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CHRISTCHURCH, Tuesday. There was tc very large attendance at tb© <4>ening day of (he Canterbury Jockey Club’s Grand National* Meeting, the weather being remarkably fine, while the course was in nice order for the time of the year. Prominent amongst the many visitors present were many from Australia, intent oa attending the Yaldhurst sale. Their number included Messrs A. Yuille (Melbourne)!, Chisholm (Sydney). J. Macdonald (Victoria),

W Thomson, Jas. Thomson, H. Leo. and T. H Morton (N.8.W.)., No less than sixty two bookmakers paid the license fee, twenty of ilieir number doing business in the enclosure. Their operations had a prejudicial effect on the. machines, the turnover of Which' felt short of last year's total by £2889. ’ Papatu, who 'recently wept amiss, was only at the eleventh hour withdrawn from the Grand National Steeplechase, for which Kia fere, Nadador, and Le Beau were in most demand. They were anything but a high-elass lot that fared the starter. K latere being much lighter than usual, while Le Reau had recently been under veterinary treatment. Rifcht from the start Loch Fyne started- to tail off, and, losing ground at each obstacle, he was soon hopelessly in the rear. For over two miles the others gave one of the best exhibitions of fencing ever seen at Rireiirlon, but in the last mile their efforts .began to tell. , Storm was first down, and at the kennels double, five furlongs from home. Starlight and Nadador collided, both coming to earth., Here.. Kia tore, who had been running about fifth all through, commenced to move up. but.a slovenly jump at tfie sod wall saw he and Percy Johnston part company. From this out. the issue was confined to Le Beau. Gold Seal. Albany, ami Earns, and, in a rattling gotsi finish between Earns and Le Beau, the former prevailed by a couple of lengths. Earns, who is a very hard horse to manage, coveted a lot of unnecessary ground, and. antler the circumstances, his win was full of merit. Le Beau was hardly at his best, having been troubled by internal stoppage a few days ago. But for this, it is quite probable that he would have reversed the positions with the winner. Gohl Seal and Albany both ran well, but Kiatere appeared to be tiring when he made his faulty jump. Scotty had a comfortable win in the Trial Hur<lh*s. .which will necessitate his putting up spvtjn pounds .penalty in the Grand 1 National Hurdles. He jumped fairly well, and raced more* generously, than usual. Ghoorka.- on ‘-the other hand, nearly came down twice in the A'arly..’stages, and lie cventhMly turned a seven at the fast hurdle, fortunately- without hurt to himself or his rider. AV. YouiTg. North Head, Penates, and Motoa were the most fancier candidates of twenty-three starters, in the ~Winter (’up. Penates was. foilniiate eiiough to get away with a flying start, ami. -.although Lupulite and Motoa headed'him at the end of three furlongs, he cut d.OAyn the former jn the straight, and, after a tremendous finish with Motoa, just got his head in front as the pos-i was reached. It was a spirited contesT. and aroused the greuteti-l enthusiasm amongst the speetatots. North Head was always well up, >aml finished fourth. Audax had a very easy win in the Hunters’ Hurdles, for, though he lost ground at most of the jumps, his pace enabled him to smother the others, w hen it-came 46 racing. Paritutu, who looked really jvell, was made a staunch favourite for the Hunters’ Flat Race, -but.