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Personal Paragraphs.

Airs. Dignan (Auckland) is the guc-t of Mrs. Tolhurst, Wellington. Mrs Audley Jones, of New Plymouth, is at present on a visit to Auckland. Airs: T. L. Drummond. Wliangarei. is visiting friends in Auckland. Alias V. Diekey, of Kawakawa. is staying with Mrs. James Whitelaw, Kamo. Mrs Forde (Waitotara) has been at the Ladies’ Club, Wanganui, for a week. Mr Harry Worsp is spending a short holiday in Auckland. Miss Bullock (Christchurch) is visiting Mrs Antill, of Napier, at present. Miss Horton (Auckland) is the guest ©f Mrs Tolhurst, Wellington. Mr and Mrs Pratt, of Waitotara, have been spending a week in Wanganni. The Rev. Mr Aston, of Auckland, has accepted the curacy of Reefton. Mr W. McKinnon, of Tauranga, paid Rotorua a flying visit last week. Nurse Shaw arrived in Auckland by the Ventura last week. Airs W- Robinson, of Cheviot, is on a visit to Christchurch. Mr. .MacFarlane, of the Takapuna, has joined the Taviuni as second officer. Airs Parkes, who has been n guest of Lord and Lady Ranfurly at Wellington, returned to Auckland last Saturday. Mrs John Kenderdine and her sister-, Miss Fanny White, have gone to Rotorua for a short holiday. Mr J. L. Skelley has been elected captain of the Midland Cricket Club (Palmerston North). Air and Airs F. AL Wallace. Christchurch, are spending the holiday term at Mrs Ekin’s, Sumner. Air. Lupton, headmaster of the Whangarei High School, is at present in AuekCaptain John and Mrs Nearing returned to Auckland by the Wcstralia last Sunday. Airs Bruce Lloyd returned to Auckland on Monday by the American mail steamer. Air and Airs AV. Gordon came from Sydney to Auckland in the A'entura on September IL Airs and Aliss N. Jacobs, Christchurch, •re spending a short holiday at Hamner Springs. Air. and Airs C. B. Russell were passengers to Auckland by the Centura from Sydney. Air. and Airs. T. O. Kelsey, who have been on a visit to the Old Country, have returned to New Plymouth. Air and Airs T. Garrard are back in Christchurch after spending the winter at Airs “BeaehclitFs,” Sumner. Aliss Laing-Meason (Timaru) has been staying with Airs Adams in VV ellington for the past few weeks. Airs A. H. Turnbull, of Christchurch, ami family, have been at Sumner for a fortnight, and are now at Timaru. Air C. Brebner has been transferred from the Rotorua to the Wellington office of the Tourist Department. Dr. Colquhouu, a prominent medico of Dunedin, reached Auckland in the Sierra on hi.; way back to Ctago. Aliss Alontgomerie (Wanganui) has returned home from visiting friends m Wellington. Airs and Aliss Balantyne, of Ricearton. have returned to Christchurch from Hamner Springs. Air Darlot, of Western Australia, arrived in Auckland from Sydney’by tife A entura on Friday last. Miss Sands, of AVellington. has been staving with Mrs Den-ljy, 1 Crissoge, Hawke’s Bay. Air J. C. Tankmar (Palmerston North) is leaving this week on a trip to England. Mr Charles Clarke, proprietor of the Star Hotel, arrived from Sydney last week. Airs Gorton (Bulls) has returned home after a round of visits to friends in Wellington. Air and Airs R. S. Abraham (Palmerston North) were in AVellington for the Girls’ Hockey Tournament.

