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Personal Paragraphs.

Mrs and Miss McMaster are staying at the Kamo Springs Hotel. Dr. Pigeon, of the I'able steamer Iria, went South by the Takapuna last week. Mr Teaoiiemaker. of South Canterbury, is staying at the Northern Club. Mrs, and Miss Malfroy, of Rotorua, are speuding the holidays in Auckland. Sir George Clifford, of Christchurch, is in Auckland for the races. Mr. A. M. Ferguson and party < >end the Christmas season at Okere fishing. Mr E. G- B. Moss. M.H R., is spending • holiday in Rotorua. Mrs. Cridland (Australia) is in Christchurch visiting her relations. Mr. G. G. and Miss Stead. Christohurch, are in Auckland for the races. Mrs. Derry Wood (Ashburton) paid • short visit to Christchurch recently. Captain and Mrs J. V. E. Neale were passengers to America by th« SonomaMr F. Belling. R N.. was a passenger by the Sonoma for ’Frisco. Mr A. T. Pittar returned to Auckland from Sydney by tire mailboat. Dr. W. E. Thomas was a passenger »y the Sonoma from Sydney to Auckland. Mr H. F. Norris, of Waipawa. spent the Christmas holidays in Auckland. Captain Horne, R.N.. Wellington, is visiting Auckland. Miss Rose Wilson. Napier, is at present visiting Wellington. Miss Ledger. Nelson, is the guest of Mrs Ward, Wellington. Mr A. S. Biss, Wellington, has gone on a trip to Sydney. Miss Winnie Griffiths, of Wellington, is spending her vacation in Wanganui. Mr and Miss Izard, of Wanganui, are visiting relations in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Moss, of Wanganui, are at present on a visit to Greyniouth. Miss Abbott, of Wellington, is at. present in Wanganui, on ? visit to friends. Mrs Gouville Saunders, of Wanganui, is on a visit to Napier. Miss Page, of Wanganui, is the guest of Mrs John Lethbridge, Pahiatua. Mr F. M. Wallace (Christ eh nr chi has gone to Wanganui for ChristmasMrs Wylie (Wellington) has gone to Lawrence, Otago, for a visit. Mr Sydney Woolfl’ (Dunedin) is on a visit to Wellington. Mrs and Miss Beere are back in Wellington after a trip to Sydney. Mrs and Miss Fulton (Wellington) are in Auckland for the holidays. Mr Turnbull. S.M., of Napier, is at present in Nelson on a short vacation. Sir William Russell left for Napier last week. The Hon. J. Carroll spent Christmas at Gisborne. Mrs. G. G. Stead lias gone to stay with Mr. an-. Mrs. Wilfred Stead, at Macdonald Downs. Waikari. Tlie Hon. J. T. and Mrs. Peacock have taken rooms at Mis. Sawtells, Cashel street. Christchurch, for the present. Mr. and Mrs. a. E. G. Rhodes. “Te K iraha.” Christchurch, are leaving on n visit to England early next year. Miss Wilder. “Ngapara.’’ North Canterbury. has returned from an enjoyable visit io Dunedin. Major Alexander, private secretary to the Governor, left for Wellington last week. Mr. C. F. Lindeman, of the Cawarra Win Man ifaetory, arrived in Auckland on December 25. Mr. Geonre George, director of the Technical School, spent his Xmas holidays .t Cambridge. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Dur.nctt returned to Auckland from a visit to Melbourne anti Sydney by the Sonoma-

Mr. J. F. Bennett, organist of Knox Church. Auckland, Iks gone tw the Southern lake district for his holiday*.

I-t u believed Mr llawkias, S.M., of Westport, intends Lo go to South Africa after he retires from the bench.

