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Personal Paragraphs

Mr Leekie (England) has just paid the Hot Lakes District an extended visit. Mr and Mrs Carr and their daughter (Keniuera) are in Rotorua at present. Dr. Edmonds came up to Auckland by the Waiotahi last week from Opotiki.

Mr Carr, of Waharoa, is staying in Rotorua at present. Mrs. W. Smith, of Canterbury, is staying at ‘'Wharenui,” in Wanganui. Mr. W. H. Millward, of Wellington, was in Wanganui last week. Miss Wells, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs. Ewen Campbell, in Wangdaui. Mr. A. Blundell, of Wanganui, is at present in Nelson.

Miss Jay has returned home after spending a few weeks in Westport.

Mr and Mrs E. (lillon and family have arrived in Westport. Miss Moore (Wanganui) has gone to Wellington on a short visit. Miss J. Moore (Wairarapa) is making a stay in Wellington.

Miss Shand (Dunedin) is the guest of Mrs A. S. Mackenzie (Wellington). Miss Seymour (I’icton) is on a visit to Mrs Fell, Oriental Bay, Wellington. The Misses Harding (Wellington) are back after a short trip to Dunedin.

Miss Denniston (Dunedin) is visiting her relatives in Christchurch. Miss Robinson (Invercargill) is paying a visit to Christchurch. Dr. Gribben (Wellington) is in Christchurch on a visit. Mr. and Mrs.-J. S. Tennant are leaving Ashburton for Wellington. Professor Blunt (Christchurch) has gone to llororata for a holiday visit. Miss Mating is staying with Mrs. Blunt. Christchurch.

Miss (Palmerston North) is visiting in Wellington. Mrs Loughnan (Palmerston North) is making a stay in Wellington.

Miss Fenwick (Dunedin) has been visiting Mrs Tringham, 'Wellington.

Mrs. Donald McLean (Mount Hutt) is in Christchurch, staying with Mrs. Nanearrow, Arniagh-street. Miss Florence Studholme (Canterbury ) is expected to arrive from England in a few weeks’- time.

Mrs. Dam pier-Crossley spent a few days in town last week, writes our Christchurch correspondent.

Mrs. John Williams (Mount Benger) is visiting Mrs. Elworthy. Papanui Road, Christchurch. Miss Potts (New Plymouth) is the guest of Mrs. A. Thompson, Park Road, Palmerston North.

Father Hays was the guest of Mr. Loughnan during his stay in Palmerston North.

Mrs S. Izard (Wairarapa) has been in Wellington lately, staying with Mrs Elgar, Hobson-street. Mrs and Miss Rutherford (Canterbury) are staying in Wellington for the. winter months.

Miss D. Johnston is back in Wellington after a flying visit to her sister, Mrs W. Levin, Rangitikei.

Miss Davies, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Russell, Napier, has returned to Wellington.

Miss Medley (Wellington), who has been away in England for a year or so, is to return in a few months time.

Miss F. Brandon lias returned to Wellington after sjiending a few days at Marton, Rangitikei. Mrs. Gray (Port Chalmers) is staying with her sister, Mrs. Andrew Anderson, at Opawa, Canterbury.

Lady Clifford and her daughters are spending a few weeks at their residence, “Avonholin,” Fendalton. Miss Abraham (Palmerston North) is paying a round of visits in Wellington for the gaieties. Miss .Warburton (Palmerston North! is spending a week or two in We Hi rigton with Mrs Fulton. Miss M. Chatfield (Wellington) has returned from New Plymouth. where she has been paying a round of visits. Mrs Courtney, who has been residing for some time in Tauranga, has returned to New Plymouth to live. Mrs Mackenzie, of Whangarei. and Mrs Lister, from Scotland. are visiting Mr M. Fraser, of New Plymouth. Mr Wm. Kerr has returned to New Plymouth after paying a short visit to Auckland. Miss Z. George (Auckland) is in Wellington, staying with Mrs Hislop (Kelburne). Miss Williams (Hawke’s Bay) is staying with Mrs T. C. Williams, Hobsonstreet, Wellington. Sir William and Lady Russell are on their way back to the colony in the Athenic from London.

