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Personal Paragraphs.

The Governor, Lord Ranfurly, who is president of the Empire Veterans’ Association, intends to be in Auckland on April 23rd, and has promised that in about a week’s time he will fix the date for laying the foundation-stone of the Veterans* Home. The committee purpose applying for free rail and reduced steamer passes far veterans wearing their war medals for the occasion, as was done at the time of the Duke of York’s visit. The membership of the association has been increasing rapidly, and now amounts to 220. The treasurer (Lieut. Chas. Hesketh) reports that the increase has for some days past been at the rate of ten per day. Mr Elsdon Best, the well-known Maori scholar, is on a visit to Wellington. The Misses Hay, of Sydney, are still visiting friends- in Auckland. The “Gazette” notifies the promotion of Major Holgate to be Lieut.-Colonel. Mr D. L. Murdoch, of Auckland, is at present staying at Wairakei. Mr Duncan Clerk has bought “Burwood,” the property of Captain Worsp. Mrs Robison, of Eltham, is paying a visit to Auckland at present. Mrs and Miss Seddon have returned to Wellington from Hanmer. Miss Beauchamp, Anikiwa, spent a few days in Picton and Blenheim. Mr W. Bloomfield is now captain of the Seddon Horse. Miss Ida George, Auckland, has gone on a visit to Wellington. Mr E. G. Allen, M.H.R. for Port Chalmers, is visiting Wellington. Mrs White, of Hawera, has returned home after a long visit to Rotorua. Miss Rose Bush, of the Thames, is at present visiting friends in Auckland. Miss Dora Williams, of Dunedin, is staving in Wellington at Miss Malcolm’s. The Rev. W. Ready has returned to Auckland from New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs Levinson, of Sydney, are returning by the Sonoma. Mr. Arthur Myers, of Auckland, leaves on Monday for a trip to Europe. Miss E. Rawson (Wellington) is paying visits in the Wairarapa district. Mr and Mrs Neville, of the Bluff, are leaving for Australia very shortly. Mrs Gillies, of Gladstone-road, is shortly having a large “At Home.” Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Macmillan, of Remuera, Auckland, leave by the San Francisco mailboat for England on April 17. Mr T. Pittar, of the London Dental Co., is a passenger to Sydney by the Sonoma. Mr and Mrs E. C. Brown and son leave by the Sonoma to join the Moravian for Capetown. Mr and Miss Astley left by the Zealandia to join the Orontes at Sydney for London. Miss Hilton, of New Plymouth, is leaving by the Sonoma to catch the Victoria at Melbourne for England. Dr Carolan has been appointed public vaccinator at Auckland and Waiwera, and Dr McCredio at Matakana. Dr Mason, chief health officer for the colony, has returned to Wellington from Auckland.

Mr D. P. Sinclair, solicitor, of Blenheim. has been appointed Town Clerk of that borough. The Misses Laird, who are returning to London via Sydney, leave by the Sonoma to join the Orontea. Mrs A. Scott, Ngakutu, Queen Char* lotte Sound, is staying in Pkton with Mrs Scott. The Bov. Harry Braddock, Anglican missionary, is lecturing in the Marlborough district. Miss Rutherford (Montrose) was the guest of Mrs W. Reece, North Belt, Christchurch, for a week. Mr and Mrs Jagger, of Melbourne, and formerly of Wellington, have been staying in Rotorua lately. Mrs and the Missea Kettle (Christchurch) have returned from a pleasant visit to Dunedin. Dr. and Mrs. Collins and Miss Holms (Wellington), who have been down to Mount Cook, have returned. Mrs Lane (Christchurch) and her niece. Miss Cleveland, have gone South to stay with Mr E. Lane, at Good wood. Mr and Mrs Crawford (Bunnythorpe, Manawatu) are leaving on a trip to the Old Country. Captain Joyce (Lyttelton) has taken up Iris residence in Wellington in order to fulfil his duties as district adjutant. Miss W. Hannay is back in Wellington after a stay of some weeks in Invercargill. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught have arrived in London from their visit to India. Mrs Guthrie Moore, Christchurch, has gone on a visit to Mrs (Dr.) Whitton, Oamaru. Mr and Mrs Hine, of Cambridge, are staying in Napier on a short visit, having driven overland from Waikato. Mr and Mrs C. Lawford are leaving South Africa for Auckland very lyMr Albert Ehrhardt has been appointed an official member of the Legislative Council of Fiji. Mrs. William Pharazyn and her sister (Miss Greenwood), Wellington, are down South seeing the sights of Mount Cook. Mr and Mrs Jack (England) are staying with Dr. and Mrs J. C. Bradshaw, Latimer Square, Christchurch. Mr McCarthy, cadet at the Supreme Court at Auckland, has been transferred to Wellington. His successor is Mr G. S. Clark, of the Thames. The Rev. N. Dannaeford, founder and director of the Soldiers’ Mission at Poona, Bombay, is visiting Blenheim, and lecturing there. The Hon. J. T. and Mrs Peacock have returned to Christchurch from Hanmer, and are now staying with Miss Turner, Mansfield Avenue, St. Alban’s. Mrs Cory Thomas and Miss Banks have taken up their residence in their old home on Park Terrace, Christchurch, for a time. Mr and Mrs R. E. McDougal, St. Alban’s, Christchurch, have had a delightful round trip to the West Coast, Nelson, ete., taking nearly three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Newman (Marton) have gone down to Wellington for the winter months, and are staying at Miss Malcolm’s. The sad death of Mr Charles Pharazyn, junr., in England, was a great blow to his numerous relations and friends in New Zealand.

