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Dear Bee, November 13. After such a wildly’ dissipated week, it seems almost impossible to settle down to common-place things; but we have to climb down somehow, and we gradually put on the sober man. The one blemish has been the verychangeable and unseasonable weather, getting both Arctic and tropical in one day, causing a good deal of discomfort on the racecourse, as one cannot travel with a portmanteau to a function of that kind. But we have survived it all, and greatly’ enjoyed having so many visitors amongst us. On Thursday Mrs G. G.' Stead gave a large garden party at “Strowan,” which was greatly- marred by- a verysmart thunderstorm coming up just at 4 o’clock, preventing many people from attending, though a very large number of guests were present. The house has recently- had another wing added, and as the whole house, now a very fine one, was thrown open, it was just an afternoon “At Home,” all the garden and lawns being too wet to even look at. There wais some very good music in the drawing-room, and many pleasant meetings amongst friends. A good band discoursed some excellent music from one of the summer houses, and delicious afternoon tea and other dainties were served. Mrs Stead received in black silk, relieved with pale green, white ostrich feather boa, pale cream toque with green wreath; Miss Stead wore white, with rose belt and tie; the Misses Royse, who are staying with Mrs Stead, and Miss Babington, assisted in looking after’ the guests. Lady Ranfurly was present, and wore a lovely gown of grey voile, the bodice and elbow sleeves trimmed with white chiffon and lace, large black plumed hat; Lady Constance Knox, Eton coat and skirt of vieux rose frieze, black hat; Mrs A. E. ,G. Rhodes, dark blue coat and skirt, with white muslin and lace collar, black plumed hat; Mrs Heaton Rhodes, black gown, with pretty blouse and bolero of handsome brocade with pink flowers, blaek hat; Lady Clifford, black Eton coat and skirt, black and gold toque;. Mrs Hawke, her lovely race dress of white chiffon and embroidery. Most of the race dresses were worn. Amongst others were Mrs and Miss Denniston, Mrs J. Palmer, Mesdames Ogle, Wardrop, A. Elworthy, R. Macdonald, Kettle, Litchfield, O'Rorke, T. Cowlishaw, G. Gould, Woodroffe, J. G. Duncan, Colbeck (Auckland), A. Roberts, P. Campbell, C. Dalgety, Cameron, Buckley, Beswick, Johnston (Wellington), and many more. The Canterbury- Jockey Club Ball is always recognised as the ball of the year, and the one of this season wap, one might say, perfect in every.

detail. The decorations, under the supervision of Mr Evan Macdonald, whose taste is - well-known in Christchurch, were better, if possible, than last year. In the dining-room (the large room of the Art Gallery) the pictures remained on the walls, a festooning of pale green muslin running round the top; quantities of white broom, flax, cabbage trees, and palms were grouped with fine effect, with beautiful pot plants in flower, handsome carpets and rugs covered the floor, and the best of furniture was used, the raised dais for Lady Ranfurly being a special feature of the room. Baskets of flowers were suspended with pink streamers between the gasaliers, the globes having- pink edges. The small gallery was used for the ball-room, and was charmingly decorated; .the walls were panelled with a rather dull pink, outlined with narrow bands of pale green; the top was festooned with the pink over a frieze of arum lilies with their leaves, and a dado of arum lilies and flax alternately-, the corners' being- filled with tree ferns, with seats under. Baskets of flowers were also suspended here between the gasaliers with pink streamers, and at intervals on the walls large bows of blue and white, the colours of the Cup winner, were conspicuous. A covered way connected the Art Gallery- with the Government Buildings, the handsome Council Chamber being, as usual, used as the supper-room, the corridors being brightly done with flags, broom, flax, and pot plants. The -supper-room was draped at each end with blue and white, the window sills filled in with lovely- flowering plants. The quantity of arum lilies used. 1 believe, came down from Auckland. Lady Ranfurly' was present, with Mr and Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes and Captain Alexander. Among others present were Sir Geo. and Lady- Clifford, Hon. IT. C. Butler. Commander J. I*. Rolleston (H.M.s. Archer). Lieut. Stewart (H.M.s. Archer), Staff-Surgeon Bearbloe.h. C. S. Moore (H.M.s. Ringarooma), Lieut. Williams (H.M.s. Ringarooma), Mr and Mrs O'Rorke. Mrs Heaton Rhodes, Major and Mrs Owen (Wellington), Mr and Mrs W. H. Woodroffe. Mr and Mrs Herepath (Wellington). Mr Justice Denniston, Mr M. E. Denniston. Mrs and the Misses Denniston. Mr and Mrs Colbeck, Mr and ‘ Mrs J. H. N. Burnes (Wellington). Mr and MrsG.A. M. Buckley, Mr and Mrs E. M. Turrell, Mrs W. F. M. Buckley, Mr and Mrs J. G. Duncan (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Melville Jamieson (Timaru). Mr and Mrs J. H. Beswick, Mr and Miss Molineaux, Mr and Mrs A. Elworthy (Pareora), Mr and Mrs C. Dalgety, Mr and Misses Westenra (2), Mr and Mrs Wanklyn. Mr and Mrs W. Tonks. Mr G. G. Stead, Miss Royse, Messrs W. and

