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The following is a list of the interunion fixtures arranged, for to date : — August 6 —Canterbury v. Taranaki, a t Ncw P 1 y m <?/11 h. August 9 —Auckland v. Wellington, at Auckland. August 9—Canterbury v. Wuirarapa, - at Masterton. Auguft 9 —Otago v. Southland, at Dunedin. 'August 01 —Canterbury v. Nelson, at Nelson. August 16—Southland v. Hawke’s Day, at Napier. August 20 —Southland v. Wellington, at Wellington. August 23 —Canterbury v. Southland, at Invercargill. September 6—Canterbury v. Otago, av Christchurch. . . September 10 —Otago v. Hawke’s Bay, at Napier. ■ September 13 —Otago v. Wellington, at Wellington.


The Auckland Rugby Union played their first interprovincial match of the season on Saturday afternoon last, at Alexandra Park, Epsom, against Canterbury’s representatives, beating the visitors by 19 to 3 in a very decisive manner. There was a very large attendance to witness the match, which was a very interesting- one from a spectator’s point of view. The ground was in very fair order, and seemed suitable for running, and good passing was freely indulged in by both teams, the game on the whole being a very fast one. The following are the teams that played : —

Auckland (blue and white) : Fullback, Harrison; three-quarters, Thompson, McKenzie, Asher ; fiveeighth. R. McGregor ; half-back, Kiernan (captain) wings, Doran, Laing ; forwards, Tyler. Brady, Cunningham, McDuff, A. Wilson, Long.

Canterbury (red and black) : Fullback. S. Tun-till ; three-quarters, A. Revell. Phillips. McGregor; fiveeighths, G. Ormandy, M. H. Wood; half-back, Weston ; forwards, 1,. Corbett, Djuggan, B. Fanning, R. Cooke, T. Cross, W. Brake, A. Brunsden, Mat-, thews.

Air Campbell, of Wellington; had charge of the game as refegee.


Canterbury winning the toss, Auckland kicked off with the sun in their faces. A few long kicks were exchanged after the kick-off, ending by Thompson kicking out near Canterbury’s 25 flag. From rhe throw-in the ball was passed back to Asher, who transferred to Thompson, and. he almost reached the line. Loose play carried the ball back to half-way, where off-side play by the visitors gave Kiernan a free kick. His kick wa.s fast followed up, and the forwards spoiling Phillips’ return,, several tight followed. When an opening was made Kiernan whipped the’ball out to McGregor, who sent it on to McKenzie, and he to Asher, who beat the two three-quarters, and jumping over the Canterbury full-back, scored Auckland’s first try near the corner flag. A. Wilson took the kick, but failed to register a goal. From a; kick by Revell, McGregor returning, a forward rush by the blue and white vanguard carried the ball to Turtill, the fullback, who cleverly saved his side, and found the line just outside his own 25 post. D. McGregor gave Auckland a free kick by off-side play. Revell returned down the field, and the Canterbury forwards charging down looked dangerous for a time, but Harrison was equal to the occasion; and saved his side by kicking out about mid-way. where Revell, throwing the ball in from the touch-line, caught it himself, and kicked down the field, and following up spoilt a return. From a mark R. Cooke had a shot at goal. Although a good kick, he failed to score, the ball falling under the bar. Loose plav followed the kick-off, McGregor sending - the ball out in Canterbury’s 25. From the throw-in Canterbury invaded the Auckland territory, but lost their advantage by off-side play. In return Laing, by off-side play, gave Canterbury a free kick, they finding the line near Ajuckland’s 25 flag. Auckland forwards now made the game fast and furious, and carried the ball to the centre, where Ormandy stopped the rush , and returned the ball to Harrison, who made a bad catch, but cleverly got his kick and side out of danger. Several loose scrums followed', .when Doran picked up and broke away, and almost reached the line, when he passed to Asher, who dashed behind. However, no score resulted, as Asher was in front of the ball when he took it. Some heavily-pack-ed 'scrums took place near the line, but the defence was good, and although the Auckland vanguard made some gallant rushes they could not cross the line. Laing _ secured a mark near the 25 flag and kicked out. From the throw-in. Kiernan' marked and kicked to Turtill. who returned down the field. The forwards following up smartly pressed Harrison closely for a time, bht he managed to clear his lines. Scrum work was again the order for a while, when Wood made an opening, and a short- passing run trensfered play to Auckland’s 25,. and the Canterbury forwards rushed it to Auckland’s line. Harrison, saving by a long kick, which went out near the half-way, the hell sounded for (half- zjp

