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Personal Paragraphs.

His Excellency the Governor and the Countess of Kanfurly will .be entertained by the citizens of Auckland at a grand ball at the Drill Shed on Tuesday next. The affair promises to be the largest and most brilliant social function ever held, in the colonies. Applications for invitations should be made at once to Messrs. Upton & Co., Wildman, Lyell and Arey, or the secretary, Mr. W. Holmes. The guarantee is already very large, and is daily being augmented. No invitations will be issued till application has been made as stated. The gentlemen’s tickets are a guinea, and the ladies half-a-guinea. Lady Ward is back in Wellington. Miss Moore (Masterton) is the guest of .Mrs Wilford, St. John Hill, Wanganui. Mr. King Adams, of the Indian civil service, is in'Wellington at present. Mrs and Miss Roy, of New Plymouth, are making a short stay in Auckland. Mrs and Miss Pearl Grace (Wellington) have gone for a visit to Wanganui. Bishop Neligan intends visiting Waikato very shortly. Miss Gibbes has returned to Wellington from Wanganui. Mr. Houghton, of Parnell, Auckland, has gone to New Plymouth. Miss Adams (Melbourne) is the guest of her aunt, Mrs Adams, in Wellington. Miss G. Krull is spending a few weeks at Wanganui. On Saturday last Lord Kanfurly was at the meeting of the Savage Club. Mrs. Pollen (Wellington) has returned from a visit to Nelson. Mrs. White (Gisborne) is paying a visit to her relatives in Auckland. The Hamilton Golf Links were opened on the Prince of Wales’ Birthday. Mr Sydney Williamson is still staying in Auckland. Miss Brabant has returned to Wanganui from her visit to Auckland. Bishop Neligan accompanied Lord Ranfurly on his trip up North last week. Miss Amy "Williams (Cambridge) is staying in Auckland on a short visit. The Bishop of Waiapu has returned to his diocese from a visit to Auckland. Sir Robert and Lady aiout have lately been spending a few days at Wanganui. Colonel Webb was in Napier last week inspecting the local volunteers. Dr. Lindsay, of Auckland, is at present making a short stay hi Wellington. Captain Colbeek, Auckland, is paying a business visit to the Kaipara. Major Holgate arrived from Wluingarei on June Oth.

Mr 11. Pallan Burry (Auckland) left for the South by the Rotoiti on June sth. Captain Bloomfield is doing his utmost to put new life into the Seddon Horse.

Sirs and Miss Hacon (Wellington) have gone to pay a visit to their relations in Auckland. Sirs Louis Pharazyn has returned to Wellington after a short stay in tho country. Air. W. G. Hutchison, of Johannesburg, who is revisiting New Zealand, is going baek to South Africa shortly. Lieut .-Commander Alinett, of the American warship Wheeling, is at present on a visit to Rotorua. The Rev. R. Al. Beattie, ALA., has been elected Moderator of the Auckland Presbytery. Mrs Kekwiek and Miss Ivy Ruddle (Remuera, Auckland) were staying at Te Aroha last week. Mrs. Grace and Mrs. Tan Dunean (Wellington) have gone to Wanganui for some weeks. Mrs AV. Moss, who has been staying in Auckland for some months, is shortly leaving for West Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Skelton and Aliss Skelton, Maungaturoto, are in Auckland this week. Mrs Herbert Jackson and three children are visiting Mrs F. R. Jackson at Castleeliffs, Wanganui. .Mr Clemenee Lawford, of Auckland, left for South Africa, via Sydney, last .Monday. Airs You Dadelzen is staying with Airs Bernard Chambers, Havelock, Hawke's Bay. . Aliss Allen, who has been spending a week with her people, in Pieton, has returned to Nelson. Mrs D. Aidworth (Silverhope) is staying with Mrs Fairfax-Chohneley, Tayforth, Wanganui. Air. Al. Dillingham, of Auckland, has been spending a short holiday at Te Aroha. Air 1). Robertson. AVaitolii Valley, is spending a week or two with Air Cullen, Alahakipawa, Marlborough. Air W. P. Reeves, Agent-General for New Zealand, was staying in Spain at the beginning of last month. Mr R. Whitson, who went Home on a business trip some months ago, returned to Auckland by the Sonoma. Air Channing Buckland (Waikato) was staying in Auckland for a few days last week. Air and Airs John Duncan, of the Grove, Queen Charlotte Sound, are in Pieton for a few days. Aliss Graham, who has been visiting friends in Wellington, has gone on to the Rangitjkci district. Airs Alurdoch Ale Lean, of Alt. Albert, who has been on a visit to TVellington, returned to Auckland on Saturday. Aliss De vanish has returned to New IL. mouth after a pleasant trip to Sydney. Airs. Harry Stocker, who has been on a visit to Wellington, has returned to New Plymouth. Air and Airs Andrew Rutherford, jun., of North Caut'jrbury, have returned from their wedding trip to Australia. Signor Bragato will visit Birkenhead early in August for the purpose of lecturing on viticulture. Air Leatham, a member of Lord Hawke’s cricket team, is returning to England by way of Japan and America. Mr. F. E. Baume left Auckland for New Plymouth on Alonday last by the Ngapuhi. Mr. and Airs. Percy Gibson, Whakapirau, Kaipara, are paying a flying visit to Auckland. Airs G. F. Sutherland, who is on a visit to Auckland, returns to Fiji by the Moura on June 17. Among the numerous New Zealanders visiting the great exhibition in Japan is Air Vincent C. Ranson, of Rongotea (Alanawatu). Rev. F. G. Bennett, who was on a visit to Auckland in connection with the opening of the Alaori Girls’ School, has returned to New Plymouth. Airs, de Labrosse and her daughter, Airs. Shakespear, Kaipara, have come to Auckland for the vinter. They are staying at North Shore for the present.