-* though he’ put in a great run over the-lyst half mile. _hv.. <‘vuhl, nut quite catch Monkey Puzzle, who paid the largest dividend ,jpt the; day. ; Following are the resjaßs-xr 2 - - . -• TRIAL HURDLE HANDICAP of 35.Q50.V8, One-mile and three-quarters. - • D. StewurtV-lj g Scotty, aged, by St. Leger—Janet, 11.3 (Julian) 1 <?. O’Donoghue’s Top Rose. 1(».1O (Watt) 2 . J. Flaneur’s Stormont,'lo:ll (Jervis)*.... 3 Also started: Ghoorka. 10.13: Snip, 10.9; .Wfaatakura. 10.8; Grosvenor. 9.0. followed by Stormont, led-oyer lhe first hurdle and past the stand, doing round the back Top Rose and Stormont showed the way, while Ghoorka improved his position. Top Rose led round the top turn and into the straight, but at the last hurdle Scotty ran up to him, and beat him home by two lengths, with. Stormont tw lengths and a-half away third, and Snip fourth. Ghooorka, who was tiring, fell at the last fender. Time, 3.20 2-5. WINTER CUT HANDICAP of oOOsdvs. One mile. A. Barclay’s b h Penates. 4yrs. by Ruenaif—Housewife. r;9.11 (A. Oliver) .... 1 J. S. Massena's Motoa, 10.8 (W. McKay) 2 IL Gaisford's Swimming Belt! 9.4 «VV. Young 3 Also started: Lupulite. 10.12: AH. Red, . 10.8; Cross Battery, 10.8; Sir Frisco. 10.6; Wailethe, • 10.3: Anna men to 9.12: Maid of A st ola t, 9.11; North. ' I Rad, 9/1 1: Probable, 9.10; Golden Cairn, 9.9; Harvest,..J»Ji; Field Gun. 9.6; Simplex, 9.4: White Cockade,,9.3; . Landwern, 9.3: Malmninui, 9.3; Rose Noble, 9.0; Chicane 9.0; Lone Star, 9.0; Don Orsino, 9.0. Penates/ who was on the inside, at once shot out /with the lead, and after the field had settled -down he, had as his attendants : Lupulite? Motoa, and North Head, with All Red, Maid to Astolat, ami Swimming Belt at the head of the. others., Ibnmding. the t<«ls tiim' Lupulite was 'first, rh front of'• Mqitoa, who was followed by Penates, Swimmigg Belt, North Head. All Red. and White (’ofekade. Half-way down the straight Lupulfte was beaten,-and Motoa took At-fhe distance--Pe-nate&jdosed on . the. er,/and in a gi’eat finish, won by half a head. Swimming JBeltV was a length back third, with N’or-ili away, and All Red," White Cockade. Sir Frisco, and Probable clbse If p;‘Timo, 1.44. GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE 11A ND t ( ’ A P > of IQGOsovs. z • T h ree in i 1 es and a-Mlf.'! ' ; C 4 I). Rutherford’s bEuruM. j aged, by Euroclydon-/Kate, lOjI (W. Mc<’ounell> 1 » B. McMiken’s Le Beau, 10.1 (J. p'Connell) 2 G. P. Donnelly’s Gold-Beql, 9.7 (Thompson) ... r 4 i , 3 Also started: Kiatere, 12.8; Loch Fyne, 12.4; 9.7;: Starlight, 9.7; Albury, 9.7; Storm. 9.7. Albury; -Qtorm, and’ Pierre led over the first fence and past the, stand, with Loch Fype in the rear. At Gutts’ Tilson had run to the front, Albury, :Le Beau, and Storm heading tlie othera f Aj ; the sod wall Loch Fyne came id grl,ef, Coining Into the corinfo >roper Kurus started to move up, followed

