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AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. EASTER MEETING. HUMBUG WINS CHAMPAGNE STAKES. MATATANE THE GREAT NORTHERN OAKS. EASTER HANDICAP WON BY GAZIQUE. Under conditions favourable in every way for the sport the Easter, or autumn, meeting of the Auckland Racing Club, and the 46th in its history, was on Saturday. There was a record attendance, a record turnover on the totalisator for the time of year for a single day’s racing, good average fields of decidedly useful horses, which represented all parts of the Auckland province and all the provinces of the North Island and leading racing centres in each. There was also, it has been estimated, the largest attendance of racing enthusiasts which has ever graced the pretty Ellerslie racing arena at this time of year, and they came from all parts .of the Dominion, a few from the South Island. Ministers of the Crown, members and exmembers of Parliament, prominent officials and members of racing clubs in the North Island, and leading owners and studmasters from different centres were to be met with at every turn, and all parts of the grounds were patronised. Under the. pines in the vicinity of the old mile post, and away from the fence dividing the lawn and grandstand enclosure to ths shifted Derby stand, now called the free stand, there was a great muster, and the people were brought more prominently into notice in that quarter.

The re-arrangement of the grounds behind the stands, enlarging the enclosures,’ has not been effected too soon, and the improvements in that respect and the increase in the catering departments generally were appreciated. With the electric totalisators working up to their capacity the investments of the people were taken with very little left to complain of, and there is not likely to be any congestion if people will only do their business early. The totalisator staff handled £90,980 during the afternoon on the eight races, giving an average of £11,372 10s. per race, and on the Easter Handicap the sum of £19,012 10s. was put through. The investments for the day exceeded the sum handled on the first day last year by £23,283, and were £12,157 in excess of the turnover on Easter Monday of last year, which . was the previous autumnal record for New Zealand.

There was some good racing during the afternoon, and the starting of Mr. O’Connoi' was up to that official’s best form. No long delays occurred and the horses generally appeared to be on their best behaviour. Mr. Spence and his staff had the business of their departments well under control. Mr. F. Marks was in his place once more at the scales, assisted by Mr. H. Massey, and Mr. Selby, who was put out of action at the summer meeting through a kick from a horse, was again on duty ,as clerk of the course. Mr. MacMahon was the officiating stipendiary steward, and Mr. Murchison, the newlyappointed official, was also present. A number of minor matters engaged the attention of the stewards during the afternoon. Mr. Macmanemin’s handicapping resulted in a number of close finishes, and two dividends were just over and two others a little under £lO, and in the other handicaps they were below £5. A little over that sum was paid on Matatane, the Oaks winner, and the smallest dividend of the day on Humbug, the winner of the Champagne Stakes. Mr. A. Hill had the grounds looking in perfect order, and the course itself was in excellent condition, which can be gathered from the fact that for the time of year the races were run fast, and this notwithstanding a good carpet of grass covered the course. The successes of visiting horses and the prominence of others throughout the afternoon was very noticeable. Six of the eight races were carried off by horses from a distance, and visitors secured some of the place money as well. There were some

well-deserved wins, that of Marconi in the Brighton Hurdle Race being overdue, and Gazique, the best horse, won the Easter and rewarded his Gisborne owner for his many visits to Ellerslie. First favourites ran prominently, but only two actual favourites won.

There were ten starters for the President’s Handicap, Esthonia and Tinopai being the best supported, but it was a good betting race, and Woody Glen, Punka and Bonnetter each had strong followings. Six of the ten starters carried overweight. Isingarch lost her rider after going seven furlongs, and an enquiry elicited the information that there was some interference from another horse, but no blame was attributed to any particular horseman. Nightingale, the rider of Isingarch, was not seriously injured. Esthonia and Tinopai looked likely to 'fill leading positions about two furlongs from home, but Bonnetter was taken to the front and came away in the home stretch and won by four lengths from Esthonia, who finished better than Tinopai and beat her by half that distance, Blue Cross and Cynic being just behind the Waikato mare, the last-named after running in the rear a long way closing up the gap and getting into the middle of the field. Bonnetter ran the mile and a-quarter in 2min. 7 4-ssec. The daughter of Boniform was recently purchased by Mr. Kemball from Mr. Gerald Stead, and was ridden by J. O’Shea. There were only four starters for

