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Dear Bee, June 23. I wonder how I am best to describe for you THE CITIZENS’ BALL, which is now, alas, no more than a gorgeous memory. Directly it was decided to do honour to His Excellency and Lady Ranfurly by entertaining them at a ball, those in charge made up their minds that this should be no ordinary function, but should excel in every particular anything of the sort ever seen in Auckland or in the colonies before. And. ambitious as was the proposition, and vast as were the difficulties in the way, it was emphatically fulfilled, and more than fulfilled. In securing the loan of the Drill Shed, and having a dancing floor laid down and polished for the occasion, the committee secured what was probably one of the largest rooms for dancing in the world, but there yet remained the almost superhuman task of transforming an ugly shed into a beautiful ball room. Yet this was done, and done ably. As is usual, absolute workers narrowed themselves down to a few, and though several helped, it is an open secret, and a fact, that to Mr. Holmes, as secretary, and to Mr. Isidor Alexander, as designer of the decorative scheme, fell most of the work. Loyal and able assistance they had. and the names of others might be mentioned did space permit, for whom citizens have to thank for the splendid success of their ball. But I must hurry over this introduction and get to business, describing the dance itself, and then, of course, the dresses. How and where shall I begin? Well, to start with, the rain held off far better than anyone expected. In the morning it simply came down in sheets, and the telephoning to get cabs or shares of cabs on the part of the economists, who had speculated on a fine night, and decided to risk the trams down, was positively frantic. The little fortune secured by cab proprietors must have been both “grateful and comforting,” as they say of the coeoa in the advertisement, for eabs were engaged four journeys deep, and nothing less than a pound taken—so I was credibly informed. Arrived at the hall one found the arrangements excellent. The dressing rooms were crowded, but well ordered, and there was no crushing. As for the ball-room, who shall describe it? It would, I should say, have held half a dozen of any public halls or of the Government House ball-rooms, and the lighting and decorations were really superb. From end to end the walls were covered in nikau palms, and magnificent specimens, standing out at regular intervals, formed a series of alcoves of greenery, relieved with heraldic shields, each shield being numbered so that partners could fix on their meeting place when arranging their programmes—a most admirable plan, and one which saved much confusion. At the entrance end was a very large music gallery, suitably decorated, and from which a most

admirable band played a capital selection of music. The dais for the vice-regal party was a very handsome affair in white enamel, and was surrounded by giant nikaus specially brought from the Kaipara. It was carpeted in red. and gave a brilliant touch of colour to the room. THE SUPPER. which was a credit to the committee and to the caterer. Mr. Speight, of the Strand Cafe Company., was excellently served in the gun-room, the neat waitresses keeping their heads in the rush very much better than the waiters, which was a distinct triumph for the sex, don’t you think? Of genuine champagne of any recognised brand there was but a limited quantity reserved, I suppose, for the vice regal party, but the Wine Committee thoughtfully substituted an abundance of Akermann Laurence’s sparkling Saumen, which artful economy must have saved quite a lot of money, since Saumen is just about half the price of any well-known brand of champagne, from which, of course, it is as distinct and different a wine as sparkling moselle or hock. However, as the substitution stopped short of the table for the guests of the evening, and many of the others did not know the difference between real champagne and the cheaper article, no harm was done. One or two of my partners who knew were genuinely amused, for Saumer, if cheap, is not nasty, and is an inoffensive beverage in every wav. But the idea was rather comic, I think, as the tickets were a guinea each for men. and half that amount for women, and the vast majority of men there were guarantors. THE DRESSES. Take it for all in all, the dresses were the smartest set I have seen in Auckland, which is now unquestionably the best-dressed city—at evening entertainments —in the colony. The majority of the frocks were beautiful, in excellent taste, and excellently made, a truly marvellous improvement on what used to be the case some years ago. So far as is humanly possible, this is a practicallv complete list, though it was no doubt impossible to see everyone: The Countess of Ranfurlv was attired in a beautiful white brocade, interwoven with silver in a lover’s knot design, trained skirt being cut in vandykes and falling over numerous satin frills edged with silver, lovely Brussels net flowing sleeves, and cascade of duchess point lace down side of front panel, tiara of diamonds and emeralds, and diamond necklace and Maltese cross; Lady Constance Knox, pretty white brocade, with gauged chiffon sleeves and berthe. long heiffon sash; Miss Julius, white silk voile, with gauged flounces, watermelon pink silk sash and chon; Miss Costelo, effective black sequined net over silk; Mrs Mirchelson (Mayoress), black embroidered chiffon with'applique over white satin; Miss Mitchelson, very pretty white frilled chiffon with tucked berthe, overlaid with silk vandyke applique, and carried a sprav bouquet of white flowers: Mrs Neligan, Wack point d’esprit over white satin, white osprey m coiffure; Lady Campbell, black velvet, handsome white brocade evening cape: Mrs Bosca wen, white jewelled net over turquoise blue glace, with tulle bracelet sleeves: Miss Bosca wen, black satin, with cluster of crimson roses; Mis J. A Toie, very effective gown of white tucked tulle with lace applique and black velvet bebe ribbon over white glace silk tulle angel sleeves, and black velvet sash and shoulder straps; Mrs (Dr.) McDowell, black gauged tulle over black satin, Maltese lace berthe eanght on one side with a cluster of cerise roses; her sister (Miss George. New Plymouth), pretty white silk, inserted with Palis tinted lace, cluster of mango yeUow roses; Mrs A. P. Wilson, black satin, orchid pink brocade box-pleat-ed bolero; Mrs T. Morrin, white chiffon, encrusted with black chiffon applique, over white glace silk; Miss Morrin. pretty white brocade .with chiffon frills; Mrs Duncan UleiK, ecru chiffon, encrusted with Houlton lace, Maltese lace deftly airanged on corsage wreath of forget-me-nots in coifnfre: Mrs Ernest Blomfield, exquisite pale blue crepe de chine: Mrs Holmes, white brocade, with deep ben. ne of net and lovely Honiton lace; Mrs Tewsley. lovelv pale blue Oriental satin, embroidered with pearls with chiffon frills of same shade, headed with pale pink rosebuds, pale pink roses on corsage and In coiffure; Mrs RusK<. w ? re sea & reen satin, with bands of white Insertion, rouleau and chon of olive green velvet ribbon; and her sister wore ?Wem^^ hlte Ki? silk: Mlss 'Vebbe (Wellington), white glace silk, embroidered in silver, large crimson velvet chon;

Miss Jennie Ireland, black shirred satin, ribbon chon, black bird in colfrure; Miss Eve Smith, pretty black satin and net frock, with pale bine roses on i® coiffure; Miss Grierson, white Bretonne net, profusely trimmed with satin ribbon, over white silk, wreath forget-me-nots in coiffure; Mrs Smith, white Oriental satin, trimmed with cream Inseition and white chiffon; Mrs Friend, black Chantilly lace over pale blue silk; Mra George Hill, white net. with ruched ribbon, over white satin, cluster of pink roses on corsage and in coiffure; Mrs Seagar, beautiful white brocade, with chiffon rrills, and jewelled net on bodice, jewelled in hair, and sprays of pink roses; Miss Minnie Lewis, pale pink Liberty silk, with shoulder straps of crimson roses and J’. rea , ot crimson roses In hair; Mrs Shoreland, black silk: Mrs Paul Hansen, white brocade, trimmed with jewelled net. Maltese lace berthe, and pink roses, lovely accordion-pleated chiffon opera coat; Misis Kathleen Hill, dainty white silk. Inserted with twine coloured lace, crimson roses on corsage, Miss Cowan wore her coming-ont dress of soft white shirred silk, spravs of white flowers; Mrs Collins, very handsome fj>wn of black sequined net over black silk; Mrs Cheeseman, black renaissance net over white satin: Mrs John Dawson, black satin, with yellow chiffon fichu; Miss Dawson, pretty soft white tucked silk: Mrs Devote. black satin, with berthe of jetted net: Miss Devore wore her coming-out frock of white crepe de chine, with sprays of lilies of the valley; Mrs Denniston, grey voile tueked skirt, grey jewelled tulle bodice; Miss Denniston, very prettv white Bretonne net gown; Mrs (Col.) Davies, handsome black merveilleux gown, with berthe of black jetted lace edged with ecru insertion: Miss Cornwell (New Plymouth), black satin trained gown, the bodice veiled in sequined net; Miss Daw black net over black silk, with flowers Mrs Moss Davis, black moire, with Chantilly lace panels, strapned with black velvet over white silk; Miss Moss Davis very pretty white silk, with pelerine of soft white chiffon, pale pink roses ou eorsagrt and her sister wore white surah silk, tummed with chiffon and lace insertion, with touches of blue; Miss Dollv Seherff, very pretty white silk flock, angel sieeves of white net: Miss Gore-Gilion, sort white Oriental satin, with cream applique forming a yoke on skirt, and sleeves and berthe of same: Mrs Edmiston wore a beautiful white figured net inserted with black lace over pale blue satin, loose chiffon sleeves: Mrs Rosenthal (Sydney) black crepe de chine, with loose sleeves of jewelled net, large cerise velvet bow in coiffure, and band of same encircling the waist, spray of natural flowers on corsage: Mrs Witham, beautiful gown of white silk, with numerous chiffon flounces edged with hcenille, berthe of chiffon and chenille chiffon sleeves; Mrs De Clive Lowe, black jewelled net over black satin, sprays of pink roses: Miss Waller, very pietty frock of white chiffon and lace over Pink glace silk; Mrs Martinet, black satin and chiffon with pale pink chiffon chou on corsage and in coiffure: Miss Stella Rice, dainty white Oriental satin gown, pofusely tucked; Miss Pearl Hay, soft T/ 1 lte _, suk and insertion over pale vellow; Mrs George Stevenson, white voile, the bodice draped with white chiffon, spravs of pink roses; Miss Stevenson, black tuiie, with sprays of crimson roses; Mrs Angus Gordon, black velvet, with deep berthe of Irish point lace: Mrs Arthur Roberton, soft black silk, with cream lace applique; Mis Heather, white Liberty silk, with white insertion over yellow glace silk; Miss Pierce, bxack satin, with eern insertion; Mrs Tibbs, black,- crepe, with touches of white; Miss X lolet Tibbs (debutante), pretty white satin, trimmed with chiffon frills, clusters of lilies of the valley on corsage. and a spray of the same flowers in her hair; Mrs Lyons, cream and gold gauze, over pink satin, pint chon in coiffure; Miss Aubrey, black net. over satin, with pink plaid ribbon sash, pink daisies round decolletage, and Ln hair; Miss Whitson, black satin, the bodice veiled in jewelled net sprays of pink roses: Mrs Gillies, handsome black tstocaded silk gown, grey brocade opera -leak; Miss Gillies, pretty white Oriental satin, relieved with touches of pale blue on corsage; Miss Rooke, beautiful white brocade, the bodies draped with chiffon and transparent chiffon sleevesMiss Alison, soft white silk, with gauged skirt and bodice, pale blue ehiffon sash and chou of same shade on corsage and in hair: Mrs Anson, mauve and white striped satin gown, with deep shaped frill of heliotrope crepe de chine, the bodice draped with same material; Miss Olive Alckin wore a black figured net gown, over white silk, berthe of black jetted net; Miss Millieent Aickln, heliotrope gauged silk gown with berthe of white laee; Miss. Abbott, dainty white gown, with deep accordeon pleated chiffon frill, spray of pink rosesMrs Harold Bagnall, white corded silk,’ with chiffon frills on bodice; Miss (Prof.) Brown, black beribboned net, over black satin, transparent elbow sleeves of black ehiffon; Mrs Buller, black satin and chiffon: Miss Buller, pale pink surah silk, with shoulder straps of black velvet: Mrs Seymour George, lovely white brocade, with silver passementerie outlining bodice with banksia roses In hair; Mrs Wilfrid Colbeck. white brocade, with front panel of chiffon, corsage also draped with chiffon; Miss Ida

