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Dear Bee, January 7. We have had lovely weather for the holidays, the much-wanted rain coming on Sunday last. I have a good deal of news. We are rather disappointed His Excellency the Governor and party remained in Auckland for so short a time, leaving in the Hinemoa for a cruise en route for Lyttelton last week. However, we hope to see them back shortly. TENNIS. The open tournament under the management of the Eden and Epsom Lawn Tennis Club was continued last week in the presence of a large number of spectators. The matches will be concluded next Saturday. The weather was fine for the tournament, though the heat was trying to the players. On the whole the tournament has been very successful. Amongst those on the lawn I have noticed Mrs (Colonel) Dawson, who looked well in a blue zephyr trimmed with white embroidery: Miss Elliot, pink striped gown; and her sister, a blue; Miss Heaketji looked chic in white, picture hat with ostrich feathers; Miss M. Hesketh. white batiste gown spotted with red and trimmed with bands of red; the Misses Gorrie. dark skirts, light blouses: Mrs C. Baker was simply gowned in white; Mrs McFarland, nil green; Miss McMillan, pretty flesh-coloured pink finished with deep embroidery: and her sister, a cream; Miss Dargaville. white; and her sister, a blue cambric; Misses Paton, black: Mrs Clayton (Melbourne), black silk skirt, cream nun’s veiling blouse; Miss Hardie, dark skirt, light blouse; Miss Biss was very much admired in white: Miss Kempthorne, nil green; the .Misses Sloman (two) were simply gowned in white with sailor hats: Mrs Snell, white pique ; Miss Snell, white cambric with black belt and collar: Miss Jones and Miss Sellers, dark skirls, light biomes: Miss Bull, bue cambric; Miss Hall, pale green ; Mrs Harrison, dark skirt, light blouse.

of the Auckland Racing Club took place on New Year’s Day, when the attendance was much large r than on Boxing Day. T 'he Derby was won by Fabulist. The winner was led to the front of the grandstand, where Lady Glasgow, in her usual graceful manner, decorated his neck with the blue sash amidst the cheers of the spectators. Amongst the Government House party were His Excellency, the Countess of Glasgow. Ladies Augusta and Dorothy Boyle. Miss Fisher, Major Elliot and Captain Preston. The day was brilliantly fine, tempered by a soft balmy wind. The stand was filled with an elegant and well-dressed crowd. Now for the gowns: Lady Glasgow looked well in a stylish black silk flowered with pale biue. the bodice finished with ecru lace, becoming bonnet with blue: the Ladies Augusta and Dorothy Boyle were suitably gowned in simple but effective biue muslins, large picture cream Leghorn hats with white chiffon and pink rosebuds: Miss Fisher, fawn gown, black lace hat; Mrs (Col., Dawson (wife of President of Club), black crepon with cream silk bodice, black floral hat; Mrs O’Rorke. lovely white muslin bordered with canary stripe, lilac crinkley crepe blouse with canary epaulettes, black lace hat with flowers ; Mrs Rhodes (Christchurch), black silk skirt, pink crepe blouse, black lace hat with floral decorations; Mrs Fenwick looked picturesque in w’hite muslin, large black velvet hat; Miss Wilkins, dark skirt, white chiffon blouse with white silk streamers; Miss Maud Wilkins, dark skirt, pink crepe blouse: Mrs Thorpe, black; Misses Thorpe (two) were much admired in white; Mrs Tanner, black silk flowered with spuice; Miss Tanner looked pretty in mode grey; Mrs Ridings (Dunedin), black silk; Mrs Arch. Clark, white muslin spotted with lilac; Mrs Duncan Clerk, blue check; Mrs W. Bloomfield, while silk finished with chiffon, white toque with spuice flowers, smart spuice parasol: Mrs Lucas Bloomfield, cream flowered silk; Mrs G. Bloomfield, cream flowered silk finished with lilac ribbons ; Miss Griffiths, pale pink zephyr; Mrs Haines, cream flowered gown; Mrs Barton Ireland, grey shimmering silk check ; Mrs Forbes [nee Miss Rookes). pale green tailor-made costume; Mrs Lyons, white muslin with peacock bead trimmings, white hat; Miss Mowbray, very handsome old gold tailor-made gown finished with bows of ribbons; Mrs Harry Tonks looked remarkably well in