the Great Northern Oaks. There are seldom more. Mr. George Currie provided the favourite in Rose Queen, by King Rufus from his’ imported mare Roscommon, but Mr. Kemball’s Miss Gold, by Lucullus from Recoup, was nearly equally supported, and then came Mr. H. M. Campbell’s Merry Moment —Hope Diamond filly Matatane, who had a very rough time on the trip from Napier by steamer, and was thought unlikely to start, her . trainer a few days before being very pessimistic on the subject. A lot of people were put off backing her in consequence, but she was always in front and as the pace was made slow over the first part of the journey—indeed, for a mile —she got well warmed up for business and rattled home over the last half-mile in 51sec. and beat Rose Queen by two and a-half lengths, Missgold, who had not been trained for a distance, after making an ineffectual effort to get up being eased up in third place four lengths off, while Mr. R. Eliot’s Princess Charming was close up, fourth. By the conditions of the race 50sovs. goes to the breeder of Matatane, who has run some fair races previously. Defunct Merry Moments was lost to us all too soon, and is said to have had but few chances. Though Thrace had the substantial impost of 12.7 he carried nearly £lOOO more of public investments than Explorer and Waimai, and considerably more than that sum more than Notability. It was left to others less supported to fill the places, and with Deviation (by Elevation from Wailethe, a one-time noted performer) still leading with a commanding advantage about a couple of furlongs

from home, it looked as if he would maintain his advantage to the end, but he struck a hurdle at that stage and G'luetanus. who was running well, got up to him through the mishap and raced him hard. Meanwhile Marconi came along and, maintaining his pace, passed the pair and won by four or 'five lengths, a neck separating Deviation and Gluetanus, while Explorer was close up, fourth, and Thrace, who after running along well in the early part, dropped back going along the back of the course, was reasserting himself in the home run and was fifth. The lighter-weighted placed ones, however, carried too many guns. Mr. Jackson, Marconi’s owner, has stuck persistently to the aged, son of Soult and trained him himself for his later engagements, and it seemed hard luck for his old mentor, C. Coleman. to train the second horse on this •occasion. It is understood that Mr. Jackson had a good win apart from the stake, and no one will begrude it him. The race was run. in 3min. 46 3-ssec.

The scratching pen was busy, with the result that of the nine carded for the Great Northern Champagne only five started, and as could be expected with Humbug, the best two-year-old disclosed by form in New Zealand, on hand lie was certain to be favourite. The good-shaped and quality-looking son of imported Absurd, despite the white face and four white stockings which he displays, had given evidence on the track of being in form, and though Landslide left the barrier

smarter than’ any of the five runners, with a furlong gone Humbug supplanted him in the lead, and from thence out had everything his o vn way and won easily by two lengths from Blackmail, who, finishing on beat Landslide, who also gave of his best, by the same distance, with Miss Muriel’ and Lovelight, in order, further back. The race was run in Imin. 14 2-ssec.. and Humbug ran on so like a stayer that he- should prove good for later engagements in the season and in contests with older horses, and next season with those of his own age. He is a well-behaved colt, and his fortunate possessor, Mr. A. B. Williams, a regular supporter of racing in leading parts of the Dominion. Mr. Currie, Humbug’s breeder, was present, and has occasion to be pleased with the colt, and lOOsovs. which goes to the breeder became his portion of the stake. After Bonnetter and King Abbey had been taken out of the- Easter Handicap twelve stood their ground, and the friends of Uncle ■”Ned~‘seiit him out first favourite, carrying nearly £lOOO more than was invested on Tigritiya, who it was all along thought would share favouritism with the Auckland-owned gelding Hymestra, however, came greatly into favour during the week, and especially after the showing of Bonnetter, with which mare he had been galloping. The combination Taiamai and Rock'field same in for a lot of support, too, and had over £2OOO invested on them. Maioha, Te Oro, Queen Abbey and 80-Peep came next in order, then General Advance and Gazique, the least backed being Ruatara. Ruatara carried 41b. overweight, Te Oro 11 lb.,