time, the score standing : Auckland, 3 ; Canterbury, 0. On resuming play the Auckland boys at once commenced a strong attack, and had the red and blacks using all their defensive powers. Splendid passing on the part of the Auckland backs kept things merry. Thompson, after a good run, passed McKenzie, who sent it back to Thompson, and that speedy player ran round the opposing backs, ■ and grounded the ball behind the posts. Kiernan took the kick, and landed an unmistakable goal, amid tre-

mendous applause. Auckland, 8 ; Canterbury, 0. Immediately after the kick-off, Asher following up quickly, spoilt Revell returning. A passing nun in which Wilson, McGregor, McKenzie, and Kiernan participated, the latter crossing the line scoring a try under the posts and taking the kick himself, failed to add the minor points) Auckland, 11’; Canterbury, 0. On kickingoff McGregor returned to the visitors’ 25, where loose play followed. McKenzie picking up passed to Thomplon, who after a good run crossed the line, %nd scored another try for Auckland. Kiernan again took the kick, and failed in his attempt at goal. Auckland, 14 to nil. Give and take play followed the kick-off. Wilson had a shot at goal from a mark, but only a force resulted. Wood, kicking off again sent the ball out at half-way, and from the throw-in, Tyler headed a. rush, making some ground, Wood saving by £ judicious line kick. The Canterbury forwards now made a rally.! and Cross was conspicuous for good 1 open piny- Laing marked, and punted! back to Canterbury’s 25, where Asher by smart following up- spoilt the return and almost scored, being thrown out at the corner flag. Wood removed the play to the centre, where Thompson broke through, and had a race for the goal line on his own for a long way. He was caught, however, before he could reach the line, Turtill I saving his side by kicking across the ground into touch. From the throwin several scrums followed, anh off-side play by Auckland gave Canterbury a free kick. Cooke had a shot at goal, but failed to negotiate the bar, and Auckland forced. Loose play followed in the middle of the field, from whence Doran and Wilson got on a dribbling rush, and carried the play into the red and black’s 25,'where Laing picked jup and passed to McKenzie, who dashed over and: scored. A. Wilson* taking the the kick, landed a beautiful goal, making the Auckland score 19. After the kick-off the play was of a give and take nature, the" ball travelling up and down the field with no special advantage, both the full-backs taking part in a kicking duel, the kail going out at half-way, and on being theown in Wood was responsible fof a good, dodgy run reaching Auckland’s 25. Kiernan, by a long kick, relieved., Turtill returning. Off-side play by the visitors gave Wilson another shot at goal from a free kick. Phillips returnring smartly and following up gained some advantage. Loose play followed, Tyler heading a forward rush, which reached the full-back. Turtill, who \

cleverly saved a score by kicking out. Cross now headed ■ a determined attack by the Canterbury forwards, who centred the play. . McGregor (Auckland) stopping the rush, turned the play for a while, when Wood, making an opening with a dodgy pun, and passing on to McGregor, who had an easy run in, scoring Canterbury's first try. Cooke took the kick, but failed to score. Auckland, 19 : Canterbury, 3. From this on the Southern team seemed to wake up, and played a xAry fast and desperate game. From the kick-off the ball went out in front of the stand. Kiernan secured a mark from the throw in, and kicked to Turtill, who returned to Auckland’s 25 liag, and Canterbury, getting a good forward passing run, carried the ball to the line, but only a touch in goal resulted. Almost immediately after the kick-off the time, bell sounded,, with the ball near the flag, leaving Auckland winners by 19 points to 3.



The Wellington representatives visit Auckland this week, and play at Alexandra Park on Saturday afternoon. The Auckland team •will be the same as played against Canterbury. The visitors are in splendid,form, and have a strong combination, so a good game may be anticipated. Since 1880 the Auckland and Wellington teams have

mett on twelve occasions, six of the matches have been won by Auckland, and the remaining matches been drawn. The following table shows the results 1880 —At Auckland : Wellington won, 5 points to nil. - 1883—At Wellington : Drawn ; 5 points each. \ « 1886 —At Auckland : Auckland won, 4 points to 2 points. 1889 —At’ Wellington : Wellington : x won, 3 points to 1 point. > 1894 — At Auckland : Wellington won, 13 points to nil. 1895— At Wellington : Wellington won, 9 points to 5 points. 1896— At Auckland : Wellington won. 3 points to nil. 1897 — At Wellington : Auckland won, 11 points to 4 points. 1898 — At Auckland : Auckland won, 19 points to nil. 1899 — At Wellington Auckland won, 14 points to 3 points. 1900— At Aluckland : Auckland won, 14 points to 4 points. 1901— At Wellington : Auckland won. 9 points to 3 points.



