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Auckland Racing Club's Spring Meeting.

The Auckland Racing Club brought their Spring Meeting to a close yesterday afternoon at Ellerslie. The weather. flitch was gloomy in tin- niomfng, cleared about noon, and a tine afternoon was experienced. The attendance for p.u oft' day win good. ’rhe meeting passed oft' very successfully; the management being first-

class. The racing throughout Hie afternoon was very interesting, Mr Chadwick’s adjust incuts producing several excellent finishes. Mr O’Connor scored his usual success with the barrier. Duriug the afternoon the sum of 119144 was passed through the machines, making a total or 129,165 10/ for the meeting, an increase of £4036 10/ on last years spring gathering. The results are:— HUNT CLUB CUP. Mr Wynn Brown’s b g Pierre 1 Nir 11. Cotter’s br g Ngaru 2 Mr F. D. Power’s b g Pilot 3 Scratched: Sol. Aesop was first to break the line, and he piloted the field up tint hill, the order being Aesop, Terence, Baritone, Pilot, Pierre and Ngaru. At the water Aesop was still showing the way, just in front of Terence, with Ngaru in third position. At the old wat«r jump Ngaru ran wide, loosing a lot of ground, but as they ascended the hill the second time was again with the leaders. At the sod wall into the course Aesop fell, leaving Ngaru In command, and he was the first to reach the double, with the others close together. Ngaru again lost ground it the old water jump, and Baritone ran to the front, and was in charge as they breasted the hili for home, with Pierro ns nearest attendant. Baritone came down the hili looking like a winner, bat striking the sod wall hard, fell, leaving Pierre to go on alone and win easily by three lengths from Ngaru, who beat pilot a neck for second honours. Time, 8.42.Dividend, £5 14/. MAIDEN HURDLES. Mr J. Twohill’s br m Lady Clare I Mr J. McNicol’s ch in Seabird ...... / 2 Messrs Walters and Smart's br m Te p «Pa 3 All started. Royal Shell was quickest to the first fence, where he fell, leaving Seabird and Te Papa in the lead. The former showed the way past the stand, clear of Te 1 apa and Lady Clare, with the others, excepting Sir Alberton, close up. At the hurdle at the six-furlong post Kereru fell. Seabird made a faulty jump, and Lady Clare took charge and led through the cut**ug, with Seabird, and Loch Fyne following in that order. Loch Fyne fell at the hurdle at Hip haif-inile post, and Te Papa ran into third position. Lady Clare had a Slight advant age as they entered the straight, and stalling off a determined challenge by Seabird and To Papa, won a good race by a length, with a similar distance between second anil third. Time, 2.55. Dividends, Xl’l9/ and £1 7/. ASCOT HANDICAP of 225sovs. Distance, one mile and a-quarter. Mr C. IT. Coleman’s Landlock, 7.3.... 1 Mr W L. Thomson’s Delania, 7.6 2 Mr R. Hannon’s Zuleika, 7.4 3 All started. Landlock gave his usual display at the post, but eventually Mr O’Connor succeeded in raising the barrier to a beautiful start. Geordie was first on bis feet, but Landloek immediately rushed to the front, and going out ’of the straight mid along the back had a couple of lengths’ lead of Geordie, who was followed by King Paul and Delania. LandJock was still bowling along in front as they wont through the cutting, when Waijnina ran up Into second place and across the top. and still held his advantage as they turned for home. As they straightened up for the run to the post Delania, Zuleika, Geordie, and Waipuna all put In their claim, but Landlock was not to be denied, and. finishing strongly, won by a length from Delania, who Was half a length in front of Zuleika. Geordie was fourth and General Average last. Time, 2.10. Dividends: Inside, £5 4/ and £1; out•ide, £2 12/ and IQ/. The winner met with a hostile demonstration tipou returning to ■calc.

