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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities

Western Southland. LochieL— Lecture by . Mr. Colin Lindsay, Winton, on “Building Up of the Ewe Flock.” An account of a successful field day held by this club ■ will be included in next month’s issue. Thornbury. Address by Sergeant-Major Sutton on “The Care and Attention to Horses.” A.t the previous meeting Mr. ; C. Aberdeen, Veterinarian, gave a lecture on “Parasites of Sheep,” and also related some of the more interesting cases to which he had been called personally. It was decided that the club meetings should be held every three weeks during the year. Wyndham. Address by Mr. S. Rice, on “Meeting Procedure.” A club debate was held, the subject being “Tractor- v. Horses,” the speakers were:—R. . McDonald, K. Townley and I. McDonald (tractors); W. Brown, F. Clay and T. Todd (horses). Mr. L. Harper acted as judge. - > Eastern Southland. * Balfour. Lecture by Mr. W. Faithful, Department of Agriculture, on “Seed Certification.” Arrangements made for a debate. Crookston Talk on “Fat Lamb Raising” by Mr. J. Brown. At the previous meeting Mr. W. Faithful, Department of Agriculture, gave a ; talk- on “Winter Feeding of Sheep.” ’ Five Rivers. Talks by club members: “Border Leicester Sheep (M. .Drummond); “Lucerne” (W. A. Gordon); “Barley” (C. R. Gordon); - “Dorset Horn Sheep”, (B. Selbie). Each talk was followed by a discussion. Moa Flat. — Address by Mr. H. Duff, on “Pests' and Diseases in Root Crops.” At the previous meeting the same speaker, gave the members a talk on his “Experiences at Lincoln College.” ; ' Otama.--Social committee . set up; arrangements to be made for Club Ball. Club debate, the subject being “That Arable Farming, is Superior to Pastoral Farming.” Mr. D. Bruce, advisory president, presided, and Mr. J. Harper,

Gore, acted as judge. The decision was awarded to the team advocating pastoral farming by a margin of seven points. After supplying a constructive criticism of each speaker, the judge gave a talk on the objects of debating. . South Otago. Lawrence. on “Afforestation” by Mr. Christie, Warepa. Milton Sound films exhibited by Mr. J. M. Smith, Department of Agriculture. Stirling.—Annual meeting. Officefs elected: —Advisory President, Mr. A. Anderson; Club Chairman, R. Anderson; Secretary and Treasurer, L. G. Bell.

3 Central Otago. J . Alexandria Arrangements for Y.F.C. and Junior Homemakers’ Combined Ball. Officers elected at annual meeting:—Advisory President, Mr. J. Muir; Club Chairman, R. White, Secretary, L. C. Kinraid; Treasurer, E. Weaver. Roxburgh. Competition, speeches by , mem-, bers, subject, “Any Topic on Your Work,” won by A. Bain. At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. I. L. Nottage, Department of,, Agriculture, on “Fruit-Growing in the Cook Islands.” " “ . ' \ . ) Upper Clutha.— Address by Mr. W. A. Scalfe on ■ “Sheep and the Consequence of Improper Feeding of Same.” .