Aliss Carrie IMyly, New Plymouth, has come to Auckland on a visit. She is staying with her sister, Alls. Nolde, in Havelock street.

Air. nnil Airs. Clement Govett and their daughter, of New Plymouth, are

leaving for a trip to Rotorua shortly for the benefit of the latter’s health. Airs Russell Duncan, who has been on a visit to the North of Auckland and the city, returned to Napier by the Talune last week.

Mrs Lodder, who was for many years resident in Auckland, and is now living at Wellington, is at present on a visit to her daughters in Auckland. Mr. I'. fl. Latham was the winner of tlie Victoria Cup (men’s singles) at the Wellington Golf Club’s grounds on the Prince of Wales’ birthday. Mr Vincent Ransom (Manawatu) passed through Wellington recently on his way to Japan, where he will spend some months. Miss M. E. Mandeno, who is leaving Rangiaohia School to take charge at Te Tahi, was presented with an address, hand-bag and clock by the children. Mrs Tribe, whose boardinghouse at Cambridge has been so deserving popular, has given it up, and is building a smaller house to reside in. Mr and Mrs Heaton Rhodes (Christchurch) left London for New Zealand last month by the new P. and O. steamer Orita. Lord Northland attended the meet of the Pakuranga Hounds at Otahuhu on June 4th. They had a good run towards Mangere, where there was a kill. Mr R. W Muir, of Dunedin, will relieve the lion. W. Burton at the Bank of New Zealand, Suva, during the latter’s twelve months’ leave of absence. Mr and .Mrs Frank Challis, late of Auckland, who went over to South Africa some months ago, are at present in Durban. The Rev. J. S. Smalley, ex-president of the Wesleyan Conference, who has retired from active work, left by the Sonoma for Sydney on June 3. Mr R. Jay, late of Dunedin, the new manager of the New’ Zealand Express Company at New Plymouth, has taken up his duties. Miss Blanche Davis left Auckland by the Sonoma for Sydney last week. She is going to stay with her sister, Mrs Moss. The Rev. James Kyall, who some eight years ago was Maori missionary at Gore, intends visiting Auckland with his wife and daughter. Mr 11. Stocker, accountant at the New Plymouth branch of the Bank of Australasia, lias retired from the bank’s service after a twelve years’ connection. Miss Rose Laird (Auckland) is shortly leaving for South Africa, where she is to be married to Mr W. Thomas. They are going to live in Johannesburg. Mr. C. A. Cawkwell has been elected secretary and treasurer of the Waitemata County Council out of SO applicants. Mr Harry Vogel, son of the late Sir Julius Vogel, was summoned at Windsor lately for driving his motor-ear at a furious rate. Mrs and the .Misses Chaytor (2), “Marshlands,” Spring Creek, Marlborough, have gone to Christchurch for a trip. Sir William Wastncys, r. ho figured in the Bankruptcy Court in London last April, used to run the “Waikato News” at Cambridge, Auckland, in 1889. Miss Ethel Greensill (Pieton) has gone to Wellington to nurse her sister, who was seriously ill, but is fortunately recovering. A presentation of a handsome marb'e clock was made to .Mr James MeKcnzie, of Weber, Dannevirky, prior to his leaving the district. Mi - E. C. E. Mills, of Wellington, who at present is staying in London? is shortly going to tile States, and from there back to Wellington. Miss Edith Take, who left Napier for England last year, has been visiting Paris. She is at present in London, and will not return to New Zealand this year.

