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( i RAH A M— I’ AY TON. \ pretty wedding’ took place at Masterton on Wednesday. sth of September, when Mr Douglas Moore Graham. manager of the Bank of Australasia. Waverley, and second son of Mr C. C. Graham. S.M.. of Dunedin, vas married to Miss Bessie M. Pay ton, eldest daughter of Mr J. Payton, of Masterton. the ceremony being performed by the Rev. J. Paterson, of St. John’s. Wellington, assisted by Rev. R. Woml. Masterton. Both bride and bridegroom possess a large circle of friends in this district, and the esteem and regard in which both are held was plainly evinced by the crowded attendance at the church, many persons being unable to gain admittance. The bride looked exceedingly charming in a handsome gown of white duchesse «atin. with transparent yoke, sleeves of prettily embroidered chiffon and berth** of luce and silk. She wore the usual bridal veil and orange blossoms, tarried a very beautiful shower bouquet of white flowers and maiden hair, and last, but by no means least, she wore an exquisite necklet of pearls and turquoises. the bridegroom’s gift to her. She was attended by three bridesmaids, the Misses Alice and Margaret Payton (sisters), and Miss Cara Graham (sister of the bridegroom), each wearing pretty soft China silk dresses, tucked yokes and berthes of silk and lace. pretty black velvet picture hats, lined with white tucked silk. and trimmed with white plumes. buckles and turquoise velvet. low under brim, tach carried a pretty shower bouquet, and w ore a gold curb bangle, the gift of the bridegroom. The biide was given away by her father. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Tancred Cooper. Mr A. Von Keisenberg played the “Wedding March,” and as the happy couple left the church, they were showered with rice and good wishes from all sides. Mrs J. Payton, mother of the bride, wore a very handsome trained gown of black brocade, trimmed with jet and white lace, pretty snuff coloured bolero bonnet, trimmed with violet velvet and aigrettes: Miss Macara aunt of the bride,, handsome gown of figured silver grey b< ngaline. pretty front of pale pink surah, wiled in grey chiffon, black and white hat. trimmed with feathers, chiffon and pink roses: Mrs Taverner (sister of bridegroom) wore a stylish dr* -s of mauve, white <atin foulard, trimmed with lace, pretty black and white hat. dark red roses under brim. After the ceremony an “At Home*’ was held at Hurlston House, the residence of the bride’s parents. A large marquee was erected on the lawn, where Mr and Mrs D. M. Graham rereivrd the congratulations and good wishes of the'r many friends, and where a dainty repast and afternoon tea was di>pense<l. The wedding cake was a magnificent <>ne. three tiers in height. The bride’s travelling dress was a navy blue tailor-made costume, revers and collar of white lace, over wlrte satin, pretty hat of Tuscan straw, trimmed with black, white plumes and chiffon, pink roses under brim. The happy couple left by the 4 p.m. train amidst showers of rice and old shoes, for Wellington en .route for Christchurch and Dunedin. where the honeymoon is to be spent. Amongst the numerous guests I noticed the following : — Mrs (Dr.) Johnston (Carterton); fawn coat and skirt, black hat and pink roses; Mrs Cormack (Carterton), black dres»% trimmed with white, black and white bat; Mrs W. Hirschberg. grey coat and skirt, pretty violet toque; Mrs J. Cruickshank. black crepon, pale blue front, lace bolero, turquoise blue bonnet: Miss Cruickshank (Vpper Unit), black, pale bine silk blouse, trimmed' with bands of turquoise - velvet; Miss .1. Perry, grrej anct whfte. stylish white felt hat, trimmed with cherries mid wings: Mrs W. G. Beard, dark green coat am! skirt, sty-

