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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1888, pages 299, 303, 312, 313, and 314.) Extending Close Season for Bock-oysters in County of Coromandel.

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this twentyseventh day of February, 1888. Present: The Honourable the Premier presiding in Council, WHEREAS by “The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), it is, among

other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, and revoke regulations for the purposes therein mentioned, which said regulations shall have force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein :

And whereas by Order in Council dated the tenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, certain regulations were made, in exercise and pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act, among other things, prescribing a close season for rock-oysters : And whereas it is expedient to extend such close season for rock-oysters in respect of the places hereinafter set forth: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulation : The close season for rock-oysters prescribed by Order in Council dated the tenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, is hereby extended until the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine ; and this regulation shall have force and effect in respect of the County of Coromandel and the foreshores adjacent thereto. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Land temporarily reserved.

THE following land has been temporarily reserved from sale, and set apart for police purposes : All that piece or parcel of land in the Provincial District of Canterbury, containing by admeasurement 4 acres, more or less, being Section No. 2807 (in red), situate in Block IV., village special settlement at Fairlie Creek, in the Tengawai Survey District. Bounded towards the north-east by Hamilton Street, 486 links; towards the north-west by Section No. 1 in the said block, 757 links ; towards the southeast by Section No. 3, 887 links ; and towards the southwest by railway reserve, 503 links : be all the aforesaid linkages more or less ; as the same is delineated on the plan deposited in the District Survey Office, Christchurch.

Fixing Shooting Season for Deer, License Fee, dc., Wairarapa.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “ The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be taken or killed within the Counties of Wairarapa North and Wairarapa South from the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, to the tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of five pounds each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Wellington is hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. T. W. HISLOP.

Fixing Shooting Season for Deer, License Fee, dc., Nelson District.

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “ The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be taken or killed within the Nelson District, consisting of the Counties of Waimea, Buller, and Collingwood, from the eighteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, to the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of five pounds each ;

and the Chief Postmaster at Nelson is hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor this seventeenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. T. W. HISLOP.

Clerks of Resident Magistrates’ and Warden’s Courts appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, Gth March, 18S8. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Alfred Edward Remer to bo Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s and Warden’s Courts at Pembroke, from the Ist instant, rice Constable T. L. Bradshaw, transferred; Constable Thomas Inger to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Port Albert, vice Constable Haddock; and Constable Patrick Leahy Harnett to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at the Lower Hutt. Tiios. FERGUS.

Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar appointed

Mines Department, Wellington, 7th March, 1888. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Alfred Edward Remer to be a Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar for Pembroke, in the Otago Mining District, as from the Ist March, 1888. G. F. RICHARDSON, Minister of Lands.

Despatch. Provisions of '■'■Foreign Deserters Act, 1852,” extended to Republic of Paraguay.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 7th March, 1888. THE following despatch, received from Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, is published for general information. T. W. HISLOP.

(Circular No. 57.) Downing Street, Gth January, 1888. Sir, —I have the honour to transmit to you, for publication in the colony under your Government, a copy of an Order of Her Majesty in Council (29th December, 1887), extending the provisions of “ The Foreign Deserters Act, 1852,” to the Republic of Paraguay. I have, &c., 11. T. Holland. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the twentyninth day of December, 1887. Present: The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas by “The Foreign Deserters Act, 1852,” it is provided that, whenever it is made to appear to Her Majesty that due facilities are or will be given for recovering and apprehending seamen who desert from British merchantships in the territories of any foreign Power, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council stating that such facilities are or will be given, declare that seamen, not being slaves, who desert from merchant-ships belonging to a subject of such Power when within Her Majesty’s dominions shall be liable to be apprehended and carried on board their respective ships, and may limit the operation of such order, and may render the operation thereof subject to such conditions and qualifications, if any, as may be deemed expedient: And whereas it hath been made to appear to Her Majesty that due facilities for recovering and apprehending seamen who desert from British merchant-ships in the territories of the Republic of Paraguay will be given under a treaty between the Governments of Great Britain and Paraguay, signed at Assumption on the 16th October, 1884 : Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue of the powers vested in her by the said “ Foreign Deserters Act, 1852,” and by and with the advice of her Privy Council, is pleased to order and declare, and it is hereby ordered and declared, that, from and after the publicotion hereof in the London Gazette, seamen, not being slaves (and not being British subjects), who desert from merchant-ships belonging to the Republic of Paraguay within Her Majesty’s dominions shall be liable to be apprehended and carried on board their respective ships; provided always that if any such deserter has committed any crime in Her Majesty’s dominions he may be detained until he has been tried by a competent Court, and until his sentence, if any, has been fully carried into effect. And the Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the Secretary of State for India in Council are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. C. L. Peel.

