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Personal Paragraphs

Mr. Stanley Eropson, of Rotorua, lias gone to Auckland for a time. Count H. Priwest de Brebreires, of Paris, is visiting Rotorua at present. Miss Cooper (Wellington) is back from her stay in Dunedin. Mr end Mrs W. Turnbull are staying at Day’s Bay House, Wellington. Mrs Ballanee (England) was a passenger for London by the Papanui. Mr R. Blair, of Melbourne, is at present on a visit to Auckland. Mrs E. N. Liffiton, of Wanganui, is staying with friends in Wellington. Mr and Mrs Andrew Hanna, of Rerauera, Auckland, are on a visit to Rotorua. Mr Guy joining the Poherua at Wellington. The Rev. J. Wilkins went South last week by the Rotoiti. Mrs G. Titfen (Gisborne), has gone for a trip to Dunedin. Dr. and Mrs Henley, of Napier, have gone for a visit to the North. Miss A- Gibson (Patea) is the guest of Mi-s Hirst, Hawera, for a few days. Mrs H. Nolan (Auckland) is visiting Mrs Tonks, Hawera, Mr and Mrs H. Smith, of Pahiatua, are spending a short time in Napier. Mr and Mrs Trevor Gould, Welling ton, have been staying in Napier. Miss Fitzroy, of Hastings, has returned from a visit to England. Mr J. Barry, of Waipukurau, is spending a short time in Napier. Mr and Mrs W. H. Smith, of Hastings. Hawke’s Bay, have returned from England. Mr and Mrs Herdman, who have been staying in Napier, have left for the South. Miss Horne (Tasmania), is visiting Gisborne, and staying with Major and Mrs Winter. Mrs Gudgeon. Renwick, Marlborough, has been to Wellington for a day or two. Mrs T. Cawte, Mahakipawa, is staying with her sister, Mrs H. Greenshill, in Picton. Major and Mrs Pitt, who have been staying with Mrs Donner (Gisborne), return to Auckland this week. Mr T. Buddle and Miss Buddie leave for England next month by the steamer lonic. Colonel and Mrs Macßobin join the mail steamer Sierra at Sydney for San Francisco. . Mr. J. Parker, of the Wellington “Pont,” returned to Wellington last week. Mr H. W. Platts, the second officer of the Waikare, has joined the Poherua as chief officer. He will return to Dunedin, Misses Slattery’ (2), Wellington, are at present staying with Miss Flynn, Hawera. Mr Wicks is staying at ‘‘Waitohi House,” Pictou, for a change, on account of his health. Mies L. Horne 4Blenheim), has been spending a few days with Mrs Macalister in Picton. Mr and Mrs Stewart Pollen, of Wellington, have been paying a visit to Napier. Mr J. N. Williams, of Frimley, Hawke’s Bay, lias gone for a visit to the Hot Lakes. Mr and Mrs W. IL Kinvig, of Wellington, are on a visit to Auckland, and are staying at “Gleualvon.” Mr and Mrs George Dunnett, of Epsom, Auckland, left fvr Sydney by the Manuka on Monday last. Mrs and Miss Towle (Auckland) were passengers to Sydney by the Manuka last Monday. Miss Winnie Cotter, of “Oaklan ds,” Remuera, Auckland, is on a visit to Mrs Bull, Weiagars. My and Mrs Logan, of Napier, intend leaving early in March for a visit to EnglandTke Bey. Jasiaa EusseU and Ms family arrived in Auckland last week from Sydney by the ffierea. ,_. A

