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Orange Blossoms.

NOTICE TO OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENTS. All copy intended for publication, in these columns must reach the office, not later than Saturday morning, in order to ensure insertion in the current issue.

GOLDFINCHI—POWELL. THERE was a very pretty wedding at St. Mark’s Church, Wellington, on Tuesday, 2.3 rd April, between Aliss Florence Powell (daughter of Mr. F. W. Powell, of the Bank of New South Wales) and Mr. Leslie Goldfinch, of the staff of Messrs. Levin and Co. The Rev. G. Y. Woodward officiated, assisted by the Rev. C. F. Askew. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a trained gown of ivory satin, beautifully trimmed with dainty pearl embroideries, her tulle veil being fastened with a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a lovely shower bouquet of white hothouse flowers and roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Marjorie Barnicoat, who wore a white satin dress, covered with the palest blue ninon tunic, and a large black picture hat with a pale blue plume. She carried a bouquet of palest, pink roses and autumn leaves, tied with pale blue ribbon. Mr. Victor Hyams was best man. After the wedding a dainty breakfast was served at the bride's late residence, Marama-cres-cent. The bride's travelling dress was of dark blue cloth with facings of saxeblue, and a dark blue silk hat trimmed with navy and saxe blue “crab-apples.” . ROW LANDS—PEARCE. A quiet but exceedingly pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mr. T. 11. Battle on April 24th, when Mr. Morgan Rowlands, of Kiwitea, son of Mr. W. Rowlands, of Aberystwyth, Wales, was married to Miss Helena Pearce, daughter of Mr. Levy Pearce, of Wellington. The Rev. J. D. McKenzie conducted the ceremony. The bride, who was married in a becoming travelling costume of mauve cloth, with green facings, and blue tagel hat, waV attended by Miss Norma - Mcßeth, who wore a white muslin frock and a dainty crimson Juliet hat, and carried a prettyshower bouquet. Mr. 1). Thomas, of Bulls, officiated as best man. The bridegroom’s present to the bride was a handsome travelling case, and as a souvenir to the bridesmaid he presented a pretty pearl and turquoise brooch. GIBSON—BUCHANAN. A wedding in which considerable interest was taken took place in St. John's Church, Wanganui, on April 25, by Rev. 11. Reeve, when Miss Elizabeth McFarlane Buchanan, of Wanganui, was married to Mr. John McGregor Gibson, of Wanganui, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, of Palea. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Nesbit Smith, of Durie Hili, -was attired in a handsome gown of grey clfarmeuse satin, trimmed with handsome grey silk lace, and wore a large black satin hat, with lancer plumes, and carried a pretty sheath of cream roses. She was attended by Miss Till Gibson, sister of the bridegroom, as bridesmaid, and she wore a pretty white muslin gown, tucked and trimmed with Valenciennes insertion, and wore a Juliet cap of white guipure. Mr. W. Gibson, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at Dustin’s, Mrs. Nesbit Smith acting as hostess, when a largo number of friends and relatives attended. The happy couple left for the north, the bride travelling in a dress of navy blue serge, trimmed with black braid, and she wore a pretty hat of mole tagel straw. OSBORNE—COOPER. On 24th April, at the Manawaru Church, MiJs May Cooper, eldest daughter of Mr. G. Cooper, of Shaftesbury, was married to Mr. L. Osborne, late of Manawaru and now of Auckland, by the Rev. A. J. Reed, of Te Aroha. The bride, who looked charming, wore a most becoming gown, and was supported by her sister Miss E. Cooper, and Miss A. Osborne, sister of the bridegroom, as brides-