Palmerston ßusiness meeting. Programme drawn up for , the ensuing year. Discussion on remits for Dominion Executive Meeting, J. Lowed (club member) being a delegate from the ' Otago-Southland Council. Election of two new members. . South Taieri. General discussion on proposed ploughing match; decided to postpone the match, May being considered too early. West Taieri. Lecture by Mr. Taylor on “Parasites.” At the previous meeting Mr." S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture, gave a lecture on. “Pastures.” The ~ following officers have been elected for the year:. Advisory President, Mr. D. Grant; Club Chairman, R. J. Reid; Secretary and Treasurer, D. Doherty. North Otago. Five Forks. Lecture on “Model Aeroplane Construction” by Mr. T. A. Sellwood. The following officers were elected at the annual meeting;—Advisory President, Mr; M. Austin; Club ■ Chairman, E. Ewing; Secretaryand Treasurer, I. D. Kingan. .. 1 ' Hampden.— Annual meeting. Officers elected: —Advisory President, Mr. 11. Wilde; ; Club Chairman, 11. Murcott; Secretary, J. C. Nicholson ; Treasurer, A. Gillies. Tokarahi.— Lecture on “Model Aeroplane Construction” by Mr. T. A. Sellwood. At the previous meeting Mr. A. L. Murray, Tokarahi, gave an. address on “Recruiting.” South Canterbury. : A Ibury— Lecture by Mr. I. L. McKercher on “Border Leicester Sheep.” . This was followed by impromptu speeches by - members. Arno— Lecture by Mr. D. Wraight, on “Fertilisers and Pasture Management.” The following officers were elected at the annua! meeting: —Advisory President, Mr. C. Verity; Club Chairman, R. Lindsay; Secretary, T. Rolfe; Treasurer, G. McKenzie. 4 Cannington-Cave — Lecture by Mr. L. Stumbles on “Stud Southdown Sheep.” The following officers were elected at the annual meeting:— Advisory Members, W. Little and G. Squire; Club Chairman, T. Scott; Secretary, R. McKenzie ;. Treasurer, T. Little. ’ — Annual meeting. Officers elected:— Advisory President, Mr. J. E. Macdonald; Club Chairman, M. J. Kirke; Secretary, P. F. Carter; Treasurer, .G. Coulter.

Geraldine.— Resignation of R. L. Volckman, secretary, received with regret; J. A. Thatcher elected to the office. Lecture by Mr. A. J. Burmister on “Wheat.” At a subsequent meeting an address was given by Mr. E. N. J. Hannah on “Soil Fertility, Nutrition and Health;” while - at a previously unreported meeting K. Hibbs, V. Stonyer and H. Worner (club members) gave accounts of their tour of the North Island, rendered more interesting by photos taken , on the trip.

, Arrangements for a debate. ' , Talkby Mr, 'W. Seaford, Department -of Agriculture, on, “irrigation.'” . At' the previous meeting . Mr.; Grant'gave a talk on the “Making of Ensilage.”

Milford. Arrangements for club dance. Club debate, the subject being,.'.“That the Town is better.than the Country.” Speakers:-J. Woodhead, T. Crossman, J. Dale (affirmative); G. Crossman,- G. Bblderston, A. Caithness (negative). Mr. G. Mulligan acted as judge, and gave the decision to the team supporting the negative. At a previous meeting Mr. W. H. Staniland gave a lecture bn the “Dairying Industry,” dealing mainly with the history of the industry. . ’

' Pleasant Point. Club debate, the subject being “That Secondary Industries in New Zealand Should Be ' Encouraged.” Speakers: R. S. France, D. Shires, E. Chapman (affirmative); 0. Chapman, D. Gardiner, A. Talbot (negative). Mr. V. Wilson acted as judge; and gave . the decision . to the . negative team. At previous - meetings Mr. * J. ' D.- Wraight gave ’ a

lantern lecture on “Some of the Aspects of Research in Soil Deficiency,” and short talks were given by D. France and T. Pagan (club members). . ' , .

Southburn— Lyalldale. Address by Mr. C. Marshall, Timaru, on “Seeds.” At a previous meeting some interesting sound films were exhibited by Mr. C. C. Leitch, Department of Agriculture. Officers elected at the. annual meeting:—Club Chairman, M. Toohey: Secretary, K. Caird; Treasurer, E. Moyle.

. W aihaorunga— Committee’s recommendations, re lectures, field days, suppers, business meetings, debates, etc., were : adopted. Mr. G. Barclay reappointed sole: selector for debating teams. Address by Mr J. C. Hay, Morven, on “Essential Points to. Consider in Buying a Farm.”


Hinds. Annual meeting. Officers elected: — Advisory. President, Mr. L. Chisnal; Club Chairman, E. Rhodes; Secretary, W. Keeley; Treasurer, L. Watson. Mayfield,— Annual meeting. Officers elected:— Advisory President, Mr. J. Kingan; Club Chairman, K. Moore; Secretary, F. R. Morrow; Treasurer, I. Oakley.

Methven. Lecture on “Artificial Insemination” by Mr. Sidey, Lincoln College. Officers elected at annual meeting :—Advisory President, Mr. R. J. Low;. Club Chairman, C. Wightman; Secretary, T. A. Richards; Treasurer, R. Wightman.