George, white Oriental satin, with French stitched seams and lovely cream applique; Miss Zoe George, white surah silk, French stitched, with motif of cream applique, blue ribbons; Mrs laidor Alexander, exquisite silver and white brocade, French stitched seams, chiffon sleeves, diamond and ruby ornaments: Mrs Noel Paton (England), pink brocade over skirt, opening over pale pink chiffon frills; Mrs Kekwick, black satin, trimmed with sequin net and chiffon; Miss Ivy Buddle, beautiful gown of white Oriental satin, with an undershirt of accordeon pleated chiffon, the corsage draped with silver embroidered net; Mrs Haykyn (Wellington), black velvet, with pelerine of lovely old lace; Miss Haykyu, pretty frock of white figured net. over whit silk, with touches of turquoise blue: Mrs Duthie, cream net, laced with gathered satin ribbon and cream insertion over white silk, turquoise blue chon; Mrs R. A. Bodie, black satin gown, with sprays of crimson roses on corsage: Mrs Willie Bloomfield, white net, trimmed with satin ribbon over white silk, pale pink rosebuds in coiffure; Mrs J. A. Beale, black satin gown, the bodice draped with black chiffon, sprays of pink rosea; Miss E. Beale (debutante), soft white Liberty silk, with white lace insertion. white chiffon sash, and white chrysanthemum in coiffure; Miss Basley, lovely sea green satin, with white lace applique bands, and lace berthe; Miss Mabel Basley, very pretty pale blue silk, with skirt yoke of white lace, berth? and sleeves of same; Mrs Archie Clark, black merveilleux silk, with berthe of white Honiton lace; Mrs McCosh Clark, black brocade, trained polonaise, over white and silver brocade petticoat; Miss Clark, dainty fro.k of black tulle, over black satin, with wreath of lilies of valley in coiffure; Mrs Halcombe (Taranaki) wore her beautiful wedding gown of white satin, elaborately trimmed with white chiffon; Mrs Coleman, black silk spotted net, over black satin; Mrs M. A. Coleman, black brocade, cream lace applique; Mrs B. A. Carr, pale blue brocade, with white lace panels on skirt and berthe; Mrs Aickin Carrick, black merveilleux; Mrs Chambers, pretty white satin, with large blue chiffon pompoms; Mis Sidney Nathan, ivory brocade with rich lace arranged on corsage and finished with silver-spangled stole ends in front; F. E. Baume, handsome white satin with goldthreaded medallions and accordion-pleated killings, wreath of pink roses in coiffure; Mrs Hitchcock, black corded silk, en traine, and ornamenttd with jet, black chiffon angel sleeves edged with jet; Miss Hooper, bright crimson crepe and satin sash, the bodice softened with crimson accordion-pleated chiffon, caught with lovely white heath; Miss Kathleen Hume, soft white silk, prettily frilled and trimmed with Mechlin lace and pearls; Miss Willoughby, apple green silk with berthe and cascade of rich cream lace down one side of skirt, caught at intervals with clusters of violets; Mrs (Dr.) Sharman, black silk voile skirt and velvet bodice, edged with black fringe and jet buckles, beautiful diamond necklace; Mrs E. tsmith. eiegant white satin gown with elbow sleeves and insertions of rich Paris lace; Mrs Newman, black silk brocaded grenadine, adorned with lace applique; Mrs Ashton Bruce, silver embroidered point d*esprit over silk, silver - spangled sleeves ad garniture; Miss Simmons (North Shore), rich ecru lace over white silk, white silk sash and accordion chiffon sleeves, pearl ornaments; Mrs Challinor Purchas, lovely white brocade with rich ecru lace sleeves and berthe; Mrs Talbot-Tubbs, black Duchesse satin; Mrs W. E. Hutchison, white tucked satin with white chiffon angel sleeves, turquoise blue velvet deftly arranged on corsage; Mrs Buchanan, beautiful ecru Cluny lace with clusters of La France roses on skirt and corsage; her sister (Miss Adams), dainty white silk and chiffon with clusters of piuk banksia roses at intervals round bodice; Miss Sholto Douglas, blush rose pink silk frock with deep berthe of ecru lace; Mrs H. Baker, lemon-coloured silk with silk poppies on shoulder; Miss F. Hudson, pretty white silk, finely tucked and inserted with white lace, wreath of rose leaves in tier hair, and roses on decolletage; Miss Myers, dainty white brocade, with Mechlin lace stomacher and berthe caught with pink blush roses; Miss Muriel Knight, pretty white chiffon over white silk, bright blue chiffon interlaced in her hair and corsage; Mrs Kent, black brocaded silk, with blue silk yoke and sleeves encrusted With jewels trimming; Miss Kent, forgetmc not blue silk, prettily shirred, white point lace berthe and wreath of forget-me-nots in coiffure; Miss Skinner (New Plymouth), beautlufl yelow brocade, softened With white chiffon; Mrs Wm. Gorrle, black corded silk and violets: Miss Gorrie, lemon coloured brocade, and white accordionpleated chiffon; Miss Pearl Gorrie (debutante), soft white silk and lace; Mrs John Reid, black gauged silk gown, with clusters of shaded pink silk poppies on decolletage; Miss Mowbray, ivory brocade, with black velvet shoulder straps; Miss Hardwick (Whangarei), pale blue silk and hdffon; Mrs McDonald, rich black satin, trimmed with cream lace applique; Miss McDonald, white chiffon over watermelon pink silk, insertions and bands of white lace, pink roses; Mrs Thornes, elegant white brocade trimmed with Maltese lace; Miss Thorne (debutante), very graceful white silk, prettily shirred and trimmed .With chiffon, spray of lilies of the valley; bn corsage and white wreath In her hair; Miss Bell (Devonport), dainty white silk, Bhirred and Inserted with Paris lace, dark crimson roses on shoulder; Mrs Henry ;Walker, white corded silk, with white lace sleeves and trimming, autumn leaves on decolletage; Mrs John Mowbray, very handsome azure blue and white wide striped brocade, with chine design of pink on the white, lovely duchesse point lace berthe and falling from sleeves; Mrs (Dr.) Roberton, yellow silk, trimmed with Damerons rows of Bilk velvet bebe ribbon; Miss Wilkie, black satin gown, with deep frill of gold embroidered applique round bodice; Mrs Brabant, elegant black merveilleux, .with jet Bpangled flowing sleevts; Mrs Arthur Brabant wore her pretty wedding gown

