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Dear Bef, August 4. I must plunge at once into my news, as space is valuable this week. On Thursday everting Mrs James Russell was •at home' to a number of her friends, receiving her guests in the hall. Whence they passed on to the large, handsome dining-room, which had been fitted up as a miniature theatre. W hiu>t our hostess was awaiting the arrival of all the guests, songs and piano solos were given by the Misses Tilly and Hey wood. and Mr Kallender also a very amusing recitation by the Rev. W. Beatty. Then followed the quite up-to-date farce, • The Coming W Oman.’ The fact of its having been acted only a short lime before at • Arrtstrath’ did not detract from its mirth - provoking qualities. Those taking part seemed to enjoy it as much as the audience. If all judges were as merciful as Judge Wigfall (Miss McMillan! Government House Grounds would soon look sadly neglected. Miss Essie McMillan, as the old maid, who devotes her life to politics, if as good off as on the stage, would be worth buying over at the next general election. Miss Kassie McMillan as the Judges daughter, a young lady whose advanced ideas only extend to the smoking-room, fairly revelled in her part, and brought down the house with her song. ‘Come into the Garden. Gecrge, 1 m smoking Here Alone.’ Miss Ware, w hose manly costume became her well, was very good as the persistent tax-collector. Mr C- j. n the of lover, was very natural, and Mr E. Dargaville. as the Judge's husband, was simply immense. While the guests were partaking of supper, which was laid in the drawing -, and consisted of all manner of daintily - prepare dishes—chicken and pate de foie gras in aspic. Partsienne sandwiches, salmon mayonnaise. oyster patties, pine apple creme, trifles, fruit jeilies etc., etc., the floral decorations being daffodils, snowdrops, and ferns, some tablcaua- were being arranged by Mrs Ware The first, 'An Old Story’ (the two characters being taken by Miss Daisy Stevenson and Mr Cecil Tilly). was well carried out. the quaint castumes being most becoming, and show ing up well against the ivy covered brick walk with its background of trees. Miss Tilly sang an appropriate song with this. The second tableau was • Elaine, in two scenes (Miss Nellie Russell. Elaine, and -Miss Edith Banks. the Queen). the first scene depicting the lines • High in her chamber up a tower to the east, guarded the sacred* shield of Lancelot.' Miss Russell looked very sweet and pathetic in a soft white robe embroidered in gold on hem. and her lovely long hair confined with a white satin snocd and pearls. Between this and the second scene Miss Tilly sang Elaine’s song, ’Sweet is True Love. Though Given in Vain.’ The second scene represented the lines. ‘And last the Queen herself and pitied her.' atd was verv effective. The Queen s robe of lavender silk worked in gold and crown of pearls on her lovely fair hair, looked perfect in the changing lime.ight. The last tableau • Chang ’ (Mr W F Ware! his court was splendid. The real Chinese costumes worn which are quite fifty sears old. were gorgeous. Now for some of the frocks worn. Mrs Russell was handsome in black velvet with sleeves and petticoat of white satin veiled in chiffon : Mrs Brown ing. black brocade with lovely white cap with soft white feathers • Mrs R. Browning looked sweet in black and pale grey with be coming collarette of grey ostrich feathers; Mrs McMillan handsome black and white costume: Mrs Beatty, black with cream ’ Miss Horne, black with lovely berthe of Mal-ese lace ■ Mrs Warehandsome red gown: Miss Ware, white silk: Mrs Pucker black satin: Mrs Mercer, black lace with lovely diamond stars on bodice: Mrs N. A. Nathan, black satin with