Darfield. Discussion re billeting of other club members during judging competition. Lecture by Dr. M. C. ’ Franklin, Lincoln College, on the “Dry-Feeding of Flock Sheep During the Winter Months.”

Dunsandel. Discussion re radio lecturette. Talk by Mr. L. W. Blackmore, Department of Agriculture, on the “Experimental Work of the Department.”

Ellesmere. Arrangements for 3YA broadcast. Talk by Col. J. Stafford on the “Feeding of Breeding Stock in Winter.’ ’

Springston.— Lecture on “Pigs” by Mr. H. Mclntosh, of the Pig Marketing Association; the speaker dealt with the breeding, etc., and emphasised the importance of shelter and feed for sows. At the previous meeting Mr. McLean, Veterinarian, Lincoln College, conducted a postmortem examination of a sheep. ~ Teddington.— Selection of a team to represent club at Tai Tapu Dog Trials. Lecture by Mr. C. W. Millar on “Pig Management,” followed by a demonstration of castrating. Officers elected at . the ■ annual meeting Advisory Members, Messrs. G. 0. Templeton and W. E. Wille; Club Chairman, A. H. C. Nutt; Secretary and Treasurer, P.. A. de Pass. ’ . West Appointment of auditor. Discussion re field day. An interesting exhibition of “movie” films, was given by Mr. F. Bull, showing activities on his own farm at Waddington. North Canterbury. Hawarden. Lecture ■ by Mr. A. S. Nash,. Department of Agriculture, on “Artificial Manures.” The meeting was attended by members of the - Farmers’ Union and also High School boys. - Officers - elected- at the annual meeting:—Advisory President, . Mr. J. Inkson; Advisory Members, Messrs. R. B. and J. W. Earl; Club Chairman, J. Blakely, A. B. Dalzell; Treasurer, R. Mason. Oxford.— Lecture by Mr. A. S. Nash, Department, of Agriculture, on “Manuring of Pastures.” At a previous meeting Mr. Nash gave a lantern lecture on “Lime.” ’ Scargill-Omihi.— arrangements for tour. Winners -in various events at ; the dog i trials were congratulated. Lantern lecture by Mr. A. ■S. Nash, Department of Agriculture, on “Lime.” • . 1 i ! I■. —" ■ a;, Nelson. . ;.j Dovedale;— Business, meeting.■ ; Welcome .to new ‘advisory’ president. t “’ , ;' !J '''“ ” *•-

Moutere.— Members who took part in the recent tour of Otago and Southland gave. talks on their impressions of the trip.


Flaxbourne— on projected Y.F.C. parade at forthcoming Blenheim A. and P. Show. Impromptu speeches by members. ’

Seddon. Arrangements for annual dance. Talk by Mr. C. P. Gaisford, describing his trip to England.


Ballance— Lecture by Mr. H. Cotter, Ngaturi, on “Hill-Country Management.”

Arrangements for annual ball. Two club debates, held, the subjects being: (a) “That Increased Mechanisation of Farms is in the Best Interests of the Country,” won by the affirmative; and (b) “That Speed is Becoming the Master of Man Instead ' of Man the Master of Speed,” won by the Negative.

Arrangements for a debate with the Alfredton Club. *.

Featherston. — Debate with Greytown Club:— Speakers, V. Gates, A. Saywell and D. Gordon (Greytown); W. Nix, R. T. Pillar and M. Benton (Featherston). The Featherston team were declared the winners. ■

Grey town.— Selection of team to debate with Featherston Club. Preliminary debate held on the subject ‘.That the Young Farmer of To-day Has Greater Opportunities Than Had His Grandfather in His Youth.” At the previous meeting stock-judging teams were selected and a club debate held, the subject being: “Cheese Factory v. Creamery Supply.”

Martinborough. Short talks by members on their farming experiences.

Masterton.— of films dealing with Caterpillar tractors. Arrangements re South Island tour, etc.


Apiti.— by E. Kearny and R. Galyer on their experiences at the recent Hastings educational week. At the previous meeting an address was given ,by Mr. John Kilgour on “Practical Forestry”; the . speaker stressed the advantage of well-planned shelter belts, and pointed out the importance of the forest in conserving rainfall.