maids. Mr. AV. Davis, jun., and Mr. G. Cooper officiated as best man and groomsman respectively. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. G. Cooper. BRAY—SHORT. On April 25, at St. Peter's th meh, Wellington, Archdeacon Harper officiating. Miss Hilda Short, youngest daughter of Mr. .Short, the Under secretary for Public Works, was married to Mr. Norman Gowan Bray, son of the late Mr. Chas. Bray, county engineer. Feilding. The bride, who was given away- by her father, wore a white silk mousseline gown, and a wreath and veil, and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid, Mies K. Short, her sister, was in white Japanese silk, with a black hat, and carried a posy 7 of golden chrysanthemums and autumn foliage. 'The best man was Mr. S. Short. The bridegroom’s gift to the bride was a gold watch, anil to the bridesmaid a gold bangle. The bride travelled in a grey tweed coat and skirt and a blue silk hat. KIDD—MOORE. The marriage of Miss Marie Moore, eldest daughter of Mrs. Moore, Birkdale, to Mr. Robert Kidd, second son of Airs. Kidd, Birkenhead, was celebrated at the Presbyterian Church, Northcote. on Monday, the 29th inst. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Colledge, wore a picturesque gown of ivory crepe de chine, with handsome lace and fringe, and a tulle veil. A bouquet of white flowers and maiden hair completed her toilette. The bridesmaids were Misses L. Moore and C. Kidd, who wore pretty frocks of cream voile and black picture hats with white plumes, and carried pretty’ bouquets. Mr. AV. Kidd attended the bridegroom as best man, and Mr. J. Moore as groomsman. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a gold 'natch, and to the bridesmaids gold brooches. After the ceremony a reception was held in the Foresters' Hall, at which some fifty guests were entertained. Mrs. Moore, mother of the bride, wore a. pretty’ black voile and black hat; Mrs. Kidd, mother of the bridegroom, wore a handsome black taffeta dress and black toque: Miss F. Kidd, dainty nattier blue velvet and black hat with cerise roses; Mrs. Mayall. black velvet dress and black velvet hat; Airs. Colledge, cream costume, black hat with touches of emerald green; Airs. Hunter, silk voile dress and, black bonnet: Airs. AleGilp, handsome silk dress; Miss AleGilp. heliotrope dress prettily braided: Airs. Wallace, a .becoming black costume; Aliss Alaekay, pink blouse, grey skirt, and pretty pink hat; Airs. Fvfe. "reen costume: Airs. Cross, black toilette; Airs. J. Brook, silk dress; Airs. Donohoe, navy costume ami smart toque. The bride travelled in a nattier blue dress, ami large black crinoline hat trimmed with blue. HOWARD - HALL. A very’ charming and interesting wed ing was celebrated in the Kawakawa Church of England on Tuesday, 30th April, between Aliss Agusta Hall (second daughter of Air. and Mrs. Richard Hall, Kawakawa) and the Rev. Cecil Howard The church was beautifully decorated with white flowers and ferns, and was crowded with friends (a large party of whom came up from Auckland to b?

present) and interested spectator*. Th* ceremony was performed by Ar ’.i.leacon Cole. The bride looked lovely in her Princess wedding dress of ivory Duchess satin, handsomely embroider**)

