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Personal Paragraphs

Miss Kettle (Christchurch) is on a visit to Mrs S. Williamson (Gisborne). Miss 11. Agnew-Browne (Gisborne) is on a visit to Auckland. Mrs. C. Tisdall (Rotorua) is in Auckland at present. Mrs. Steggall, St. Stephen’s Avenue, Parnell, is on a visit to Rotorua. Mrs. Ruck, of Auckland, is visiting Rotorua. r Mr. J. W. ShaekeUord went South last week by the Rarawa. Dr. Mabel Baillie returned to Fiji by the Navua last week. Mr C. Caramel arrived from the South by the Waikare last week. Mrs. and Miss Blanche Worsp are staying at Kawau. Miss Worsp is camping at Rotorua with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thornton. The Aii-scs AL and G. Holmes, of Christchurch, are staying with Mrs E. IL Davit t (Gisborne) for a. few weeks. Mr and Mrs Guy Williams, Masterton, are visiting Dr. and Mrs T. Hope Lewis, Mrs Williams parents. Mr. T. J. Lea, Cambridge manager of the Bank of New South Wales, has been promoted to the Fahiatua bramh. Air G. Donnelly, of the Auckland telegraph office, has left for Oamaru. to which place he has been transferred. Air, A. Baker, of the Thames branch of the Bank of New Zealand, has bee’j promoted to the Paeroa branch. Mr. IL Toogood. of Featherstone, has been appointed chief engineer to the Taupo limber Company. Dr. and Mrs. Coates (Auckland) are visiting Rotorua. Dr. Coates is to take part in the bowling tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons (Parnell) have just spent two or three weeks in Rotorua and at Wairakei. Mrs. Ireland and the Misses Ireland (Parnell) are staying at Brent’s, Rotorua, just now. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitson,. of San Francisco, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Auckland, have returned home. Mr. Arnold .Norrie has been appointed assistant to the Rev. J. L. PattuTo, Presbyterian minister at Wai hi. lie will re-ide at Katikati. Mr. C. Bryson, chief clerk South British Insurance Company, Auckland, rectnved notice of his transfer to Wellington last week. Mrs. and Miss Moss, Gladstone Road, Auckland, have let their house, and are spending a short holiday at Rotorua. They are staying at Brent’s. Miss L. Turner (Rotorua) has let her house, furnished, fur a short time, and is visiting friends in Lauranga for a week or so. Mrs. Bloomfield and Aliss Reay, Brigh-ton-road, Parnell, Auckland, are on a visit to Rotorua, am! are staying at Brent's Bathgate House. Mr Nelson A. Marsdon, son of Mr W. H. P. Marsdon, of Thames, has passoil both the oral and practical sections of a dental examination held in Dunedin. Captain C. Sinison, on leave from South Africa, is at present in Aucklan I, and is the guest of Mr and Mrs Sinison, Hamilton-road. Mr. Wm. Ware, who is making a trip to England, left Auckland on Tuesday for Wellington, where he catches the Athenie. Mr and Mrs Ernest tskeates and family, of Birkenhead, are leaving for England by the R.M.s. Corinthic, leaving Wellington on March 20th. Mr. A. R. Stone, for five years past paymaster at the Southern end of the Main Trunk line, has been transferred to Auckland. Mr. John Park, who formerly was manager of the Onehunga Woollen Mills, has gone to Napier to take charge of the Hawke’s Bay woolen mill. Dr. Poma re. Native Health Officer, left. Auckland last week to visit the Cook Islands, where he will inquire into the sanitary condition of the native •ettk* meats, . .