THE JUVENILE HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to recejve lOsovs out of the stake. For two-year-olds. Four furlongs. Mrs W. Davis’ br g Loongana, by Soult —Curacoit, 8.4 (Deeley) 1 Mi- C. Weal’s b e Conductor, 7.10. 2 Mr M. McLean’s Duart, 7.2 3 fJweet Alice, 8.2 Q Le Mascotte, 7.9 *.*.*.'.’.*.*.**. O Turbine, 7.2 0 Lady Cressy, 7.0 0 Azofr, 6.i0 0 Lady Frances, 6.9 ///..*/.*../ 0 Primo. 0.7 o Loongana and Turbine were bracketed on the totalisator. No time was lost at the post, and the tapes flew up to an even start, from which Conductor was first to show prominent, but was soon headed by Loongana and Primo, and the pair made the running into the straight just clear of Conductor, with the rest <>f the field bunched. At the distance Conductor camp with a run, but although he passed Primo he was unable to reach Loongana, who won easily at the finish by a couple of lengths, with Duart a length further hack third, just in from of Lady Frances and Prime. Le MasCoLte was last. ’rime, 51sec. Dividends: Inside, £2 16, and £1 15/. Outside. £1 8/ u nd 17,6. THE PONY HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive 15sovs and third horse fitiuvs out of the stake. Seven furlungs. Mr B. Armitage's ch f Lady Nannie. 3yrs, by Cyrenlau- Nannie, 7.1, 61b over (Deeley) , 1 Mr B. T, Hawkins’ ch m Little Mabel, 2 Mr 8. Tooman’s b g Ilurihuri, 6.111 b, 21b over 3 Kilderkin, 9.6 ; ’ ’ ’ q Orange and Blue. 8.5 ./• 0 Storyteller, 8.4 . u Forth, 8.2 0 Gladys Rose, 7.8 t 0 Merry Delaval, 7.4 0 Dr. Quest, 7.2 0

I.ady Nannie and Ilurihuri were the first to single themselves out, ami the pair carried on the running along the back, with Dr. Quest at the head of the others. Lady Nannie settled Ilurihuri as they turned for home, and, coining on full of running, won easily T>y four lengths from Little Mabel, who finished fast from the distance and beat Ilurihuri a length for second Uonons, with Gladys Rose close up fourth, ’lime, 1.30. Dividends: Inside, £3 12/ and £5 9/. Outside, £1 16/ and £2 14/6. The stewards challenged the running of Kilderkin, ami after hearing the explanations offered informed the parties concernde that they were not altogether satisfied, but took no further action. THE PARNELL HANDICAP of lOteovs; second horse to receive lOsovs out of the stake. Six furlongs. Mr 11. Kavanagh’s b g Hohoro aged, by Tasman—Lady Moth, 9.3 (Cress).. 1 Mr A. Teller’s br g Nervine, 7.4 2 Mr W. Davies’ b m Te Arolia, 8.9 3 Millie, 8.5 0 Carl Rosa, 8.2 o Certainty. 7.9 : 0 Alba Rose, 7.0 0 Woodmount, 6.9 0 Vlvandel, 6.7 0 Pearl Necklet, 6.7 0 Certainty rushed to the front when the barrier was released, and she led to the cutting, where she was joined by Nervine, and the pair raced across the top stretch in company throe lengths in front of Te Aroha. who was at the head of a bunched field. As they entered the straight Nervine had slightly the best of it, and nt tlie distance he had a length advantage, but Hohoro, coming with a brilliant run, quickly settled the leader, and going on won with the greatest of ease by half a length. Te Arolia was three lengths away third, then came Certainty and Woodinouut. Time, 1.5 3-5. Dividends: Inside, £8 3/ and £1 11/. Outside, £4 1/6 and 15/6. THE HUNT CLUB HURDLE RACE HANDICAP of 50sovs; second horse to receive lOsovs out of tlie stake. Minimum weight lOst. Over eight flights of hurdles. Two mi’es. Mr W. Morgan’s b g Sol, syrs, by Soult —Lorelei. 11.7 (Mr M. Wells) 1 Mr C. A. Selby's b g Mozart, 10.7 .... 2 Mr 1-1. Cotter’s br g Ngaru, 12.7 3 Also ran: Pierre, 12.0: and Terence, 11.5. Sol led to the first fence, but once over Mozart took up the running, with Sol as his nearest attendant, and these two practically had the race to themselves. Mozart was indulged in the lead till five furlongs from home, when Sol was given his head, and drawing away went on, eventually winning by half a dozen lengths from Mozart, with Ngaru (the only other to finish) a hundred yards away third. Time, 4m. Dividends: Inside, £2 6/; outside, £1 3/. Pierre fell at the first fence aud Terence at the second, but both, riders escaped with a slight shaking. THE WELTER HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs out of the stake. Minimum weight, Bst. One mile. Mr R. Hannon’s b m Zuleika. aged, by Seaton Delaval -Abydos, 10.0 (Marchant) 1 Mr E. W. Alison’s Monoform, 8.7 2 •Messrs Williamson and Currie’s Lovelink, 9.0 3 Also ran: Akarana, 10.7; Rookby, 9.10; Lady Hune, 9.7; Heroism, 9.3; Apologue, 8.13; Leon a tor, 8.12«; Le Beau, 8.11; Soultnsh, 8.2; Lady Clements, 8.0; Blackflsli,8.8, 81b over; Soultmald, 8.0. When the field came in sight Le Beau was in the lead, followed by Lady Clements and Zuleika. Le Beau set a merry pace as they went through the cutting and across the top stretch, where Monoform ran into second position. At the distance Monoform was in charge, and looked like nt last breaking his maiden, but Zuleika came with a late run, and catching him 50 yards from Hie post wore him down and won by a length, with Lovelink a similar distance away third. Apologue was fourth aud Aknrana fifth, with Blackflsh last. Time, 1.42. Dividends: Inside, £5 13/ aud £1 11/; outside, £2 15/6 and 15/6. WEIGHTS FOR THE PRINCIPAL HANDICAPS. The following weights have been issued by Mr J. Chadwick for events to be run at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting:—

AVCKEAND STEEPLECHASE nt 300sovs. Abuut three miles and a-ha If.

