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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette 1887, pages 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1217, 1218, 1221, and 1222.) Regulations for Trout- and Per eh-fishing, Wellington Acclimatisation District.

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Wellington Acclimatisation District, and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette , supersede all regulations at variance therewith.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout and porch in all waters within that district or part of the North Island known as “ the Wellington Acclimatisation District ” which lies to the southward of the following boundary-lino—commencing from the mouth of the Manawatu River and following the course of that river to the Manawatu Gorge; thence in a direct line from such Gorge to the mouth of the Waimata River, on the East Coast—may be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Wellington Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “the said society”), or any one authorised by the said Secretary in that behalf.

2. For every such license a fee of twenty shillings will be charged. Licenses may also be issued to boys of the age of fifteen years or under at a reduced fee of ten shillings for each license so issued : Provided it shall not be obligatory upon the said Secretary or his deputy to issue a license. 3. The Secretary of the said society may issue day licenses to bond fide travellers and strangers not resident within the district aforesaid, on their introduction to him by any two members of the said society, and on payment of a fee of two shillings and sixpence for each day’s fishing : Provided that this payment may be remitted if the applicant be a member of or hold a valid license from any other society in New Zealand which grants the like privilege. 4. Any holder of a license may fish with one rod and line for trout and perch, and may use a landing-net or gaff to secure any trout or perch caught with such rod and line, in the above-named waters, from the first day of October,

one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to the third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eiglity-eight, both inclusive.

5. No license shall authorise any person other than the person named therein to fish, and that with natural or artificial fly, insect, or fish only. G. No person shall have in his possession any of the salmonidse or trout between the twelfth day of April and the thirtieth day of September, which period is hereby appointed a close season for all such fish : Provided always that this regulation shall not apply to fish caught by the officers of the said society for purposes of acclimatisation. 7. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to bo put, thrown, or placed, into any river or stream, or at the mouth or entrance of any such river or stream, any dynamite or other explosive substance, or any sawdust or sawmill refuse, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish. 8. No person shall take, fish for, catch or kill, in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned to the water from whence it was taken. 9. No person shall fish for trout or perch without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said society, or person producing a license, produce and show to such ranger, member, constable, or person his license and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing such trout or porch. 10. Every trout not exceeding nine inches in length from nose to tip of tail, taken or caught by any person, shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken. 11. No person shall take, catch, or kill any perch under eight inches in length, nor shall perch bo taken, caught, or killed at all, or had in possession of any person, between the fourth day of April and the thirtieth day of November in any year.

12. No cross-lino fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout or perch, nor shall any of the abovementioned baits be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 13. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish with or use any net or other engine, instrument, or device for taking fish in any river or stream within the district aforesaid, or at the mouth or entrance of any such river or stream. 14. For the purposes of these regulations the mouth of every such river or stream shall bo deemed to include every outlet of the same and the sea-shore between-such outlets, and shall extend over a radius of one-quarter of a mile from the point or line where the waters of such river or stream meet those of the sea or of any harbour at low water. 15. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, or shall fish for the purpose of obtaining for sale, any salmon, trout, or perch, or any part thereof. 16. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not bo less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. 17. If any person shall bo convicted of any offence against these regulations the license (if any) held by the offender shall thereupon become void. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Fishing for Trout, dc., Canterbury Acclimatisation District.

War. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth clay of September, 1887. Present : His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for that part of the Provincial District of Canterbury to tho north of the Rakaia River, and in the waters thereof.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fisli for trout, perch, and tench in all the waters in the Provincial District of Canterbury north of the Rakaia River will be issued under the hand of the Secretary

of the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society at Christchurch (hereinafter termed “ the said society ”), and for every such license a fee of twenty shillings will be charged : Provided that it shall not ho obligatory upon the said Secretary to issue a license.

