VERYvNEfe or less tasere<e. tn Mr H. M. xaaJey. she great African traveller Probably the last oc hrs- aehievcnett' which has • <enp«e*l three year* - vir_. the -ncvessrrl attempt 3»> ~-rizn relief so Emin Fasha. will be eoaddered -yee or the m»>ss reciar <.kXe .-./ his exp&xhmr joaraeys. It may be explained that Emin Pasha wa> • .evem* •■• '-f she Egyptian Stasjeesas Waielai. <1 she V p-re ■ White \ie. Hl- mißaaie UDr Ednani Seaaisaer. an< he is a • •erm.ijr pliy-ieiarL En-X Pasha was in a♦> m-ws-nixt. and was male peis»xier. aa«i in November. 13Sr. ’i> lz. EaxLarL<i '*ec *hx feet aa expeditfecs s*> retie'e binIs wtas -ieteraußed. the e®tf < ISStu that the Retief Expel::> z. .rocaEsan*ted by MzScaaLey. sl-mi i ’-•e •rvevei tsp she River C* -zzr? le she River A erwrini. :*reeed siienee so Labe Albert Xya.-rA. a fistanee .■•: less sbae. A£' miles.. TEis was bv v pe»>cte she bes® n Mzse. >*~zs the izzrzeace ►>£ persoEages ->.-’zzte’tsei wise, size Free >saae wris so eaose its i.neepc&zi»‘e. she Esau' '■'€ the .is- Presi'lenz E the • ' Free State. she ea.teqpeise- -tz*i she K be*rive ■ Egyp-r •■ M '‘CBinrib<itiE<2 pars os she nu&isv The Left ZazLrilwr February 2-" h. ISBT. by size *cejkZ_Scj.p Maiera- aod Arrived. Mareh LSsh. ae she :■ _• -<rsh -■€ she C'«zzp. Th'.xzjzh varb.xzsly hisdeced. she Expeditfec perb‘‘rme*i she asee&u ■■■■" she fr*.’■••:•:- r ey p- =« < 7.-. rb.e ili--e.’ Ai-’zwriuf in -ix week-.
The depot of score* was arranged to he Yanibuya. two ■lays' voyage up she AruwinL The rear-guard remained here from Jane. I*B'7. n•■• June. wh :'e Mr Stan hv mm.'iei wish cue advance party through the “acmetss foressi re Dike Albers Ny'.tnra. The eamp. under the charge f Major Barccefoc. was welt situate i. and well projected. For natives—who dghu with spears and arrow-—an*i Arab* —who have rides and double--barrel *h»-i-r-ggns—:v ■iiiferenz kin* Is- <o£ defence works were necessary. There is no regular rainy season in this part. Everv few ■ lays there are heavy shower*.. so that "he trench whicn was dug r»>and the fort served as well for a water sunply as f. r its <? riginal purpose of preseetfom The story of this unfortunate camp as Yambaya is m*:«*t sad and deplorable. Tippo Tib had promised 600 men. and st.'■•res were also to arrive shortly after Mr Stanley's departure : bat me Arab- chiefs proved disloyal. and noc -xtly withheld the promise! mem bat forbade the natives to sell f<»i. .and even broke up Maier BarirceLoc’s >.*an<:es. In May. 1888. Major Btffiekc disheartened bv she past weary m« nchs of waiting. succeeded in -> braining from Tip:* • Tib 400 men. .-and ro-«n-v -fenced hi* march after Stanley, about whose face he was extremely anxi*xx>. as no certain information. had reached him. only vague rumours of death and disease. Many of the Major's people died ».f actual starvation. but he pushed forward oa June 11th. too late to he of any a.*dscar.ce to Stanley. Alas ’. ths* brave s*-Idler was a.*i*assinated by -:-ae of the men wh*ci Tippo Tib had en; so him. Vfhen at length Mr Stanley returned to Book for these onfoetwnate men he found »nly one European. Mr IJ»my Living. * ri the rets’ of the eamp. bat 71 remained. The *ro-re* were alm*>st entirely lest. •_*n the map there does n«-c appear much *poce betweeo Yamhava. the Aruwimi. and KavaLli, a: the **-eithem ex
i reais ly of Lake Albert Nyamna Ka> lue ea< Yaahaya* ah«mi 5X mde* in a straight Use. But Mr >canley kep< near the river Aruwißi. wmeh *ef*k* :. :c.e aortk. Thas made the travelling distance over 50C mile-* It i> iiflfowh for®* even imagine the tern Me *u*e.■jsgs M’ Stasley an».: hi* d-h-wers zmterwent .-"rmr 160 Jay* it took taem to work their *av throa.-r. the o-c. unbroken f- -rest. E*timatiag she lime— In Eagl.4n»i—shat is weald take traverse thi* -.•■art : tne '- - V - • < -; ’ _ ■ -•- ’ z i.r_’.n f • ieAys v : - :_ • . two weeks. Bat saocsh after moct-l: then marching, tearing, p-.-n^himi.‘•acting shromrh that *ame •v-rtiz’x--u* S>re*t. Try and imagiae *me the iasroc. emem-e* Take a shirk iense New Zeal.. And f--re*c iripptm: with rair. . A - .A." f . .