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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mr. W. Leyland returned by the Takapuna on Sunday from Wellington. Nr. T. Gresham returned by the Rarawa from New Plymouth on Saturday. Mr. Alf. Kidd, M.H.R., went South by jthe Takapuna on Monday. Miss Bridges (Christchurch) is visiting Mrs. Nolan, Gisborne. Mr. 1). Cummings was a passenger for New Plymouth, en route to Wellington, by the Rarawa on Sunday.

Miss M- Towle left Auckland on .Monday by the Waikare on a visit to Wellington. Mr. G. F. Court, jun., with his sister, Miss E. Court, left Auckland for Christchurch by the s.s. Waikare on Monday.

Mrs. E. If. Sandford, of Epsom, returned to Auckland from Christchurch by the s.s. Waikare last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. AV. It. Bloomfield were passengers on Monday by the Waikare for Gisborne.

M. Boeufve, the French Consul in Auckland, left by the Waikare on Monday for Lyttelton on a visit South.

Colonel Gudgeon, Administrator of the Cook Islands, is at present on a visit to Gisborne.

Mr. and Mrs. Northcroft were passengers from the South on Sunday by the Takapuna.

Mr. Josiah Martin returned from a visit to the Islands last week by the Narva.

Miss- Williams (Dunedin) is visiting her brother, Mr. C. Williams, at Gisborne.

Archdeacon Willis and family, of Cambridge. have gone to their seaside re.-i--denee at St. Heller’s for seven weeks.

Aliss Mells leaves with her father in a week's time for a trip to the Exhibition, writes our Cambridge correspondent.

Airs, and Miss Richardson, of Cambridge, are at present staying with Air. and Mrs. Muir Douglas at Kohimarama, Auckland.

' Air. and Airs. C. Stewart have been spending Xmas in Cambridge, staying at '“A'almai,” the residence of Air. and Airs. James Hally.

Last week the officers of the Navua presented their third engineer, Air. AV. J, M’hite, with a solid silver tea service', on the occasion of bis approaching marriage.

Air. AV. N. AliTntosh, who will represent the Ponsonby Bowling Club in the tournaments to be held at Alasterton and Christchurch, left for the South last week.

Aliss AA’ells. of “Oakleigh,” Cambridge, and Aliss Shipherd, of Onehunga, have returned to Cambridge from their trip to Rotorua, ‘where they spent a fortnight.

Christchurch citizens are making arrangements for entertaining Sir Joseph

Ward before he leaven for England. Nothing definite is decided yet. but it is probable that a banquet will be given on January lt». The Rev. Father Gillan, V.G., of St. Benedict’s, went South by the Rarawa on Sunday on a holiday visit to Christchurch. He expects to lie back in Auckland about the 19th inst.

Air. P. A. Philips, formerly town clerk of Auckland, is at present an inmate of “The Pines” private hospital, Randwick, Sydney, in a precarious state of health.

Air.. Mrs., and Alisses Black. Mr. and Mrs. Patullo, Airs, and Aliss Seymour, Aliss H. Johnson, and Miss L. Monckton are passengers by the Waikare for the Sounds trip, writes our Gisborne correspondent. Air. Joseph Devlin, AI.P. for West Bel fast, returned from Rotorua on Saturday, and proceeded South by the Rarawa on Sunday. He was accompanied to the wharf by Messrs. M. J. Shea han, Speight, R. AleVeagh, and other gentle men.

A pleasing ceremony was performed at the Chief Post Office. Thames, when Mr. T. G. Swindells, who proceeds to Auckland, was presented by the Chief Postmaster, on behalf of the staff, with a handsome case of pipes and pouch as a token iff the esteem in which he was held by the staff. At the close of work at Messrs. Cousins and Atkins’ bridge works at Hamilton, on Alondav week, the manager, Air. AV. Atkin, on behalf of the staff', presented Air. Fred Greenwood, who is leaving the firm’s employment, with a silver-mount-ed cigarette-holder, suitably inscribed, and wished the recipient every success in the future.

Aliss A. AV. Whitelaw. ALA., the newly appointed headmistress of the Girls’ Grammar School, who arrived in the colony by the Gothic, came on to Auckland last week. Since completing her course

at Girton College, Aliss M liitelaw has held the position of House Mistress at AA’yconibe Abbey School, one of the best secondary schools for girls in England. The degree of M.A. was conferred upon her by Trinity College. Dublin. Before leaving .England for Auckland she visited a number of leading English schools for the purpose of observing their methods of working. The new school will, of course, not be available for many months, but meanwhile temporary accommodation will be obtained probably in the vicinity of Symonds-street. The following visitors were staying at the AVaiwera Hot Springs during the Xmas and New Year holidays:—Mr Bachelder, Airs Dormer and child, Aliss Selgren, Air and Airs John Cole and family. Air Johnson, Air Finn, Dr. and Airs Roberton and family. Air and Airs Longuet, Air and Airs R. Neill, Air and Airs Ruddock and family, Air and Airs

