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RUGBY. NEWTON WINS AUCKLAND CHAMPIONSHIP. Saturday's cun matches at Alextiiulra Park, decided the championship for the season, the Newton team winning this distinction by beating Fonsonby. thus securing six wins out of nine matches played. They had only lost one, while two were drawn. North Shore, the runners-up, had six wins also, but their defeats were three in number. The Shoie men met the City team on No. 1 ground, in the presence of nearly 5000 spectat ors,. and a fast and interesting game resulted in City avenging their previous defeat by an easy win of 11 points to 3. Newton won the championship by registering a victory against Fonsonby by 5 points to 3. On No. 3 ground Parnell and Suburbs fought to avoid a bottom place on the list, and Parnell secured the win by ft converted goal to a penalty goal scored by Suburbs, after a scrambling game. The takings at Alexandra Park on Saturday totalled £B3. CITY TURN THE 'CABLES ON NORTH SHORE. (City, 11 points; North Shore, 3.) The above match was played on No. 1 ground, and resulted in a decisive win for City, after an interesting game, a result mainly due to the excellent form shown by City’s vanguard. Mr G. Katterns had charge of the game, and acquitted himself with his usual efficiency. Taken on the whole the game was fairly interesting, and although Shore’s display was a bit disappointing to their supporters, it must be admitted that City played a splendid game. Their forwards were vastly superior to the North Shore pack, and some of their combined rushes were splendid. They also received more assistance from their backs than they did against Newton, and had it not been for the solid defence of the Shore backs would have registered a far bigger score than they did. To individualise the players, Thomas at full back had n day off. Asher was again the pick of the three-quarters, and although very little came his way till well on in the game, he put in some brilliant work. His try was reminiscent of his play last season. W. Tyler played a useful game, and although not brilliant, made no mistakes. Gladding was patchy. At he could only learn to take the ball ho would make as good a three-quarter as we have in Auckland. Magee at live-eighths is a solid club player, and had he a little more dash, would be equal to the best of them. His display on Saturday was up to his best form. Young was fair in the forward division; there was not much to pick and choose, Nicholson, Seeling, Tyler and Herring all showing up prominently. Mclllio-iie and McMillan on the wings were also to the fore In the loose rushes, while MeIlhone’s throwing in of the ball from the line out was splendid.

Doyle, at full for Shore, like Thomas, had an off-day. Of the three-quarters Gerrard was far and away the pick, and got in a lot of useful work. That he still retains his pace was evident when he caught Gladding from behind, and prevented an almost certain score. W. Wynyard was fair, but Smith evidently had an off-day. The two five-eighths. Frankham ■and R. Wynyard, both played useful games. Wynyard is a young player we can expect to see holding a prominent position in football in the course of a season or two. Mays, at centre half, did some useful kicking, but behind a beaten pack did not got many chances to shine. The forwards suffered in comparison to their opponents, but nevertheless put up a good fight. They are a very even lot, and it is haul to place one above the other. Joyce was probably the best.

NEWTON V. FONSONBY. (Newton 12. Fonsonby 3.) The game calls for little comment. Newton won pretty comfortably, Fonsonby making a very feeble display. W. and J. Heath on the wing for Newton played very well. Doran, on the wing for Fonsonby. was very clever with his feet, and made some good openings. Of the forwards Trevarthen and J. Lewis were the most conspicuous. A. ilson tilled a vacancy in the Newton vanguard. G. Rowe, Newton’s half, and Lendrum, wing three-quarter for Fonsonby, were the best of the backs. PARNELL V. SUBURBS.

(Parnell, 5 points; Suburbs, 3 points.) A scrambling and rather uninteresting game was seen between these trams on the No. 3 ground at Alexandra Park. Absohim kicked a penalty goal for Suburbs early in the tU'st half, and Parnell soon scored, Shcra crossing, the Suburbs’ line after a clever dodgy run, the effort being quite unassisted. Smith converted. Nothing more was scored during the game, which became more open in the second half, both •Ides of forwards working vety hard and

