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KING —ARKLE. ST. MARY’S, Palmerston, was on Saturday the scene of a very pretty and stylish wedding, when Mr George Alfred King, Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, Dunedin, and son of Mr Alfred Hassall King, of Hokitika, was married to Miss Agnes Emily Arkle, daughter of Mr James Arkle, of Eblana Bank, Palmerston. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr Lucas. The bride was given away by her father, and attended by one bridesmaid —Miss Edith Cook. The church was beautifully decorated by some of the bride's girl friends, and Miss D. Horan ably presided at the organ. The bride, who looked charming, wore a beautiful trained gown of ivory bengaline ; the bodice was trimmed with a fichu of Brussels lace. A tulle veil, wreath of orange blossoms and lovely shower bouquet completed an exquisite toilette. I almost forgot to tell you that she also wore a magnificent opal brooch, the gift of her uncle, Mr Hunter, of Melbourne, and the bridegroom’s gift, a handsome diamond bracelet. The bridesmaid, Miss Edith Cook, looked very pretty in a stylish costume of cream crepon and yellow silk, hat of white chiffon with white and yellow feathers. She carried a basket bouquet of white and yellow lilies. The bridegroom’s gift was a handsome diamond ring. The bridegroom was accompanied by Mr D. M. Eindlay, solicitor, Dunedin, as best man. A r the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding party adjourned to the residence of Mr and Mrs Arkle, where the bride and bridegroom’s health was drunk with great enthusiasm. Early in the afternoon the happy couple left for some honeymoon retreat. The bride’s travelling drees was a stylish navy hopsack with vest and cuffs of Indian embroidery, hat of sunburnt straw, and handsome ca,»e of fawn cloth edged with beaver.

