen Theft 10 Aug., „ Christchurch . . ,. 215. Restieaux, William Alfred Wife-desertion 18 Aug., „ Christchurch „ 228.


Name Offence. Date of Issue. Station. Police Gazette Deference. Robertson, William Deserting H.M.S. “ Archer” ... 3 Jan., 1903 Lyttelton 1903. Page 15. Robinson, Mittai Theft 3 Feb., „ Auckland Pages 48, 62. Rowland, Wallace Obscene language and assault... 9 Oct., „ Aratapu Page 267. Saunders, Jack Inciting to resist police 20 July, „ Dannevirke „ 191. Seifert, — False pretences 20 July, „ Cambridge „ 203. Sendon, John Theft 19 Feb., „ 11 Aug, „ Invercargill „ 63. Shand, Patrick A. False pretences Ormondville „ 213. Sinclair, Harry Default of maintenance 4 April, „ Oamaru „ 109. Sisley, G-eorge Theft 14 Dec, „ Waitara 1904. Page 1. Smith, Alfred, alias Norton Assault 7 Dec, „ Mosgiel „ 3. Smith, Edward Deserting H.M.S. “ Ringarooma” 25 Mar, „ Lyttelton 1903. Page 93. Smith, George Forging and uttering 18 Oct, „ Christchurch ... „ 268. Smith, James George Default of maintenance 12 Oct, „ Christchurch ... „ 270. Smith, William Default of fine 20 June, „ Dunedin „ 316. Smith, William Default of fine 1 Dec, „ Wellington 1904. Page 2. Spain, Henry Thomas ... Default of maintenance 17 Nov, „ Auckland 1903. Page 299. Stanerson, Oscar Default of fine 7 Aug, „ Shannon „ 213. Stanley, James Default of fine 14 Jan, „ Carterton „ 25. Sutherland, David Edward Wife-desertion 26 Oct.. Napier „ 277. Taggart, Robert Default of maintenance 9 May, „ Pahiatua „ 129. Taggart, Robert Carnally knowing girl 14 May, „ Pahiatua „ 127. Talbot, Alfred Deserting H.M.S. “Wallaroo ” 13 June, ,, Auckland „ 177. Taylor, Ernest Theft 6 Nov, „ Wellington „ 288. Taylor, James Webb Disobeying order 13 Feb, „ Blenheim „ 49. Templeton,— Tomlin, Elizabeth Theft 11 July, „ Auckland „ 192. Default of fine 16 Feb, „ Waimate „ 90. Tupaka Akuhata, alias Thompson Conspiring to defraud 25 Nov, „ Auckland „ 315. Turner, Thomas Wife-desertion 7 July, „ Christchurch ... „ 177. Veasey, James Obscene language 6 July, „ Auckland „ 175. Wadinan, Arthur Henry Default of maintenance 30 April, „ Christchurch ... „ 119. Walkem, Montague Herbert, alias Forging and uttering 28 Mar, „ Balclutha Pages 90, 214. Waterwortk, James, alias Smith ... Theft 2 July, „ Dunedin Page 176. Watson, — Theft 9 June, „ Christchurch ... „ 153. Watters, John Disobeying order 16 June, ,, Christchurch ... „ 163. Wearne, John Fails to provide 23 April, ,, Hawera „ 119. Weir, George Ross Disobeying order 25 Sept, „ Dunedin „ 278. Wheeler, James Default of maintenance 24 Aug, ,, Auckland „ 227. Wheeler, John Default of fine 13 June, ,, Lower Hut’t „ 161. Williams, Edward False pretences 18 Mar, „ Raglan „ U7. Williams, Henry Owen ... Theft 20 May, ,, Wellington „ 162. Williams, James Default of maintenance 11 Feb., ,, Feilding „ 109. Williamson, Alfred, alias Lykke, Default of fine 9 July, „ Christchurch .., „ 191. Neils Willis, A. D., alias Genet Theft 24 Oct, Greymouth Pages 278, 316. Wills, John Profane language 11 May, „ Helensville Page 151. Wilson, — Theft 27 May, „ Auckland „ 152. Wilson, Joseph S. Default of maintenance 27 Aug, ,, Wellington „ 228. Withers, George Edward Disobeying order 13 Aug,, „ Wellington „ 215. Wood, Charles Obscene language 4 Sept, „ Gisborne „ 237. Younger, George Failing to surrender to bail 27 April, „ Wellington „ H7.