putting in some fine rushes at times. The combination, however, was too poor to enable either side to score, the game ending: Parnell 5 points, Suburbs 3. SECOND FIFTEENS. Fonsonby (14) beat Parnell (nil). THIRD FIFTEENS. North Shore A v. North Shore B (at Devouport) resulted in a win for the B team by 5 points to 4 (a converted try to a goal from the field), after a very exciting game. OLD BOYS’ MATCHES. Onehunga (3) beat Napier-street (nil). Wellesley-street (S» beat Fonsonby (4). Richmond (6) beat Grafton (nil). SECONDARY SCHOOLS MATCHES. St. John’s College (11) beat Grammar School (3). Prince Albert College (12) beat King’s College (8). PUBLIC SCHOOL MATCHES. Newmarket (11) beat Wellesley-street B (lib). Onehunga beat Nelson-street by default. Ellerslie (20) beat Mangere B (nil). Epsom drew with Bayfield, no score. Parnell (6) beat Beresford-street (3). Mount Eden (4) beat Richmond-road (nil). Wellesley-street (15) beat Marist Brothers (3). AUCKLAND V. THAMES. The annual inter-union match, Auckland v. Thames, will be played at Alexandra Park on Saturday afternoon. Mr F. Murray, selector of the Auckland representative team, has chosen the following players to represent the local union: Fullback: Renwick; three-quarters, Asher. Gerrard, McKenzie ; halves, Wood, Ward, Kiernan; forwards, Gallaher, Tyler, McCluskie, Nicholson, Lewis, Seeling, Trevarthen, and Joyce. Our Thames correspondent telegraphs the Thames team as under:— Fullback, Newdlck: three-quarters, Kingham, Morgan, Keating: five-eighths, Winder; halfback. Pi ice; wings, F. 11. Hayward. McCollum; forwards, G. Smith, Baker, White, Autridge, 11. Hayward, Newland, riant; emergencies. Clark, Mullins (forwards), Dufty, Houghton, Taylor (backs). AUCKLAND V. WAIROA. Mr F. Murray has chosen the following team to play against Northern Wairoa next Saturday, at Wairoa: — Fullback, Phillips; three-quarters, Absolum, Murray, Carlaw; five-eighths, Magee: halfback, I’oananga: forwards. Wells, Doran (wings), Irvine. Herring. Pihama, Eaton, Scott, Francis, Mackreli. Emergencies: King, Lendrum, Warbiick, MacCormick, W. Heath. PLAYERS WARNED OFF. The committee of the Auckland Rugby Union inquired into a statement that a City Club player had been offered money on condition that he did not play his best game for the team he represented in the City v. Newton match last Saturday week. It was decided that two players be disqualified from playing for ten years, and be ordered off grounds under the jurisdiction of the Auckland Rugby Union during that period. It was also resolved that an outsider be ordered off the grounds under the Union’s jurisdiction for life. PRESENTATION TO THE CITY SECRETARY. On Saturday evening the members of the City District Football Club made a presentation of a nicely-mounted case of pipes to their secretary. Mr Geo. Donaldson. The presentation was in recognition of Mr Donaldson's efforts in bringing the facts of the recent scandal case before the notice of the Management Committee of the Auckland Rugby Union. ROTORUA UNION. ROTORUA. Saturday. In today’s football City (5 points) brat Kalutkurn (4 points), City thus winning the championship. Tlie junior match, City v. Whakarewarewa, was drawn. POVERTY BAY DEFEATS WAI Al’U. GISBORNE, Saturday. Poverty Bay defeated Waiupu by ‘J points to 3. - • - -

GOLDFIELDS RESULTS. J COROMANDEL, Monday. A match between Coromandel and Mercury Bay teams was played here on Saturday, and resulted in a victory for the home team by 13 points to nil. WAI 111. Monday. The local cup matches were concluded on Saturday afternoon on the local reserve, City and Suburbs playing off. The final score was: City 5, Suburbs 3; City thus winning the Championship. Mr Pelham (Auckland) gave satisfaction as referee. HAWKE’S BAY UNION. NAPIER. Monday. Trial matches were played on the Recreation Ground in view of the forthcoming Interprovinclal representative fixtures. In the senior fixture the selected fifteen defeated their opponents by 11 points to 3. The representative backs played a great game, with, perhaps, the exception of Drummond, who was rather on the slow side. The forward division did not play up to expectations, and in tin* scrum work were beaten by the combined team’s vanguard. The juniors’ fixture ended in the defeat of the selected fifteen. It must be ••onceded, however, that an opposing eighteen Is rather a big handicap. Ahurirl 111. defeated City 111. by 15 points to nil. This is the first of the trophy matches played so far. Under the auspices of the Hastings subUnion the following matches wore played at the Stortford Lodge ground: -Seniors: Tamatea (31) v. Kuhukuranui (nil). Juniors: Havelock (12) v. Roy’s Hill (S); Rovers (10) v. Ileretaungn United (nil); Taniatea (8) v. Walohikl (3). An interestig match between lloretaunga School and Hastings District School resulted in a draw —six points each. .WELLINGTON CHAMPIONSHIPS. WELLINGTON. Monday?* Some good play was witnessed in the Senior Rugby Championships, despite the adverse weather conditions. Oriental, a stubborn and hard to beat combination, gave Petone a pretty hard row to hoe, the suburbanites not being out of the wood until “no side” was called. In tlie first part of the game, Oriental was repeatedly close to scoring. McGregor, for Petone, notched the first score by kicking the bull past the Oriental goal keeper, anti outpacing all opposition. A mis-kiyk by a l*etone back, enabled Roberts to score a clover try for the town men. In the noxt half, a passing rush by the Petone forwards, closed with Driscoll going over the Oriental chalk mark. When the whistle sounded, the tally was Petone 6, Oriental 3. Considering the wet weather and the greasy ball, some gootl passing was shown in the Old Boys v. Wellington match. Old Boys’ backs, aided by their forwards, were able to place a two-try victory to their credit, Rawson, In tlie first spell, and Blacklock in tlie second half, doing the Scoring. Athletic had to put up with a defeat though they made tilings interesting for I’oneke at times. Fifteen points went up in the first spoil. Slattery, Stevens, and Wallace each scored a try, And Gray a potted goal. In the next half, Gibbs gained the Poneke line, Hales converting. Two more tries were scored for I’onC’-e by Spencer and Gray, the final tally being Poneke 24, Athletics 5. Both teams were minus their representative strength. The Junior Championships resulted: — Petone 14, old Boys nil: Melrose 3. St. Janies 3: Athletic defaulted to Victoria College. Third-class: Kia Ora defaulted to Athletic. Fourth class: Athletic 3. Southern nil. WANGANUI SUCCUMB TO MANAWATU. PALMERSTON NORTH, Monday. Wanganui and Manawatu representative teams met here on Saturday. The ground was in a terribly sloppy condition, rendering first class Rugby quite out of the question. Notwithstanding this diawback the game was exciting throughout, and fast on occasions. Wanganui was not able to bring Mitchell, who is one of Its best barks, but Ihr pick of its forwards made the journey. Manawatu played its selected combination. The superiority of the Manawatu forwards was soon In evidence, and in the early stages of the game A. McMinn carried on a lush started by Smith, and beating Thompson, u Wanganui three-quarter, made the first score. No goal r. suited. 3-0. Play continued tn pass with exciting rapidity up and down the field. From a forward rush Stalker marked, from which Arch. McMinn took a long shot ami placed a beautiful goal. 7 0. Wnngamd’s van then assumed the attack, and had (lie ball over Manawafu's line, when Stalker relieved b.v n smart kick. Pownall secured a mark ciov* to the Manawatu goal, but the kick was a failure. The next try was

