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Miscellaneous Information.

Appointments as Constables.

Daniel O’Donohue, No. 1041. Edward Ware, No. 1042. John Shearman, No. 1043. Horatio de Courcey Martelli, No. 1044.

Jeremiah O’Donohue, No. 1045. James Riordan, No. 1046. William Lash, No. 1047. Francis McGroder, No. 1048. John Dougan, No. 1049. George Lawrie, No. 1050. George Forrest, No. 1051, Bartholomew Sheehan, No. 1052. Thomas Rosson Pointon, No. 1053. Martin Conlan, No. 1054. William Norgate, No. 1055. John Nixon, No. 1056. James Shanahan, No. 1057. Henry Frederick Hankin, No. 1058. Robert Coltart, No. 1059. John James Gordon, No. 1060. Michael Brophv, No. 1061. Lauderdale Maule Carnachan, No. 1062. James O’Connor, No. 1063. Charles Wooding, No. 1064. Florence Leary, No. 1065. John McNaughton Grant, No. 1066.

Promotion. Constable Peter Duffy, No. 351, to be Third-class Sergeant.

Reduction. First-class Sergeant James Donnelly, No. 71, to Second-class Sergeant.

Resignations. Constable William Henry Smith, No. 287Constable William Goldstone, No. 363. Constable John Gannon, No. 570. Constable Alexander Stephenson, No. 932. Constable Aylmer Courtenay Kenny, No. 934. Dismissal. Constable Michael Heron, No. 1024.


The sum of £2 has been awarded to Constable David Smart, Wellington Police, for the arrest of John Johns, who deserted from the barque “ Corina,” at Wellington.

The sum of 10s. has been awarded to Constable Archibald McLoughlin, Ravensborne Police, for the arrest of George Cowin, who deserted from the ship “ Auckland,” at Port Chalmers.

During the night of the Bth instant, at South Dunedin a horse, the property of William Collins, was maliciously wounded.

Between the 11th and 13th instant, the corners were maliciously broken off twenty concrete flags, at Lambton Quay, Wellington, the property of Joseph Saunders, damaging them to the value of £5.

On the morning of the 19th instant a stone was maliciously thrown through the window of a house of Thomas John Goodman, at the corner of Albany and Castle Streets, Dunedin, damaging it to the value of 10s. 6d.

During the night of the 18th instant the pound at Alexandra, the property of the Alexandra Highway Board, was maliciously damaged to the value of about £5.

Extract from Victoria Police Gazette. (See Victoria Police Gazette, 1878, pages 359 and 365, and 1879, page 4 ; and New Zealand Police Gazette, 1879, page 12.)

ESCAPED PRISONER. Re Martin Wiberg.—A reward of £2O is now offered by Inspector Secretan for the arrest of the above-named offender. Guarantee filed in Detective Office, Melbourne. —O. 7712. —Bth January, 1879.