Name of Offender. 1 Where tried, j When. Offenoe. | Sentence. Native of Trade. S3 O « Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Soarbroa, John Auckland 20/1/04 theft to find sureties N. Zealand labourer 1884 ft. in. 5 10 dark .. black brown .. medium South American native parents. Scarbroa, William Auckland 20/1/04 theft to find sureties N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1889 5 6 dark .. black brown .. medium South American native parents. Windsor, Cecil Auckland 21/1/04 theft fine, or 1 month N. Zealand boat-builder 1885 5 11 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Scar on left wrist. Kingston, Thomas Auckland 22/1/04 theft 3 mo’s probat’n N. S. Wales labourer 1882 5 11 fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium May, Alfred James Auckland 23/1/04 theft sent to Burnham to come up N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1893 4 9 fair brown blue .. medium Hilliam, Emmie Boulie Auckland 27/1/04 no lawful means of supEngland .. domestic .. 1873 5 4 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium port when called on Jones, William Auckland 4/2/04 theft 3 mo. probat’n England .. labourer 1850 5 6i brown .. dark brown hazel .. medium Crucifix and tree on left arm ; bracelet on wrist. Ferguson, John Auckland 5/2/04 theft fined £2 Norway .. seaman 1882 5 9 fair fair blue .. medium Anchor on right thumb. Reston, Benjamin.. Auckland 10/2/04 theft to come up when called on N. Zealand seaman 1883 5 9 brown .. dark grey •. medium Flavell, Frank Dargaville .. 14/1/04 theft fine, or 1 month N. Zealand bushman .. 1881 5 7 fair light blue medium Stevens, Nellie Aratapu 15/1/04 theft * fined £1 N. Zealand servant 1883 5 4 fair light brown grey .. medium Large mouth. Ihaia Morunga Rawene 20/1/04 theft fined N. Zealand 5 11 dark .. dark dark .. Roman Markham, John Edward Te Awamutu 19/1/04 horse-stealing fined £5 N. Zealand cattle-dealer 1871 5 Hi fresh .. light brown blue medium 2 p.c. Anchor on left arm; bracelet on left wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 160.) Oakley, Joseph Dannevirke .. 14/1/04 theft fine, or 1 month England .. sawmill hand 1862 5 7i fresh .. dark brown brown .. large Small scar on left wrist. Fine paid. Heron, Charles Taihape 20/1/04 no lawful means of supconvicted and Australia .. cook 1876 5 8 pale black black .. medium port discharged Engert, Stanley Palmerston N. 13/1/04 theft fine, or 1 month Germany .. labourer 1886 5 5 fair fair blue .. medium Piggott, Edmond .. Shannon 26/1/04 assault wilful damage fined £1 to pay damage, £1 to come up England .. farmer 1858 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. medium Carrig, William James Wellington .. 15/1/04 theft N. Zealand clerk 1886 5 54 dark .. dark brown .. when called on Collier, Percival .. Wellington .. 20/1/04 theft to come up when called on Melbourne carpenter .. 1885 5 6 fresh .. dark brown blue Quinlan, Mary Wellington .. 4/2/04 no lawful means of to come up Ireland servant 1875 5 0 fresh .. grey grey .. support when called on Courtney, Eva Wellington .. 6/2/04 no lawful means of to come up N. Zealand prostitute .. 1883 5 3 fair red grey .. support when called on Chant, Herbert Allen Wellington .. 6/2/04 theft sent to BurnN. Zealand Burnham 1884 5 11 dark .. dark brown .. ham boy Farmer, Albert Wellington .. 7/1/04 theft to come up N. Zealand carpenter .. 1883 5 7 fair, dark blue medium when called on freckled Mueller, Alfred Wellington .. 11/1/04 theft six strokes of N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1891 4 7 fresh .. brown grey .. birch

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ' Native of Trade. ' a u • o « 3 ."2? X Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, kc. Rayner, Charles Christchurch 14/1/04 theft sent to Burn- • N. Zealand Burnham 1890 ft .in. 4 0 dark .. dark dark .. medium * ham boy 22/1/04 breaking and entering sent to Burn(2 charges) ham Costello, Michael .. Christchurch 18/1/04 vagrancy sent to SamariIreland labourer 1865 5 4 fresh .. dark, turngrey .. medium tan Home ing grey Calvert, Thomas .. Christchurch 28/1/04 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 4 fresh .. brown grey .. medium See Police Gazette , 1902, page 13. Sweeney, Allan Lyttelton 13/1/04 theft fine, or 5 weeks Scotland .. sailor 1880 5 8i fresh .. dark grey .. medium Medium build ; has strong Sootch accent. Dwight, Samuel James Dunedin 10/2/04 theft of a rifle fine, or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 8 dark .. dark brown dark .. medium Bunting, James Lawrence 25/1/04 no lawful means of to come up Ireland labourer 1843 5 7 fair brown hazel .. sharp, support when called on pointed Hood, Andrew Lawrence 5/2/04 no lawful means of to come up Scotland .. labourer 1844 5 8 fair grey hazel .. medium support when called on Riley, Patrick Lawrence 5/2/04 no lawful means of to come up Ireland labourer and 1857 5 9 fair grey blue medium support when called on sailor