white, hat to correspond : Mrs Dennison, white muslin with flounces finished with lace; Miss Thompson, white muslin, and her sister, a lilac gown veiled in white muslin ; Mrs Laing (England), white muslin : Mrs Leithem. fawn cloth relieved with pii.k; Mrs Rathbone, black crepon with pink ruffle; Miss Lusk looked pretty in pink ; Miss Hilda Worsp, white muslin, cream Leghorn hat with while ostrich feathers; Mrs Ansenne, pretty pink cambric; Mrs Makgill. nil green silk, chiffon hat to match; Mrs Martin, black ; Miss Martin, grey ; Mrs Ching, grey costume : Mrs Thomas Mornn, shimmering silver grey check, corselet of cream lace; Mrs Alfred Nathan, lovely French grey silk shot w’ith blue and pink ; Mrs Greenway, nil green; Miss Firth, lilac zephyr; Miss Elliot, cream and her sister pink; Miss May Chambers, slate grey crinkley; Miss Davy, butterfly-coloured gown; Miss Wylde-Brown was simply gowned in white; Miss Horne, buff-coloured tailor-made gown; Miss Hay, white muslin gown with bodice spotted with black : Miss K. Hay, white batiste muslin spotted with lilac and trimmed with lilac ribbons ; Mrs McLaughlin, dark skirt, heliotrope blouse: Miss McLaughlin, pink zephyr; Mrs Sam Morrin, lilas silk ; Miss Taishley. white muslin, with shoes, parasol, and hat to match : Miss Rich, cream finished with black ; Mrs Rich, black silk: Mrs Ludlow Rich, dark skirt, light blouse : Mrs Scherff. black silk trimmed with mauve : Miss Scherff was much admired in white pique; Miss Eva Scherff. fawn; Miss Tilly, erey satin: Mrs Masefield, black silk skirt, spuice silk blouse ; Mrs Ranson, dark skirt, spuice blouse; Miss Von Sturmer. buttercup coloured gown, hat to correspond : Miss Chur ton, white spotted gown: and her sister, biue cambric; Miss Dowd, pink cambric ; and her sister, grey ; Mrs Robison, slate grey crinkley zephyr: Mrs Blair, canary gown veiled in white muslin: Mrs Jones, black silk : Miss Jones, nil green ; Miss May Sellers, pretty buttercup crepon finished with black : Mrs (Dr.) Lewis was very much admired in a combination of cream and black, black toque finished with cornflower blue carnations ; Miss Percival, pink: Miss Edith Percival, cream: and her younger sister, pink and white striped zephyr: Mrs Devereux, black ; Miss Devereux, nil green delaine finished with white lace ; Miss M. Devereux, lilac spotted zephyr finished with lilac ribbon ; Mrs Alfred Buckland, black silk ; Miss Buckland, fawn ; and her sister, pink cambric: Miss Horn'-, fawngowu : Miss Herries,slate «rey; Miss F. Sellers, eiectrique blue finished with white; Irs (Major) George, stylish black silk with cerise trimmings; Mrs Mitchelson. fawn gown with red plaid: Mr- Isaacs, helio trope with black lace; Miss Isaacs, fawn, and her sister, old gold :

miss Atkinson looked remarkably well in white with black collarette and black hat: Mrs Cottle, black flowered silk ; Miss Bursill looked cAic in white gown, hat. and lacy parasol; Miss Dar gaville, white flock. white hat, with electrique trimmings; Mrs Nichol. Itahe embroidery muslin; Miss Ada Dixon, canary -coloured bolland; Miss Phillips, blue gown: Miss Noakes looked charming in a good-fitting buttercup flowered muslin with yellow ribbons ■ Mrs A. E Gilmore, pink muslin finished with white satin; Mrs f awn '• Mrs clayton, of Sydney inee Miss Hardie), black silk finished with lace: Mrs Hanna, handsome combination of black silk ana white; Miss Dannett. green; Mrs Pollan, dark green; Miss Walnut nil green: Miss Hague-Smith looked well in nil green; Miss Wynyard, fawn tailor-made costume; Miss Keesing was very much admired in pale coral pink nun’s veiling and her lady friend from Melbourne wore a stylish cream costume; Mrs Cheeseman. I think, wore dark gown with red • Mrs Holgate and Miss Sage, dark silks: Miss Winnie Dudley, white muslin with canary sash and ribbon trimmingsMrs Abson, cream silk, large black hat: her daughter looked pretty in blue; Mrs Goodall, black and white check; Mrs Ehrenfried. lovely black silk crepon handsomely trimmed with jet and figured peach-coloured silk, French bonnet of peach and brown with pink moss rosebuds and acorns; her niece Miss Myers figured French muslin, pink silk bodice coveted with lace black sash, gem hat