Payton and family, Air and Airs Jaggusch, Air and Airs Larner and children, Air A. E. Whittaker, Air and Airs A. Watson, Air and Airs Overton Smith and children. Air Gibson, Air Stevens, Air and Mrs R. Whitson and child, Air Stout, Aliss AA'alker, Judge and Airs AlcCorniick and family, Miss Beale, Air and Airs Gilfillan, junr., Aliss Long, Air and Mrs Tole and family, Aliss Averell, Miss Nathan, Mr Marchant, Airs and Miss Louis, Dr. Barter, Aliss Dennison, Miss Curnow, Air Jones, Air Hamon, Air

Baker, Air and Mrs J. Sevcombe ami family, Miss Willis. Miss James. Mrs E. Anderson ami child, Mr Wm. Mowbray. Mr Tltom|HM>n. Mr D. Brown, Mr and" Airs Henry Walker and family. Airs Scruby. Mr Ba’chelder’s two children ami nurse, Mr and Mrs Hill. Miss Suttee, Messrs McGregor, Mr Eversleigh, Mr Land, Mr and Mrs R. Steele, Mr and Airs Warren. Miss Neill. Mr Garrard, Alisses Frater, Mr Castlebcrg. Captain Sharpe, Captain Moffatt, Mrs Walker, Sir Percy, Mr Dawson, Air Barnet, Air and Mrs Walker. Airs Robertson and child."Mr J. Mowbray, Air and Airs Butler, Miss Jiltillan, jun.. Messrs Walker, Air Averell, Air and Mrs N. A. Nathan, Air Leviston, Miss McLachlan, Mrs and Miss A. Clarke, Mr Ross. Mr ami Mrs Curnow. Aliss Hyde, Messrs Clarke (2), Air Sowden. Mr and Mrs Coates. Air amt Airs Vaile. Air James. Mr and Mrs Rylance, Mr Dickson, Mr Bolton. Mr Belridge. Air G. Brown, Mr Patterson.

HAWKE'S BAY PROVINCE. Mrs. A. Campliell lias returned to Napier after a holiday in the country. Miss Hitching®, of Napier, is on a visit to Christchurch, Mr. Joseph Cresswell has left Napier on a visit to Christchurch. Miss Todd lias returned to Napier after spending a holiday in Christchurch. Miss Hamlin has returned to Napier after a week or two in the Wairarapa. Mr. C. Cranby, Napier, is on a visit to Wellington. Miss Martin. Napier, is spending some ■weeks in Wellington. Captains Todd and East, of Napier, are on a visit to Dunedin. Miss Bright, of Gisborne, is spending some weeks in Napier. Miss Gradham has returned io Napier after spending a holiday in Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. Laing, of Napier, accompanied by Miss Arber, ot London, are visiting the South. Mrs. St. Clair, of Wellington, who is spending some weeks in Napier, is the guest of Mrs. Headley. Mrs. Hawkins, of Wellington, is on a visit to Napier, and is the guest of Mrs. Neville. Mr. J. Jack, deputy official assignee, has returned to Napier after spending a holiday in the South. Mr. Harold Gregson has returned to Napier after spending a year in the Old Count ry. Mrs. R. Dunean has returned to Napier, after spending some weeks in Christchurch. Mrs. Arnold, of Brisbane, accompanied by Master and Miss Arnold, is on a three months’ visit to her brother, Mr. A. Weaver, of Hastings. Mr. E. J. Railton and family, of Johannesburg, South Africa, are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Tan Simpson, of Havelock North.

WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Mr. and Mrs. W. Atkinson, of Wanganui, have gone to Christchurch. Mrs. and Miss Blundell, of Wanganui, have gone to Wellington for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Barnicoat, of Wanganui, are staying in Napier,