Mrs Butler, senr., and Mr and Miss Cleveland have left Wellington to make their home in Auckland. They arc going to live in Parnell. Dr. Arthur Hall, the newly-appointed House-Surgeon at Dunedin Hospital, arrived at Wellington by the Maori from England. Miss Medley, of Wellington, who has been staying for some weeks with Mrs Bowen, Upper Riccarton, has now returned home. Mrs W. A. Moore, of Dunedin, recently spent a week in Christchurch with her mother, Mrs J. J. Kinsey, at “Warrimoo,” Papa nui-road. 31iss Denniston (Christchurch) has gone to Sydney on a visit, and Miss H. Denniston to Wellington for a few weeks. Captain Todd and Mr Tyser, juu. (Tyser lino), have been in Christchurch on a business visit, and were the guests of Mr and Mrs J. J. Kinsey for a few days before leaving for the North. Air Leslie Reynolds, C.E., is back in Nelson after a trip to Ilawera on business. Air Reynolds is directing the scheme for the improvement of Nelson Ha rbour. Air Harman. Private Secretary to the Native Alinister, who made a voyage round the North Island for the benefit of nis health, returned to Wellington feeling much better for his trip. Mr- If. B. Kirk, having accepted the position of professor of biology at Victoria, College, Wellington, the vacant appointment of inspector of native schools has been tilled by Air. W. W. Bird, ALA. Air F. Afaunsell. who for four years has been associated with the legal firm of bind lay, Dalziell & Co., has severed his connection in order to take up a practice on his own account. Airs Robert Browning, who with her two daughters went Home some time srgo, is shortly going to Italy. Airs Browning thinks of returning to New Zealand some time after Christmas. At the fe Arai Church. Gisborne, on Sunday week. Mr. W. T. T. Fraser was admitted to deacon’s orders by His Lordship the Bishop of AVaiapu. He is to be stationed at Rotorua. the banquet proposed to be given to Mr W. F. Massey,, by his Ptikekohe constituents has been postponed till after the session, on account of the bad state of the roads. Air Lea, the manager of the Bank of New South Wales, returned to Cambridge on Tuesday week after a month’s luddav, and Air Powell (relieving manager) has returned to Auckland (writes our Cambridge correspondent). Admiral Fanshawe cables that, if possible, the A\ allaroo and Phoebe will be in Auckland by the 16th of this month, so that the officers will be able to attend the Citizens’ Ball—the farewell to Lady Ranfurly. An active canvass is being made in the Ponsonby district for contributions to the memorial to the late