li-h bonnet, black and white, trimmed with new shade of pink; Mrs S. F. Beard, slate coat and skirt, pretty violet bonnet; Miss Booth (Carterton), crimson costume, hat to match; Mrs Dignan, fawn coat and skirt, black ami white hat; Mrs C. F. Vallance, fawn coat and skirt, pretty toque of black and pink; Mrs Hosking. dark green and blue, bonnet to match: Miss Vallance, black coat and skirt, black hat. trimmed withcanlinal velvet and blaek feathers; Miss M. Wallace, fawn coat and skirt, sailor hat, with heliotrope band; Mrs F.C.Lewis, heliotrope check tweed, pretty toque to match; Mrs Cave, handsome black brocade, black bonnet and pink roses; Miss C. Ranson, navy blue coat and skirt, large brown hat; Mrs Ewart, black skirt, white satin blouse, black lace bolero, chiffon tie. black chiffon toque and white roses; Mrs Bunting, blaek. Mack and white bonnet: Mrs D. Donald, navy coat and skirt, old gold front, black velvet toque: Mrs Hulme. dark fawn coat and skirt, revers and collar of white satin, pretty green toque; Mrs Wolters (Carterton), navy coat and skirt, pretty violet toque; Mrs A. R. Bunny, green dress, pale pink hat and black feathers. Mrs Norman Beetham. blaek. stylish red bat; Mrs R. Wood, fawn, black and pink bonnet: Miss Paterson (Wellington), electric blue, fancy strawtoque. black chiffon and pink roses; Mrs Chennells, black, yoke of turquoise tucked silk, pretty hat to match; Miss L. Moore, slate coat and skirt, black and white hat: Mrs H. T. Wood, reseda green, hat to match: Miss C. Beard, dark red coat and skirt, sailor hat: Miss Morison, brown costume, toque to match; Mrs Jones. (Greytown), black and heliotrope: Mrs M. Caselberg, black: Mrs A. Caselberg, stylish costume of dove-grey trimmed with sapphire blue velvet and chinchilla, pretty toque to match; Mrs D. Caselberg, violet costume, braided in black, stylish velvet hat to match; white feather boa: Mrs Crump, grey eoat and skirt, white hat. red roses: Miss N. Moore, black coat and skirt, pink front, sailor hat; Mrs Boddington. black coat and skirt, white silk front, black and yellow- bonnet with ospreys; Miss Boddngton, dark green eoat and skirt, pale blue silk front, blaek toque and pink roses: Mrs Bey (Greytown), black, blaek hat, dark red roses: Miss M. Boddington,olive-green coat and skirt, pale yellow silk front, stylish blaek hat. yellow chiffon under brim; Mrs T. Duncan, fawn coat and skirt, stylish toque of scarlet panne trimmed with fur: Mrs Arnot. navy-blue eoat and skirt, sailor . hat; Miss 15. Boddington, blaek skirt, pretty green silk blouse, red velvet toque trimmed with fur: Miss Beard, navy-blue coat and skir T , pale pink front, stylish hat cf pink and dark green: Miss Jones, fawn eoat and skirt, brown sailor hat: Miss E. Beard, navy eoat and skirt, sailor hat: Miss Horton, dark green coat and skirt, sailor hat: Miss Grundy (Wellington), khaki coat and skirt. Maltese lace front. blaek picture hat. - Amongst the gentlemen I noticed: Messrs. Dignan. Chettle. Campbell. E. Graham. Taverner. E. W. Broad (Wellington), E. Payton (Christchurch 1. Bransfield (Carterton), Cormack, H. C. L. Robinson. Cruickshank. Crump, Ramsden, Dunean. Dr-. Johnston and Miller (Carterton), Dr. Archer Hosking. Rev. Wyndham Earee. Rev. R. Wood. Rev. J. Paterson, etc. In the evening Mrs Payton gave a small but very enjoyable dance for the young people. LIST OF PRESENTS. Mother of bride, house linen: father of bride,cheque: Miss Macara (aunt of bride), brushes; Mr J. Maeara (uncle of bride), piano: Mr and Mrs Graham, table silver; Miss Phoebe Graham, carved tray, carved frame: Mis- Susie Graham, cushion, pictures: Miss Cara Graham, scent bottle: Mr and Mrs E. Graham, jam-dish and picture: Mr Harry Graham, carved clock: Mr Guy Grahain. silver frame: Mr and Mrs Taverner, tantalus: Miss Alice and Master Jim Pay ton, silver-mounted oak tray; Miss Tot Payton. hand-painted, screen; Mr and Mrs P. Brown. cheque; Mr and Mrs E. W Pay ton. clock, gong, brush-stand, six pictures: Mr and Mrs E. Porritt. silver knife rests;. Mr and Mrs Grundy, < silver entree dish; Mr Robinson, silver hot-water kettle; Mr and Mrs Lowes, carvers; Mr and Mrs Lewis, salad bowl; Dr. and Mrs Johnston. fish-sli< e: Mr and Mrs Boddington. oak biscuit bn rd. Mr Chettle, picture; Mr and Mrs