on the front panel ami the eml of the long. square train. ‘The bodice wa» softened with daintily arranged real late. The bridal veil (which was lent for the occasion by Mr*. Vernon Reed) was beautiful, ami veiled the whole lire'*, and was arranged from a coronet of orange blossoms.* A lovely shower bouquet of white ro*es, bouvardias. and maidenhair fern completed a beautiful toilette. There were live bridesmaids —* Mi*-.s Isabel Hall (lister of the bride), Ihvynwen ami Borya Cole, Winnie and Nina If ill (cousins of the bride)-—and they won* charming frocks of white «rcpe dp chine, with kilted frills at the loot of the skirts. The tunics were trimmed with niching* of satin, with • lusters <»f j ink rose* on the skirts and th? bodices. Little mob caps were worn « siher net trimmed with lace, ami t*"«y pink rose-. In place of the usual I .mpipls. they carried Prayer Books in >• \tdv -yft white watered silk covers. :•» bridegroom's | roent to the brido wa- <i lovely gold bruulet. and to-the brc. --maids ruby Southern <’ros? I r< *• be*. The Rev. C. LTuickshank supported the bridegroom, and the Rev. M«-Lcan was groomsman. The bride w :,s given away by l:< r father. < After the ceremony a reception was h L ! in the Parish Hall, which was Ixaut’iulty decorated ami arranged- for the occasion. The bride travelled in a smart, dirk brown coat and skirt ami a L.rg* bhuk hat wi-h -haded tangerine plume. Airs. Hall (mother of the. bride» wore a beautiful toilette of I ive’idrj gre\ th Armen *e. with fringe to mat.-li . n the skirt. The bodice was tiimmed beaut iiully with exquisite real la«-e. and a pretty toque was worn to rnatt-h. Among the guests were the Mi<-es Burnside. rme wearing greet’. and the othei a mauve toilette; Mrs Lu d brook e \voi black and white: Mrs Li;*..Lav. white. large black hat: Miss Alice Hall wore a lovely white muslin, and a large black velvet hat; Mrs. Kirkpatrick, black, with hat to match: Mrs. Angu- Gordon (Auckland), Shantung coat ami >kirt. with vieux rose and an*>*thy-t toque: Mrs. David Nolan wore a handsome black velvet eloilvtte. with a black and white bonnet: Miss Estelle Nolan, cream cToth with pale blue, black hat with blue: Miss Airini Carr iAuckland) were, a. dainty pale mauve < repe «le chine frock, grey hat with white feathers; Mis* Dorothy Nolan (Auckland-), champagne coloured cloth with touches of tangarine, smart black \eket hat: Miss Cole (Auckland) wore palest blue cloth, and black hat: Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon, dark blue, with touches of cerise, black hat. GALVIN MORRISON. Tl.e weddmg of Mi-s Agnes Morrison, WldrJ daughter of the late Captain John Morr - u. Blenheim, and Mr. F. IL Galvin, eldest son of Mr. P. Galvin. of Wellington was celebrated at St. Marx's < i;.r_ Blenheim, on Thursday afternoon.‘ 1 ne Rev. Father Fay performed the vereinony. The bride, who was given away by her brother. Mr. J. IL Morrison, was. charmingly attired in chiffon «loth, ha mi-embroidered to Brussels het. the whcli worn over ivoiy satin* the bo*ii e being draped with ii- bu- and pearl*. The bouquet. whi h w«i- presented to the bride by Mrs. Galvin, was composed of or.-iids. rose*. and »hry *anthemums, intermingled with maiden-hair fern. Tbe chief bridesmaid, M>- Frances Morrison of the bride), was dres-ed in champAga* -ilk. veiled with white ninon, the whole b«-ing formed over pink silk. Mi-* Morri-on al-o wore a hand'ome : •» . _ ■ f pearls and peridots, the g:ft of th* bridegroom. an I carried a bouquet of b onze and • re tin <-hry-anthemuin*. Th. i *o a-si- ing bridesmaid- were Mi--**- Dorothy Galvin i<i*ter of the _ • ■ .. ■ . Bobbi* " Borges* < nie ■■ of th* - . le . bo-' h being dre— -d in white - t > u-lin fro k-. draped wit!; whit** hn- and tini-'>ed with pink ninon. E- a >. a -old and pearl bangle, gifi- fr* ni ‘ he brrd* jr«- -*ti. and «.irri* l - ■ ' ■ wen. a I ’ k and white toqre. and a i nd e Mrs Galvin «. - I in gr»y -trip***! uinon. and wore ;* grey ha* with grey .inj bla-k her* and w’.Hte boa. Mr. T. Mit. hell was b» - and Mr. B» r. Galvin (brother t e . i-eanied out tlw d : >■- of gr.» •! At a i interval in the •rrvii ? Mr< Na-h «ang “O Salutari-.” and Mi-- M * abe plave I Men-leh-ohn> j M •* A reteptmn wa- afterward'* held at the residence of the bride’s mother in