Dr. J. c. and Air- Painter are expected back in Christchurch after a month’s holiday, doing the Island trip. Air. Percy Colquhoun, of the Education Department. Wellington, is spending his holidays with his relations in Wliangarei. Captain L. AVorrall, late of the I'.S.S. AVaikare, lias been given the comma!* 1 of the Takapuna. Captain Waller, of the Huddart Parker steamer Victoria, has rejoined his vessal. He has been ashore on leave. Captain Hutton and Air F. AVaymoutli. of Christehureh, are on a visit to Rotorua. Lady Campbell (Napier). with her two daughters, is staying with Mrs. Tolhurst, in AVellington. Air. and Airs. Moss Davis (Auckland) arc staying in AVellington at the Royal Air. Beetham. with Miss Beet ham and Air. Ralph Beetham, have returned to Masterton after a trip to AVellington. Airs Kenny, wife of Dr. Kenny, Te Arolia, is paying Rotorua a visit just now. Airs Metcalfe, of AA'averley, spent a few days at the Ladies' Club in Wanganui recently. Air. Charles Edwards, L.Alus.. T.C.L., arrived by the Sierra to conduct the annual examinations throughout NewZealand under Trinity College. Loudon. The Harbourmaster at New Plymouth has gone for a trip to Tasmania, on account of his health, and Captain Grant will take his place temporarily. Air and Airs J. Ormond, of Hawke’s Bay, were in Wanganui for a few days recently on the way to and from Pipiriki. Aliss Greensill, “Brooklyn.” has much improved in health since her arrival in Pieton. She is now able to enjoy the society of her old friends. The Alisses Henry (Wellington), who have been in England for nearly two years, are shortly returning to the colony. Airs Jackman, of AVhakapirau, is in Auckland for a fortnight's holiday, and is staying with her mother, Airs Hargreaves, in Gladstone-road. Aliss Grace Alorrah, who has been on a short visit to her relations in AVellington, has returned to Porongaliau, Hawke’s Bay. Aliss A. Bennett (Rangitikei) is returning to New Zealand by the Gothic after an absence of 18 months in England. Aliss C. Graham (Dunedin), who has been some months in the North Island, is at present staying with her sister, Airs Taverner, Rangitikei. Air Utting, of A inos, Utting and Co., is at present in the Islands, and he arrives in Auckland on Alonday by the Hauroto. Air J. 'Cowan, of the literary section of the Tourist Department, was a passenger from New Plymouth to Onehunga on September 11. Drs. T. Storie Dixon and C. AV. Lever were through passengers by the Venture. from Sydney en route for the States. Air Tibbs, head master of the Auckland Grammar School, returned from the Rhodes Scholarships Conference at AVellington by the Te Anau. Lieut. Lefevre was elected captain of the Hauvaki Rilles last week, in place of Captain Lucas, who resigned some time ago.The vacancy on the Thames Hospital Board by the resignation of Air. R. R. Menzies has been tilled by the election of Air. A. Court. The American barque Alice, which is on her way out to Auckland from New York, is hi -command of Captain Croker, who visited Auckland some time ago. Alts’ Bruce Lloyd, who lias been on a. six. months’ San Francisco, returned tii Auckland by the R.AI.s. Sierra on Alonday. Major Coyle, officer in charge of the Auckland and ' Wellington submarine mining stations, has retired from public service. Miss Lilian Edger. ALA., who has been studying ilreosophy with Mrs Besant in India, returned to Auckland on Sunday by the AVestralia.

Rev. Air. and Airs. Griffin have returned to their home in Wliangarei after attending the funeral of their son, who was aceidefithllv killed at Palmerston North.

Air. AL W. Armstrong, director of the Vineland Wine Company, Whungarei. made a Southern tour on behalf of his company, and was most successful.

Air. Kerr, district manager AI.L.A., A\ ellington. has sufficiently recovered from his rheumatism at the Kamo mineral springs as to be able to attend to business.

Air. Hobby Nelson, of the Bank of Australasia, who has been stationed at New Plymouth for the past two years, is at present in Auckland on a visit to his parents, Canon and Airs. U. AL Nelson. Air R. G. Sneath, who has been for some time on a visit to Consul-General Dillingham, and Airs Dillingham, of Parnell. Auckland, returned to America by the R.AI.s. Ventura last Friday. Air. Geo. Barnes. Air. Musgrove's representative, left for the South by the Rotoiti last week, to make arrangements for performances in New Plymouth, AA’anganui and AVellington. Mr and Airs H. C. Seymour, “J'yntesfield,” spent a day or two in Pieton recently, partly to use their privileges as voters, and partly to see how their new house is progressing. Air J. AL Gillispie, an old Blenheim boy, who went to South Africa several years age. and served with distinction in the war, is now in Blenheim on a visit Co his parents.