Mr. and Airs. Grey aml Miss Grey Dunedin, are at present in Auckland. They' leave by’ the ’Frisco mailboat on an extended trip to the Old Country, and will also visit the Continent. Air John Webster, of Opononi. father of Mr J. C. Webster. Town Clerk of Devonport, is in Auckland for medical treatment. He is one of the oldest residents of the North, and saw many of the stirring scenes of the tally' days. Miss Aloffett, of Gore, who has been visiting Auckland and Rotorua as the guest of Mrs. Ireland, “ Huhne Court/’ Parnell, has returned South. Miss Jennie Ireland came down from Rotorua to see her off. Air. J. A. Millar, one of the M.11.R/s for Dunedin, and Mrs. Millar, are about to pay’ a visit to Rotorua for a couple of weeks. They will return South by the Wanganui River, to which they go by’ way of the North Island railway’ route. Air. and Airs. Ernest Bloomfield, Rcmuera, are spending a most delightful holiday at Rotorua. They are camping out and are entertaining .Miss Rose, of Sydney. Miss Horton, Auckland, ami Mr. and Mis. Harry Clark, also of Auckland. Aliss Alillingtnn, cookery instructress to tin? Wellington Education Board in the Wairarapa district, is leaving for the North, having received an appointment from the Auckland Education Board. Aliss Talbot sucevids Miss Millington in the Wairarapa. A'ice-Admiral Sir Wilmot Ifawkes, K.C.V.0., will visit Auckland during the second week in March. The Hurt will be off Napier for a day or two, ami the Admiral will probably spend some days ashore with His Excellency the Governor at his residence at Takapau, in Hawke's Bay. Mr. Robert McNab, M.H.R.. leaves on a visit to America and England by the Sierra, which leaves Auckland this week. While in Washington Mr McNab intends to search records for anything of interest in connection with the visits of .American whaling vessels to New Zealand waters in pre-set tlement days, which he hopes to incorporate in the work he is now compiling on early Otago. Australian papers announce that Mr. Frank T. Bullen, author of **Th ‘ ( raise of the Cachalot/’ ’ Idylls <>f the Sea,” and other books descriptive of life at sea from the fo’csle of a South Sea whaler to the main-top of a battleship, will shortly visit Australia. For more than live years Air. Bullen has been on' of the most popular of English lecturers. Miss Winnie Leys and Mr Cecil Leys returned to Auckland on Sunday by the Victoria, alter an extended tour through America, England, the Continent and India. While in the last-mentioned country they saw most of the festivities organised in honour of the visit of the Prince of Wales. Air. Chas. Nesbitt, of Kaeo. has accepted a position as chief ranger for the Kauri Timber Company. Mr. Nesbitt was engaged in bush-work on his own account in the W hangaroa County for many years, in company with his brothers, but his new situation demands his residence in Auckland. Mr and Mrs Nesbitt were the recipients of a handsome solid silver tea service from the residents of the district, by whom they are held in high esteem. Airs Tilly, widow of the late Lieut. T. C. Tißy, R.N., died at her residence. Lower Rcmuera, last week. Iler late husband was the commander of the mission schooner Southern Cross lor some years. Mrs Tilly, who has been in failing health for some time, leaves a grown-up family, consisting of Messrs. C. and R. Tilly, of Auckland, Miss Olive Tilly, and Mrs Prosser, wife of Captain Prosser, of the S.S. and A. steamer Ao tea. A sad incident of the tour of the Ne.w Zealand footballers was made known to members of the Southland Poultry Society, when it was stated that Mr Lewis Wright, one of the greatest authorities on poultry, had been killed by a special train conveying the New Zealand footballers to Wales.. Air Wright was the author of several books on poultry, and oiie of his works is universally accepted as the stamiard authority concerning breeds. Air Wright was run down by the train whilst crossing the metals at a station*

Mr. George Tutt and Mr. W. II Mercer. who left Auckland on Monday for a trip to Japan and other parts of the world were entertained by a numlier of frieftds last week in the \’i<loria Hall. About 50 gentlemen were present, and Air. George Powley presided. After supper congratulatory speeches were made, and suitably respon<lcd to. Songs were given by Messrs. G. W’amm, A. Clark, R- Renwick, J. Clarkson, J. Renwick, E. Lynch, and recitations were contributed by ATpssis. F. Smith, G. Swenson, G. Powley and J. Laing.