Bunnythorpe. Arrangements for welcoming the Otago-Southland Y.F.C. touring party. Annual dance finalised.’ “Questions and Answers” evening; members came with questions prepared, and these were answered by Mr. E. E. Elphick, Government Veterinarian. At the previous meeting Mr. Kenneth Krammes, an American geologist employed .by an American oil company at present conducting a geological survey in the Dominion, spoke on “Geology as. Applied to the Search for Oil”; the address created great interest and keen discussion followed. Colyton — Report by delegates to Manawatu district'meeting. Discussion 'on programme for winter months. Mr. ■E. E. Elphick; Government Veterinarian' attended the meeting, and invited questions on veterinary problems. Members responded well, : and keen discussions followed Mr. Elphick’s replies. 1 . ■ ' Feeding— Programme drawn up or ensuing six months. Arrangements for dance. Team selected to meet Halcombe Club in the first elimination contest of the North Island debating championship. Club, debate, the subject being “That the . Friesian is a Better Dairy Cow Than the Jersey”; a very keen contest took place, the debate being won by the affirmative. ' Fitzherbert.— meeting. Discussion re debating contests, . tour . of South Island, etc. Halcombe—re debating, etc. Films exhibited by Mr. H. de 0. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture, dealing With the “Wheat Industry” and the “Germination of Seeds.” . ' 4 \ ’ Kairanga.— Films ; exhibited by Mr. H. de 0. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture.

Kimbolton-Kiwitea -Arrangements for musical evening. Report by delegates on annual district meeting. Lecture on “Geology and Its Relationship to the Search for Oil,” by Mr. Kenneth Krammes, of the American oil survey party.

Levin.— Arrangements for dance, and also a debate. Lecture by Mr. A. W. Hudson, Massey College, on “Fertilisers and Topdressing.”

Otaki-Te Horo. Annual meeting. Officers elected:—Advisory President, Mr. C. C. Holmes; Club Chairman, E. K. Gawler; Secretary, F. Elliott; Treasurer, R. W. Hillas.

Paraparaumu. Annual meeting. Officers elected:—Advisory President, Mr. W. R. Maclean; Club Chairman, D. Corner; Secretary and Treasurer, W. Hardham. .

Pohangina Valley. Business meeting. Report by delegates on annual district meeting.

Rangiotu. Address by Mr. J. B. Chrystall, Kairanga Club, on “How to Conduct a Meeting” ; great interest was taken and many questions asked the speaker. At the annual meeting held previously the following officers were elected:—Advisory President, Mr. W. H. Gimblett; Club Chairman, H. Lucas; Secretary and Treasurer, I. Bond. The District Secretary (Mr. H. de 0. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture), made . some constructive suggestions on how to improve the club. .. During the month cricket matches were played with the Rongotea and Oroua Downs Clubs respectively.

Rongotea.— of football committee. Films on “Animal Husbandry” exhibited by Messrs. Pierson and Nielson. At the' previous meeting details of the arrangements for a trip to the Mangahao Power Station were discussed, and a debating team was selected.

Shannon. Letter of appreciation to be sent to Mr. C. H. Spiers for his generosity in donating the prizes for the Y.F.C. horse-judging competition held at the recent Shannon sports. Films exhibited by Messrs. Chamberlain and Holden of the Department of Agriculture, “The Wheat Industry,” “Seed Germination” and “The Life Cycle of a Plant.”

Tokomaru. Arrangements for dance. Addresses by Mr. J. Holden, Department of Agriculture, and Mr. Robertson, on “Sheep Stations in the South Island” and "Sheep Farming” respectively.

Waituna.— by Mr. H. Richardson on “The Farmers’ Union.” At the previous meeting a general discussion took place on “Romney and Southdown Sheep.” A field day was held on Mr. Small’s property, demonstrations on Romney and Southdown sheep being given by Mr. : Small and Mr. P. Simpson respectively. There was a total attendance of approximately 30, including about 10 older farmers.

— Arrangements for ball; invitations extended to the members of the OtagoSouthland Y.F.C. touring party. Decided to have speeches at each meeting by two club members, to be not less than three minutes nor more than 10 minutes. Address by Mr. R. G. Scott on “Farm Management.”