Miss Empson, of Rotorua, is now in Auckland, visiting Mrs Gresham; she has also been staying with Mrs Ring, at Hinuera. Colonel and Mrs Webb, who recently arrived from Christchurch, have taken a house (“Normanhurst**) in Mulgravestreet, Wellington. Colonel Porter, Officer Commanding the Canterbury Volunteer Battalion, has been on a flying trip to Wellington on business. Dr> Grace, M.L.C. (Wellington), is making a satisfactory recovery from his recent severe illness, and is now convalescent. Messrs J. and T. Williamson left Auckland on Monday for the Old Country, where they intend to make a lengthened stay. Mrs. H. W. Heath, who has been on an extended visit to Auckland, returned to San Francisco by the R.M.S. Sierra last Friday. Mrs Rod, wife of Dr. Rod (H.M.S. Phoebe), has been staying with Mrs Miles (Wellington) before returning to Sydney, Mr W. C. Cargill (late proprietor of the “Wairarapa Star”) has left New Zealand for a nine months* trip to the Old Country. By the Zcalandia, sailing Monday, Mrs Munro has booked passage, it being her intention to journey by the Runic as far as Capetown. Mr, Mrs and Misses Salmon were passengers by the Zealandia on Monday for Sydney, where they will join the Runic for Capetown. The Hon. J. A. Tole (Crown Prosecutor), accompanied by Mrs Tole, left for New Plymouth by the s.s. Rotoiti from Onehunga on Monday. Mr Hugh Mossman, advance agent for the Westminster Coronation Choir, which will visit the colonics, has booked passage by the Sonoma for Sydney. A Wellington Press Association telegram states that Mr Alexander M. Paterson has resigned his position as an inspector under the Slaughtering and Inspection Act. William Booth, the well-known sawmiller of Carterton who recently returned from England, where he had been for the benefit of his health, died on March 26th, aged 66. Mr E. D. Hoben, formerly reporter on the “Evening Post,” Wellington, is at present in New Zealand on a holiday visit. Mr Hoben is now on the literary staff of the “Sydney Mail.” Mrs. Cotter, and the Misses Ethel and Winnie Cotter, of Remucra, Auckland, left by the Zealandia last Monday for Sydney. They expect to be array two months. Mr John Webster, of Hokianga, a pioneer of 60 years, is staying in Auckland. Sixty years ago he and Dr. Campbell explored the —then as now —roadless North together. Mr and Mrs Herbert Thomson have just taken possession of their new house, built on a slope of Mt. Hobson. Being so high up, the view over the harbour is lovely. Mrs Clem. Dixon, who was a Mfas Hume, of Hamilton, has lately returned from South Africa on a visit, and is staying with Mrs Hume at Remucra. The Rev C. A. B. Watson, who has been successfully acting as vicar of St Peter’s parish, Hamilton, for the past two months, has left for his new charge at Stratford.