General Advance and Gazique and Hymestra each lib. over. A good start was effected, and Hymestia was racing on the outside of the field, with Ruatara and Tigritiya in the centre nearly on terms, the lastnamed dropping back at the five-fur-long post, where Ruatara was leadin,-, and continued to lead with Hymestra. in company to the straight, where the last-named took charge and was followed by Tigritiya, who headed him a little over a furlong from home, a hard race between the pair ensuing a little further, when Gazique was seen coming and the Gisborne-owned son of imported G'azeley had the measure of the All Black mare over the last half-furlong and won by half a length, Hymestra being a length and a-half away, ’third, with Ruatara’ close up, fourth, and General Advance and Uncle Ned fifth and sixth respectively. Maioha and 80-Peep met with bad luck early in the race, running in the rear most of the way. Taiamai was seventh, Maioha eighth, Rockfield, Queen Abbey, 80-Peep and Te Oro being the order of the others passing the. winning post. The various stages of the race were: Quartermile 24 2-ssec., half-mile 49sec„ five furlongs lmin. 1 l-ssec„ full distance Imin. 39 3-ss’ec„ which time has been twice previously beaten in the race — last year by Uncle Ned and in 1916 by Chortle. Hockley, the rider of Maioha, was suspended later in the day for striking McCormack, rider of General Advance, immediately after the horses were pulled up after the race.

Eleven two-year-olds came out for the Onslow Stakes, the Bezonian — Purity 'filly Pure Laziness being made favourite, with the upstanding and commanding-looking Linacre colt Dunedin second fancy, the imported colt Limelight and Celmisia being' the next best fancied. Pure Laziness had every chance, as she got out well, and so had Illumination, but Dunedin did not seem equal to going the pace. Geoffrey led Illumination and Dovelet into the straight, and when the lastnamed tackled him he ran aboet a little but still struggled on and won by three-parts of a length. Puze Laziness two lengths off, with Celmisia and Dunedin fourth and fifth respectively. Illumination was sixth. Geoffrey and Dovelet each carried a little overweight. The winner is a December foal by The Sybarite (imp.) from Irish Mist . (imp.), while Dovelet D by Malster from San Dove, also bred in Australia ' and purchased at the autumn sales last year, as were Dur edin, Brightlight, Tressor and Illumination. six in all of the eleven runners. Mr. E. W. Alison owns Geoffrey, -who was purchased on his breeding, but does not fill the eye well and came nearly being turned out for a term instead of being raced so early. A field of nineteen came out foi' the Nelson Handicap, and quite' a

