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Housebreaking, Stealing from the Person and from Dwellings.

John White is charged, on warrant issued by the Waimate Bench, with stealing, about the 14th ultimo, from the billiardroom of the Criterion Hotel, Waimate, a set of boxing-gloves, value £1 55., since recovered; the property of Robert Reading. Description : Supposed English, a swagger, about thirty-five or forty years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, medium build, swarthy complexion, brown hair, moustache, and goatee, about a fortnight’s growth of hair on cheeks, pug nose ; wore old dark monkey jacket and old dirty striped moleskin trousers ; very dirty appearance; supposed to be a butcher. He said his name was John White, which may be fictitious.

MARGARET Roach is charged, on warrant issued by the Oamaru Bench, with stealing, on the 18th ultimo, from the dwelling of Mary Roach, her mother, at Oamaru, a ladies’ dark jacket, with buttons of same material, sleeves bound with fur ; value £l. 17s. 6d. Identifiable. Description : Of Irish parentage, fifteen years of age, about 5 feet high, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, and grey eyes. It is supposed she has gone to Dunedin.

Edward Gates, charged on warrant with stealing £2BO from William Loer, in Victoria, has been arrested by the Lyttelton Police.

Mannbring, alias Turtle, is charged, on warrant issued by the Christchurch Bench, with breaking into the dwelling of John Veats, at Sydenham, between the 26th and 29th ultimo, and stealing a green-flowered pattern quart jug, about 4 lb. of cheese, a bottle of gooseberry jam, and about ss. ; jug identifiable. Description : English, a sailor, about thirty years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair and moustache, very small beard and whiskers ; wore dark-brown over-coat, dark trousers, white shirt., and soft black-felt hat; slovenly appearance; has been employed with a threshing-mill near Kaiapoi. He was seen on the Christchurch racecourse on the 30th ultimo.

Stolen on the 31st ultimo, from Moore’s dining-rooms, Willis Street, Wellington, a large oval double silver locket, one of glasses out, C. 11. on one side, and a small dent in the other side ; a fiat-link pattern silver neck-chain attached ; the property of Elizabeth Hinds; value £4. Identifiable.

Stolen between the 2nd and 4th ultimo, from a hut at Roy’s Bay, Lake Wanaka, a gentlemen’s new colonial-gold signet ring, JS on outside, “E. Murrell” stamped on inside; the property of James Maider ; value £2 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to William Clyde Mewhinney, who occupied the hut. Description : Irish, a shepherd, twenty-seven years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, stout build, dark complexion, dark hair, beard, whiskers, and moustache, worn short. He left on the 4th ultimo for Dalruddy Station, near Oamaru, supposed riding a chestnut horse, and followed by three collie dogs.

Stolen about the 21st ultimo, from the tent of James Thomson, at Morton. Mains Station, Southland, an old white

double blanket, a nearly-new blue blanket with a brown stain in centre, and a nearly-new red-and-white pattern quilt; value £4. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 23rd ultimo, from a till in the shop of John Murray, Victoria Street, Auckland, 10s. in silver.

Stolen on the 20th ultimo, from the shop-door of Charles Nicholson, Ivarangahape Road, Auckland, four pairs of light dark-drab cord trousers, brass buttons, best ring edge ; value £1 16s. Identifiable. v

Stolen between the 18th and 22nd ultimo, from the dwelling of John Shipman, at Irvvoll, a £5 note and either five £1 notes or a second £5 note.

Stolen between the 27th and 30th ultimo, from the dwelling of Frederick James Lake, at Caversliam, a black hearth-rug with gold stripes, a little worn, 4 by 2 feet, a gridiron, a new tin cullender 10 inches in diameter, a blacking-brush, and a scrubbing-brush ; value £l. Identifiable.

Stolen during the night of the 27th ultimo, from the tent of Denis Lenihan, at Hindon, a purse containing eight £1 notes and Is. 6d. in silver.

Stolen on the 11th ultimo, from the dwelling of John Wright Anderson, at Wanganui, a ladies’ gold albert chain, double-twisted link pattern with two slides, a slight dinge in one, a pendant with two tassels, and a small gold watch-key attached, small specks of gold set in slides a,nd bar ; value £9. Identifiable.