The many friends of Mrs Mowat, of Altlmarloch. will regret to hear of her serious illness. Fortunately she is near to medical aid. as she is staying in Blenheim with Mrs J. Mowat. Mrs and Miss Rack (Australia), form* erly of Christchurch, are paying visits among old friends and relatives in New Zealand, and arc at present in North Canterbury. Mr and Mrs IL C. Godfrey, with their family and the Misses Hodgson (2), have removed from Avonside to a new house in Gloucester-street, Christchurch, near Latimer Square. The numerous friends of Mrs. Clark (nee Grace) are pleased to hear of her reoent marriage in London to a second cousin, a Mr. Grace, so she once more takes her old name. Ilis late parishioners presented the Rev. M. It. Neligan, D.D., Bishop-elect

of Auckland, with an address, a cheque/or £750, and an episcopal ring prior to Lis departure for New Zealand from England. Captain Coyle, of the Torpedo corps, readied Hawera ou Monday, on his way to Opunake to undeitake the work of destroying the rock impeding navigation in the Opunake B.vy. Mr J. M. Hamilton, one of New Zealand's rejresentative at the Australasian Swimming Championship Meeting, Lelo al Brisbane recently, returned by the as. West r alia. Mr Mellor, an honorary member of the Waihi Brass Band, was feted by the band on the occasion of his departure for Australia to officiate as a judge in a contest there. Dr. and Mrs Langton and Dr. and Mrs Braithwaite, and Mr and Mrs Blackwood, who have been touring the Hot Lakes district, are returning to Sydney by the honouia, about Wednesday. Mr I.a Roche, late of the Auckland Harbour Board, in company with his wife, will leave by the Sonoma for Sydney this week. They journey thence to the Old Country, and will return to the colony via San Francisco. Mr David Elder, who has for many years controlled the business of the NewZealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, in Australia, as general manager, is relinquishing that position. Mr R. Thompson, 8.A.. who is leaving the Waitaki < Otago) High School staff to join that of the Thames High School, is expected to join the school after Easter. Mr Thompson will be first assistant master. Captain R. Hunken, chief officer of the Clansman, has been promoted to master of the Glenelg, and Mr Patterson, second officer of the Wakatere has been transferred to the Clansman as chief officer. Captain Jordan, who has just resigned the temporary command of the Taviuni, is now spending a holiday in Auckland. He will probably rejoin the I’.s.s. Kia Ora in the Island trade after his vacation. Among the passengers for Fiji by the Moura on Wednesday was Mr J. W. Shearer, of Messrs Baker Bros. Mr Shearer, who is accompanied by his wife, is paying a visit to the Old Country, travelling via Canada. Mr J. M. Mackenzie, who is well-known in rowing circles in Wellington, has been transferred to the Auckland Railway Department, after some years on the staff of the General Manager of Railways in Wellington. The teachers of the Parnell public school presented Miss Edmiston with a set of Shakespeare, bound in Russian leather, and enclosed in a case of similar material, on the eve of her departure for a lengthened holiday to the Old Country. The Napier "Telegraph" says that a requisition to the Premier, asking him to recommend the Governor to appoint Mr S. Carnell to the Upper House, is being largely signed among the Liberals of Napier. Mr Th os. Kirk, who has been for a period of 20 years clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Hamilton, has, at his own request, been transferred to Whangarei. He will be succeeded by Mr Shanaghan, of Lyttelton. Mr Charles Redwood, formerly of Blenheim, is visiting his relatives in that town. Mr Redwood is agent for the Queensland Government to purchase barley. He is being heartily welcomed by many old friends. Mr J. Chamberlain, a distant relative of the Secretary of State for the Coke nies, was a passenger from London for Sydney by the mail steamer Victoria, which arrived at Adelaide on the 15th inst. The object of his visit is to inquire into the black labour question in Australia for the Imperial Government. Mr and Mrs Muir Douglas have sold their fine estate. “Bruntwood,” to Mr Ross, of Dunedin, and are going to reside in Auckland. Mr Ross is shortly to be married to Miss Pearl Clark, and they are going to live at “Bruntwood." Mr W. P. Cowlishaw. of the firm of Garrick. Cowlishaw and Fisher, died at Cliriatchureh on March f 7. In the provincial days he was a member of the Provincial Council, ami also provincial •olieitor and city solicitor for a great many yean. - -