It was decided at the Education Board last week to appoint Mr J. Tomkin. of Messrs. Cousins and Cousins, as instructor in smithing, the previous appointee having resigned. Mis Nicholls, of Cardiff I'niversity. was appointed instructor in South Kensington art needlework. It was agreed to appoint an instructor in tlrossmaking for Thames, Paeroa, Wiiihi. and Hamilton at a salary of £BO a year ami travelling expenses. The Board further resolved to appoint an English master at the Technical School. Mr E. K. Mulgan. M.A.. who has been appointed to tin* position <»f inspector of schools in the North Canterbury district, was last week prc-'.mtert by the Northern W’airoa teachers with a vain able case of silver mounted pipes and silver matchbox. I'ln‘ ease bore the inscription on a silver plate: "E. K. .Mulgan. M.A.. with sincere wishes from Xorthcrn W’airoa teachers, i , 'ebruary, 1!H)(».” and was accompanied by a letter congratulating Mr .Mulgan on his appointment. and expressing regret at his removal from this district. The following is a list of guests \isiting the Waiwera Hot Springs Hotel during the past week: Auckland Mrs. Shelley. Mr. ami Mrs. R 011,.. Mrs. Lingard. Rev. W. H. Sutton. Mr. Lyons, Mr. W’. R. Mowbray. Mrs. Kissling, Miss Eames, .Miss Lyons, Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Air. and Mrs. Somers. Mr. and Mrs. A. I\ Wilson. Mr. A. Sinclair, Misses Sinclair (:>), Mr. Reeves, Mr. W\ E. Woodward. Mr. A. IL Bethune, Mr. A. W. Blakistcn, Major Ashworth, Mrs. ami Missus Wingate (3). Mrs Tant on, Al r ( hing. Mi.. .Mrs., and Miss Shaw, Mr. Shaw jiinr.. Mr. Bates, Miss Agnew, Mr. A. Grierson, Mr. and Mrs. L’lrick. Mi. E. W. Alison, M.H.R., Mr. Bull. Mr. Brm e. Dr. W al<he. Dr. Eergiison. Miss llcl’ubx. Mis- Menzies; W’arkworth— Messrs. Campbell, Snook. Martin: Paeroa Mrs. <oli>rit T. Smith, Miss Smith and Master Smith: England .Miss Goddard. Mr. and .Mrs. like, Misses Pike; Sydney Mt. and .Mrs. Alam hue, Mr. Fegan. HAWKES BAY PROVINCE. Mrs. Ilovell has left Napier, and intends living for some years in London. Miss Ellison, of Napier, is stopping for some weeks in Auckland. Mrs. Bowen has returned to Napier from her holiday in Wellington. Mrs Riddell, after spending some weeks in Wanganui, has returned to Napier. Mr. J. Vigor Brown lias be<‘ii re-elect-ed <hairman of the Napier Harbour Board. Miss (tilbrrtson has returned to Waipawa after spending some weeks in Napier. Miss Thompson, who has been spending a holiday in Napier, has returned to ('hristchuruh. Aliss Haman has returned to Christchurch alter spending some months in Napier. Airs. L. McHardy (Blackhead), who is spending a few days iu Napier, is the guest of Mrs. Kennedy. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Miss Dennison (Oamaru) is the guest of .Mr and Airs Gillies (llawrra). Dr. and Mrs Christie, wild have been visiting New Plymouth, base returinsi to Wanganui.

