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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Captain IT. Aforrisby is at present in charge of the Manuka. Miss Stella Empson (Rotorua) is visiting in Waihi at present. Mr and Mrs Sare (Hamilton) are staying at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua. Mr, Mrs ami Miss Perry (Gisborne) are staying at Brent’s, Rotorua. Colonel R. H. Davies, 0.C.D., left by the Rarawa for Taranaki on Sunday. Mrs Oxley (Auckland) spent last week in Rotorua, at Hinemoa House. Mrs Maxwell and family (Auckland) are staying in Rotorua for some time. Dr. R. H. Makgill, of the Health Department, arrived in Auckland from the South on Sunday. Mr. E. T. and Miss U. Williams, of Wellington, left by the Manuka on Monday, en route for England. His Excellency Admiral Sir William Fawkes and Lady Fawkes arrived from the South on Sunday by the Manuka. Mrs. Walter Gaudin, of Gisborne, is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. Kronfeld, Auckland. Mr, Mrs and the Misses Stuckey (Masterton) are visiting Rotorua, and staying at Brent's. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holmes, Glad-stone-road, Auckland, returned from their trip to Rotorua last week. Mrs Milward and her family (Fiji) •re staying at Hinemoa House, Rotorua, on an extended visit. Miss Vera Phillips, Melbourne, who is visiting Auckland for three months, is at present the guest of Mrs. Edmund Mahoney, Mount Eden. Mr White (manager of Bank of New Zealand, Hawera), Mrs White and Miss White, who are paying Rotorua a visit, are staying at Kia Ora House. Mrs. Archer-Burton (Sydney), who is paying a short visit to Auckland, is staying with Mrs. Edmund Mahony, of Mount Eden. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. R. Bloomfield and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bloomfield (Parnell) left Auckland last week for Wanganui via the river. Mrs. and Miss Quilliam (New Plymouth) are at present in Auckland, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horrocks, Gladstone-road, Parnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry and Miss Perry, of “Waimata,” Gisborne, are visiting Rotorua. They intend returning home via New Plymouth. Captain Post, of the Tutanekai, who has been severely indisposed during the past month, is now able to get about, though still suffering from the effects of his illness.

Mr W. Baxter, manager of the Auckland Friendly Societies* Dispensary, has resigned his position, and leaves at the end of this month for Christchurch to commence business on his own account.

Sir Lionel and Lady McMahon, of London, arrived from the South by the Manuka on Sunday, aud are staying at the Grand Hotel. Sir Lionel belonged to the well-known 58th regiment, and also served in the Zulu War.

Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Gould arrived in Auckland from Wellington by the Rarawa last Sunday, and left on Monday by the Manuka for their future home in Sydney.

Mr. Horrocks, of Auckland, who has been visiting the Old Country for the past eighteen months, returned to New Zealand by the Mokoia last Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. S. Thome George and Alins George (Auckland), a<»*onipanied by Miss Hislop, of Wellington. left on Wednesday last on a visit to the thermal district. Mr. J. R. Watt, Bank of Australasia, has been granted a year’s leave of absence, and intends visiting England and Australia. He left Auckland by the Manuka last Monday. The directors of the Press Association have presented Mr. A. At. Burns, now of the “Christchurch Press,” with a substantial gift as a mark of their appreciation of his valuable services during his long connection with the association. Mi s. A. B. Donald, who has been staying at jhe Grand Hotel, Rotorua, returned to Auckland last week. Miss Clark, of Sydney, who is her guest, accompanied her. Mr. Donald left for the Islands on Tuesday for a short visit. Mr E. N. G. Piral ton, private secretary to the lion. Colonel Pitt, AttorneyGeneral anil Acting-Minister for Railways, arrived in Auckland last week. Air Poulton, who was recently married in Wellington was accompanied by his wife. Among the visitors at Rotorua from Auckland are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nathan. Colonel and Mrs. Burton, Mr. aud Mrs. W. R. Holmes, Air. and Airs. W. Gedtlis, Mrs. Littler, Mrs. Bert AV hit son. Miss Muriel Whitson, the Aliases Ireland. Aliss AlcCullaugh, Airs. Joseph Buddle, Airs. Dellovv. The following ig the list of visitors at Okoroire Hotel for the past week:—• Air.. Airs, and Master Eilbeek. Sydney; Air. Gaines. 1 .S.A.; Air. O’Callaghan, Wellington; Mr. Perry. Alasterton; Air. Bremer, Alasterton; Air. Parkin, Rotorua; Mr. and Airs. Allan, Piako; Dr. and Airs. Grant, Auckland: Air. Clifton, Auckland; Air. J. Ross, llanga. Th,? teachers, members of the cadet corps, and the pupils of the Beresfordstreet Schoo]. Auckland, met last week to bid fare well to Mr. IL G* Cousins, ALA.. late first assistant of that school, now headmaster of the Normal School. Air. Hart, the headmaster, in presenting Mr. Cousins with a set of valuable books, referred to the excellent work done by him, both as a pupilteacher and as first-assistant of the Beresford-street School. Mr. Cousins, in replying, said that what little success he had attained was due to the fact that he had started and practised teaching for so many years in the good school he was now leaving. Tiie following is a list of the visitors staying at Waivvera Hot Springs during the past week: Captain AlcKenzie and Al asters AlcKenzie, Captain Dawes (Devonport), Mr and Mrs Arnold Pike and Aliases Pike, Aliss Goddard, Air Hardwick t England), Mrs and Miss Oakden (Dunedin), Aliss Oakden (Devonport), Airs Brown, Aliss Lozer (Auckland), Air Spencer Jones. Mr Gaffney (Melbourne}. Mr Noyes (Dunedin), Mr Goodman, Lieut. Dawson, Mrs and Miss Dawson, Air Dawson, Aliss Shcra (Auckland), Air and Mrs Chater and Masters (hater (United »States), Miss W ratten (Hamilton), Mr and Mrs N. C. Bagnall. Air and Mrs Towle (Auckland), Air Aluir (Gisborne), Aliss Alatthevvs, Mr Torbpft, Air R. McMillan (Auckland), Air McLean (Epsom), Air Geo. Snook (Warkworth), Mr Mill (Auckland), Air AV. R. Mowbray (Parnell), Air Farrington (Auckland), Mr and Mrs Arthur Joske (Fiji), Airs Baxter (AVhangarei), Mr Dawson (Devonport), Mr Moore (Warkworth) A Alia Barry (N.S.W.).