pretty blouse of white net veiled in black : Mrs Wynyard. black satin: Miss Wynvard white silk: Mrs (Christchurch), old rose velvet coat and black satin skirt: Mrs Shera, maize silk with black chiffon • Miss Heywcod. cream; Miss Tilly, handsome grey brocade-’ Mrs Jackson, salmon pink and black: Mrs Archie Clark looked charming in black satin with pink bands on bodice and pink brocade sleeves veiled in white pleated chiffon • Mis Devereux, black satin with black chiffon and sequin* trim mings: Mrs Dargaville biack satin and gold trimmings - Miss Muriel Devereux, apple-green silk with black velvet: Mrs’ F K George, black lace over tan silk: Miss Sage (Kawau) black net with pale blue velvet bands on bodice; Mrs T. Motrin, handsome maize brocade : Mrs Gamble ; Mrs Ranson, in Bouillon ni.i.B silk : Mrs Nelson Gamble, black with blue : Miss Russell and her sister. Miss Gertrude, wore white embroidered skirts with pink silk blouses prettily trimmed with lace and ribbons: Miss Nichol son, maize, and scarlet flowers: Miss E. Banks, oink- Mr Baber. Miss Baber. Mrs Whewell. Misses Carr. Conroy *Chat field. Stevenson. McMillan, and others I cannot recall. Amongst the gentlemen I noticed Messrs Morrin. Devereux Nathan Carr Green, Shera. Dargaville ttwoX Rev. Beatty. Major George Messrs Mercer, Kallender. Ware. Ranson. Tilly, Wynyard Clark* etc., etc. ’ ’ Mrs Sellers. Mount Albert, very kindly entertained the members of the Pakuranga Hunt Club on Saturday at a HUNTING AFTERNOON TEA in her pretty residence. ' Rosemont.' As the weather was very unpleasant cold showers falling continually, the large warm diningroom. with its appetising sandwiches, cakes, etc . and hot tea was most inviting. The table looked very artistic, arranged by the deft fingers of Miss M. sellers—pale green and orange art muslin with spring flowers to match, being flanked by viands of various kinds) Mrs Sellers received her guests in a chic figured black dress with jet beaded trimmings : Miss Sellers was away, but Miss Maude, in a very becoming green frock, ably assisted her mother- Mrs Woodroffe looked charming in a black skirt, black velvet blou-e bodice, toque of pink magenta velvet relieved with black • Mrs Rattray, navy: Miases Ethel and Fiorrie Dixon, pretty tw'eed frocks: Miss Ruby Sellers, green cashmere, vandyke lace collar • Miss Nicholson, dark riding habit, brown cape: Miss Percival* black toutensemble riding costume: Misses Dina indie dark skirts* grey capes of different styles, stylish hats ; Miss Tanner navy* riding-dress, with asuspicion of scarlet vest, shirt front black tie ■ Miss Fiorrie Sellers, well-fitting riding costume ■ etc. etc. Mr Jack Sellers, with twoother gentlemen, Me-srs Brodie’and Bain made themselves very useful in handing tea to the tired votaries of the chase. At Mrs F. Roche's BALLAD CONCERT there were some noticeable frocks. The heroine of the evening wore a lovely pale blue silk covered with pink net. front of bodice and skirt embroidered with gold spang es. which had a very pretty effect: Mrs Coates, cream satin, with cream lace and pas sementene trimmings : Miss Hey wood looked nice in white • Mi 7« Thomas, becoming white opera cloak: Miss Edmiston, green stnped silk blouse, dark skirt: M m Wynyard. p-etty uale nink silk blouse. dark skirt: Mrs Wynyard. bllcksilt; &^Ho rn £ black with ace fichu; Mrs Greenwood, black with pretty white opera cape: her married daughter, green silk blouse, white icn.tficr boa; Agatha Greenwood, pretty heliotrope blouse r cl *®''® d * lace, black boa : Miss Ruby Greenwood locked nice in black velvet, pink trimming; Miss Dargaville. pretty white dress; Miss Bailey, white bloffse, dark skirt, pretty hefiotro™ cape -. Miss Purchas looked nice in pink : Mis. Ctirdno, dart