O. Stead, Mr J. and Mias Babington. Mr and Mrs T. Cowlishaw, Mrs and Miss Peache (Mt. Somers), Mr D. and Miss Kettle, Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Hislop, Mrs W. Macfarlane, Mrs W. C. Walker, Mrs E. C. Kettle, Mrs Fisher, Mrs Foster, the Misses Hill (2), Foster, Sise (Dunedin). McKellar, E. and L. Wilson, Naish, Nicholls, E. Newton, Symes, Cracroft-Wilson, J. Turner, Erie, Nelson, Hennah, L. Harper, F. Buss, Thomson, Russell, Mcßae (2), E. and M. Maling, Tolhurst (Wellington), Walker, Messrs B. Lane, Finch, T. O. Jameson, E. A. Buchanan, E. S. Orbell, G. Rhodes, P. and H. ActonAdams, Anderson, Naish, P. and C. G. Harper, G. Palmer, P. C. Fryer, J. F. Studholme, McKellar, C. Ollivier, Burke, B. Crosbie, Hill, H. H. Stockfeldt (Melbourne), Crawford, J. W. Abbott, Skerrett, Young, J. B. Reid, L. O. lugram, Ensor (2), Dr. Cahill (Wellington), and others. Some lovely gowns were worn, notably Lady Ranfurly, in rose brocade and exquisite lace, with beautiful emerald and diamond ornaments; Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, heliotrope satin and lace, diamond ornaments; Mrs Heaton Rhodes, pink, with black embroidered chiffon, diamond ornaments; Mrs O’Rorke. white erepe de chine over pink silk, diamond necklet; Mrs T. Cowlishaw, white tucked crepe de chine and lovely lace; Mrs Herepath (England), black silk and lace; Mrs Hawke, white silk under silver embroidered chiffon,diamond ornaments; Mrs Pyne, black silk, under net embroidered in white; Lady Clifford, black sequin net; Mrs C. Dalgety, yellow brocade; Mrs J. G. Duncan (Wellington). white brocade; Mrs J. C. Palmer, pink satin; Mrs Burnes (Wellington), white spangled net and scarlet velvet trimming; Mrs Colbeck (Auckland), white silk and black lace; Mrs G. Gould, white silk, the overskirt embroidered in sequins and turquoise, turquoise velvet trimming; Mrs Denniston, cream brocade! Misses Denniston, very pretty white silk and lace gowns; Miss Naish (England), pink silk and lace inser-

tion; Mrs G. A. M. Buckley. heltotrwjx satin with lace flounce, and profusely trimmed with violets; Mrs W. F. M. Buckley, white satin and black laee; Mrs H. D. Buchanan (Little River), black satin trimmed with lace and rosw; Miss Buchanan, black lace over white silk; Miss Babington (debutante), white silk and lace insertion: Miss Kettle (debutante), white silk and chiffon; Miss Earle, pink silk, cream insertion and lace; Mrs Woodroffe cream laee over satin; Miss Brandon (Wellington), white laee over satin; Mrs Owen (Wellington), white satin and lace; Mrs J. H. Beswick, blue crepe de chine; Mrs A. Elworthy (Pareora). white satin and accordion pleated chiffon flounce; Mrs Melville Jamieson (Timaru), an exquisite blue satin; Mrs Owen Cox. black chiffon, embroidered with silver sequins; Mrs Cameron, cream laee over white satin, diamond ornaments; and many other lovely gowns were worn. Mrs Wilding gave an exceedingly pleasant afternoon “AtHome” for the visitors and some of her friends, and fortunately got a tine day. Tennis ajid Croquet were played during the afternoon, while ping pong in one of the rooms and music in the drawingroom .suited all tastes. Mrs Wilding received in a pretty black and white foulard, large black plumed hat; Miss Wilding, all white; Miss Cora Wilding, pink linen trimmed with white lace,,.-white sailor hat. Among the guests were , Cameron, Cobham, Crook, .Denniston, Bourne, Burns, A. Anderson, W. Wood, Misses Tolhurst, Nedwill, Anderson, Denniston, Buckley, Wilson, Reeves, Thomson and Garsia.