By Authority; Geobge Didsbvbx, Government Printer, Wellington,—

Gaol. Name.| Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. and Convictions, Wellington Mary ... Wellington Mar. keeping ill-fame larceny months’ labour England ... prostitute 1836 ft. 5 in. dark dark hazel small ... mediuirf medium Six previous convictions. 3a dark daik hazel small ... medium medium Six previous convictions. Wellington Joseph ... Masterton ... Oct. months’ 3 England... labourer 1854 S 4-. fair light blue small ... small ... small ... left and arm, right ; brown Wellington Patrick ... Wellington Nov. 18, larceny weeks’ Ireland ... sailor 1850 S 7 fair blue) medium medium medium Ring half-round second finger of both brown bluel medium medium medium Ring half-round second finger of both Wellington Palmer Wellington 1879Jan. Merchant Act language labour 7 England... sailor 1852 5 6 dark dark hazel medium small ... small wings arm. Wellington Burke Carterton 1879Jan. 7 England ... labourer 1852 5 84 sallow dark hazel small! medium medium convicted. anchor, ; left Featherston 1878 obscene ... 4 England ... carpenter 1878 5 61 fair brown blue large ... medium medium convicted. Wellington NearyPatrick Wellington Dec. larceny weeks’ Ireland ... bellowsmaker engineer ... 1843 S 4 dark dark hazel small ... small ... smal ... convicted. Wellington Tully Featherston Jan. property 14 America 1834 5 8J fair brown grey large ... large ... large ... Liberty bracelet Wellington McCarthy... Wellington Jan. Merchant 14 Ireland sailor 1832 S Si fair fair grey large ... small small Act broad ... medium right Lame Wanganui Slater Marton 1878 obtaining by false pretences charges) attempted 24 England ... carpenter 1829 S 6 sallow grey grey medium ' Wanganui John Palmerston North Wanganui Dec. 27,1878 committed for trial... England ... hawker ... 1846 5 5 fair light brown hazel medium medium medium Admitted to bail. Wanganui... Dec. 27, 1878 committed for trial... England ... hawker ... 1846 5 S fair light brown hazel medium medium medium Admitted to bail. Ward Joseph 1879 obscene language days’ England bootmaker 1818 5 rt fair grey blue broad medium medium Lewis Jan. 11, 1S79 larceny 7 days’ labour Dublin ... bootmaker 1828 5 7f fresh brov/n blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Wanganui... Jan. 11, 1S79 larceny 7 days’ labour Dublin ... bootmaker 1828 5 n fresh brown blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Wanganui Hannah Wanganui... Jan. damaging property, &c. larceny 9 Ireland prostitute 1S36 5 2 i bloated brown grey broad ... large ... medium Napier Floyd Napier Nov. 11, imprisonment N. 1SC9 not fresh brown brow-n medium medium medium One Napier William Gisborne ... Nov. obscene tin eatand a weeks’ Ireland ... labourer 1847 given 8 5 dark black brown small medium medium Scar previous One language large ... medium medium head. Dec. 16, cruelty ... month’s England... bushman... 1859 5 H fair brown grey T left Napier William ... Golding Napier Jan. premises labour 7 England ... butcher ... 1841 5 5 fair brown hazel medium medium medium leftOne previous aim. Napier Kelly, Napier Jan. premises labour 7 Australia labourer 1838 s 4 fresh sandy hazel medium medium medium Nov. 9, 1878 assault 2 months’ labour Ireland ... tailor 1840 5 sl sallow brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Auckland ... Dec. 9, 1878 larceny 1 month’s labour Ireland ... 1840 5 6 fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Dec. 13, 1878 larceny 1 month’s labour Ireland ... farmer ... 1856 6? fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Three previous convictions. English James Stanley Nov. 9, 1878 assault 2 months’ labour Ireland ... tailor 1840 s 5$ sallow brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Dec. 9,1878 larceny 1 month’s labour Ireland ... 1840 5 6 fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Dec. 13, 187S larceny 1 month’s labour Ireland ... farmer ... 1856 5 6? fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Three previous convictions. English Auckland Russell Mercer Nov. 15, larceny labour months’ Scotland... labourer 1841 5 8 swarthy brown hazel medium medium mc.dium right arm. Auckland Kate Auckland ... Oct. vagrancy labour 3 New Wales Ireland ... iSfo S 0 fresh red blue medium medium medium Four Auckland ... Aug. 9,1878 Nov. 18, 1878 vagrancy 6 months’ labour labourer ... 1819 5 swarthy grey grey medium medium medium Forty-four previous convictions. Robert Leary Robert William AbAuckland ... Aug. 9,1878 vagrancy 6 months’ labour 2 months’ labour labourer ... 1819 S swarthy grey grey medium medium medium Forty-four previous convictions. Auckland ... Auckland ... Nov. 18, 1S7S vagranc3 r England ... labourer ... 