The Rev. J. J. North has been called to the Oamaru Baptist Church, and assumes duty in December. He was eight years at the Lineoln-road (Christehureh} Church,

By the Countess of Ranfurly Air H. D. Al. Hazard, district engmeet for the Thames goldfields, left on a three months’ trip to the Cook Islands. His health is not good. Air J. G. Lockie, son o' Air James Lockie (of H.AI. Customs, Auckland), and an engineer on the Alonowai, has gained a second engineer’s certificate at Svdnev.

Aliss Slacken has been appointed librarian of the new AA’hangaroi borough library, which is to be opened on the 17th inst. There were 15 applicants for the position.

Air T. A. Grady, the (.ravelling representative of the Oceanic S.S. Co., who has been visiting the Southern portion of the colony, has reached Auckland. He will spend a few days in Rotorua.

Air A. J. Laurie, an Auckland farmer, returned from South Africa by the Ventura from Sydney, and after a short stay here will return to South Africa to settle

Dr. Macintosh, of Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, is in New Zealand on leave. He is at present in Wellington staying with his parents Air and Airs Alex. Alacintosh.

A presentation of a gold chain and pendant was made bv the congregation of Christ Church (Nelson) to Mr A. IlPatterson, who is shortly going to Canada to resideMrs and Aliss Haeon. who have been spending the winter season in Auckland as the guests of Sir Joan and Lady Campbell, returned to AVellington by Tuesday’s boat. Airs AV. Aloss, who ha- been on a long visit to relatives in Auckland, left by the. Sierra on Alonday last with her two children for Sydney, on her was Kick to Western Australia. Aliss Edith Whitelaw, L.R.A.M.. sometime exhibitioner of the Royal College of Music, London, gives an invitation concert at the A .AI.C.A. Hall on Fridav next. A large gathering of iovers of music is expected. Mr Ft.'English. who has been in the employment of the Sash and Door Co.. Nesv Plymouth, for the past year or two, is leaving at the cud of this month to take up a position with the Kauri Timber Company in Auckland. Alessrs. H. Anderson and L. Bail, of Blenheim, who recently passed their dental examinations in Wellington, base gone to Toronto, Canada, where they intend to pursue their studies at the I niversity there, for their degrees. Air Justice Chapman, svho has just, been appointed to the Supreme Court Bench, is a first cousin of Air 11. C. Brewer, who for over twenty two years has been Registrar of the Auckland Supreme Court. Mr Samuel Brown, employers' representative on the Arbitration Court, is expected in Auckland by the incoming Island boat. He is believed to have practically recovered from his recent illAlr and Mrs ( . Sabine have left their house in Chapel-street, ami are in lodgings at Airs Buekham’s, Papanui-road, for a few days prior to their final departure from Christehureh for England via Australia, when thev travel bv the s.s. India. Air T. E. Donne, superintendent of the Tourist Department, was in Auckland last week, and proceeded on a visit to the V\ aitomo Caves. Te Aroha, Rotorua, Waikaremoana, and theme by Napier baek to Wellington. Captain S. C. Caulton, late of the Seventh Coo'.ingent, who was seriously wounded at Botbnsbi-rg. i- now in the Auckland hospital for the amputation of his forearm. lie has never been quite out of the doctor’s hands sihee the fateful engagement. Judge Jones, of Gisborne, was last week presented at that town with a gold night presented at that town with a gold watch (from the Liberals) and an illu-

minatcd address 'from his other friends), in recognition of his public services before his appo’-itment to the position. Miss Christine Siacox (Otaki) Las gone to Argentina with her brother by the Faparoa. Her marriage to Air Athol Hulm will be celebrated soon after her arrival in Monte Video- Air Hulm has been in South America for some years, and is overseer of a ranch in the interior of Argentine.

Airs Evins and her sister, Alias Carter, left by the Sierra for Sydney on Monday last to visit their relatives. Air Evans will join Airs Evans in time for the Melbourne Cup, and after visiting Sydney and Brisbane will accompany her baek to Auckland.

Air Chas. West macott, who toured New Zealand recently as business manager for Musgrove’s “Sweet Nell of Old Drury” Company, is returning to this colony shortly in a similar capacity for Musgrove’s Shakespearian Company.