By Authority: Georgf. Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lßßß.

Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. James Henry Shears.. Samuel Northey Ashburton ... Dec. 24,1887 stealing in a dwelling 2 months’ labour England ... brickmaker 1870 S 4i fresh black brown large large broad Sore eyes and thick lips. Ashburton ... Dec. 24, 1887 stealing in a dwelling 2 months’ labour ... Cornwall... labourer ... 1872 5 4i fair fair grey small small small Severe burn-marks on left side and down Lytteltou ... John Maher Christchurch Nov. 26, 18S7 illegally on premises 3 months’ labour ... County labourer ... 18C-2 5 6i fresh brown blue medium medium medium 1ipperary medium medium medium left arm ; slightly cross-eyed. Lyttelton ... Thomas Henry Lyttelton ... Feb. 4,1S88 exposing his person 1 month’s labour ... New Brunswick seaman ... 1833 - 3 6 swarthy dark hazel Small tattoo-mark on left wrist. Addington Daniel Herlihy Coalgate ... Jan. 24, iSSS stealing from a dvvell1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... blacksmith 1870 s 3 sallow brown brown full large, thick lips medium Several small white marks on back. lane Brown Christchurch Nov. 26, 1887 illegallv on premises 3 months’ labour ... Scotland ... prostitute 1857 3 swarthy black brown medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Addington Ellen Parkinson, alias Christchurch Nov. 26, 1887 illegally on premises 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1850 5 2 fresh black dk. blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. brown large large large Addington Maria Smith Christchurch Jan. 27, 1888 soliciting alms by 1 month's labour ... Ireland ... music1855 4 n i ruddy grey false pretences teacher medium medium medium One previous conviction. BL and anchor tattooed on right arm. Napier Henry Laundy Hastings ... Feb. 17, 18S8 disobeying a mainte-nance-order 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1841 5 8 fresh brown grey Daniel Sullivan Napier Feb. 27, 1888 illegally on premises 7 days’labour England ... sailor 1840 5 ei sallow brown grey medium medium medium Scar on right wrist. Napier Frank Jones, alias Woodville ... Jan. 5, 1888 malicious injury to 2 months’ labour ... England ... butcher ... 1854 5 4 fair brown grey medium medium medium 1 wo previous convictions. Scar on foreJackson, alias Blundell John Eddie property head. Napier Napier Feb. 24,1888 sleeping in a railway7 days’ imprisonment Scotland... draper i82<5 s 6 fresh grey grey medium medium medium Napier Michael Burke Wairoa Jan. 10, 1888 larceny obstructing police ... 1 month’s labour ... 14 days’ labour in delarge medium medium Four previous convictions. Full-rigged fault of paying £1 ... baker 1847 6k swarthy brown grey fine and £2 costs j large ship tattooed on breast. Crucifix and bust of female tattooed on Napier James Sullivan Hastings ... Feb. 17, 1888 breach of the peace... 7 days’ labour in deIreland ... butcher ... 1854 s 73 sallow brown grey medium medium fault of paying £2 fine and ss. costs medium large flat right arm. Deaf. Thomas McGovern ... Grevmouth.. Feb. 11, 1888 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1863 5 7 dark dark brown grey Nelson Charles Joseph Barker Wellington Nov. 25, 1887 disobeying a mainte14 days’ labour Ireland ... clerk 1845 5 7 sallow black hazel long, thin medium long, Long face ; several teeth out. pointed r Goddess of Liberty, with American flag, Nelson James Franklin Nelson Feb. 25, 188S 7 days’ labour hazel wide on board ship {.United sailor 1840 5 6 fresh light brown straight medium J tattooed on left arm, and crucifix on assaulting a constable 7 days’ labour ( States 1 right arm; slight scar on bridge of ) hazel V nose. Wanganui Alexander Dewar Palmerston Jan. 19,1888 refusing to quit li1 month’s labour ... Scotland ... labourer ... 1847 S 8J ruddy fair pug medium bearded Scar under left knee; two cut-marks on North brown calf of left leg. Wanganui Tawa Palmerston Jan. 24, 18S8 damaging property... 1 month’s labour -... N. Zealand labourer ... 1S62 5 4$ copper black medium medium small Mark of burn on breast; two burnNorth marks on left shin; several boil-marks on back. Wanganui Margaret Shearer Wanganui... Jan. 31, 188S habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour 1 blue Roman medium medium Repeatedly convicted. idle and disorderly ... 