Air. Boyce Buber. manager of the Bank of New Zealand. Auckland branch, who has been granted 12 months’ leave of absence, purposes spending his holiday in a trip to Europe, aud on Tuesday left by the Mokoia tu catch the Ayrshire at Wellington. Air. Buller was presented by the local staff of the bank last week with a gold sovereign case,

suitably inscribed. The accountant, Mr. F. D. Clayton. made the presentation on behalf of the staff in a few happily chosen words, concluding with the hope that Mr. and Mrs. Buller and their daughters would have a pleasant voyage and holiday. Mr. Buller, who is Auckland born. has been in the service of the bank in various capucit'es for 39 years. During that period he has managed at different times the Dunedin and New Plymouth branches, was inspector for a number of years, and also occupied the important post of acting general manager. This is the first occasion on which Mr. Buller will have been outside the colony, and his large circle of friends all wish him bon voyage on his first trip to the Ohl Country. Mr. Buller was accompanied by Mrs. Buller and two (laughters. Amongst the visitors at AVaiwcra House. Rotorua, last week were: Mr and Airs Kissel, Aliss Livingstone. Mr and Aliss Dawson (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Kinglet (Feilding), Airs Chas. Lewis and Aliss Lewis, Mr and Mrs Hewitt (Christchurch). Mr John Beale (Parnell), Air and Airs Bastor ( Ponsonby). Air. C. B. Delaney, Mr Fowler, Aliss Mulholland, Air and Mrs Biglow. Dr and Airs Fivmgley. Air and Mrs 11. Horton. Air and Mrs Chatfield. Mrs Thome and the Alisses Thorne, Mrs Pierce and the Misses Pierce, Air and Mrs and Miss A’oung (Auckland): Captain and Airs Hawes (Wanganui) : Captain Hill (Fiji) ; Air and Mrs Gardiner and son (and maid). (Quebec, Canada); Mr Carter and the Alisses Carter (2). Air and Airs J. J. Foster. Air and Mi-s Rimmer. Air McEvoy, Air and .Mrs A-hinsit-tart (England i; Mr Giow r Anzino (Rome, Italy) : Airs J. P. Dugdale, Mr Tanner, Airs Elder (Wellington); Air Rowen, Air and Aliss Fink. Miss Brandt (Alelbeurih?) ;. Mr < arton (Sydney); Airs Andersen (C anada) ; Mr and Aliss Beecroft (South Island). TARANAKI PROVINCE. Aliss L. Thomson (New Plymouth) is the guest of Airs. Dargav i !e. Parnell. Airs. Blundell (New Plymouth) is on a visit to- friends in Auckland. Air. James AVeir (New Plymouth) has gone on a visit to his parents in Oamaru. He intends cycling through from Nelson. Aliss Self, from Sydney, is visiting Mrs. Hempton, senr. (New Plymouth). Dr. A a lent inc (Stratford) is heaving for a trip in the Old C ountry in the middle of April. Airs. Reginald Bayley and Miss E. Bayley (New Plymouth) are staying at Brent's, Aliss G. Shaw (New Plymouth) has returned to take up her studies in Wellington. Air. Alervyn AVilson has returned to New Plymouth after his short visit to AVhangarei, Air. and Mrs. Fred. Taylor have returned to Auckland after their \ i-it to New Plymouth. Air. P. S. Whit combe, secretary of the Education Board. New Plymouth, is on a visit to Mokau and Avvakino. Air. 11. Skinner (New Plymouth) has left for Wellington to continue his studies at the University there. Aliss Brewer (Wanganui), who is spending a few days in Hawera, is the guest of Airs. Nolan. Airs. AA'oodward. who had been <|>cnding a few days with Mrs. Tonka (Ha wera), has returned to Stratford. Mr. A. Hirst, of the Bank of New Zealand. Hawera, has Iwcn transferred to Pa tea. Air. Norton has been transferred t<i the Bank of New South Wales, Hawera. from l*atea. Airs. Standish, who has been on a visit to Afasterton, to attend her son'wed<liug, has returned to New Plymouth. Mr. and Airs. Arthur llegipton. o| Pahiatua, have left for hevuka, where