Provided also that the Secretary of the said society may issue licenses to hoys of the age of sixteen years or under at a reduced fee of ten shillings for each license, and licenses for one day’s fishing may be granted to bond fide travellers or persons not residing in the North Canterbury Acclimatisation District for the sum of five shillings, or for one week for the sum of ten shillings. 2. Twenty-shilling licenses or ten-shilling boys’ licenses shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the said waters from the first day of October in any year to the thirty-first day of March in the year following ; but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have in his possession, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, any of the salmonidse or trout, except during the above-mentioned period. 4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following baits: Natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, silveries, bullies (Eleotris gobioides), grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, and worms. 5. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort or kind whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout, perch, or tench, except a rod and line, landing-net, and gaff for fish taken with rod and line.

G. No cross-line-fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking catching, or killing trout, perch, or tench, nor shall any of the baits above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 7. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said society, or person producing a license, produce and show to such ranger, constable, member, or person his license, and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing trout, perch, or tench. 8. Every trout not exceeding ten inches in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

9. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, into any of the said waters any sawdust or sawmill refuse, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish. 10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned to the water from whence it was taken ; but this shall not prevent the officers of the said society, or any person authorised by the Secretary of the said society, from taking any kind or description of fish for scientific purposes or for the purposes of pisciculture. 11. No person other than as is provided by clause 12 of those regulations shall sell, or expose or oiler for sale, within the district to which such regulations relate any of the salmonidse, trout, or tench, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidEe, trout, perch, or tench in order to make sale of the same.

12. It shall be lawful for the Secretary of the said society to issue licenses to persons to sell trout, and it shall he lawful to supply such licensed persons, and no others, with trout for the purpose of sale to the public, and the right of such sale shall be let by the said society from year to year by public auction or tender. 13. Every person to whom such license for selling trout as aforesaid shall be granted shall, on Saturday in every week, make a full, true, and complete return to the Secretary of the said society of the number and weight of all trout sold by him during that week ; and shall at all times, on demand of any ranger, constable, or member of the said society, produce for inspection all salmonidaa (if any) or trout in his possession. 14. No person shall take, catch, or kill any perch under eight inches in length, nor shall perch be taken, caught, or killed at all, or had in possession of any person, between the first day of July and the thirtieth day of November in any year. 15. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than twenty shillings or more than fifty pounds. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Fishing for Trout, dc., Waitaki District.

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the County of Waitaki, and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the Ncio Zealand Gazette, supersede all regulations at variance therewith.


1. Licenses to fish for trout, perch, and tench in all the waters of the County of Waitaki shall be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Waitaki County Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “ the said Acclimatisation Society ”), at Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, and for every such license a fee of pno pound will be charged: Provided, however, that licenses may be issued to youths under fifteen years of age on payment of a fee of ten shillings : Provided also that it shall not be obligatory upon the said Acclimatisation Society to issue a license. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the said waters from the first day of October in the year in which the license is issued to the thirty-first day of March in the year following, inclusive; but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following baits—namely, natural and artificial fly, natural and artificial minnow, silverics, bullies (Elcotris gobioulcs), grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, grubs, and worms. 4. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort (except a rod and line, and landing-net or gaff for fish taken with rod and line) whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, catching, killing, or taking trout, perch, or tench. 5. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of catching, killing, or taking trout, nor shall any of the baits above mentioned bo used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 6. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said Acclimatisation Society, or other person producing a license from such society, produce and show to such ranger, constable, member, or person his license, or the contents of his creel or bag, and the baits used by him for catching, killing, or taking trout, perch, or tench, as the case may be. 7. Every trout not exceeding eight inches in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall be immediately returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

8. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatsoever, or have in his possession, any trout, perch, or tench except under the authority of and during the currency of a license hereunder.

9. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, within the district to which these regulations relate, any of the salmonidEe or trout, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidse or trout in order to make sale of the same, without permission in writing under the hand of the Secretary. 10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall be immediately returned to the water from whence they were taken. 11. No person shall have in his possession any of the salmonidEe, trout, perch, or tench between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of September in each year, which period is hereby appointed a close season for any such fish.