Taka puna. Jockey Club's Spring Meeting. The following weights have been declared by Mr J. Chadwick for events to be run at the Takapuna Jockey Club’s spring meeting:— FIRST DAY. Trial Handicap, one mile.—l‘ukekohe 9.0. Kola Nip 8.9, Miss Winnie 8.5. Hiro 8.4, The Dark 8.3, Lady Clements 8.2, Seatonia 8.0, Sillcia 7.13, Franklin 7.8, Lord Seaton 7.6, Vexation 7.6, Soultmaid 7.6, Aqua Regie 7.6, Shrewsbury 7.0. Cambria Handicap, four furlongs.—Cambrian 9.5, Conductor 7.13, Sweet Alice 7.12, Duart 7.4, Le Mascotte 7.3, Apollonarte 7.0, Misere 7.0, Lady Creasy 6.13, Azoff 6.7, Lady Ainslie 6.7, Primo 6.7. St. Andrew’s Handicap, one mile and a quarter.—Putty 9.0, Geordie 8.9, Avalanche 8.7, Landlock 8.4, Delania 8.0, Akanana 8.0, Sir Gilead 7.13, Millie 7.9, Certainty 7.9. Waikato 7.8, Lady Hune 7.7. Rookby 7.5, King Paul 7.0, Lovelink 7.0, Pukekohe 6.13, Agrapus 6.13, Kola Nip 6.13, Heroism 6.13, Master Delaval 6.11, Le Beau 6.10. Handicap Maiden Hurdle Race, one mile and a half and 100 yards.—Lady Hune 11.6, Lady Clare 10.13. Seabird 10.12, Sol 10.9, Cuiragno 10.2, Waikato 10.2, Loch Fyne 9.13, Le Beau 9.13, Kereru 9.8, Te Papa 9.5, Merrystone 9.2, Lerelda 9.2, Leo Feve 9.0, Baltimore 9.0, Gipsy 9.0, Mauku 9.0, Lochard 9.0, Royal Shell 9.0, Terence 9.0, The Scotchman 9.0, Frank Dodd 9.0, Imagination 9.0. Cheltenham Handicap, five furlongs.— Hohoro 9.12, Annette 8.13, Avalanche 8.9. Te Arolia 8.9, Martyr King 8.3, Black and Gold 8.1, Nervine 7.11, Desdemona 7.11, Waitatl 7:10. Discoverer 7.10, Gweniad 7.9, Noteorini 7.6, Lucrece 7.3, Sonoma 7.3, Pobieda 7.0, Lunetta 6.13, Alba Rose 6.13, Lovelink 6.13. Miss Winnie 6.10. Syren 6.9. Bonomiana 6.9. Lady Rose 6.7, Dardanus 6.7, Takaroa 6.7, Vivandel 6.7. Melrose Handicap, five furlongs.—Leona•tor 9.4, The Lark 8.9, Lady Clements 8.7, Stepmar 8.4, Omatl 8.0. Fortification 7.13. Sir Hector 7.12, Lucio 7.10, Aqua Regie 7.10, Ben 7.9, Loehard 7.8, Dandeloo 7.5, The Raven 7.5, Bonnie Boy 7.4. Bromide 7.0, The Dunce 7.0, Freebird 6.12, Peregrine 6.12, Idol 6.12. War Cloud 6.12, Dear Dolly 6.10, Legerite 6.10, Toheroa (late Zita) 6.10. Tiri Hurdle Race, two miles.—Hakaria 12.2, Inniskillen 11.5, Roseplot 11.3. Ranana 11.2, Liberator 10.9. Vexation 10.7, Cuiragno 9.3, Loch Fyne 9.2, Imagination 9.0. Pony Handicap, six furlongs.—Sonoma 9.9, Kilderkin 9.8, Luresome 8.9, Orange land Blue 8.6, Storyteller 8.5, Marisa 8.5, Girton Girl 8.4, Forth 8.2, Solitary 7.12, Gladys Rose 7.12, Merry Delaval 7.7, Moira ma Chree 7.3, Dr. Quest 7.3, Miss Cuirassier 7.3, Lady Lottie 7.0, Opotlki 7.0, Galvanic 7.0. SECOND ©AT. Rakino Steeplechase, three miles. —Inniskiilen 12.2. Nor-west 11.5, Wairaka 11.1, Swimmer 10.13, Ranana 10.13, Sol 10.7. Hinemoa 9.13. Llngard 9.8, Major 9.8, Aesop 9.7, Merrysome 9.7, Brigham 9.7, Bachelor 9.7.