A polo match was played on the club grounds, Hagley Park, between Wellington and Christchurch, resulting in an ieasy win for the visitors. Mrs , Woodroffe'■ provided afternoon tea, and Lady Ranfurly, Lady Constance Knox and Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes were 'present. Among other spectators were Mrs Hawkes, Mrs H. Rhodes, Mrs R. Campbell, Mrs Burnes, Mrs T. Cowlishaw, Mrs Ogle, Mrs Wardrop,

Mrs Duncan, Mrs W. Bidwill, Mrs IL Johnston. Mrs D. Cameron, Sir G. and Lady Clifford, Mrs O’Rorke, Mr and Mrs G. Gould, Mr and Mrs H. D. Buchanan, the Misses Wilder, Mr and Mrs J. D. Hall, Mr and Mrs E. Turrell, Mr and Mrs R. Macdonald, Mr and Mrs Stead, Mr and Mrs Beswick, Mr and Mrs W. B. Cowlishaw, Dr. and Mrs Fox, etc. The Misses Denniston organised a picnic to Sumner on Friday, going by tram and walking over the hill to Taylor's Mistake. The party included the Misses Naish, Wilding, Stead, Babington, Williams, Tolhurst, Messrs E. Stead, Denniston, Babington, Wilding and Williams.

Miss Curnow had a farewell tea for her girl friends last week prior to her marriage, which takes place shortly. Among those present were Misses Symes, Cracroft-Wilson, Wall, Wilding, Lean, Lingard. etc. A very pleasant time was spent inspecting the lovely wedding presents and playing croquet. Dinner parties have been given frequently by Mr and Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, “Te Koraha,” during Lady Ranfurly's visit, and one evening Mr and Mrs G. G. Stead gave a dinner party, at which the Countess was present. Mrs Heaton Rhodes also entertained Lady Ranfurly at dinner.

On Saturday evening the dinner party at “Te Koraha” included His Excellency the Governor. Lady Ranfurly, Lady Constance Knox. Captain Alexander, Sir George and Lady Clifford, Sir James Fraser-Tytler, Bishop and Mrs Julius, Mr Justice and Mrs Denniston, Captain Rich. Captain Rolleston, Mr and Mrs Heaton Rhodes, Miss Tolhurst, Miss Ella Hill and Miss Berkeley. The A. and P. Show was open three days and seemed as great a success as ever, some twenty thousand people visiting- it on Friday, the People's Day. The parade of horses and the jumping was closely watched. A revival of the Spring- Flower Show, held on the grounds, was a long way behind those in years gone by, but

was visited by Lady Ranfurly. who wu wearing heliotrope silk with large white spots, the bodice finished with lace, and a lovely pearl necklet and diamond pendant, large black hat and feathers; Lady Constance Knox, black Kton coat and skirt, white satin and lace revers, white silk blouse, black hat; Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, grey coat and skirt, black hat; Mrs Heaton Rhodes, grey cloth with blue lines, Eton coat and skirt, pretty straw hat; and with them the Hon. C. Butler, Mr A. E. G. Rhodes, Dr. Levinge, Mr G. G. Stead and Mr Nairn, who had the honour of showing Lady Ranfurly round the show. The committee gave afternoon tea, and among those present were Lady Ranfurly, Lady Constance Knox. Mr