Sir William Russell and Lis daughter went to Wellington to meet Mr W. R. Russell, who was a passenger by the Tougariro, from Capetown. Mr Russell holds a commission in the Imperial Anny, and is on furlough for some months. His regiment is at present in South Africa. Mi’s Marjorie Connell, of the Telephone Exchange, Auckland, last week received a presentation from her fellowworkers in the Exchange on the occasion of her approaching marriage. Mr H. F. Seager. local officer in charge, made the presentation, which consisted of a handsome salad bowl and silver honey dish. Passengers by the Rimutaka for London ineluded Mrs and Mi's Higginson, Miss E. Maginnity. Mrs and Miss Handyside, and Mrs and Miss Parsons and Mr Cargill (Wellington), Mrs MeCorquodale (Glasgow), Mr Thomas (Yorkshire), Mr McCallum (Glasgow 1. Dr. Conolly (Auckland), and Dr. Wilkins (Auckland). Mrs H. H. Prins has the deep sympathy of numerous friends in Christchurch in the sudden death of her second daughter. Rosaline (writes our Christchurch correspondent). She was convalescing after a rather long illness, and was away at Methven for a change, which makes it doubly sad for the family. Miss Ettie Maginnity (Wellington' received a hearty send-off on her departure to England to study singing with a view to going on the stage. A complimentary concert to Miss Maginnity was a great success from a financial and artistic point of view, and the heroine of the evening was the recipient of many beautiful fioral tributes. Mr and Mrs J. Anderson (Christchurch) were in Wellington to farewell their daughter. Miss Muriel Anderson, who went to England in the Rimutaka. Miss Anderson will pay a round of visits in the Old Country, and will visit Oxford. where her brother, Mr Jack Anderson. has distinguished himself in athletics. while studying for his degree. Mr 11. Dean Bamford, whose achievements so far give promise of a very successful career at the bar, was a passenger for Sydney on Monday by the steamer Zealandia. Mr Bamford is making a pleasure trip to the Old Country and the Continent, and will be away for some twelve months. Prwr to his departure Mr. Bamford’s fellow employees, at the office of Mr. A. Hanna, solicitor, made him a presentation to mark the esteem in which they held him. > Two very popular Auckland young ladies. Miss Helen and Miss Dorothy Fenton, intend starting a new and exceedingly up-to-date tea rooms in what was previously the Brunswick Mart, Queen street. The rooms are to be artistically furnished, and all that is good and dainty for the inner man (and woman) will be provided. A large number of friends will wish the Misses Fenton every success. The rooms will be christened “The Brunswick.” On March 26 Mr H. W. Dempsey, of the Auckland telegraph office, and instructor at the Auckland railway telegraph gallery, was presented by the cadets on the eve of his retirement as same with a very handsome companion of silver-mounted pipes and cigar-holder. Mr J. B. Morton, on behalf of the cadets, made the presentation, and in doing so spoke eulogistieally of Mr Dempsey’s work during his term of office. In a few well-chosen words Mr Dempsey suitably responded, and wished the cadets every gueeess in their future examinations. Mr J. See, jun.. son of Sir John See, Premier of New South Wales, and Miss See, were atnongit the passengers from Sydney by the Waikare last week. They are commencing a holiday tour of New Zealand, an 1 are accompanied by Mr and Mrs Samuel Hordern. Mr Hordern is a member of the well-known firm of Anthony Hordern and Sons, of Sydney. The party have left for Rotorua, and from the Hot Lakes they will journey via Taupo and the Wanganui River, to Wellington, whence they will continue their trip to the Bluff. A very promising young New Zealander. Mr Claude Coldicutt, has jusd left the colony for the Old Country, where he intends to pursue his studies in medicine. Mr Coldicntt, by his own unaided exertions, worked his way to the responsible post of dispenser at the Wellington Hospital, and on leaving