The Waihi Union reps, played Paeroa at Paeroa on Saturday, the home team winning by 3 points. Mr F. Ladner of the Thames made an efficient referee.

From the kick-off the Paeroa forwards, headed by Silcock, and Rukutaia, carried the ball down, but Waihi, by a passing run, brought it back, and play remained in the centre for a while. Give-and.take play ensued Jin which Phillips and Flynn were protninent, the ball ultimately going out;! Soon after Waihi got on a passing run, the ball passing from Garvey to Flett and Phillips and' Landy, who was well collard by Gooseman, A scrum ensued from which the Paeroa forwards broke away and brought the play into Waihi’s territory* “and Paeroa here got on a passing run,, the ball passing to Brenan, Flynn, Gooseman and Bromwich, the latter of whom knocked on, and a scruni -enrj sued. Shortly after Flynn kicked ’to Pnillips, and Silcock following* up quickly smothered his return and a free kick was awarded Paeroa, from which; Sorensen landed a beautiful goal amidst applause. The spell then ended Paeroa 3, Waihi nil. From the kick-off Waihi invaded* Paeroa territory, and by some find passing Mackay got away, but was finally collared within a few feet of the line line by Vulgar. Waihi, ever, renewed the attack, but Paeioa® by brilliant defence, • cleared ’ tjheiiTJ; lines again and again. Then Garvey got a mark, and Landy took the shot at goal, but the attempt was mulled, and Paeroa carried the ball doWn the field. Fine line-kickiog, by Phillips brought play back again, to 1 Paeroa country, and from a scrambling rush Arscott scored. The kick at goal was.T a failure, and the scores were : Paeroa 3, Waihi 3. Excitement was now pretty high,' and the fine condition ofthe Paeroa team began to tell as they assumed the aggressive and the Waihi lines. Brennan • made an j opening, and Bromwich ran round and scored near the posts. Moore’s kick, at goal was a failure. From the kick-off till call of time'play was , all heecr”' the Waihi line, but no further score resulted, and the game ended : Paeroa 6, Waihi 3. ' * * • * • The annual football match between ! Christ’s College and Otago ’ High School was played on Monday last J on the College ground at Christchurch. The game was a very exciting one,.* Christ’s College gaining the victory by the narrow margin of one point, the scores being : Christ’s College, 12 pointe (four tries) ; Otago High :, School, eleven points (a goal from atry, a penalty goal, and a try.)/ • • * ■ • ; . ■, * The Auckland •“ reps.” play a return match with the Thames team—at Thames—on August 16. Mr W. G. Garrard, the well-known Christchurch referee, will have charge of the whistle in the Auckland-Wel-lington match next Saturday. The Canterbury Rugby Union has granted permission to the Canterbury ... representative team now in the North Island to play Hawke’s Bay at Napier on August 12. The Hawke’s Bay Union will contribute £1(1 towards the extra cost. -OS INTER-UNION JUNIOR MATCH AT WELLINGTON. ' - The match between Rugby teams of Wellington and Waiirarapa juniors was Rl'ayed at Wellington on Saturday .- / • Wellington had all the best of the game, and won by 19 points to nit.. ■ ■ ■ • . ' . ’ ':

WANGANUI v. MANUWATU. ! ''' The representative football match, Manawatu v. Wanganui, was played on Saturday afternoon at Wanganui, and resulted in a win for Wangnui by 1 7 to nil. . ' - TAURANGA v. ROTORUA. y The football match, Tauranga v. Rotorua, took place in the Domain Ground at Rotorua on Saturday after, noon, and resulted in a draw, neither side scoring. The Rotorua team was much tne heaviest and had the best of the game, keeping play in their opponents’ ground most of the time, but towards the end’ they began to tire, and Tauranga from thence on had the best of it. Rotorua had hard luck in not scoring, as from a place kick the ball’ jus-t touched the bar. This .was the nearest approach to scoring on either side/ , '/ THAMES UNION MATCHES. Rovers beat Thames by 12 points to nil in the senior grade. In the second junior match True Blue defeated Tararu, Cross securing a try a 'few minutes before time was - called. f ( * K z * ' '

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, 7 August 1902, Page 8

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FOOTBALL New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, 7 August 1902, Page 8

FOOTBALL New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, 7 August 1902, Page 8

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