Mis Geo. Lethbridge, of Huntcrville, i» the guest of her sister, Mrs W. D. Anderson, in Wanganui. Miss O. Stanford, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit to her sister in New Plymouth. Miss Belle Buehanau. of Parnell. Auckland, is visiting her sister, Mrs Woodhouse, of Thames. The Misses Humphreys, of New Plymouth, are the guests of Miss Imlay, “Mount Desert,” Wanganui. Miss Marchant returned to Dunedin last week after a stay of a month or so with her relations in Wellington. Mrs Gregson and Mr H. Gregson (Napier) passed through Wellington on their way to England last week. The Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis arevisiting friends in the South Island. Mrs and Miss Martin (Napier) passed through Wellington on their way to Christchurch. Miss Eileen Riddiford (Wellington) is staying with Mrs E. Riddiford (Lower Hutt). Miss A. Turner, who has been visiting friends in Patea, is back iu Wellington again. The Misses Pollen (Wellington) are going to England in April next, travelling by the Athenic. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxwell and family, of De.vonport, have just paid Rotorua a short visit. Mrs E. Liffiton, of Waitotara, is the guest of Mr and Mrs E. N. Liffiton, in Wanganui. Mrs Griffiths, of Wanganui, has returned from u short visit to friends in the Empire City. Miss Earle, of Wanganui, is staying, iu Hawera with her sister, Mrs GillCarey for the Hawera races. Captain Turner and Miss Turner, of Rotorua, paid a short visit to Auckland last week. Mr and Mrs Clarke-Johnson and Miss Johnson (Wellington) intend going to England in a few weeks. Mrs W. Barton (Featherston. Wairarapa) is staying at Rona Bay, Wellington- with her children. Mrs. E. Firth, of Auckland, with her baby, are at present staying at Gwynnelands, with her mother, Mrs. Banks. Miss Willis, of Cambridge, has gone on a visit to her cousin, Mrs. Roebuck, of Oruru, Monganui. Miss A. Hunter, of Brunswick, Wanganui, has been staying with Mrs. C. Peake, of Rotorangi, Cambridge. Mrs Newal, and Miss Newal, Wellington, have been staying at “Waitolii House,” Pieton, for a few days. Mr Gray, of the Electrical Extension Company, Singapore, has been visiting his brother iu New Plymouth. Mr H. Nelson, of the Bank of Australasia. has been spending part of his holidays in New Plymouth. Mr M. Frater, of New Plymouth, has gone for a holiday to the North by the N.S.S. Co.’s excursion trip.

Mr W. Kenway, wbo ha« been living iu Perth (W. Auxtralia) for a number vt years, is now iu Gisborne. Miss Acland-llood arrived in Gisborne thia week, and ia staying with her brother, Mr W. Aeland-Mood. Mrs Dalzell, who has been staying with the Misses Monektou (Patutabi), left for Wairarapa last week. Mrs Duckworth, and Miss Eyes, who have been visiting Blenheim, spent a few days in Picton, staying at Oxley's Motet, on their way to Wellington. Mr R. Simpson (Wellington), general manager of the Phoenix Insuranep Company, has been spending a short time in New Plymouth. Miss Cecil Hull, daughter of Mr F. Hull, of Epsom, has received intimation by cable from London that, she has gained her M.A. degree. Mr Hedley Thomson, who has been in England for a number of years, and Mr T. Thomson, of Wellington, are vipiting their parents, Mr and Mrs Campbell Thomson (Gisborne). Mr Jackson Palmer, Native Land Court Judge, is gazetted President of the Waiariki District Maori Land Council. Sir Edward Wittcnoom. K.C.M.O-, left Auckland for Rotorua last week. Sir Edward was formerly Agent-General for West Australia. The Rev. F. W. Isitt is visiting Auckland on a three weeks’ visit on business in connection with the New Zealand Alliance. Mr and Mrs Mabyn (nee Mis« Ruth Day), who have heen spending a short time with Mr and Mrs W. L. Rees (Gisborne), have returned to their home in Hokitika. Mr 11. C. Seymour and Mr 11. Western have returned from an enjoyable trip to Canterbury. They returned overland via the West Coast.