Mr, Mrs an.i Mias Parsons. of Kaikoura South, are at present in Gisborne. Mr G. H. Swan, who was in Xapier during the illness of his late son. has returned to Wanganui. Mr G. Robertson, <yf the Government Life Insurance Department, has been visiting Napier. Dr- Goldie has left Auckland for a three weeks' tour around Taupo and Rotorua. Mr G- Lawrence, a member of the Dunedin City Council, and a prominent builder, is visiting Auckland. . Commissioner-General Green, of Ute St. Louis Exposition, left for America in the Sonoma. Mr. and Mrs. P. Campbell (Christchurch i, with their family, are on a holiday trip to Auckland. The Hon. C„ Mrs. and the Misses Louisson. Christchurch, are in Auckland on a visit. Miss Bowman Fox (Christehurch) has been staying in Ashburton with her sister, Mrs. P. H.. Cox. Dr. and Mrs McArthur (Wellington) have gone to Christchurch for the holidays. Mr F. Townsend is back in Wellington after a nine months’ absence spent in visiting England and Europe. Mr. and Sirs. J. Prouse and Miss Prouse (Wellington) are expected baek from England early in March. Mrs and Miss Little, wife and daughter of the chief engineer of the Sonoma, left for ’Frisco last week. Miss Bathgate has arrived from England, and is staying with her sister, Mrs. Denniston, Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wood, Christchurch. are in Auckland for the holidays. Messrs S- D. Bowers and Mayo, of New York, were passengers by the outward mail boatProfessor Brigain and Mr Acland Wansley will be passengers to Sydney by the Ventura. Miss Dransfield and Miss Helen George, Wellington, are going the Sounds trip. Major St. Leger Moore is back in Wellington after a round of inspection in the South Island. Miss Mackay, of Stratford, is the guest of Miss Bella Duncan, River Bank, Wanganui. Mrs E. B. Heywood, of Wanganui, has gone to Christchurch on a visit to friends and relations. Mrs and Miss Brown, of Wanganui, have gone to Dunedin to stay with Mrs Vennell. Miss Ross, of the Marlborough High School, has gone home to spend her holidays at Taiti. The Vicar and Mrs Sedgwick, who had been down the Sound for a few days, returned to Pieton for Christmas. (Mrs Dyer, of Wanganui, and her children are spending the holiday in Timaru and Waimate. Sirs Gill-Carey, of Ilawera, spent Christmas with her mother. Mrs Earle, in Wanganui. Mi« ‘slewart. of Wanganui, is visiting friends and relatives in Fcilding, Wellington, and Christchurch. Mr. Mrs and Miss Barnicoat, of Wanganui, arc spending a few weeks a? New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs James Watt, of Wanganui. have left on a driving tour to Taupo, returning home via Napier. Sir and Sirs W. R. Haselden are in Wellington at present. They return to Christchurch early in the New Year. The Rev. E. St. Cowie, of St. Stark’s, Tc Aroha, is suffering from a nasty fall which he had from his bicycleHi- injuries were painful but not serious.