by Gold Seal, and they were close behind Tilson and Albury approaching the .aluud double, where Storm fell. Tilson showed the way over the kennels double the second time round. Gold Seal, Albury. ami Eurus being close up, while Nadador. Starlight, and Pierre came down. The order was the same nt the sod wall, where Kiatere fell. Entering the course proper Eurus. Gold Seal. Albury, Tilson; and Le Beau were hunched, but the first-named led over the last fence, and won hy two lengths and a-half, Le Beau heating Gold Seal by three lengths for second place, with Albury a length away fourth. Time, 7.24 4-5. TALLY-HO PLATE STEEPLECHASE of 60»ovs. Two miles and a-half. D. W. Westena’s hr g Zenda, aged, by ‘ Lochnagar—Pukaki, 12.10 (Mr J. Selby) 1 H. Collyn’s Beprgidler (late Dan Leno), 12.10 (Mr Whitehead) 2 C. E. Thomas' Brownhill, 12.10 (Mr L. Orbell) 3 Also started: High Peak, 12.10; Selatim, 12.10 Zenda and Brownhill made all the running, but at the second to last fence the latter fell, and Zenda won pulling up by 50yds. Brownhill was remounted, and finished third. Selatim fell at the kennels double, and High Peak w r as pulled up. Time, 5.36 4-5. JUMPERS’ FLAT RACE HANDICAP of 150sovs. One mile and a-half. J. Noble's ch m Monkey Puzzle. syrs. by Stepniak— Miss Betty, 9.0 (11. Donovan) 1 J. George's Paritutu, 11.13 2 F. Tong's Pretty Maid, 9.13 3 Also started: Stronghold, 10.9; Sen-Sim, 9.10; Leeside. 9.9; Mussel, 9.9: Compass, 9.7: Southern Cross, 9.4; Tessera, 9.0. Stronghold, Tessera, and Mussel were the first to show out. , Compass joined the leaders along tho Tklck~ str’eU'h. ami, with Monkey Puzzle,- carried on the running into Ike straight. Hero Paritutu and Pretty Maid challenged the leader, ami in an interesting finish Monkey Puzzle won by half-a-length, a hva«l separating the second ami third horses. Time, 2.41. ENFIELD STEEPLECHASE,. HANDICAP of 1204(SvS. -About two miles. G. IL Wilsoifs b g Pilot, aged, by Gunboat— Mermaid. 10.8 (Cahill)" 1 G. N. McLean'S Deerslayer, 9.7 (Higgins) 2 J. O’NeilFs Ya lima, 9.13 (C. O’Neill) . 3 Also started; Canton. 10.12,; Zither, 10.3; Lingerer, I(L5:_ Mooshen. 9:13; Rose Morn, 9.9; Eldorado. 9.9; Casabianca. 9.7: Pacific, 9.7. Pilot led all the way, and won comfortably l»y three- lengths; with V’alima two lengths away third. Eldorado, Rose Morn, Mooshen. and Canfon fell. Time, 4.'5 1.5. HACK HANDICAP of 120sovs. Six furlongs. 11. A. Knight's b g Helianthes, 4yrs, by FjiQniKl — C1ytie.,;9.12 (J.-Phie) 1 T. Shoehhn's Farley Grove, 9.0 (G. A. ' Pirn*) . .... . 2 P. Higgotfs Truthful, 9.0 (R., Hatch) .... 3 Also started-: Silk Web, 12 t 9; Nancy-Stair, 10.5; Assault. 9.9; Brasciioso, 9.5; Sea Dog, 9.4; Rescued, - 9.4; /Cannoneer. 9.4;. Love Wisely. 9.0; Cavatina. 9.0; Northern Star, 9.4); Red King. 9.0; Thyrus, 9.0. From an indifferent start Helianthes quickly ran to the front, and won very easily by*two lengths and a-halL Truthful was a length' away' third, and Love Wisely fourth. Time, 1.16 4-5. <’ H RISTCH U R CH, Thu rsda y. Favoured with fine, weather there -was a splendid, attendance’ at Riccarton to-day, when ’ .the' Grand National Hurdle Race foriiied 'the leading event '* of the „day’s card. Fifty-one bookmakers did business, and their operations occasioned a slight falling -off in the tote returns. The, Hunt Club Cup attracted a field of a dozen -useful horses, several of whom* would have been more at home in open 'c,ompany. Pacific, the North Island-bred son of Gunboat, made the pace from the start, ; aiid ’ jumping in great style, was never troubled. Albury, w’ho put up such a good showing in the Grand National Steeplechase, ran a good race till it came to the finish, when he again., petered out . in. disappointing t style. Penates /scored a-.