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In a race at Johannesburg on Saturday for the 220yds professional sprinting championship of the world and £220, A. B. Postle, the Queensland runner, defeated B. R. Day, the Irish champion, the time returned being 235.



The New Zealand Athletic Association’s annual championships took place on Saturday on the Caledonian ground, Dunedin. Despite a showery morning, there was a capital attendance. The track was a little slow at the commencement, but rapidly improved, and some fast times were recorded, several standards being beaten. The great rivalry was between Canterbury and Wellington, the former winning. Auckland had but a solitary representative in Wallace, who duly won the hammer-throwing. Next year, however, when the championships will be held in Auckland, the Northern city will have some chance of recovering her lost laurels. The results were as follows: — 100 YDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 10 l-ss. First Heat. —W. A. Woodger (Wellington), 1. C. A. McWhirter (Canterbury), 2. Also started: A. Hoare (Otago), J. L. Smaill (Otago, W. Anderson (Canterbury). Won by two yards. Time, 10 l-ss. Second Heat. —R. Opie (Canterbury, 1: F. Cook (Canterbury), 2. Also started: R. Ongley (Otago), L. H. McBride (Otago), J. W. Munro (Otago), and R. F. Mitchell (Otago). Won by three yards. Time, 10 2-ss. Final. Woodger (Wellington) 1 Opie (Canterbury) 2 McWhirter (Canterbury 3 Cook, of Canterbury, also started. ■Won by six inches. McWhirter was three yards away third. Time. 10 l-ss. 220YDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 22 4-ss. Fi’st Heat.—-Woodger (Wellington), 1: Cook (Canterbury) ,2. These were the only starters. Won easily. Time, 25 1-ss. Second Heat. —Opie (Canterbury), 1: Smaill (Otago), 2. Also started: Hoare (Otago), Anderson (Canterbury). Won all the way. Time, 23 2-ss. Final. Woodger (Wellingtoi) 1 Opie (Canterbury) 2 Smaill (Otago) , 3 Also started: Cook (Canterbury). Won by five yards. Smaill was third, eight yards away. Time. 22 4-ss. HO YDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 525. .1. Wilton (Wellington) 1 W. Harding (Wellington) 2 E. Williams (Wellington) 3 Also started: A. Moore (Otago), R. Ongley (Otago), A. Hoare (Otago), W. J. Munro (Otago), W. Anderson (Canterbury), J. E. Smith (Canterbury). R. Opie (Canterbury). Won by five yards. Time, 53 2-ss. THREE MILE FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. M. Dickson (Canterbury) 1 G. McKnight (Otago) 2 W. F. Simpson (Canterbury) 3 Also started: F. Frew (Otago), R. McIntyre (Otago), A. H. Burn (Otago), S. W. Moore (Canterbury), S. G. Sharpe (Wellington). Won easily by 100 yards from McKnight. who was 150yds ahead of Simpson. Time, 14m. 575. HALF-MILE CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 2m. Guy Haskins (Canterbury) 1 W. G. Harding (Wellington) 2 A. Moore (Otago) 3 Also started: D. C. Muri ay (Otago). F. M. Reid (Otago), A. Foster (Otago). L. A. Doogall (Canterbury), G. S. McKenzie (Canterbury). P. McCallum (Canterbury), A. E. Burge (Wellington), E. J. Williams (Wellington). Won by three yards in 2m. 3 2-55.. Moore 6yds away. ONE MILE FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard 4m. 30s. E. J. Steele (Canterbury) 1 G. Haskins (Canterbury) 2 A. W. Burge (Wellington) 3 Also started: J. Beatson (Otago), F. Mace (Otago), A. H. Burn (Otago), R. M. Mclntyre (Otago), L. E. West (Otago), D. R. Thompson (Otago), L. A. Dougall (Canterbury). Won by three yards. Time, 4m. 38 3-ss. ONE MILE WALK CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 6m. 50s. P. H. Stubberfield (Canterbury) .... 1 A. P. Stubberfield (Canterbury) .... 2 D. Carline (Otago) * .1. Deans (Otago) * Fitzgerald won by inches, but was disqualified fo" breaking, and the race was awarded to P. H. Stubberfield, with A. P. Stubberfield second, some distance away. Time, 6m. 595. THREE MILE WALK CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 23 m. P. J. Fitzgerald (Wellington) 1 P. H. Stubberfield (Canterbury) .... 2 A. P. Stubberfield (Canterbury) .... 3 Also started. D. Carline, J. Deans and F. B. Morrison (Otago). Fitzgerald won by six incses. Time, 22m. 58s.

120YDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 16 l-ss. First Heat. —G. P. Keddell (Otago), 1; F. Cook (Canterbury), 2. Also started: W. Page (Cante: bury). Won easily by 3yds. Time, 16 4-ss. Second Heat. —H. St. A. Murray (Canterbury), 1; A. Evenson (Wellington), 2. Also started: C. L. Orbell (Canterbury). Won by 2yds. Time, 16 2-ss. Final. G. P. Keddell (Otago) 1 A. Evenson (Wellington) 2 F. Cook (Canterbury) 3 Won by 3yds. Time, 16 3-ss. 440YDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 61s. H. St. A. Mu ray (Canterbury) 1 H. Hamilton (Canterbury) 2 G. McKenzie (Canterbury) 3 Also started: Keddell and Mitchell (Otago), Evenson (Wellington), and Page, and Orbell (Canterbury). Won easily. Time, 62 4-ss. PUTTING 16LB WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 38ft 6n. W. D. Their (Canterbu'y), 37ft 7in.. 1 J. Murray (Otago), 34ft sin 2 D. McFarlane (Otago), 33ft lOin .... 3 Wallace (Auckland) was scratched. BROAD JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 21ft. G. P. Keddel (Otago), 21ft 4in 1 F. Rands (Otago), 20ft 9in 2 R. Dansey (Christchurch), 20ft 7in 3 POLE VAULT CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 10ft. L. McKay (Wellington), 9ft Sin .... 1 J. McLachlan (Otago), 9ft sin 2 A. Evenson (Wellington), 9ft 2in . . 3 THROWING 16LB HAMMER CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, 130 ft. J. Wallace (Auckland), 131 ft 4in ... 1 T. O’Grady (Otago), 112 ft 9in 2 L. Skinner (Otago), 112 ft 6in 3 Drummond, King, Macfarlane, and Murray, all of Otago, accepted. Wallace broke tie standard. HIGH JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Standard, sft 7in. C. L. Orbell (Cante'bury), sft 7in .. 1 A. Evenson (Wellington), sft 3%in * R. F. Mitchell (Otago), sft 3%i n.... * The following is the summary of championship points:— Canterbury 66 Wellington 44 Otago 34 Auckland 6 THE RIVAL COUNCILS. A CONFERENCE ENDS THE DIFFICULTY. The split in the ranks of the N.Z. A.A-A. has ended. At a conference held at Dunedin on Friday, the matter was dealt with at length, and a policy of mutual give and take solved the difficulty. Delegates were present from all the chief centres. Mr. R. G. Anderson (Otago) moved. “ That this conference of centres pledges itself to abide by the decision of the Australasian Union on the appeal submitted to it, and pending such decision to recognise the executive set up by the Association at Christchurch in November last as the governing body of the New Zealand A.A.A., and having as such all the powers of council provided for in rules.” Mr. Green altered his amendment as follows:— ■“ That both the executive in Wellington and the council in Christchurch be called upon to forthwith resign all claim to be called the governing body of amateur athletics in New Zealand, and that this conference pledges itself to give allegiance to a council to be elected on fresh election on the basis of the constitution altered to meet the views of the majority of the conferences.” The amendment was carried by an overwhelming majority. Mr. Hannan (Otago) moved: “That

the committee of each centre shall, at its annual meeting, elect two delegates to the council, who must be amateurs under the association’s definition, the delegates so elected shall constitute the council of the association, and shall at their first meeting elect from amongst themselves a president and two vice-presidents, and shall also elect a secretary-treasurer, who need not be a member of the council, but if he shall not be a member of the council he shall have no power to vote or take any part in the meetings of the council. The committee of each centre may from time to time elect a representative or representatives in place of any representative of such centre on the council who may have died, resigned, or otherwise ceased to be a member of the council. The secretary of each centre shall immediately after the annual meeting of his centre, forward to the secretary treasurer of the outgoing council the names of the delegates to the council elected by his centre, together with their consent in writing to accept office.”

Mr- Pollock suggested that . the words, “ shall at its annual meeting,” be altered to read, “shall within 30 days,” and this was agreed to.