Hirsehberg. silver card-case; Miss R. Boddington. vases; Miss Lena Mooe, carved tray; M iss K. Jones, afternoon tray-cloth; Miss Dickie Stevenson, pillow-shams; Mr and Mrs Hulme. pickle-fork; Miss Maud Holmwood, photo frame; Mr W. Broad, salt-cel-lars; Mr and Mrs Jones, cheque: Mr and Mrs Dignan, fruit dish; Mr and Mrs Stewart, bread fork: Mrs Arnot, specimen glasses; Mr and Mrs Chennells. silver salt-cellars; Mr and Mrs Campbell, scent-bottle; Mr and Mrs H. T. Wood, oil-painted picture; Mr and Mrs Cormack, picture; Misses Gladys and Bub Cormack, vases; Dr. Millar, hair and hat brush (ebony mounted in silver): Mr and Mrs Caselberg. vases; Miss Booth, silver saltcellar; Mr Dalrymple, ornaments; Miss M. Johansen, jam-dish; Mr Rowley, half-dozen dessert spoons and forks: Mr and Mrs Dunean, vases (Worcester); Mr Copping, silver cake basket; Miss Hastwell, silver butterdish: Mrs T. Hutchison, silvei pepper and mustard pots; Mrs Girdlestone, silver and glass vase: Mr and Mrs Wolters, silver butter - dish; Miss Laura Bunting, painted mirror: Mrs Mace, cookery book: Mr and Mrs N. Beetham, flower jar: Mrs C. Vallance, the Misses Vallance, silver toilet ornaments: Mr Haines, travelling rug; Dr. and Mrs Beard, butter-knirf: Miss Constance Beard, painted plaque: Mr and Mrs F. Moore, silver button-hook and shoe-horn: Miss Hutton and Mr Blythe, fruit knives and forks: Mrs D. Caselberg, flower bowl: Rev. J. and Mrs Paterson, silver table gong: Miss Paterson, sauce bottles: Mr W. Paterson. salt-cellars: Mr and Mrs A. Bunny. cruet: Mr and Mrs Cave, jamdish; Mr and Mrs J. Cruickshank, pickle-stand: Mr and Mrs W. G. Beard, silver cream-jug: Mr and Mrs A. Caselberg. silver-backed clothes brush: Mrs Donald Donald, jam-dish: Mr V. Donald. honey plate: Rev. W. and Mrs Earee. sugar sifter: Miss Boddington, point lace d'oyleys; Rev. R. and Mrs Wood, afternoon tea-spoons: Miss Smith, point lace handkerchief; Mr F. G. Moore, ebony paper-knife and book-marker: Miss Norah Moore, drawn-thread bed-spread; Miss Winnie Moore, drawn-thread bed-saehet; Mrs Wilson, photograph and mirror frame; Mr Dransfield, silver sugar scuttle: Mrs Elkins, handsome jars; Misses E. P. and G. Clark (Auckland), silver frame: Dr. and Mrs Bey. afternoon tea-spoons; Mr and Mrs Crump, hand-painted screen: W. T. D. Stair, clock, thermometer, and barometer; Miss E. and Mr C. Bennett, picture! Miss M. Boddington, carved stool; Dr. Archer Hosking. scent-bottle: Mrs Tylee, Royal Academy pictures; Miss J. Perry, silver pepper castors: Mr and Mrs N. Mackay (Napier), silver sugar-basin: Mr and Mrs Ewart, silver serviette-rings; Mrs Linton, book: Mr and Mrs Fowler, silver serviette rings; Mr and Mrs W. H. Beetham, silver serviette rings: Messrs. A. and H. McCosh Clark, jam-spoons (silver); Miss Mabel Drummond, specimen glasses; Mrs Seavill. traycloth; Miss Perry, photographic views; Mrs Amnore, vases. TONKIN—EDWARDS. A very interesting and pretty wedding was solemnised at All Saints’ Church. Nelson, on Tuesday afternoon, September 25th, when Miss Fanny Edwards, eldest daughter of Mr Henry Edwards, of "Fernhill.” Nelson, was married to Captain John Tonkin, of Napier. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. W. Chatterton, and as the bride had been a prominent member of the choir the service was choral. Miss F. Sealy. the organist, played the

"Wedding March” brilliantly. The bride was given away by her father, and wore an exceedingly pretty and becoming gown of shimmering white silk, most daint sly. made, and fitting to perfection, with semi-train, and finished with a fichu of white chiffon. She wore a becoming hat of white chiffon and silk, and carried a lovely shower bouquet. Ti e bridesmaids were the Misses Edith and Amy Edwards, sisters of the bride, who were tastefully attired in dainty gowns of blue muslin, trimmed with white lace, stylish and becoming hats of white chip and chiffon, with pink roses beneath the brim; they each carried a bouquet of white flowers. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. W. W. Squires as best man, and Mr R. Hamilton as groomsman. Mrs Edwards, the bride’s mother, wore a handsome gown of black satin, smart bonnet of heliotrope chiffon and flowers, and carried a beautiful bouquet. Others present were: — Miss Etta Edwards., dainty

blouse of forget-me-not silk, blacic skirt, white chip hat; Miss Ethel Edwards, deep yellow silk blouse, blaek skirt, and stylish black hat to match: Miss F. Edwards. pretty coattime of soft pink muslin and '■•j'W. chic hat en suite; Miss C. Edwards, white muslin frock, with laee, white gem hat with blue ribbons; Mrs Watts (aunt of the bride) wore a rich black silk gown, black bonnet with pink roses; Miss F. Webb-Bowen looked exceedingly well in a prey costume with full vest of white silk, white hat with deep red loses beneath the brim: Miss Grubb (Wellington), dark eloth costume with revers ot cream laee, chic hat. to match; the Rev. F. W. and Mrs Chat'erton; Messrs. F. and D. Edwards. The wedding presents were very numerous, and exceedingly handsome. The bride and bridegroom left, later In the afternoon, for their future home in Napier, via Blenheim and Wellington. They carry with them the good wishes of all. The bride leaves many friends in Nelson.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXV, Issue XIV, 6 October 1900, Page 632

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ORANGE BLOSSOMS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXV, Issue XIV, 6 October 1900, Page 632

ORANGE BLOSSOMS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXV, Issue XIV, 6 October 1900, Page 632

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