-somewhat lucky .win in the. Augtisf Handicap', and his party, again threw in .for a big stake. Had Motoa got anything lake a fair start he mus£t£ have reversed the positions with the winner, for, after getting all the worst of the start he was going stronger than anything ,at the finish, and Penates, onjy. .bea.t him by half a head. Lupulite showed a bold front for five furlongs, and then stopped to nothing, but Simplex ran a much better race than iir the Winter.. Cppx. - • '• , '• ? - Stronghold and Snip were the only withdrawals from the Grand National Hurdle Race 4 for. which Scotty pml. Paritutu wore j.p most Mbinund. lt> >as'’sL very, pljetty rare, quite- half .of the competitors appearing :to hold Winning prospects* three parts of tho journey. Then Stormont and Paritutu. both of whom had been well up'* all through, singled tbeinsclves out, and the former si*ored somewhat comfortably by two lengths. . t There is. no doubt but that Storinont has' been greatly over-raced, and few except those connected with his stable gave him more than a rough outside clianco. Paritutu ran a really good race, fencing in much improved, but the contract of conceding Stormont 2st 91bs was bey.ond his capabilities. Scotty hardly ran up; to expectations, though he jumped well hold a handy position throughout. v The Beaufort Steeplechase provided dne of the prettiest jumping contests, ever Witnessed at Riccartom Tilson, Mooshen, ()nd Lingerer were in front till within a furlqng of the post, where Gold Seal and Kiatere closed on them, and In the run Irntne Gold Seal outstayed Kiatere, winning a fine

contest by a length. He was particularly well handled by lUngt lomoana. whHe Johnston rode a mnch better judged race on fffjitcrc than he did iu the Grand National. A North Island-owned gelding In Oasis had practically nothing to beat in> the Spreydon Hack Hurdles; while /h'et jJJchiel effected a great surprise by the Islington Handicap from the Letter fancied candidates In Wailethe. who lost ground at the start, and Kurawaka. Following are the results: — Club Cup.—pilot, 12.5. 1; Janetta, 2 Pacific, 10.3, 3. Scratched: Zenda comfortably, by six lengths. Time, C Sumner Handicap.-H.untlien 10.4 1; Monkey Puzzl*. l»-». 2 : Lo " e star ’ I ’; 3, 3 ’ All Started. Won by two lengths. Time, I. 3-5. AUGUST HANDICAP of 250sovs. Six furlongs. A. Barclay’s b h Penates, ./yrs by Ruenalf —Housewife. 10.13 (A. Oliver) I S. Messena’s Motoa, 11.6 - C. F. Valla lice’s Simplex. 9.8 3 Also started: Lupulite. 11.4: AH Red, 10. Jl; North Head, 10.5; Probable, 9.13; Contender 9.11; Swimming Belt, 9.11; White Cockade, 9.5: Zetland, 9.2: Laudwern. 9.0; Persuader, 9.0; Vasa. 9.0: Hilarity. 