that institution received several valuable presentations and testimonials. Mr Coldic-utt, who has relatives in Auckland. carries with him many good wishes, and his future advancement will be watched with much pleasure and interest. Among Ac-tralian visitors to Wellington recently have been Mr E. N. M> M hae. South Yarra. Melbourne: J. P. Oct, Korumburie, Victoria; Frank Coffer, Sydney: J. S. Evans, Melbourne; E. D. Hoben. Sydney; Mr George Reid. Sydney; J. W. Collier, Sydney; Mrs D. W. and Miss Seott, Adelaide; K. M. Clarke-Hay, Sydney; A. J. McDonald, Melbourne; A. Reed-Graham, Ravenswood. North Queensland; H. B. Taylor, Sydney; Norton Grimwade. Melbourne; W. Woods. Goulburn. N.S.W.; Jo<seph Wrav. Melbourne: J. Feenev, A'bury, N.S.W. At the offices of the Northern Steamship Company c-n Monday Captain A. F. Johnson, of the Waiotshi, was presented with an address and n valuable gold watch from the residents of Opotiki, on the occasion of his leaving the AueklandOpotiki circuit. The address referred in flattering terms to Captain Johnson's geniality, seamanship and great kindliness of heart, and the residents expressed their most profound regret at his transfer from that trade. The watch bears the inscription, ‘’Presented to Captain A. F. Johnson, from Opotiki friends.” Mr. C. Ranson, manager of the company, made the presentation. News has been received of the death of Mr Jim Poland, whieh took place a few days ago at Reinfontein, South Africa. Deceased, who was 33 years of age, was well known in Auckland and Wellington, as he had been prominently identified with football matters in both cities. He left New Zealand with the Second Contingent for South Africa, where he saw a great deal of service with Brabant's Horse. When the war ended he joined the Cape Mounted Police, and remained in South Africa until his death, whieh will be greatly regretted. The aid news was first received by the Premier, who at once telegraphed the deceased's brother, Mr Hugh Poland, of Paeroa. Mr Guinness, in the course of a few moments’ conversation with our representative at Wellington, said that he intended r ‘ a candidate for the Speakership age all comers, and he'thought that his past services as Chairman of Committees and Deputy-Speaker gave him a strong claim to the position. Hewaa in complete ignorance of what attitude the Government intended to adopt on this question. There had been no communications passing between himself and Mr Seddon arising out of the Speakership, nor had the matter been broached by either party during their conversations. After Sir Wiliiam Russell’s recent declaration, it is thought in local political circles that Mr Guinness's elevation to the Speakership is a matter of tolerable certainty. A party of American ladies—Misses K. and I— Ninde, and Miss Kinsev, from Oskaloosa, lowa—who have been touring New Zealand, passed through Auckland lately on their way to Sydney. After spending four months in the colony, and visiting the Hot Lakes and West Coast Sounds and Southern lakes,

ill addition to all the principal to'rns, they express themselves delighted with the scenery and ranch impressed with the resources of New Zealand. Better advertisement of the beauty spot* would attract large numbers of sightseers from the United States, where little is known of the colony. From Sydney the party intend to travel through China, Japan, India and Europe, before returning to Oskaloosa, in about two years’ time. A few contractors and friends of Mr C. A. La Roche, who has lately resigned from his position as engineer of the Auckland Harbour Board, met on March 27 th to present him with two handsome travelling companions for seif and wife, also a purse of sovereigns. The presentation was made as a slight token of regard and expression of good wishes. Mr W. H. Brown, who made the presentation, spoke in the highest terms of the sterling character and manly qualities of the recipient, who was a worthy representative of young New Zealand, wishing him and his family a prosperous trip to and happy return from the Old World, which was heartily responded to by all present. Mr La Roche, in returning thanks, spoke in feeling terms of the relations that had existed between contractors and engineer, and although his decisions might sometimes appear hard on contractors, he. always felt his first duty was the interest of his employers. ■A number of the citizens interested in inducing the Hon. E. Mitehelson to stand for the Mayoralty of Auckland at the election on April 29th next, met in Mr C. J. Parr’s office on Saturday and drew up a requisition. The requisition, which has since been printed and circulated throughout the city, was worded as follows:—“We, the undersigned burgesses of the City of Auckland, do hereby respectfully request you to allow yourself to be nominated as a candidate for the Mayoralty of our city at the ensuing election. We feel there ie an urgent necessity for a capable experienced man to take the chair at the present juncture. Your past honourable record fully entitles us to say that you will fill the position of chief magistrate of the leading eity in the colony with the greatest credit, both to yourself and to .the citizens. We know that your acceptance of this high office is bound to entail a certain amount of sacrifice of time on your part; but when you realise that it is the earnest wish and desire of all classes of the community that you should be the Mayor of Auckland for the ensuing term, we hope you will see your way to comply with thia requisition.” There was. as usual, a very large number of visitors to the Star Hotel last