with spray of orange blosaonm cd shoulder; Mrg Frank Jervis, black brocade, with black lace frills on edge of trained skirt, long black transparent sleeves and yoke; Mrs Garey, lovely white silk en trUc. and softened with chiffon and lace; Mrs Mackay, handsome black satin, with transparent yoke aud sleeves, jet embroidered garniture; Mrs Ashley Hunter, black n'erveilleux silk trimmed with sequined net; Mrs Napier, beautiful black net overdress over black satin, jet berthe edged with cream insertion, loose black sleeves; Mrs Nelson Gamble, handsome black gown; Mrs Ching, black satin veiled in silver spangled net; Miss Ching, very pretty azure blue glace silk, with blue chiffon aud pink roses; Mrs Houghton, black chiffon over blacT satin, with satin ribbon strappings end sprays of crimson geraniums on corsage and in coiffure; Mrs Lusher, lovely pink silk relieved with sprays of crimson roses; Miss Holland, ivory tucked silk voile, trimmed with chiffon and sprays of pink roses; Miss Essie Holland, white beribboned net with claster of roses; Miss Isaacs, Nil green satin, with deep flounce of chenille spotted chiffon, chine silk sash, aud bodice draped with chiffon of same shade; Mrs (Dr.) Lewis, beautiful Brussels lace overdress of white satin, the waist encircled with a band of purple velvet, clusters of violets on corsage and in coiffure; Miss Lewis, rose pink Oriental satin, with motifs of cream lace insertion, wreath of pale pink rosebuds in coiffure; Mrs J. IL Lundon, salmon pink chirred Oriental satin, with berthe of beautiful cream lace and hanging sleeves; Mrs Sam. Mori in, black merveilleux, duchesse point lace berthe, white aigrette; Mrs R. Masefield, beautiful white moire, spray >f pink rc-ses on corsage; Miss Muriel George, white cicpe de chine over pale blue skut, yoke and berthe of white lace edged with single violets; Miss Williamson, white chiffon over Nil green silk; Mrs Parkes, pa ! e blue Oriental satin, vandyked, over frills of sun p'cated chiffon, chiffon frills in bodice, sprays of pink roses; Miss Devereux, pale pink surah silk trimmed with chiffon aud sprays of roses; Miss Firth, salmon pink tucked satin, berthe of Paris lace and sprays of roses on corsage; Mrs Markham, black crepe de chine, sprays of lovely pink crush roses on corsage and in coiffure; Mrs Harry GilfiHan, black satin, with silver passementerie outlining tue bodice; Miss Graham, white silk voile, the bodice gauged and laced with black ribbon velvet, black velvet bows; Miss M. Graham, pretty white silk, with wreath of hairbells in coiffure; Misses Goldie (2), pretty white silks, with sun-pleated chiffon frills and numerous tucks, inserted with twine-coloured lace, sprays of pink roses; Mrs W. Rainger, cream silk, with numerous frills on trained skirt, handsome blue cloak, faced with white brocade; Mrs (Dr.) Inglis, white brocade, chiffon chou and pendant ends; G. W. S. Patterson, black Chantilly lace over satin, with jet fringe and tassels; Miss Cardno, white silver embroidered tulle over satin; Mrs McK. Geddes, black brocade, with pink and white design; Miss Philson, turquoise blue crepe de chine, with crimson roses; Miss Eileen Hill (debutante), pretty white chiffon frock -over silk; Mrs (Dr.) Lindsay, white brocade, Honiton point berthe, with cluster of sea-green roses, filigree silver ornament in coiffure; Mrs Louis Myers, handsome black crepe de chine, jet berthe with Paris lace: Miss Millie Cotter’s pink silk, with overdress of Paris tinted renaissance lace, was very effective; Miss Winnie Cotter, pretty white brocade, with touches of blue and heliotrope chiffon, aud tabs edged with crystal tassels falling from berthe; Mrs R. Mitchelson, rich pearl green surah silk, embroidered chiffon berthe, spray of flannel flowers on corsage; Miss Clara Mitchelson, white silk, with lace Insertion and tulle, cluster of crimson roses; Miss Ida Vousden (debutante), pretty white brocade, with blonde lace on decolletage, and elbow sleeves: Miss Lilly Smith (debutante), dainty white silk, covered with tulle, white violets on berthe; Miss Alice Walker (Thames), white and black spotted satin, with fringe of jet paillettes on decolletage, crimson roses in her hair; Miss Want, lovely shrimp pink crepe de chine, much shirred; Mrs C. P. Stichbury, Oriental satin, tastefully trimmed with chiffon and real Honiton lace; Mrs Glover, grey tucked voile, the bodice trimmed with silver passementerie; Miss Glover, azure blue tucked Oriental satin, with sprays of pink roses on corsage and in coiffure; Mrs Alec. Ferguson, black satin, the square decolletage draped witn beautiful Honiton lace; Miss Kirkwood (England), black silk voile, handsome evening cloak; Miss Lusk, black net, relieved with cerise satin chou on corsage; Miss Olive Lusk, yellow tucked silk, the bodice veiled in white chiffon, black ribbon velvet sash and chou; Mrs Charlie Buddie, black net. trimmed with ruched ribbon over white silk; Mrs Latimer, white silk gown, prettily gauged and trimmed with chiffon; Miss McCready, black silk skirt, white blouse, clusters of red flowers; Mrs Chamberlain, handsome black gown; Miss Roberts,black trained skirt,white chiffon blouse; Miss M. Metcalfe, pretty pink surah with cream lace flounces on skirt, white fichu, caught with green ferns; Miss Dolly Metcalfe, dainty white mousseline-de-soie, finely tucked and inserted with lace, white satin chou and spray of white and yellow daisies; Miss Frater (Takapuna), pretty lorget-me-not blue Oriental satin, lace berthe, festooned with violets; Miss Reid, white crepe-de-chine, decoletage outlined with chiffon rosettes, and shoulder straps of white roses: Miss Hardie, yellow chine silk chiffon over white glace silk, apple green silk ceinture; Mrs C. J. Farr, very handsome jewelled chiffon over black satin, spray of autumn leaves on decolletage, enamelled necklace; Mrs Shera, black silk with jet ornaments and tassels, scarlet algretta in her hair; Miss Shera, white gauged tulle over Batla; Mrs (Dr.) La wry, black, jetted lace berthe; Mrs Leo Myers, black corded silk, the polonaise edged with green satin bands overlaid with ecru insertka; Miss Daisy Mowbray, white net over Bilk, laced with satin ribbon, sprays of pink sweet peas; Miss Edith Mowbray, white tucked

silk with clump of pink roses in cordage and in coiffure; Miss Minuett, white Indian silk tucked gown, laced with chenille, chiffon and chenille berthe, wreath of white flowers In coiffure; Mrs Richard Partriege, black sarin with stomacher of silver embroidery, bodice profusely trimmed wiui *ll- - of yellow roses ou suou.oe.; Miss O Neill, black satin gown, tue bodice draped with black net, laced with satiu ribbon, transparent chiffon sleeves; Mrs Canon Nelson, black sarin with cluster of green aud biack flowers on corsage; Mins Nelson, black net over satin, relieved with sprays of crimson flowers; Miss Pickering, white aud yellow brocade with white chiffon aud clusters of Parma violets; Miss Parsons, crimson voile, the numerous trills edged with black velvet be be ribbon; Miss Linda Parsons, white tuexed silk and chiffon; Mrs Charles Ranson, black net with pxuk and blue chenille dises over black satin; Mrs Rathbone, black Bretonne net, the uumberless trills edged with* sariu ribbon over black glace silk, the bodice overlaid wrltn handsome silk applique; Mrs J. Kaukeu Keed, black tucked silk voile with shoulder straps ot Diack velvet; Miss Hoy (,\rw Plymouth), white Indian silk, profusely tucked aud trimmed witn whiir chlnon; Silas Violet Banks, sea blue brocaded silk, trimmed with chiffon of same shade, hanging sleeves of sliver-spangled net, rouleau* of cuiffon in coiffure; Mrs Edward Bussell, pale pink chenille-dotted chiffon oxer pink glace, chiffon bows on arms with pendant ends, finished with crystal drops; Miss Jessie Savage, white silk and chiflou with sprays of pink roses; Mrs J. St. Clair, p.ue blue embroidered silk chiffon over blue glare silk, ch f ters of pink roses on corsage aud in coiffure; Miss Daisy Stevenson, azure blue glace silk with lovely ecru lace bands and Insertion; Miss Simpson, arsenic green silk with velvet bolero, stole ends of cream lace and beautiful cream applique on skirt; Mrs Upton, black brocade with touches of white; Miss Woodward, black satin with cluster of crimson uowers in hair; Mrs E. W. Alison, white satin brocade with violets and handsome lace on corsage; Miss Margaret Tole wore her debutante dress of lovely white satin with wreath of lilies of the valley in her hair; Mrs (Dr.) Stopford, beautiful heliotrope satin over Faris tinted lace; Mrs Ehrenfried wore a handsome black silk and Spanish lace, trimmed with jet, black butterfly bow in coiffure: Miss Ehrenfried, exquisite white net over white silk, trimmed with bands of pale green, veiled in cream applique; Miss Geddes, black sUk and jet with touches of blue; Miss Matthews, eau de Nil surah silk, deftly arranged with Paris lace; Miss Kennedy, white silk and lace; Mrs Ernest Burton, handsome black Duchesse satin gown; Mrs Dargavile, black net gown, trimmed with rows of wide satin ribboa. white satin collar, overlaid with cream applique, transparent lace yoke; Miss Dargaville, dainty white silk and chiffon; Miss Mabel Dawson, geranium piuk silk and white lace; Mrs Oxley, white silk witn white net sleeves and lace bolero: Miss Annie Berry, bright yellow silk with decorations of cream Mechlin lace aud red roses; Miss Bleazard-Brown, soft white silk with Honiton lace berthe and pink roses; Mrs Price, handsome black satin and jet; Miss Price, graceful white satin wiui numerous tucks and chiffon; Miss Richmond, black chiffon over silk, jet embroidered sleeves and decolletage; her sister wore a dainty white frilled net over silk; Miss lua Thompson, pretty yellow satin with a cluster of poppies on her shoulder; Mrs Westley (Melbourne), handsome white brocade with numerous white chiffon frills; Miss D. Davis, white satin with lovely blue and piuk chine sash: Miss Boult, graceful white silk with Russian bodice, trail of crimson roses on shoulder; Miss Towsey. silver tinsel chiffon over piuk satin, pink chiffon fichu, and pink rose in coiffure ; Mrs F. Diddams. black satin skirt and white silk bodice with clusters of violets; Mrs (Dr.) Grant, pure white glace silk, shirred and finely tucked, spray of red fuchsias on shoulder; Mrs Henry Wilson, handsome black velvet gown, white feather on her shoulder and in coiffure; Miss Wilson (South), pretty white silk and chiffon; Mrs Suggate, black duchesse satin en traine, lovely cream lace berthe, caught with blush roses; Mrs George Fowlds. handsome white merveilleux, with numerous tucks, forming pointed apron skirt, decorations of Paris lace and pearls; Mrs David Goldie, rich black brocade, ornamented with jet; Mrs T. Finlayson, black tucked silk voile, with jewelled lace berthe; Miss Bagnall; Miss Connolly, black net over silk, jet embroidered berthe, clusters of pink flowers on shoulder; Mrs Pentreath, black velvet gown, with point lace berthe, sprays of violets; Mrs Benjamin, forget-me-not blue crepe de chine, with white chiffon frills, Mechlin lace berthe; Miss Sewell Read, ecru net, interwoven with gold thread, sable round cape collar, blue chiffon sash: Mrs Langguth, black merveilleux. with black mousseline de sole flowing sleeves; Miss Walsh, pretty whit? silk and chiffon; Mrs Arthur Nathan, handsome black silk gown, with rich wide insertion on skirt; Mrs Corbett. black duchesse satin, with jetted net berthe and clusters of pansies: Miss Kitty Clark, ivory white point d’esprlt over white satlu; Mrs Holgate, black sequined net over satin, cluster of red flowers on corsage. THE INVITATIONS. The following is the list of invitations:— Mr Graves Aickin. the Misses Graves Aickin, Mr and Mrs I. Alexander, Mr and Mrs E. W. Alison, Mr Ernest Alison, Mr E. W. Alison, jun., Miss May Alison, Miss Effie Alison, Mr and Mrs Alex Aitken, Mr and Mrs E. Anderson, Mr R. H. Abbott, bliss Adams, Mr and Mrs A. J. Allom, Mrs Anson, Mr and Mrs Arnold, Miss Aubrey, Mrs and Miss Abbott, Mr R. B. Aitken, Col. Abbott. Mr and Mrs L. J. Bagnall, Mr Victor Bagnall, Mr and Mrs E. M. Burton. Mr and Mrs L. Benjamin, Mr and Mrs E. D. Benjamin, Prof. F. D. and Miss Brown, Mr, Mrs, and Misa W. B. Buller, Mr and Mrs A. Bell, Mr and Mrs J. Browa, Me