12. No person shall take, catch, or kill any perch under eight inches in length, nor shall perch be taken, caught, or killed at all, or had in possession of any person, between the thirty-first day of August and the thirty-first day of December in any year.

13. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, in any of the waters hereinbefore mentioned any sawdust or sawmill refuse, dynamite, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish. 14. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall he liable to a penalty of not less than one pound and not exceeding fifty pounds. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Trout-fisliing, Otago District. Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Goveknob in Council.

IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1854,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for all that area in the Provincial District of Otago bounded on the East and South by the Ocean, from Shag Point to the mouth of the Mataura River; on the North-west by Lake County; on the West and South-west by the Mataura River; and on the North, North-west, and North-east by the Counties of Westland and Waitaki, and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the Nctv Zealand Gazette , supersede all regulations at variance therewith.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout in all the waters within ancT forming the boundaries of the following districts —viz.: All that area in the Provincial District of Otago, bounded on the East and South by the Ocean, from Shag Point to the mouth of the Mataura River; on the West and South-west by the Mataura River; on the North-west by Lake County ; and on the North, North-west, and North-east by the Counties of Westland and Waitaki—will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Otago Acclimatisation Society (hereafter termed “ the said society”) at Dunedin, and for every such license a fee of twenty shillings will be charged : Provided that it shall not be obligatory upon the Secretary to issue a license. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the waters within the above-men-tioned area, from the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to the second day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, inclusive, between the hours of four a.m. and ten p.m. only; but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have in his possession, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, any of the salmonidie or trout, except during the above-mentioned period. 4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following baits : Natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, silveries, bullies, grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, and worms. 5. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort or kind whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout, except a rod and line, and a landing-net, or gaff, for fish taken with rod and line, except as hereinafter provided. 6. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall bo used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout, nor shall any of the baits above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 7. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said society, or person producing a license, produce and show to such ranger, member, constable, or person, his license and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing trout. 8. Every trout not exceeding eight inches in length from nose to tip of tail taken or caught by any person shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken. 9. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, into any of the said waters any sawdust or sawmill refuse, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish.

10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner -whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned alive to the water from whence they were taken. 11. Licenses to sell trout may be issued under the hand Of the Secretary of the said society, and for every such license a fee of twenty shillings will be charged. No person other than the holders of such licenses shall sell, or expose or offer for sale, within the district to which these regulations relate, any of the salmonidse or trout. 12. No person shall put, throw, drag, draw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, dragged, drawn, or placed, for any purpose whatever, any net of any description (except a land-ing-net) in any of the waters hereinbefore mentioned, or at the mouth or entrance of any such waters, except as provided in clause 13 of these regulations, 13. Licenses to use a seine net for the taking of brownand salmon-trout in tho waters of Otago Harbour, Blueskin Bay, and Waihola Lake may be issued by the said society at a fee of three guineas for each net. No net with a mesh of less than four and a half inches shall be used ; and stake or fixed nets are hereby expressly prohibited. Nothing in this regulation shall in any way affect the provisions of clause 10. 14. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Netting Trout in the Lakes in the Canterbury Acclimatisation District.

Wm. P. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth clay of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby make the following regulations for that part of the Provincial District of Canterbury to the north of the Rakaia River, and the waters thereof; and do hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette , supersede all regulations at variance therewith.