14 days’labour >■ Scotland prostitute 1838 4 ixj pale brown (cumulative! J Scar on forehead; “J. Gaynor” tatWanganui Marion Kate HamWanganui ... Jan. 31, 1888 idle and disorderly ... 14 days’ labour England ... prostitute 1843 4 io£ fresh brown, turngrey medium medium medium mond ing grey tooed on left arm. N.Plymouth James Kearney Hawera Feb. 17, 1888 assault 7 days’ labour Ireland .. labourer ... 1S02 5 <5 fair fair grey medium medium medium Scar on back of third and fourth fingers of left hand. Timaru ... William Husband Temuka Dec. 2i, 1887 disobeying a mainte2 months’ labour ... Cornwall... farmer 18C0 5 43 fresh brown grey medium large medium Upper front teeth prominent. brown A small scar on forehead; wild expresOamaru ... William Jones Oamaru Feb. 15, 18S8 indecency 14 days’ labour London ... labourer ... 1843 5 8 sallow brown, turnmedium medium bearded ing grey dk.grey sion of eyes. Oamaru ... John Robertson Miller Oamaru Feb. 16, 18S8 larceny committed for trial... Scotland ... watch1869 fresh brown medium medium medium Mark of cut on left jaw and on right leg. Admitted to bail. Picton John Galvin Blenheim ... Feb. 16, 18S8 abusive and insulting 7 davs’ labour in deDublin ... butcher ... 1856 5 10 fresh, fair It. blue medium medium pointed Scar on right leg and on left thumb, language fault of paying £2 fine and 2s. costs 14 days’ labour in desandy forefinger, and middle finger. Lawrence... John Jones Lawrence ... Feb. 23, 1S88 damaging property... N. Zealand 1879 4 I fresh dark brown dk. grey brown medium medium medium Mark of burn on right arm and on right leg. Fine, &c., paid. Fourteen previous convictions. fault of paying £2 17s. fine, costs, and damages Auckland... Mary Walsh, alias Auckland ... Jan. 21, 1888 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... England ... 1861 s 3 swarthy dark brown medium medium medium Hamilton brown Auckland ... Elizabeth Bickerton ... Auckland ... Sept. 15, 1S87 larceny 6 months’ labour ... Scotland ... 1S54 5 oh swarthy black medium medium medium Seven previous convictions. Auckland... Norman Campbell ... Auckland ... Jan. 23, 1888 travelling by steamer 1 month’s labour ... Scotland... fur and 1842 5 7 swarthy dark brown, It grey large large medium without paying his sheepskin turning grey fare sorter medium medium Auckland... Bernard Kearney Auckland ... Jan. 23, 1888 travelling by steamer 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1845 s 6* fresh black grey medium without paying his fare illegally on premises Auckland... Arthur Pearce, alias Auckland ... Dec. 24, 1887 2 months’ labour ... England ... gum-digger 1847 5 7i fresh dark brown dk. grey large large medium Two previous convictions. Arms 1 homas Pierce freckled; mark of dog-bite on inside of right wrist.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... William Adams, alias Auckland ... Feb. ii, 1888 false representations 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1863 ft. in. 5 10 fair light brown blue . prominent medium medium Two lower front teeth broken; large scar across top of head: scar on joint Odams Auckland... James Grant Auckland ... Nov. 23,1887 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... i month’s labour ... Scotland ... labourer ... 1832 5 8 swarthy swarthy dark brown dk.grey medium medium medium Four previous convictions. English coat-of-arms, shamrock, and harp tattooed on right forearm, and female on left forearm ; top of right forefinger stiff-jointed. John Cuddy Te Awamutu Jan. 27, 1888 Jan. 28. 1888 drunk and disorderly Ireland ... labourer ... 1S4S 6 ij dark brown It. blue medium medium medium Auckland... Luther Martin Auckland ... habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour .. England ... 1845 5 "4 fresh dark brown It. grey large large medium One previous conviction. Slightly bald; 2 months’ labour ... fresh scar over left temple; all right "fingers Auckland ... Charles Dwyer Dargaville ... Dec. 29, 1887 assault Ireland ... gum-digger 1833 5 4i grey blue medium medium medium An upper and lower front tooth out, and 3 months’ labour fair Auckland... Michael Brown Auckland ... Nov. 30,1887 larceny Ireland ... stone1872 5 4 dark brown dark br. thick set medium medium 3 months’ labour ... England ... breaker fresh, dark brown cross and dots on left forearm; scar above left knee-cap. Auckland... Thomas 1 . 