1824 S si swarthy brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. KAE\V, &c., hazel medium on right arm. Auckland ... Oct.‘ 18,187S vagrancy 3 months’ labour Ireland ... baker 1850 6 fresh brown medium medium JM on left arm. Onehuuga ... Dec. 18, 1S7S larceny 1 month’s labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1852 S 7| fresh black hazel medium medium medium Robert William AbAuckland ... vagranc3 r 2 months’ labour England ... labourer ... 1824 5 si swarthy brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. RAEW, &c., hazel medium medium on right arm. Auckland ... Oct. 18,187S vagrancy 3 months’ labour Ireland ... baker 1S50 6 >i fresh brown medium JM on left arm. Two previous convictions. Beth ears Onehuuga ... Dec. 18, 1S78 larceny 1 month’s labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1852 5 H fresh black hazel medium medium medium Auckland... Rawiri Puhiralii, Tauranga ... Nov. 11, 1878 larceny 2 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1852 S II copper black brown medium medium medium Tarati- alias kitiki pierced. Tauranga ...Onehunga ... Nov. 1878 1879 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1828 5 Si sallow grey It. hazel medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Long fealarceny 2 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1852 5 II copper black brown medium medium medium iwo previous convictions. Both ears pierced. Or.ehunga ... Jan. 8, 1879 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1S28 5 5 i sallow grey It. hazel medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Long feaPicton alias Ryan, Picton July larceny 6 Dublin ... andseaman 1842 5 fresh dark auburn light small ... small ... pointed 4i fresh dark auburn light small ... small ... pointed labourer blue small, small ... round tures. Blenheim ... 1878 larceny months’ Bridport... labourer ... 1848 5 4 sallow black hazel previous Two Picton Quick Blenheim ... Jan. vagrancy 14 Galway labourer 1854 5 9i fresh brown light blue straight large round Oct. larceny labour Scotland... baker 1847 5 10 fresh black hazel large ... medium medium Scar on forehead and left knee; left leg has been broken. 3 months’ labour Scotland... baker 1847 5 10 fresh black hazel large ... medium mediumScar on forehead and left knee; left leg has been broken. Dunedin ... McDowell Dunedin ... Oct. 1878 larceny Scotland... cook 185s s 4i fresh black dark medium medium medium 3 months’ labour Scotland... cook 1855 5 4i fresh black dark grey medium medium medium Dunedin Taylor Dunedin Nov. 1878 default paying months’ England carpenter 1847 5 94 fresh dark n grey medium medium medium dot Bracelet on left finger Dunedin ... Griffin Pt. Dec. 1878 vagrancy month’s 1 Ireland ... labourer ... 1S17 s cl fresh grey hazel medium medium medium Seven previous been ; Oct. 10, vagrancy months’ England ... 1857 4 10 sallow black hazel medium medium medium Six previous convictions. 3 months’ labour England ... 1857 4 10 sallow black hazel medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Dunedin Kennedy Thomas Dunedin Oct. vagrancy England ... labourer ... 1847 s 6 sallow black hazel medium medium medi ..m tour previous convictions. First finger off right hand. 3 months’ labour England ... labourer ... 1847 s 6 sallow black hazel medium medium medi urn b our previous convictions. First finger off right hand. Dunedin Hugh Dunedin Dec. 10, assault labour England ... labourer ... 1849 5 7 fresh red hazel medium medium medium on head. Scar on left cheek and on left side of upper lip. Three previous convictions. Dunedin Kenny Oamaru Nov. 30, larceny labour 42 days’ Malta married ... 1848 5 0 fresh dark hazel medium medium medium Scar on left cheek and on left side of Margaret Clarke ... Dunedin ... Oct. 12,1878 vagrancy 3 months’ labour Scotland... 1859 5 2 fresh sandy grey medium medium medium Dunedin ...Dunedin ... Dunedin Chalmers Pt. Dec. 1878 ship-desertion months’ labour 3 Scotland...America ... 1859 5 2 fresh sandy grey medium medium medium Three previous convictions. seaman ... 1853 5 Si. sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium Tattooed on arms and legs. Dunedin ...Dunedin ... Pt. Chalmers Dec. 23, 1878 ship-desertion 12 weeks’ labour America ... seaman ... i8S7 5 84 sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium 1 attoo. d on arms and legs. George Corrin Pt. Chalmers Jart. 6,1879 ship-desertion 12 weeks’ labour England... seaman ... 1838 5 9 fresh black grey large ... medium medium Blind 0. left eye. Dunedin ... George Corrin Pt. Chalmers Jail. 6, 1879 ship-desertion 12 weeks’ labour England ... seaman ... 1838 5 9 fresh black grey large ... medium medium Blind 0 left eye.