Stolen about the 10th November last, from a hut at Hook Bush, Canterbury, a double-barrel muzzle-loading gun, backaction lock, left hammer and back trigger a little loose, “ Estrange ” on plate near locks, the property of James Guthill; value £4. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 31st ultimo, from the person of Patrick Mangan, at Eoxton, two £5 notes and three £1 notes on the Bank of Australasia.

Stolen on the 23rd ultimo, from a bedroom in the Club Hotel, Eeatlierston, a dark-blue tweed paget coat, half worn, a new grey-tweed trousers and vest, a red-silk pocket-handkerchief, a white-linen nightshirt, marked M. G. No. 12 with red cotton, a gold-mounted stone pendant, and a gold locket; the property of Max Graelert; value £4 6s. Identifiable. The locket and pendant have since been found on the seat of a buggy in the hotel yard. Suspicion attached to John Webber and Winter. Webber is English, a labourer, thirty-two years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, fair hair, whiskers, and moustache; wears tweed coat and vest and moleskin trousers. Winter is supposed English, a labourer, 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, red hair, whiskers, and moustache, worn short.

Stolen on the stli ultimo, from the dwelling of James Barry, at West Clive, a pair of light-tweed trousers, a pair of new elastic-side boots, two pairs of woollen socks, a white shirt, and a flax shirt; value £2 10s. Identifiable. A man, name unknown, was seen going from the direction of the house with a bundle under his arm. Description : About twenty-four years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, sandy complexion, very little hair on face ; wore blue jacket, dark trousers, and light-coloured felt hat.

Stolen between about the 19th February and the 18th ultimo, from an hotel at ICaeo, Auckland, a saddle with old seat and new flaps and lining, a cut about -J of an inch long in seat; the property of John 1). Hayes ; value £4. Identifiable.

During the night of the 23rd ultimo, the workshop of Alexander Inglis, George Street, Dunedin, was broken into and the following stolen: A straw sofa-mattress, 6 feet by 2 feet, covered with flowered cretonne, pale-yellow ground, value 12s. 6d.; two pairs of men’s balmoral boots, size 6, pegged, iron heel and toe-plates, fancy toe-caps, brass eyelets, Yankee tacks in soles, A marked on waist, edges of soles not blacked; two pairs of youths’ balmorals, size 5, similar description to men’s, marked Con waist; and four odd water-tight boots with iron heels and Yankee tacks in soles ; value £3 6s. Identifiable.

During the night of the 22nd ultimo the office of the Fern Hill Coal Company, Princes Street, Dunedin, was broken into and the following stolen Two £1 notes, a half-sovereign, £1 15s. in silver, a crossed cheque for £5 on the National Bank, George Street, drawn by Francis Meenan in favour of the Fern Hill Coal Company, and a cheque for £3 11s. 6d. on the Bank of New Zealand, Dunedin, drawn by J. Kutzio in favour of same Company. Cheques identifiable.

Stolen between tbe 18th and 20th ultimo, from the hut of James Dugan, at Naseby, a silver lever hunting watch, maker R. Stamford, London, No. 85870; value £9. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Daniel Dean, a stable-boy, thirteen years of age, short stout build, rather sallow complexion, round soft features, large grey eyes; wore grey-tweed trousers and old black hat. He went towards Palmerston. He is a Caversham Industrial School-boy.

On the 19th ultimo the dwelling of Sun Fung, Stafford Street, Dunedin, was broken into, and about £l5O, consisting of three £lO notes, some £5 notes, and half-sovereigns, stolen.

Stolen during the night of the 19th ultimo, from the person of Edward Drummond, at Greymouth, a silver lever hunting watch, maker Rotherham, Loudon, No. 8708, an American 21dollar gold coin attached to ring ; value £B. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Michael Preston, Irish, a hawker and bakers’ assistant, twenty-four years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, medium build, fresh complexion, full features, blue eyes, dark hair, clean - shaved except small dark moustache, square shoulders, and full chest; wore old blue paget. coat, grey-tweed trousers and vest, and dark hat. (See Police Gazette, 1878, page 20.) He was in Drummond’s company, who was drunk when he lost the watch. He left Greymouth on the 23rd ultimo for Kumar a and Hokitika.

(See Police Gazette, 1880, page 42.) The silver watch, chain, &c., stolen from the dwelling of Michael Thomas Ryan, at Petono, have been recovered.