ecoi cd by I*. McMinn, a difficult angle spoiling the kick. 10 0. In the svctuul spell the game was again characterised by forward play, with the advantage to Mutuiwatu. From a scrum on Wanganui’s line McCarthy passed to Baker, who streaked over and scored. No goal resulted. 13 (X The visitors were subsequently kept mainly ou the defensive, and further score was only prevented by the p’.ucky defence made by Thompson ami Takarnngl. Manawntu’s win was due to the forwards, amongst whom A. MeMlnu displayed brllliartt representative form, which it is considered will secure his inclusion in tlie New Zealand team again. Stalker played the best back game for the local men. McCarthy shaped well behind the scrum. Hr returned to Wellington the same evening. Manawatu thus being deprived of the services of a serviceable player. Mr Fache, one of llic selectors of tlie New Zealand team, witnessed the match. The Manawatu forwards in his opinion had one or two particularly brilliant num. but Wanganui played with better combination. WAIRARAPA MATCHES. M AST E RTO N. M onday. The senior championship match between Mastertou and Grrytown trams was played at Greytown, and resulted in a win for Masterton by 11 points fo 3. In the first spell Masterton’s first score was made by Speakman, who followed up a |>emi!ty kick by J. O’Leary. After this Greytown livened up. and securing a fiee kirk McGuire succeeded in equalising the scores. Th* game for the rest of the spell was even, no further score resulting. The second spell was more interesting. Shortly after the kick off J. O’Leary, getting the ball from a passing rush, scored Master ton's second try, ami convrrte<l it himself. Towards Hip »«* of the game Marsh scored another try for Mastertou, from a dribbling rush. Greytown became disorganised. and were kept on the defensive till the end of the game. Carterton juniors beat Tnhirangf by 11 to nil, anjtt Martinborough forfe/toff to Gladstone. RESULTS FROM MANAKAU. MANAKAU, Monday. The senior match. Otnki v. Wambmers, played at Otaki, ended in a draw, 3 points each. It was a veiy closely contested game, Otaki having the best of the first spell, and Wanderers slightly tlie better of the next half. Tnhnri notched a try for Wanderers in tlie first half. Bright repeating the dose for Otaki after the teams had mossed over. In the junior matches Wanderers defeated Levin by (> points to nil. and Ohau beat Manakau by G points to 3. Otaki and Levin are leading for the senior championship. 8 points each; Wanderers having (» io their credit. Otaki has a strong lead of Tainui ami Ohau for tlie junior championship. SOUTHERN MATCHES. DUNEDIN. Monday. Dunedin 3 points. Zingari nil. Southern 12. Union 3. University 16. Alhambra nil. I’irates 3. Kaikorni 0.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue III, 16 July 1904, Page 21

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue III, 16 July 1904, Page 21

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue III, 16 July 1904, Page 21

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