Woodville.— Arrangements for dance. Debate, Whakarongo v. Woodville on the subject “That Disease Control is •of Greater Economic Importance Than the Breeding of High Producing Strains of Stock.” The debate was won by the Woodville team. A successful field day / was held on the Woodville Racecourse, demonstrations including “Crossbred Sheep” (Mr. M. A. McLeod); “Electric Fence” (Messrs. Abraham and Williams); “Farm Horse” (Mr. N. Blatchford); “Pigs” (Mr. E. P. Neilson); and "Mole Draining” (Mr. Hudson). There was an attendance of more than 70.


Bulls. Team to" be entered in the North Island Debating Contest. Lecture by Mr. S. S. Timbs on “The Selection of Beef for Export.”

Mangaweka.— Arrangements finalised ■ for dance. Discussion re programme for future, etc. Lecture by Mr. Hill-Motion, Veterinarian.- on “Animal Diseases.” A field day was held on Mr. L.. E. Weston’s property, Ohingaiti; Mr. A. Wheeler, Hunterville, gave a demonstration

on flock Romneys, and Mr. A. R. Dingwall, Department of Agriculture, gave a talk and demonstration on the experimental plots. There was an attendance of 45, including a number of older farmers. Marton. Arrangements finalised for annual dance. Talks on various subjects to be given by ciub members at the June meeting. Talk on “Pig Management” given by Mr. J. Aidworth. ' Westmere Arrangements for a combined social and dance with the Farmers’ Union. A party of members to go to Wanganui to meet the Otago-Southland Y.F.C. touring party. Mr. C. Smith spoke on “The Correct Procedure When Conducting a Meeting; the Rules of Debates and the Method of Preparing and Delivering a Public Address.” South Taranaki. Arrangements for a field day at the Waimate West Demonstration Farm and Mr. S. Morgan’s farm at Mangatoki. Lecture on “Afforestation” by Mr. A. Taylor. The field day was duly held and proved a great success; a detailed account will be given in next month’s notes. Eltham. — Donation of 10/- voted towards the expenses of the South Taranaki party touring Australia. Arrangements for a field day on Mr. Blyde’s farm. Address on “Cheese Making” by Mr. Thomas, a chemist at the Rennet Co.’s Laboratory. A successful field day was held at the Eltham Rennet Co.’s Factory and J. C. Hutton’s Bacon Factory, there being a total attendance of 26. Hawera.— Short speeches by various members were given to assist in the selection of the debating team to represent South Taranaki in the North Island contest. The advisory president, Mr. P. 0. Veale, gave constructive criticism on the efforts of each speaker. At the previous meeting Mr. J. E. Davies, Department of Agriculture, led a discussion on “Co-operative Farming.” Kaponga. Address by Mr. J. E. Davies, Department of Agriculture, on “Pastures and Their Management.” . At a previous meeting arrangements were made for a fifteen-a-side Rugby match against Pukengahu Y.F.C.; also fori two teams to compete in the ten-a-side tournament at Eltham in July. Arrangements were also made for a dance in the Town Hall. Pukengahu.— on forthcoming football tournament. Address by the Rev. G. W. Bird : “Life in the Royal Air Force.” Whakamara-Mokoia. Decided to institute table tennis evenings during the winter months. Club debate, “Sheep-Farming v. Dairy-Farm-ing”; the supporters of dairy-farming were declared the winners. North Taranaki. Hillsborough-Tarurutangi— Club debate, ‘‘That the Future of New Zealand Farming Depends Upon Compulsory Unionism.” Speakers: N. Sampson, R. Meharry, P. Locke, L. Copestake, B. Sinclair (affirmative); R. Anderson, E. Anderson, N. Warren, D. Marsh, R. Dixon (negative). The debate was won by the affirmative. At the previous meeting arrangements were made for a dance to entertain the Otago-Southland touring party. Club members who recently who recently went on a tour of the West Coast of the South Island gave their impressions of the trip.

Inglewood.— Discussion and talks by various members regarding water supplies on their farms. A talk on “Native Bird Life” was given by F. Bracegirdle, a club member.