-■ -. !•>.-. 17- : - impenetrate *ha'- -f aneieut tree* -angtm: ---r. 100 _--.'• -._--- - ■ . - f A.r_'. ; i'_- hll «.r.d •*: •It fai inj e-.v z_ *-■ - ■ -•.••-.•■- . aroond: monkey* and enim:anree" x.'»‘*e : ._®ee" :> i*e* : ’■«ird* ind -ammal* i in the ~ :t;h ju* tr - -*. .* -•: elet".z 3 mt' r-nsn awav : native* iwarf* -*-.t : • red arr l w« *eeureiy hidden behind seeae- batrres* ••" in '♦•me dark recess : strong, bro»wm -i* *! ie* t a rigines. wit’’. terrimv sharp- spears, standing poised still a* lean *"ump* . rain pattering -i-'-wn »n y»cz every »'<her iay in the year: at. imnure atuwep&ero. witit irea.i rocsse.■> —fever and dysentery ».m throajiront the day. and larkne** dns «*t palpa' e thro mihe ct the sgtt: ; tc.en. if you wall imagine *u i. a f-:-re*c "end-* j the entire >CA - ': _ -. . - - ■ : - • ... by u* frozen. June 2Snh c*> i'*e , en-. "er sth. LSST. and twice .-.After, -'-c. -xir return so Yambuya «.‘amp. and •-•it way back
In this griphi 1 iescrfz-t?‘-u - f the forest perm* we have -inxwn up»m Mr Stanley's owu arorount. N thing that we roald -ay weald c»«e.vey*ueh an idea f the sf"UAZi’?u as the expkro?r himself -ic-es in the Fart of t&e way tne Evpeni:i«ro. was eu.A-’-1-ei t-• mse their portable *c<eel boas on the ri i -er. Tm* they fen nd an immense relief, as it 'arried :h*'ee p»*ro follows who were unable to walk, through abler* their feet, •aixsed by their striking again*: stones, ssumpts. and shorn*. < ‘arrying the beat *ectf' ns and oshser leads through she forest rmdsced this extra sm?ering«>u arriving at the junction of the cw.-- river* Thuri and Tzuri a *m.-dl ramp was formed- ami tiesick, under Captain Ne-L**?m who wa* him>*elf unable so walk, were left. Everyone wa* zi-w sabering severely from want of food. After a terrible experience Captain Nelson and the very survivors were relieve*! by Mr Jephsoxi. Mr Stanley meantime poshed -?m and ac length, in December. ISS7. reoc-hei the Albert Nvania.. After se-me delay Mr Stanley heard thas az length Emin Pasha was free, and was roming to him. Thev met on Sunday. April 2?ch. The Pasha expressei his thank* to the English for zhe Relief Expedition. Presently the return foanaey by a diflereric route was lt had been delayed bv Emm Pasha s reluctance to aceep< the imu&eidiace rescue of himself an*! his per**->nal aKeadaats unless he coold sake the Soodaaese people. *♦• I<ng en.tru*cei co hi* 'rare, with him. I' "hese were provided f-’-r. and she Expetiitim made its way fr'-?m the Albert Nyama to the Albert Edwari Nyaaia titrougfe she I’nyoro Countrv. gaining a nearer a». , v.uaintan*.’e with the remarkable Kusvengori. ‘The Mountains of the M ♦ u h tnen*re. arier a meet toilsome ywreey. market by sickness and -ieath am—ngst the followers, they .-arrive:! az M*wa. <•■cly hvedays from the coast. By easy sr-ages now. and eroesing the Kin-garf River by ->ne ferry beat., they arrived as Raga m.ey»:< o[;-p**sise Zaztribor. Here they were warm.’y received, as wa.* also the 'x-e as ’every • •■cher olare they visited- «*u- illustrarion snow* Mr Stanley's arrival m L-n<i«-e, and the webrome he *o richly meriteL A grand zeeepcbm in Mr Stanley w-x* given by she Emm Relief C.-eumittee. the fSin-’e ■ •>.f Wales p-re>i’iing. >tanlev warmly praise: hi*
a*s*xiates. The Prii&ee »d VVales proponed a v»<e of thank* to the brave explorer, which was. » f ronrse. ;jui’>pce*t by aeelaßaaclxiT’here Cs a mm-ur that Mr Stanley i* t»* ’’e app» intei ♦ r»rverw>z ‘’-f -he *Vng . He is so le marriei in W est ■nwep Abbey co a Mist* INwrothy Tennant, artist. Mo*sc heroets h---me re "ezrie*i in the Ab’ey. L*t ■is hi'~.e that it w - !-. .e . >rm’ Mr *t.amev ■» ’•'■ne> ♦, - lai 7 there, and that he and hi* brave wife n.ay enp y ■. honeym ■• m crip so East t'eatral Africa.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Graphic, Volume VI, Issue 23, 7 June 1890, Page 3
Word Count
1,301STANLEY’S EXPEDITION TO EMIN PASHA. New Zealand Graphic, Volume VI, Issue 23, 7 June 1890, Page 3
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