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Among the Clubs : Reports on Activities

. Western Southland. Dipton.Lantern lecture by Mr. McFedries showing “The Gyrotiller at Work.” A field day was held on Messrs. D. Mcßae and Sons’ farm at Dipton West; members were shown concrete posts and pipes being made, and a demonstration was given on Romney Marsh ewes, followed by a judging competition. Experimental plots on the farm were also inspected. Nine members attended a meeting of the Lochiel Club by Invitation, to view films exhibited ■by Mr. Saxby. At a previous unreported meeting an address was given by the Rev. I. R. Polson on “The Industrial Revolution.” Lochiel.—Arrangements for football match with Thornbury Club. Discussion re allocation of the McKinnon Trust Money. Lecture by Mr. A. Stuart, Department of Agriculture, on “Liming and Top-dressing.” At the previous meeting films on agricultural subjects were exhibited by Mr. S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture. Members arranged to visit Drummond, to assist In the formation of a club. Thornbury.—Scenic films exhibited by Mr. Ted Thomas; short talk on “Lincoln College” by Mr. G. 0. Fallow. At the previous meeting Mr. S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture, exhibited a series of films on agricultural subjects. Woodlands. by Mr. J. Bell (holder of the Order of Serving Brother of St. John) on “First Aid.” Assisted by charts the speakerdescribed the framework of the human being, showing the functions and composition of the component parts. He explained the various types of bone fractures, and the necessary treatment and bandaging, and dealt with the muscular system and also the treatment of severed veins, etc. At the previous meeting final arrangements were made for a club dogtrial. Address given by Mr. Taylor on “The Export of Chilled Beef.” Wyndham.—Talks by club members. James Winter spoke on his work and studies at Lincoln College, and W. Brown and A. Howe described the recent Y.F.C. tour of the North Island in which they took part. At the previous meeting films on agricultural subjects were exhibited by Mr. S. H. Saxby, Department of - Agriculture. Eastern Southland. Crookston.Lecture by Mr. Taylor, Department of Agriculture, on “Trouble Affecting the Legs and Feet of a Horse.” ' Five Rivers. Arrangements for a debate with Lumsden Farmers’ Union. Dance to be held. Club debate, “Up-country v. Down-country Farming,” the former led by J. Hamilton and the latter by B. Reitcheson. The judge, Mr. A. Hamilton, declared the “Down-country” side the winners. Maitland.Election of new secretary; W. R. Thayer appointed. The evening was devoted to general talks—impromptu subjects; some interesting discussions on various farming and economic problems resulted. Moa Flat.—Arrangements for a field day and ball. Address by Mr., Revie, of Crookston, on “The Marketing of Farm Produce,” the speaker’s three main points were meat, dairy produce, and wool. A successful field day was held on Mr. G. M. Love's property, the demonstrations including “Grasses” (Mr. W. Faithful, Department of Agriculture), “Setting a Plough” (Mr. J. McLeod), “Working a Dog” (Mr. I. Stevens), “Killing and Dressing a Sheep" (Mr. D. McNeil). Sports, etc., proved an added attraction. There was an attendance of nearly 70, including 18 visiting club members, and about 30 older ; farmers.