Karawaka. Report on club dance and euchre party. Arrangements for a debate v. Hills-borough-Tarurutangi Club. Invitation accepted to inspect Mr. Turnbull’s plantations at Huirangi. Address by Mr. W. Hall, Huirangi, on "Environment and Cross-Breeding of Livestock.” A party of 20 club members made an evening visit to the Taranaki Service Laboratories,' being conducted through by Mr. P. 0. Veale. A held day was held, the party first visiting Mr. C. B. Lepper’s property at Leppertbn, where Mr. D. O’Sullivan, Inglewood, demonstrated on a pedigree Jersey cow, after

which members judged four cows. B. Brooking, G. R. Franklin and L. Oliver placed the. animals nearest to the judge’s selection. After lunch members visited Mr. A. G. Hail’s property , at Huirangi, where Mr. Hall demonstrated - on a pedigree Ayrshire cow; a judging competition was held, the winners being K. Lattimer and A. Shrider. The party then proceeded to Mr. L. A. Alexander’s property at Tikorangi, where the owner addressed members on the correct type of a bacon pig, after which the concrete silos were inspected. '

Mangamahoe. Arrangements for a dance to to be held at Egmont Village, The programme for the year was considered, mention being made of pig-breeding and stack-building competitions; reciprocal and round tours were' also discussed. Talks were given by three members who had undertaken the recent Y.F.C. tour in the North Island.

Mangorei— Mr. Kristensen, Dairy Instructor, gave an interesting talk on his work, and related some of his experiences in different localities.

Okau-Tongaporutu — A field day was held on Mr. J. N. Blyde’s property, Lepperton, addresses and demonstrations being given by Mr. Blyde, and Messrs. A. G. Elliott and G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture. A party of members also visited the fertiliser works, Smart Road, where they were shown the various stages and processes in the manufacture of superphosphate.

Rahotu.— Discussion re the educational week at Wanganui. Address on “Pig Husbandry” by Mr. G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture.

• Toko. Discussion re field day and dance. Debate arranged for next meeting. Talks were given by W. Needham, C. C. Rowe and John Lister, members who had taken part in the recent Y.F.C. tour of the North Island.

Southern Hawke’s Bay.

Onga Onga.—Lecture by Mr. A. D. M. G. Laing, Government Veterinarian, on “The Care of Pregnant Ewes” and “Hogget Troubles.” Takapau.— Business meeting. Arrangements for a field day, etc..

Northern Hawke’s Bay.

— Annual meeting. Officers elected:— Advisory President, Mr. G. D. Tod; Club Chairman, G. Whitmore; Secretary and Treasurer, N. J. Alexander. Wairoa. Annual meeting. Officers elected:— Advisory President, Mr. A. C. de Latour; Club Chairman, D. G. Wilson; Secretary, W. G. Brownlie; Treasurer, W. T. Powdrell. Poverty Bay. Gisborne. Mr. G. D. Briant gave a brief criticism of the speakers at the annual meeting. Address by Mr. D. Cameron on “The Water Problem in Australia.” Officers elected at the annual meeting:Advisory - President, Mr. G. D. Briant; Club Chairman, G. W. Smith; Secretary, L. Munro; Treasurer, R. Kerr. Te Karaka— Annual meeting. Officers elected: —Advisory President, Mr. C. Bull; Club Chairman, J. Dymock; Secretary, J. H. Bayley; Treasurer, A. D. N. Manuel. At a previous meeting Mr. Sears gave a talk on “How to Identify Grasses.” Taumarunui. Ohura.— lnaugural meeting. Officers elected Advisory. President, Mr. N. Dougherty; Club Chairman, I. McKenzie; Secretary, C. Ryan; Treasurer, J. Dougherty. Mr. J. M. Hopkins, Department of Agriculture, outlined the work of the Clubs and the aims and objects of the organisation. Taumarunui. Business meeting. Arrangements for exhibits at Waikato Show. ' Election of delegates for council meeting at Hamilton. Te Kuiti. Aria. Discussion re Y.F.C. Rally at Ruakura and short courses at Massey College. Films exhibited by Mr. H. Woodyear-Smith (a) “Soil Erosion,” (b) “ Phosphate Works," (e) "Dairy Factories in the Dominion.”