Mrs Arkle (mother of the bride) wore a handsome costume of black silk trimmed with po'nt de aaze lace, lace bonnet with white ospreys; Mrs J. G. Findlay (sister of the biide) looked very pretty in a lovely English gown of white delaine flowered with heliotrope, large picture hat with white and heliotrope feathers; Miss Nora Winchester (cousin of the bride), a very stylish costume of pansy-coloured velvet and serge, felt hat with pansy velvet; Mrs Blyth (St. Clair. Dunedin l , handsome costume of brown velvet and serge, quaint little bonnet of fancy straw with yellow aigrette; Mrs Edward Cook, handsome black silk grenadine, stylish lace bonnet with white aigrette ; Mrs R. Nevill Reid, rich black satin gown, becoming bonnet of black lace with heliotrope flowers; Mrs Baxter 'Dunedin), rich black merveilleux gown, stylish jet bonnet with pink aigrette ; Mrs R. S. Raymond, very stylish costume of green cloth, dainty little bonnet with yellow aigrette ; Mrs J. L. Bruce, handsome black satin gown, stylish felt hat; Mrs A. Stewart (Dunedint, rich black broch6 gown, very pretty bonnet with pink roses; Mrs Lucas, pretty seal brown costume, bonnet en suite; Miss McKean (Dunedin), pretty grey flowered delaine, stylish white hat with feathers; Miss MeNaught, very pretty gown of sage green brochG silk, picture hat with cream feathers; Miss Macleod, stylish costume of brown velvet trimmed with beaver, brown felt hat with yellow wings; Miss Gordon, very pretty gown of green cloth braided with black, felt hat with green velvet; Miss Horan, very handsome gown of black merveilleux, becoming hat with long cream feathers; Miss D. Horan, pretty combination of pink cashmere and black velvet, lace hat with pink roses : Miss Winnie Gordon, very becoming gown of grey cloth piped with yellow, butterfly cape, and stylish hat with yellow flowers; Miss Baxter, very stylish gown of black merveilleux, pretty black velvet toque; Miss M. Stewart, pretty cream flowered delaine, and cream hat en suite. The gentlemen present were Mr J. Vere Arkle, Mr King (father of the bridegroom). Dr. J. G. Findlay (brother-in-law of the bride). Dr. Hislop, and Messrs R. Ewing, R. Nevill Reid, R. S. Raymond, J. L. Bruce, C. Crump. A. Lawson. A Stewart (Dunedin), F. G. Dalziel, D. Macleod. A. E. Whyte, R. M. Robertson, G. Esther, A. Baxter (Dunedin), R. M’Vicar, A. Winchester (Dunedin.) The presents were handsome and numerous :— Dr. and Mrs Findlay, case of fruit knives and forks, case of fish knives and forks; Mr and Mrs J. Arkle, handsome set of carvers and silver bread fork; Mr Briscoe, preserve dish; Mrs Sutton, silver bread fork; Miss R. Porteous, crystal and silver preserve dish ; Mr and Mrs A. Stewart, silver cake basket; Mr and Mrs J. L. Bruce, gold cream and sugar spoons ; Miss J. Porteous. silver and glass cake dish; Mr and Mrs R. S. Raymond, silver and china cakebasket; Dr. and Mrs Hislop, pair silver and crystal jam dishes; Mr and Mrs J. E. Vernon, silver butter dishes and spoons ; Mr D. M. Findlay, silver card tray; Mr and Mrs R. Neville-Reid, handsome silver tea and coifee service; Mr and Mrs Corliss, silver and oak tray: Palmerston banking staff (Messrs Emerson, Macleod, A. E. Whyte, and R. M. Robertson), pair silver breakfast cruets ; Mrs and Misses Horan, siver butter dish and knife ; Mr F. G. Dalziel, silver decanter tray; Mr Brown, handsome terra-cotta plush portiere; Mr G. A. King, diamond bracelet; Mr Hunter, opal brooch; Mrs Paisley, silver card case; Mr Williams, silver serviette rings; Miss McKean, silver and glass strawberry and cream service ; Miss Edith Cook, case silver teaspoons and tongs; Mrs Cook, silver toast rack ; Mr G H. Stephenson (Colonial Bank, Cromwell), cheque; Mr and Mrs R. Ewing, silver biscuit barrel; MrMcVicar, silver-mounted epergne, and unique pair of vases ; Mr C. Crump, silver-mounted salad hpwl, spoon and fork, and handsome trifle dish; Mrs J. O. Mackenzie, silver and china fruit dish; Miss Macleod, plush framed, handpainted mirror; Mr and Mrs Baxter, handsome dressing case; Mr and Mrs Winchester, three handsome pictures; Dr. and Mrs Church, hand-painted dessert service; Miss Moncrieff, pair vases and bread board and knife; Master Wilfred Findlay, plush bracket and vase; Mr W. Porteous, picture; Mr J. Vere Arkle, dining-room clock and dinner service ; Mr and Mrs Glendinning, pair blankets; Mr A. Lawson, plush-framed mirror; Mr G. Esther, massive silver inkstand : Mr and MrsC. McK. Gordon, handsome silver cruet; Misses Gordon, pair netted d’oyleys; Rev. E. Donelly, handsome plush fender stool: Mrs Thos. Edwards, pair netted d’oyleys ; Mrs Duff, pair d’oyleys; Miss Power, cushion and plush bag. LOWES—DAVIE. ON Saturday morning at St. Luke's Church, Christchurch, a quiet little wedding was solemnized between Miss Davie, eldest daughter of Mrs Cyrus Davie, of Christchurch, and Mr Joseph Patterson Lowes, of Eketahuna, Wairarapa. The ceremony took place at 9 a.m., after which a number of the friends repaired to the house of the bride’s mother, where tea, coifee and light refreshments were freely dispensed. Also Miss Ettie Davie, cousin of the bride, sang most sweetly, while uhe lovely and useful presents were inspected. The bride, attended by her little niece as bridesmaid, looked very well in a pretty dress of cream serge, with vest and cuffs of plush to match and trimmed with cream fancy braid, hat en suite. The happy pair left for the South by the express, amid showers of rice and the good wishes of all their friends. VARLEY—COOK. A quiet wedding took place at St. Bridget’s Church, Feilding, when Mr John E. Rudolph Varley, son of the late Edward Varley, of Southdown, Sussex, England, was married to Rose Theresa, daughter of the late John Cook, of Victoria, the Rev. Father Patterson officiating. A relative of the bridegroom’s acted as best man. Miss Greenfield was bridesmaid. The bride was beautifully attired in a dove-coloured haircord trimmed with bands of velvet of a darker shade, and white fancy silk, grey hat with white ostrich feathers. The bridesmaid’s dress was reside diagonal cloth trimmed with fawn astrachan, fawn feather hat. Mrs Church (sister of the bride) wore a fawn figured silk, with floral bonnet. Mrs Banks wore grey tweed trimmed with white fancy braid, grey feather hat relieved with white. The party had the wedding breakfast with Mr and Mrs Church, Kiwitea, and later on in the day, the happy pair left for their home in the Apiti Block amid good wishes for their happiness. MISS HARDIE’S WEDDING. The following is a list of the dresses worn at Miss Hardie’s wedding • — Mrs Nathan, fawn corded silk, sleeves of pink silk and lace trimmings, bonnet to matsh; Mrs Hales (Wellington), black silk, iiale electric blue silk trimmings covered with black lace, black lace bonnet relieved with blue ; Mrs R. C. Carr, black silk, lovely bouquet of Virginian creeper; Mrs Ching, black silk, trimmings of black lace and deep mauve, black feathered hat; Mrs Clendon, shot drab trimmed with olive green velvet, hat to correspond ;