Gaol. Name. Tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks Jan. days’ Tasmania labourer ... 1855 ft. in. 4 fresh light grey medium medium medium convictions. previous Rose Jackman Martin Scotland... labourer ... 1834 5 1 fresh dark ESi medium medium medium Six previous Dunedin ... Dunedin July 1876 cattle-stealing servi- years’ 3 tude years’ Hungary 1848 5 * sallow dark medium medium medium Hollow cheeks; two moles on left cheek. hazel medium medium medium Hollow cheeks; two moles on left cheek. Dunedin ... Walter Dunedin April 1877 larceny England painter ... 1854 5 si fresh dark hazel medium medium medium lower One One tooth Three previous convictions. Dunedin Oct. 18, vagrancy labour ... 3 England ... 1S60 5 3 fresh black hazel medium medium medium 3 months’ labour ... England... lSCo S 3 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Seven previous convictions. Upper front teeth out. Dunedin ... Blue Dunedin Oct. 1878 vagrancy Ireland ... 1851 5 3 fresh brown grey medium medium medium hazel medium 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1851 S 3 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Seven previous convictions. Upper front teeth out. Dunedin ... Dec. vagrancy month’s 1 ... England ... butcher 1863 4 10 fresh brown medium medium One previous conviction. Scar on nose; ruptured on left side; varicose veins in right leg. Has been in Pentridgc, Victoria. hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Dunedin Thomas alias Dunedin July 10, (3 charges)... months’ England 1836 5 10 fresh brown light grey large ... medium medium Scar on nose; ruptured on left side, varicose veins in right leg. Has been in Pentridgc, Victoria. , Invercargill Hans Bluff Dec. &c.assault, labour days’ Norway ... sailor 1848 s 7-1 fair, sandy fair blue medium medium medium previous right &c., sitting Invercargill Oct. 1878 larceny 3 ... N. Zealand prostitute 1862 s 71 fair fair blue medium medium medium arm. . . , _ Cut on left eyebrow and on left hand. 1 month’s labour ... 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand prostitute 1862 s "5 fair fair blue medium medium medium arm. . . , _ Cut on left eyebrow and on left hand. Invercargill John Taylor Bluff Jan. io, 1879 breach 9! Merchant i month’s labour ... Ireland ... sailor 1850 5 8 ruddy dark brown hazel medium medium medium Half-bracelet on both wrists; cut on right temple and left cheek. , # Invercargill John Taylor A. Utting Bluff Jan. io, 1879 breach of~Merchant 1 month’s labour ... England... sailor 1861 S 0 fair fair blue medium large ... round ... BY, heart, &c., on left arm ; cut on left eyebrow; right arm has been broken. E. A. Utting Bluff Bluff Jan. 10, 1879 Jan. io, 1879 breach of Merchant Shipping Act breach of Merchant Ireland ... England ... sailor sailor 1850 1861 5 S 8 0 ruddy fair dark brown fair hazel blue medium medium medium large ... medium round ... Half-bracelet on both wrists; cut on right temple and left check. BY, heart, &c., on left arm ; cut on left eyebrow ; right arm has been broken. Lyttelton ... William ... Timaru June embezzlement charges) years’ Saxony ... accountant 1S20 5 7 florid light red ... hazel large, drooped large ... large ... Left thumb injured; mark of cut on left side of chin and on right side of upper lip : scar on forehead between eyes. each charge (conSaxony ... accountant 1820 5 7 florid light red ... hazel large, drooped large ... large ... Left thumb injured; mark of cut on left side of chin and on right side of upper lip : scar on forehead between eyes. Lyttelton ... Ryan Christchurch Jan. larceny Supremeacquitted London ... painter ... 1830 5 6 sundark brown hazel large, large ... small ... T. BR1ANT, JH, and anchor on left arm. Has been in the navyburnt dark grey prominent bearded dark brown hazel large, prominent large ... small ... T. BR1ANT, JH, and anchor on left arm. Has been in the navy. Lyttelton ... Alfred Christchurch Jan. and forgery a uttering bill ignored Ely schoolmaster 1843 5 Si dark tinged grey large, straight medium Bald on top of head ; two lumps on forehead, and one on back of head. dark grey large, straight medium bearded Bald on top of head ; two lumps on forehead, and one on back of head. Lyttelton ... Campbell ... Christchurch Jan. Supremeacquitted Perthshire farm1835 S 10 fresh grey hazel long, large ... large servant prominent large ... large ... Has been in the American navy. 1835 s IO fresh grey hazel long, prominent large ... large Has been in the American navy. Lyttelton Thomas ... Lyttelton ... Dec. Merchant 3 weeks’ labour Isle of Man seaman ... 