Otahnhu Trotting Club's Spring Meeting. The following handicaps have been declared by Mr 11. Johnston for events to be run at the Otahuhu Trotting Club's Spring Meeting:— Onehunga Trot Handicap, 1$ mile.—Young McKinney scr, Waitekauri 6s. Stranger 7s, Typewriter Ms, Baxter 9s. Harold Abdallah 12s, The Mooress 13s, Rosebird 14s. Le Rosier 15s, Farewell 15s, Sir Robert 15s, Red leaf 18s. Suburban Trot Handicap. 2 miles.--Young McKinney scr, Albert orious Os, Stranger Ils, Duke C. 12s, Harold Abdallah 16s. Sir Robert 20s, Weary Willie 225, The Autocrat 245, Thorndoan 245, Redloaf 245. Tramway Handicap, 5 furlongs.—Sonoma 9.13, Orange and Blue 9.3. Girton Girl 8.7, Forth 8.7, Inspiration 8.2, Mat aura 7.12, Solitary 7.11, Dr. Quest 7.3. Hurihuri 7.3, La Annie 7.0. Conspircss 6.10, Moira ma Chree 6.10, Galvanic 6.10. Spring Pony Handicap, 6} furlongs.— Forth 9.0, Girton Girl 8.12, Gladys Rose 8.4, Solitary' 8.3, Shrewsbury 7.10. Dr. Quest 7.7, Hurihuri 7.7, Lady Lottie 7.6, Gileadit 7.0, Conspiress 7.0, Moira ma Chree 7.0. Mangore Trot Handicap, 14 mile. Stranger scr, Colenso 9s, The Autocrat 10s, Macquarrie 12s, Miss Huon 14s, Empress 16s, General Election Ills, Maugonui 19s. Kiteonetea 20s, Green Lavender 225, Miss Dunmore 225, V.S. 22te, George 245, Fibre 245, Prince Tuxie 245, JSeacole 245, Day dawn 245. Ladies’ Bracelet Handicap Trot. 1J mile. — Sir Robert ser, Le Rosier scr, Mavquarrie ss, Maugonui 12s, Kiteonetea 13s. Olive 15s, Special Light 17s. Fibre 17s. Searole 18s, Prince Tuxie 18s, Wee Pony 18s, Huon Leal 21s, Sandfly 21s, Minus 275, Awhiowhio 275. Trial Trot Handicap, 1J mile.—Olive scr, Bryn 3s, Wee Pony 3s, Tuxton 3s, Monica 6s, Huon Leal 6s, Mangere 6s, Porangl Bs, Gory Lass 12s, Huon Clair 15s, Glitters 15s, Adelaide 15s, Minus 15s, Cleve 15s, Tataraimaka 15s, luvita (late Invicta) 15s, Nui 15s, Awhiowhio 15s. Electric Trot Handicap. 1 mile. Specialist ser, Baxter 11s, Ballot 13s, Farewell 15s, Weary Willie 16s, Colenso 16s, Macquarrle 18s. Miss Huon 19s. Happy 21s, Kiteonetea 245, Green Lavender 255, Next Time 255, V.S. 255.

© © ® Thames Jockey Club. THAMES. Friday. The following entries yor evewts for the summer meeting of the Thames Jockey Club, to be held on December 26 and 27, were received to-day Maiden Handicap.—Whakahihi, Toheroa, Lalla Rookh, Stepney, Bellbird, Miss Winnie, Nobrook, Bully, St. Tui, Bromide, Frankton, Moira Ma Chree, Lucio, Omati, Discoverer, Stepmar, Kerern, Silica, Luck’s All, The Scotchman. First Handicap Hurdles.—Fieri) mosca. Princess of Thule, Lady Clare, Ludo, Katoa, Sol, Seaborn. Frankton, Merrystone, Loch Fyne, Royal Shell, Swimmer, Lingard, Te Papa. Goldfields Cup Handicap.—Rookby. Yolette, Agrapus, Millie, Akarana. Solo, Putty, Mechanic, Soultfish, Annoyed, Kola Nip, Silicia. First Pony Handicap.—Stepney, Storyteller, Opbtlki. Moira Ma Chree, Galvanic, Mataura, Sally Horner, Solitary. First Steeplechase Handicap.—Ludo, Pierre, Evermore, Sol, Sudden, Leo Feve, Merrysome. Loch Fyne, Major, Ngartf, Hinemoa, Swimmer, Llngard, Bachelor. Stewards’ Handicap.—Whakahihi, Lalla Rookh, Stepney, Rookby, Lady Gladys (late Minerva). Agrapus, Miss" Winnie, Franklin, Solo. Waitati, Alba Rose, Ann Dyed, Kereru, Woodmount, Kola Nip, Bono* miana. Luereee. Hack Race.—Toheroa. Freebird. Bellbird, Aristocrat, Nobrook, Bully, Elgar, Rouse* about, Seaborn, Bromide, Frankton. Whahatupoto. Hauraki Handicap. — Gweniad. Fieramosca, Merry Lad, Lotto, Highlander, Miss

