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(By *>!ejrap!>. — Special to ••Graph!?.”) CHRISTCHURCH. Saturday. Otago N»-w Zealand Cop candidates a: • til going on in the right way. Bombar••o now works in a knee pad and moves to::** frr*-ly than he did n week or two ago. <’a.ile« 'i. vtbo is much more rohu«t than he was thus time last year, is eoixdug on nicely Oo rwturday morning he moved particularly roll in a ga!!«*p ov» r a mile ai»d « quarUii*. and finished better than Pampero, who separately covered a similar distan* •• <*u Tuesday each again covered 1| when Panipem. whose time was 2.17. noted the more attractively. Canteen took a sect nd k ng* .-. Pampero still k••<> sound, but personally J have don bls aiyont ’.-is Maying two miles. Isa. ths twoyear oil fu«l-si>t»-r to Vladimir. in McGniu■ie»‘ st ible. is amiss. r.ud is nut iikeiy to ftilri! bri >pring engage men! s. Syebeiu. the tbreo-ye? ;*»M of the stable, is. however, doing well. There are no less than 5n hors* s in training at W’mmtei in addition To n detachment at I’orbuiy. They include Sirius, who •< for ;>rivatc pale: old Blazer, who. although still carrying the greater part of hii y.’h»i( r n»;»i. is moving freely in his v. iirk: ar**l l*ipi. whr has resumed work with . view i-f competing in the Auckland Simnuer Steeplechase. Vladimir's case is nor so hopeless as was first it is iscl his snspensry liga»n*-n* whi»-h h»s gone amiss. l»ut a fetluck p «i! r. ami hopes nre entertained that be will stand another preparation. Okvdoii r. the recently imported twoyea. ' i by i..H*l:lel—Melissa, has been stiffs ; i:z from t«et!i Doubles, but is never-tb-i* ss <»vt ;»i- < iy. The Hon. G. M« Ix'nn met with p. most ?• x.':r bihit of luck a iV-w days ago. wi’r-n Mistiel. the dam of Pampero, broke *»;•-• > f her bind logs. The mare was il *n within fortnight of foaling. Au effort b.-jpg made to save her. A r.'.nji named Harold Hui-ert. who was charged <»» Tuesday with Lotting :.t Ric;T’*h: ra --‘i . admitted the offence, bur •-lain .-d tlu be Ind stood vu a box. which was a ••pla*'e” within the meaning of th* a ‘ Mt . ‘mark* d that the ] bnry Jockey Club bad no to I..:; rf'-rc- wlib 1 r«okjr.akers outs'*Jo the c’;:’n>ure. and reserved judgment <• ; ...itti - of il»: Canterbury Jo. key Club i ?d its in - :u’y reeeiirg on Tuesday. • i . •-- < _ - t • Mi W ; Di k a: d trainer’s licence to W 11. F.-. j. :1 W Ferrer. Jockcv’s In o; s-.. W, ; .- IT?;.?. Jed to W Gtbsou. W ? • A. A Pfpor. R. J. W:;MJ a:- I IT. S»:':h*t<’ Ikruses wore i,*-id It was d* • iu« .? to entertain the G».ve «r at lutxbcun dming the spring !.:••-ting. Mr bleed suffer*«] ;i » other piece of had bo x nr ctid f.irn; •. i Tuesday, v. hen his yearling /■> Golden Hour, by Multiform •A’-.ra. o; o < f her c.xs. ard had tn ! > I’he youngster, who was a t <:-. ? e a? vr si<t« r to Aur:;m. v.i.s a prniscsing Giiy. ai d b .• value fur stud purposes aionc 'ns cou^idc-ruble. h.i: ley !'ro.;e of f»,r n*:?«s recently ■ '• • ' •;! > y. is to “ is : keiy t: I -Hiar will fulfil bv" !>’ .•••hii • ‘u in r -. S’i** has 1»o- * n “ <• lazy we er. r d it thought that a:i*i r gallvr. j- p-.’di* u H <; . h . r UOO <I. Lyiin is to be r: *• J wi.i' !' r;-OyTr>s. 1 •; ■ h»;?d!:' in*-. - SI. v. Tow has been 'iih.i .> • trath r c, <dy, ’'■ » 1: - 1 *.*»:*.-:• i- '* s-«»s to l.e quite Ka’ stu-d \ jib ■’i> piosi-vets. It has been » ierr-.; :**l J*: tn r the son of - mind St tic- <'up ’*■ it cs»’stn: ire from A -klan ! ; *-riv» d hv ’’to M#*ura on AVcdtoc y noli* the worse for his journey. White Roce is prog: casing satisfactorily. < 1 RISTCH i I sday ‘ • -- f Trea imi 1 and Quany- ■ is • u>i!: •: .f of us who have main- . -• d that »■ • f. rr. r likely to make : , t’» >* - Q s u.-»-i disiduy Pi the Guineas g -• 1 wit.! .!•< fordeps. Ta- ••*»! 3.11. ! : . I I. Wil t - f*>rd lioi-te ah al • • : He hand in the Pi • ■ ■ • . ! the ’ . -•- •:•■ is repre- > * >i"*l •»> • ,! y a * ; .. rh -r ♦»' whi-it is :*.‘h r.-.i ; ■ c i i; . « .-v'. oi. and the ■ w-*.»k. I J - ,! P. - ; I is fan led. b n fr »:n bi- r «*o ; ra. * the > «*f Hands!»nr* J.-u k .-’’rike* .»?. ‘ as ik* »y :<» !»o more at h *. $•• it. ha..di ’ - und« • weights tl:.«n nnd -r the <-k --j -air. H»- i< hooking n ’I. li.v-A.r m Hp i... -r < 1 ho.k. the result **f a r* »• -i** c*dds».»n with t voh*iie, and his ?.-« s.;bj to be extrvii c!r i dent th*» T he wi- r or :• e .1 r. i i th.' he tn-r do iu tb- Derby. H.» srrj . d on S?.:t:rdn.v. nntl is quartered a’ ilie Rare* *• :rse Hotel stables. VV.iirj J s f.r-t g; .lop d-d imt take place until rtnnnhy nw; 1.. j. and he sou of s. it blew verj* freely afte. striding work on • • round. \n oj ’n‘,-n widely expressed al Ri«’«*art*»n !•* that Wairlki rn.dd win the Cop if h* w.*rv t t. b * ae rannof possibly Is ’ii-J. fit by th. <l:*y. xitliongh Leonore !« scuffed at as a pnsolid • Cup wiimer. ll** >! - hca h* » very well iteieed. Uaforeuuately for k».r owner, she