Stolen about the 31st ultimo, from Moore’s dining-rooms, Willis Street, Wellington, a £1 note, 15s. in silver, and a plain fold ring with blood-stone; value 215.; the property of Thomas ones. Ring identifiable. Mr. Jones offers 10s. reward for the recovery of the ring.

Stolen about the 7th ultimo, from the dwelling of Mary O’Keeffe, at Georgetown, near Invercargill, three £1 notes, 19s. in silver, and a nearly-new Paisley shawl; value £1 ss. Shawl identifiable. Mary Delaney, a prostitute, suspected.

Stolen between the Ist and 19th ultimo, from the Red Lion Hotel, Stafford Street, Dunedin, twelve or thirteen small bottles of champagne ; the property of Henry Walker; value £2.

(See Police Gazette, 1880, page 2.) Peter Morris, suspected of breaking into and stealing clothing, &c., from the shop of Isaac Levy, at Auckland, has been arrested for the offence by Constable William Murray, Hamilton Police, and committed for trial.

Stolen on the 10th ultimo, from the dwelling of George Pugsley, Courtenay Place, Wellington, a silver lever hunting watch, maker’s name and number not known ; value £lO. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 18th ultimo, from the person of Robert Brokie, at Oamaru, an open-faced silver lever watch with silver dial, number and maker’s name not known ; value £0 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 19th ultimo, from the dwelling of James Gardner, at Foxhill, a £5 note on the Bank of New Zealand, a £1 note, and some silver.

On the 18th ultimo the dwelling of John Mclntyre, Hallswell, Canterbury, was broken into and the following stolen : A blue-cloth sac coat with a blue-cloth button at breast, three outside pockets; a yellow' Crimean shirt, a five-chambered revolver, one of the chambers will not revolve until twice cocked; a silver snake-pattern watch-guard, oval gold locket with raised cross on either side, containing likenesses, and a Sydney Mint half-sovereign attached ; a bronze gunpowderllask, a revolver powder-flask, spring broken; a large match-box containing revolver-bullets, £ lb. tobacco, and a pair of white socks; value £5. Identifiable, except socks, bullets, and tobacco. Suspicion attached to a man, name unknown, who was seen near the house. Description : About thirty years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches high, slight build, dark complexion, dark moustache, little if any beard or whiskers; wore black coat and black Yankee hat. Identification doubtful. Supposed to have gone to Ashburton.

, Stolen during the night of the 2Gth ultimo, from the dwel--1 ling of Samuel Wright and Edward J. King, at Porirua, three £1 notes, 10s. in silver, a nearly-new black-cloth coat and vest, light-grey tweed trousers, a black-felt hat, three white shirts, a grey blanket, and a red-and-white striped rug; clothes value £4. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Davie] Collins, who

was employed by Mr. King, and left the house by stealth during the night the property was stolen. Description: Irish, a labourer, twenty-two years of age, 5 feet high, medium build, fair complexion, slightly freckled, dark hair, small sandy beard, whiskers, and moustache, lame from recent injury to knee; wore dark-grey tweed coat and trousers, trousers tight-fitting, watertight boots, and round soft black hat. It is supposed he has come to Wellington. f'

Between the 17th and 22nd ultimo the workshop of Thomas Flood, at Russell, was broken into and sixteen yards of Irish linen cut in diagonal pieces, from 6 to 14 feet, to make a small boat-sail with, value £2, and a half-inch anger, with two file-marks on screw, value Gs., stolen therefrom, identifiable.

Between the 14th and 25th ultimo the dwelling of Patrick Laughran, at To Ari, near Gisborne, was broken into and the following stolen : An open-faced Geneva watch, value £3; agreytweed coat and vest, value £3 ; a pair of elastic-side boots, value £1 ; an old single-barrel gun, a shot belt containing about 1 lb. of shot, a blue-cloth monkey lined with magonta-eoloured flannel, a pair of light-tweed trousers, a dark-tweed vest, two white shirts, two Crimean shirts, and two flannels, value £5. All identifiable.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume IV, Issue 7, 7 April 1880, Page 52

Word Count

Housebreaking, Stealing from the Person and from Dwellings. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume IV, Issue 7, 7 April 1880, Page 52

Housebreaking, Stealing from the Person and from Dwellings. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume IV, Issue 7, 7 April 1880, Page 52

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