—Preliminary notices of stock-judging in August at Lincoln. Report by the chairman, W. Logan, on the Eastern Southland executive meeting. Lecture by Mr. Peirson, of Gore, on “Ailments of Sheep.” . The speaker dealt fully with footrot, paralysis in ewes, lambing troubles, paralysis, etc. South Otago. Clinton.—Committee appointed to arrange for a Y.F.C. concert. Lecture by Mr. A. F. Greenhall, Department of Agriculture, on “Pasture Improvement.” At the annual meeting, not previously repotted, the officers were elected as follows : —Advisory president, Mr. Jas. Murray club chairman, Ernest Roseveare; secretary and treasurer, Robt. Roy. Lawrence. Members who took part in the recent Y.F.C. tour of the North Island gave their experiences and impressions of the trip. —Business meeting. Arrangements made for club dance. Stirling. on agricultural and general subjects exhibited by Mr. J. M. Smith, Department of Agriculture. —Arrangements for club ball. Talk on “Pasture Management” by Mr. A. F. Greenall, Department of Agriculture, followed by an interesting half-hour discussion. At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. MacDonald (Otago-Southland Pig Breeders’ Association) on “The Pig Industry in New Zealand.” Central Otago. Upper Clutha.— by Mr. Mills, Inspector of Stock, on “The Stock Acts.” At.tne previous meeting impromptu. speeches were given by all members present. Dunedin. Palmerston.—Arrangements for visit to Dunedin Chamber of Commerce; short radio address to be given by chairman on this occasion. Mr. A. Ballingall, a second year diploma student at Lincoln College, gave •an address on “Farm Pests,” he also gave an interesting talk on Lincoln College. South Taieri.—Arrangements for ploughing match. Lecture by Dr. Billings on “Economics in a Changing World." West Taieri.—Lecture by Mr. Taylor, on “Parasites." North Otago. Duntroon.—Annual meeting; Officers elected: Advisory president, Mr. H. Harvey; club chairman, A. Francis; secretary, K. 0. Williamson. Enfield.— of team for debating. Impromptu speeches. At the previous meeting a discussion took place on the programme of lectures, etc., for the year. Five Forks. — by Mr. Ingram, Department of Agriculture, on the Acts administered by the Livestock Division of the Department of Agriculture. Articles from the “New Zealand Journal of Agriculture” were read and discussed at the previous meeting. Hampden.—Business meeting. Arrangements for club dance. —Lecture on "Farm Implements" by Mr. E. Reid. Waitaki-Hiiderthorpe.—Annual meeting. Officers elected: Advisory president, Mr. J. B. Chapman; club chairman, C. Grocott; secretary and treasurer, B. A. Paton. South Canterbury. . Arno. Open discussion among members on "General Farming Problems;” .

-Cave.Selection of teams for debating. Arrangements for annual dance. Lecture by Mr. W. Stafford, Department of Agriculture on “The Certification of Seeds." Address by Lieut. E. Kerr on “Military Training.” At previous unreported meetings a debate was held, the subject being “Is Top-dressing a Payable Proposition?” and an address was given by Mrs. Bingswanger, recently from Europe, on “Conditions in Italy and Germany.” Geraldine.—Cup presented by the Farmers’ Union for Y.F.C. stock-judging at the saleyards. Discussion among club members and Farmers' Union members on “The , Value of Trees and Shelter on the Farm." At previous unreported meetings an address was given by Mr. A. J. Hammond on his “Trip to China," and a discussion took place with Farmers' Union members on “The Influence of the Nutrition of the Ewe on Fat Lamb Production.” Hunter.An outline of the inter-club debating programme, for the year was given by the chairman, it was announced that the Crown Tenants' Association had donated a cup for competition. Messrs. Ansley, McConnell, Scott, Geary, and Gregan were nominated as members from whom the club team would be finally selected. Impromptu speeches were given by club members.

Maungati.Arrangements made for members to inspect Irrigation works. Address by Mr. E. J. Lukey. Government Veterinarian, on “Conditions in the Chatham Islands.” Impromptu speeches were given by members at the previous meeting. —Address by Mr. J. Turley on his trip to New South Wales. The speaker dealt particularly with his impression of the farming methods. A club debate was held, the subject being “That Horses are Superior to Tractors.” Speakers: L. Livesey, R. Dale, and N. Palmer (affirmative) ; W. McCormick, R. Palmer, and L. Trumpet (negative). The judge, Mr. G. Mulligan, gave the award to the negative team. Southburn-Lyalldale.— A.. Ward reported meeting representatives of the Cannington-Cave and Maungati Clubs regarding the method of deciding the winners of the Howell Cup. Address by Mr. E. J. Lukey, Government Veterinarian, on “Conditions in the Chatham Islands.” Members of the Women’s Division were present by invitation. At the previous meeting Mr. J. Newbiggin, of St. Andrews, gave a talk on “The Training of Sheep Dogs." . .. . Waihaorunga.—Arrangements for field day. Address by Mr. Patersen, of Timaru, on “The Future Outlook of the Farming Industry." At the previous meeting Mr. C. C. Leitch, Department of Agriculture, exhibited two films, entitled “Our Daily Bread” and “The Romance of the Reaper.” At an earlier meeting the annual club debate was held. This took the form of impromptu debates, the teams of three-a-side being given 15 minutes for preparation. The subjects were: (1) “That the Standard of Living in New Zealand is Too High," won by the negative; (2) “Should Prospective Husbands Do Housework " won by the affirmative; (3) “That Town Life is Preferable to Country Life,’,’ won by the affirmative. Mr. Griffiths, Waimate, judged the debates. Mid-Canterbury. Ashburton.—Address by Mr. Warren, of Darfield, on “The Manufacture of Wool." Hinds. Club dog trials were held in the Hinds Domain, the competing dogs being owned by B. Simmons, F. Skinner, J. Johnston, W. McConnell, and W. Kieley. Christchurch. —Business meeting. Committee appointed for ploughing match, arrangements for football match with Ellesmere Club; speakers