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol- continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. be k Complexion. Hair. Eyes. ! | Nose 1 | Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions Lave been taken.) Auckland — ft in. sallow.. dark brown Mason, Leslie, alias MeAuckland 2/11/03 obscene language 1 month England .. ship’s car1864 5 3 blue-gr’y long 24 p.c. Scar on right eyebrow and bridge of nose; Lyndon, Albert, alias resisting police 2 montJas penter white scum on left eye. F.P. Sentences cumuMcNamara, Michael Bernard, &c. faded .. lative. Photographed at Auckland, 9/10/03. Wood, Annie Auckland 2/1/04 indecent act .. 1 month Ireland .. prostitute .. 1845 5 1 black, turnblue large F.P. fair ing grey Brady, Patrick .. Auckland 19/1/04 obscene language 2 weeks England .. fireman 1877 5 H dark brown grey .. medium Burn-scar on right forearm ; two soars on forehead. F P Clare, James Auckland 23/12/03 assault 6 weeks Ireland labourer 1876 5 8i fresh .. dark brown blue medium J. CLARE, J. HOWE, &c., on left arm ; ship, &c., on right arm. Whitehead, Leedham, alias Auckland 22/1/04 assault fine, or 14 days (For description see page 30) .. F.P. Mills fresh .. Boyle, Michael .. Auckland 5/2/04 attempted suicide bound over .. N. Zealand bushman 1878 5 8 fair blue large Right little finger contracted. F.P. Jones, William .. Auckland 4/2/04 theft 3 mo’s probat’n England .. labourer 1852 5 5f swarthy dark brown brown .. large Crucifix, tree, &c., on left arm ; anchor cnleft hand; star between left finger and thumb. F.P. Pai, Pahu Hamilton 17/9/03 keeping unregistered dog fine, or 1 month N. Zealand gum- digger .. 1873 5 11| copper.. black brown .. medium 1 p.c. Both legs been broken above ankle; lame right leg. F.P. MoLenahan, William John Auckland 7/1/04 theft 1 month N. S. Wales barman 1872 5 n fresh .. dark brown blue medium Right little finger off ; second left finger top disfigured. F.P. Bingley, Robert Cecil Auckland 25/1/04 habitual drunkenness.. 14 days England .. labourer 1869 5 9 pale light brown blue .. medium 12 p.c. Small mole on right cheek. Bergman, Louis .. Auckland 1/2/04 indecent act .. 7 days Norway .. labourer 1867 5 Sf sallow .. fair blue .. large F.P. Parry, Thomas .. Auckland 27/1/04 smuggling .. fine, or 14 days England .. seaman 1880 6 0J swarthy black grey .. thick Snake on right arm; female and gun on left arm. F P Little, Frederick Te Awamutu 11/1/04 theft 1 month England .. miner 1854 5 8 fresh .. fair grey .. thick Second right finger off", scar on ball of left thumb. F P Ombuldt, Thorvald, alias Auckland 4/2/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 7 days Norway .. seaman 1881 5 94 fresh .. fair blue medium 3 p.c. Emblem on right arm; K.O., &c., on left Christian arm ; K. between left finger and thumb. F.P. Wilson, Robert .. Huntly 12/1/04 indecent language 1 month Scotland .. stonemason.. 1852 5 8 swarthy grey brown .. long Scar on left thumb ; right ring finger injured. F.P. behaving in offensive 1 month Sentences concurrent. manner Reynolds, Thomas Auckland 29/1/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 14 days (For description see page 40) •• •• See Police Gazette , 1904, page 40, Willy, Annie Auckland 4/2/01 wounding with intent.. 4 years Scotland .. prostitute .. 1863 5 3 fresh .. dark brown blue pug 10 p.c. Small scar on left cheek and two on left breast; large scar on right wrist. F.P. Spurway, George Auckland 14/12/03 fraudulently attempting 1 mo. on each England .. wool-sorter 1830 5 0 sallow .. grey blue medium Scar on forehead. F.P. Sentences concurrent. to obtain pension(2 ch) 3 p.c. Large scar on left breast. F.P. Warren, William Thomas Auckland 14/1/04 rogue and vagabond .. 1 month England .. bootmaker .. 1877 5 6 dark .. blaok brown .. thin Loader, Beatty Edward .. Whangarei .. 15/1/04 wilful damage fine, or 1 month England .. journalist and 1853 5 3f sallow .. brown, turnblue .. long Scar on nose and left thumb. F.P. cook ing grey 87 p.c. F.P. Barstow, Henry, alias York, Auckland 1/2/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 14 days England .. labourer 1822 5 6 sallow .. grey hazel .. medium alias Turner Brown, John .. Auckland 1/2/04 assault fine, or 14 days remanded N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 8 fresh .. auburn blue long Sear on ball of left thumb. Fine paid. Hare, Patihana .. Dargaville .. 22/1/04 theft N. Zealand * labourer 1883 5 7f copper.. black broad .. medium Rotorua — dark dark .. medium Te Kuru Taupo 11/1/04 insulting language 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 9 copper.. Waiotapu — Edgington, Alfred Auckland 4/5/03 theft 12 months Born at sea ironmonger 1859 5 7 sallow .. dark brown grey .. medium Soar on corner of right eye ; mole on left temple. F.P. Gisborne — dark brown hazel .. medium Barnes, Florence Gisborne 1/2/04 drunkenness .. 4 days Cape Colony servant 1874 5 44 dark ..