Miss McLeod. A number of old pupils •f the I’ousonby district school are taking up the matter energetically. Mrs Guineas, wife of Dr. Guineas, took part in a mounted paper-chase on the Waihi Plains, held on the Prince of Wales’ Birthday. Mrs Guineas came off winner. Dr. and Mrs Guineas resided in Auckland a short time ago. Mr N. M. Kircaldy, of Dunedin, has received an appointment to inspect and report upon a concession in S.E. Siberia, near to the Chinese frontier, granted by the Czar to an Anglo-Russian nrining company. Mr Herbert M. Goldstein, son of the Rabbi Goldstein, has succeeded in winning the M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.R.C.P. (Lend.), and is continuing to “walk” Guy’s Hospital in order to qualify for the. final M.B. (Lond.) examination. Lieutenant-Commander Minett, of the U.S. Wheeling, will remain in command of the vessel till she has returned to her station at Samoa. Lieut. H. E. Parmenter, who arrived by the inward ’Eriseo boat, has joined the Wheeling. Mr H. F. von Haast (son of the late Sir Julius von Haast) has entered into partnership with Mr A. R. Meek, Wellington. Mr von Haast is a member of the English, Victorian and New Zealand Bars, and has been living in England for some years. Mr G. T. Palmer, M.A.,. formerly assistant master at the Nelson Boys’ College, and at present second master at the Greymouth High School, has decided to accept a position on the Nelson College staff again, and will return to Nelson shortly. At a meeting of the congregation of St John’s Church, Wellington, it was unanimously resolved that the name of the Rev Dr Gibb, of the First Church, Dun din, should be inserted in the call to the pastorate of St John’s, in succession to the Rev James Paterson, resigned. Mr. Alec. Hill, who for many years has been treasurer of the Wellington Kennel Club, has just resigned his position. In recognition of his valuable services he has been presented by Dr. Faulke, on behalf of the club, with a heart-shaped gold medal, bearing his monogram. Mr Adams, agent for the Presbytery at Hamilton, has been heartily recommended by the local body for ordination as an elder under the Home Missionary scheme. He will take up the three years’ course of study necessary under the rules of the system. Miss Fraser, lady principal of the Wanganui Girls’ Collegiate School, has obtained leave of absence, and is going on an extensive holiday tour, which will include China and Japan. Miss Macintosh (Auckland) takes Miss Fraser’s place at Wanganui pro tern. A presentation is to be made to the Rev. J. Paterson, who has been in charge of St. John’s (Presbyterian) Chureh, Wellington, for thirty-five years. The vacant pulpit is to be offered to the Rev. James Gibbs, D.D., of First Church, Dunedin. The Wellington College Old Boys’ Association has decided to send a letter of condolence to the relatives of the late Mr. W. S. Hamilton, one of the old masters of the school, who died recently. The late Mr. Hamilton was in charge of the Wellington Grammar School in 1867. The Karori (Wellington) Bowling Club is starting life with a strong and energetic committee, prominent among them being Mr. R. C. Bulkeley (president), and Messrs. W. N. Tisdall, Newcombe, Cathie, Partridge, Cook, Hill, Lloyd, Lewer and Williams. Mr. Bennett is acting as hon. sec. pro tern. Dr Arthur Hall, who has been studying at Home Universities, and who is now at Hobart on his way back to the colony, has been temporarily appointed senior house surgeon at Dunedin Hospital. Dr Hall formerly occupied the same position, and was a brilliant graduate of Otago University. The congregation of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Chureh (Wellington) is busy selecting a minister to take the place of the Rev. J. Ogg, who recently resigned. The Rev. J. Gibson Smith, M.A., Invercargill, and the Rev. A. W. Kimnont, late of the Firth of Forth, are the two most favoured nominations.

Miss Daisy Rice, of “Merton,” Mount Eden, leaves this week by the direct steamer Essex for Capetown, on a visit to her sister, Mrs E. H. Phillips, of Upington, Cape Colony. She carries