selected for 3YA radio broadcast. Presentation of trophies fqr sheep judging and stacking competitions. Arrangements for billeting visitors on occasion of Y.F.C. stock-judging competitions at Lincoln in August. At a previous unreported meeting it was decided to hold meetings every three weeks Ellesmere. Arrangements for football match with Dartleld Club. Meeting devoted to the preparation of radio talk. Hororata. miniature rifle shooting competition between members of the Farmers’ Union and the Young Farme.s’ Club resulted in a win for the club by 37 points. Teddington.Address by Mr. K. Baines on his tour of England and France, and a canoe journey down the River Danube through Central Europe The speaker illustrated his talk by means of “movie” films. West Milton.—A successful field day was held at Mayfield and Methven. The irrigation scheme at Mayfield was inspected, members being conducted over the wo.ks by Mr. Edgar Smith, engineer-in-charge. Demonstrations were given as follows—Stud Southdown and Border Leicester sheep (Mr. R. J. Low, Highbank) and stud Romney sheep (Mr. A. F. Marr, Methven). Afternoon tea was provided by Messrs. Low and Marr. There was an attendance of 22, including four members of the Methven Club. North Canterbury. —“Question Box” meeting. At the previous meeting a lecture on “The History of Forestry in New Zealand” was given by Mr. Roach, of the Forestry Department, Hanmer. Arrangements for a field day were also made, and for the annual dance. Gust.—Committee appointed to take charge of a “hare drive.” Talk by D. Blackmore (club member) on his trip to the North Island. Hawarden.Report on district committee meeting, submitted by delegates. Lectures by, Mr. R. I. Black, on “The Harvesting of Grass Seed.” At the previous meeting a talk was given by Mr. L. D. Cameron on "The Education and Working of the Collie Dog.” Oxford. Address by Mr. N. Hadler on “The Evolution of the Earth and Life.” A presentation was made to T. Reid (a club member) on the occasion of his approaching marriage. A field day was held on Mr. J. Dean’s property at Homebush, mainly taking the form of an inspection of the plantations and shelter-belts, with a talk and demonstration by the owner.

Scargi’l-Omihi.Donations from various vicepresidents acknowledged. Lecture on “Parasite Control” by Air. Knotts, Department of Agriculture.


Murchison. Address by Mr. A. D. Mercer, Department of Agriculture, on “Farming in Western Australia.” Resolved that at each meeting four members be selected to ‘give twominute impromptu talks. At the previous meeting arrangements were made to meet a party of Scargill-Omihi Club members on tour, and a talk on “How to Conduct Meetings” was given by the advisory president, Mr. C. Lynch. Nelson. Dovedaie.Arrangements for dog trials and a dance. Talk on “Road Safety” by the local traffic inspector. Motupiko.— re field day. Talk by S. Mead (club memtier) on the recent Y.F.C. tour of Otago, Southland, etc. At the annual meeting officers were elected as follows: visory President, Mr. V. Nicholls; Club Chairman, R. Mead; Secretary and Treasurer, G. Nicholls. Moutere.Discussion re combined club sports picnic. Donation of £2 10s to be made towards cost of entertaining visiting Y.F.C. touring parties. Talk on “Photography” by Mr. D. Merry, Department of Agriculture.