Winnie, St. Tui, Frankton, Black and Gold, Ouintl, Discoverer. Waitati. Alba Rose, Stepmar, Lady Frouch, Woodmount, Luck’s Ait, Lunetta, Syren, Luerece. Midsummer Handicap.—Whakahihi, Lalla Rookh, Stepney, Rook by, Lady Gladys (late Minerva), Agrapus, Miss Winnie. Nobrook, Bully, St. Tui. Rouscabout, Franklin, Bromide, Moira Ma Chrce, Ottati, Solo, Waitati, Alba Rbso, Souhfrdi, Kereru, Woodmount, Kola Nip, Silk-ia, Bonomiana, Luck s AU, Luerece. Second Hurdles Handicap.—Fieramosea, Princess of Thule. Lad 3' (dare, Katoa, Sol, Seaborn, Frankto'n, Merrysto’no, Loch Fyne, Royal Shell. Swimmer, I.iugard, Te Papa. Second Hack Race. —Toheroa, Freebird, Bellbird. Aristocrat, Nobrook, Bully, Elgar, Rouscabout, S°-‘ , ‘or»; Frankton, Whahatupotu. Thames Stakes.—Rookby, Yolette, Agrapus, Miss Winnie, Millie, Nobrook, St. Tui, Bromide. Akarana, Syren, Luerece, Solo, Putty. Mechanic, Soultflsh. Annoyed, Kola Nip, Silicia. Second Pony Handicap.—Stepney. Opotiki. Storyteller, Moira Ma Chree, Galvanic, Mataura. Whahatapau, Inspiration, Sally Horner, Solitary. County Handicap.—Whakahihi, Toheroa, Lallah Rookh, Stepivy. Rookby, Freebird, Lady Gladys, Highlander, Miss Winnie Millie, St. Tui. Franklin. Frankton, Lucrece, Oinati, Discoverer, Annoyed, Kola Nip. Bonomiana. The Scotchman. Second Steeplechase.—Ludo, Pierre, Evermore, Sol. Sudden, Leo Feve. Merrys-tone, Loch Fyne, Major. Ngaru, Iliuemoa, Swimmer, Lingard, Bachelor. Final Handicap.—Gwcniad. Fieramosea, Merry Lad. Lottie, Aristocrat. Highlander, Miss Winnie. Millie, Black and Gold. Mataura, Syren. Inspiration. Discoverer, Waltati, Alba Rose, Stepmar. Lady French, Woodmoun*t, Luck’s All, Solitary, Liinetta. THAMES, Saturday. The following additional nominations have been received for the Thames Jockey Club’s Summer Meeting:— Malden Handicap.—Lady Clements, Hopkiss. Fabannie. Thames Cup.—King Paul. Stakes. -King Paul. County Handicap. —I.e Beau. Lady Clements, Sergius. Midsummer Handicap.—Le Beau, Fabannle, Lady Clements. Haurnki Handicap. -Le Beau. Sergius. Stewards’ Handicap.—Lady Clements and Sergius. First Hack Handicap.—Fabannie, Orakau and Hopkiss. Second Hack Handicap.—Fabannie, Orakau, Ilopkiss. © © © Te Arolia Races. TE A ROH A, Saturday. The second day of the Te Arolia races was favoured with line weather. The following are the results: Tourist Handicap. — Fieramosea 1, Pobieda 2, Lady Clements 3. Dividend £5 5/. Handicap Hurdles. — Sol 1, Roseplot 2, Pierre 3. Te Aroha Cup. 1 mile and 3 furlongs.— Soultflsh 1. King Paul 2. Kola Nip 3. Also ran: Ottoman, Admiral Hawke, and Ludo. Soultflsh led from the start. Difideuds, £2 19/ and 7/. Pony Race.—Solitary 1, Tommy Dodd 2, Stepney 3. Also started: Clifton. Solitary led throughout and won easily. Dividend, Publicans’ Purse, (U furlongs.—Lady Clements 1, Fieramosea 2, Pobicda 3. Also ran: Merry Lad, Lunetta, and Lotto. Won by a head. Dividends, £3 and 12/. Handicap Hack.—Frankton 1. Freehold 2, Fabannie 3. Scratched: Bromide, Tohepoa, and Seabohm. Dividends, £1 2/ and 15/. Wolter Handicap.—Franklin 1, Soultflsh A Haeremal 3. Six started. Dividends, £1 1/ and 6/. © © © Wailii Hack Racing Club’s Meeting WAI Hl, this day. The following nominations have been received for the Walid Hack Racing Club’s Sprang Meeting, which takes place on Saturda'y next: - Maiden Handicap. Bully. Sir Alberton, Nobrook, Lotto. .Toheroa, Piper, Imagination, Hopkiss, Fabannie. Frankton, Roteoro, Prince Arthur. Sabretache colt. Tony Race. —Tuhea. Prince Arthur, Native. Kuby, Mickey Free, Pilot. Cup. Yolette, Lalla Rookh. St. Tui, Bacchus, Ludo. Agrapus, Sir Alberton, Toheroa. Whakahihi, Fieramosea, Imagination, Fabannie. Sergius, Frankton. Pekapeka. Hack Handicap.—Bully, Nabrbok, Lotto. Minx. Toheroa. Fabannie, Imagination, and Sabretache colt. Trot. —Flukeni, Seldom Fed, Logan, Cora 1 Reef. Scamp, Stranger, Special Light. Olive, Hurtiuui. Railway Handicap. Yolotto. Lalla “Rookh, St. Tui, Bacchus, Ludo. Agrapus. Lotto, Sir Alberton. Toheroa. Whakahihi. Gwenlad, Fieramosea. Piper, Imagination, Hopkiss, Sergius, Frankton, Pekepoke. Members’ Plate. -I.alia Rookh. Shamrock, Minx. Lotto, Ludo. Piper, Imagination, Hcpkiss, Prince Arthur. ■© © © Feilding Jockey Club’s Spring Meeting. FEILDING. Saturday. The following acceptances have been received for the Felidlng Jockey Club’s Spring Meeting:— “Flying Stakes.—Solution 9.6. Kretailin 9.3. Exmoor 8.13, Black Reynard 8.10, Stronghold 8.0, Ballarat 8.4, Multifid 8.8. Prelude 7.10, St. Clalmer 7.9, Probable 7.9, Gawain 7.5, Hhiurewa 6.11, ttiretlqne 6.40, Dniamere 6.10. 'Kudu 6.9, MarineUh 6.9, St. Albert 6.8.