A Pre-s Association telegram from Wellington states that Air Peter J. Parfitt. manager of t'..e Bank of New Zealand iu Melbourne. and formerly inspector of the bank in the South Island, retire- on a pension at the end of the present month.

Aliss Rutherford. Titerangu. who has been enjoying herself in Wellington, found herself on arrival in Blenheim to be suffering from one of the fashionable ailments of the Empire City—-mumps—-and consequently has been unable to go home till she has recovered (writes our Ma riborough correspondent).

The ladies who are on the Floral Fete Committee, to be held at New Plymouth on the King's Birthday, are: Afesdames R. lock (president), E. Al. Smith, Richards. O'Driscoll, Dockrill, S. Hill, Ryan, R. Jury. S. Percy Smith, Newman, Alessenger. Afessrs. Ahier, Devenish, Smith. Alias Ahier is secretary.

Air. John King, who has resigned the position of Registrar of Electors, was on Sept. 10 presented with a purse of sovereigns subscribed by various friends. Mr. I-. McGovern, J.P., made the presentation. Mr. King, in responding, heartily thanked the committee and all who had subscribed.

A presentation of a purse of sovereigns was made at Gisborne on Sept. 10 to Air J. W. Cumming, who is leaving that town for Auckland, by his friends in the district. Air. Cumming was secretary of the Poverty Bay Turf Club and Acclimatisation Society amongst the many offices he occupied.

The Earl and Countess of Lonsdale were passengers from Sydney by the Ventura on Sept. 11 en route for England. The earl is making a tour of the world. He came through India at the time of the Durbar and spent a good deal of time studying the Eastern question in China and Japan. He has now concluded a visit to Australia, and is returning through America. Mr Horace Buckridge has decided to call the small eraft in which he proposes to sail to England via Cape Horn the Kia Ora, to identify her with New Zealand. Air Buckr’dge maintains that a small boat, well designed and seaworthy, would escape many dangers of storm and possible wreck to which a larger craft would l>e liable, and that he is not so foolhardy as some people seem to imagine.

The members of the Mount Eden Bowling ( hib made a presentation of a silver cake basket to Mrs G. F. Brimblecombe, wife of their retiring president, last week. The new president (Mr Nicholson) in making the presentation expressed the gratitude of the members for Mrs Brimbleeoinbe's assiduous and kindly attention during the season in supplying them with tea on the green.

Air Arnold Kempthorne has had the honour of the curacy of St. Mark’s, Remnera, conferred upon him, and he will join his new vicar, the Rev. AV. Beatty, after his ordination, which will probably occur on the 23rd inst. Air Arnold Kempthorne is a son of the Rev. Mr Kempthorne. vicar of Christchurch Cathedral. Nelson, and he is a student at St. John's College, Tamaki, and an “old boy” of Nelson College.

The newly-formed Kelburne Bowling flub (Wellington) has now a membership of 50. The following are the new-ly-elected officer-bearers:—President, Afr R. C. TTamerton; vice-president, Mr J. P. Campbell; hon. sec.. Mr C. J. Tlardv; ben treasurer, Mr C. V. Kreeft; com-

mittee, Messrs M. G. Young, R. W. MeVilly. E. S. Baldwin, A. Johnston and J. 8- Jameson-

Air AV. G- Foster i- the first president of the Hutt Bowling Club (Wellington), which is now in process of formation. The vice-presidents are Messrs Orton Stevens, T. Al. AA ilford and AV. Mowbray. A strong committee has been formed, composed of the following:—Dr*. Hector and Mason, Alessrs Eliott, Jackson, Hendry, Allport, Chapman. Mr S. C. Barraud is hon. treasurer and Air G. C hapman hon. sec.

Afr Mitchell, who left Auckland some months ago on a visit to the Old Country, to be married, returned by the Sierra on Alonday last, bringing his wife with him. Air Alitehell will stay in Auckland for a few weeks before proceeding to Western Australia, where he goe- to manage the large mining interests of Messrs. Bewick, Moring and Co.