Marlborough. Flaxbourne.Debate with Seddon Club, the subject being "That the Completion of the South Island Main Trunk Will Not Materially Assist the Development of Marlborough.” The Seddon team were the winners. At the previous meeting a practice debate on the same subject was held by the club members, tne speakers being L. Butt, R. Andrews, G. McNabb, D. Matthews (affirmative), and A. Wooding, R. Forsyth, T. Loe, F. B'utt (negative). The judge, Mr. D. R. Wilkie, gave the decision to the negative team. At a previous unreported meeting A. Wooding, T. Archibald, and R. Andrews gave accounts of their southern tour with the combined Marlborough-Nelson Clubs. Wairarapa. Alfredton.Arrangements for a field day. Lantern lectures by Mr.' N. Lamont, Department of Agriculture, on “Rotational Grazing.” Ballance.— on “Fencing” by Mr. J. Moore, Ballance. Carterton.—Report on club dance. Sum of £5 voted to District Committee’s fund for entertaining Y.F.C. touring parties. S. Fisher appointed as club delegate on Wairarapa P. and A. Society’s general committee. Address by Mr. A. Ross on "Points to Observe When Buying a Farm.” / Mangatainoka.Lecture by Mr. N. Lamont. Department of Agriculture, on “The Food Value of Pastures and Crops.” Martinborough.General discussion on “The Managerial Side of Dairying and Sheep Farming.” Masterton.Address by Sir Wm. Perry, “Penrose,” on "Land Development.” The speaker dealt with such matters as liming and draining, and referred to his experiences with his own farm. Pongaroa.Annual meeting. Officers elected: Advisory President, Mr. L. Johnston; Club Chairman, G. Pirn; Secretary, T. E. Hall; Treasurer, A. Pirn. Manawatu. Bunnythorpe.Address by Mr. J. Linklater, advisory president, on “Parliamentary Procedure.” Coiyton.—Arrangements for special meetings at which all members will take part in debates in preparation for the Viles Shield InterClub Debating Contest. The District Secretary, Mr. Chamberlain, spoke on forthcoming Y.F.C. activities, including the Winter Show and proposed Massey College short course. An interesting account of experiences on the recent South Island tour was given by the club chairman, R. Shortall.

Fitzherbert. to be entered for Viles Shield Inter-Club Debating Contest.. Mr. Holden, Department of Agriculture, spoke on Y.F.C. activities, including the Y.F.C. Day at the Manawatu Winter Show, and the proposed short course z at Massey College. He also described the methods of judging for the N.Z. Farmers’ Mutual Fire Assurance Association’s Cup, donated for club efficiency.

Halcombe.Selection ' of footballers for Y.F.C. matches at Manawatu Winter Show. Address by Mr. Dick French, of Beaconsfield, on his recent trip to South Africa.

Kairanga.— selected for school children at the Manawatu Winter Show. Discussion on Y.F.C. show entries and football matches at show. Arrangements for social and also for annual dance. The club chairman, D. Rowland, spoke on the recent South Island tour. Messrs. Neilsen and Fraser also gave short talks.

Kimbolton-Kiwitea. —Selection for debating team. Discussion on projected field day. The Dominion Organising Secretary, Mr. S. Freeman, exhibited sound films.

Levin. Practice debates held to assist in the selection of a debating team, (a) “That

Town Supply is More Desirable than Factory Supply." Speakers: N. Lewis. C. Crowe, G. Gimblett (afflimative), and B. Bartholomew, K. Elliott, P. McLeod (negative) ; the affirmative won by 249 points to 234. (b) “That it Requires More Ability to Run a Dairy Farm than a Sheep Farm." Speakers: P. Bartholomew, F. Holston, G. Elliott (affirmative), and P. Carter, B. Stewart, A. Cha hies (negative) ; the affirmative won by 254 points to 249. Rev. J. Dennis acted as judge.