— Arrangements for ball. Discussion re club programme for winter months. Selection of teams for debating contests. A field day. was held on Mr. A. J. McCready’s farm, taking the form of a talk and demonstration by Mr. Harrington, District Superintendent of Pig Clubs, on “Correct Types of Bacon Pig for Export,” and an address on “Recent Grassland Research” by Dr. Annett. At. the annual meeting the -following officers were elected:—Advisory President, Mr. S. K. Tipping; Club Chairman, R. Palmer; Secretary, C. G. Murphy, Jnr.; Treasurer, H. C. Murphy. Te Anga Central. exhibited by Mr. H. Woodyear-Smith, on “Soil Erosion,” “Manufacture of Superphosphate” and “Sulphur Workings in Texas.” Mr. K. M. Montgomery, Department of Agriculture, also addressed the meeting. The following officers were elected at the annual meeting:— President. Mr. A. Burt; Chib Chairman, H. Wright; Secretary, H. O. Goddard; Treasurer, N. Stokes. Eastern Bay of Plenty. — Arrangements for Y.F.G.- Courts at Waikato. Winter Show; discussion re short courses at Massey College. Short ta'ks by members: “Lucerne on Rolling Country” (J. Beattie); “Ploughing” (W. Armstrong); “Scarifying Maize and Swedes” (T. Clark); “Farming Conditions in India” (R. Stuart); “Poultry Keeping” (D. and G. Bennett). Taneatua— Details of Y.F.C. Courts at Waikato Winter Show. Arrangements for dance. Waimana. -Discussion re Y.F.C. Courts at Waikato Winter Show. Suggestions re programme of . meetings. Tour of North Auckland. Arrangements for debate with Edgecombe Club. Western Bay of Plenty. Omokoroa —Business meeting. Discussion re sports meeting. . _ Paengaroa Committee set up in connection with exhibits for District Court at Waikato Winter Show. Arrangements for final debate between Eastern and Western Bay of Plenty Clubs. Lecture -by Mr. I. Vercoe, “Experiences of Pioneering Days, in the District.” Tauranga.— Arrangements for a dance in the Town Hall to entertain members of the North Auckland Y.F.C. touring party in July. Pingpong table to be purchased. Competition arranged with the Omokoroa Chib for the two best five-minute prepared speeches. Mr. Strugnell (advisory president) donated as prizes the cost of two short courses at Ruakura. Lecture by Mr. A. V. A’lo, Department of Agriculture, on "Farming in Canterbury.” Rotorua. Horo Horo— Business meeting. Details of tour of East Coast. Consideration of programme for ensuing year; field day arranged, etc. ~ Pntarurii. Discussion re Y.F.C. Courts at Waikato Winter Show; also arrangements for debates’;- etc. • ’Lantern- lecture bv Mr. C. S. Dalgleish. Department of Agriculture. on “The Effects of Lime on Some New Zea’and Soils.” Rntorua-Ngonaotaha. Club debate, “The Keeping of Pigs in Styes v. the Keeping of Pigs in Small Runs.” Sneakers : A. E. Armer, A. L. Lewis, J. Martin. E. Hunt (styes); J. Crisp, A. McHa’e.'W. Dittmer. H. Dittmer (small runs). The debate was won by the advocates of styes. At the. conclusion Mr. T. A. Turner gave a short address on his experiences with both svstems., At the previous meet ; films on agricultural subiects were exhibited by Mr. C. Walker, Department of Agriculture, and at a more recent meeting Mr. C S. Da'giiesh gave a lantern lecture on “The Effects of Lime on Some New Zealand Soils.”


Hunt'y Discussions re purchase of wrestling mat, and pronosed visit to Ruakura Farm and Horotiu freezing works. Arrangements for debate. A visit was made to the Franklin box and butter factories.

Kakepuko.— Club debate :- “That the Tractor is Superior to the Horse for Farm Work. Speakers: .T. L’tchwark, P. Sm ; th, G. Langdale. J. Gray (tractor); P. Ray;' E. Hopping, D. MeLeary, P. McVerry (horse). The decision was