aud Mrs H. Brett,Mr and Mrs F. I*. Bodie, Mr A. S. Bankart. Mr and Mrs John Burns, Mr G. Blgg-Wither, Mr J. K. Bloomfield. Miss Buckworth. Mr and Mrs H. C. Bagnall. Mr and Mrs J. A. Beale, Miss Beale. Miss Boult. Mr and Mrs A. Buchanan, Mr and Miss Basley, Mrs and Miss Boses wen. Miss Burdett, Lieut. Banks, Mr G. B. Banka, Miss Banka. Mrs J. Beveridge, Mr and Mrs G. Wallace Bews, Mr and Mrs Biair, Mr A. W. Baragwanath, Mr aud Mrs J. S. Brigham. Miss Bell, Mr C. Bud die, Mr B. -E. S. Brodie, Mr and Mrs E. R. Blomfield. Mrs Biair, Mrs C. F. Buddle. Miss Ivy Buddle, Mr and Mrs W. R. Bloomfield, Miss Mabel Basley. Judge and Mrs Brabant, Mr and Mrs A. 11. Brabant, Mr W. Bruce. Mrs Ashton Bruce, Mrs F. E. Baume, Miss Bleaxard Brown, Mr and Mrs G. 11. Baker. Mr R. S. 11. Rlss. Mr J. Bailey. Mrs R. A. Bodie. Mr and Mrs Bond. Mr N. Brown. Mr R. Benjamin. Mr A. Beetham. Mr L. G. S. Brodie. Mr C. Buckland, Miss Bagnall. Mr and Mrs Arch. Clark. Mr 11. A. Clark. Miss K. Clark, Mr and Mrs Chiug. Miss Ching, Mr and Mrs W. Coleman. Miss M. A. Coleman, Mr and Mrs D. R. Caldwell. Mr aud Mrs J. J. Craig, Mr and Mrs R. A. Carr. Mr and Mrs W. S. Cochrane, Mr and Mrs T. Cotter, Mr A. Carrick. Mr Colbeck. Sir John Logan Campbell and Lady Campbell. Mr F. E. N. Crombie, Mr and Mrs Hugh Camp!»eU. Judge Conolly and the Misses tonollv. Mr and Mrs W. B. Colbeck Mr and Mrs J. M. Chambers, Mr and Mrs Corlunt, Mr R Cui pan. Miss Cowan, Dr. and Mrs Collins Mr and Miss McCosh Clark. Mr H. McCosh Clark, Mr and Mrs T. F. Cheeseman, M. B. Calder, Mr M. A. Clark. Miss Clark, Lieut. Chesney, Capt. Coulton. Mr W. McCutcheon, Mr R. J. Coates, Miss Coates, Misses Cardno, Dr. Cox. Miss Caulton, Miss Comic, Mr H. Cotter, Misses Cotter. Mr, Mrs, and Miss J. Dawson. Mr and Mrs D. W. Duthie, Mr G. Dunnett, Mr and Mrs A. E. Devore, Mr and Mrs A. J. Denniston. Colonel and Mrs Davies and M ss M. Cornwall. Miss M. de Camp, Mr and Mrs Davy, Mrs E. R. Davis, Mr and Mrs F L Diddams, Mr and Mrs and the Misses Moss Davis, Lieut, and Mrs Dawson, Mr E. Dargavllle. Miss Dolly Davis, Mr J. S. Donaldson. Miss Douglas, Misses Devereux (°) Miss Devore. Mrs and Miss M. Dargaville, Mr L. H. Da riot, Mr Charlton Dawson.’ Mr Harry Dawson. Miss Dawson, Mr IT. IL Davy. Miss Davy. Mr Lawford Denniston Miss Denniston.