Oroua Downs. Entries for root-crop classes at Winton Show. Nominations for football match. Club to compete in the inter-club debating contest. Short addresses by club members; F. Shailer, on the South Island tour; R. Pedersen, on the Hastings educational week; L. Funnel! on his recent tour to Australia. Mr. H. de 0. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture exhibited films of agricultural interest. Otaki-Te Horo.—An address was given by Mr. J. Miller on ’ Farming in Canada.” A meeting was also held to select a team to debate against the Kalranga Club in the interclub contest. :Pohangina —Selection of team for Viles Shield Debating Contest (H. M. Linklater, W. Howell, and R. Smart). Five members booked in for the short course at Massey College during July. Delegates reported on the District Executive meeting. Talk on “Onion Growing” by H. Howell, and talk by H. M. Linklater, chairman, on the recent meeting of the Wellington Council. Rangiotu.—A club representative to be coopted by the Rangiotu Farmers’ Union. Mr. Chamberlain. District Secretary, spoke on the Y.F.C. activities at the winter show, including Y.F.C. guides for the school children, and the Y.F.C. dog trials and football matches. The Dominion Organising Secretary. Mr. S. Freeman, exhibited sound films of general interest ; he also addressed the meeting on Y.F.C. affairs generally. Rangiwahia.—Challenge to a debate issued to the W.D.F.U. The club chairman, M. Wood, gave a talk on his recent tour of the South Island, and each member present spoke for three minutes on “The Management of Sheep.” Rongotea.Discussions with delegates from the W.D.F.U. regarding (1) the means of using the proceeds of combined euchre partiesand dances, and (2) arrangements for holding a concert and dance. A team was selected to compete in the inter-club debating contest. Shannon. Arrangements re inter-club debating contest, and also club dance. Mr. Holden, Department of Agriculture, outlined projected Y.F.C. activities, including the Y.F.C. Day at the winter show, the district Y.F.C. dance, and also the Wanganui educational week. The team to compete in the Viles Shield Debating Contest was selected at the previous meeting, and consisted of C. Watson, J. A. Smith, and J. Aitchison. Tokomaru.Mr. Holden, Department of Agriculture, outlined Y.F.C. activities at the Manawatu Winter Show. Mr. S. Freeman. Dominion Organising Secretary, exhibited sound films of general interest, and spoke on Y.F.C. affairs generally. Whakarongo.Address by Mr. G. Spall on "The Sydney Royal Show.” Moving pictures of the U.S.A, were exhibited by Mr. McKegg. The team to compete in the inter-club debating contest was elected at this meeting. Woodville.Discussion on the matter of a suitable, hall for club meetings. Arrangements for club dog-trials and stock-judging competitions in July. At the previous meeting Mr. A. Ramsden, of Kumeroa, addressed the members on “Hill-Country .Top-dressing.” Wanganui. Marton.Balance-sheet of annual dance presented; profit of over £4. Election of three club members to A. and P. Committee (H. Kimpton. J. Henderson, and L. McLeay). Report on District Committee meeting. Arrangements for short talk by members at next meeting.

The club chairman, Mr. A. B. Marshall, spoke on the educational week to be held in Wanganui.

Taihape.—Arrangements for a debate. Lantern lecture by . Mr. Hill-Motion on • “Nutrition and Disease.”

South Taranaki.

Eltham. — to be entered in the ten-a-side football tournament in July. Mr. C. A. Wilkinson, M.P., gave an interesting talk on trip to England at the Coronation time; he dealt particularly with native life on the many islands en route. /

Hawera.Address by Mr. Whittlestone, of the N.Z. Rennet Co., on “The Different Units that Make Up a Milking Plant.” This was followed by a talk on “Mastitis” by Mr. A. Leslie, M.R.C.V.S. The speaker dealt with ways in which the incidence of mastitis in dairy herds can be reduced by the correct adjustment of the various units of the milking plant.

Kaponga.— Two teams to be entered in the ten-a-side football tournament at Eltham in July. Arrangements for football match against the Pukengahu Club. Questions on agricultural and general subjects were written down Dy members and answered in turn by other members, general discussion then taking place.

North Taranaki.

Hillsborough-Tarurutangi.— to be entered in the ten-a-side tournament in July. Address by Mr. R. B. Wood, M.R.C.V.S., on "Various Diseases in Cattle.”

Mangamahoe.— re debates and speeches, etc. Address by Mr. V. Davies on “Farm and Home Shelter Trees.”

Mangorei.— Talk by Mr. Ferriday, Inspector of Stock, on “The Duties of Officers of the Different Divisions of the Department of Agriculture." At the previous meeting a debate was held, the subject being “Rotational Ploughing and Re-seeding v. Harrowing, Surfacesowing, and Topdressing.” Mr. Elliott, Department of Agriculture, acted as judge, and gave a short talk on the subject debated.

Okau-Tongaporutu.— meeting. Arrangements for field day, etc. .