Mish Coate*. who has been visiting tier •inter, Mrs NeUon, Auckland, returned to Wellington by the Kotoiii last Monday. Miss Thorne George, of Parnell, who went to Wellington recently via the .Wanganui River, is expected back in Auckland one day this week. Colonel Massy and Mrs. Dunham Massy, of London, have returned to Rotorua on a visit after a year’s absence at Home. Mrs Menzies (Wellington) has gone to Invercargill Io visit her married daughters. Mr'D. Meuzies accompanies her. Mis and Miss Hewitt are back in Palmerston North after a few days in Wellington for the wedding of Mrs Hewitt’s niece. Miss .11 urn Frey. Miss Donald, of Xlhort Park, Auckland, returned to ~nd on Saturday, after a visit to llolovua and Wairakei. flie Hons. T. Y. Duncan. Minister of Lunds, and 11. Mills, Minister of Customs, have returned to Wellington, from a visit, to Marlborough. Mr H. D. Gillies, of Auckland, has booked a passage from New Zealand to lamdon by the tonic, which leaves Wellington on March 2. Mrs Sproule, wife of Mr V. A. Sproule, of the Oceanic S.S. Co., will bo a passenger to London by the While Star liner lonic on March 2nd. Sir William Russell intends to contest his old seat at the forthcoming election, and has no present intention of accepting a seat in I he Upper llouae. Mr. and Mrs. -L Sb,aw. of Adelaide, who have been in Rotorua for the past two months, leave for Adelaide this week. Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, of Riveriua, Australia, left Rotorua last week after their annual visit of six weeks* duration. Madame Boeufve, wife of the popular French Consul in Auckland, has returned to town after a pleasant holiday at Wairakei. Mr and Mrs Loughnan (Christchurch) were in Wellington for a day or two on t'heir way home to Christchurch after a Dip through the North Island. Mr. and Mias Wright ami Miss M. Duunv returned to their home at C-aiu-b ridge (his wek, after a fortnight’s visit to Auckland. Mr L. C. Vaughan (Wellington) is leaving fur England next month, travelling by the Orient rutile. II is return is somewhat indefinite. The Hou. 11. Gourley, who was reChairman of tin* Outgo Harbour Board, probably holds the colonial ic cord, having occupied that position continuously since 1801. Mr McSporrin, Into assistant teacher al the Waihi High S<;hool, left for Sydney per Ihe s.s. Victoria, last week cm route to Scotland, where he intends to reside for a few years. Meritorious service medals have been awarded 1o Sergeant-Major R. G. V. Parker and Sergeant \rtitieer John I'ox, both of the Royal New Zealand Artillery. Mr amt Mrs J. C. Wilkin, and the Misses Wilkin (Christchurch), arc going on a visit to Rotorua, Miss Kettle (Christchurch), is paying ti visit to Mrs Robin Campbell at Dmkalke. The Hon. J. 1). Davies, <‘.M.G., Speaker of the Tasmanian State Assembly, who is visiting New Zealand, is coming overland to Auckland from Wellington through Taupo and Rotorua. Mr Harold Gregson, who has during the hist eighteen months, aoied as organist at the Napier Presbyterian Church, left thia week for Europe, when* he intends to spend two years la the study of music. Mr L. O. Beal, (’.E., of Dunedin, who has been reporting on the Waihi mines. la at present staying with hie brother-in-law, Mr Henry W. Wilson, of the Avenue, Parnell, Auckland. The Rev. Mr. McFarland and family have returned to Auckland after a stay of seven weeks In Cambridge, where ht) wiu acting locum toneme for Archdeacon Willis. In response to a requisition from a number of gentlemen in the Masterton elect oral c, Mr Massey (Leader of the Opposition) has consented to givo 4 political address in Mas ter ton in April next.

Mr E. F. Reynolds, of C‘»t*<Hiiandel. left Auckland by the Sierra on Friday last on route for America for th** purpose of realising property in Colorado. U.S.A-, left him under the will of his deceased brother. Mr Geo. Fowlds, M.H.R.. and Mrs I’owlds left List week perßotoiti fur the South to attend the meetings of (he Congregational Union at Christchurch. They will be absent trcuu Auckland for a forln ight. Mr R. IL. Elliot* was married at Carterton recently to Mrs Webb, formerly Mrs Gibson, of Greytown. The bride is a sexagenarian, while the bridegroom is 7’.) years of age, and is an old age pensioner and a former inmate of the Carter Home. Mr Henry Burling. a resident of Waterfalls, * 30 miles from Ekatahuna, has reached the age of 103, and still enjoys perfect health. He landed at Pori. Nicholson in 1842, and had charge of the men who constructed the road into VVairarapn over the Rimutakas. Among the visitors to the Master ton Show last week was Mr Donald MeKimion (Leader of the Opposition in the Victorian Legislative Assembly). It is his intention to visit several Taranaki dairies before proceeding to Auctcland, on route for Melbourne. The Dowager Marchioness of Duffcrin and Ava was to leave Clandeboye, County Down, last month, on a visit to her sister, Lady Nicolson, at the British Embassy in Madrid. Afterwards she sails for New Zealand io visit her daughter, Lady Blanket. Archbishop Kelly, of Sydney, who is remaining in Christchurch fur some additional services in connection with the now R.C. Cathedral, intends to return to Auckland on his way back to New South Wales. Hu will come hither up tb.o Wanganui river. Dr. Rogers, of Mast erst on. arrived in Rotorua last week, to take the place of Dr. Craig, in the Government Sanatorium, Dr. Craig having resigned in order to commence private practice on hh own aevouni- in Rotorua. Mrs. B. Cowper, who has been on a three weeks’ visit to Mrs. {Cave, of Papakura, returned to her home at Cambridge last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. ( owper leave for a trip Homo, on the 41 h March, and purpose returning before the end of the year. Archdeacon Willis and family returned Io Cambridge last week after a. stay of seven vvf“'k.s at their seaside residence at St. Heiier’.s. Archdeacon Willis, who is suffering from muscular rheumatism, subsequently left, for Te Arolia io try the baths. Mr Horace G. Hunt, who is the son of Mr R. Leslie Hunt, the weli-known Auckland musician, and who is studying iu Wellington under Sir Maiignan Barnett, has passed the birsl Examination for the Mas. Bae. degree of the N.Z. University. Before leaving Wellington to take up the position of Deputy-Registrar of the Supreme Court at Auckland, Air IL J. Dixon, second clerk at the Magistrate s Court, was presented by Dr. AlacArthur, »S.\L. on behalf of the court oflicials, with a. souvenir of esteem. Among the visitors at present in Rotorua is Mr. Mark Ifookham, commodore of the Eastbourne (Eng.) Marine I bib. Mr. Hookham is a swimmer of note, and is at present touring New Zealand, accompanied by his wife, on his silver wedding, and returns to Eastbourne in about six months’ time. Mrs Babington’s many friends are glad » -o welcome her back in Wellington again after her long absence. Last winter she spent in Sydney, and since her return to the colony she and General Babington have made their headquarters in (’hristohuroh. Now they have settled down in Wellington again, and are on the look-out fur a suitable house. Miss Jsobe! Robertson, a Birkenhead young lady, now in the Department of Education, Wellington, has passed her ALA. degree with third-class honours. ’l’hls is all the more creditable, considering Miss Robertson is engaged in Departmental work by day. Miss Robertson was formerly a pupil of the Auckland Grammar School, and is the daughter of Mrs W. T. Bagot, of Blrkdale. Mr Martin Kennedy (Wellington), who was in Christchurch for the dedication of the new fi.O. Cathedral, ia 9ne of Vhe strongest pillars of the Church. He has given mauifleont dona-