given to the supporters- of the horse, with 340 points against 308. At the conclusion an address on “Debating” was given by Mr. A. R. Hill. Tahuna. Ping-pong table to be made; a Badminton club formed. Arrangements for a social and dance. ; Te Kowhai.— meeting followed by a social. Arrangements for a visit to Auckland. Auckland. Franklin.— Lantern lecture by Mr. H. Woodyear Smith on “Soil Husbandry” and “Dairy Factories.” Arrangements for dance. Debate to be held at next meeting. Mangatawhiri.— Discussion re winter activities; decided to proceed with gymnasium, to be held every Monday night for three months. Library rules to be enforced. Arrangements for a dance; a “Burlesque Ball” to be held in the evening on King’s Birthday. Visit ,to be made to Harrisville with the hope of forming a club in the locality. , Warkworth. Port Albert Lantern lecture by Mr. P. Syme, Department of Agriculture., on “The Breakingin and Development of Pumice Land.” At the previous meeting Mr. R. A. Whitmore, Wellsford. gave an address on “How to Conduct a Meeting.” Wellsford.— Lantern lecture' by Mr. P. Syme, Department of Agriculture, on. “The Breakingin and Development of Pumice Land.” Whangarei. Matarau —Club debate: “That the Farmer of To-day is Better Off Than the Farmer of Fifty Years Ago.” Speakers: H. W. Agnew, W. A. Rushworth, F. L. Thorburn (affirmative); 1. D. Bodie, T. Brown, R. Martin and R. Cossil (negative). Mr. E. B. Glanville, Department of Agriculture, acted as judge, and gave his decision in favour of the negative; at the conclusion he gave the speakers some helpful advice. At a previous meeting Mr. G'anville gave a lantern lecture on the “Bringing-in of Gum Land.” A visit by club members, accompanied by a number of older farmers, was made to the Moerewa freezing works, the main interest being the slaughtering and judging of pigs from the Whangarei Show in connection with the National Bacon Championship. , Special attention was raid to the four pigs used for the Y.F.C. judg'ng competition. The party numbered approximately 50. Members a'so attended the Whangarei dog trials, and were given a very interesting and practical lecture on “Trial Dogs” by Mr. H. B. Sloane,

Maungakaramea.— for delegates to attend the council meeting. Mr. D. S. Ross. Chairman of the Auckland Y.F.C. Council, and Vice-President of the Federation, gave an address on “The Conduct of Meetings” and the Y.F.C. generally. Messrs. C. Walker, Department of Agriculture, and W. Alexander gave addresses on “Debating” and the “District Courts at the Waikato Winter Show” respectively. Dargaville. Ruwai Combined meeting with the Marohemo Club. Mr. D. S. ‘Ross, Chairman of the. Auckland Y.F.C. Council and . Vice-President of the Y.F.C. Federation, gave an address on “Procedure at Meetings,” and Mr. C. Walker, Department of Agriculture, Hon. Secretary to the Council, gave a talk on “Club Activities Generally,” dealing, among other matters, with debating, radio lecturettes and the District Courts at the Waikato Winter Show. At the previous meeting Mr. T. Overton, engineer to the North Auckland Electric Power Board, gave an address on “The Progress of Electric Power on Farms.” Kaitaia. Broadwood. Lantern lecture by Mr. E. B. Glanville, Department of Agriculture, on the “Development of. Gumland.” At the previous meeting two debates were held: (1) “That a Sheep Farm Takes More. Managerial Ability Than a Dairy Farm.” A. Grounds and W. Grounds (affirmative) narrowly defeated R. Ling and R. McDonald (negative). (2) “That Breed-, ing One’s Stock is Preferable to Buying Them.” J. McKenzie. and D. Hawkins (affirmative), defeated T. Hick and J. Hick (negative). Kaeo Arrangements for billeting and entertaining the party of 20 visiting members from the Bay of Plenty clubs: Oruru and Kaeo. Cubs to bTlet 10 each and combine with the entertainment. Exhibits for the District Court at the Waikato Winter Show, collected by the District Y.F.C. Secretary, Mr. A. M. Lee, Department of Agriculture. Oruru. Arrangements for billeting members of Bay of Plentv Y.F.C. touring party. Lantern lecture by Mr. E. B. G’anville, Department of Agriculture, on “The Consolidated Sand and Gumland Areas of the North.” Umawera— Field dav on the properties of Messrs. W. Postleweight and R. McLeod. Mr. W. A. Beattie, Supervisor, Northland Pig Counc’l, lectured and demonstrated on pigs at both farms, ■

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 58, Issue 6, 15 June 1939, Page 546

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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 58, Issue 6, 15 June 1939, Page 546

Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 58, Issue 6, 15 June 1939, Page 546

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