Mr and Mrs W. G. Elliott, Mr and Mrs A. J. Entrican, Mr F. Earl. Mr Ivor Evans* Mr K. Eastwood. Mrs and Miss HU ren fried* Miss Eiidenn. Mr I*. A. E»lml**ton, Mr Elliott, Mrs East wood. Mr and Mrs A. I*. Friend. Mr and Mrs T. Finlayson* Mr llobt. Finlayson, Mr Fot her Ingham. the Misses Eberhard (2>, Mr and Mrs G. Fowlds. Mr K. Frater and Miss Frater. Mr 11. P. K. Foster, Mr and Mrs A. M. Ferguson, Miss Firth. Mr and Mrs S. T. George, the Misses George (2), Mr Grey George. Mr und Mrs A. W. Gordon. Mr 11. T. Gorrie* Mr W. Gorrie, Mr William Gorrie, jun., and Mrs Gorrie, the Misses Gorrie, Mr and Mrs Charles Grey, Mr and Mrs <’. W. Goodson, Mr 11. Hees George, Mr and Mrs F. L. Gribbln, Dr. Goldie, Mrs Goldie, Mr IT. Goldie, Misses Goldie, Mr and Mrs Giivey. Dr. and Miss Gore Gjllon. Mr J. B. Graham, Misses Graham, Mr Robert, Miss Grierson, Mrs and Miss Gillies, Messrs Gillies, Mrs Nelson Gamble, Mr and Mrs MeKai! Geddes. Dr. ami Mrs Grant, Mr F. Gaudin, Mr Eric George and Misses George, Miss Garrett. Mr ami Mrs Gilfillan. Mr and Mrs W. Holmes, and Miss Webb, Mr and Mrs I*. M. Hansen, Mr and Mrs W. E. Hutchison,' Mr and Mrs 8. Hesketh, Mr A. llanna. Major W. D. Holgate, Mr J. W. Hare, Mr and Mrs 11. A. Heather, Mr and Mrs C. V. Houghton, Mr J. J. Holland and Miss Holland, Miss Hooper, Mr and Miss Hay, Miss Hardwick. Mr and Mrs J. K. Hardy. Mr and Mrs A. Hunter, Mrs Halcoiube. Mrs Hitrhcock, Mr 11. Hoimden, Miss Hardy, Mr and Mrs Herman, Mr and Mrs .T. K. I laity, Mr and Miss Ilellaby, Mr J. W. Hall. Mrs ami Miss Hacon. Mrs Hill. Miss Hili. Miss Kathleen Hill Mill. S. Honigsberg. Mr Vivian Hunt. Mr C. Hawkins, Miss E. Holland. Mrs O’Halloran, Miss Hmm', Mr Geo. Hill. Mr It. Isaacs, Mr B. J. Irvine and Mr and Mrs Bond, Dr. T. It. Inglis, Miss Isaacs, Mi’s Isaacs, Miss J. Ireland. Mr 11. Johnson, Mr 11. Jackson. Mr and Mrs B. Kent, Mr G. S. and Miss Kent ami Misses Skinner. Mr ami Mrs A. Kidd, Mr A. Kohn, Mr and Mrs G. Kionfeldt, Miss Kirkwood, Miss M. Knight. Mr .T. A. Kill lender. Mr Konigsberg, Miss Kirkwood, Mrs Kekwick. Mr Carl Kettle, Mr J. Kennedy, Miss Kronfeldt. Miss Kennedy. Mr E. 11. Lyons. Mr V. J. Larner, Mr T. W. Leys. Mr W. Cecil Leys, Mbs Leys, Dr. Lewis, Mrs and Miss Lewis. Dr. de Clive Lowe, Mr and Mrs A. Langguth, Miss Winnie Lewis. Mr and Mrs J. K. Lnndon. Mr Ernest Luks and Miss Luks, Mrs D. W. McLean. Mr and Mrs Latimer, Mr it. Lindsay. ?»r and Mrs Lovell, Mr and Mrs C. Lillie. Mrs (Dr.) La wry, Mrs de Clive Low, Mrs Robert Lusk. Misses Lusk. Mrs (Dr.) Llndsav, Mr Lusty, Mrs Lusher. Mr F. W. Llovd. * Mr and Mrs 11. B. Morton, Mr and Mrs 11. A. Marriner, Mr A. It. Morrison, Mr .T. Macky, Mr W. McLaughlin, Mr Chas. McCulloch. Mr J. Mowbray and the Misses Mowhrav, Mr McNeil, Mr and Mrs M. McLean, Dr. McDowell. Mr E. George ami Miss G</i?rge, Mr ami Mr.-? G. J. Ma-kay, Mr W. McCutcheon. Mr G. McCullagh. the IL’ii. and Mrs E. Mitchelson aml Mrs J. M. Dargavillo, Mr and Mrs T. T. Masefield, Miami Mrs Leo. Myers. Mr It. iml Hiss Menzies, Mr and Mrs T. Morrin. Mr S. ami Ms? Morrin. Mr D. McLean, Mrs Markham and Miss Firth, Mr and Mrs R. Mitehelson and the Misses Mitclmlson, Miss McNab. Mrs Menzies, Mrs and Miss J. 11. McDonald. Mrs L. Myers ami the Misses Myers. Mirs Marks, Mr and Mrs If. McNeil. Miss Matthews. Miss Minnitt, Miss Macfarlaiio. Mrs McKay. Dr. Murphy, Miss McCready, Mr V. Masefield, Mr L. G. Murray. Misses Metcalfe, Mr and Miss Miller, Mrs (Dr.) McDowell. Mr and Mrs A. 11. Nathan. Mr J. Nathan. Mr L. M. Nathan. Mr L. D. Nathan, Mr D. L. Nathan. Mr and Mrs S. J. Nathan. Mr and Mrs W. J. Napier, Mrs Nestlev, Mr ami Mrs O’Neill. Bishop and Mrs Mr M. Neligan. Mrs George Newman, Miss Nicholls (Clich.). Mr E. I>. O’ltorke, Dr. Owen, Mr and Mrs G. O’Halloran. Mr and Mrs G. W. S. Patterson. Mr and Miss F. 11. Pickering, Mr G. N. Pierd, Dr. and Mrs Parkes. Mr 11. A. Partridge/ Miami Mrs (’. J. Parr. Misses Parsons 12), Miss M. rirrie. Mr G. S. Pierce and Miss Pierce. Mr and Mrs V. Paton, Mr and Miss Nelson, Mr Pollock Purchas. MJ’.E.. Miami Miss Pbilson. Mrs and Miss Price, Miami Mrs 11. 11. Partridge. Mr and Mrs <’. Ranson and Mrs Nelson Gamble, Miss Reed, Mr A. S. Russell, Miami Mrs A. B. Roberton, Mr and Mrs J. Itcid and Miss Reid. Mr A. Reid, Mr E. W. G. Rathbone. Mr and Mrs .1. It. Reed. Dr. and Mrs E. Roberton and Miss Wilkie, Miss Rice, Mr 11. S. Rosenthal, Mr (’. Ratjen, Miss Violet Rose, Mrs Richmond ami the Misses Richmond. Mrs and Miss Roy, Mrs J. B. Roy, Miss Ryan. Mrs Rathbone, Mrs B. Russell. Mr D. 11. Reid. Mr 11. Read. Mr It. G, Reed. Mr W. A. Ridings. Miss Rice. Miss Ritchie, Mrs Rainger, Mrs E. Russell. Mr and Miss J. Savage. Mr and Mrs 11. W. Hegar, Mr and Miss J. W. Shackelford, Mr W. Speight, Mr and Mrs C. Suggatc. Mr J. C. Smith, Mr. Mrs and Miss J. M. Shera, Mr J. Shera. Miss Schorrt, Mr F. E. Sheja, Mrs J. St. Clair, Miss L. Smith, Miss E. Smith, Mr J. Stlchbury, Miss <’. P. Stlchbury. Miss Shillington, Dr. and Mrs Stopford, Miss D. Stevenson. Mr, Mrs and Miss Spinley. Mr S. H. Shera, Mr 11. M. Shorn. Mr R. J. Stevenson, Mr F. ('. Stevenson, Mir and the Misses Stevenson, Miss Shepherd, Miss Sage. Miss Syniiuoiih. Mr and Miss Slmson, Mr Slnipsoli. Mrs Shoreland, Mr G. Shoreland, Mr and Kirs E. (’. Smith, Dr. ami Mrs Shurman. Mr H. C. Tewsley, Mr E. TiTf-nor, Mr and Mrs and Miss J. Thornes, Mr and Mrs J. A. Tole and Miss Tolo, Mr Sidney Thoinpsop, Miss Ida T.hornpH6ii, Mr and Mrs ami Miss Tibbs, ProfvHor ami Mrs Talbot Tubbs, Mrs Tewsh-y, Hon. Thompson, Miss Tow •cy, Mr T(*nnaiit.

Mr auj Mrs J. 11. Upton, Mr P. T. I pton, Mr A. Upton. Miss Vousden. Mr W. E. Woodward, Mr A. Walker, Mr • ud Mrs 11. Wooliuer. Mr A. E. Whitaker, Mr and Mrs J. 11. Witheford, Mr and Mrs A. P. Wilson, Mrs Warreii, Miss Willoughby, Mt and Mrs H. W. Wilson and Miss Wilson, Mr and Mrs 11. Walker, Mr W. Williams, Mr A. Williams, Mr Leo Walsh, Miss Walker, Miss V. Walsh, Mr J. Warren. Mr and Mrs Wrlgg. Mr J. Webster, Capt. and Mrs Whitney. Mrs Major Whitney, the Ker. P. T. Williams, Miss Want. Miss Williams, Miss Whitson. Mr Watt, Mr and Mrs Witham. Miss Waller, Mr F. W. Weston, Mr J. Warren, Lieut. Walt, Miss Woodward, Mrs Westley, Miss Williamson. Mr Ernest Yates, Mr and Mrs L. L. Young. The commanders and ward room officers of the U.S. gunboat Wheeling aud H.M. •hips Phoebe and Wallaroo! PUBLIC RECEPTION AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. PRESENTATION TO L ADY > • RANFURLY. ’! Of the many gracious acts which have endeared the Countess of Ranfur y to the people of Auckland, her latest will surely last longest in the memories of Hie people at large. Lady Ranfurly, with a magnanimity which was not surprising from her, resolved to give all who chose to accept it an opportunity of bidding her farewell, and at the same time of taking part in the presentation of the people's gift to her. Invitation to attend was conveyed to the populace through the columns of the newspapers, and Government House was thrown open to the multitude on June 20. Over two thousand men and women — and this probably excluded the army of children and oabes in anus—poured in a living stream through the gates of Government. House. From a-quarter to three onward for a full hour and a-half the stream of people flowed rapidly past Lord and Lady Ranfurly. Long ere the torrent of visitors showed signs of decreasing in volume, the ballroom, wherein were exhibited the pictures and afternoon tea was provided for the multitude, had filled, and refilled, the crowd wandering out on to the grounds, and occupying itself by listening to the music of the Garrison and Battalion Bands on the lawn, while Eady’s string band amused those who remained in the ballroom. The pictures were presented by the Mayor (the Hon. E. Jlitchelson) to Lady Ranfurly, who, in replying, said:— “1 beg to thank you very sincerely indeed for the beautiful presents you have given me in these pictures. I shall value them very much, for more reasons than one—for one, that they are a token of the kindness and friendship to me, and, of course, I know to iny family; and I shall also value them because they are fine works of art produced in Auckland. I think I may congratulate you on having an artist amongst you who can produce such pictures. The pictures are also very interesting to me as a type of the Maori race; . by vvhom we have been received throughout the colony with such warmth and kindness. I thank you for your kindness to me and to all my family, and all the more be-, cause it has not been to me simply as the wife of the Governor. I have met with a great deal of friendship amongst the people of New Zealand; they will always remain in my mind, and I shall always think of them with the utmost affection. Thank you again very, very much.” THE DRESSES, In such an enormous crowd it was naturally hopeless for anyone to see oneeighth or to know a tenth of those present. As the never-ending stream swept by one caught gliinpses of those whose names am! faces were familial-. No doubt many will miss their naines from this list, but they will realise that to see and to note .some fifteen hundred dresses would have been impossible even if one had known all those present familiarly. Amongst those 1 noticed were: The Countess of Ranfurly was attired in a lovely rose pink silk, with overdress of white Brussels net, elaborately embroidered with Honiton point, black picture hat with plumes drooping over upturned brim, caught with groups of violets, and wore the diamond bracelet presented to Her Ladyship by the Duchess of York during her visit to New Zealand; Miss Julius wore a prettily tucked pink silk blouse, and black siitin skirt; Mrs. -Mitchelson was in a black cloth tailor-made costume, black . chiffon hat interlaced with pink straw and duster of pink roses and black chiffon boa; her nieces, Miss