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. l Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Napier— Smith, Timothy .. Napier 1/2/04 theft 6 mo. probat’n N. Zealand carpenter .. 1882 ft. in. 5 7 sallow .. brown brown .. large Long scar on right thumb. F.P. P e d r 1 c k, John, alias Napier 1/2/04 sodomy acquitted England .. sawyer 1827 5 4f fresh .. grey hazel .. large Ship, lighthouse, and woman on left arm : flags, &c., “ Happy Jack ” Johnson, Walter Napier 1/2/04 theft sent to BurnN. Zealand schoolboy .. 1891 4 6J dark .. brown brown .. medium on right arm. F.P. Quarter-caste mulatto. Long scar on abdomen; Reed, John Dannevirke .. 28/11/03 drunkenness.. ham 7 days England .. labourer 1861 5 8i fresh .. brown blue thick small scar on left eyebrow. Mole on left cheek ; varicose veins on right leg. F.P. Jackson, Herbert Charles Napier 3/2/04 theft theft 2 months remanded London horse-trainer 1876 5 fresh .. reddish bro’n brown .. large Sentences cumulative. Photographed at Napier, 24/11/03. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 324.) Gcat-of-arms, &c., on chest; lion, olasped hands over Plummer, Victor Napier 1/2/04 theft fine, or 14 days N. Zealand barber 1888 5 3 dark .. reddish, curly brown brown .. large heart, &c., on right arm ; BEATRICE BRAHAM on left leg, &c. Birth-mark under left eye. F.P. Hansen, John Dannevirke .. 28/1/04 obscene language fine, or 14 days Denmark .. miner 1853 5 7J sallow .. blue long Squints left eye; J.M.O.W.S. on right arm ; top off Fleming, Francis Hastings 28/1/04 theft remanded Ireland engine-driver 1867 5 9i fresh .. brown grey .. large third right finger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 220.) BIRDIE, &c., on right arm; star on right Hapi Tanara Port Awanui 14/12/03 theft; 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 4 copper.. black brown .. thick shoulder ; ballet-girl, &c., on left arm. Malformation of both legs. F.P. McCabe, Joseph, alias Napier 11/1/04 idle and disorderly 1 month England .. labourer 1827 5 1 fresh .. white blue thick Fingers of right hand and toes contracted ; D. on Hooper, William Bull, William Henry Napier 1/2/04 indecent assault (2 chgs) bills ignored .. England ., coachbuilder 1844 5 0J dark .. turning grey grey .. long, thick left side. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 226.) See Police Gazette, 1904, pages 22 and 40. Jamieson, Ronald Waipu 14/12/03 theft 2 months Australia .. coal-trimmer 1885 5 9i fresh .. brown blue medium Right eye missing; both little fingers slightly Lindsay, Thomas Waipawa 14/12/03 theft 2 months Australia .. coal-trimmer 1886 5 3 fresh .. brown, turngrey .. medium crooked. F.P. Photographed at Napier, 3/2/04. Gross, heart, swords, &c., on left arm; ring on left Quartermain, Arthur, alias Napier 7/9/03 forging and uttering .. 6 months N. Zealand sailor 1884 5 5i pale ing grey fair grey .. medium middle finger. F.P. Photographed at Napier, 3/2/04. Blue spot; on nose; scar on left eyebrow. F.P. Cecil New Plymouth — Jones, Frederick Napier 10/9/00 attempt to carnally 5 years England .. upholsterer 1842 5 4J rather dark brown, brown .. thick Photographed at Napier, 3/2/04. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 163.) 2 p.c. Boil-marks on neck ; lost most of teeth ; first Hackett, John .. Hawera 15/1/04 know indecent assault drunkenness .. 5 years 7 days Ireland sailor and 1872 5 3 pale tanned turning grey black blue medium and second joints off right middle finger. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Photographed at Napier, 6/7/96. Special remission. Large burn-mark below right knee; scar on left Rossiter, Henry .. Hawera 23/1/04 obscene language theft 7 days fine, or 7 days N. Zealand labourer labourer 1887 5 8 fair, freckled dark .. auburn It. blue large thumb. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Scar on palm of left hand, left thumb, middle finger, Wanganui — Cooper, John PalmerstonN. 15/8/03 theft (2 charges) 3 mo’s on each England .. hawker 1846 5 8 brown brown .. medium and above right eye ; nose inclined to left. F.P. 8 p.c. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Lyness, Frederick, alias Black, alias Thompson Norris, Henry .. Wanganui .. 14/12/03 theft (2 charges) 1 mo. on each Ireland draper 1840 5 5| fresh .. light brown grey .. large Gazette, 1902, page 87.) Repeatedly convicted. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Wanganui .. 23/12/03 obscene language 14 days England .. fireman 1874 5 8 dark .. brown blue .. large (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 296.) 1 p.c. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Mitchell, James Wanganui .. 