St. Andrew’s Handicap.—Gohl Crown 9.0, Asteroid 8.8. Auratus 8.1. Blank Reynard 8.0, Multifid 7.8, Armistice 7.7. Grenade 7.7, Flainen 7.7. Ngatarua 7.3, Whakaweht 7.2, Royal Blue 6.7. Silverleue 6.7. Aorangi Hack Flat Handicap.— Heywood 8.8, (Iperetta 8.2. Du Iky 8.1, Barca So, Makihiiii 7.13, Bonheur 7.13, Aureole 7.13. Refine 7.10, Hatley 7.10, Recreation 7.9. Victoria Park 7.8, Kun nioana 7.6. Present 7.5, Benair 7.3, Immolation 7.0, Spark 7.0. Alexieff 7.0, Bourrasque 7.0. Hipporangi 7.0, Tan torn 6.10. Snip 6.10. Matiri 6.10. Waituna Hack Hurdles Handicap. Numa 10.9, Sleepwell 10.8, Wild Cat 10.8. Cassiopea 10.5, Gold Dust 9.10, Flanagan 9.9, Lull 9.7, Itoer 9.5, Error 9.4, Swop 9.0. Levent 9.0. Apiti 9.0, Florio 9.0, Gipsy Jack 9.0, Rechabite 9.0. Spring Hurdle Race Handicap. -Pushtu* 11.0, Handsome Rose 10.13, Miss King 10.9, Waiwera 10.9, Killarney 10.-9,- St. Lyra 9.9, Valima 9.4, Kohunui 9.0. Kiwitea Welter Handicap.—Auratus 10.6, Golden Vein 9.13, Grenade 9.5, Submarine 9.3, Tikarawa 9.1, Clanburn 9.0, Rapids 8.13, Marguerite 8.12, Assayer 8.9, Capulet 8.7, Mussel 8.3, Ropa 8.2, Wind 8.2, Polyanthus 8.1, Blessbok 8.0, Fancywork 8.0, King’s Birthday 8.0. Fitzroy Hack Flying Handicap. Sir Geraint 9.3, Captain Shannon 9.2. Pretty Maid 8.11, The Seer 8.7. Dulcinea 8.5, Red Cross 7.13, Flotilla 7.11, Lady Warwick 7.9. Lualla 7.9, Hipporangi 7.6, Oryx 7.6, Wa.ngaehu 7.5, Armamento 7.5, Splendid Idea 7.3. Clipper 7.3, Waipunehu 7.2, Paper 6.13, Windy 6.13, Gold Lead 6.13, (’base Mab 6.13. Mereshot 6.10, Probability 6.10.


CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. Most of the visiting horses have now departed, and Riccarton has resumed its normal appearance. Our next excitement <is the Christchurch Raving Club’s Summer Meeting next month, though, of course, a goodly contingent of both horses and spectators are bound to journey to Tima in for the South Canterbury Jockey Club’s Spring Meeting. Noctulform Is booked to leave Wellington by the Ruapehu, sailing on November 23. The name of his new owner and the purchase price are still withheld, but the former is not Royalty; indeed. I believe he may prove to be a plain “Mister.” Mahutonga’s poor display in the Jubilee Cup is partly accounted for by the fact that he was confined to his box throughout Thursday and Friday owing to his having been kicked by Melodeon. Chivalry, the latest addition to the ranks of the Riccarton-trained horses, has joined McGinness’ team. Mr Stead has sold the Stepniak—Ambush filly Beresiua to a North Island racing man for 150gns. , Bloomer, the dam of Petticoat, has visited St. Ambrose, whose list is now full. Veneer, who has spent the last four months at Riccarton, left on Monday for the West Coast. Belllcent has foaled a filly full-sister to Isolt. Though the mare now belongs to Mr Palmer, her foal. I understand, is the property of Mr Stead. (By Telegraph.—Special to “Graphic”). CHRISTCHURCH. Monday. Riccarton is still very quiet, and is likely to remain so for some weeks to come. Happily the weather has changed for the better. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Sunday, and Monday were all gorgeous days, and if I had not been taught by bitter experience the uselessness of attempting to forecast the weather, I should almost be tempted to say that it had settled. The weights for the Auckland Cup were well received here. Riccarton opinion inclines towards Gladstone and Scotty, and surprise is expressed at the weight allotted to Gay Spark. I certainly think Sir Geo. Clifford’s colt might have been let off a pound or two lighter, although I will not go so far as to declare that he cannot win. Personally I prefer the chances of Mahutonga, Quarryman, Paritutti, Scotty, Gladstone, and Buluwayo. Mahutonga left for Auckland on Saturday. He had not completely shaken off the effects of the kick he received while at the post for the Metropolitan Handicap, but he was fast recovering, and the injury is not likely to interfere with his preparation for the Auckland Cup. Cutts is working Quarryman. Gay Spark, Clanchattan, To-moiTow, and Kirriemuir right-handed, so it may be taken for granted that the five will all journey to Auckland. The other member of Sir Geo. Clifford’s team of six will probably be Golden Vein’s unperformed two-year-old full brother, Golden Coin. Noctulform wiH leave for England on Thursday. He will go in charge of 11. Franks, formerly private trainer in Auckland to Mr 11. Mosman. Comfort, who met with an accident while ■being schooled just prior to the Canterbury Jockev Club’s Spring Meeting, had recovered sufficiently to be shipped home last Wednesday. Sir Goo. Clifford will be represented at Feilding by Gohlen Vein and Stronghold. The pair will leave for the North to morrow in charge of 11. Cutts. Mr Grigg has decided not to persevere — for the present, at any rate —with Golden Knight. The disappointing son of Wallace has been sent to his owner's estate, where he will serve a few mares. T. Sheennn has sold his two-year-old full brother to Hilarity, by Castashvre—mea-sure-seeker, to a North Canterbury racing man. Petrovna has sufficiently recovered from the cold she contracted before the Canterbury Jockey Club’s Spring Meeting to resume work. She is looking light and faded. Ker trainer (G. Pine) has received an addition to his team in Knastikoff, the two-year-old son of Stepniak and Ambush. Speculate has gone into D. Moraghan’g ba ndi.