Tikorangi.— tennis tournament to be run; neighbouring clubs to be invited to participate. Address by Mr. R. C. Smith on his “Trip to England." - The speaker related his experiences en route and during his short stay in • England he also gave a detailed account of the care and management of stud rams of which he was in charge in the return voyage to New Zealand.

: Toko.—Arrangements for a dance. Club debate held, the subject being “Dairy Farming v. Sheep Farming.” The speakers were G. Anderson, B. - Anderson, and C. Rowe (dairy farming), H. Ancell, P. Jones, and L. Kilsby (sheep farming). Mr. G. A. Blake, District Secretary, .acted as judge, .and awarded, the verdict to the dairy-farming supporters. A field day was held on the properties of Mr. Were and Mr. Richard. A demonstration of the pastures was given by Mr. A. G. Elliott, Department of Agriculture, after which a pasturejudging competition was held among the members present. .

. Urenui.Report, on club dance, which proved a success both socially and financially, a profit of £7 being: made. A team to be entered for the ten-a-side football tournament at' Eltham. Address by Mr. Mander, manager of the fertiliser works; : the speaker illustrated his visit to Nauru Island by means of photographs. At the previous meeting members from the Tikorangi and Karawaka Clubs were present to meet the Dominion Organising Secretary, Mr. S. Freeman, who- spoke on ways and means of fostering the Y.F.C. movement and club work generally, and exhibited sound films.

Southern Hawke’s Bay.

Hastings. debate, “That Tractors are More Suitable for Farm Work than Horses,” won' by the affirmative. -

Norsewood.—Arrangements for a dance. Seven members who attended the Hastings educational week gave short talks on the activities, etc., that took place during the week. At the previous meeting Mr. J. H. Luke gave an address on “The Farmers’ Union and the Young Farmers’ Clubs." ,

Tajkapau.Arrangements for a field day. Mr. L. C. Rolls, of Napier, gave an address on his recent tour through Europe, and exhibited a movie film.

Waipukurau.Address by Mr. R. B. Price on “The Use of Explosives on the Farm.” At the previous meeting Mr. C. R. Watson gave a talk on “Farm Accountancy.”

Northern Hawke’s Bay.

Matapiro.Meeting held at the residence of Mr. A. W. Whyte, Crownthorpe. Discussion on tree-planting scheme; suggested that club endeavour to make arrangements, if in accordance with the scheme, to plant trees for shelter alongside the holding paddocks in the district. Lectures arranged on “Wool” and “Lambing Troubles” for the July and August meetings respectively. The four members who attended the Hastings educational week each gave a talk of ten' minutes on their impression of the week. A vote of thanks was moved to Mr. and Mrs. Whyte for the use of their home, and also for the supper provided after the meeting. At the previous meeting, which was held in the Shereden School, a talk was given by Mr. . Whyte on “Draught Horses.” • Mr. Whyte, who is a well-known show judge, made his address both interesting and instructive.

— Discussion re Centennial treeplanting project; members signified their approval of the scheme. Address by Mr. A. D. M. Laing, Government Veterinarian, on “Diseases of Sheep." Five-minute talks by members: “Running Down Wild Horses” (A. Laidlaw) and “North Island Sheep-dog Trials” (E. Smyth). At the previous meeting a six months’ programme, drawn up by the committee, was adopted. Mr. Monteith, manager of Kotemaori Station, gave an address on “Breaking in Rough Country.”

Poverty Bay.

Gisborne.—Addresses as follows :■ —Mr. ’W. E. Chamberlain gave a brief criticism of the keeping of the club book, pointing out faults and suggesting improvements; Mr. D. Cameron spoke on “Australia," Mr. E. M. Bates, District Secretary, gave a brief address on his recent trip to Australia, and Mr. D. Withers gave an account of the Hastings educational week. - ■

Totaga Bay.—General business. Paper by H. Irving, Jr. (club member), entitled "A Letter from a London Wool Broker.”


■' — General discussion on conduct of meetings, duties of members, etc.

Taumarunui. Arrangements re display court at Taumarunui Show. Lantern lecture by Mr. J. M. Hopkins, Department of Agriculture, on “Hill-country Experiments on Hard-fern.” Mr. Hopkins also dealt with the “Identification of Grasses.” '

Eastern Bay of Plenty.