Weld street. In the evening. Miss Morrison entorta>««*d the guests at a danee in St. Patrh-k's Hal). .. Mr. and Mrs. Galvin left for Pieton by motor ear after the ceremony, en route to the North Island, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride’s travelling outfit was a navy serge tailormade costume and a hat of reseda green tagel straw, trimmed with large green wings and velvet. Bl RBERRY—RVTHERFORD. A wedding reception of considerable interest to Christchurch people took place on April 24th at 'Tseelie Hills,” Culverden, in honour of the marriage of Miss Amy Rutherford, daughter of Mr. Dunean Rutherford, to Mr. Percy Burberry, of Waiau. Mrs. Dunean Rutherford (the bride’s mother, was handsomely gowned in niole-eoloured satin with Oriental embroidery. and black hat with osprey. The bride's dress was of rich white satin with full Court train, draped with lace, long tulle veil with orange blossoms, and carried a sheaf of lovely white lilies. The bridesmaids—the Misses Rutherford (2). Burberry, and ISimpson—wore pretty fro ks of blue crepe de chine with tunics of grey ninon, and carried black staffs decorated with Howers tied with satin streamers. Mrs. Burberry wore blue satin with chiffon overdress, blue hat. to match. Other Christchurch guests were: Miss Burla-rry, wearing cinnamon-colour-ed chiffon over white satin, hat with latncer plumes to match; Mrs. c. Cook, blue cloth costume, black hat; Mrs. Bloxam, blue cloth costume and skirt, black ami white hat; Miss I. Rutherford, pretty grey frock and hat to match; Mrs. \V. O. Rutherford, mole velvet, worn with beautiful furs and hat : Mrs. A. W. Rutherford.. grey cloth e-vstume, blue hat; Mrs. A. Maefar'ane, braided costume of grey cloth, hat to map.’h; Mesdauies DanfpierCrossley, Campbel), Stevenson, Matson. Misses Jameson. Fulton, Chapman, Prins, Cook, Messrs. Rutherford, Burberry, B. Lane, Bloxam, Duncan, Acton-Adams, Matson, Guthrie, Harper (31, Webb, Hanmer, Fulton. Prins, Crossley, and hosts of others were present. Later in the day the entire party were motored to Hanmer Springs, where rooms had been engaged for the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford entertained them at a dinner, and in the evening a danee was held at the Hanmer Hotel, which was beautifully decorated and arranged for the occasion. Mrs. Dunean Rutherford wore a lovely gown of blue satin, veiled with black ninon: Mrs. Waite, black satin; Mrs. Burberry, black satin; Mrs. Maefarlane, white satin with tunic of hand-painted, chiffon; Mrs. Cook, black satin: Miss Cook, grey satin with steel embroidered ninon overdress: Miss Fnlton, pink satin; Miss Prins, heliotrope satin; Miss Chapman, blue crepe de ehine. trimmed with lace; Mrs. Dampier-Cros-sley, electric blue satin with touches of black: Miss Peache, black crepe de chine: Mrs Bloxam, black silk; Mrs. Matson, electric blue and black; Miss Burberry, red satin, veiled in black ninon; Miss Jameson, pale blue satin: Miss M. Rutherford, whits’ satin with overdress of pink sequined net: Messrs. Rutherford, Lane. Burberry, Guthrie, Webb, Harper (3). Atkinson, Fisher, Williams. Latter. Le Cren, Fenwick. B’oxam. Cook. Matson, and several other guests were present. On the following evening Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford entertained a number of Hanns- r residents and all their employees in the Hanmer Hall. The bride’s travelling dress was a violet frieze eo-tume with black velvet bands black velvet hat with white ospreys ami beautiful set of fox furs. BA LDWIN—H ERBERT. On May Ist the marriage was solemnised at st. Mary of the Aug-!-’ Church, Bouh ott -tr-et. of Miss Gertrude Bertha Ht-riiert. fourth daughter of the late Mr. • lohn Herbert, of Gisborne, to Mr. W. A. Baldwin, fourth -on of the late Mr. G. J. Baldwin, of Eg rnont. < lr ~hire. England. The n-sis-mv wa« performed by the Rev. Fatlu r < . -I. Viiming. S.M. The bride. al->> was (ttir.,l in - rvam Do hr—e satin, ti' hly r-i hr d in riblrm-work, the Issiicr of teal Isiee, <;'.rried a beautiful ,! i ~i r b «U| •’. si H a« given away by Mr. IV. . < iimmiu-. The bridesmaid (Ms-. K. M’Ku-ker) wore a very pretty gown of white silk, a black velvet hat trtninnd with white plumes, and she carried a bouquet of autumn llowers and leaves. The bri-legroom was attemled by Mr A. <l. L-gg.irt. !'!.<• wedding break-fa-t. which t-»>k pla<-e at the Hotel Windsor, was attendesl by many intimate

friend* of the bride and bridegroom, and followed by a musical evening given by Mr. and Mr*. A. G. Leggart at their re-i- -• in Pirie—trvet. M< LEAN—ROSE. A very quiet wedding took place at M'livale last we-k. when Miss Male?] Rose, .laughter of Mr-. Ro-e. Rugby -tre.t. Meriva'e. wa- married to Mr. A. McLean, of Christchurch,'and formerly of Dunedin. The ceremony was performed by the Ven. Archdeacon Gossett, Viear of St. Mary’s, Merivale. The bride wa- given awav by her mother, and attended by her sister as bridesmaid. Relative*‘only were present, who, after the ceremony, were entertained by Airs. Ro-e at her residence in Rugby-street.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 19, 8 May 1912, Page 61

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Orange Blossoms. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 19, 8 May 1912, Page 61

Orange Blossoms. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 19, 8 May 1912, Page 61

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