9.0. The start was delayed for some time through several breaks away. Lupulite was the first to show out, and at the end of a furlong was a length clear of North Head, Penates, and Simplex, the rest being headed by White Cockade. Lupulite* had the lead in the straight, followed by Penates, Simplex, and North Head, while Motoa, who was unfortunate at the. start, was making up his ground. At the distance Penates had Lupulite beaten, but he was then challenged by Motoa aud Simplex. Motoa put in a great run, but just failed to get up by half-a-head, while Simplex was a head away third, aud Lupulite fourth. Time, 1.16 1-5. GRAND NATIONAL HURDLE RACE of lOOOsovs. About two miles. Mr J. Flaneur’s br g Stormont, aged by Apremout—Atholine, 9.0 (Jarvis) 1 Mr J. George’s b g Pari tutu, aged, 11.9 (Johnson) 2 Mr H. Harper’s br g Showman, aged, 9.0 J. O’Connell) 3 Also started: Scotty, 10.6; Ghoorka, 10.6; Sen-Sim, 10.2; Compass, 10.0; Pretty Maid, -9.10; Aorangi, 9.9; Prospector, 9.8; Defeat, 9.5; Top Rose 9.5: Whatakura, 9.0. A good start was effected, and. though Showman ran down the first hurdle, he got Over safely. Sen-Sim, however, ran off. Passing the stand the field was headed by Prospector, Pari tutu and Aorangi, and at Cutts’, Top Rose and Stormont moved up, and led over the next jump, followed by Ghoorka, Prospector, and Scotty. There was little change round the back. Entering the straight, Stori&oiil- led from Paritutu, Top Rose, Scotty, and Showman. Stormont and Pari tutu jumped the last hurdle together, and the former, finishing strongly, won by two lengths, with Showman a length and a-half away, third. Scotty was fourth and Pretty Maid fifth. Time, 3.45 2-5. BEAUFORT STEEPLECHASE HAND! .CAP of 300sovs. About two miles and a-half. G. P. Douuelly’s br g Gold Seal, aged, by Gold Reef—Seal Brown. 9.13 (R. Tomoua) - 1 iS. Darragh’s Kiatere, 12.8 2 G. M. Brown’s Mooshen, 9.7 3 Also started: Eurus. 11.8: Nadador. 11.6; Le Beau, 10.10; Tilson, 10.6; Papatu, 10.2; Starlight, 9.7: Lingerer, 9.7. After the field had settled down Tilson took command, and led into the straight, with Mooshen, Lingerer, Starlight, and Gold Seal in that order, which was practically the same past the stand and round to Cutts’. Tilson and Lingerer took the kennels double together, just clear of Mooshen, Starlight, and Gold Seal, and the order was little changed at the sod wall. Rounding Into the straight Eurus and Kiatere moved up where tnc last fence settled Tilson Gold Seal, Kiatere, and Mooshen rose almost in line, and a good race home resulted in favour of Gold Seal by a length, with Mooshen three-quarters of a length behind Kiatere, Eurus being fourth and Nadador fifth. Time, 5.1 2-5. fiPREYDON HACK HURDLE RACE of 120sovs. One mile and three-quarters. B. Catherali’s b g Oasis, aged. l»y Jet d’Eau—Kilkie, 10.2 (T. Pine) 1 H. Rothwell’s Grosvenor, 9.13 (Cochrane) 2 G. P. Donnelly’s Destroyer. 9.13 (Tomoana) 3 Also started: Black Friar, 9.12; Shimmer, 9.0. Grosvenor cut out the running, with Oas’H and Destroyer next. Grosvenor was the first over the last hurdle, but Oasis beat him in the run home by two lengths, there being six lengths between the second and third horses. Time, 3.24. ISLINGTON HANDICAP of 150sovs. One mile. J. R. Hart’s b g Chief Lochiei, 4yrs, by Finland—Miss Lochiei, 9.0 (E. Cotton) 1 F. Higgott’s Wailethe, 10.5 (R. Hatch) 2 IA. L. D. Fraser’s Kurawaka, 9.3 (Jenkins) 3 Also started: Harvest, 9.12; Lady Disdain. 9.12; Maharanui. 9.12; Golden Cairn, 9.11; Lapland, 9.11; Field Gun, 9.8; Blythemaid, 9.0; Somaroff) 9.0; Saga, 9.0; Mussel, 9.0; Chicane, 9.0. Mussel and Field Gun wore prominent In the early stages, while Wailethe got badly away. Mussel was done with in the straight, and Chief Lochiei came through, lasting just long enough to beat Wailethe by a head. Kurawaka beiig a neck away,