Our London correspondent writes under date of August 14th:—

Mr James Rowe and his wife hare just returned to Monmouth after a five weeks* stay in Cornwall and the Seilly Islands. The date of their return to Christchurch is not yet fixed, as they intend visiting South Wales and Herefordshire. where Af r s Rowe has a number of friends and relatives who will not hear of them returning to New Zealand for some time to come.

New Zealand papers are requested to note the death on Wednesday last of Alary Paterson Currie, at 1, Couch Hallroad, Crouch End. The deceased w’as the wife of Air John Currie, late colonial manager of the Bank of South Australia.

Air -and Afrs AV. McKay, of Hokitika, are at present in Scotland. The New Zealanders, who left Auckland last March by the Sierra, visited all the principal cities and sights of America, arriving in London last June. The visit, which will extend to Ireland and France, was undertaken for business purposes as well as for pleasure. They propose sailing for New Zealand some time in October, and will return bv the Suez route.

Dr. A. R. Falconer, of Dunedin, after passing his first examination for the Diploma of Public Health (London), has gone for a tour through Scotland and Shetland, hut returns to go into eamp as Surgeon-Captain with the 2nd London Volunteeer Brigade Bearer Company, after which he will resume his duties as Resident Surgeon of the AA’estern General Dispensary, which is the largest dispensary in London.

Mr Peter H. Miller. of AA’ellington, who reached London on 29th June by the Oriental, is Home on business combined with pleasure. Air Miller spent last week at Cowes and Southsea, and enjoyed himself greatly, being much interested in the yacht races which are in process every day off the Isle of Wight. He expects to sail again for New Zealand a couple of months hence.

Dr. J. W. Alellor, who won an 1851 Exhibition from Otago University College, ha* been allowed by the Exhibition Commission*-a to renew his studies for another year. This is on account of good work on Dr. Alellor’s part in research at Owen’s College. Alanehe«ter. whi.h researches have been published in the English and German papers. For his work on the subject of thesis, namely, “Union of Hydrogen and Chlorine Under Influence of Light.” he has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Science and also has received a grant of £BO from the Royal Society to help towards the cost of some expensive apparatus required in pursuing his experiments. To scientific literature Dr. Alellor has added a book on “Higher Afathematics for St-dents of Physics and Chemistry,” from the point of view of the chemist, and not the mathematician. and the work has met with big sales both in England and America, besides being well reviewed in all the chemical papers. To this work, which he completed last August, he is about to add a text book on “Chemical Reactions.” intended to form part of a series of “Text Books on Physical Chemistry.” to be published in November by Alessrs Longman and Co., and edited by Sir William Ramsay. Each volume will be written by specialists. last year Dr. Alellor was elected a Fellow and Associate of Owen’s College. Mr and Mrs Edmiston, who have lately returned from a most enjoyable trip in France and Switzerland, are now in Scotland. The weather in North Britain

is, however, at present very broken, which has prevented the New Zealanders from seeing it at its best. Air E. Fondi AVright, of Canterbury, having got his book on "Plant Diseases” off his hands, is now hard at work in connection with a patent, applications of which were exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Show, and immediately caught his eye as being admirably adapted for use in the colonies. Other New Zealanders were also impressed with the device. Air Wright lost no time in obtaining the New Zealand agency for the patent, and you will soon hear more about it. All I can say at present is that it is a device for making railway trucks, tip-waggons and the like, automatically weigh whatever goods are placed in them. An adjusting bar by which weight is evenly distributed over all the wheels of a vehicle of any kind is another patent on the same principle. It strikes me as a mere “man in the street” as an extraordinary simple idea, and one can only wonder that it was not hit upon before. Mr IV. J. Anderson, of Christchurch, who came Home via Australia and Canada, has just returned from a visit to his relatives in Ireland, and witnessed the King's reception in Dublin. Since then he has been doing the “lions” of London. Disgusted with the weather, Air Anderson is on the point of departure for Paris. After a few inquiries into the developments in England in technical and manual education, especially in connection with primary schools, he will sail about the end of September by the Suez route, arriving in New Zealand about December.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XII, 19 September 1903, Page 837

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XII, 19 September 1903, Page 837

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XII, 19 September 1903, Page 837

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