12/1/04 resisting police obscene language 1 month 1 month N. Zealand groom 1879 5 10 fresh .. dark brown grey .. pointed .. Gazette, 1903, page 171.) J.M. on right arm. Holding, William Wanganui .. 12/1/04 vagrancy 1 month England .. butcher 1838 5 3 fair grey grey .. large Repeatedly convioted. (See Police Gazette, 1895, Keen, Joseph Hawera 14/1/04 begging 1 month N. Zealand jockey 1878 5 4* dark .. brown brown .. medium page 197.) Repeatedly convicted. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Gibson, James .. Wanganui .. Wanganui .. 15/1/04 15/1/04 obscene language assault theft 14 days 14 days 1 month England .. bushman 1863 5 U fresh .. brown hazel .. thick (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 186.) 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 10.) [He is not 5ft. 8in., as previously described. j


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. [Height. Com- j pleriou. Hair. Eyes. Nose Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) W anganui —continued. ft. in. Snow, William .. PalmerstonN. 23/1/04 trespass 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1858 5 of fresh .. brown hazel .. pug Scar on back of head. Sentences cumulative. assault 7 days Brown, Norman Lecesne.. Wanganui .. 3/2/04 drunkenness .. 3 days Tasmania.. photograph ’r 1860 5 41 fresh .. brown blue sharp Scar left side of forehead. Walsh, John Foxton 3/2/04 begging 7 days (For description see page 32) 2 p.c. F.P. Manning, John Basil Francis Katterns Wanganui .. 4/2/04 helpless drunkenness .. remanded England .. pianist 1832 5 si florid .. grey hazel .. large, Sent to inebriate home. purple Williams, Lewellyn Foxton 5/2/04 drunkenness.. 48 hours Wales labourer 1864 5 5f fresh .. brown grey .. broad MAUD on left arm. Sentences concurrent. obscene language 7 days Haurangi Waverley 9/2/04 breach of Maori Councils Act breach of Maori Councils Act breach of Maori Councils Acg fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 6f copper.. black brown .. broad Brown, Ropata .. Waverley 9/2/04 fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 9f copper.. black brown .. broad Ropa Waverley 9/2/04 fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1866 5 n copper.. black brown .. broad Wellington— Wellington .. Barton, Leonard 12/1/04 theft 1 month England .. seaman and 1871 5 n fair brown blue medium F W. (in heart) on right arm ; anchor on right Walsh, Coarles Henry labourer hand ; L. on left arm. F.P. Masterton .. 22/10/03 assault 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 34 dark dark brown brown .. medium Mole on chin; scar on back of head. F.P. Wellington .. 12/1/04 theft 1 month Whitley, Richard, alias Butler Wellington .. 1/2/04 theft 14 days Ireland shoemaker .. 1875 5 7 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 32.) Lindsay, John, alias Wellington .. 10/12/03 uttering a coin with in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 9 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 4 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 102.) Newton tent to defraud Daniels, William, alias Wellington .. 1/9/03 theft 1 month Victoria .. cook 1876 5 5 fresh .. brown blue-gr’y medium Several p.c. in Victoria. Scar right side of forehead. Platt, alias Wilson 24/8/03 attempt to break and 6 months F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 27/8/03. Tauri, alias Hori Wirihana Wellington .. 26/6/03 theft (7 charges) 9 months N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 8f copper.. black brown .. flat Small birth-mark on left breast. F.P. Johnston, John, alias Smith, George Henry Wellington .. 17/4/03 breaking and entering 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 7 fresh .. brown grey .. small 1 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 20/9/02. Wellington .. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 247.) Allan, George 7/12/03 false pretences 2 months N. Zealand miner and 1873 5 74 fair brown blue medium 7 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 263.) Ellison, John .. Wellington .. gardener 4/12/03 assault 2 months England .. seaman 1881 5 3| dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Pierced heart on left arm. F.P. Pickering, Matthew Wellington .. 31/8/03 theft 6 months Tasmania.. carpenter .. 1848 5 5 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page Edward 200.) Voss, Frank Wellington .. 11/4/03 drunkenness .. 24 hours Germany .. fireman 1878 5 7 fresh .. light brown grey .. large 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 103.) vagrancy 12 months Fredric, George E. Wellington .. 21/1/04 embezzlement remanded N. Zealand warehouse1878 5 94 dark .. brown brown .. medium Mole over right eye. McManus, William Wellington .. 2/1/04 drunkenness .. 