1 eague, Auckland ... Nov. 30, 1S87 larceny fisherman 1872 blue medium medium medium alias Booth freckled Auckland... John Grappcll Auckland ... Dec. 30,1887 playing at a game of 2 months’ labour in Germany... dealer 1854 5 6J sallow fair blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Right hand chance default of paying crippled ; left little finger contracted; larceny £30 fine and costs right leg stiff; halt in walk. Auckland... James Evans, alias Auckland ... Feb. 2, 1888 1 month’s labour ... England ... labourer ... 1S49 5 3i fresh dark brown, blue medium medium medium Two pievious convictions. Edwards having no visible curly Auckland... John Frazer, alias Onehunga ... Feb. 20, 188S 14 days’ imprisonScotland... labourer ... 1S14 5 6 fresh black, turngrey medium medium medium Fraser means of support ment ing grey thumb. Auckland... Thomas McWilliams Auckland ... Feb. 4, 1888 having no visible 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... bushman... 1S66 5 Si sallow black It. blue medium medium medium means of support hand. Auckland... John Howells, alias Helensville... Jan. .5, 188S larceny 2 months’ labour ... Wales gum-digger 1834 5 84 swarthy black dk. hazel broad large medium Two crossed flags, JFI, and “Selva” Davis larceny as a bailee ... 3 months’ labour ... tattooed on left forearm; long scar down left temple; mole below left eye. Three previous convictions. Auckland... James Fowler Auckland ... Dec. s, 1887 Auckland labourer ... 1S64 5 7i swarthy, freckled dark brown brown broad large medium Auckland ... Charles Wilkinson, Auckland ... Oct. 5, 1887 having no visible 3 months’ labour ... J r alias Robinson means of support 2 months’ labour ... (.England marine1847 5 11 swarthy dark blue ... blue large sunken medium ) of second finger of left hand off; Large scar on right upper arm; no teeth in injury to property ... ( engineer ) Auckland ... Feb. 2,1888 assaulting his wife ... (cumulative) J L upper jaw. Auckland... Peter Peterson 1 month’s labour and Finland ... seaman ... 1852 5 4 swarthy light brown grey flat medium medium Pimpie near left eye. Admitted to bail. 6 months imprisonment in default of sureties Wellington Thomas Jones, alias Wellington Jan. 21, 1888 having no visible 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1S55 6 2 fresh brown blue medium medium medium Hogan Marton Nov. 25,1887 means of support 3 months’ labour .. Wellington Frederick Lyness having no visible Ireland ... draper 1845 5 5 fresh brown blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. means of support Wellington William Henshaw Wellington Feb. 10, 18S8 selling by auction 7 days’ imprisonment Ireland ... upholsterer 1S41 5 84 fresh light brown blue medium large medium without a license on each charge tattooed on right arm ; flags, heart, and (: charges) (concurrent) star on left arm ; and bracelet on each wrist. Seven previous convictions. Pockpitted ; Wellington John Igoe Wellington Dec. 26, 1887 having no visible 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... sailor 1S35 5 9 fresh brown blue small medium medium means of support third and fourth fingers of left hand Wellington lohn Yansen Masterton ... Feb. 20, 1888 indecent exposure ... 7 davs’ labour Finland ... sailor 1847 5 6 dark black black crippled. Wellington Sophia Robinson Wellington Feb. 13, 1888 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour England ... prostitute 1839 5 4 fresh light brown blue large medium small Wellington Samuel 1 homas Wellington Jan. 2, 1888 having no visible 2 months’ labour ... England ... joiner 1848 5 84 dark dark grey medium medium Black spot on pupil of left eye; large Holmes Napier means of support Mount Cook William Anderson ... Dec. 7,1885 arson 3 years’ penal serviScotland... fellmonger 183c 5 10 fresh grey grey medium medium medium Anchor and two stars tattooed on right tude forearm; wreath with heart and MA on left forearm ; varicose veins in legs. Invercargill Robert Kinnaird Invercaigill Dec. 3, 1887 disobeying an order 3 months’ imprisonScotland ... cabinet1S60 5 7 fair dark brown grey medium medium Has gone to Napier. Ludwig Rizzie Invercargill of Court ment maker Invercargill Jan. 