Mr. J. Honan, who for the. past 30 years or more has conducted the Catholic Boys’ School at Onehunga, has resigned.

Mrs. Logan Bush, of Dunedin, is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. 11. F. Christie, St. John's Hill, Wanganui.

Miss E. Marshall, of “Tutatotara.” Rangitikei. is the guest of Mrs. Gifford Marshall, in Wanganui.

Mr. Bruce, of Auckland, was in Wanganui last week to be present at Mr. Wallace's wedding. Mr. Gifford Marshall, of Wanganui, has just paid a living visit to Hawke’s Bay.

Mr Townley, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, is staying in Rotorua just now.

Mrs Dewes, of Parnell, and Mi<s Pratt (England) are staying at “The Bungalow,” Rotorua. Miss Mandeno, of Te Awamutu. and her nieces, the Misses Jackson, of Renuiera, are visiting Rotorua. Father Hays arrived in Auckland on Sunday, and is staying with Mr. J. J. O’Brien in Ponsonby. Mr A. B. Robert on (president of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce) went South on Sunday by the Ngapuhi. Dr. Gibson (Christchurch) has gone to Wellington to meet, his fiancee, who is to arrive from England this week. The Misses Heywood have taken rooms in Mrs King's new house, Dur-ham-street North. Christchurch. Chief Judge Seth-Smith, of the Native Lands Court, and his wife, arrived from the South last week. Miss Laura L. Hall, mistress of the Taupiri School, lias been appointed assistant teacher at the Ellerslie School. Mr and Mrs Miller, of New Plymouth, are leaving this week for the Ohl Conn try. Mrs King, Mrs Miller's aunt, accompanies them. Miss Elder (Waikane), who has been visiting Blenheim, is spending a week or two in Wellington with Mrs MorriBon. Miss Foote (Hawke's Bay) lias gone to Wellington for a month or so, ami is at present staying with Professor and Mrs Rankin Brown, Aurora Terrace. Mrs Newton King has returned to New Plymouth from Wanganui, accompanied by her daughter, who has been visiting her relatives.

Mr Minnett, purser of the Paterna, relieves Mr IL L. Ferguson on the Tardwera, that officer going over to the Mara roa.

Miss Laura L. Hall, who has for some time occupied the position of mistress of the Taupiri School, has been appointed assistant teacher at Ellerslie.

Mr and Mrs Chas. Wallnutt and famiiy. of Rotorua, are in Aueklaiid for a change after Mr Wallnutt’s recent severe illnec*.

Constable. Doyle has been transferied from Parnell to Napier, and will b‘* succeeded by Constable Orchard, who is at present on the city force. The Rev. Father Benedict has been seized with a serious illness, and he lies at St. Patrick’s Presbytery in rathei a critical condition. Mr R. Miller, manager of the Rotorua branch of the 8.N.Z., left Auckland on Monday by the Mararoa on a holiday visit to the Commonwealth. Mr Wesley Spragg. who went to Wellington to attend the meeting of the New Zealand Alliance, returned to Auckland on Sunday by the Ngapulii. Reports from the West Coast of Africa. w here several Thames 'miners are employed, state that Messrs. W. Grundy ami A If. Otter are faring very well (says the Thames paper.) Mr. Harold Beauchamp has been appointed, subject to the Republic’s approval. Consular-Agent for France at Wellington in place of Mr. A. Stuart Men teat h, who is leaving for England. A well-known Thames boy. Mr. Hugh Farrelly. who left some time bark for the West African goldfields, was given an enthusiastic “welcome” social at Thames on bis return last week-

The Italian Government has forward ed to the widow of the late Mr Georg** Fisher. M.H.R.. its condolences over her husband’s death, ami its high appreeixtion of his services.