1 month Ireland man labourer 1855 5 64 sandy .. grev blue medium 4 p.c. Blue mark on forehead. Garruthers, Robert T. Wellington ,. 3/2/04 disobeying maintenance order theft remanded N. Zealand soldier 1880 5 64 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium Burn on right arm. Cuthbert, Walter Wellington .. 30/1/04 7 davs England .. labourer 1859 5 34 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium Dot on right arm. F.P. Flynn, Richard .. Wellington .. 5/1/04 drunkenness.. 1 month Scotland .. seaman 1882 5 1 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 135.) Farrow, William Featherston 24/12/03 false pretences 6 weeks England .. salesman 1865 5 64 fair light brown blue medium Scar on right forefinger. F.P. Jellemar, Karl .. Wellington .. 4/2/04 wounding acquitted Holland .. fireman 1878 5 9 fair light brown blue medium Scar on chin. Thatcher, Catherine Wellington .. 11/11/03 drunkenness.. 3 months Ireland domestic 1860 5 9 ruddy .. fair grey hazel .. 5 p.c. Scars on forehead and nose. F.P. Hitchmough, Ellen Wellington 3/11/03 drunkenness.. 3 months England .. cook 1850 5 1 light brown grey .. flat 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 124.) Gillon, Mary Ann Wellington ., 14/11/03 drunkenness .. 3 months Ireland 1833 5 0 pale grey grey .. broad 1 p.c. Anderson, Ellen Wellington .. 2/11/03 drunkenness .. 3 months Norway .. prostitute .. 1873 5 7 fair fair light br. medium Numerous p.c. F.P. Picton— Kershaw, John .. Blenheim 4/1/04 habitual drunkenness.. 30 days England .. labourer 1853 5 H fair fair, turning blue long 9 p.c. Two hearts, wreath, &c., on right arm ; J.K, on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 211.) Martin, Frances Annie Blenheim grey 13/1/04 obscene language 30 days England .. domestic 1859 5 0 dark .. black, turnbrown .. medium Scar on left knee ; large mouth ; stout build. mg grey


1 Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. j Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. 1 Nose. l 1 Remarks, aud Previous Convictions. (F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Hokitika— ft. in. Sherlock, Thomas Westport 30/11/03 disobeying order 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 94 dark .. dark brown grey .. medium Birth-mark on left side ; right middle finger amputated. F.P. Begley, Thomas, alias Bigley Johanson, John .. Lyell 2/1/04 assault •• 1 month Ireland labourer 1860 5 7 sallow .. brown It. blue large Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 115.) Westport 13/1/04 assault 1 month America .. seaman and fireman 1876 5 7 sallow .. dark grey .. medium Anchor, cross, &c., on left arm ; anchor between right finger and thumb. Lennon, Felix .. Westport 13/1/04 assault * * 1 month England .. seaman and fireman 1877 5 54 fresh .. light brown blue .. medium Dot between right finger and thumb ; rose, shamrock, and thistle on right arm; burn-marks on neck. 3 p.c. Strong build; mole on breast. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Photographed at Hokitika, 19/11/03. (See Police Gazette , 1903, page 115.) Grant, Alexander, afmsWilliam, alias Andrew Alex. Lyttelton — Ahaura 29/8/03 false pretences (2 chgs) 6 mo’s on each India seaman 1873 5 8§ fresh .. brown grey .. large Shaw, Alfred Edward, alias Christchurch 25/8/03 theft (2 charges) 6 mo’s on each Sydney .. clerk 1886 5 4 dark .. dark brown .. medium F.P. Sentences concurrent. Wallace, J. H. Stevenson, Catherine, alias Jane Christchurch 4/11/03 4/2/04 vagrancy drunkenness .. 3 months fine, or 7 days Ireland prostitute .. 1854 5 1 fresh .. brown blue .. long Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 264.) Lestrange, Eliza Christchurch 7/1/04 drunkenness .. obscene language fine, or 48 hours 1 month (For description see page 11) .. Numerous p.c. F.P. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 24.) Steele, E. J. Christchurch 9/12/03 theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6§ fair fair brown .. large 1 p.c. Scar on left leg and on left arm. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 8/2/04. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 286.) Langdon, Charles Christchurch 11/1/04 assault 1 month N. Zealand blacksmith .. 1869 5 4 dark .. black brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1895, page 43. Ludwig, Neils, alias Ludwick Christchurch 12/11/03 vagrancy 3 months Denmark .. labourer 1829 5 n fresh .. grey grey .. large Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette 1903, page 264.) Power, James, alias James Charles MoEwan, William Christchurch 13/11/03 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 84 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium F.P. (S eelPolice Gazette, 1903, page 211.) Christchurch 14/11/03 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand ropemaker .. 