Mr and Mrs W. C. Kensington, of Wellington, are staying for a few days in New Plymouth. ■ , , Air C. Hickson (Secretary for Stamps), of Wellington, has been on a tour of inspection at New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs Al. Fraser have, returned to New Plymouth from a trip to Napier and the Lakes. -■•' Dr. and Mrs Westenra have returned to Hawera after live weeks’ holiday in Canterbury. Mr White (Bank of New- Zealand. Hawera) has left for a six mouths’ holiday, accompanied by Airs and Miss White. Miss Hall, who lias been visiting her sister, Mrs Meek (Hawera) returns to her home in Wellington this week. Mrs and Miss Kerr, of New' Plymouth, are visiting Auckland and iWhanga rei. Mr and Mrs Baine (Manaia) are coming into Hawera to live for some months, Mr Baine having been appointed manager of the Batik of New Zealand during Mr White’s absence. Mr (hettle. manager of the Bank of Australasia, Hawera, has gone for a holiday to Melbourne. Air Kiinbell, of Stratford, acts as manager during Mr <hettie’s absence. 'Mr 8. Bennell, of New Plymouth, was last week presented by the harbourmaster. officials, and employees with a very handsome marble clock ami gold breast, pin as a token of esteem on the occasion of his marriage/ Mr Qlennell also received a handsornclyfiiiislied coalscuttle in native woods and mounted in heavy brass from the directors of the New Plymouth Investment Society.


Miss Crawley, of Wanganui, was in Masterton for the Agricultural Show., Miss Munro, of Hawera, is slaying in Wanganui with friends. Mrs. H. • Wahlegrave has returned . to Palmerston North from New Plymouth. Miss Good, of Hawera. is the gue s ( of Alls Ewen Campbell in’ Waiigaimi. Miss N. Griffiths. of Wanganui, has left, for South Africa. Mrs. Gould (Palmerston North! has gone to Rotorua. Miss Aird. of Scotland, is the guest of Mrs and Miss Alexander in .Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Gill-Carey, of Hawera. Were in Wanganui recently. Mrs Maclean, of Wanganui, has returned from hcj visit to the Wairarapa. Mr F. L. Jackson, of Palmerston North, is staying in Wanganui. Hon. Mr and Mrs Howley, of Wanganui: left last week for Wellington, where they intend to reside. Alls and Miss Moore, of the Wairarapa, arc the guests of Airs Earle in Wanganui. Miss N. Watt, of Wellington, is staying in Wanganui with Mr and Airs John Watt. ; Air. and Mrs. Dalziell have left Wellington for Sydney en route to England. ■ Aliss Denniston (Christchurch) is (be guest of Air-. It. S. Abraham. Palmerston North./* * Airs. P. Hinder, who has been making a sta’y in Wellington, has returned to I’orSngahau. Hawke’s Bay. ’the Bei'. and Mr.-. C. C. Harper have beeu'away in Hawera for a week, writes our Palmerston North correspondent, ” Aliss G. Alorrah (Wellington) is going io I'Tpgland very shortly by way of Bydneyjmd Suez. ~ . . .. , AH', and Mrs. Hcrapatli are back in ■Wellington again for a short time prior to leaving for England. Mr. and Airs. Aliehie have gone back io liuucdin for a short time before returning to-Wellington to live.- I > Ali'. and Mrs. Good made a short stay in Wellington before going on to Australia. where they mean io spend sotpe v eeCs, Air. and Mrs. Frank Wahlegrave (Wellington) were visitors to Palmerston North last week. They were the guests of Mrs. E. Waldegrave. Mrs and Alias Jardine, of Wanganui, have returned from the Auckland district, where they have burn paying * long visit to relations. ,