Clara Mitchelson and Miss Vousden, wore navy blue and black and white respectively; Mrs. Bo'seawen, black costume, with pink sailor collar and black }>icturc hat; Miss George, dark cornflower blue Eton-coat und skirt, blue und green hat; Miss Zoe George, grey tweed cost, und skirt, black hat; Mrs. Wilfrid Cqlbeck, pale blue frieze, very pretty pale blue felt hat, trimmed with cherries : Miss Abbott, navy blue jacket and skirt, lovely lace collar, pretty black hat; Mrs. Adkin, nary blue Eton coat and skirt, white hat; Mrs. J. Roach, black tucked voile, white vest, laced with pale blue, hat en suite; Mrs. Theo. Kissling, blaek costume; Miss Lily Kissling, bright blue Eton coat and skirt, white felt hat, laced with blaek velvet; Miss Jennie Ireland,, grey check skirt, fur Eton eoat, white felt hat; Mrs. E. Bloomfield, green Eton coat and skirt, white hat trimmed with black and white; Miss Munro, grey cloth Russian coat and skirt, with white facings, dainty pale green hat; Miss Goldie, white cloth costume, pretty black hat; and her sister also wore white; Mrs. (Dr.) Dawson, blaek satin, black hat; Miss Dawson, dark green, faced with blue; Mrs. Holland, all blaek; Miss Holland, rosewood costume, black hat; Miss Essie Holland, dark blue cloth, strapped with glace silk, crimson hat; Mrs. C. Dixon (South Africa), pretty black voile, white satin collar, large blaek hat; Miss Hume, white cloth trimmed with white fur, black picture hat; .Mrs. Boseawen, blaek costume, relieved with touches of pink and ecru insertion, black hat; Mrs. T. Neill (South Africa), brown cloth coat and skirt, with white facings, crimson hat; Miss Savage, blaek costume, large white felt hat covered with black ostrich feathers; Mrs Seth Smith, sage green zibeline, black hat: Miss Purchas, dark blue coat and skirt, blaek hat; Miss Ivy Ansley, dark red cloth dress with red silk strappings, black hat trimmed with red; Mrs John Chambers, dark blue voile, prettily trimmed with white applique, black hat; Miss Dallas Cowan, blaek voile skirt, pale pink blouse, white hat with pink roses; Miss Edith Mowbray, grey Russian costume; Miss Binks. pale grey costume, black hat; Mrs Dawson, black, handsome velvet cloak: Mrs Ward, brown Russian costume, brown hat with yellow roses; Mrs Dewcs, black, with long grey jacket; Mrs Allan Taylor, violet eleth costume; the Misses Taylor, dark blue, strapped with nil green; Mrs Tewsley, green cloth, bodice handsomely trimmed with silk embroidery, pale blue toque; Mrs E. C. Smith, dark blue eoat and skirt, pretty vest of silk and lace; Mrs E. P. Turner, blaek voile skirt, lovely cream and pink silk blouse, silk lace collar, big black hat trimmed with ostrich feathers; Mrs IL B. Morton, dark blue coat and skirt, black hat; Mrs Houghton, cream serge costume, sable toque and jacket; Mrs Shayle George, veryhandsome blaek tucked silk, white chiffon rutile, black and white toque; Mrs Rathbone, blaek and cream costume, blaek and white toque: Miss Lusk, black voile, corn flower blue hat; Miss Olive Lusk, black skirt, crimson cloth coat, white felt hat; Mrs (Col.) Banks, dark grey cloth coat and skirt, black toque; Miss Banks, green coat and skirt, ostrich feather boa, black hat; Mrs Peacocke, dark brown cloth costume, very pretty cream bonnet; Miss Peacocke wore a black gown piped with pale blue, black hat; Miss M. Peaeockc, brown frieze Eton coat and skirt; pale

blue hat; Miss Maisie Ansley, crimson frieze, large blaek hat; Mrs Haleombe (Taranaki), white cloth gown, lovely pink flop hat, trimmed with shaded ribbons and berries; Miss M. Dargavillo, rose pink costume, black hat; Mrs Hewitt, black velvet gown, lovely lace collar, black hat; Miss Hooper, dark green, with hat to match; Mrs A. M. Ferguson, violet cloth skirt, and velvet Russian blouse, pretty silk picture hat; Mrs John Reid, black gown, large black hat trimmed with ostrich feathers; Miss Reid, navy blue Russian costume, blaek picture hat; Mrs Denniston, black silk grenadine, lovely Maltese laee collar laeed with black ribbon, violet hat; Miss Denniston, navy blue eoat and skirt, pretty green hat; Miss Shayle George, white serge costume, black hat; Miss Gladys Beale, black voile skirt, green silk blouse, big laee collar, blaek hat covered with feathers; Mrs John Beale, navy blue cloth jacket and skirt, big black hat; Miss H. Kenderdine, dark blue costume, blaek hat; Mrs Cheeseman, pale fawn cloth jacket and skirt; Miss Keesing, black skirt, long fawn cloth jacket; Mrs Hutchinson, blaek cloth Russian costume, black hat, white fur boa; Mrs Niecol, brown skirt, sealskin jacket, pretty black bonnet; Mrs Dargaville, very pretty black costume, black and white toque; Mrs Marsack, terra eotta zibeline, blaek strappings; Mrs C. Pollen, black voile skirt, black tucked sable jacket, black hat; Mrs C. M. Nelson, handsome black silk figured repp, black toque; Mrs T. Philson, Mack skirt, long grey jacket, blaek hat; Mrs Chatfield, navy jacket and skirt, black hat; Mrs Sellars, black cloth costume, pretty black bonnet; Mrs Lewis, dark brown frieze, hat en suite; Miss Lewis, brown hopsacking, ercani vest, white felt hat with brown birds and sable; Mrs Cashel, black costume, black bonnet: Mrs Markham, cornflower blue cloth, Eton coat, and skirt, hussar hat; Miss Firth, blaek eostume. black toque; MrsMorrin, biscuit coloured cloth, black hat trimmed with blaek and green; Miss Morrin, heliotrope cloth braided with white, black hat; Mrs Seymour George, navy blue cloth faced with Oriental embroidery, black hat; Sirs Fenwieke (Napier), black costume, cream lace collar, black hat; Mrs H. Lloyd Brett, navy blue cloth coat and skirt, white vest; blaek hat with wing bird, sable muff and boa; Mrs Arthur Brett, dark blue zibeline, blaek hat, pheasant feather boa; Mrs Harold Bagnall, blue cloth coat an<L»skirt, black hat; Miss Gorrie, royal blue cloth costume, with cream laee collar, black hat; Miss Pearl Gorrie, blue-grey frieze costume, pale blue and white, hat; Miss Alison, blue and white check costume, piped with white, hat en suite; Miss Berry, brown zibeline coat and skirt, brown hat; Miss Annie Berry, blue and white flecked tweed costume, black hat; Mrs Davis, black gown, handsome black silk cloak, black bonnet; Mrs Sydney Nathan, royal blue cloth jacket and skirt, hat to match; Mrs F. E. Baume, green cloth tailor-made gown, pretty toque composed of pink roses and leaves; Mrs Leo Myers, brown frieze slashed with crimson and black, black and cream hat; Mrs Myers, blaek costume, black and white bonnet; Mrs Dr. Lindsay, green tweed tailor-made costume, blaek hat ; Mrs Moss Davis, black costume, black and green toque; Miss Moss Davis, rosewood Russian eostume, hat to match; Miss Baber, black skirt, long grey jacket, black hat; Airs Judge