Mr. lloustan and Di Wii.-nii. of Wanganui, are staying in Auckland. , Miss Biss, of Auckland, is staying in AA’anganui. with Mr. and Mrs. Biss. Airs, and the Misses Humphries, of AVanganui, are staying in Napier. Mrs. John Anderson, of AVanganui. is the guest of Miss Brabant, ill Napier. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sheriff, of AA'anganlii, have gone to Rotorua for the holidays. Air. amt Mrs. Empson, of AA’anganui, are in Christchurch for a visit. ■Mr. and Airs. Orford, of Wanganui, have gone to Christchurch. Mr. ami Airs. James Watt, of Wanganui. are visiting friends in Auckland. Mrs Fitzlierbert (Manawatui is paying a visit to relations in AVellington. Air and Mrs Buchanan have been spending the holidays in Nelson. Airs Stratton Izard (Wairarapa) is in Wellington for a week or two. Airs Aylmer (Feilcling) is staving with friends in AVellington. Mrs Menzies is back in Wellington after a stay in Rangitikei. Mr IL Speed (Wanganui) was n visitor to the Palmerston races. Air A. Guy has returned to Palmerston from a trip to Rotorua. Mr A'aughan (Martinborougli) spent a few days in Palmerston at New Year. Mr and Mrs Hector Smith (Hawke's Bay) have been making a stay in Wellington. The Misses Deane (Napier) have been staying with Air and Mrs Loudon in AVellington for a time. Aliss Medley (Wellington) is paying a round of visits in the Taranaki district. Sir Kenneth Douglas is back in Wellington after a fortnight in the Wairarapa district. Miss Lorimer (Nelson) is spending a week or two in Wellington, where she has mane friends. Air ami Mrs H. Holmes (AVairarapa) were in Wellington for a visit staying with Mr Bell at Lowry Bay. Air and Airs Gillespie (Feilding) have been spending the holidays in AVellington. Air H. AValdegrave (Palmerston North) has been on a fishing expedition to Taupo. Airs. C. Armstrong (Gisborne) is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs E. J. Armstrong, Palmerston North. Mr. and Airs. 11. Hmldlestone, of Auckland, spent a few days in Wanganui on their way home from Christchurch. Air IL AA'ilson (Manilla) is in Palmerston visiting his father and sisters, Mr Kenneth Wilson and the Alisses Wilson. Dr and Airs Alartin (Palmerston North) have returned from their wedding trip. On their way from Sydney they visited Rotorua and Auckland. Air Richie Abraham (Alasterton) spent the Christmas holidays with his [larcnts, Air and Airs R. S. Abraham, Palmerston North. The Rev. and Airs C. C. Harper (Palmerston North) left on the 2nd inst., on a month's holiday trip. They ara at present in Christchurch.

Mrs Collins hxs left Wellington for a •hurt visit to her relations in Dunedin before leaving for England with her ■OB. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Fitzherbert, of Wanganui, leave early next month for England, where they intend to reside. They go Home via Japan. Mr* R. Wood has arrived from England to stay with her people, Mr and Mrs Shortt, at Muritai. Her husband, who is an engineer in the navy, is Dow in the Mediterranean Station. Dr Fitchett and Mrs Fitchett iWellington • are going to take a holiday trip to England very shortly. They wid l*e awav about nine months, travelling by Suez. Mr < . Izard. M.H.R., leaves for England at the end of the month, and will return i i time for the Parliamentary session. Mr* Izard, who has been spending a year in England, is coming back with him. Mr and Mrs H. Lysaght (Haw-era) have been the guest« of the Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis for a week or two. Mrs Lysaght is a sister of the bishop, ami her marriage took place while she was on a visit to him. Mi P. t. Freeth. who has been the proprietor of the morning paper, the Manawatu Times. Palmerston North, for the past four year*, was presented by the *taff with a silver shaving mug, etc., on hi* terminating his connection with that paper. Mr Freeth leaves very shortly on a visit to England and the Continent. Everyone in Wellington is glad to see Mr Per<-y Buller back looking so much better for hi* trio to England, as his health was far from satisfactory when he left. His stay in the Old Country was saddened by the death of >.r Walter Buller. Hi* brother, Mr Leo Buller, has come out with him again on business connected with the winding-up of his father * v*tate. sir Walter Buller left handsome bequests to Wellington charilie*. which do not usually benefit by such windfalls, and are therefore pro* port ionate’y gratefid. Among |»a.**engers who arrived in Wellington by the Maheno were Captain F»-rgii«son. K.N.. and Mrs Fergusson. who have come out to visit the latter’s jieople. Mr and Mrs T. C. Williams. Captain i - rrgn*son is a son of a former Governor of New Zealand. Sir James Fergusson. and. though born in Tasmania. came to New Zealand as a child, and *pent a. few years in this country Wore going to England with his parents. Hi* marriage with Miss Git ha Williams took place _in Scotland* where Mi*-.Wi> liam* wa* staying for a time with Lord and Lady Glasgow, who are also connection* «:f his. as his brother .married Ladj' Alice Boyle.


Mr. R. Grace, is staying at St row an. flu guest of Mr. and Mr*, tie.,. G. Stead. Mr*. Verm-n ha*. returned to Christ •hiiivh from Dunedin. Mr*. P»«sl*erry Nam-arrow t Sydney) iUh gue*t «.f Mrs. M. Campbel! i Avon side). Mr*. Uhuffey fCulverdeji) ha* been staying with Mrs. Wardrop (Christ church 5. Mr*. Fred Ballin ■ Auckland• i< on j visit to her panmt* at Rotomah. Meri vale. Mr*. N. Davi* ;Aucklandj is al*< a v i*itor at Rotomah. Mr*. Undo Fergu*«*n ami Mis* Wrbs t*-r i Dunedin > have been staying at tin United Service Hotel. Cathedral Square < in i*tc hun-h. Mr. and Mr*. A. Von Haast » Welling lingt'-n - are the guests of Professor Mac-millan-Brown, at Fendalton. Christ church.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 2, 12 January 1907, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 2, 12 January 1907, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 2, 12 January 1907, Page 41

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