Dr. and Mrs. Greig, formerly of Kimbolton. who have been for a trip to England and .the Continent, are visitors to Palmerston North. Aliss Preston (Essex), who has been spending some time with friends in Wellington, is returning immediately to England. Air Alan rice W. Richmond has been appointed to the Chairs of English and New Zealand Law at Victoria University College,. Wellington, for live years, at £5OO a year. " . Mr. Given Williams (Sydney), a former resident of Wellington, is visiting that city again after a long absence. Miss Owen Williams is travelling with him. ■■■'.• 1 Captain and Mrs. Gisborne (England), who have been visiting Auckland and the Hot Lakes district, returned to Wellington for a short stay before leaving New Zealand for Australia. The Bev. Otho Fitzgerald and Airs. Fitzgerald are living at Karori for some weeks, as Air. Fitzgerald is acting as Vicar of that parish pro teni (writes our Wellington correspondent). The Bishop of Wellington and Airs. Wallis are paying a round of visits in Canterbury. The Bishop went to Christchurch to officiate at the marriage of Air. 'Hansell and Miss Julius. Aliss ,8. Brandon is back in Wellington again after an absence of several months in the South Island. She proceeds to England in a few weeks' time, where she will meet her sister, Aliss A. Brandon, who went Home last year. Air. A. L. Hempton. who has held the position of manager of the Raetihi (Wanganui river) branch of the Bank of New Zealand for some time past, is under orders to proced to Fiji, where he wilt lake charge of the banking establishment at Levuka. Mr, and Airs. E. Alorrah and their children have been staying in Wellington with Mrs. J. Alorrah. Air. Alorrah lias been living in. Australia for many years, and tips is his first visit home since: his marriage. Air. and Mrs. E. Alorrah return to Adelaide early in Al arch. . .. , Miss Effie Williams is leaving Wellington shortly for England. Aliss C. Lee accompanies her. Two of Miss Williams’ sisters -Airs. Russell and Mrs. Fergusson—are at present in the Old Country. Misses Maud and Ella 'Williams are residing in Paris in order to pursue studies in art.

SOUTH ISLAND. Airs. Fenwick (Christchurch) has gone io Dunedin to visit her son. Air. and Mrs. Frank Cowlisliaw, of Avonside (Christchurch) have gone for a change to Sumner. Airs. Dunean Cameron (Methven) has been staying with Airs. Ronald Alacdonald at “ Hinubledon,” Christchurch. Air. and Airs. Einbling (Wellington) were in Christchurch for the wedding of the Rev. A. J, Hansell and Alias Julius. Airs. Kettle and Miss Cicely Kettle have left Christchurch on a visit to the Southern Lakes,. - . t Airs. Donald All-Lean (Alqunt staying with her mother,Mrs. Nancarxow, at Armaglf-street: (.'hristehurcli?’* "■ - * Lady Plunket is in Christchurch, where she is the guest of Air. and Airs, A. E.-G. Rhodes. J, The -Bishop of Wellington and Mrs. 1 M allis ’ have, been staying with Airs, lv 'Wigram at Park Terrace,’ Christchurch, Mrs?' Black' (Invercargill) has been slaving with her sister. Airs. B. AL Litchfield.' at Andover streel, Christchurch.’' Dr. amt Airs, . Westciira (Hawera), who have been staying for a short time in Christchurch, have returned home. Professor' and Airs. Wall (Fendalton) are staying with Airs.’ Bea ley 11 l oro- ' .... Ali-- Gibson (England), who has been”* staying with Airs. P. Campbell at Ham.' (Itieeartoli), has left for the South,;writes our Chris (church correspondent. C The Hon. H. Hanan and Airs. Hanan nrc expected to arrive from England in'■ Chri-tcliurch shortly. Airs. Hanan is i>s coming io visit her mother, Mrs. Gould. Aliss Serivenor. who. has gone for a trip to Auckland, intends returning at \ the end of the month, writes pur Christ; *■ church correspondent.

Air. and Airs. George Rhodes (Claremont) have been the guests of Mr. and Airs. Arthur Rhodes (Christchurch). They return to England immediately. '' Admiral Sir Wilmot Fawkes and Lady Fawkes stayed at Warner’s Hotel, C liristehurch, during the visit of the squadron. The English examiners have recommended that the degree of Doctor of Literature be conferred on Mr. James Hight, AI.A., Canterbury College. Mr. Hight, who is well known as an examiner aud English scholar, has edited several publications for Messrs. Whit combe and Tombs, by whom he is now employed. ...

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9, 3 March 1906, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9, 3 March 1906, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9, 3 March 1906, Page 41

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