Mr and Mrs Isaac Gibbs (Christchurch) have returned to their residence in Merivale. Their bouse has been enlarged and renovated. and is now very complete.

Mrs Carey-Hill (Christchurch) is forming a Shakespearian Reading Chiu, the meetings will take place at her house twice a month.

Mr. Marmaduke Smith, of New Plymouth. has been transferred to the W an ganui branch-of the Bank of Australasia. He takes the place of Mr. Greig, who has been transferred to Auckland.

Mr J. Crawford, of Scotlaml. who ha* been visiting Cambridge and Auckland, returned to Rotorua this week for a further holiday amongst the wonders of the district.

Mr IL P. Barry, superintendent of the Waihi G.M. Company at Waihi, w ho has been in England for some months. Is expected to return to Auckland by the San Francisco mailboat which arrives here on August 28th.

The Onehunga Presbyterian Young Women’s Bible-class and Sabbath school teachers have presented to Miss Flora James, lately a teacher in the Onehunga District High School, a silver mounted biscuit barrel as a wedding present. Tim Anglican Bishop of Nelson has been elected (hairman of the Maori Mis sion Board. Mr K. Wilson, of Palmerston North, has been appointed secretary to the Board, and has consequently resigned his seat as a member of the execut i ve. Miss Bryant has resigned her position in the Opotiki School, and has returned to her home in Auckland. She was a very popular teacher in Opotiki, and tin* local committee greatly regretted to lose her services. Gt neral Booth has left Western Australia for England. The Premier sent him a telegram wishing him “God speed.” and the General replied: “May God’s smile rest on N.Z. and his blessing on you and your family.” At Messrs. Nicholls Bros.’ iron foundry. Auckland, last week. Mr. S. Nicholls for the employers) and Mr. Lawson (for the employees) presented to Mr. White a. line set of carvers and cutlery as a wedding gift. Cheers were given for Mr. White by the assembled employees. Captain George Griffiths, of the Tyseist.*amer Star of Victoria, now <»n her way from London to New Zealand, via Australia, is making his first voyage as master of that vessel, of which he was previously chief officer. Al the Auckland Rowing Club's boat shed a few days ago Mr. N. Wade, the deputy captain of tin* club, was presented with a silver tea service by the members on the occasion of his approaching marriage. Mr W. J. Lovett, the club's captain, made the presentation in the prescene of a large number of member*.

Mr J. S. W. Ab-Ncale, who has bee. some time in the Argentine, i- writing a scries of articles on that country. He is returning there at the end of the year. Mr. Mr Neale i> a correspondent of tin* •‘Buenos Ay re** Standard," the oldest English pa|wr in the Argentine. Mr. Phil Pickering, of the Bank of New South Wales. who ha* been stationed at tin* Auckland Branch for several years, has hern transferred to Sydney, for which place hr left on Monday im the Mararoa. Mr ami Mrs T. Young (Wellington) are going to England very shortly, travelling by 'Frisco. They will be bark early next year. .Meantime, thc : r little son is going to stay with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Tolhurst, Grant-road. Mr and Mrs Birch (Marton. Rangttikei) are spending a week or two in Wellington. They are thinking of taking a trip Home very shortly, anJ will probably be away about a year or so. Mr and Mr* Stuart Mcnteath (Wellington) leave for England by the Kaikoura almost immediately. They will return (*aily next year, and will probab’y bring back Miss Lois Mcnteath with them. She has been visiting friends at Home for nearly a year.

Mr Harold Beauchamp, who becomes acting Consular Agent for France at Wellington during the absence of Mr Menteath, belongs tn the firm of .1. Bannatyne and Co. He is one of Wellington's most prominent public and is a warm supporter of the Government.

Miss Lee. of Sydney, who has been staying for several months with Mr*. Dargavilk*. Remuera, Anekhimt, left on Monday for her home. She was accompanied by Miss DargaviHe, who will be away for two or three months visiting friends in Sydney and Melbourne.