is not engaged in the Oak-.'. The bnl’dlng operations at Kfccanon are proceeding spa-e. The new stand is nearly completed, and the tutailsaTor hone? presents an almost iißisked apnenranc*'. On** of the best features of the new scheme is the ib’MJdfiiice of room in Gio saddling paddock and the arrangements fur afternoon ♦ ea The lea bruise L> situated on a green lawn surrounded by aa arridrial lake, roe whole etubc-ldc-d iu a cool and luxuriant pi ; ■ plantation, rhe effect of which is hrighrt-L .1 by beds spring flowers and English shrubs. Visitors to Ricrartou next ruuutu will hardly recognise rhe old c »urse. The track* at Kircarten are iu excellent •mler, and as the weather Mr the past fortnight has !»e< :i suggestive =f s »uim-r rather than spring, rraiuers are thoroughly enjoying a.: exp ri- are not usual at this time of St rat ha von has »•-:•: been slackened «>ut since hi< arrival, but lias don - what little he has been ca.’i—j :i-.a to do in a satisfaet »-y manner. He i quarteiei at the Talbct!. Yal Kiurs; Lola a has been withdrawn from her engagement u; :he Welling i?*i meeting. Slow Tom. who is still laiu.e. is unlikely to fulfil his engagements. PaHa®. Keiburn. t’huud-'.'r. Gladsome. Lavalette «nil 1 •/ Alix ar.', however, iikeiy to go up. <’ri»* ifurm was down Rlccartoa one morning last week in comptiDy with Machine Guu. Grand I: i;ils. and Bagpipes. She looks well. It is practically certain Thar Wairiki will l»e given a run at the North Otago meeting, but I doubt if Lady Lillian will be seen cut. Th*- following bi tlieg has transacted locally during the week:—-New Zealand <’up: l««K> to 15 against Sirius. 500 to 6?» against Wairiki. 4*j!» to 24 against Kelbnrn. 3UU to 15 against St rar ha von. 3W to 14 against Count of Kohnar. New Zealand Cup and Stewards Handicap: 450 to 3 against Canteen and Bitzer. 4<io t*> 2 against ili::**raur.i and Achilks. :;o» to 4« against Lady IJbian ::u(l Arliilk-s. *»s>j to 3 against I’amperc. and Syche»u. :vuj to 9 against I’ampero and Machine Gun, 3»~» to 3 tig tin t Wairiki and Quarryman. The balance sheet presented at the animal meeting «»f the Christchurch Racing Club held on Saturday showed that the receipts for the year, including a balance brought forward of £l2l 9 S. wen- £lssu <» S. The principal Itei s being t isator. £736 '/• ; i:~minat!ons and prceprp.nces. £363 15 : and gAtes. £IS2 17 z ’». Tne expenditure amounted tn £1338 B.S: snakes accounting for £l*24. and Government tax £ll7 “ 10: and the year closed with a credit balance of Mr J. B. Rr-id’s nmre SrssbeH. by Chainshot— Nautilus, lias foal- d a colt tu Sant Ilario. The Mosgi~! Haadi«*ap. the principal lecidt <1 at t he I lune lin Jockey Club's spring mveTing to-morrow I Wednesday) Las been reduced to that most interesting of al! contests, a match, only Pampero and Canteen remaining in, and as the pair have nor met fur a year, and as their form has tu be taken on trust. I maybe forgiven for declining the task of separating them. If Sychem starts in the Maiden Plate ho will probably win. and Roller may account for the Hurdle Race. < »f those engaged in the Hack Race. I like Juniper and Crown Imperial best; while I fancy St. Denis f.»r il’** Elpctrie Plate: Nutcracker for the Selling Race; and Glenelg and Arduarff for the < ictobcr Welter Handicap. ® © © VICTORIA AMATEUR TURF CLUB'S SPRING MEETING SWEET NELL WINS THE GUINEAS. MELBOURNE. October !«. The V.A.T.C. opened their spring meeting at Caulfield to-day. The weather was fine but sultry. There was a large attendance, which included Sir George Clarke (Governor of Victoria* and the Commonwealth Judges. The following are the details of the racing:— Emu Hurdle Race of 250sovs. two miles and a half. —Quu Vudis. 1: Venom. 2: The Distiller. 3. Wun' easily by two lengths, tho same distance between the second and third horses. Time, 4.47. DEBUTANTE STAKES of l?.’X)sovs, for two-year-olds. Colts. 8.0; fillies and geldings. 7.9. Four furlongs. ?dr R. G Casey's Sylvanite, by’Grafton —Goh! Dust (Lewis) 1 Hon. A. Wynne’s Koupau. by Grafton— PiecriMt (Hickeyi .' 2 Mr J. Wilson's Boabdll, bv Bobadil— Circle 3 Betting: 7 to 4 against 5 to 2 K< <*;»an. G to 1 Bev Bee. X tn 1 Red Streak. Boabdil led to the di&tnnce. where Koopaa <-o* -1 him, a greqt race -csu’’ed In the favourite winning a punishing race In a head; BoabJH a short nwk away third; B«v Bee and Red Streak following. Time. si>ls. f Caulfield Stakes of 400sovs. for throe-year-olds and upwards, weight-f<»r-age. oue mile and a furlong. -Abundance. 1; Postillion. 2: Emir. 3. Also started: Flagship, Ibex. Combat. Wakeful. Betting: Even money on NVakoful. 5 to 2 ngalnst ibex, 5 to 1 Abundance, 2V to 1 Postillion nud Emir. Ibex and Wakeful soon established a strong lead, and were in company till entering the straight, where Abundance shot up on the inside, with Emir on the outside. Then Postillion appeared on the scene, and shot up between Emir and Abundance, but the latter was able to easily stall off the challenge, and won by n length and a half, with Emir n length away third; then came ibex and Wakeful