Smith, black, pretty silk and lace cloak; Miss Olive Smith, rosewood cloth dress, black hat trimmed with velvet, the same shade as dress; Miss Keogh, pale shade of terra-cotta cloth strapped ■with black, terra-cotta felt hat trimmed with black; Mrs Beddington, black costume, black bonnet trimmed with violets; the Misses Morrow, pretty mourning costumes; Miss Shepherd, dark grey cloth with white cloth strappings on bodice, black toque; Mrs Younghusband, pretty dark green zibeline, green silk folded belt, white silk and lace vest, black toque, trimmed with pale blue wings and velvet; Mrs Angus Gordon, dark blue cloth coat and skirt, black hat; Mrs Magill, gobelin blue cloth, white silk vest; Mrs Devereaux, black and white striped coat and skirt, Marie Stewart bonnet; Miss Helen Munro, black skirt, with silk strappings, long grey jacket, brown felt hat with red silk chou; Miss Lodge, bright blue serge, black hat; Miss O’Neil, black and white flecked doth, black hat; Miss Mowbray, dark green cloth jacket and skirt, black hat trimmed with pink roses; Miss Daisy Mowbray, coat and skirt, white felt hat trimmed with black velvet, and red roses; Mrs MacDonald, dark blue costume, dark blue hat trimmed with pale .blue velvet^'Mrs-Daere, blaek doth costume, pretty blaek and green bonnet;- Miss Daere,< cornflower blue doth, strapped with navy blue bands, hat to match; Mrs Gillies, black gown, pretty black and pink bonnet; Miss Huggins, black gown, blaek and crimson hat; .Mrs Clem Lawford, navy blue doth Russian costume, black hat with crimson roses; Miss Ching, dark blue Eton coat and skirt, pale blue flop hat; Mrs R. Reeves, bright blue cloth jacket and skirt, with glace silk stitchings, large blaek hat; Mrs Guy Shaw, pretty brown silk voile, Chesterfield coat, black and white Hussar hat; Mrs Devore, black doth costume, very handsome velvet sac coat, blaek bonnet; Mrs Steele, black skirt, long grey coat, pink hat; Miss Lodge, blaek gown, black hat; Miss Craemer Roberts, blaek doth jacket and skirt, pale blue hat: .Mrs Pierce, blaek gown, black and white bonnet; Miss Pierce, black doth tailor - made costume, hat en suite; Miss Mrs Marriner, dark grey costume, blue hat; Miss AL Riee, navy blue Russian costume, pale blue rough beaver hat; Mrs Mueller, blaek costume, blaek and yellow bonnet; Miss Mueller, electric blue costume, long jacket, hat to match; Mrs Jones, all black: Miss Bessie Jones, black skirt, white silk blouse, and black hat; Mrs Shera, navy blue costume: Miss Shera, black skirt, fawn eoat.juid black picture hat; Mrs (Dr.) Lawny, blaek satin skirt, black velvet Russian blouse, black and white hat; Miss Al. Williamson, rosewood costume, burnt straw hat; Miss Winnie Cotter, smart navy doth costume, large white felt hat, trimmed with black velvet; Miss Devereux, royal blue, trimmed with cream lace, blaek turban; Mrs Cotter, black merveilleux and black velvet Russian jacket with black silk guipure applique, black turban with white osprey; Mrs T. TV. Leys, stylish electric blue zibeline, trimmed with a darker shade of velvet, hat en suite, marmot fur boa; Miss Winnie Leys, becoming forester green zibeline, trimmed with panne velvet, blaek turban with chenille brim; Miss Devore, blaek f ucked voile skirt and short black velvet jacket, white felt hat. trimmed with black velvet; Mrs W. Gorrie, blaek cos-

tume; Mrs J. A. Tole, navy gown, hat en suite, and beaver boa; Mrs W. AV. Philson, navy costume with white vest, hat en suite; Mrs Arthur Nathan, rosewood frieze and black and white turban; Mrs (Capt.) Daveney, bright navy brocade. blaek tulle toque, edged with cream, and clusters of pink roses; Miss Alice Walker (Thames), becoming grey gown, trimmed with Persian galbon, rose-pink hat; Miss Kirkwood (England), heliotrope cloth paletote, black hat with plumes; Mrs R. Afitchelson, rosewood zibeline, hat en suite; Miss Stevenson (Remuera), royal blue costume with lace pelerine, blue frieze toque with berries; her sister wore navy and a white felt luvt; Miss Myeds, stylish nil green zibeline, with bands on skirt, the waist caught, with large button in front. black picture hat ; Mrs. W. J. Napier, powder blue cloth, with scolloped flounce of white cloth, sable fur cape, blaek hat; Miss Haultain, black gown, grey jacket, and black hat; Miss Binney, Wack costume, strapped with silk, black hat; Mrs. Boorman (England), black cloth, tailormade gown, and blaek hat with touches of white; Miss Buller, navy gown, nil green, felt hat, with sea-green roses: Mrs. Benjamin, brown cloth, with white pin stripe, black crinoline hat, turned up in front, with plumes; Mrs’. .1. H-. Upton*, blaek voile gown, and violet velvet bonnet; Mrs. E. Mahony, effective, nil green zibeline costume, hat en suite; Airs. Macfari.vne, green costume; Airs. Culpan, blaek gown and pretty black bonnet, with pale pink roses; Mrs. H. Airey. pretty royal blue costume, hat en suite; Miss Wingfield, brown costume, brown hat, trimmed with Paris tinted laee; Mrs. Leckie, green cloth costume, green hat; Airs. Boardman, black costume, witii laee cape, edged with tassels; Airs. E. W. Alison, black cloth gown and sleaskin jacket, blaek toque; Airs. Hudson Williamson, blaek voile gown, fawn fur tip pet and black hat; Airs. Tibbs, navy cost nine; Aliss Violet Tibbs, black frock and hat. fawn jacket: Airs. C. Buddle, while serge, black picture hat; Airs. E. W. Burton, black satin gown and fawn jacket, feather boa and blaek hat; Alts. Henry Wilson, grey and white flecked tweed, grey felt hat with blaek wings; Aliss Wilson (South), reseda green cloth costume, white felt hat, with wings; Airs. Cashel, blaek costume: Miss Al. Macdonald, electric blue gown, black hat; Aliss F. Reid. ruby eos- ’ tuine. Inown hat; Airs.- F. Leighton, navy, cream laee. straw hat: Airs Atkinson, prune cloth costume and black picture - hat; Airs Thompson, ’black gown and black bonnet; Airs ' Lyons, black gown and bright red toque; Aliss Aubrey. navy costume with . touches.,of white, fawn hat with violets; Aliss Kitty Clark, pale grey voile, with white satin vest and cream laee revers, grey felt -hat swathed with white; Airs Hughes Jones, fawn tailor-made gown and large black hat; Aliss Aluriel Knight, reseda green frieze costume and green hat; Aliss Elsie Goldie, cream serge costume and large blaek hat; Aliss Bennett (Devonport), navy and white, flecked tweed with sac jacket, navy /anil white , hat; Airs F. Diddams, black Eton jacket . and skirl, hat with violets; Airs (Dr.) Lawry, black satin and velvet Russian eoat, black hat; Airs Edward Lewis, blaek satin, black bonnet; Mrs Culpan, black brocade, sac coat, black bonnet with junk roses; Aliss Brassey, ruby costume, blaek hat; Airs Crawford, black

brocade, velvet mantle, and black bonnet; Airs AlcK. Geddes, blaek with lavender spots, black bonnet and ostrich boa; Mrs Shakespear, blaek, grey sac jacket, sable furs; Mrs Cardno, navy costume; Miss Cardno, Czar blue gown,' blaek astrakhan turban; Mrs McCallum, black costume; Mrs Moritzon, blaek lace over white glace, blue panne hat with crushed roses and shaded leaves; Mrs Pritt, blaek cloth strapped with silk, blaek toque; Aliss Dolly Davis, brown cloth costume, blaek hat; Airs Hodgson, black, handsome applique on sac jacket, blaek hat; Airs Kilgour, navy, blaek hat; Airs Alarsaek, rosewood zibeline, black hat; Mrs Neil, ruby frock, grey jacket, black and white toque; Airs Gresham, black, with Maltese late; Miss Basley, dark grey; Airs Mulgan, brown tweed, brown hat, with touches of vieux rose; Miss Hasclden, blaek costume; Airs Oxley, grey tweed, blue sac coat, blue toque; Mrs Williamson, blaek cloth skirt and coat, black toque; Aliss Kennedy, g'rey tweed, pink hat; Aliss Wells, navy doth costume, blaek hat, ermine collarette; Miss Wallace, blaek gown with rose pink vest, blaek hat; Aliss Conolly, rosewood zibeline, trimmed with a darker'shade of velvet, black toque. The Auckland University College Students’ Association gave their ANNUAL SOCIAL in honour of the graduates of the year on Saturday evening last at the College. There was a large attendance, of students and friends. The chief attraction of the evening was the performance of a musical comedietta in two acts, written by Messrs L. P. Piekmefe and T. P. Hull, the music being taken from various sources. This work had to do with the troubles of a student consequent upon his answering a matrimonial advertisement. The comedietta proved very enjoyable, the parts being well taken by Misses Newman, Scott, Aloses and Wilkes, and Alessrs R. Bayly, F. Sinclaire. E. Northcroft, E. de C. Clarke and G. B. Stephenson. Mr L. P. Pickmere conducted. The performers found themselves greatly handicapped by the small stage, and the necessity for having these entertainments in a larger building was once more shown. In addition to this performance a number of college songs were, sung by the students. Refreshments were served downstairs in the men's common-room and in the library, and an enjoyable gathering broke up about midnight. Among the ladies present were: Airs J. Tole, black satin, iridescent trimming, and her daughters white silk; Airs Sugar,