with her the heat wishes of her many friends for a pleasant trip. She expects to return to Auckland in a year’s time. Mr C. E. Major, M.H.R., has been presented by several of his late supporters in the Hawera district who are now residing in Auckland with a silver flask in appreciation of his services. Messrs E. 0. Hendy and E. Fake headed the party who visited Mr Major" in the Central Hotel on June 3, and on behalf of the party welcomed him to Auckland and congratulated him on his return to Parliament. Miss Ashby, of the Waiorongomai school, has been transferred to the Ngaruawahia school, and before she left the former school she was feted by the residents. At the same time she was presented with a handsome gold brooch and a Moroeco-bound birthday book by Mr Holt (chairman of the School Committee) on behalf of the parents and scholars. Mr Gorrick, the famous Australian sportsman, who has engagements in several parts of New Zealand to take part in shooting matches, is still in Pieton enjoying the wonderful sport by sea and land, and also the scenery. He intends to return to Picton after meeting his engagements, and spend most of his time in what he calls “the best all-round place he has ever been at.” Good support is being afforded to the fund to enable the gifted Trowell brothers (Wellington) to continue their musical studies, the idea being to send them to Leipsic. An executive committee, consisting of Mesdames Dean and Jones, Misses Tolhurst and Coates, and Messrs. Brown, Dean, Searle, Fitzgerald, Parsons, Kennedy, Parker and Joynt, has been appointed to further the movement and to make arrangements for the two concerts to be given by the Trowell boys before their departure. The Rev. W. F. Craigie, who comes to New Zealand on account of his health, is accredited the Presbyterian clergy of the colony by the New South Wales Presbyterians. He is desirous of being employed in supply work while he is here, and if a favourable opportunity occurs will in all likelihood remain here. He bears excellent commendations of his ability, both as a preacher and organiser. He was welcomed and associated with the local Presbytery on Monday week. The Rev. W. L. Salter, of Berhampore, Wellington, has been transferred to Ashburton. Before leaving he was the recipient of several gifts from the parishioners. Mr. and Mrs. Salter were each presented with a purse of sovereigns. Miss Salter received a Bible and a handsome glove-box from the members of the Sunday-school, and Mrs. Salter also accepted a valuable cruet, the gift of the ladies of the parish. A very enjoyable social evening was spent, and Mr. and Mrs. Salter took away with them the heartiest good wishes from their friends in Wellington. Mrs. Rutter, who has for some years acted as matron of the Wellington Convalescent Home, has resigned her position owing to ill-health. The trustees of the home have presented her with a gold chain and a travelling bag, and a purse of sovereigns, the latter being the gift of some of her ex-patients. Miss Oakley has been appointed to succeed Mrs. Rutter as matron. The trustees speak very warmly of the generous support afforded to the home by the Wellington brass bands, who raised £220 for the institution, in one day. Mr W. A. Graham, who is about to visit America, was presented on Saturday with a substantial cheque by Messrs John Burns and Co. (with whom he has been for the past seven years), and a diamond ring by his fellow-employees, as marks of appreciation. The presentations were made by Mr John Burns (for the firm) and Mr Mountfort (as the oldest employee). Mr Graham has been deputy-captain of the West End Rowing Club for the past year, and is well known in rowing circles.

Miss F. M. Hodgkins, daughter of the late Mr W. M. Hodgkins, a former president of the Otago Art Society, recently returned to London from a sketching tour in Morocco, and at the end of April received notice that two of her pictures had been accepted for exhibition by the Royal Academy of Arts, one of them—a picture of an Arab girl, painted at Tetuan—being hung “on the line.” Miss Hodgkins is a sister of "Mrs W. H. Field, the well-known Wellington artist.

Captain Skinner, of the well-known trading schooner Aotea, was met in the Chamber of Commerce the other day by about a dozen of the most prominent commercial men in Auckland, and there presented with a purse of sovereigns and a set of gold studs for himself and a gold watch for his wife. Mr John Burns headed the meeting, and it was explained that the presentations were expressions of admiration and esteem of Captain Skinner for the capable and honourable manner in which he had carried out his business engagements. All present spoke, and gave the captain their warmest commendation, and one speaker pointed out that he had the record of never having met with an accident on the eoast. The presentations were made by Messrs John Burns, L. D. Nathan, and H. C. Tcwsley. Captain Skinner, who showed much appreciation of the kindnesses extended to him, made a hearty reply on behalf of himself and his wife.