Regulations. 1. Until otherwise ordered by His Excellency the Governor, the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “ the said society ”), shall have the control and management of all salmon and trout now or hereafter to be placed in the lakes in the North Canterbury District, and for this purpose may divide the lakes in the said district into suitable areas. The right of fishing such areas to be let by the said society from year to year by public auction or tender. 2. The season for netting shall extend from the first day of November in any year to the fifteenth day of April in the year following. 3. No nets of a smaller mesh than three and a half inches in diameter (when the net is wetted) shall be used in any portion of the said district for the taking of trout, and all trout caught by net not larger than twelve inches in length shall be forthwith returned to the water. 4. No nets for the taking of fish of any kind or description whatever shall be used or set or placed in any of the rivers or streams or creeks within the said district, or within one mile of the mouth of any river, stream, or creek within the said district. 5. No person shall be permitted to use a net for the purpose of fishing in any of the lakes aforesaid unless he holds a valid license so to net from the Secretary of the said society. A fee of one pound each will be charged for such licenses. 6. Notwithstanding anything whatever contained in the regulations for fishing for trout, perch, and tench made by Order in Council of even date herewith, it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the said society to issue licenses to persons to sell lake trout, and it shall also be lawful for persons to purchase such trout; and the right of such sale shall be let by the said society from year to year by public auction or tender. 7. Every person licensed by the society to catch or sell lake trout shall have a brand, approved of by the Secretary of the said society, and shall brand every trout caught by

him as soon as caught, and before soiling or in any way disposing of tho same. 8. Tho said society, through their officers, rangers, inspectors, constables, or any other person duly authorized, shall have full power at any time to inspect, examine, and search for any nets, tackle, engines, boats, or any utensils or instruments used and employed for the taking of fish within the area of the said district, and to seize and appropriate all and every such nets, tackle, engines, boats, or any utensils or instruments so used and employed in contravention of these regulations ; and also to seize and appropriate as aforesaid all and every fish caught and in possession of any person during the close season, or in possession of any person who cannot or does not produce at the time of catching or disposing of such fish a license under the hand of the Secretary of the said society empowering him in that behalf. 9. The moneys realised by the leasing of the lakes for the purpose of fishing therein with nets shall be placed by the Chairman of the society to the credit of a separate fund, called “ The Canterbury District Acclimatisation Fund,” and such moneys shall be devoted to the propagation, culture, and conservation of the fish in the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society’s district; and the surplus, if any, to the credit of the society from such source on the first day of November in each year shall be disposed of as the Governor in Council may deOjffi fit. 10. It shall be thl duty of the Chairman of the said society to forward to the Marine Department, on or before tho tenth day of November in each year, a statement, certified by the said Chairman, showing in detail tho number and particulars of all licenses to net and leases granted by tho society, the several amounts received and paid to the credit of the said fund, and the amounts disbursed therefrom during tho year ending the thirty-first day of October previous. 11. These regulations shall not apply to that portion of Lake Ellesmere outside a radius of one mile from the middle of the Rivers Selwyn and Irvvoll, at the places where those rivers flow into the said lake at low-water ordinary spring-tides ; and for the purposes of these regulations the mouth of the River Heathcote shall be deemed to be at the Heathcote Swingbridge situated on the main road between Christchurch and Sumner; and the mouth of the River Avon shall be deemed to be at tho southern end of the island in that river lying opposite Section number eleven thousand two hundred and twelve, in the Christchurch Survey District; nor shall they apply to that portion of the River of a straight line drawn at straight angles to tffo course of the said river and across the said river from/tlic eastern corner of Rural Section number one thousand three hundred and ninety-three, in the Mandeville Survey- District, the said corner of Rural Section number one thousand three hundred and ninetythree being two miles or thereabouts in an easterly direction from the main bridge over the River Waimakariri in the Town of Kaiapoi. 12. Every person committing a breach of these regulations shall, on conviction, be liable to a penalty of not less than one pound and not exceeding fifty pounds. 13. These regulations shall come into force on and from the date of the publication thereof in the Neio Zealand Gazette. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Trout-fishing , Southland District. War. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirteenth day of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. JN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for that portion of the Provincial District of Otago formerly known as the Province of Southland, and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette , supersede all regulations at variance therewith.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout in all the waters within and forming the District of Southland, including Mataura River, southern side, will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Southland Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “ the said society”) at Invercargill, and for every such license a fee of ten shillings will be charged: Provided that it shall not be obligatory upon the society to issue a license. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named

therein to fish in any of the said waters from the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to the third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, inclusive, between the hours of four a.m. and ton p.m. only, but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have in his possession, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, any of the salmonidse or trout, except during the above-mentioned period. 4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with tho following baits : Natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, silvories, bullies, grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, and worms. 5. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort or kind whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout, except a rod and lino, and a landing net, or gaff, for fish taken with rod and line.

6. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout, nor shall any of the baits above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever.

7. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said society, or person producing a license, produce and show to such ranger, member, constable, or person his license and the contents of his creel or bag, and tho bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing trout. 8. Every trout not exceeding eight inches in length from nose to tip of tail, taken or caught by any person, shall immediately be returned alive into tho water from which the same is taken.

9. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, in any of the said waters, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish. 10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smoltg, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned to tho water from whence it was taken.

11. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, within the district to which these regulations relate, any of the salmon idse or trout, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidfe or trout in order to make sale of the same, without permission in writing under the hand of the Secretary of the said society. 12. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not bo less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Amending Regulations under “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884.”

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At tho Government House, at Wellington, this twentieth day of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by “ Tho Fisheries Conservation Act, ISB4 ” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), it is, among other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, and revoke regulations for tho purposes therein mentioned, which said regulations shall have force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein : And whereas certain regulations were made under the said Act by Order in Council dated tho twenty-seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five: And whereas it is expedient to amend the said regulations in manner hereinafter set forth: - Now, therefore, His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulation ; and with the liko advice and consent doth order that such regulation shall have force and effect throughout the said colony. Regulation. Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation number seven made by Order in Council dated the twenty-seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, it shall be lawful for any person to buy, sell, expose for sale, or have

in possession any rock, mud, or shore oyster for the space of fourteen days after the commencement of the respective close seasons for such oysters: Provided, however, that nothing contained in this regulation shall be deemed to authorise the taking or dredging for any kind of oyster during the said period of fourteen days. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations for Fishing and Netting in Lake County , Provincial District of Otago.

War. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At tlie Government House, at Wellington, this twentieth day of September, 1887. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Lake County, in the Provincial District of Otago, and for fishing and netting in the waters of the said county.

Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout and perch in all the waters in the Lake County, in the Provincial District of Otago, will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Lakes District Acclimatisation Society, at Queenstown, and for every such license a fee of ten shillings and sixpence will be charged : Provided that it shall not be obligatory upon the said Secretary to issue a license. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the said waters from the first day of November in any year to the thirtieth day of April in the year following inclusive, between the hours of five a.m. and ten p.m. only, but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 3. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have in his possession, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, any of the salmonidse or trout, except during the above-mentioned period. 4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following baits : natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, silveries, bullies [Eleotris gobioulcs), grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, and worms. 5. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort or kind whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout or perch, except a rod and line, and a landing-net, or gaff, for fish taken with rod and line.

6. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout or perch, nor shall any of the baits above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 7. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the Acclimatisation Society, or person producing a license, produce and show to such ranger, member, constable, or person his license and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing trout or perch. 8. Every trout not exceeding ten inches in length from nose to tip of tail, taken or caught by any person, shall immediately bo returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

9. No person shall take, catch, or kill any perch under eight inches in length, nor shall perch he taken, caught, or killed at all, or had in the possession of any person, between the first day of May and the thirty-first day of December in any year. Netting. 10. Until otherwise ordered by His Excellency the Governor the Lake District Acclimatisation Society shall have the control and management of all salmon and trout now or hereafter to be placed in the lakes in the said Lake County, and for this purpose may divide the lakes into suitable areas. The right of fishing such areas to be let by the said society, from year to year, by public auction or public tender. 11. The season for netting shall extend from the first day of November in any year to the thirtieth day of April in the year following inclusive. 12. No nets of a smaller mesh than three and a half inches in diameter for the taking of fish shall be used in any portion of the Lakes District, and all fish caught by net not