number were well supported, Queen Abbey’s full-brother Tinohoro being selected for most : support, with Formalin. Rebuff and War Tank most befriended of the others. Tinohoro led over the last six furlongs, but had a hard tussle with the Elysian, gelding Explode, who he only beat a neck, the outsider Prince Rufus getting within half a length, while War Tank (the , Hessian and Mountain Gold were the closest of the others. Gatherer got well away, but was not able to go on with the pace far. The race was irun in Imin. 40 2-ssec., less than a second slower than the Easter Handicap. The curtain was rung down with the Eden Handicap, the Hon. E. W. Alison’s pair, Lord Kenilworth and Archie, being made a strong order. Mill o’ Gowrie, who had been withdrawn from the Brighton Hurdles after some backers had supported her for that race when Rekanui was scratched, was made second favourite. Vagabond, Trespass and Prince Charleroi being also very well supported. Crowhurst. Clonmel and then Mill o’ Gowrie led, and Trespass joined the last-named in the straight. Crowhurst, Ohinewairua (who went out wide). Tama-a-roa, Vagabond, Prince Charleroi and. Lord Kenilworth each coming into view as the field ran home. Tama-a-roa and Crowhurst had a battle royal and the first-named won by a head. Vagabond, 'finishing on, was a length and a-half away, third, Prince Charleroi fourth, Lord. Kenilworth and Trespass together next, Archie, Ohinewairua and Clonmel being those to follow. Mill o' Gowrie, Winsome Arch and Lady Glen were the last three to finish. The race was run in Imin. 28sec. Tama-a-roa’s friends received a nice dividend, but if heads had been the other way Crowhurst would have paid a much better. The race brought a good day’s racing to an end. The results were:

PRESIDENT’S HANDICAP Of 400SOVS. One mile and a quarter. 5— -W. R. Kemball’s ch m Bonnetter, 4yrs, by Boniform—Brayton, 5.6, inc. lib over (J. O’Shea) 1 1— —;P. W. Scally’s b g Esthonia, 3yrs, 8.9 (McCormick) 2 2 — R. Hannon’s br m Tinopai, aged, 8.2 (Glover) 3 Also started: 4 Punka 8.9, 8 Cynic 7.12, 3 Woody Glen 6.12 (inc. 21b over), 9 Blue Cross 6.8 (inc. 11b over), 7 Tabasco 6.11 (inc. 41b over), 10 Isingarch 6.10 (inc. 31b over), 6 Active 7.4% (inc. 11% lb over. Isingarch. lost her rider. Won by four lengths, two lengths separating second and third. Blue Cross was fourth and Cynic next. Time, 2min. 7 4GREAT NORTHERN OAKS of 700sovs: first horse 500sovs, second lOOsovs. third 50sovs, breeder of winner 50 sovs. One mile and a half. 3 — H.M. Campbell’s br f Matatane, by Merry Moment —Hope Diamond, 8.10 (McFlynn) 1 1 — -G. M. Currie’s br f Rose Queen, 8.10 (Rayner) 2 2 — W. R. Kemball’s b f Missgold, 8.10 (J. O’Shea) 3 Also started: 4 Princess Charming 8.10. Won by two and a half lengths, four lengths between second and third. Time, 2min 41sec. BRIGHTON HURDLE RACE of 500 sovs. Two miles. 7 —J. O. E. Jackson’s br g Marconi, aged, by Soult—-Caller On, 9.7 (R. Manson) 1 6— A. Murdoch’s b g Deviation, aged, 9.0 (Warner) 2 5— D. Twohill’s br g Gluetanus, aged, 10:S (E. Preston) 3 Also started: 1 Thrace 12.7, 8 Kauri King 11.9, 3 Waimai 10.7, 2 Explorer 10.4. 4 Notability 9.0. Won easily by five lengths, a quarter of a length separating second and third. Explorer was fourth and Thrace next. Time, 3min. 46 3-ssec. GREAT NORTHERN CHAMPAGNE STAKES of lOOOsovs; first horse 600 sovs, second horse 200sovs, third horse lOOsovs. breeder of winner lOOsOvs. Six furlongs. 1 — A. B. Williams' ch c Humbug, by Absurd —Eulogy, .8.10 (McFlynn) 1 3 — lan Duncan's ch f Blackmail, 8.8, (Deeley) 2 2 — E. Alison’s br g Landslide, 5.7, (McCarten) 3 Also started: 4 Miss Muriel 8.8, 5 Lovelight 8.7. Won by two lengths, a similar distance separating second and third. Miss Muriel was fourth. Time, lmin. 14 2-5 sec. EASTER HANDICAP of lOOOsovs. One mile. 9—C. J. Bennett’s b g Gazique, aged, by Gazeley—Pauline, 8.7 inc. 1 lb over (Robinson) 1 2 — K. S. Williams’ ch m Tigritiya, 4yrs., 7.12 (McFlynn) 2 3— W. R. Kemball’s ch h Hymestra, syrs, 8.5 inc lib over (J. O’Shea) 3 Also started: 1 Uncle Ned 8.10, 4 Taiamai 8.2 and Rockfie'd 8.0 (bracketed), 5 Maioha 7.6, 8 Bo Peep 7.6, 7 Queen Abbey 7.5, 11 Ruatara 7.0 fine. 31b over), 6 Te Oro 7.4 (inc. 111 b over), 10 General Advance 6.9% (inc. 2%1b over). Won by half a length, one and a half lengths between second and third. Ruatara was fourth, followed by General Advance, Maioha, Taiamai and Uncle Ned. Time, lmin. 39 3-ssec. ONSLOW STAKES of 275sovs. Five furlongs. 6 — E. W. Alison, jun’s., b c Geoffrey, by The Sybarite—lrish Mist, 7.12%, inc l%lb over (McFlynn) 1 5—F. Earl’s b f Dovelet, 7.12, inc. 3 over (Deeley) 2 1- —W. G. Emeny’s br c Pure Laziness, 7.8 (McCormick) 3 Also started: 2 Dunedin 8.10, 4 Celmisia 8.0, 9 Bright Light 7.11, 8 Tresor 7.11, 7 Rekatoa 7.11, 11 Mata Kainga 7.9, 10 Herschies 7.8, 3 Illumination 7.7. Won by three-parts of a length, two lengths between second- and third. Celmisia was fourth. Time, lmin. 2sec. NELSON HANDICAP of 275sovs. One mile. I—R.1 —R. Hannon’s b c Tinohoro,- 3yrs., by Quin Abbey—Mignon, 7.9 (Glover) : 1 S—A. Booth’s br g Explode, syrs., 8.1 (McFlynn) 2 15—H. D. Matthews' b g Prince Rufus, 3yrs„ 7.0 (Hockley) 3 Also started: 4 War Tank 9.4, 6 Mountain Gold 8.8, 10 Gatherer 8.6,. 2 Formalin 8.4, 7 North Loburn 8.1, 5 Farce 8.0, 13 Hessian 7.12, 12 Stammer 7.10, 18 Walton 7.7, 14 Brodrick 7.4, 17 Ma Copper 7.4, 9 Actrice 7.0, 11 Tom Moore 7.0, 3 Rebuff 7.0. 19 Merrie Prince 7.0, 16 No Bother 7.0. Won by a neck, half a length between . second and third. War Tank was fourth and Hessian next. Time, lmin. 4 0 3-ssec. EDEN HANDICAP of 400sovs. Seven furlongs. 7— J'. Hetet’s br g Tama-a-roa, 6yrs. by Penury—Electrum, 6.7 (Glover) 1 8 — J- Crane’s ch g Crowhurst, syrs., 7.10 (Manson) 2 3—K. S. Williams’ br g Vagabond, syrs., 9.11 (McFlynn) 3 Also started: 1 Lord Kenilworth 8.10, and Archie 7.7 (bracketed), 2 Mill o’ Gowrie 8.5, 4 Trespass 7.4% (inc. 1% lb over), 6 Ohinewairua 7.6, 10 Lady Glen 6.10% (inc. 3%1b over), 5 Prince Charleroi 6.8 (inc. lib over), 11 Winsome Arch 6.11% (inc. ll%lb over),- 9 Clonmel 6.11 (inc. 41b over.) Lord Kenilworth and Archie were bracketed. Won by a head, a length between second and third. Prince Charleroi was fourth and Trespass next. Time, lmin. 28sec.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1563, 8 April 1920, Page 8

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RACING REVIEWED New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1563, 8 April 1920, Page 8

RACING REVIEWED New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1563, 8 April 1920, Page 8

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