■nd Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, Mrs Beaton Rhodes, Sir George and Lady Clifford, Mr and Mrs Archer, Mr and Mrs G. G. Stead, Captain Alexander, Mr John Anderson, Dr. Levinge, Mr R. M. Macdonald, and Mr C. Lewis. Most of the visitors have returned to their homes, and we feel very quiet, but 1 hope there are not many among us who are sadder and wiser for the week’s dissipation. (DELAYED.) Dear Bee, November 7. There seem to be more visitors to Christchurch this year than ever for our Carnival week, and the presence of Lady Ranfurly amongst us gives an increased pleasure; her gracious manner in moving about amongst friends at any function with evident enjoyment makes one think it must be altogether charming, and so it would be, but for the very objectionable behaviour of the wind, which quite spoilt Canterbury' Cup Day at Riccarton. AH day it blew furiously’ from the nor'-west, with clouds of dust and an oven temperature till just before the last race, when, with a sudden .w’hirl to the south, an icy gale came up with, leaden clouds, which fortunately’ did not break until people were home. However, Derby Day was delightful, and a great many’ lovely costumes graced the lawn. Lady’ Ranfurly wore coat and skirt costume of a lovely shade of grey cloth, with white facings, white lace front and bunch of crimson geranium, giving just the touch of colour, a black hat and feathers; Lady Constance Knox, Eton coat and skirt of a similar sh: de, white gilk and lace blouse, black plumed hat, and white feather boa; Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, heliotrope and white foulard, white ruffle, black plumed hat; Mrs I. Gibbs, a lovely’ pink spotted voile, handsomely trimmed with cream insertion, black toque, white ruffle; Mrs Wardrop, blue voile, trimmed with lacings of narrow black velvet, hat en suite; Misses Wilder, very pretty- grey’ costumes, hats to match; Misses Murray’ (South Australia), very pretty blue muslins and handsome coats with fur collars; Mrs Symes, all blaek; Miss Symes, pink muslin and pale pink chiffon hat; Mrs Heaton Rhodes, cream silk gown, pale pink tucked silk blouse, crinkled pink straw hat with black velvet; Misses Nedwill, lovely gowns of white silk and lace, one wore a hat with yellow roses, the other pale blue and hydrangeas; Mrs H. Burns (Wellington), cream gown, Tuscan hat with crimson poppies; Mrs B. Bums, black and white muslin, trimmed with blace lace, white platean hat with green leaves and black velvet bow; Mrs C. Dalgety, a beautiful gown of blue grey poplin, corselet skirt, Eton jacket of cream and gold lace, white hat with feathers; Mrs J. D. Hall, all black gown of voile, black ruffle, hat relieved with white; Mrs Eettie, a charming grey gown, grey chiffon ruffle, grey hat with white feathers, grey and white striped parasol; Miss Kettle, heliotrope muslin. Tuscan hat and white feathers; Mrs J. C. Palmer, lovely pink silk gown and long fawn coat; Mrs T. Cowlishaw, cream skirt, with stripes of electric blue satin ribbon, the blouse of the ribbon and lace, hat with green wreath; Mrs G. G. Stead, black silk, with pale green silk vest, the skirt had trimming of green silk under cream lace, toque with green wreath: Mrs Owen Cox, pale blue muslin, chiffon toque with pink roses; Mrs Ogle, pale blue cloth skirt, tucked, satin blouse to match, tucked, black hat and ruffle; Mrs W. Bidwell (Wellington), green cloth gown, handsomely trimmed with cream lace and beaver fur; Mrs S. Barraud (Wellington), pale blue linen prettily trimmed with insertion and black velvet, black and white hat, and black and white ruffle; Mrs J. Duncan (Wellington), twine embroidered lawn, finished with lace; Mrs Hawkes wore on one of the other race days a lovely gown of white embroidered chiffon, and narrow chine ribbon, a deep flounce at the foot of the embroidered chiffon over white silk slip; Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, an exquisite grey figured voile, white chiffon ruffle, grey hat trimmed to match with grey and white roses. Grey was

much worn among the material dresses, and blue and pink most among the muslin gowns.

Mr and Mrs Heaton Rhodes are staying at Elmwood for race week, and have Major and Mrs Owen (Wellington), and Mr and Mrs H. Buchanan (Little River) as their guests. Several dinner parties have been given during the week for Lady Ranfurly. Mr and Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes gave one at “Te Koraha” on Fridayevening. when Captain and Mrs Hawke, Mr and Mrs Beswick, Mr and Mrs Ranald Macdonald. Miss Harper, Miss Earle, Miss Anderson, Messrs. C. Perry, J. Lance. B. Lane, and C. Turrel, were invited. Another dinner party was given by Mrs Heaton Rhodes at Elmwood on Saturday evening, when Lady Ranfurly, Mr and Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, were present.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue XXI, 23 November 1901, Page 1002

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CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue XXI, 23 November 1901, Page 1002

CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue XXI, 23 November 1901, Page 1002

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