The Chairman suggested an addition to the motion as follows: “That in the redrawing of the rules the mode of election be in accordance with this rule.” The motion was altered, and was carried. Mr. Pollock moved: “That an executive, consisting of the secretary and president of the Otago centre, be appointed in connection with the election of the new council, to be carried out in accordance with the terms of the motion just passed.” Mr. Green seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. R. Anderson (Otago) moved: — “ That the headquarters of the association shall always be at the headquarters of a centre, the centre in which the headquarters shall for the time being be located shall be determined at the expiration of every succeeding three years by majority vote of the centres for the time being affiliated to the association.” Mr. Green moved as an amendment: “ That the words * determined at expiration of every succeeding three years’ be deleted, and the words, ‘ transferable at any time ’ be substituted.

The amendment was carried. Mr. Anderson moved: “That headquarters be forthwith at Wellington.” Mr. Twyneham moved as an amendment: “That headquarters be forthwith situated at Dunedin.” The amendment was put and lost, and the motion was carried by eight votes to five.

Mr. Pollock moved. “ That the council’s share of profits from 1909 be left in the hands of the president, secretary, and treasurer of the Otago Centre, and that they receive and deal in trust with all moneys and assets held at present by Messrs. Atack nd Tai bot, of Christchurch and Wellington councils respectively, such moneys and assets to be handed over to the secretary and treasurer of the New Zealand council, as soon as elected.” It was resolved: —(1) That the next athletic championship meeting be held at Auckland; (2) that the selection of a committee, consisting of five representatives (one from each centre) be appointed to in future select Australian championship teams; (3) that it be a recommendation to the incoming council that New Zealand championship shield points be scored by first and second only, two points being allotted to first and one to second; (4) that Wellington be headquarters of the association; (5) to secede from tae New Zealand Sports Federation.


The employees of Messrs. Arthur Cleave and Co-, Ltd., held their annual picnic and sports at Arkle’s Bay on Saturday, the weather throughout the day proving all that could be desired. Shortly after 9.30 a.m. the s.s. Kaipatiki left the Queen Street Wharf with about 85 picnickers aboard, and after a very enjoyable trip down, the Bay was reached exactly at noon. The tide being out on arrival, it was found necessary to convey the visitors ashore in the boats, this being done expeditiously and without the slightest discomfort. All safely landed, preparations for luncheon were made, the picnickers seeking the shelter of the trees and the hawthorn hedge. Soon the contents of the luncheon baskets were being rapidly demolished, while the excellent tea taken round by Mr. E. Goodhew, who proved himself a pastmaster in the art of brewing the refreshing beverage, was much appreciated. The hour and a-half following the mid-day meal was devoted to boating and a ramble round the picturesque bay, after which a photograph was taken of the visitors grouped together on the hillside. A varied sports programme was the next item in the day’s proceedings to engage attention, the large paddock adjoining Arkle’s boardinghouse serving as a good running track. The races created no end of interest, the fields being large, and the fine handicapping of Mr. F. W. Coombes being responsible for some highly exciting finishes- The swimming races, which were started from off the steamer, were very keenly contested, both events being won by the narrowest margin. It was late in the afternoon before the sports were concluded, and after partaking of more “ Amber Tips ” tea the picnickers made their way to the boat for the homeward trip. During the run back to town there was no lack of entertainment. Three concert parties—one for’ard, one amidships, and the other aft going through a large repertoire of songs and op'eratic music. On reaching the North Head cheers were given lor the manager, Mr. A. Cleave, and the various heads of the departments, a num-

her of eloquent speeches being greeted with loud applause. The picnic was brought to a conclusion with the singing of “ Auld Lang Syne,” the s.s. Kaipatiki arriving alongside the wharf at about a quarter past eight. The results of the sports were as follows:—

100 Yards Cleave and Co. Championship.—P. Cleave, 1; E. Goodhew, 2. 50 Yards Swimming Championship: E- Rutledge, 1; C. Hogan, 2. 100 Yards “Review” Handicap. J. Rutledge, 1; J. Gordon 2. 50 Yards Swimming Handicap: C. Hogan, 1; E. Rutledge, 2. 75 Yards Married Men’s Handicap: J. Gordon, 1; A. Cleave, 2. Hop, Step and Jump. P. Cleave, 1; H. Crafts, 2; distance, 39ft. 9in. Girls’ Race: Miss Caroline Holder, 1; Miss Molly Stewart, 2. Steeplechase: E. Cleave, 1; J. Rutledge, 2; J. Munro, 3.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume XVII, Issue 994, 25 March 1909, Page 10

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ATHLETICS. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume XVII, Issue 994, 25 March 1909, Page 10

ATHLETICS. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume XVII, Issue 994, 25 March 1909, Page 10

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