Mrs Coleman, handsome black silk; Mrs J. 8. Macfarlane. myrtle green brocade, dainty bonnet to match; Mrs Porter, handsome red and black shot costume; Mrs Lennox, seal brown with lace trimmings, brown velvet bonnet; Mrs Grey, fawn shot trimmed with dark green and Maltese lace; Mrs Yates fawn costume, cream hat and feathers; Mrs Herrold, black; the Misses Herrold. cream and fawn, respectively; Mrs Pritt, black and heliotrope, black bonnet relieved with heliotrope; Mrs Heyw’ood, black; Miss Heywood, eau de nil with trimmings of buttercup yellow covered with black lace; her sister wore cream ; Mrs Gorrie. black silk; Miss Gorrie, dark brown velveteen, cream hat; Miss M. Gorrie, cream trimmed with shot silk ; Mrs McDonald, light costume, trimmings of shot silk ; Miss McDonald, apple green trimmed with shot silk; Mm Baber, black and heliotrope; Mrs Whitelaw, electric blue delaine trimmed with dark electric blue, tan hat; Misses Shirley-Baker, grey tailor-made costumes; Miss May Chambers, dark green; Misses Binney, navy serge, black feathered hats; Miss Sinclair, dovecoloured costume, hat to correspond; Miss Whewell, cream, cream hat with pink roses; Miss Thompson, shot black and red trimmed with ruby velvet, black hat; Miss Henderson, all white; Miss Jackson, stylish shot costume; Miss Coleman, slate-coloured satin, passementerie trimming ; her sister, pale fawn satin, fawn hat with feathers; Mrs Pentland Norton, black silk with bands of gold ; Mrs Yates looked exceedingly well in a grey gown, large Eicture white hat with ostrich plumes; Mrs Shera. stylish comination of black and grey; Mrs Hesketh, black ; Miss Hesketh, striking combination of grey and black; Mrs W. F. Buckland,dark blue silk; Miss Buckland, simple cream gown; Miss Bailey, grey; Mrs Bruce looked very well in black relieved with white. Amongst others in the church I noticed Mrs J. Roach, black dress with lilac trimmings ; Miss Nellie ScherflF. cream flowered muslin; Miss Ray, green ; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield, fawn ; Miss Conolly, fawn ; and her sister, brown; Mrs A. P. Wilson, black; Mrs Harry Jackson, grey bi Ik with green velvet trimmings; Mrs Moss Davis, brown noil and ; Miss Moss-Davis, a combination of black and pink: Miss Worsp, navy serge; Miss Ida Worsp, brown holland. charming little toque ; Mrs Dennison, brown holland; Miss Fairchild, black; and her sister, fawn; Miss M. Firth, brown; Miss Bull, navy skirt, white blouse; Mrs Lewis, black; Miss Davis, navy serge finished with scarlet: Miss Dolly Davis, royal blue costume; Mrs Isidor Alexander, Miss Devereux, Mrs Col beck; Miss Colbeck. fawn with green velvet trim mings; Misses Thorne George, Mrs Ranson, white cashmere with bands of black ; Mrs Gamble, black with heliotrope bands ; Miss Johnson, grey ; Mrs Walter La wry, navy serge and sealskin jacket; Misses Whitson, navy skirts, pink blouses; Miss Clapcott, navy skirt, white blouse; Miss Hay, black, and gold trimmings; Mrs Jim Russell, black: and her daughters wore black and white ; Mrs Digby Tonks, black ; Mrs Browning, black silk ; Mrs Nolan, black silk: Miss Stevenson (Glenholm), navy blue whipcord serge ; Miss Thomas, black.