9, 1888 assault and threaten6 months’ imprisonSwitzerland carpenter i8 4 s 5 8 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium ing ment in default of f middle fingers of left hand. Invercargill John Pomeroy ... [nvercargill Feb. 18,18S8 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1S73 5 4 1 fresh dark brown grey large large medium One previous conviction. Two blue dots tattooed on left wrist; mark of cut on palm of left hand and forefinger. I nvercargill Hugh Borland Gore Feb. 17, 188S false pretences 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1849 5 5 fresh dark brown Hokitika ... Harry Lumm Greymouth Nov. 21, 18S7 larceny 3 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1871 4 hi sallow light brown blue short medium small Very dark skin ; two scars on left side i 1 of head, one on inside of left knee, anc on back of right shoulder.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Shortland... John Stewart ... Paeroa Jan. 28, 1888 having no visible 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1834 S 8 swarthy brown blue medium medium medium means of support Thames Mar. 2, 1888 larceny .3 davs’ labour N. Zealand miner i8"5g s ej dark dark brown medium medium medium WHlLL tattooed on left forearm. Dunedin ... Arthur O’Hagan Dunedin Sept. 16, 1887 having an unlicensed 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1832 5 7 fresh grey grey medium large medium Pockpitted; ruptured. still in his possession Dunedin ... John O’Hagan Dunedin Sept. 16, 18S7 having an unlicensed 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1823 5 Si florid grey grey large, medium medium Bald on top of head. still in his posseshooked Dunedin ... Charles Richards, alias Dunedin July 4, 1887 forgery and uttering 9 months’ labour ... England ... baker and 1864 5 6 fresh dark brown brown broad medium medium One previous conviction. CGR tattooed Thomas Palmer insufficient lawful cook blue on right arm, and CR on left arm; irregular teeth. Dunedin ... Margaret Ryan, alias Dunedin Jan. 23, 1888 1 month’s labour ... England ... 1857 S 2 sallow black medium medium medium means of support sharp Dunedin ... John Rabbit Oamaru Feb. i, 1888 insufficient lawful 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1847 S 10J dark black hazel medium bearded Scar on top of head; bullet-wound on means of support right thigh. Transferred to lunatic asylum. Dunedin Jan. 2S, '888 riotous behaviour ... t month’s labour Ireland ... prostitute 1862 5 2 fresh light brown hazel broad medium medium Seven previous convictions. Dunedin )an. 23, '888 riotous behaviour ... 1 month’s labour ... Ireland prostitute 1867 5 6 fresh fair hazel medium medium medium Eight previous convictions. Dunedin ... Emily Stone Dunedin jan. 27, 1888 insufficient lawful 1 month’s labour ... England ... prostitute 1867 5 2 fresh light brown brown medium medium medium Two previous convictions. means of support fair blue medium Dunedin ... William Heenan Dunedin Feb. I, 1888 insufficient lawful 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand clerk 1868 S 5 fair medium medium One previous conviction. Brown mark means of support fresh on calf of right leg. Dunedin ... William Jones Hawkesbury Dec. I, 1887 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... ship1865 5 sh brown brown medium large large Hollow cheeks; scar on right eyebrow steward and on forehead. Dunedin ... James Griffiths Hawkesbury Dec. I, 1887 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1870 5 bi swarthy brown hazel small medium medium Two previous convictions. Burn-mark on back of right hand and on neck behind left ear; scar on right forefinger. Dunedin ... Helen Hendry Oamaru Feb. 2. 1888 insufficient lawful 1 month’s labour ... Scotland... ■ 857 5 6 swarthy dark brown blue large medium medium Several front teeth out. means of support Dunedin ... James Dickson Dunedin Mar. 3, 1888 larceny ... 24 hours’ imprisonN. Zealand 1875 4 10 fresh light brown grey medium small medium ment


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 6, 14 March 1888, Page 55

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 6, 14 March 1888, Page 55

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 6, 14 March 1888, Page 55

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