larger than twelve inches in length shall be forthwith returned to the water. 13. No nets for the taking of fish shall be used in any of the rivers, or streams, or creeks within Lake County. 14. No person shall be permitted to use a net for the purpose of fishing unless he holds a valid license so to fish from the Lakes District Acclimatisation Society. 15. Any person holding a fishing license under the provisions of the regulations for fishing in Lake County published in the New Zealand Gazette may fish with rod and line in any lake, river, or stream within the said, district, anything contained in these regulations notwithstanding. 16. The Lakes District Acclimatisation Society, through their officers, rangers, inspectors, constables, or any other person duly authorised, shall have full power at any time to inspect, examine, and search for any nets, tackle, engines, boats, or any utensils or instruments used and employed for the taking of fish within the area of the said Lake County, and to seize and appropriate, in the interests of the said Lakes District Acclimatisation Society, all and every such nets, tackle, engines, boats, or any utensils or instruments so used and employed in contravention to these regulations, and also to seize and appropriate as aforesaid all and every fish caught and in possession of any person during the close season, or in possession of any person who cannot or does not produce, at the time of catching or disposing of such fish, a license under the hand of the Secretary of the Lakes District Acclimatisation Society empowering him in that behalf.

17. Any person who puts, throws, or places, or allows to be put, thrown, or placed, into any river,- lake, or stream in the said district of Lake County any dynamite or other explosive substance, or any sawdust or any sawmill refuse, or any matter or liquid deleterious to fish, shall, on conviction, be liable to a penalty of not less than forty shillings and not exceeding fifty pounds. 18. Licenses to net salmon and trout in any part of the aforesaid district of Lake County not included in any of the areas aforesaid, for which a fee of one pound each shall be charged, will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Lakes District Acclimatisation Society, Queenstown. 19. The moneys realised by the leasing of the lakes for the purpose of fishing therein with nets shall be placed by the Chairman of the society to the credit of a separate fund, called “ The Lakes' District Acclimatisation Fund,” and such moneys shall be devoted to the propagation, culture, and conservation of the fish in Lake County ; and the surplus, if any, to the credit of the society from such source on the first day of November in each year shall be disposed of as the Governor in Council may deem fit. 20. It shall be the duty of the Chairman of the said society to forward to the Marine Department, on or before the tenth day of November in each j'ear, a statement certified by the said Chairman, showing in detail the number and particulars of all licenses to net and leases granted by the society, the several amounts received and paid to the credit of the said fund, and the amounts disbursed therefrom during the year ending the thirty-first day of October previous. 21. Except where otherwise specially provided, any person offending against any of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty shillings and not exceeding fifty pounds. 22. These regulations shall come into force from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Land temporarily reserved.

THE following land lias been temporarily reserved from sale and set apart for police purposes : All that piece or parcel of land in the Provincial District of Otago, containing by admeasurement 2 acres 1 rood 28 perches, more or less, situate in the Town of Kelso, and being Sections Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 5, G, 7,8, 9, and 10 of Block VIII. of said town. Bounded towards the North-west by Yetholm Street, 250 links; towards the South-east by Dunse Street, 1164 links ; towards the South by Crown lands, 250 links; and towards the North-west by Sections Nos. 11 and 12 of same block, 1164 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. All that piece or parcel of land in the Provincial District of Otago, containing by admeasurement 1 acre 2 roods, more or less, situate in the Town of Kelso, and being Sections Nos. 6,7, and 8 of Block VII. of said town. Bounded towards the North-east by Melrose Street, 501 links ; towards the South-east by Section No. 9 of same block, 300 links ; towards the South-west by Section No. 26 of same block, 501 links ; and towards the North-west by Section No. 5 of same block, 300 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less.

Police Gaoler appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 15th September, 1887. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant William Gilbert to be Police Gaoler at Waimate, Canterbury, vice Sergeant Ramsay, transferred. P. A. BUCKLEY, (In the absence of the Minister of Justice.)

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 20, 28 September 1887, Page 193

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 20, 28 September 1887, Page 193

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 20, 28 September 1887, Page 193

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