third. Field Gun tiuished fourth. Time. 1.44 2 5. WOOLBTON PLATE of lUUsovs. Weight, 9.0. Six furlongs. -J. T. Green’s ch m Pretty Nell. 4yrs, by Castashore—Nellie (D. Price) 1 F. Higgott’s Truthful (R. Hatch) 2 A. Barton’s Tbyms (F. Jones) 3 Also started: Ainokura, Red King. Heirloom, Trent. Pretty Nell shot out at the start, and led all the way, winning by a length and a half, with Thyrus a length away, third. Time, I. CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. The New Zealand Grand National meeting was concluded to-day in beautiful weather. The attendance was very good for the ’ast day, and the racing was full of interest. Tota lisa tor investments amounted to £19,191, only £8 less than for the corresponding day last year. Fifty-two bookmakers were licensed. The following are the results:— SYDENHAM HURDLE RACE of 300sovs. One mile and three-quarters. J. Flaneur’s br g Stormont, aged, by Apremout—Atholine, 10.10 (Jarvis).... 1 D. Rutherford’s Stronghold, 9.4 2 F. Tong’s Pretty Maid. 10.2.. 3 Also started: Leeside. 10.0; Showman, 9.7: Aorangi, 9.5; Defeat. 9.0; Southern Cross, 9.0; Whatakura, 9.0. Showman and Pretty Maid led over the stand hurdle, followed by Defeat and Aorangi. At Cutts’ Defeat took charge, with Showman, Aorangi, and Stormont as his nearest attendants. Whatakura here camo to grief. Along the back Stormont improved his position, and at the four-furlong post Aorangi was in front, followed by Showman, Stormont, Pretty Maid, and Stronghold. When well into the straight Stormont, Stronghold, and Pretty Maid went to the front, and a good race ended in Stormont winning by a neck, with Pretty Maid half-a-length away, third, and Leeside fourth. Time, 3.18 4-5. LINCOLN STEEPLECHASE of 250sovs. About two miles aud a-half. Hon. J. D. Ormond s b g Audax, syrs, by Birkenhead—Temeraire, 9.13 (A. Julian) 1 S. Darragh’s Kiatere, 12.9 2 R. McMiken’s Le Beau 10.5 3 Also started: Eurus, 11.7: Nadador, 10.13; Slow Tom, 10.13; Mooshen, 9.7; Canton, 9.7; Storm, 9.7; Starlight, 9.7. Starlight was first to show out, and at the kennels double he was well clear of Audax, while Storm. Canton, and Slow Tom ran off. Coming to the stand Audax ran to the front, and at Cutts’ he was followed by Starlight, Le Beau, Eurus, and Kiatere. The order remained unchanged along the back. Rounding the top turn at the brush fence Starlight fell. Audax was first over the final fence, and woo easily by four lengths from Kiatei’b, who beat Le Beau by three-quarters of a length for second place. iNauador was fourth and Eurus fifth. Time, 4.56 4-5. REDCLIFFS HANDICAP of 120sovs. Seven furlongs. Highden-’s br m Vasa, 4yrs, by Finland —Parera, 10.6 (Jenkins) 1 R. G. Harris’ Lone Star, 10.4 F. Higgott’s Truthful, 9.5 3 Also started: Helianthes, 10.12; Ruapehu, 9.13; Truthful, 9.5; Cavatina. 9.0; Portland 9.0; Thyrsus, 9.0. Helianthes was quickest away, and led into the straight. At the distance she was beaten und Vasa came through and won comfortably by two lengths and a-half from Lone Star, who was a head in front of Truthful. Time, 1.30 3-5. SELWYN HANDICAP of 150sovs. Six furlongs. C. C. Dalgety’s Prim. 4yrs, by Pilgrim’s Progress—Nantes, 9.3 (R. King) 1 K. McKay’s Lupulite, 11.5 2 Hon. J. D. Ormond’s Oxton, 10.11 3 Alsq started: White Cockade, 9.8; Volodia, 9.7; Golden Cairn, 9.8; Assault, 9.0. Lupulite and Volodia at once went to the front, and carried on the running to the distance, where Prim put in her claim. ’ Drawing away she won by a length and ahalf, a head separating the second and third horses. Volodia was fourth. Time, 1.16. HUNTER’S PLATE HANDICAP of lOOsovs. One mile and a-half. C. W. Bourne’s Paliada, aged, by Curassow, 11.11 (Mr Whitehead) 1 C. F. Vallance’s Dreamy Daniel, 11.0 .. 