1853 S 7-i fresh dark brown grey short ... Shipping Act breach of Merchant Shipping Act breach of Merchant Shipping Act 3 weeks’ labour Isle of Man seaman ... iSS3 5 7a fresh dark brown grey short ... large ... large ... Lyttelton Lawrence ... Lyttelton ... Dec. 3 weeks’ labour Cork seaman ... 1841 5 a* fresh dark brown grey short ... large ... large ... Mark of cut on left side of nose. Shipping Act breach of Merchant 3 weeks’ labour Cork seaman ... 1841 S fresh dark brown grey short ... large ... large ... Mark of cut on left side of nose. Lyttelton ... Frank ...J Lyttelton Dec. 18, 3 weeks’ labour New York seaman ... 1854 S 10J fair fair grey thin, drooped medium medium Heart, CAO, on left arm; star on back of left hand; dancing-girl on right arm; anchor on back of right hand. breach of Merchant Shipping Act 3 weeks’ labour New York seaman ... 1S54 5 10J fair fair grey thin, drooped medium medium Heart, CAO, on left arm; star on back of left hand; dancing-girl on right arm; anchor on back of right hand. Lyttelton ... Charles.Stenhorn ... Lyttelton ... Jan. ship-desertion 7 Sweden seaman 1850 S 84 fresh fair grey large, large round Lyttelton ... Kersir' Lyttelton Jan. ship-desertion labour 7 Suffolk ... seaman ... 1846 S s pale fair grey large, hooked large ... bearded ; Ship &c., Lyttelton John Lyttelton ... Jan. ship-desertion days’ Hull seaman ... 185S 5 6 pale fair light brown long ... medium medium brig's, &c., Addington Jones Ashburton... Dec. 10, 1878 habitual drunkenness month’s ... England... plasterer... 1832 S 4 sallow brown dark broken broken round convictions. Two previous 35-) 1878, Addington Joseph Ashburton... Oct. 1878 vagrancy 3 ... England labourer ... 1831 S Si swarthy bald hazel medium medium medium shouldered. Round Addington James Ashburton Dec. damaging property month’s London ... labourer ... 1846 5 3 pale black dark grey medium medium medium ; front a left ; wanting. . Addington Geo. Christchurch Jan. larceny week’s Scotland... bootriveter 1857 s 4 pale brown blue large ... medium medium First joint of middle finger of left hand injured ; three moles on left arm; scar wanting. First joint of middle finger of left hand injured; three moles on left arm; scar Timaru Frederick George Timaru Oct. 1878 larceny months’ ... 3 Victoria ... labourer ... 1856 5 10 fresh dark grey short, medium round on Lockley Mary Temuka Dec. 16, vagrancy month’s ... Ireland ... widow 1839 5 4 fresh dark blue medium medium medium Temuka Dec. 19,1878 assault 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1846 5 6 dark black grey large ... medium round GR in two places on right arm ; female, heart, &c., on left arm; two anchors Macrae’s ... Dec. 19,1878 assault 1 month’s labour ... 7 days’ imprisonment Ireland ... labourer ... 1846 5 0 dark black grey large ... medium round GR in two places on right arm ; female, heart, &c., on left arm; two anchors Naseby ... RoperGeorge Jan. 7, 1879 larceny America ... labourer ... 1852 5 6 fair light grey medium medium medium on left hand. Macrae’s ... Jan. 7, 1879 larceny 7 days’ imprisonment America... labourer ... 1852 5 0 fair light grey medium medium medium on left hand. Shortland... Smith Thames Jan. language imprisonment Ireland ... 1840 5 S fresh brown hazel straight medium medium Five previous convictions. default straight medium Three previous convictions. 7 days’ labour Ireland ... 1840 5 S fresh brown hazel straight medium medium Five previous convictions. Thames Jan. drunkenness Scotland... printer ... 1808 5 7, fresh grey grey straight medium medium Three previous convictions. 7 days’ labour Scotland... printer ... 1808 5 7 fresh grey grey medium Hokitika ... Alfred Jas. Hokitika Mar. forgery months' Tasmania chemist ... 1851 S 7i fair fair blue large ... medium broad right Scar eye.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume III, Issue 3, 29 January 1879, Page 20

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Miscellaneous Information. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume III, Issue 3, 29 January 1879, Page 20

Miscellaneous Information. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume III, Issue 3, 29 January 1879, Page 20

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