with black: Mrs White, black and white check; Mrs Hellaby, blue and white check silk trimmed with lace, pretty hat; Mrs Cohen, black satin ; her daughters, one in crepon skirt and blue silk blouse with black lace, large black hat and feathers, the other, brown crepon with violet silk veiled with lace, hat to match ; Mrs Easdown. all black: Miss Lena looked pretty in all white, dainty hat: Mrs Arthur Turroll. handsome white silk heavily trimmed with jet, large Leghorn hat with pink and magenta roses and black and white feathers, white and silver parasol, white gloves stitched with white (the best dressed on the course); Mrs Myers, black silk with jet, black bonnet with purple and green flowers; Mrs Bloomfield, sen., handsome flowered black silk. STEEPLECHASE DAY. The third day of the summer races was on Thursday, and proved as successful as any of the former. Gowns were pretty and season able, and the lawn represented a very gay scene with the crowds of smart frocks parading. Major Elliot and Caprain Preston were the only representatives of the Government House party Mrs (Colonel) Dawson wore black seaweed crepon. cream flowered bodice, hat with floral decorations; Mrs Elliot, black silk; Mrs (Major) George, terra lustre; Mrs Harry Tonks lilac zephyr, white hat; Mrs Ridings, black : Mrs Arch. Clark, white musiin wiih lilac spots; Mrs Ware, heliotrope delaine fini-hed with white embroidery ; Mrs O’Rorke. pale coral pink gown with bodi -e of a darker hue veiled in black net, black lace hat • Mi-s Stead, white silk; Mrs Dargaville. black silk finished withold gold; Miss Thompson, fawn, and her sister, white mu-lin: the Misses Gorrie were similarly gowned in nretty sky blue muslins; Miss Ware, white spotted muslin; Miss Dunnett, biack silk, with sleeves brocaded in cherry colour; Miss Percival* pink crepon. pale pink tulle hat »i h daisies ; Miss Edith PercivaL cream gown, and her sister, pale lilac zephvr, white sailor hat • Mrs Duncan Clerk, cream delaine with cornflowers ; Mrs W* Bloomfield, very handsome lilac plaid with parasol to match ; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield, white gown xeiled in flounces of black lace: Mrs George Bloomfield, pretty cream flowered art muslin, fashionable white sailor hat profusely trimmed with ribbon and pink roses; Miss Griffiths, pale blue; Mrs Haines was admired in cream alpaca with pink vest; Mrs Lvons black Silk heavily beaded and finished with lilas si'ik sleeves and trimmings, black lace hat; Mrs Leathern, fawn gown with pink vest; Mrs Duthie wore a very handsome cream Liberty silk, hat to correspond: Mrs Holmes, pink cambric with white band; Miss Tanner, grey check; Mrs Dennison, heliotrope drill: Mrs Dufaur. dark skirt, white flowered muslin blouse; Miss Horne, grey check; Mrs Berries, blue tailor-made gown white vest; Miss Chambers, pretty blue frock, hat with white ostrich feathers and blue ribbons; Miss Firth, white; Miss Dickey, white muslin; Mrs Harry Jackson, electrique blue crinkley; Mrs Fenwick looked remarkably well in white pique, canary sleeves and vest, black picture hat: Miss Wilkins, Italie silk veiled in white muslin, white hat with feathers, making one of the most effective gowns on the lawn; Miss Maud Wilkins, mode grey with pink trimmings; Mrs Greenway nil green ; Mrs Thomas Morrin, very stylish apricot coloured alpaca with V shaped trimming of black on bodice edged with silver passementerie ; Mrs Alfred Nathan was very much admired in black silk with nil green ribbon trimmings ; Mrs Moss-Davis, black silk; the Misses Moss-Davis, white cambrics ; Miss Kempthorne. white Liberty silk, black lace hat ; Mrs McLaughlin. black silk ; Mrs J. B. White, black silk . Mrs Holgate looked pretty in black silk, red vest: Miss Sage, fawn gown trimmed with pale pink nun’s veiling; Mrs Gordon, black silk; Mrs Isaacs, black silk finished with white lace; Miss Isaacs, very handsome gown of cream silk beautifully trimmed with gold braid; Miss Eva Isaacs, pink gown trimmed with black velvet; Miss Edith Isaacs, pink gown veiled in cream flowered ■ muslin: Mrs Thorpe, black silk; Miss Flora Thorps was very much admired in white; Mrs Atkinson, black silk; Miss Atkinson, white gown finished with