1877 5 24 fair fair blue medium Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 285.) Swales, Joseph Henry Wilson Christchurch 8/2/04 fraudulent bankruptcy imprisoned till rising of S.C. England .. butcher 1866 5 4 fresh .. brown blue sharp F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 12/1/04. See Police Gazette, 1903, page 237.) O’Connell, Patrick John .. Christchurch 28/1/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 14 days 14 days Ireland tentmaker .. 1854 5 6* fresh .. brown blue medium Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 116.) Urlick, Antonia .. Lyttelton 2/2/04 deserting ship Germany .. seaman 1884 5 4 fair brown, curly grey .. medium Scar on right leg and right thumb. Put on board. Kruse, John Lyttelton 1/2/04 deserting ship 1 month Sweden .. seaman 1875 5 7 sandy .. sandy brown .. medium Large star and man on right arm; heart and spear on left arm ; scar over each eye. Put on board. O’Brien, Michael Christchurch 8/2/04 vagrancy , , remanded N. Zealand groom 1878 5 H fresh .. brown grey .. medium Bailed. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 206.) Bradly, Frank .. Christchurch 8/2/04 false pretences acquitted Melbourne bill-sticker .. 1859 5 H fresh .. brown blue large, hooked Scar on ball of left thumb. Holland, John .. Christchurch 8/2/04 theft acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 fresh .. brown blue small F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 296.) Dorreen, Alfred Ernest .. Christchurch 8/2/04 theft 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 44 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Returned to Burnham. Power, Michael, alias Underwood, Patrick, alias Kenna, John F. Wellington .. Christchurch 28/4/02 13/5/02 11/11/02 theft perjury attempted prison-break-18 months 3 months 4 months England .. blacksmith .. 1872 5 64 dark .. brown blue long 4 p.c. in Australia. Large mouth ; three scars on back of head; third left finger-nail split. Sentences cumulative. Burney, Charles J. Kaiapoi 15/1/04 mg disobeying maintenance 1 month N. Zealand shepherd 1878 5 7 dark .. brown brown .. large Scar on left breast. Duncan, Alexander, alias Thomas Christchurch 8/9/03 theft theft 3 months 6 months England .. jockey * 1881 5 n fresh .. brown brown .. short .. Scar on right arm ; bullet-wound on top of head; three faint dots on left arm. F.P. Sentences concurrent. Photographed at Lyttelton, 8/2/04. McGregor, Gregor Christchurch 25/1/04 entering lioensed mises entering licensed mises prefine, or 14 days (For description see page 23) .. Numerousip.c. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 33.) Boyce, Ada Christchurch 26/1/04 prefine, or 14 days England .. prostitute .. 1873 5 24 sallow .. black brown .. medium Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 136.) Timaru — Bennett, Joseph Shepherd Timaru 30/1/04 theft , , 48 hours N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1893 4 4 fair fair blue medium Parents live in Timaru. Smith, Thomas Bertie Timaru 30/1/04 theft , , 48 hours N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1895 4 2 fresh .. light brown blue medium Parents live in Timaru. Franks, Carl Wilhelm Timaru 3/2/04 lunacy sent to asylum Germany .. butcher 1837 5 9 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. OJfenoe. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 5 be "3 W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. i j Remarks, and Previous Convictions. | (F.P, indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Timaru — continued. ft. in. fresh .. Lynch, James Timaru 1/2/C4 drunkenness.. fine, or 3 days Ireland labourer 1844 5 brown, turnblue medium fresh ,. mg grey Talike, Henry William Timaru 4/2/04 theft remanded hi. Zealand schoolboy .. 1891 4 8 brown grey .. medium Sent to Burnham School. Francis Tallke, Joseph Charles Timaru 4/2/04 theft remanded N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1889 4 8 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Sent to Burnham School. McDonald, James Timaru 4/2/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 24 hours Scotland .. ship’s cook .. 1873 5 fresh .. brown blue medium Heart on right wrist; cross, heart, and dagger on left wrist. Hammond, Thomas Timaru 5/2/04 drunkenness.. fine, or 24 hours England .. seaman and 1876 5 54 fresh .. brown blue medium labourer Oamaru — fair light brown Spicer, George William .. Kurow 6/1/04 obscene language 30 days England .. clerk 1860 5 5 blue large See Police Gazette, 1903, page 284. Clifford, Peter McLaren .. Oamaru 3/2/04 shooting with intent .. 