Mr A. Herdman (Wellington) has gone South on ■ visit to bis coastitaents at Mount Id*. Mr amt Mrs D. Sinclair, Blenheim, recently spent a few days in Picton with Mrs Via ea lister. Miss Nina GreensiH. of the Maori Guls' School, Auckland, is spending the holidays with her people in Picton. Mr Ju«li<-e and Mrs Edwards and the Misses Edwards are staying at Glenalvon. Mr Parker, manager of the Bank of New South Wales at Gisborne, spent Christinas in Auckland. Mr. J. R. Reed, of Auckland, aud Mr. V. Reed, of Kawau. have gone tn Rotorua. Misses Ida and Zoe Thorne - George were passengers from Sydney to Auckland by the Zealandia last Sunday. Mr. H. Horton and party went up to Rotorua last week for a season of fishing. The Premier will jirobably be present st the opening of the Ilawera Industrial Exhibition in February next. The Hon. C. H. Mills and Mrs Mill* (Wellington) have gone to Taranaki for the holidays. Mrs and Miss Elworthy, of Christchurch, are guests at the Kamo Springs Hotel. Dr. Moir and his family (Auckland) have gone down to Wsiheke for the holidays. Consul-General Dillingham went up to Cambridge this week with Ms family to spend the Christmas vacation there. Mr and Mrs Lambourne are visiting Kamo with their family. They are staying at -the Kamo Springs Hotel. Mrs J. .Welford and Mrs H. Baillie, Carterton, were in Picton for Christmas, staying with Dr. and Mrs Bcott. Mr and Mrs Tolhurst and Mr and Mrs T. Young, of Wellington, have gone to Titahi Bay for Christinas. Mr G. G. Stead, the well-known race horse owner of Christchurch, arrived in Auckland last week for the racing season. Miss MeLean (Queensland) who has been spending some time at Rotorua, is paying a flying visit to Auckland this week. Mr and Mrs Stewart and family, of Park-road, Auckland, left on Sunday last to spend their ’Xmas-tide in Stratford. Mr. F. S. Falkiner, wool-grower, of Riverina, N.S.W., accompanied by his wife, arrived in Auckland from Sydney on Christmas Day. Justice Real, of Queensland, wife, son and daughter, came over from Sydney in the Sonoma on a holiday visit to New Zealand. Mr W. Hill, of Te Aroha, has been appointed to discharge the duties of district agent for the Tourist Department as well as those of Domain Clerk. Dr. C. E. Marsden (Sydney), who has been on a trip to Japan, is visiting Wellington. and will probably settle in New Zealand. Mr and Mrs Enabling (Wellington) and Miss Louie Kettle (Napier) are to arrived in the Paparoa at Wellington on Boxing Day. Mr and Mrs J. Kirkealdie and the Misses Kirkealdie (4) are among the passengers from Wellington for the Sounds trip. Miss Buchanan, of Timaru, who has been visiting friends in Wanganui and Hawera, has returned to the South Island. Mr and Mrs S. T. Fitzherbert, of Wanganui, have left home for a holiday in Wellington, and from there they intend to go on to the South Island. Mr and Mrs J. P. Firth (Wellington) have gone to Nelson for Christmas, and will probably make the overland journey to Mount Cook. The Hon. J. McGowan arrived in Auckland last week, and spends the vacation at Thames. He will be in Auckland early in the new year, and he will visit the Whangarei coal deposits before going South.

Mrs Maeehane, Blenheim, is in Pieton •t present, taking. eave of Mr A.' GFell’s house during his absence from home. Mrs. E. P. Houghton and her little girl have returned te Dunedin after • plenannt month’s holiday with friends in Christ eh ureli. Mr. and Mrs. De Zenons Fraser, of Gisborne, arrived by the Talune on Sim•lay tu spend a short visit in Auckland. T :ey are staying at the Royal Hotel. Miss Phoebe Parsons, of Wellington, and Mr. aud Mrs. B. M. Wilson, wh* were recently in Christchurch, have gone on to Dunedin and the Southern Lakes. Mrs. G. Gould and her niece. Mias Wells, who have been to Dunedin on * visit to Mrs. Sinclair Thomson, have returned to Christchurch. Mr F. H. Wood, managing director of Wood and Sous Co., Ltd., Mastertan, returned home last week from a holiday trip to Rotorua and the Het Lakes. Mr and Mrs Peter Wood (Christchurch) arrived in Auckland last week to spend the ’Xmas season with Mr and Mrs Brett, at Lake Takapuna. Tlie “Gazette” announces the appointment of Lieut. William R. Gillespie to a commission in the Huntly Rifles. Miss Blundell, of Wellington, who has been visiting friends in Auckland for the last few weeks, has returned to Wellington. Miss I. Vuglar, the pianiste of the Paeroa Choral Society, has been presented by the society with a gold brooch in recognition of her valuable services during the past year. Mr Walcott Wood, of Christchurch, arrived in Auckland last week to join his wife, who has been staying with her mother (Mrs Brett) at Lake Takapuna for some time. Mr F. S. T. Little, a well-known member of the Otago University, arrived in Auckland from the South last week. Mr Little has just returned from a trip to England. Among the passengers by the mailboat from Sydney was Dr. H. Dean Bamford, a distinguished Auckland student, who has just completed a tour to England and the Continent. Miss S. Montgomerie, of “Eaglesham,” Wanganui, spent Christmas with Mrs John Lethbridge, Pahiatua, and from there intends visiting friends in the Wairarapa. Mr and Mrs Alexander Scott (England) are spending a month in Masterton prior to leaving on the Waikare’s trip to the West Coast Sounds on January 16. Major-General Sir H. Chermside, Governor of Queensland, went up to Rotorua last week with Lady Chermside, who already has spent a considerable time there. Rev. T. H. and Mrs Sprott, Wellington, have taken a house at Pahautanui for a few weeks. Later on Mr Sprott comes to Auckland for the General Synod. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wallace, Christchurch, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dickie, Waverley, and visit their two sons, who are now settled on land in that district, Mr H. Hill, of Napier, has been appointed to represent the Hawke’s Bay Philosophical Institute on the Council of the. New Zealand Institute, which was reorganised under the Act of last session. Mr Edwin Hosking, who was wellknown in musical circles in Auckland some years ago, but is now in the legal profession, has arrived in Auckland to spend his holiday vacation. Mr D. J. M'Gowan, Acting Dairy Commissioner, who retires from the Government service this month, has accepted an important position with Messrs J. B. Mac Ewan and Co., dairy produce exporters, Wellington. The annual Christmas tea and entertainment given to the inmates of the Costicy Home, Auckland, by the Remuera ladies, was a great success this year. Mrs. Pritt wishes to thank all who so liberally contributed cakes, fruit, jelly, etc., etc.; also the ladies and gcntlemefi who took part in the musical portion of the entertainment.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Courtney Jenkins, of Near Yolk, who stayed at the Central Hotel, left for Wellington last week, after a trip to the Laken. They return to Auckland in time to eatch the February mailboat to America.