— Committeee ' appointed to deal with Centennial tree-planting scheme; discussion re Y.F.C. courts at. Hamilton and Whakatane Shows. A social evening followed. At the previous meeting interesting discussion on "Farming in General” took place, led by Mr. C. R. Taylor, Department of Agriculture, and Mr. C. 0. McCracken, advisory president.

Opotiki.—A field day was held on Mr. G. E. Bennett’s farm at Waioeka, with a'total attendance' of 14. Mrs. Bennett spoke and demonstrated on “Poultry in General,” including Black Orpingtons, layers, ■ fatteners, and Khaki Campbell ducks; she also dealt with “Pheasants and Their Rearing."

Waimana. —Arrangements re Y.F.C. Court at Bay of Plenty . Show. Talk on “Voluntary Military Training” by Mr. C. N. White. ■ - ’

Western Bay of Plenty.

Tauranga. arrangements for dance to welcome North Auckland Y.F.C. touring party. A team to be entered in the Western Bay of Plenty seven-a-side football tournament.

Te Puke. Arrangements re field days to be held at Mr. Ross's piggeries and at the Old Showgrounds. Entries for Waikato Winter Show dealt with;

— Proceeds of recent dance (£1 15s 6d) voted to District Committee funds. Practice debate held, all present being included. Radio broadcasts and show entries discussed.'


Hero Hero. — Final arrangements for tour; party of 20 members to visit Ruatoki, Te Kaka, Tikitere, and Mohaka Development Schemes, under the leadership of Sir A. T. Ngata, M.P.

Rotorua-Ngongataha.Arrangements for a field day. Address by Mr. Harwood, principal of Rotorua District High School, on the “Conduct of Debates.” Questionnaire discussion on “The Growing of Root Crops” by G. McFetridge and D. Hunt (club members) ; comments on the discussion by Mr. H. M. Martin.


Huntly West.— Club debate, “Single v Double Stripping.”

Kakepuku.—Field day at Te Awamutu. Demonstrations included “Buttermaking” (Mr. A. J. Sinclair) and “The Care and Management of Pigs” (Mr. H. J. Webber). There was an. attendance of 20.

Tahuna.—Badminton set to be purchased. Arrangements for a trip to. Ruakura Experimental Farm. Debate to be held at next meeting. . .

. Te Kowhai.— Talk on “Herd Testing” by Mr. Sheaf, of the N.Z. Herd Testing' Association. Films exhibited by Mr. H. Woodyear-Smith, ‘.‘Land Deterioration” and “Butter Factories.”


Franklin.—Discussion re debating contest, dances, . etc. .. Arrangements for trip Geldine Farm, Span Farm, and Crum Brick and Tile Co. Club debate, ‘Tractor v. Horses,” meeting divided into two sides, and after the leaders had spoken all other members were required to speak. Mr. F. D. . Wood, Sen., acted as judge,, and gave the award to the tractor supporters. ' • .


Port Albert. Members attended the Farmers’ Union meeting to hear a lecture given by Mr. A. R. Gorbey on “Diseases in Stock.” A field day was held on Mr. H. M. Neal’s property, at Te Hana; members and visitors were conducted round the farm by Mr. Neal, who explained the development of the property, giving details of costs, etc. There was an attendance of over 50.

. — Discussion re field day, and arrangements for a debate. Mr. R. Whitmore addressed the club on “How to Conduct a Meeting." - r .. . . .


Marohemo. — .of lectures, etc., drawn up. Club debate, “City v. Country Life.”

Ruawai.—Discussion re entertainment of Bay of Plenty ' touring party. Programme of lectures, etc., drawn up. Mr. E. H. Arnold, Department of Agriculture, spoke on the Y.F.C. ■tour of the Waikato. Impromptu speeches: by club members.

Tangiteroria.-Address by the advisory president, Mr. R. J. Bale, on “The Conduct of Meetings and the Duties of Club Officers." -


.Oruru.— meeting. Arrangements finalised for the entertainment, etc., of the Bay of Plenty Y.F.C. touring party. ....

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 59, Issue 1, 15 July 1939, Page 79

Word Count

Among the Clubs : Reports on Activities New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 59, Issue 1, 15 July 1939, Page 79

Among the Clubs : Reports on Activities New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 59, Issue 1, 15 July 1939, Page 79

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