2 J. McCracken’s Ben Fortune, 11.0 3 Also started: Pilot, 13.13; Leonardo, 12.4; Janella, 11.9; Homeward, 11.9; Pacific, 11.7; Zither, 11.0; Wahlne, 11.0; Thunderstorm, 11.0. Ben Fortune cut out the running, and led right to the distance. Here Pallada and Dreamy Daniel challenged, and the former won by a length and a-half. with Ben Fortune a similar distance away. Pacific was fourth. Time, 2.50 4-5. + + + THE YALDHURST SALE. CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday. The sale of the late Mr. Geo. G. Stead’s horses was held to-day at Yaldburst and Grass lea stables, and was very largely attended, buyers being present from all parts of New Zealand and Australia. The purchases made by Messrs. J. D. Hall. G. F. Palmer, and J.. Chadwick were on behalf of Messrs. W. G. and G. L. Stead. The following are the prices realised:— YEARLINGS. Gns. Tx)S Angelos 230 ISweet Angel us 230 Nobel 525 Golden Slipper, H. Chisholm (Sydney) 450) Idyll, Skirving (Melbourne) 599 Soprano 225

Couute Witte 20) Armlet, G. D. Greenwood 50» Sunglow, same buyer 75.» G ulna forte 31 » Cheshire 325 Ormolu, J. D. Hull (Christchurch) 1551 Cronstadt 40) Vesper Bell 32 > Perle d Or, <l. D. Greenwood 20 n Nautifurm. G. G. F. i’almer IJK?) Cyinbriform 375 Bliss 45* Piston 450 Hope Drumond 170 Roselike 276 Royal Guard 10 > Pilgrim's Rest 120 Coroniform 310 Boniform, Chadwick (Auckland) .... 150» Multiform, John McDonald (N’.S.W.) . 375 > Royal Artillery, James Thomson (N.S.W.) 100 J Montiform, Watt (Hawke’s Bay) .... 375 Elite, Chadwick 600 Formedeu, Greenwood (Christchurch! 145‘* Actress L 7'» Lily White, Chadwick 850 Acrostic, Greenwood 70 > Lord Kelvin 25 » Brown colt Crown Derby, by Royal Artillery—Saucer, Mr. J. Chadwick (Auckland) 10) Chestnut colt White Crane, by Royal Artillery—Stresa, Mr. N. King (New Plymouth) 80 Bay colt Vice-Admiral, by Multiform —Rattler, Mr. G. Palmer (Christchurch) 250 Bay colt Sunburn, by Multiform— Drought, Mr. J. Chadwick (Auckland Brown colt Royal Arms, by Royal Ar-tillery--Barley Bree. Mr. N. King (New Plymouth) 170 Bay colt Nanda Devi, by Golden Knight—Britoness, Mr. G. Palmer (Christchurch) 59 Brown filly Formless, by Multiform Dreamer, Mr. R. O’Donnell (Christchurch) 325 Brown tilly by Stepniak — Royal Plumes, Mr. H. Gaisford (Hawke’s Bay) 210 Tottrl * BROOD MARES. Lady Huguenot, Mr. C. D. Greenwood (Christchurch) 825 Brown mare I’erolina (imported), 3yrs, by Persimmon —La Caroline, Mr. G. Johnstone (Wellington) . . 575 Brown mare (Happy Valley. Byrs, by Wallace—Far Away, Mr. 11. Gaisford (Hawke's Bay) 425 Brown mare Otterdeu, llyrs, by Sheen —Spring Morn, Mr A. Yuille (Melbourne) 1000 Bay mare La Notte, lOyrs, by Elridspord—La Tosca, Mr. E. J. Watt (Hawke’s Bay) 100) Bay mare Dreamer, 7yrs. by Mostyn— Mooroocoo, Mr. J. Chadwick (Auckland) 13ay mare Britoness, 7yrs, by Stepniak —Britomart, Mr. J. C. N. Grigg (Ashburton) ... 