dress; Mrs Geddis. dark dress: Mrs Woodroflfe. black relret, jet trimming; Miss M. Sellers, pink with silk trimming, white opera 'Fhere was a large crowd in the Ponsonby Hall on Wednesday at the

DANCB GIVEN BY MR AND MRS JOHN COURT in honour of their daughter’s approaching marriage to Mr Seering Matthews, jun. The hall looked exceptionally pretty. The original decorations were designed and carried out by Mr H. D. Pike, assisted by Mrs Pike. Mr Shocbolt. and Master Warren, and the excellent effect was due to the skilful blending of red, white and blue, the only colours used, with the exception of flags and evergreens round the stage. I have not space to describe the rest, but the tri colour idea was beautifully carried out. nikau ferns and palms being placed in every possible spot, quite transforming the halt Buchanan, of Wakefield-street, supplied the excellent supper, whilst Adams' string band furnished the music. The M.C. was Mr S. D Hanna. Amongst the pretty dresses worn I noticed Mrs J. Court in rich chocolate brown bengaline silk gown : Mrs G. Court, shot fawn silk blouse, black silk skirt: Mrs W. T. Court, black silk gown; Miss Court, cream dress trimmed with blue silk, chiffon, and finished with silver; Miss F. Court wore salmon pink trimmed with white satin, and finished with pearl trimmings: Miss K. Court, pretty cream dress trimmed with chiffon : Mrs Shaw, pretty all cream costume with train: Mrs Jones, sapphire blue gown with ruby plush sleeves : Mrs Henricksen, handsome black costume trimmed with jet; Miss Carrigan, cream gown with buttercup silk trimmings; Miss R Canham, pretty pink dress relieved with cream satin : Miss Mackay, all black costume trimmed with jet: Miss McDonald, becoming blue gown trimmed with satin and chiffon: Miss M. Dickey, cream gown: Miss S. Dickey, black velvet trimmed with white satin ; Mrs McClure, black: Miss Cotes, white cashmere, satin bodice finished with pearl trimming: Miss Hewson, cream with green chiffbn ; Miss Clark, maize cashmere with silk bodice; Miss Pascoe, cream cashmere and silk blouse: Miss Steven-on, white satin and crepon ; Miss Taylor, pretty white muslin ; Miss Walkdon, pale green ; Miss Boyce, white muslin trimmed with satin ; Miss Yates, pale pink: Mrs H. D. Pike, black satin covered with black and gold grenadine and trimmed with go d chiffon: Miss Pike, pale green crepon: Miss Edwards, pretty eau-de-Nil gown with fichu of white chiffon; Miss R. Edwards, pale blue gown with buttercup silk sleeves: Miss F. Cooke looked nice in a pink gown trimmed with chiffon and silk: Miss Russell, pretty cream dress: Miss Paterson wore blue trimmed with lace and ribbon ; Miss Dunwoodie. pretty white dress with white satin sleeves: Ikiss Geddes, cream dress trimmed with pale yellow chiffon ; Miss L Edmiston, white gown : Miss N. Edmiston, pretty pale green : Miss M. Matthews, chic cream ; Misses E. and A. Matthews wore white muslin gowns; Mrs Clark, black and white costume ; Miss Campbell, primrose coloured dress; Miss S. Campbell, pretty blue gown ; Miss S. Arey, dainty primrose gown. THE PRIVATE SUBSCRIPTION DANCE in the Bonaventura Hall, Parnell, on Thursday evening last, was, as usual, most successful. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags of many hues arranged across the hall, and huge bunches of arum lilies in the corners and on the stage, where a square was enclosed with bunting and furnished with chairs, lounges, and tables for the chaperones. The odd corners and nooks on the stage were made into littlo bowers for those who preferred sitting out some of the dances. The supper table was very prettily decorated with quantities of jonquils, and rose pink crinkley paper was boxpleatcd and caught to form fans down the centre and lighted with candles. All sorts of delicious trifles jellies, etc., were laid out in templing profusion. Burke's band supplied the music. The success of these gatherings is undoubtedly due to the efforts of the popular Secretarj. Mr Goring Thomas, assisted by the ladies’ and gentlemen's committees. Mrs ThorneGeorge wore a handsome black merveilleux. square corsage edged with a band of cream silk with lines of jet beads over it: Mrs Colbeck was much admired in an exquisite vieux rose merveilleux with a design of silver grey flowers, bodice with a ruffle basque, black silk skirt: Mrs Lucas Bloomfield, black surah, tucked black chiffon over full pink silk sleeves: Mrs Younghusband, ivory merveilleux gown, chiffon sleeves: Miss Kissling. crushed strawberry corded silk, black chiffon on bodice to form a V ; Miss Thomas, black with pink sleeves : Mrs Stevenson. effective yellow merveilleux gown ; Miss Florrie Thorpe was charming in a Nil green silk; Miss Noakes, pale pink chine silk ; Miss Clara Firth, sea green Liberty silk, unmounted pale pink roses on square corsage, deep frill of white chiffon; Miss Ettie Ireland, white spotted muslin. Victoria bows of grey satin ribbon on low neck, silver sequin belt, aigrette in her hair; Miss Gorrie. ivory silk finished with lace and