The following is a list of the presents :— Mr A. Nathan, dinner set, breakfast and tea china and glass s \, ar ® I Mrs Hardie, household linen; Mr Hardie, an oak cabinetor old English silver forks, spoons, and ivory handled knives and carvers, etc.; Mr J. Hardie, dessert knives and forks ; Mr P. Hardie, photo-frame ; Miss C. Hardie, oil painting (landscape) ; Miss Isabel Hardie, serviette rings; Mr Lionel Hardie, opera glasses; Mr and Mrs A. Porter, statuettes representing poetry and music: Mr and Mrs J. Hardie (Edinburgh). Worcester vases; Mr J. Paton, gong representing golf; Mr and Mrs LennoxJapanese vases ; Miss Whewell, brass plaque; Mrs Shera, flower, stand; Mrs Williams, vase; Master Julian Pritt, ice-paiJ; Miss Stevenson, oibpainting (landscape); Mrs T. G. Brown, table Sr a R e Chambers, nightdress ; Miss Heywood, fascinator ; ‘rV, B ??’ an etching; Mrs Davidson, pillow shams; Mr and Mrs J. R. Gray, New Zealand inlaid table top; Miss Bull, oil painting (roses); Miss M. Herrold, oil painted panel (flowers) ; Mrs Lonsdale Pritt, cushion; Miss M. Lennox, d’oyley and handpainted panel ; Mrs Wm. Tait, Egyptian bracket; Miss Upton, d oyleys and tea tray cloth; Miss Gray, cushion; Miss Fraser, tray-cloth; Miss Taylor, statuettes and nightdress bag; Miss Herrold, cushion; Miss Paton, handkerchief sachet; Miss Gould, work-bag; Misses Gorrie, jewel-case; Mr and Mrs K. Yates, pair of terra-cotta vases; Mr and Mrs A. Buckland. Majolica bowl; Mrs La wry, inlaid New Zealand slove-box;5 love-box; Miss M. Heywood, bread platter and knife; Uss Wocri, glass dishes; Mr D. Morton, butter cooler; Miss Heeraegen and Miss Douglas, Japanese writing case: Mr Gibbons, mustard and salt cellars in case; Miss Jackson, Japanese afternoon tea set; Miss Sinclair, pair butter knives and case ; Mr R. Johnston, biscuit barrel; Mr and Mrs E. Hesketh, pair silver serviette rings initialled ; Mr and Mrs Peacock, aeronaud barometer; u ?? rs C. Carr, hand painted time-piece; Mrs J. Campbell. Maltese lace handkerchief; Mrs and Misses Coleman, silver not water kettle; Mr Kekwick. volume Tennyson; Mr J. Bailey, lo *nnig photo album; Mrs Pickmere. fancy cup and saucer; Mr and Miss Short, fish servers; Mr J. W. Hall, mother-of-pearl card case; Mr G. Hart, silver jam spoons; Mr and Mrs H. P. Norton, set of silver salt cellars in case; Mrs Baber, work of Irvine ; Miss E. Pickmere. sideboard cover ; Mr Benjamin, silver fruit trays; Girls Reading Club, volume of old ballads; Miss Thomson, afternoon tea cloth; Mr A. Shepherd, crumb scoop; Miss Clayton, glove case; Mrs J. Macfarlane, silver opera glasses ; Mrs Whitelaw, quaint hot water jug; Mr Colebrook, Majolica nower bowl ; Mr H. R. Bloomfield, silver fruit servers in case; Miss M. Gray, Crystoleum painting ; Mr and Mrs Upton, biscuit barrel; Mr A. Gray, volume of Tennyson; Mr W. Bruce, art photographs; Mi- J. H. Jackson, photo views; Mrs W. Clayton, silver butter dish; Mrs Bruce Todd, ornamental cup and saucer; Mr W. Jackson, silver knife rests; MrsF. Parker (Gisborne), fish servers ; Mr and Mrs C. Kingswell, Doulton vase; Mrs H. Hales, silver bread fork; Mr and Mrs Sanderson, combination egg frame; Miss Hay, silver jam spoons; Miss Bailey, hand-painted black 4*®® , fan; Mr and Mrs Gorrie, salad bowl and servers; Misses Buddle, silver sugar and cream jug; Misses L. and E. Baker, flower stands; Misses Macdonald, silver jam dish: Mrs Arthur Wright, souvenir spoon; Mr M. Herrold, gold bracelet; Misses Binney. combination silver glove and shoe horn; Mrs K. Lewis, Dresden china statuettes; Master Herrold and Miss Rosie Nathan, breakfast cruets: Mr and Mrs W. Coleman, epergne; Mr T. Norton, pair of butter knives; Mrs Herrold, Indian tiger claw brooch; Miss E. Buckland, fancy glass flower basket; Miss Hesketh, Doulton china vase; Mrs Ching, fancy salt cellars (four): Miss Amy Cameron, Majolica vase; Mrs A. Nathan, hand-painted mirror; Mrs L. F. Clayton (Sydney), table ornaments ; Mr Ramsay (Sydney), dining-room and Japanese ornaments; Mr L. F. Clayton (Sydney) Gladstone travelling bag ; Mr E. Rudder (Sydney), walking stick ; Dr. Elmslie (Christchurch), two handsome volumes; gift of bridegroom to bride, handsome gold necklace; gift of bridegroom to bridesmaids, gold brooches: bride to bridegroom, gold signet ring.

The marriage of Miss Rees, Ponsonby, to Mr John Self, will take place on Monday next, the 30th. inst.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XII, Issue XVII, 28 April 1894, Page 402

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ORANGE BLOSSOMS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XII, Issue XVII, 28 April 1894, Page 402

ORANGE BLOSSOMS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XII, Issue XVII, 28 April 1894, Page 402

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