The Ree. S. and Mr* Hawthorne left Auckland on Monday for England. Mr Hawthorne han been presented with a framed photograph of the teachers of the Sunday School by the staff of that institution.

Mr C. R. Suisted formerly of the Union Company, and of the Christchurch Meat Company engineering department, has been appointed additional inspector of machinery. He is at present engineer on the coastal steamer Aorere.

Dr. Hucho, the German scientist who travelled through the colony some three years ago in order to investigate on behalf af the German Government the conditions of agriculture in this colony, is making a second visit with the same Object, in view.

Mr F. A. McKenzie, war correspondent for the London “Daily Mail,” passed through Auckland in the mail boat. He proceeds as far as Honolulu, there joining the Japanese mail steamer for the East, where he wih report on the political crisis.

Dr. Neligan has appointed the Rev. Mark Sutton as his domestic ehaplain. He has been in South Africa, and pending his arrival Miss Burdett acts as secretary, Mr M. Neligan having resigned.

Mr T. M. Wilford, M.H.R.. for Hutt, is spending a holiday at the Hot Lakes. He is a keen fisherman and will take full advantage of the fine angling to be got there. Mrs Wilford accompanies him.

Mr. A. Selby, huntsman of the Pakuranga Hounds, has been presented with a hunting erop by the Waiuku followers Of the Hunt Club. The presentation was made at a dinner given in his honour at Waiuku.

Mr J. H. Kinnear has returned from Christchurch to commence practice in dental rooms in Wyndham-street. Auckland, recently occupied by Mr G. Zinzan Harris. Mr Kinnear is thoroughly familiar with all the latest methods in dentistry.

Mr and Mrs Heywood Chapman, of Auckland, are to be passengers by the Waikare on her West Coast Sounds .trip in January, as also are Mr and Mrs Elliott Oliver. Mr S. Morgan is another Aucklander who has signified bis intention to make the trip.

Constable Dart, of the Auckland Police Force, was among those who passed their final law examination last week. He has already proved himself a keen and capable officer, and he does not intend to leave the v service. A sound knowledge of law is an absolute necessity with an administrative police official, and there should be a good future for the solicitor-policeman.

Mr Boyd Bennie, a Waihi miner, who won Mr T. Gilmour’s gold medal last year at the Waihi School of Mines, and passed his examination as mine manager, has been appointed mine manager of the Mokau Coal Company. He has left Waihi to take up his new duties. Mr Bennie had considerable experience as a coal miner in Newcastle.