lions to the Wellington churches, and the restoration of St. Mary of the Angels was done largely at his expense. Not long ago he came back from a trip to England, during which he came in contact with many notabilities. Two of his daughters have remained in England, where they are devoting themselves to a religious life. Dr. A. Cameron Owen, who is surgeon of Ihe s.s. Somerset now in Auckland, is a New Zealander, and has been absent from Auckland nearly eight years. During that time he tilled his full course of medicine at the Edinburgh University, and since then has been practising medicine in various parts of England and Scotland- About four years ago. when the Edinburgh University sent a hospital to South Africa, he was one of the surgeons the University selected to go with the hospital. He had a good deal of experience of the Boer War, and saw much of the sufferings of the wounded, soldiers. Dr. Owen is a sou of Mr G. W. Owen, of this city. Engineer Commander Bingham, who for the past three years, with the rank of lieutenant, has represented the British Admiralty in New Zealand, in connection with the purchasing of coal for the navy, lately received intimation of his promotion to the higher rank, and at the same lime was recalled to England to join a warship. Prior to his leaving mi Saturday last by the Warriinoo he was entertained in Wellington, and presented with a gold watch on behalf of friends in Wellington and Westport. Among tlie lisl of visitors at Okoroire. for wee.k ending February 18, 1905, are: —-Mr O’Callahan, Wellington; Mr ( live. Ceylon; Capt. and Mrs Scott. England; Madame Boeufve, Auckland; Mr Lambton, England: Mr Leather. England: Mr A. H. Scott. England; Mr and Mrs Davis; Alt- Clarke, Auckland; Miss Clarke, Auckland: Mr and Mrs Wilson Smith, and two children, Auckland: Mr und Mrs Simonds. Hawke’s Bay: Mr Mellwraith, Sydney; Mr Waters. Sydney; Mi' Dent, Sydney; Dr. and Mrs Milne-Walker, England: Mr Buckingham, England; Mr Wheeler, Sydney; Mr Smythe, Wellington: Mr and Mrs Rogers, Auckland; Miss Rogers. Auckland; Dr. and Mrs Howse, Sydney. Count Henry Prevost de Brebieres. a member of the Society of Geography of Paris, left Auckland last week by the Sierra for San Francisco. The Count is making his second round-the-world tour, and with reference to his visit to the thermal region of this colony, he considers that Rotorua and its enviorons compare very favourably with the Yellowstone Park and the volcanic district of Iceland. He left Paris about four months ago for India, and after visiting the Khyber Pass, Triehinopoly, Delhi, Karachi, etc., he went to Darjeeling, the Niz'ani States and Rangoon, going from there to Ceylon. From Colombo he came to Australia. where he spent, some time coining on to New Zealand and reaching Rotorua via the Wanganui River. It is his intention to visit California. Mexico, the Southern States and Cuba this year, and next year he will travel in the Ear East. The Count has gathered a great mass of data during his travels, and on his return will lecture before the various geographical societies in France of ‘which he is a member.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 8, 25 February 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 8, 25 February 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 8, 25 February 1905, Page 41

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