The Clanranald mare Bythemald lei > beep sent to her owiur’s place for a spell. W. Clarke has taken in hand the Medallion Choirgirl gelding Handel, who nas liad a lengthened spell. McCracken is at work on the two-yrar-old brother to King Stora l».\ Stepuhiu Fairymaid, and Gay Spark’s t wo-y. ar-old brother Blazing Star has resumed his place among Cutis’ active division. Ghulsonn* Lodge ha<l a narrow escape of being destroyed last week. A light id candle set the stables on tire, but luckily ilie blaze was noticed by a passer-by and extinguished before it had spread far. The South Canterbury Jockey Club has received capital acceptances for the first day’s racing of its Spring Meeting to-mor-row. The following horses may run forward in their respective engagements:— Summer Handicap, Boscastle and Stepaside; Timaru Handicap. Convoy; President's Welter Handicap. King’s Guest and Soniaroff; Waitahi District Handicap, Grandstand; Flying Handicap, Makaroft’ and Ostachkoff. St. Onida, by St. Clair Onida, has foaled a colt to Multiform, whom she will re-visit. It is reported that Buluwayo is to join a Riccarton stable shortly. Before the opening of the Canterbury Jockey Club’s Spring Meeting, overtures were made from an Australian racing man for the purchase of Mahutonga. A definite offer at the close of the meeting was met with the reply that the horse was not for sale. .There is a yearling brother to Kirriemuir at Sionyhurst. Hugenct, by Apremont -Martyr, has foaled a colt to Royal Artillery: Grasshopper, by Summer—-Toitoi, a colt to Benzoni: Tinwald Beauty, by Perkin Warbeck ll.— Beauty Sleep, a filly to Benzoni.

Tv Tv Tv Sale of Bloodstock. Mr 11. O. Nolan, acting on behalf of the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Co., held a sale of bloodstock at the Royal Aak Hotel last week. There was a very poor attendance, and bidding was anything but spirited, and several lots were passed in. failing to teach the reserve placed upon them. The following sales were effected: Hohoro, by Tasman—Lady Moth, 200 gs. Mr C. Weal; Takaroa, by Castor—St. Mary, 4Ogs,. Mr C. Weal; Primo. by Phoebus Apollo—Lena, 35gs. Mr C. Lovett; b f, 3yrs, by Soult— Leila, 19gs, Mr W. Wilson, Whangarei; Tahuta, by Tasman—Lady Moth, Ggs, Mr C. Mack.

AUCKLAND CUP of 1350sovs. Two miles. st lb st lb Achilles . .. . 9 n Flamen (j 11 Mali u tonga . 9 0 Sir Tristram. V 19 Quarry man Gold Crown . 8 13 Zuleika 0 19 . 8 5 Sir Gilead.... « 9 Pari tutu ... . 8 4 Lyrist G 2 Scotty .... . 8 « Jewellery .... Apologue .... 6 Gladstone . . 7 13 G 7 Gboorka ... . 7 11 Heroism ... .. 0 7 Buluwayo >7 8 Mas. Delaval. « 7 Putty 8 Trephine .... Alexis c> 7 Melodeon . . . 7 0 7 Gay Spark. ■7 (j Gen. Average G 7 Geordie ... . 7 3 Mobility 0 7 JJoomera ng . G 12 Puhlpubi . .. . 6 7 Hose Madde Armistice . : o 12 11 Waimaori ... 0 7 RAILAS'AY HANDICAP of 375sovs. furlongs, st lb Six st lb Achilles ... . 10 ' 4 To-morrow ... 7 4 J lolmro .... ’ 1 G Waikato 7 3 Exmoor . .. . 9 * Medallist .... 7 3 Stronghold 1 1 Certainty .... 7 3 Lady Annie . S 9 Wnltatl 7 1 Gladstone . . 8 <1 Noteorini .... 0 13 King Billy. . 8 8 Jngleneuk ... (j 12 Annette ... . 8 Y Alba Rose .. G 11 G lenowlet . . 8 {Mobility Gaucho G 9 (Boris 8 4 « 9 Avalanche . . 8 3 Monoform ... 0 7 Austerlitz . . 8 3 Kola Nip .... 0 7 Sir Tristram FT 11 Euclid it 7 Carl Rosa.. . 7 9 Mas. Deluval a 7 -St. Bill.... La nd lock . . . 7 9 Foremost .... G t . 7 <) Gen. Average G 7 Boomerang . 7 9 Canticle G 7 Alisa . 7 ft Dardanus .... fl 7 Starshoot .'Marguerite . 7 . 7 7 7 Puhlpubi .... G 7

st lb st lb Klatere 12 7 Hakarla 10 5 Inniskillen ... 11 8 Liberator .... 10 0 Comfort 11 6 Hantapu .... 9 12 Prill, of Thule 11 5 Leeside 0 11 Nor-west ... 10 12 Vexation 9 9 Dingo 10 9 Pharos ...... 9 'J Walraka 10 7 Loch Fyne... 9 7 Swimmer .... 10 5 Brigham 0 7

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 21, 25 November 1905, Page 19

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Auckland Racing Club's Spring Meeting. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 21, 25 November 1905, Page 19

Auckland Racing Club's Spring Meeting. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 21, 25 November 1905, Page 19

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