Mr John O’Shea, the new City Solicitor for Wellington, is an old Otago University student, and is only 26 years of age. He obtained his legal degree at the Southern University at a very early age. At the same time he attained a considerable celebrity as an all-round athlete, and in football has represented the province frequently. Dr. Hucke (Sydney), who is the Attache for Agriculture to the ConsulGeneral for Germany in Australasia, is visiting New Zealand. He is now on an overland trip through the Otira and Buller Gorges to Mount Cook and the Cold Lakes. He is also going the West Coast Sounds trip. Mi - C. P. Skerrett, Wellington, is leaving for England, travelling with Mr R. 11. Turnbull, who is also on a holiday trip. Miss Skerrett is going on a prolonged visit to her brother, who is farming in the Argentine; and Miss Julia Skerrett is taking a trip to England with Sir Joseph and Lady Ward early in January.

Mias E. Keith, of the Rintoul-etreet School, Wellington, has reaignod her poet on account of her coming marriage- Her pupils presented her with a cold chain, the ex-pupils with a handsome gold watch, and her fellowteachers with a palm and a large Doulton bowl, and the School Committee with a handsome set of carvers.

His Excellency the Governor and Viscount Northland were present at All Saints Church (Pensonby) on Christmas morning, and in the evening tb?y dined with Dr. Lenihan (Roman -Catholic Bishop of Auckland). The Governor attended the Ellerslie races on Boxing Day. and in the evening he was present at the first performance of “Mistakes Will Happen."

Mr L- M. Hancock, the Californian hydraulic expert, who has been in fire colony some time investigating our sources of water-power, passed through Auckland to San Francisco. In a chat with a “Star” interviewer he said he had sent in a provisional report to the Minister for Publie Works, and his detailed report would be forwarded from San Francisco.

Prior to tire breaking up of the Onehunga District High Sclurnl the pupils forming the several scholarship classes presented their teacher. Miss Helen Robb, with a very handsome pearl-mounted hair brush and silver-mounted comb, as an appreciation of the care site had bestowed in preparing them for the examinations. Out tn two pupils competing in the Foundation Scholarships one was successful in securing a scholarship.

Judge Mair, of the Native Laud Court, returned to Auckland from Tanmaranui. His next sitting will be held at Otorohanga. Judge Edger Is also in town, and reopens his Court at Tauranga after the holidays. Judge Dunbar Johnson has arrived from Taupo, and after spending his holidays at Te Arolia (his home) he reopens the Court at Tokaanu.

The Rev. Joseph Clark, pastor of the Auckland Baptist Tabernacle, will leave shortly with Mrs. Clark upon a month’s visit to Brisbane, where he will fill the pulpit of the City Tabernacle during that period. The pastorate of this important church, formerly held by the Rev. William 'Whale, is now vacant, and an effort is being made to secure one of the leading English or American ministers. Meanwhile the leading Australasian pastors are being invited to conduct the services.

Mr. Adams, choirmaster of the Waihi Wesleyan Church, was presented with a purse of sovereigns at a social last week in recognition of his valuable services. Rev. C. Harrison presided, and made the presentation on behalf of the members of the church. Mrs. Boyd Bennie was the recipient of a handsome album from the the teachers of the Bible class on the occasion of her departure from Waihi.