12 mo. probat’n (For description see page 34) . . Ward, William Fearly Oamaru 6/2/04 default of maintenance order made .. N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 fair light brown blue Photographed at Dunedin, 7/11/95. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 189.) Dunedin — Edwards, Frank, alias Dunedin 20/4/03 theft 12 months N. Zealand labourer and 1888 5 0 fresh .. light brown blue short, F.P. Sent to Burnham. Hicks farm-hand squat Brosnan, Patrick Dunedin 25/3/03 attempted theft 1 month Dunedin .. hotel porter 1888 5 3f fresh .. red hazel .. small F.P. Sentences concurrent. Sent to Burnham. damaging property 1 month 20/4/03 breaking and entering 12 months Rowe, David Dunedin 20/4/03 breaking and entering 12 months Dunedin .. ship’s boy .. 1886 5 4 fresh .. dark brown brown .. short Mole and scar on right arm ; scar on left wrist; small mole on chin and on left cheek. F.P. Pipson, Robert Charles .. Dunedin 24/8/03 mischief 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 5f sallow .. dark brown hazel .. thick Scar on chin, left thumb, and forefinger. Sentences buggery 6 months concurrent. Rodda, Joseph ,alias Rodder Oamaru 12/11/03 assault 3 months England .. miner 1854 5 51 fresh .. brown blue short Right arm off at elbow; subject to fits. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 57.) Naerup, Martin .. Dunedin 29/1/04 absent from ship 14 days Norway .. seaman 1882 5 3| sallow .. brown grey medium M.N. on left hand ; dot between right thumb and Dunedin 28/1/04 stowaway fine, or 14 days England .. carter 1881 5 5 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium forefinger. F.P. Heart, TRUE LOVE, woman, and I.L.F. on right arm. F.P. Two thumbs on left hand. F.P. Cunningham, William Martyr, James .. Dunedin 28/1/04 stowaway fine, or 14 days England .. labourer 1881 5 5f sallow .. blacb brown .. medium Johnston, Thomas Gardiner, Owen George .. Dunedin 30/1/04 theft fine, or 14 days England .. seaman 1880 5 3 sallow .. brown grey .. squat Scar side of left ear ; scar above right elbow. F.P. Dunedin 30/1/04 theft remanded N. Zealand auctioneer .. 1877 5 91 sallow .. dark brown grey .. large Right hand off above wrist. George, Edward Dunedin 3/2/04 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours Victoria .. painter 1856 5 7 pale brown blue medium 1 p.c. Scar on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1883, page 206.) Invercargill — Invercargill.. McCombe, Oliver 28/1/04 refusing to pay fare 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 81 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. Scar on back of head. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 43.) Power, Thomas .. Invercargill.. 27/8/03 indecent exposure 6 months Ireland labourer 1840 5 111 fresh .. brown, turnblue large, Mole on back. F.P. Invercargill.. ing grey crooked Gallon, James, alias John 6/1/04 indecent language 1 month Ireland labourer 1875 5 61 fair red blue large, 1 p.c. Heart and sword on right arm; J. GALL on crooked left arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 265.) Casey, Daniel Invercargill.. 30/1/04 breach of the peace 7 days Ireland labourer 1867 5 8f fresh .. brown, turngrey .. large Large mouth ; scar on forehead ; scar on back of Invercargill.. assaulting a constable.. 7 days ing grey head. F.P. Tobin, Salina, alias Cal1/9/03 forgery and uttering .. 6 months N. Zealand cook 1873 5 71 fresh .. sandy grey .. medium 1 p.c. Scar on inside left thumb. F.P. (See Police laghan Gazette, 1890, page 120.) Branty, George .. Oampbelltown 13/1/04 vagrancy 1 month Scotland .. labourer 1868 5 81 fresh .. brown grey .. broad 3 p.c. Scar on thumb and first left finger, F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 327.) Williams, William Invercargill.. 9/2/04 drunkenness .. 24 hours N. Zealand hawker 1877 5 61 fresh .. red blue round 9 p.c. Left arm off below elbow. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 190.) Ellis, William Henry Invercargill.. 30/1/04 breach of prohibition 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 5 p.o. Crossed flags on left arm; anohor on right order arm. F.P. Photographed at Invercargill, 22/10/91. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 210.) Taylor, George .. Lumsden 10/2/04 theft from the person.. remanded England .. sailmaker .. 1846 5 51 sallow.. dark,turning light br. medium 3 p.c. Anchor on both arms; both index fingers grey crooked. Bailed. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 58.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5, 24 February 1904, Page 48

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5, 24 February 1904, Page 48

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVIII, Issue 5, 24 February 1904, Page 48

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