flowers; Miss Davy wore a striking frock of yellow silk : Mrs E. Beale, a Nil green brocade, vandykes of silver passementerie round square bodice, clusters of pale pink roses; Mrs Brigham, cream sarin, with panel of black lace; Miss Brigham, cream silk trained gown with Victoria bows and ends from low cut corsage: Mrs Dennison, black, full sleeves of magenta silk veiled with black net. black jet fringe falling from low neck; Miss Lusk looked pretty in black velvet and snowdrops: Miss Wylde-Browne, ivory white Liberty silk : Miss Cuff, cream with yellow silk sleeves : Miss Mendelssohn (South), very effective pink silk, bodice covered with cream lace: and her sister wore white Liberty silk with pearl ornaments; Miss Whitson, pale cream merveilleux with posies of pale pink roses; Mrs Beale, silver grey brocade with touches of pink; Miss Gertrude Buddle, grey crepon trimmed with chiffon ; Miss Churton. combination of white and black ; Miss Kilgour, white silk. Maltese lace waterfailed in front, and a bertha of flowers ; Mrs Goodwin, black silk and yellow ; Miss Goodwin, Nil green with dark green velvet sleeves; Miss Winnie Goodwin, white relieved with red carnations : Miss B. Atkinson, white spoiled muslin bouffant sleeves composed of soft white chiffon, yellow sash; Miss E. Atkinson, bluecreponnette trimmed with white lace: Miss MacCormick. black, black chiffon with silver sequins : Miss Thomson, exquisite ivory silk gown, front of skirt brocaded with silver flowers : Miss Batger. cream Liberty silk. Victoria bodice with flower straps over shoulders; Mrs Batger. handsome yellow brocaded gown with posies of violets; Miss Hay. pink ; Miss Kennedy, white, lace frilled round low corsage : Mrs Oxley, pearl grey and white : Miss O. Lusk looked pretty in pink Liberty silk and soft chiffon frills ; Miss Wright, yellow silk, white chiffon fichu: Miss Brodie, yellow silk with black lace vandykes on bodice, etc. Some of the gentlemen I noted were Messrs Bloomfield (two). Reed. UpflL Younghusband. Fox Dennison. Ware. Stevensan. Harrison. Andrews. Cuff, Walker, Philip, Whitson, Brigham (three). Ridings, etc., etc. AN AFTERNOON TEA was given by Mrs D. Hay. View Road. Remuera, on Wednesday afternoon in honour of Mrs Collins Ince Devore). The afternoon being dull, the blinds were drawn and the gas lighted in drawing and dining-rooms The table was daintily decorated with fairy lights. aa;mon pink silk, and pots of choice ferns. Music was contributed by Mesdames Alexander. Cooper. Harrop and Sybbald. Mrs Hay wore a pretty pearl grey silk: Mrs Collins, blue boucle cloth : Mesdames Devore. Dufaur. E. Burton. E. T. Hart. Kempthorne. Bach, White, Harrop. J. Hay. Cooper. S. Hughes. Diddams. Crawshaw. I. Alexander. Newa’. F. Mahoney. Sybbald. Cawkwell, Cattnach were amongst those present. A LARGE ‘AT HOME* was given by Mrs F. B. Winstone at her pretty residence, • Lucerne,’ Remuera. last Friday afternoon. Ths table was very uniquely decorated with a mirror down the centre, and upon it a section of a tree covered with mo*s and snowdrops, and posies of violets in vases and bowls placed between all the dainties. The hostess wore a handsome violet silk olouse and black velvet skirt, and her sister. Miss Hewin, who assisted in entertaining, wore a black and white tweed : Mesdames (Dr » Lawry. Grey, Petrie, Sybbald. Tayler. Blaikie. and Misses F. Thorpe, Kempthorne. Crowther, and Jones contributed towards the music. Some of the guests I noticed were Mrs Sam Morrin. in golden brown : Mrs Devore, black merveilleux. black bonnet; Mr- J. J. Holland, black, handsome silk mantle with vandykes of jet, bonnet with green; Mrs Kempthorne. black serge trimmed with jet: Mrs T. Buddle, handsome black dress and mantle; Miss Buddle pretty blue tailor-made gown; Mrs Lennox, black; Mrs Tilly, fawn tweed; Mrs <Dr.) King, black ; Mrs Kinder, fawn tweed : Mrs Bush, black ; Mrs Donald, blue aho: boucle cloth, shot silk blouse: Mrs R. M. Watt, terracotta c’.oth gown trimmed with jet; Mrs D. Clark, stylish costume : Mi-s Kempthorne looked well in green trimmed with braid: Mrs Matthew Clark, dark dress; Mrs Bamford, brown ; Mrs Jones, black silk : Miss Herrold. brown t-kirt, cream blouse: Miss Florrie Thorpe, b ack ; Mrs Lusher, black silk, bow 4 of black and whit** ribbon : Miss Pick men*. brown ; Mrs Archdale Tayler. black with velvet bodice; Mrs Finlayson, grey brocade;

Mrs Wigmore, handsome black silk; Mrs Grey, dark costume; Mre Petrie, navy ; Miss Jones, black skirt, bluejacket: Miss Hay. brown ; Mrs A. P. Wi>son. black : MissCro wther. green and black cloth; Miss Westwood, green: Miss Winnie Westwood; Mrs Payton, black: Mrs Whitney looked particularly well in blue; Mrs Ashton Bruce, black.

Phyllis Brounl

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue VI, 8 August 1896, Page 180

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue VI, 8 August 1896, Page 180

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue VI, 8 August 1896, Page 180

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