black; and her sister wore pale pink; Mrs Blair, white muslin spotted with lilac ; Mrs Ansenne dark skirt, white muslin blouse; Miss Davy, bright maizecoloured delaine; Miss Wylde-Brown, nil green; Miss HagueSmith, nil green: Miss Eva Rich, cream with black trimmings; Mrs Mitchelson. black silk: Miss (Barton) Ireland stylish combination of grey and pink; Miss Stevenson, blue striped alpaca, and her sister, pink striped gown, and another sister a pink flowered art muslin; Mrs A. V. McDonald, bronze green crepon; Miss Sutton, blue and fawn striped cashmere; Mrs J. Smith, black slik; Mrs Thompson. black silk ; Miss Churton, black gown finished with white ; and her sister wore a heliotrope muslin: Mrs Buckland, brown silk, black lace cape; Miss Buckland, white pique ; Miss F. Buck land, handsome fawn gown with brown silk : Mrs Sbarland. blue striped alpaca; Miss Bursill. grey check becoming white hat; Miss Noakes, black crepon with check sleeves: Mrs Gorrie (One hungai, brown trimmed with silk: Mrs Digby Tonks, black silk ; Mrs E. Buchanan, elate grey tailor-made gown ; Miss Bailey was much admired in white ; Missß. Banks, heliotrope muslin : Mrs Cottle, brown silk: Mrs Masftn. fawn tussore silk, very nice brown velvet hat with pansies; Mrs Ching, white silk profusely trimmed with lace, white toque with flowers: Mrs Devereux, black silk ; Miss M. Devereux, lilac flowered gown : Mrs HopeLewis, black silk finished with rose silk veiled in black lace, b’ack lace bonnet with roses to match, and was very much admired; Miss Dudley, heliotrope flowered muslin ; Mrs Makgill. pale pink ; Miss Dowd. fawn skirt, blue blouse; Mrs Devore, I think, wore a grey check silk; Miss Esme Elliot looked ilisti*guee in pink and white stripe.* black hat with pink roses ; Miss Grierson, grey check tailor-made gown; Miss Jackson, black skirt, white blouse, and her sister heliotrope: Miss Worsp, white frock with pink ruttie; Mrs Kilgour, grey trimmed with forget me-notblue; Mi-s Leighton, grey - Miss Luss looked very pretty in pink; Mrs Sam Morrin. black* silk with white spots: Mrs Windsor, fawn ; Mrs (Dr.) Scott, grey ; Misi Schertf, white; Miss Dolly Scherff, heliotrope gown, white chiffon hat with pink roses. Mrs (Major) George gave a large afternoon tea at her pretty residence, * Wapiti,’ on Friday. The Mount Albert people had a large picnic to the Nibotapu Falls also on Friday, which I will describe to you in my next letter. As I was not present, I must rely on some one who was.

A Christmas Tree in aid of Dr. Barnardo's Homes for Children was Riven by Dr. and Mrs Knight. * Severn House. Poneonby. on the Friday following Christmas. A large marquee had been erected, and was festooned with flaps of many nations. The grounds were prettily illuminated with Chinese lanterns. Dr. and Mrs Knight, with a number of lady assistants, were most assiduous in attending to visitors, and the children had a really good time of it. A substantial sum was realised towards the deserving object for which the function was held. PICNIC TO NIHOTAPU FALLS. About seven o’clock on New Year's Day a brakeful of ladies and gentlemen (numbering about thirty) left Shelly Beach Road for the Nibotapu Falls. After a delightful drive of nearly four hours, a lovely spot was pitched upon and lunch partaken of. The picnickers then wended their way through bush and fern to view the falls. During the day photos were taken of the party, and in all a very enjoyable day was spent. About six o'clock preparations were made to return home, and town was reached about ten o’clock. The party consisted of Mrs G. W. Owen. Mrs (Dr.) Knight, Mrs Clark-Johnson. Mrs Hughes-Jones. Misses Owen. Hughes. Atkinson, F. George. Bach. Kennedy. Butters, L. Butters. Leighton. Philips. Walmesly. Messrs B. Baker. Owen. Peacock. Hodgson. Whitelaw, Clark-Johnson, Maddox, G. Leighton, F. Leighton. Butters, etc. Phyllis Broun k.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVI, Issue II, 11 January 1896, Page 38

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVI, Issue II, 11 January 1896, Page 38

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVI, Issue II, 11 January 1896, Page 38

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