275 Bay mare Sans Peur, Syrs, by Souit — Forme, Mr. A. Yuille (Melbourne) 425 Bay mare Problem, 12yrs, by St. Hippo-—Ellerslie, Mr. A. Yuille (Melbourne) 750 Chestnut mare Cruciform, 7yrs, by St. Leger- Forme, Mr. A. Yuille (Melbourne) 135) Black mare Aura, 21 yrs, by Richmond —lnstep, Mr. J. Chadwick (Auckland) 150 Bay mare Stresa (imported), lOyrs, by Orvieto—Lady Fitsjames, Mr. G. I*. Donnelly (Hawke’s Bay) s<)> Brown mare Saucer (imported), 7yrs, by Sorcerer —Angola, Mr. 11. Chisholm (Sydney) 350 Bay mare Iso It, syrs, by Multiform— Bellicent. Mr. J. McDonald (New South Wales) 100) Bay mare Curfew Bell, 9yrs, by Bill of I‘ortland—Wild Rose, Mr. J. Chadwick (Aucklaml) 20) Brown mare Barley Bree, 9yrs, by Cardinal—Barley, Mr. H. Chisholm (Sydney) 309 Black mare Class, lOyrs, by Wallace— I.a Tosca, Mr. J. Chadwick (Auckland) 625 Brown mare Rattler, Oyrs, by Nelson —Moonga, Mt. A. Yuille (Melbourne) 100) Bay mare Drought, 7yrs, by Mostyn— Nightmare, Mr. G. Palmer (Christchurch) 170 Ray mare Edna May, syrs, by Multiform —Helen Faucit, Mr. A. McFarland (Culverden) 70 Brown marc Culroy, 7yrs, by Wallace — Hortense, Mr. G. Palmer (Christchurch) 375 Brown mare Fan Tan, Syrs, by Gossoon—Wheel of Fortune, Mr. 11. Chisholm (Sydney) 1G) Bay mare Bluefire. 15yrs, by Maxim — Sapphire, Mr. F. Dillon (Marlborough) 50 Chestnut mare Field Rose, lOyrs, by Hotchkiss—Rose of Wellington, Mr. W. Thompson (New South Wales) 310 Brown mare Royal Plumes, Oyrs. by Hotchkiss'— Ich Dien, Mr. H. Chisholm (Sydney) 160 Brown mare Zingana, 7yrs, by Cuirassier—Anita, Mr. A. Yuille (Melbourne) 220 Chestnut mare Ln Valiere, lOyrs, by Seaton Delava 1, Cha rente, Mr. J. Chadwick (Auckland) 26) Brown mare Romany Queen, lOyrs, by Hotchkiss—lch Dien, Mr. J. Grigg (Ashburton) 85 Brown mare Bloomer, 13yrs, by Apremont —Miss Kate, Mr. N. McLean (Amberley) 39 Total 12,660 Grand Total 41,815


No Notice of Engagements or Marriages can bd Inserted unless Signed by Our Own Correspondent or by some responsible person, with Full Name and Address. The marriage of Miss Elsie Joseph and Mr. F. Nathan is tp take place about Septemlier 17th. ami early next year a trip to England will ensue Rumours of a lovely trousseau and a wonderful wedding dress direct from Paris are exciting us all. writes our Wellington correspondent. The engagement is announced of Miss Beatrice Nicholson, 8.A., of Victoria College, Wellington (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nicholson, of Nelson), to Mr. Walter Scott, M.A.. B.Se., of the Indian Civil service. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Eva Bryant, of the nursing staff of Wellington Hospital, to Mr. W. O. Wilkinson, Oriental Bay, Wellington. The engagement is Announced of Miss M. Messenger, daughter of Col. Messenger, New Plymouth, to Mr. Somerset Smith, Wellington. The engagement is announced of Miss Ann Westwood, of Remuera. Auckland, to Mr. Ranford Worthing, of San Diego, California, U.S.A.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLI, Issue 8, 19 August 1908, Page 14

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GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLI, Issue 8, 19 August 1908, Page 14

GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLI, Issue 8, 19 August 1908, Page 14

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