At a recent meeting of the Paeroa Choral Society, the conductor, Mr H. L- Harston, was presented with an address by the committee. The text contained an appreciation of his three years of excellent work for the society and an expression of regret at his departure from Paeroa. Mr Harston was also presented with a silver-mounted ebony baton by the officials of St. Paul’s Church, of which he had been organist and choirmaster. Visitors at the Waiwera Hot Springs include:—Mr and Mrs Balin and family, Mr Jackson and family. Miss Means, Mr and Mrs Wilson and family, Miss Corrie, Mrs Proud and family, Mr ind Mrs Blair, Mr and Mrs Swanbrick, Air L. Nathan, Mr and Mrs Davis and family, Misses E. Jones, Miss E.. Atkinson, Mr Travers Maclean, Mr Frost, Mr Connelly, Air and Airs Sommerville and family, Air and Airs C. Phillips and family. Air and Airs Pierce and family, Alisa Boorman, Air Ulrick, Airs Dargaville, Miss Al. Dargaville, Air G- S. Wallis, Air J. Edmiston. Air P. A. Edmiston, Air and Airs Kennedy and family, Air John Mowbray, Air Richardson, Mr John Mowbray, junr., Air Douglas Alowbrny, Air and Airs A. Hanna and family. Air and Airs T. Hutchinson and family. Air and Airs AValker and family. Airs St. Paul and daughters, Air Owen, Air and Airs Coutts and . family, Atisses Cotter, Mr family. Air and Airs Payton and family, Air and Airs Robt. Frater.

A pleasant ceremony took place at the Government Valuation Office, Aaek land, last week. Mr Duncan, euperviaing valuer, ou behalf of the officiate, pre seated Mr. G. W. Hyde and Mice Ma! coliu. members of the staff, with a hand some over-mantel on the occasion of their approaching marriage. In making the presentation Mr. Duncan rater, to the pleasant way in which the staff had worked together, and hoped the young couple would have a prosperous future. There died recently at Hupuku pa. Waitotara. a last connect mg link between the old and the new Maori, named Kemp. He was the last of those who took part in the treacherous massacre of the Taupo natives, who came down to raid the Waitotara district in about the year 1840. which caused great enmity between the Wanganui river natives and the Waitotara people. Kemp’s people were always good friends to the pakeiui until they joined the King Movement. On the introduction of the Gospel Kemp became a convert and was appointed n lay reader. He was about 85 years of age. Dr. H. M. Wilson son of Mr IT. C. Wilson, of Napier, who has been absent from New Zealand for more than eight years, reached Wellington on Saturday week by the Tokomaru. He is spending the Christmas holidays at his home in Napier, prior to taking up a position on the staff of the Wellington Hospital. The following visitors have been stopping at the Masonic Hotel. Napier, lately:—Messrs. Aleck, Alanning, A. B. Cameron, H. Chase Alorris, H. G. Anderson, A. H. Hnrton, Penhey, Mrs and Miss Meek, Dr. Perry (Wellington), Messrs. Peacock, Bigg-Wither. Vaile, Dr. Trotter, Airs Vaile, Misses Goirie (2), (Auckland), Air Lockhead, Airs K. Keith-Ramsay, Miss Gle.ndinning (Dunedin), Mr Beauchqp (Port Chalmers). Mr and Mrs R. Johnson, Miss Johnson. (Wanstead), Dr. Glendening. Messrs. J. P. Drake, R. Galloway, T. H. Sandel (Christchurch), Air and Mrs Jirnson (England), Air and Airs Watson (Wanganui), Mr Evans (Gisborne), Mr H. A. Afunson (San Franciseo). General regret is expressed in Paeroa at the early departure of Air and Mrs H. L. Harston, so long and favourably known in musical and other circles. Air Harston has been conductor of the Church of England choir for many years, and also conductor of the Paeroa Choral Society for the last three years. It was to Air Harston’s energy and ability that the Paeroa Choral Society owes not only its existence, but its prosperity and present efficiency. Mr Harston is also conductor of the Paeroa Banjo, Guitar and Alandolin Club, and his loss from this and the other societies will be keenly felt. Recently Air Harston was presented by the church choir with a very handsome sil-ver-mounted baton, and on Sunday week after the performance of “The Messiah” by the Choral Society, he was presented with an illuminated address by that body. On Saturday week a representative gathering of Paeroa ladies tendered Airs Harston a most successful farewell at an afternoon garden party at Mrs AfcAndrew’s place, which was kindly lent for the occasion. Airs Harston was presented by the leaders present with a set of afternoon cake forks and a pair of silver salt spoons, with greenstone handles.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue I, 2 January 1904, Page 22

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue I, 2 January 1904, Page 22

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue I, 2 January 1904, Page 22

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