the former is to take up his duties in the bank. Mr. E. J. ILiEett ha« left New Plymouth for Inglewood, where he takes up the position of managing «h rk for Air. Harold Thonwom Mr. Frank Gardiner of the New Plymouth railway clerical staff, ha- been tra n-feried to Puhner-tnn \<»rth. Mr. 11. Ford, of < ireatiot’d. taking his phu-e. Mr. Blackmore, accountant of the National Bank. New Plymouth, has been transferred to Wellington. Mr. von Dadel-zen of Napier, is taking hi- j Lo e. HAWKES BAY PROVINCE. Airs Dr. Edgar • Napier) is spending some weeks in Levien. Mrs Pharazvn has returned to Napier after spending three months in Rotorua. Miss Weeks (Sydney) is spending some months in Napier. Aliss Hit t hings has returned to Levien after spending some months in Napier. Air ami Airs H. St. Hill are spending a week in Napier. Airs Stedman has returned to Napier after spending a holiday in Rotorua. Airs W. Davis (Kumeroa) is -pending a week in Napier. Aliss Clarke (Pct one), who is in Napier. is the guest of Mrs Todd. Miss McLernon, of Napier, is visiting friends in Danurvirke. Miss Gaisford (Oringi) is -pending a week in Napier. Aliss L. Gilberison, who is spending a holiday in Napier, is the guest of Miff Nairn. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Mrs. Palmer ami Miss Cameron, of Wanganui, are visiting Rotorua. Mr E. Keilhr (Rangifikei) fs going to England by the Corinthie far a trip. Airs 11. n.irdiiig ‘Wellington) has gone t > Taranaki for a visit. Aliss liareourt (Wellington) is visiting friends in < hristvhureh. Airs Alan Strang Palmerston North) was in ( 'i rist elm reh for the polo tournament. Aliss (diver (llawke's Bay) is visiting her sister. Mr- M. Phms.m’. PahnetMui Nort h. Air and Mis s]|j V as. of lie I nL n Bank, have hd t Palmer-’on North ami gone to Wellington. General Babington ami Mis Ba bing* ton. who have been paving visits ifi Hawke's Bay. a <• in Wellington again. Mr and Mrs David Nathan ha\«* returned. to Wrlli’:gt‘>n after an nl)-en<* of over a. y< ar m England. Miss K. \la< k<d|ar ( Kclhurne. \\ > sing ton) is paving visits io tia-mls in Palm Airs Armstrong (Palmerston North} is spending a lew da\ s with her -mi, Mt 11. Armstrong, at Tokomaiu. Mrs and Mi-<cs Filzherb -rt are back at the Lower Hutt (Wellington) after a stay in Napier. Airs. IL Peake, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit to Auckland and < ‘aniibridge. Airs Stanton Ilanteurt is back iff AVellington again after some weeks spent at Aurklaml ami the Hot Lake-. Colonel ( haytor (Wellington) has been spending a fortnight or -o in Alar Bio rough. Mr U Wright, who has been the gue-t of Mr ami Mrs W. Park, of Palmerston North, tor several weeks, has returned to his home in Durban. Profe--< r tn.l Mr- Maclaiirin are ba< k in Wellington after a htdidav of ihr<e months in the North. I hey o : urin e' via the Wanganui River ami Taupo.