handsome black; Mrs Coleman, blaek silk, white collar, strapped with black; Mrs Kinder, pale blue silk; Mrs BrookeSmith, black lace dress; Mrs Buumu. grey voile; Miss Ivy Buddle, blaek; Miss Runciinau, blaek skirt, blue silk blouse; Aliss R. liuiiciman, pretty white ailk; Miss Gorrie, black skirt, white silk blouse; Miss J. Reid, blaek skirt, white silk blouse; Miss Lodder, pretty black skirt, pink and white silk lace pelerine; Aliss Brooke-Smith, black skirt, -tucked silk blouse; Miss Garland, black skirt, pink blouse; Alisa F. Walker, white silk, ecru laee; Miss MacFarlane, white silk; Miss Ansley, red skirt, while silk blouse; Aliss Bramwell, . red silk blouse, black skirt; Aliss llosking, black skirt, pretty shrimp pink silk blouse; Miss D. Metcalfe,' pretty pale pink silk; Aliss Sfepltensoti. black skirt, pretty white satin blouse, -steel beads; Miss Thorp, white silk, red chou; Miss Skinner, black and white; Aliss Kent, white; Aliss Bishop, pink silk, point lace collar; Aliss E. Beale, blaek skirt, pretty red silk blouse; Miss Holland, black skirt, pink blouse: Miss AL Sealt, cream silk, red c|iou; Aliss H. Ross, white silk; Aliss, P. Gorrie, black skirt, white silk blouse; Aliss C. Anderson, blaek skirt, cerise silk blouse, while lace; Aliss Anderson, white; Aliss Dinncen, red silk, finished with black lace. HOCKEY CLUB “AT HGAIE.” The Hockey Club “At Home’’ on Tuesday evening was a most enjoyable affair. The hall was prettily decorated for the occasion with greenery and red berries. The floor was excellent and so was -the music. The supper tables were decorated with red silk and red leaves, and looked exceedingly pretty. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely, ami voted the Hockey Club dance a great: success. Amongst those present I remember the following: Mrs Shera, black laee overskirt, yellow slip; Airs Nelson, black silk; Airs (Dr.) Purelms, handsome pink, with ecru applique; Airs Anson, blaek net, with red poppies; Mrs Whyte, black; Airs Neill, black; Aliss Skinner, lovely yellow silk frock; Aliss Devereux, pretty pink, with velvet shoulder straps; Aliss Cecil Hull, yellow silk, with numerous frills, mount ed with yellow roses; Aliss Richmond, black; her sister, white silk; Aliss Pearl Gorrie, blue nun's veiling; Aliss Riee. lovely white net over pink silk; Mis:-. W. Bramwell, white silk; Aliss Al. Hesketlr, white satin; Miss May Dawson, blue silk, inserted with white Valenciennes insertion; Aliss Brookfield, white, and her sister wore white with scarlet

•aah; Mrs Makgill, black silk; Mrs H. flume, white silk; Miss Ixo Whyte, pink •ilk, overdress of white lace; Miss Tylden, white brocade, spangled lace; Miss D. Metcalfe, salmon pink silk, with numerous frills, edged with blonde lace; Miss Jordan, black satin; Miss St. Paul, white tucked silk; Miss A. Goodwin, white, blue chou in hair; Miss Little, white silk, spray of pink roses; Miss M. Watkins, black voile; Miss K. Hume, pretty white frock; Miss Torrance, black; Miss Irene Kenny, white silk, overskirt of lace; Miss A. Peake, white; Mrs Ed. Gavey, white silk; Miss Jf. Kidd (debutante), white silk, and white lilies of the valley; Miss K. Shera, white silk; Miss Elsie Tylden looked well in white, relieved with blue, pink rose in hair; Miss K. McCormick, white muslin; Miss Roy (New Plymouth), effective white beribboned net; Mrs Banks, green silk, with gold lace handkerchief sleeves; Mrs Dawson, black; Mrs T. Neill, white silk, blue chou on corsage; Miss D. Ross, lovely pink satin, angel sleeves; Miss B. Bleazard Brown, white silk, finished with ecru lace; Miss V. Devereux, Oriental satin; Miss Young, white net, with numerous frills edged with white bebe ribbon; Mrs Reid, black, relieved with white; Miss Coates, white silk; Miss Smith, white satin and ecru lace; Miss Stewart, black silk and Maltese lace; Miss Annie Stewart, white silk; Miss N. Brown, red velveteen; Miss Era ter (Lake Takapuna), pretty white silk, with sash of floral ribbon; Miss Noakes, white silk; Miss Tye, white silk; Miss Porch, yellow silk; Miss Sloman, black, relieved with white; Miss —. Sloman, white, finished with pink; Miss Hay, white silk, overdress of white net; Miss Ethel Dawson, white, with blue chou on corsage; and her sister, white net frills, edged with red bebe ribbon; Miss M. George, white silk; Miss Walsh, blue; Miss Myra Reid, white silk, and ecru insertion ; Miss Aicken, pink, relieved with black; Miss M. Aicken, white net, finished with black velvet; Miss Nelson, white net, trimmed with ecru insertion, pink roses on corsage; Miss —. Rice, soft white silk; Miss Lawrence (Hob-

art), pink silk; Miss G. Hill, pretty white voile; Miss Ethna Pierce, white silk; Misa Banks, white beribboned net; Miss Kinder, white muslin. Among the gentlemen present I noticed Messrs Gorrie (2), Hill, Sloman, Smith (Wapiti Coach), Rees-George, A. Reid, Nolan (2), Callender, Barry, Gavey, Nicholson, Banks (2) Peacocke, Corbett, Wynyard, Whyte (2), Stevenson, Alexander, Kent. Dawson (2), Phillipson, Donaldson, Harvey, Shera (3), Pierce, Carpenter, Reid, Baragwanath, Alison, Frater, Cooke, officers of H.M.s. Phoebe, Hickson, Hardie, Neill, Grierson, Steele, Trevithick, Garrett, Kenny, Sheppard, Buddle, Northcroft, and Dr. Purchas. “Elsie,” my Cambridge correspondent, writing on June 20, says:—"Dear Bee. —The first of the series of bachelors’ balls took place on Friday evening and proved to be one of the most successful yet held. The committee are to be congratulated upon having secured such an efficient secretary in Mr Farnell, who took endless trouble to make It the succeses it was. The music supplied by Mrs Lowe and Mr C. Stewart was very good. Mrs Taylor acted as hostess for the evening in her usual happy manner. The supper-table looked very appetising, laden with all the delicacies . of the season. The table decorations were carried out with lovely tea roses. Some of the dresses I noticed were—Mrs Taylor, black silk and lace and pink roses on corsage; Mrs R. J. Roberts, black with pale blue yoke; Mrs James Hally, black and gold evening dress and pink roses; Mrs Major, white gauze blouse over silk slip, black skirt; Mrs Forte, black moire antique; Mrs Wells, black broehe, red and gold chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern on bodice; Mrs Payze grey satin blouse, trimming of steel and jet, black skirt; Mrs Martyn, black silk and lace, transparent sleeves; Mrs Isherwood, black silk; Mrs M. Anderson looked very well in her wedding dress of white silk; Mrs F. Gane, black silk and lace dress with auttumn leaves; Mrs Best, red and black blouse, black skirt; Mrs Hine, black evening dress; Miss Street, blue silk blouse, black skirt; Miss K. Street, white silk evening dress,

pink ribbon in hair and on bodice; Miss Wells wore a most becoming dress of pale pink Oriental satin, very prettily tucked and shirred, bolero and angel sleeves of string-coloured spotted net; Miss H. Wells looked charming in white glace silk with over dress and angel sleeves of spotted net, and pink bow on corsage; Miss Hally, white silk entirely tucked on the cross and frills at foot of skirt, waist belt and long ends of wide black ribbon velvet; Miss Wright looked sweet in a white mousseline delaine, trimmed with insertion and lace on frills, fichu trimmed with the same, and handkerchief sleeves; Miss Williams, a pretty white silk evening frock; Miss Jessie Brown wore a most becoming dress of cream brocaded silk with deep frills with insertion let in and edged with lace; Miss Dunne, white silk evening dress; Miss Hill, pink evening dress, relieved with black velvet, pink bow in hair; Miss Cave, mauve silk blouse covered with Paris lace, black skirt; the Misses Hunt, white silks; Miss Forte, white silk; Miss Tilly, blue evening dress, much tucked; Miss Reynolds, white voile with pink poppies; Miss Clark, white silk; Miss Runciman, pink blouse, black skirt; Miss Gibbison, cream evening frock; Miss Taylor, yellow evening dress; Miss Selby, white dress with pink roses; Miss Scott, white dress with pink chou; Miss Brown,

cream evening dress; Miss Allan, blue blouse, black skirt; Miss H. Payxe, white silk frock; Miss M. Taylor, white blouse, black skirt; Miss Grey mouth, blaek silk relieved with string-coloured lace; Miss Gibbons, pretty pale pink silk evening frock; Miss Carley, yellow evening frock. Amongst the men were— Messrs Taylor, Park, Roas (2), Farnall, Bockett, Fisher (3), Wells, Hally, Richardson (2), Isherwood, Roberts, Best, Rush, Gavin, C. Coates, Walker, Panton, Gane (2), Ferguson (2), Major, Williams (2), Forte, Clarke (2), Tndehope, Maddison, Scott, Allan, Anderson, Selby, Madill. Mr Hamilton correspondent, “Zilla,” writes:—A pleasant and successful social was given on June 20, in the Volunteer Hall, Hamilton, in honour of His Lordship Bishop Neligan, who paid his first visit to this township. Songs were contributed during the evening by Miss Lambert and Messrs. Bird and Wallnutt, and a violin solo by little Miss Bosworth; refreshments were partaken of, and the Bishop addressed the assemblage. The Masonic ball, which is to take place on the 25th inst., is being looked forward to with much eagerness, especially by a bevy of fair damsels who are to make their debut on the occasion.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XXVI, 27 June 1903, Page 1814

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XXVI, 27 June 1903, Page 1814

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XXVI, 27 June 1903, Page 1814

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