There was as usual a very large number of guests at the Star Hotel last week. Among those that registered were:—From Sydney—Mr Wallace, Mr J. F. Donaldson, Mr C. Heat, Miss Hill Scott, Mr F. Adaman, Mr S. Adson, Mr J. F. Coleman, Mr J. Melville, Mr P. C. Wickham, Mr L. Warrell, Mr and Mrs R. Roberts, Mrs J. Fotljeringliame, Mr L. B. Smith, Mr Arthur E. Munro, Captain E. Murray, Mr Jack Foley, Mr and Mrs Adams, Miss Elsie Adams. From Melbourne —Mr Harris Hill, Mr and Mrs Frank Murdoch, Miss A. Steele, Mr J. E. Gresham, Sir John E. Milburn, Miss E. R. Taylor, Miss Alice Carter. From St. Kilda —Mr and Mrs David Paisley, Miss Edith Paisley. From Brisbane—Mr and Mrs Richard Douglas, Mr A. Stephens, Mr James Peterson. From Adelaide—Mr and Mrs P. Lewis, Mrs A. Holland, Miss Kate Holland. From Kalgoorlie—Mr and Mrs Alfred Simpson, Mr F. Simpson. From Perth—Mr Jack Edwards, Mr and Mrs Henry Watts. From Launceston—Mr and Mrs Ernest Simpson, Mr L. E. Evans, Mrs F. Greene. From Dunedin —Mr and Mrs A. E. Johnston, Mr Frank Davis, Dr. and Mrs Charles King, Mrs E. Burns, Miss F. Burns, Mr Harry Wilson. From Wanganui—Mr A. White, Mr and Mrs D. G. Polson, Miss Polson. From Helensville —Mr and Mrs Stephenson. From Hastings—Mr and Mrs J. Austin. From Oamaru, Mr F. Kingston, Mr and Mrs Blaikie. From Christchurch —Mr and Mrs Barnett, Rev. F. Mahony, Mr and Mrs Dennison, Miss E. Murray, Mr Frank Kennedy. From Wellington—Mr Rothchild, Mr J. A. Patterson, Mr A. A. Bethune, Mr R. Ryan, Mr and Mrs Craike, Mr and Mrs Bridson, Mr and Mrs L. Fergusson, Mr A. Kirby, Mr Frank Scott, Mr and Mrs Madden, Mr E. Stuart, Mr and Mrs F Franklin. From New Plymouth—Mr Champion, Mr Mills, Mr Crockett, Mr and Mrs Harry Turner. From Hawera —Mr A. Grey, Mr and Mrs D. E. Hinton. From Opotiki—Mrs A. Robinson, Mr J. Hurley, Mr and Mrs Atkinson. From Whangarei—Mr S. Reeves. From Auckland—Mr and Mrs Hayr, Mr H. Hayr, Mr Ryan. From Manila—Mr and Mrs Harry E. Williams, Mr A. Williams. From Singapore—Mr W. Whetham. From Calcutta —Mr and Mrs Parkinson, Mr J. E. Webbe. From Kimberley—Mr and Mrs H. Cullen, Miss E. Phillips. From Capetown—Mr Henry Jones. From London—Mr J. Richards, Hon F. J. Lascelles, Mr and Mrs L. Henderson, Mr and Mrs Arthur Adamson. From Kent —Mr and Mrs Bennett, Miss A. Bennett. From Surrey—Captain and Mrs Leese. From Glasgow—Dr. and Mrs E. R. Cleeve. From Ardlamont (Scotland)—Mr and Mrs S. S. Anderson, Miss McGregor. From Paris —M. le Bouderaux. From Angus (France) —M. Bassaneau. From Hamburg—

Herr Eugene Strauss. From Milan—■ Madame E. Pereto. From San Francisco —Mr J. F. Nesbitt, Mr John L. Mooney, Harry E. Ellis, Miss Ella Davis, Mr and Mrs W. Peairs, Mr Jack E. Hart. From New York—Mr J. B. Blydenburgh, Mr W. A. La Bau, Mr and Mrs Frank Dyer, Mr L. Durrance, Mr D. H. Campbell, Mr John L. Hudson, Miss Julia Heyman. From St. Louis —Mr C. D. Chase, Mr and Mrs F. L. Burt. From Philadelphia—Mr George E. May. From Quebec—-Mrs E. McPherson. From Dublin—Dr. and Mrs P. L. Mahony, Mr Arthur Inglis, Mr Claude Inglis.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XXIV, 13 June 1903, Page 1673

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XXIV, 13 June 1903, Page 1673

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XXIV, 13 June 1903, Page 1673

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