Warwick House, Armagh street, ( hristchurch, where Mr Chas. Cook has for so many years held his school, is to be taken down. Mr Dunean Rutherford (Mendip Hills) is building a very large mansion there for his town resilience. Mr Cook will carry on hia school in Gloucestei-street East. i:> which place he is moving during this week.

Mr. Donald Mcßain, who has been eonmetvd with Lands and Survey Department for 17 years, has resigned. The officers of the Department presented Mr. Mcßain with an illuminated address, and a suitably inscribed marble clock. I'he presentation was made by Mr. Marchant, the Surveyor-General. Mrs. Frank Dillingham, wife of the American (‘onsul General in Auckland, lias been seriously ill in San Francisco since her arrival there from Auckland. There was some improvement when the last mail left, but not siifiieirmt to permit Mr. Dillingham to make his official visit to Washington. Messis. W. Ranwcll and J. Ev»?rctt, who are retiring from the Government Printing Department, after serving there for a great number of years, haw both received presentations from their fellow employee's. Mr. Mackay, the Government Print,‘r, made the presentation on behalf of the staff, and spoke in complimentary terms of the two recipients. Miss Grant, of Auckland, who is on the staff of the New Plymouth High School, has bum granted by the I'aranaki Board leave of absenrt> (luring Ifithi >o that she may study European educational methods, and improve her acipiaintam-c with the French and German languages. She will probjbly get a position for a few months in the largest secondary school for girls in Berlin, and hopes later on to obtain a similar position in France. The Rev. W. Bow was inducted to the charge of Trinity Chnreh. <’ambridge. last week, the Rev. W. Monro Moderating. The Rev-. I'honipson (Thames), Macnicol (Auckland), and Entrican (Te Awamutu) were pre-cut. and took part in the proceedings. hi the evening a social of welcome was held, the Yen. Archdeacon Willis (Anglican) and the Rev. \V. IL Berk (Methodist) l»<*ing amongst those present. During the evening the Rev. Mr. Monro was presented with a chripie by the congugation in recognition of his zeal in tilling the vacancy. Mr J. Y. Birch, wh«» has been the drama! i<* critic of 1 he “N.Z. Herald t<*r some years, has accepted a simibir position on the “N.Z. Times’’ in Wellington, for which place he left on Sunday. His confreres on the literary staff liust.

week presented him with a silver matchbox and ail vet*-mount cd walking stick. Mr Birch is the author of the libretto of the opera “The Moorish Maid,” recently produced successfully in Auckland, and he is now engaged on some fresh dramatic creations. Mr Birch has been secretary to the N.Z. Institute of Journalists for the past two years. Commander Ludwig Bitter von ifochnel. of the Austrian torpedo cruiser Panther, which will shortly visit Sydney, is one of the best known officers in the Austrian navy. His name has frequently been associated with scientific research and exploration, ami for services in these connect ions he has received several valuable decorations. During the last 20 years he has been frequently engaged in exploratory work, and led two expeditions into the interior of Africa, where ho discovered several large lakes. and determined the sources of some wellknown rivers. In consideration of the services lie rendered in Africa. Commander Hochnel was specially selected by the Austrian Government to command an embassy from the Emperor of Austria to Menelik. Emperor of Abyssinia. Dr. A i tiger, who arrived from England by the Bimntaka, is a member of the well known Christchurch family. He is returning to the colony after several years spent in England studying medicine and practising his profession. Last year he had an adventurous experience, die joined an expedition which was fitted* out to go treasure hunting at Cocos Island by a well-known English peer. The search for treasure was fruitless, but jthere was plenty of excitement on the trip. A land slip buried some members of the party while they were exploring, ami it was with some difficulty they were rescued from a dangerous position. Dr. Ainger’s services as surgeon were very much appreciated.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 2, 15 July 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 2, 15 July 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 2, 15 July 1905, Page 41

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