together. Time, 1.3« Q. A p.-otest lodged against Abundance for interference was (Ifanutased.

THE CAULFIELD GUINEAS of (ESOsovs; the owner of the second horse to receive lOteovs and the owner of the third SGkovs from the stake. For three-year-olds. Special weights, with penalties. One mile. Sir Rupert Clarke's Sweet Nell, by Haul Brion —Novelette il.. 8.0 (Lewis! 1 Mr W. Bailey's Hauturier. by Hant Brion—Trieste. B.x. ibclnding 31b penalty (Richardson) 2 Mr E. Frazer's Jacobite, by Locbiel— Dona. 8.5 «Barden) 3 Mr J. East’s bik <• Bt-iah. by llaroe— Wilga. 8.12. Including 7 lb penalty (Smith) 0 Mr J. Wilson’s b c Mallard, by Malvoliu —Britomarte. 8.5 (Guiuane) O Betting: 5 in 4 on Sweet Nell. 7 tn 2 against Be’nh. 5 to 1 Hauturier, 8 to 1 Mai-

lard. 12 to 1 Jacobite. Hauturier ’t*d from Belah tn the (urn. where the latter was beaten. Then Sweet Nell ehalleuged her stable compauten. and after the semblance of a race the daugut*-r of llaut Rrion won by a neck. Jacobite was a bad third and Mallard last. Time,

Toorak Handicap of 650sovs. one mile.— F.J.A., 1: St Modan. 2; Footbolt, 3. St. Modaii led for four furlongs from F.J.A.. when the latter drew away, and nt the distance the son of Wallace assumed absolute «-ommand. winning cleverly by a length: Footbolt a head away third. Time, 1.43.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVI, 17 October 1903, Page 20

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TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVI, 17 October 1903, Page 20

TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVI, 17 October 1903, Page 20

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