week, amongst the number being: From Melbourne, Mr. W. E. Shand. Mr. R. M. Fergusson, Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, Mr. IL W. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Rees. Miss Amy Rees. Mr. W. Scott, Mr. I- M. Burna m, Miss Burna tn; from Sydney. Rev. M. Stanley, Mr. F. Coffer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, Master Smith, Mr. R. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen, Mr. H. Huitt, Miss Eva Huitt, Mr. T. W. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. E. King and maid; from London. Mr. Cranage, Mrs. Robertson, Miss A. V. Pike, Mr. W. L. Willis. Mr. R E. Ransome. Mr. and Mrs. Green, Mr. A. W. Lee and valet. Miss Bryan and maid, Mr. G. Kingsford; from Wellington. Mr. T. AlcAllistor, Mr. A. A. Bethune, Miss Carrington. Mr. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Seville, Miss Seville. Miss Hunt. Mr. J. M. Hunter. Mr. L. AL Browne. Miss Low; from Christchurch, Dr. and Mrs. Coperland. Mr. W. Ponder. Dr. Maddi<on. Mrs. Aladdison. Mt. and Mrs. Tombs. Mr. and Airs. A. Bell. Master Bell, Mr. W. Henderson, Miss Beston; from Ha wen. Mr. E. Barton: from Xew Plymouth. Mr. AL Alills. Mr. G. Bavlev; from Japan, Messrs. T. I.' Ando and Takaoka; from Edinburgh. Air. f • H. Goold; from Yorkshire, England, Air. and Airs. Graham, Aliss A”. Graham, Miss Dennison; from Perth. W.A.. Air. and Mrs. L. McGrath; from Adelaide. Air. and Mrs. Lloyd, Master Llovd: from Queensland. Air. J. White, Air.*L. Tanner. Aliss Fletcher; from Xew York. Air. E. Platt, AD. J. Aliller. At the Grand Hotel the visitors last week were:—From London: Air E. G. Meers, Mrs Forbes, Air W. R Chamberlin, Aliss Chamberlin. Air Trart Trownsden. Air and Airs Grimwade. Dr. Geo. De Castro. Alias Dunnage, Aliss Groom. From Glasgow: Mr D. Fergusson. Air D. AlacAusland, Aliss A. AL Walker. From Motherwell, Scotland: AD Forrest. From Honolulu: Mr A. Seale. From Pans: Aldlle. Antonia Dolores. Viscount des Carets. From Blois. France: Mdlle. Zelee Candour. From Berlin. Germanv. AH Hugo Fromholz. From Hamburgh, Germany: Mr C. Franehe. From Canada: Air F. W. Godsal, Air E. Godsal. From San Francisco: Mr W. R. Baker. From Xew York: Air Thompson Adaman. From Kalgoorlie: Mr D. Thompson. From Melbourne: Air and Airs Rose Jaggar. Air Fergusson, Mr and Mrs R. O. Blackwood, Air H. Levinson. Mr W. H. Fitzer. From Sydney: Mrs E. Simpson. Aliss Simpson and maid. Mr W. Cowlishaw. Mr and Airs S. Hordern. Air J. See, Miss See, Air J. Xash. Air W. Hoskins, Air J. X. Roxburgh. Mr W. Al. Macfarlane. Mr J. Xevin Tait,- Air F. Vert, Air Clarence XewelL Mr and Airs Dunean Clerk. Aliss D. Clerk, Air and Mrs A. W. Eales, Mr and Airs Hopkins, AD Allan Campbell, Aliss Venables, Miss Salter, Aliss Cole, Dr. and Mrs Langton. From Queensland: Dr. and Airs Huxtable, Air W. R. Collie. From Xew South Wales: Airs Alackay. Aliss Maekay. Aliss J. Young. Miss E. Cox. Misses Perry. From Pretoria. South Africa: Air and Airs R. D. Afackenzie. From Wellington: AH and Mrs W. R. Haselden. Air J. Salmond. Mr W. Alorley. Air J. Schloss, Dr. MacGregor. Air Robert Arlow. From Masterton: Air T. Alawley. Air Allan Cameron. From Xew Plymouth: Aliss M. A. Walker. From Feilding: AH A. Bell, Mr Robert Bell.