Professor and Mrs Brown, who hare been spending-the summer months at I>ake Wakatipu, are back in Wellington •gain. Captain and Mrs Rose, who have been paying visits in the South Island, are back in Wellington again. They return to England next mouth. Miss Watt, of Wellington, has returned to the Empire City from Wanganui, and leaves shortly for a trip to England. Dr. and Mrs Henry, who have been in England for about nine months, are returning to Wellington about the end of April. . The Rev. ,T. de C. Robinson arrived from England by the Ruapehu. He is to undertake the duties of curate of St. Paid's Parish, Wellington. Mr E. Trevor Gould, formerly of Auckland, who is leaving Wellington for Australia, was presented with a set of bowls by the Thorndon Bowling Club, of which he was a popular member. Mrs Whitehouse, who has been in Picton for some time, is back in Wellington again. She returns to England before long, and will probably go on to India. Dr. and Mrs Webster are back in Wellington after a trip to the South Island. They have moved into the house on tho Terrace,' formerly occupied by Dr. Maclean. Miss Gilfillan, of Auckland, is staying in Wanganui with her aunt. Mrs. D’Arcy. Mi's. H. Marsack, of Auckland, who has been staying in Wanganui with relations, lias returned to her home. Mrs Thomas and the Misses Thomas have been making a short stay in Wellington after their arrival by the Ruapehu. They left Christchurch for the Old Country about a year ago, and have been living in London most of the time.

Miss Cora Lee has left Wellingtdn for Auckland en route to Sydney (writes our correspondent). From there she travels to England with Miss Ellie Williams, whose health, it is hoped, will be benefited by the trip Home. Mi's and Miss Deans are back in Wellington after an. absence of some weeks iiy Auckland ami Rotorua..returning by way oU -the--Wanganui River. -After- a short stay i-u Wellington they w ill leave for Canada en route to England, where their home is. Mr R. V. O’Connor and Mrs ('. O’Connor (Wellington) are back after a round-the-world trip lasting eleven months. While away they visited Canada. ( liina, England, Europe, Australia and Japan, making a long stay in the latter country. They spent three months in Ireland, visiting relations. Mr. Justice Cooper returns to Wellington on Thursday, and leaves again for Dunedin in a day or so (writes our correspondent). He will return for the Court of Appeal sittings at the end of the month. Mrs. Cooper, who accompanied him South, returned to Wellington last week.

SOUTH ISLAND. Mr Moody, teller of the Bank at Te Awamutu, is to be transferred to Auckland. Mrs. George Harper has returned to Christchurch from Australia, where she has been visiting' her daughter, Mrs. I.oughnan. - • .. Dr. Mabel Hardy (England! and Miss Hardy are staying with Dr. Alice -Moorhouse (Christchurch). Dr. and Mrs. Roberton (Auckland)' have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Talbot al Oxford Terrate, Christchurch. Dr. and Mrs. Lucas (Nelson) have been staying with Dr. and Mrs. Acland (Christchurch).' JlK.i ’ Mrs. Otterson (England) is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ranald .Macdonald. Braley Avenue. Christchurch. Mrs. .1. Beckett (Riccarton) has returned from a long visit to her sister in the North Island. * Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Anderson leave jChristchureh next month on a visit to England. Mrs. Strang (Manawatu) is the guest of Mrs. J. D. Hall at “Riseholme,” Middleton. ! Mr. Helmore (Fcndalton) and his son, jilr. Desmond Hblindre? leave ChristehuK'h, early next mouth on a visit tq South America, y

. Mr. and Mrs. Secretan and Mis Sea Secretan (Fendalton) have returned to Christchurch from their visit to Auckland and Rotoraa.- ■ - Mr and Mrs .$. Williamson (Gisborne > are in Christchurch for the polo tournament. They also intend making a short visit to Timaru. H. G. Siedeberg (Dunedin) will be unable to play in the New Zealand cricket team, and W. Brooke-Smith, of Auckland, has been selected to fill his place. Mr. H. Brett (Auckland), who has been attending the meeting of the Press Association at Pieton, has arrived iu Christchurch on a visit to his daughters, Mrs Waleot Wood and Mrs Peter Wood, at Merivale (writes our correspondent). A private cable message states that Leonard Greenwood,B.A., a son of the official assignee. Christchurch, has been elected a fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. It is believed that Greenwood is the first New Zealander on whom this honour has been conferred. Messrs C. Tendall, C. M. Rout. N, G. McLean. L. S. Kempthorne. C. H. Mackay. J. E. Allen, and Lieut. C. H. R. Watts, ex-students of Nelson College, have recently' left Wellington for Home in order to pursue professional studies. There are now 70 e.x-Ne'son Collegians in the United Kingdom, of whom about 30 are in the medical profession.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12, 24 March 1906, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12, 24 March 1906, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12, 24 March 1906, Page 41

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