From Rotorua: Mr Alt. Warbrick. From Waikato: Mrs Capt. Worsp. Miss Worsp. Miss Blanche Worsp, Mr and Mrs O. J. Marsh, Capt. Seddon, Mr G. Faulbaum. From Nelson: Mr Austin Bisley. From Alorrinsville: Mr J. Clifford. From Thames: Dr. Lapraik. From Coromandel: Mr and Mrs H. Woolmer. At the Central Hotel this week the following were the guests:—From England—Mr D. Palpan Turner. Mr E. C. Ogden. Mr W. I*. Kingsford, Mr Herbert Wootten. Miss Elsie King. Miss E. Williamson. Mr Henry Temple, Miss Locoek. Miss Alice Patterson. Mr J. Thorpe Taylor. Miss Emilr Tavlor. Mr C. Arthur Head. Miss Joan Head. Mr F. W. Hawtrey. Miss E. Preston. Miss AL Burrows, Miss H. Burrows. Front Toronto. Canada—Mr F. G. Robson. From Portugal —Dr. Alexander. From GotEenburg— Captain Westerhult. From Melbourne— Mr C. Cullen. Mr Henry W. Gibson. Mr John Woodside. Mr William McCurdy. Mr Janies Thompson. Miss Thompson, Mr C. Cullen, Miss E. Greene. Mr and Mrs Bedsirup. Mr J. P. Richardson. Mr William Steele, Mr Arthur T. Keirle. From Ballarat, Victoria —Rev. Canon Carmichael. From Martindale, Victoria —Mr Thus. Martin. From San Francisco—Mr Everett N. Bee. From Fremantle. W.A.—Dr. and Mrs Haddock. From Brussels, Belgium—Mr and Mrs Orsolle. From Cologne —Mr Joseph Schilling. From Sydney—Mr F. D. Bensusan, Miss Bensusan. Mr H. Espie. Mr J. Anderson, Mr W. Gilmour, Miss Taylor. Miss Blaine. Miss H. Blaine, Mr E. Blaine, Mr J. Nash. Mr S. A. Josephson. From Newstead. N.S.W. —-Mr and airs Dunean Anderson. From Hamburg—Mr Fr. Knudson. From Fiji —Mr R. G. McDougall Chambers. Mr S. Lazarus. From Western Australia—Air aud Mrs F. Craig. Auckland —Mr Al. E. McGarry. Parnell, Auckland —Mr E. W. Bothwick. From Wellington—Dr. McLean. Mr George E. Baker. Mr E. W. Foster. Mr T. C. Williams. Miss E. Williams. Major Rogers, Mr J. J. O’Brien, Mr Ralph Abercrombv. Mr W. B. Penhey. Mr P. R. Dix. Mr and Mrs Davidson. Mr Albert Levy, Mrs Dunean. Miss Dunean. Sir and Mrs Louis P. Hayman. Mr Alfred B. Jackson. From New Plymouth—Mr D. A. Watt. Mr Alf. Bayley, Air Edgar Watt. From Gisborne — Air Charles Dunlop. From Christchurch —Mr and Mrs Lenard Banks. Mr G. M. Hall, Mr W. Thomson, Mr L. Alexander. From Dunedin —Mr C. S. Span!. Mr A. Bartieman. From Wanganui—Mr and Airs Bell. From Afasterton—Air and Mrs J. F. Alaunsell. From Invercargill—Mr D. McNab, Air Alexander AfcNab. From H.imiiton, Waikato—Air Garviee A. Herdwood. From Thames—Warden Kush. R.M. From Alanku—Air W. L. West. From Karangahake—Mr 11. C. Phillips; From Wairakei—Mrs T. J. Grierson. From Waihi—Dr. and Airs Guiness and friend. From Okoroire — Air A. D. Campbell. From Opotiki—Dr. Reid. From Great Barrier — Air Ludbrook. From Helensville — Miss H. Brown. Mr G. Brown. From Te Puke — Mr L. Hirst. From Whangarei—Mr F. Foote. Air C. E.Gillan. From Te Aroha—Airs F. Filling. From Paeroa —Mr and Airs Delaney, Air A. C. Delaney.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XIV, 4 April 1903, Page 955

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XIV, 4 April 1903, Page 955

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XIV, 4 April 1903, Page 955

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